The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 16, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Thi Stcrtoamcm SoUm, Onqon. Wmdndaj, fun 16. 1949
Solons (Drop Pair to
Slide to Fourth
Wyatt, Olson
Hurl Tonight
Dick Genlzkow Sold;
Burgher Make Debut
Br Al Llghtner
Tacoma league leading Tigers
caught the town Senators with the
lower portion of their pitching staff
showing Ust night at Waters field,
got a pair of well-pitched games
themselves and downed the locals
in both ends of the doubleheader,
6-3 and 5-3. Thus the big nine
game week at home with the top
two W1L clubs started out on the
wrong foot. The double los
dropped the Solons into a fourth
place tie with Victoria and the
wins hiked the Tiger' leading
margin to three games over second
place Bremerton.
Two more of these important
struggles tonight, starting at 6:30
o'clock, and it will be Lefty Kenny
Wyatt and Big Jim Olson with
Manager Jai k Wilson's hill assign
ments. Wyatt. in making his home
debut of the season, will be after
his second over Tacoma. Olson
will be gunning fr his ninth
straight. As opposition. Skipper
Jim Brilmeuit w.r. 'fei K
and probably Angello VentureMi.
Vince Lazor and Bus Sporer,
who just cant seem to going
this seme.-ter. dropped the duke
last night. Vince was biff-'d Jo.
fall six entmy iuiis in the only
three heat-; he wui kei. ;nd it was
Handyman B;i McMillan who
came in to iei:ee hin. and hurl
scoreless ball the next four in
nings. But the damage as done.
The best the locals could do as
three tallies off Lefthander Ray
Fortier in the fifth. Fortier ile. Ke.i
in with a six-hitter, and alon
uith Mate Jim Gleason, who won
the nightcap with another six-hit-ter.
found the Senator atting
punch sadiv lacking.
Sporer went the ioute in his
whirl and for eight innings had a
chance to .--pear his first and en
tirely too elusive win. He was be
hind only 3-2 goig 1; to the ninth,
but then yielded .wo more runs
nd the ball game.
New C'atcner B: 11 Buigher, down
from the paient Bevos after sign
ing out of 'he U of Oregon and
Cascade league, broke in with a
bang. He c.iuht the first game
and biffed double besides hit
ting two t.U.c. pitche.. hard. Then
in the setoiu game as relief re
ceiver he up clouted another
double off C. ta.-c: in t:.e ninth,
this one driv . g ucru.v- Salem's fi
nal tally. Lett- Cal Mclrvin, in
serted as a p.rn h-hittei in the sev
enth, delivtiod .,y slamming a sin
gle to kcore L..ri,e Brr who had
t ri pled.
Business Mui:un Cieoigt Lmigh
announced before the games he
had sold Outfielder Dick Gentz
kow outrigh' to the Am.i.iil ilub
of the West Yexas-N'ev Mexico
circuit, the Kugue ;n w hn h Dick
had a great e.ison last year.
Gentkow couldn't hit a favorable
stride with the Senators and joins
Wwidburn Paul Halter, who was
old to the same- rlub ty Salem a
few weeks ago. Both played for
Albuquerque m that league last
Although their pitching and
plate punch sagged, the Salems
did give the wee gathering of 946
an example of their league-leading
defensive ability. Both Al
Spaeter and Mel Nunes, who seem
bent on proving they're tops at
their trade with the leather In the
WIL, turned in some dandy plays.
So did Danny Perlmutter, Tiger
center-fielder, who covered his
pasture almoxt as completely as
did the green grass. He hauled
flown three terrific linen by Ed
die Barr in the first game alone.
Fir: fin:
Tacoma (() (1) Salea
mtr.m 4 I 4 0 Nun. J I 0 1 i
lt 1 Spaeter. 3 444
i n rniin.r-p j
1 0 Stnovie m t
i 0 Barr.l 4
I OWtrt I 1
1 0 Gcdziuf i 1
t Burgher, c I
0 1 Uior 0
1 0 Gntzkw'-r I
Total 30 1121 I Total. 28 6 21 12
Batted for I.ior in 3rd.
Tacurra 042 000 0 6 11
alm 0O0 030 0 3 1
Pitrhtr IP AB H It tit IO Bl
Fortw-r T 28 I 3 I 4
3 17 4 1
McMillan 4 13 I 0 t i
Error! Lewn. Tran. ScLarra. Mc
Millan. Paaaed balla Burgher. Left on
case Tacoma 7. Salem 8. Two-baae
hxa Stetter. Burgher. Spaeter. Run
bm wi : Stetter 2. Perlmutter 1. For
tier. Spaeter 2. McMillan Double plan:
Tran to Vallee. Time: 136. Umpire:
Orneft and Nenezlch.
Second fa
Tacoma (I)
i me:
O) SaJesn
Ferlmtr.m 4 t 4 0 Nune.3
1 1 I
1 4 1 Spaeter. 2
1 4 3
i e
1 1 1 M Millan.r
Greco. r
0 o -Mnovic.m 4 1
Harr I
I 1 1
I 0 Vert.l
4 u dnuij
4 14 1
10 2 6
I I 1
i t
116 0
116 0
i e o o
4 itumpf.t
Cleaaon.p 4 2 0 1 Sporer. p
Total I 34 1 0 27 9 Totala 12 6 27 18
Batted for Stumpf In 7th.
Batted for Sporrr in th.
Xacoma IfiO 101 002 3 10 0
alem 100 0OO 1013 1
Pitcher IP AB H R ER SO BB
Gleanon 9 32 6 3 3 1 4
f porer 9 34 10 S 3 3 4
Hit by pitcher. Vallee. Wild pitches:
Gleaaon. Sporer 2. Left on bates: Ta
coma 9. Salem 6. Error: Gedzius.
Three -base hit : Barr. Lee. Two-bane
hits: Greco. Burgher. Run batted In:
Greco, MmMillan. Stetter. Gleaion. Mc
iTTtn. Lee 2. Burgher. Sacrifice: Lew
is 2. Stolen bae Perlmutter. Double
play: Tran to Lewis to Vallee. Spaeter
to Cedzlus to Wert.
Time: 1:43. Umpires: Nenezlch and
piwt. Attendance- 946
In the Major
4rejonLans in Major
raky. Red Sox - 3326401
Greco. r
fortier. p
Doerr. Red Sox
Tie, Detroit
He Waves a Big WIL Sticky
i:) . .
5 A-1
Spokes, A's,
'Jackets Win
By th Aocitd Pru
The Bremerton Bluejackets,
runnersup in the Western Inter
national league battle, defeated
the Yakima Packers. 8-2. last night
ti.- tionethe ess lost half a game
j on the leading Tacoma Tigers who
, took two from Salem. The Van
couver Capilanos were trounced
by the Spokane Indians, 11-0, but
still held onto third place. The
Victoria Athletics climbed into
.i fourth place tie with Salem by
..:pping Wenatchee, 8-4. The
ss dropped the Wenatchees to
.ifth place.
Bill Werbowski set the Cap
dowrl with four hit! in the Spo
kane triumph. Len Kasparovich
.ossed the Victoria win and Keith
Simon hurled the Brems to vic
tory. Bremr.ton 103 100 103 - 8 10 f
Yakima 110 000 000 2 10 i
S.mon and Volpl. Ford. Pirack (4),
.lrri,r Si and Constantino
V. enau-h 000 001 0034 7 1
Victoria 000 101 33x 8 t
Rose. Cronin 8l and Dalrympl; Kit
pa.ovitch and Recca.
Vancouver 000 000 000 0 4 8
Spokane 122 000 08 x -1 1 13 1
Cotiello. Snyder 8l and Warren;
Wci..-jki and Sheeley.
Huskies Drill
For Oar Classic
hV) Washington's Huskies arrived
at the scene of tome of their great
est lowing triumphs today and
Coach Al L'lbrickson said the June
22 Poughkeepsie regatta 'looks
like a real boat race."
Ulbrickson took his thiee crews
on the Hudson this afternoon,
jgining Cornell, Syracuse. Colum
bia. University of Pennsylvania,
Princeton and Rutgers in work
outs. Jr. Ball Loop
The opening of the 1948 Salem
Junior baseball "A" league, or-
The deal Is not yet closed bat
Is certain to go through mean
ing that Bob (Tex) Keel and
Walner Rosten are set to sell the
Capitol Alleys to a group of lo
cal pin enthusiasts. Tho Capitol
operators have been the recipient
of several offers for their popular
pin layout and considered the
latest Just too good to turn down.
Both Tex and Walner think high
ly of Salem as a town and also
are enthusiastic over the bowling
future here, but as soon as the
transaction la completed both
plan to head south Into climes
which are less conducive to phys
ical miseries during the winter
time. Needless to say. a large
block of local cltixens arc going
to be mighty sorry to see the pair
take leave for Keel and Rosten
had the necessary savvy for op
erating a bowling set-up and also
were instrumental in building the
alley game into a mighty popular
sport hereabouts . . . Incidentally
Tex and Walner will be bringing
Joe Wilman to town June 2th,
strictly for the benefit of local
wheelers. As Keel says. "It'll bo
a little gesture of appreciation
for the support given us by the
bowlers" . . . Might mention, too,
that among the accomplishments
credited to the Keel -Rosten part
nership is the biggest and richest
state meet oa record.
After seeing Billy Beard try
mightily to pull the lertland
Beavers through to a win with a
three-run homer la the second
game of Sunday's twin-bill and
after watching Del Ballinger
asesu up an infield pop to give the
Ban Francisco Seals a gift tally
which ultimately decided that
nightcap, we're wondering, slong
with a lot of other guys, why the
same Ballinger gets the catching
?-" L t
I "' Vo ' V 9 "'r' ' ' -f am
j -A jL . J
gala over BlUy.
s .. . Jv k
Blg Dick Greco (above), perhaps
the most powerful slugger now
operating In the WIL, is lead
ing the league in home runs
and runs batted in. He's due
for more action at Waters park
tonight with his leading Tamoca
Tigers against Salem in a 6:30
o'clock doubleheader.
lglnally booked for today, has
been postponed one week, ac
cording to loop officials. Pres
ent plans call for the "B" circuit
to open next Tuesday, the "A"
on the following Wednesday and
the "C" on Thursday. Playing
schedules for all three leagues
will be released this week.
Amerks Liked
At Wimbledon
LONDON, June lS-fP)-America's
tennis contingent dominated
the seedings for next week's Wim
bledon championships announced
today, topping both the men's and
women's lists and gnining five of
the eight places in each of the
singles divisions.
Frankie Parker, who is strong
ly favored to succeed the depart
ed Jack Kramer as men's cham
pion, was seeded No. 1 In that di
vision. Mrs Margaret Osborne
Dupont, defending champion in
women's singles, also drew a No.
1 spot.
Beard really hasn't had a chance
to show his wares with the Port
lands, spending all his time In
the bull pen. No denying that
Charley Silvers has call en the
first string receiving Job for the
little guy Is a pepperlsh and
erackerjack mlttman. But if ex
Senator Billy can't outthrow and
outhit Mr. BaUinger we'll take a
back seat . . . Deliberate. That
was Tommy Bridges as he threw
that fine two-hitter at the Seals
Sunday. It was a pretty picture.
Indeed, to see Tommy, who Just
drips with pitching smartness,
cross the Seal hitters up time and
again with his fast one when they
were expecting his more pub
licised hook. For Bridges, though
In the neighborhood of 4Z, still
possesses plenty of the old swift
and don't let anybody tell you
differently . . . Speaking of the
'Frisco dob. Lefty O'Doul may
be an Inspiring manager but he
doesn't show It on the coaching
line. Lefty, as a rule, doesn't ut
ter two words and generally
shows no more life than a block
of wood over the course of a con
test Latest swinger to Jaunt around
the Salem Golf club premises in
record-equalling figures Is Lou
Jennings, the sharp Portland am
ateur. Lou hit 32-32 last week
while playing with local pro Joe
Stelger and ho would have set
a new mark if he hadn't muffed
a short putt on the ninth . . .
Fine opportunity for some of you
very young but ardent dlvoters to
learn the golf game early Is pro
Tided by the Junior school which
was Inaugurated last Friday by
Stelger. As the saying goes, the
best chance for a grooved swing
rests on getting the fundamentals
in as early as possible. You'll
hear lots and lots of duffers mut
tering about starting In 10 years
too late . . . That's one reason the
8GC pro opened the school so
there'll be less slices and dubs In
the local picture It years from
Dick Allison, the Willamette
and former Salem high bailer. Is
playing for a Coqulile semi-pro
club this summer and In the In
itial fray of the season Dick grab
bed four opening night "firsts"
first base hit. extra base Mow. etc.
The prises he received amounted
to four pint Jars of cranberry
Jam. Hope the local lad likes
cranberries ...
More Midgets
Barring addition! rMd wish
U la the VaisceaTer and aon th
erm VTMhingtoB area the remain
der of this week, there ahonld be
frem fire to a dosen more bun
bacrleo on hand for Jimmy Kr
aa's fourth midget auto raxing
program of the aeaaon Saturday
night at Hollywood bowl. Now
that road aerooa toe Colombia
river are again passable, cart and
driver from Seattle. Tacoma and
other Washington point can be
expected to enter the Salem
races on Saturday night, Flood
waters have kept most of these
operators away, and have been
responsible for the appearance of
from IS to 17 cars only In each of
the first three programs.
There are a number of top-
Bomber Still Sucker
For Right Hand Punch
POMPTON LAKES, N. J., June lS-lTVFor man who says he
"expects to win quick," Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis still is
shockingly easy to hit with a straight right hand.
This chink in the Brown Bomber's armor was quite evident
today as he went four rounds with assorted sparmates in prepara
tion for his title defense against Jersey Joe Walcott at Yankee stadium
June 23. Dick Hagan, an ex-Golden Glove heavyweight champ from
Chicago, scored consistently with a right shot to the head before
Tiger Roy Taylor, a 180-pounder from New York, put on a cagy
imitation of Walcott. Promoter Mike Jacobs was an interested spec
tator. The champ definitely will continue work through Monday with
four more scheduled boxing sessions. He will spar again Thursday,
Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Louis boxed one round each with Hagan. Taylor, Shamus
O'Brien and McKinley English after undergoing a preliminary physi
cal examination by Dr. Vincent Nardiello, the New York commission
physician. He was pronounced "much improved'' over his condition
before the first Walcott fight last December.
In an interview before the workout, Louis again blamed his poor
December fight on drying out to take off weight. He assured some
40 reporters that he would not repeat the error. Before the drill he
said he weighed 215, a weight he hopes to hold until ring time.
Work Starts Soon on
New OSC Hoop Palace
OREGON STATE COLLEGE Actual construction work on the
new pavilion here for basketball and other uses will start about June
21 by the J. F. Watts Construction company of Portland, low bidders
on the contract. Final award of the general, mechanical and electrical
contract was made by the state
board of higher education follow
ing sale of an enlarged bond issue
at the June meeting in Portland.
The bonds are backed by the stu
dent building fee and rental in
come from the intercollegiate ath- ;
letic board, hence no money from I
the state building fund or other
state sources goes into this struc
ture. Completion of the huge pavilion,
to seat more than 10.000 persons, is
not expected much in advance of
a year, though there Is a possiDin
ty that the main playing floor ana
auditorium may be usable before
that time.
The pavilion will be located at
the south border of the present
campus, on 20th street southwest
of the present football stadium. It
will be used for general student
assemblies, the concert and lec-
tures program and other purposes
requiring a large auditorium. Of
fices and other facilities for the
entire Intercollegiate athletic pro
gram will be housed in the struc
ture. Seraphs Edg
Beavers, 1-0
By the Asaociated Preaa
A home run by Cliff Aberson in
the ninth last night gave the Los
Angeles Angels a 1-0 victory over
the Portland Beavurs In the open
er of the teams Pacific Coast lea
gue series. Up to that point the
tilt had been a tight hurling duel
between the Bevos' Jim Tote and
the Angels Dewey Adklns.
Lee Aageles Portland
3arriot.m 4 2 1 0'Rucker.m 4 0 2 0
Murulloa I 0 1 1 ttkj 10 4 1
Qloasop.2 2 0 4 3 Lazor.l 4 0 0 0
Dalindr.l 3 13 0 Storey J 12 11
Aberson. r 3 12 0 Mole.l 2 0 10 0
Ostrwsk.3 I 0 1 S'Relch.r 2 0 10
Sanford.l 3 1 12 OSilvera.c 3 0 4 3
Novtny.c 4 0 4 lBaiuiikil 3 0 I 3
Adklna.p 4 1 0 OTote.p 2 0 0 2
IMullen 16 0 0
Totals 29 7 27 10 Totals 27 1 27 17
'Lined out for Zak In Bth.
Lo Angeles 000 000 001 1
Portland 000 000 000 0
Pitcher IP AB R H IR BB IO
Adkmi 8 27 0 2 0 3 3
Tote 9 29 1 7 1 6 4
Error Storey. Run batted In Aber
son. Two base hit Garrlott. Three
base hit Storey. Home run Aberson.
Sacrifice Ostrowskl. Double plays
Zak to Mole: Murullo to Glosaop to
Sanford: Bailnskl to Zak to Mole: Zak
to Baalnki to Mole. Sllvera to Zak.
Left on ba Lo AnRele 8; Portland
3. Umpire Gordon. Enseln and Dor
n. Time 2 00. Attendance 3.635.
6akland 201 100 001 6 16 i
tan Diego 0"0 120 Iflx 10 11 1
Salveton, Speer (8) and Raimondi:
Seats, Walden (S). Rcscifno i9) and
Sacramento 201 420 020 11 13 0
Hollywood 003 021 72X 13 14 1
Griaaom, Hayes (7). Toit (7). Salvo
(8) and Moors: Arduola. Butland (4).
Iott 7). Albosta 181 and Kahn.
Seattle 300 201 000 6 11 1
San Franclaco 710 120 02 13 18 3
Krapel, Peek (1). Runo 8 and
Grasso: Joyce, Soriano (4) and Leon
ard. Senator Swat
B H Pet.
I 3 .400
112 73 .344
7 2 .286
73 IS .200
J93 SI .264
81 20 .247
192 48 250i
183 41 .224!
B H Pet.
173 39 .223
47 11 .234
34 TJ06
12 3 .167
33 3 SK3
17 1 .059
13 0 .000
2 0 000
Pitch ins:
8 6 13 Carr
1 IS
0 4 18
6 0 0
6 0 2
Mclrvin 6
Wyatt 1
Lazor 4
Stevenson 3
4 IllSporer
1 16.WUson
8 271 McMillan
4 32
Two Junior A ball clubs have
slated practice sessions at Olinger
tonight. The Valley Motors under
Coach Bob Schwartz will drill at
5:43 and the Shrocks, Marty
Boesch directing, will work out
starting at 6 o'clock.
Due Saturday
rate drivers and ears In the Ta-eoma-
Seattle area who will race
here a soon a practical.
At any rate, the "big- four" of
the local season thus far Bob
Gregg, Oordy Toungstrom. How
ard Osborne and Lou Sherman
with 8alem's Max Hamm a close
fifth, will be back for Saturday's
whirl. Gregg Is out In front of
the Individual point race with
1M, following his mala event
win last week. Youngs trom, Os
borne, Sherman and Humm fol
low the Camaa, Wash., cyclone
In that order. The addition of the
new buggies from Washington
will make the going much tough
er on those who have been
snatching the wins at Hollywood
bowl thus far.
Hessell Tops
Frank Stojack
Golden Boy Gordy Hessell took
a long stride toward winning his
Coast junior heavyweight mat title
belt argument with Footballer
Frank Stojack at the armory last
night by downing the former WSC
All-American in Matchmaker El
ton Owen's main event. Gordy's
reve?rs, fivinif head scissors nail-
ed first fan in 16 minutes, and
then after Stojack had tied the
count jn 13 minutes with a terrific
airplane spin, but Hessell bounced
off with his ciinching hold instead,
Hessell is recognized as champ in
Canada, Stojack in the USA. The
patrons last night were all for Hes-
In the prelims Milt Olson and
Danny McDonald swiftied to a
fall-apiece draw in 30 minutes,
and then Cue Ball Knox, having no
opponent when Sarge Kenneston
failed to show, offered to toss both
Olson and McDonald. He spilled
the latter, but was then disquali
fied for roughness.
Legion Team
Seeks No. 5
Now cruising along with a
three-game winning streak, the
Salem American Legion Junior
baseballers tonight go for their
fifth victory of the district season
in a 6:13 o'clock game with the
Newberg juniors on dinger field.
Coach Roy Todd's team is in sec
ond place in the district standings,
behind the leading and undefeated
Wood burn club.
Todd's starting hurler tonight
likely will be either Gene Garver
or Jim Rock. The latter blanked
McMinnville here Sunday.
Youlh Gym Shoes
Slsas II te 1 1 QC
$2.5 reduced to sIeJJ
Boys' Gym Shoes
sises 1 1 $ ti at:
$2.5 reduced to
Hen's Gym Shoes
Sises S to IS J
96.50 reduced to
Girl's Gym Shoes
All sises 6JO JC
f 1.15 reduced to W
Life Preservers
Children's, cork cM QC
$130 reduced to sf I.3J
Life Preservers
Mae West QC
$l.5 reduced to . aac
Double Boal Cushions
Tapatco JO JC
$5J reduced to W w1J
Fishing Hais
All alses, JC
waterproof w
eguUUosL reg. f 1 ir
It.fS reduced to sfl.W
Salin Jackets
912.45, reduced to $8.95
Braves U
Leaders; Dendians,
League Standings
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Tacoma 33 20 .8331 Victoria 28 29 .491
Bremertn 31 24 J4 Wcnarh 26 28 .481
Vancouvr 2 26 .500'Spokan 23 28 .473
Salem 37 28 .491 1 Yakima 21 34 .382
Last nifht's results: At Salem 3-3.
Tacoma 6-3; at Spokane 11. Vancou
ver 0: at Wenatchee 4. Victoria ; at
Yakima 3, Bremerton 8.
W L Pet.
W L Pet
41 36 .632
San Fran 43 26 .634 Oakland
Los Angla 43 33 -34 Holly wood 31 42 .423
San Diego 43 33 .873!Sacramnto 26 44 J71
Seattle 38 32 343 Portland 23 48 .342
Last night's results: At Portland 0.
Lot Angeles 1: at San rranctaco 1.1.
Seattle 6: at San Diego 10. Oakland 6;
at Hollywood 13. Sacramento 11.
'Sugar' Needs
Kayo Victory
CHICAGO, June 15-;p-Sugar
Ray Robinson, knockout winner
over 58 of his 88 foes in an eight
year career, figures he also must
flatten Challenger Bernard Docu
sen Thursday night, or kiss good
bye to his welterweight crown and
a shot at Tony Zale.
Robinson, a 6 to 1 favorite at the
moment, said today he believed
that if the 21-year-old Docusen
used his dancing-master tactics for
the 15-round route at Cominsky
park, the decision could go against
him. Prime motive in Robinsn's
rigorous preparation for his third,
and perhaps last defense of his
welter crown, obviously is a
chance at Zale's newly-acquired
middleweight crown. A knockout
triumph would start a steam-roller
movement for a Robinson-Zale
bout which conceivably could lure
a record middleweight gate.
Head Wallops
Busy Walcott
GRENLOCH, N. J.. June IS-iTPV-Jersey
oe Walcott boxed four brisk
rounds today, concentrating on
throwing punches to the head, as
he sharpened up for his world
championship fight uno 23 against
Joe Louis in Yankee stadium.
Only three more hard workouts
remain before he will move into a
quiet hotel in New York to await
what he firmly believes is his big
chance to win the heavyweight
championship from Louis.
Throughout Walcott showed the
same fancy dance steps, and con
tinuous bobbing and weaving that
so baffled Louis when they met
last December. Although obviously
not working at top speed, Walcott
moved effortlessly around the ring,
threw hard blows when he felt like
it, and at all times was the master
of the situation.
Walcott's emphasis on lefts to
the head indicated he reliance on
this weapon against the champion.
If Louis has a vulnerable spot, it is
his head.
Walcott now weighs 196'2
pounds and aims at entering the
ring at from 193 to 195.
(Three leaders in each league.)
G AB R H Pet. i
Williams. Red Sox 48 180 46 71 .394 j
Musial. Cardinal ll 188 45 77 .389
Boudreau. Indians 46 174 34 63 374
Holmes. Braves 40 138 29 38 J67
Kell. Tigers 33 131 17 46 .331
Aahburn. Phillies 49 199 33 69 .347
Runs batted In American league
William. Red Sox. ti; DIMaggio. Yan
kees. 48; Boudreau. Indians. 2. Na
tional league Sauer. Reds. 60: Kiner,
Pirates. 44: Muaial. Cardinal. 40.
Home run American league Kelt
ner, Indians, 14: Williams. Red Sox. 12:
DiMasKio. Yankees. 12. National league
Sauer. Reds. 19; Kiner, Pirates. 17; !
Musial. Cardinal. 13.
Al Howard
tfv 11111
372 State St.
2 OfT
All Wilson and Spanlding
Baseball Gloves.
All Wilson and Spanlding
Tennis and Badminlon
' "
W L Pet W L Pet.
Boston .. 28 21 571 Phlla. 26 26 JSO0
N. Y. 27 22 551 Br klyn 22 23 448
Ptttsb. 27 22 .331 l"lncl. 23 29 .442
St. Loum 27 23 340 rhkrago .. 19 31 .380
Tuesday's results: At Brooklyn 9. Cin
cinnati 4: at Boston 6. Chicaso 3: at
Philadelphia 1. St. Louis 3; at New
York 0. Pittsburgh 2.
W L Pet
31 13 .674 Boston
31 21 .396 Wash ton
28 22 MO St. Louis
27 23 .319 Chiraao
W L Pet. '
23 26 49
24 28 .462
N. Y.
19 29 .TJ
14 31 .311
Tuesday's results: At Detroit 4. Phil
adelphia 1: at Cleveland 3. Boston 7: at
Chicago 9. New York 8 (11 Innings ;
Washington at St. Louis postponed,
Title on Line
is favored to make a successful
defense of his welterweight
crown Thursday night when he
meets the challenge of 21-year-old
Bernard Docusen In a 15
ronnd battle at Chicago's Comis
key Park.
Fortier Dropped
By Yakima Club
YAKIMA, June 15-(Special)-The
Yakima Packers have acquir
ed Outfielder-First Baseman Lou
Estes from Wenatchee in a trade
for Third-Baseman Neil Bryant.
Both are hitting over .300 in the
Western International league. The
Packers also have released out
right In fielder Bud Fortier, former
Oregon State college star who has
not lived up to expectations.
Jusi Arrived
300 Pairs of
:l :m:iiiiii1i
AH sises
Pair y000 f
$1.25, reduced to
AH sises, 10t wool
$20.00. reduced to .
40e, reduced to
Bag. S
Keel, preel. reg.
$12.50, reduced to
A's (Lose
Sain's Hurling
Lifts Bostons
By the Associated Press I
Johnny Sain, who has been '
tower of strength for the Boston
Braves this spring, turned In an-;
other fine effort Tuesdajr and also
chucked the Braves into undis
puted possession of top; place in
the National league standings aa
he stopped the Chicago Cubs with
a six-hit job, 6-3. The wJn placed
the Braves one full game; ahead of
the runnerup New York Giants as
the Ottmen bowed to the Pitts-'
burgh Pirates and Fritz Oster!
mueller. 2-0. Osermueller per4
mitted the Giants; but three hltsi
A bonehead play by Emil Verban
failure to cover second cave?
the St. Louis Cardinals i 2-1 de
cision over the Philadelphia Phils,
with the winning tally eoming in
the eighth when Verbsin wasn't
on hand to- take Catcher Andy
Seminick's peg on an attempted
double steal. The Brooklyn Dodg
ers dumped the Cincinnati -Redsi
5-4. f f
In the American league all
three top teams lost. The Boston
Red Sox whipped th leading
Cleveland Indians, 7-3 1 and De
troit's Tigers stopped the Phila-
delphia A's, 4-1, as Hal New-i
houser spun a two-hitter to chalk
up his seventh straight pitching
win. The third place New York
Yankees bowed to the Chicago
White Sox, 9-8, in 11 irimngs.
National League
Cincinnati i 000 002 002 4 6 4
Brooklyn 100 002 Oil 5 11
Wehmeier. Gumbert .- and La-
manno; Taylor, Ramsdeil ( and
Chicaso . . . 010 001 001 3 6 2
Boston . . 201 100 20x 6 10 3
Meyer. Chipman 14 . Chambers
and Scheflins. Sain and Salkeld.
St. Louis .O00 001 0102 g
Philadelphia 000 000 loo 1 t t
Brazle, Wilks (7 and Garagkla;
Leonard and Seminick.
Pittsburgh 100 010 000 2 S
New York 000 000 000 0 3 6
Ostermueller and Klutte: Hartung,
Jones (8) and Livingston, Wettrum t8j.
American League
Philadelphia 100 000 000 1
Detroit 002 000 02x 4
Coleman and Rosar; Newhouser
swift. f
Boston 000 011902 7
Cleveland 000 002 1003
? t
Parnell and TebbetU: Lemon. Chris
topher (7 , Klieman 8l and Tipton.
New York .310 100 030 008 10 1
Chicago . .017 000 000 019 13
ill inning) Raschi. Drews 3.
Byrne 4. Page (81 and Kiarhoe. Ber
ra (3): Wight. Judson (4). Caldwell
(10) and Robinson.
sizes, all colors
i 75c
1. 95c
reduced to ..
Bool Sox
reduced to
Award Sweaters
Ilosqnilo Lolionj
Golf Sels
2 woods. Sues
irons, 2 woods, Snead 6 CO rfl
or Sarasen, 75.00 reduced to
Camp Cool Ice Boxes
reduced to
.Boy's Fish Bod j
Level Line Reel
Nationally advertised, steel rod.
mad bamboo creel with harness
fltJt, reduced to
Biihberized. Soflhalls
Volt. Wilson or Spauldlnx g Q