1 The Stat man. SaLm. Ofgea. Tumudaj. Junm IS. 1948 Fire Departments Map Plans To Meet Emergency Disaster Plana for cooperation In the event of amergency disaster In Marion county, with community organization centered in the fire departments, were outlined at the meeting of the Marion County Fire man's association Sunday afternoon at the Salem central fire atation. Further organizational details were left to a committee headed ly Chief W. P. Roble, Salem, and including Joe Berchtolt, Mt. An gel; E. A. Ditter, Sublimity and C. T. Frind, Hubbard. Jack -j-.-m o j Hayes, coordinator of the Ore- t-C I I o Snppit V gon state disaster council, was LJKTMJ.J made a member ol tne commmei. Memben agreed to inventory their departments and communi ties for equipment. Copies of the Inventory are to be furnished Mch member of the association. All are to seek from their govern ing body approval of mutual agreements which would expidite exchange of equipment or person nel in emergencies. Hayes led the discussion, out lining steps necessary as prepara tion for possible disaster. The meeting was arranged to implant plans made at recent Red Cross disaster workshop in Salem and "Vanport unexpectedly gave it point." Hayes said in opening the meeting. Attending were Susan Faherty, xecutive secretary Marion county chapter of American Red Cross; Don Leg, state relations officer, American Red Cross; M. S. Gil son, A. F. Butscher, deputy state fire' marshals; C. M. Charlton, captain Salem first aid car; W. R Gould, W. C Miller, chief and assistant chief. Four Corners; R. A White, chief at Brook; EL A. D'tter, Sublimity chief; Raymond Davis, Monitor chief; E. H. Ron deau. Gervais chief; A. F. Hurst, Aurora chief; C. F. Frind. Hub bard chief: C. S Kerr and Ber nard Brentano. chief and assistant chief. St. Paul; Arlo Tuers. Mill City chief; Joseph J. Berchtold. Mt Angel chief, W. P. Roble, Salem chief. Berchtold acted as chairman. Farewell Sermon Set for Saturday at Adventist Church Farewell rmon by Elder Al fred K. Ojden. who is returning tj pastoral work in Panama City, will be preached Saturday at 11 m at Salem Seventh Day Ad ventist church. Ogden, who has acted as senior pastor here for the past six months, will be succeed ed early in July by Elder A. J. Gordon of Bellingham. Ogden served as a missionary in the West Indies and Panama for 10 years before coming to Salem, out of his ministry of more than SO years. Robert C. Skinner i serving as associate pastor. Fine Levied After Accident Injury Larry VanVlick, 1863 N. Com mercial st., was fined a total of $20 in municipal court Monday charges of failure to yield tne , right-of-way to a pedestrian and driving an auto with defective brakes. VanVlick was arrested at Ferry and South Liberty streets by city police Saturday night after his car struck Mrs. Maxine Bonewell, 1230 N. Liberty st., breaking her collarbone, police said. Mrs. Bone well is in Salem Memorial hos pital. Erma Weir Heads State Health Unit Erma Weir, Oregon State col lege physical education depart ment, is the new president of the Oregon Association of Health, Physical Education and Recrea tion, it was announced Monday. Marjorie Heir, Albany high school, was elected secretary, and Paul Johnston. Springfield high school, treasurer. IMS H. T. n. M. Tj New York met New York for the third consecu tive season. The Americans won the series four oat of six games, I4AiMIO A ROJNQUISMIDi Gene Tunney -regained the light-heavy title by outpointing Harry Creb in a 15 round rematch. Relin quished the title to enter beary ranks MAILT SflFICTi Ntr (mm, wtffc 1 91 1 SHOCT W swim Tony C an ion eri won (from Benny Bass) and lost (to Andre Rcutis) the featherweight title in six months. AiX-AJMraKAMi Alfred Jamea ot the U. of W. was named on the All-American Basketball Team. leas ror posTtft's soti ! au nt vn.wir, a. c KOW Tmr Ctfct IU la w4n Mm wWtw MfU 4 lt Ail. MAa-TOF A aorroMf Portland Blushed second (105 W; 77 L 1S-4 o mil man Urate, MM Vmhw, B. C arM. I 77 Jt mm Regulations For Solicitors (Story also an pa 1) Greatly Increased regulation of peddlers, solicitors and canvas sers would be afforded by two or dinance bills introduced in Salem city council Monday night by Alderman Howard Maple. Applications for such business would require photographs, fing erprints, references and a Salem doctor's certificate of freedom from infectious diseases to be followed by a police department investigation of the subject. A $1,000 bond would be required of non-resident representatives of out-of-state firms. The bills which would repeal ordinances passed June 21, 1939, would not apply to street newspaper vendors or to ; persons selling farm grown by themselves. produce t The council last night also: Denied to Herrall-Owens com pany a permit to install a large sii?ri in a parking strip, recalling that the council was on record against such installations. Established 30-foot no-parking areas, to enable city buses to stop out of traffic, on the west side of Commercial street Just north of Miller and Owens streets. Postponed to next meeting ac tion on the- expiring civil service commission term of Arthur H. Moore. Granted permits to hang six cross-street banners for the Ore gon State Federation of Labor convention here. Adopted a resolution to pro hibit parking on the south side of Howard street between Church and Berry, to relieve traffic con gestion. Postponed to June 28 the third ad.nk of an ordinance to give reading Oregon Electric railway a 10-year franchise on Installations in the city. Stakes Battle SGC Feature J. W. McCallister copped top laurels in an 18-hole sweepstakes tourney at Salem Golf club over the weekend, stroking a gross 77 which with his nine handicap net ted him a 68. Runnerup was Bud Waterman with a gross 75 and a five handicap for 70. Salem clubbers take on Corval lis in the second half of a home and home duel Sunday. The Salem Q. l's play at Corvallis and the No. 2's will see action on the South River road course. Silvertons Win SILVERTON -(Special)- The Silverton Red Sox pounded out a 10-2 win over Canby here Sunday in a Willamette Valley league baseball fray. Schwab let the Can by's down with six hits while the Silvertons were collecting 18 off two enemy hurlers. Schwab also paced the hitting with a triple and three singles. Oster had two triples and a single. This country is estimated to have 400,000 miles of service and resi dential gas pipe. If You Can Ride a Bike You Can Win a Prize! See Pag 7 For Full Detail .577) and Seattle last (65 Wj 119 L; .353) in Coast League race. 1924 THsm-roC-ONb Henry Arm strong, feather titlebolder. worn the lightweight (from Lou Am bers) and the welter (from Bar ney Ross) titles to become the only man to bold three titles simultaneously. MMIOft JUNIOtt rt CUAM.UP MANi Rudy York of the Detroit Tigers hit four home runs with the bases fall daring; the season. IMS VAVOtm Sports fans all hare their faro rites and, im beer, its Alt Heidelberg. Eren the last drop is good I -r.tM rWS. T. T." md - Right to Legal Aid Upheld by Highest Court WASHINGTON, June 14 -0P-A prisoner who is incapable of defending himself "adequately" has an absolute right to the help of a lawyer in any kind of crim inal case, the supreme court ruled today. If that help is denied, it said, a conviction cannot stand up. The 5-4 decision made a broad exten sion of the court's previous rule that council must be provided in cases where the death penalty might be imposed. It came in a ruling which set aside the conviction of Donald Wade, then 18, who was sen tenced in Palm Beach (Fla.) coun ty court in 1945 to serve five years for burglary. The high court also refused a hearing to Kenneth Romney, former sergeant-at-arms of the house of representatives, on his conviction of concealing a short age in his accounts and upheld constitutionality of the war con tracts Renegotiation Act under which many millions of alleged excess profits have been recovered from war material producers. Hop Prices Up; (rop Conditions Held Unfavorable PORTLAND, June 14-(- Hop prices increased today as unfavor able Willamette valley crop con ditions were reported. At least one sale was reported at 62 cents for dried hops with less than 6 per cent stems and leaves, The general market was 60 cents for 8 per cent hops. Some sales of 10 per rent hops at a penalty were reported. Downy mildew damage was be- ( lieved extensive in the valley be- i cause of the late, wet spring. Hard est hit was the Independence area. Pin Removed, Baby All O.K. cnara vvayne d son of Mr and Mrs R W F tts. Richard Wayne Fitts, one-year- hospital Monday night after he swallowed an open safety pin in his home. A Salem physician removed the pin at Salem Memorial hospital and the baby was sent home, none the worse for his experience, hos pital authorities said. AMERICANS FIRED ON SEOUL, Tuesday. June 15.-P-The U. S. army reported today a party of Americans were fired upon from across the Russian oc cupation boundary Monday and their Korean interpreter was wounded. ROYALTY ON HONEYMOON GENEVA, Switzerland, Tuesday, June 15-vP)-Fonner King Mihal of Romania and his bride. Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma, arrived here today by air. They were married in Athens five days ago. DEMO LEADER NAMED WASHINGTON, June 14 -JJPy-Senator Myers (D-Pa.) was nam ed today as chairman of a 17' member preliminary drafting com mittee for the democratic platform. stjmts TOiionnow! 0 WW f ANN CarsonSotheru JACK - raw m iisiw js im SurleThof fun Companies Fan -F est! Robert Hatton - Joyce Reynolds In "ALWAYS TOGETHER- ax II John Uayno siiGEonnsi rami." Heat Hite England; 30 Persons Collapse LONDON, June 4.-P)-A 77-de-gree temperature and high humid ity gave most of England a sud den heat wave today. Thirty fans collapsed while watching the Eng-land-Sutralia cricket matches at Nottingham. Lightning struck in a doaen places, but did little damage. 160 Attending Girls' State At Willamette Approximately 160 girls from over the state registered Monday afternoon for the Girls' State con ference this week on Willamette university campus. The conference, sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary, is in tended to give delegates a practi cal knowledge of government. Headquarters has been set up in Lausanne hall. The facilities of Baxter hall also will be used. A reception was held at Baxter hall last night, sponsored by the auxiliary of Capital post 9, with Mrs. Carmalite Wed die in charge. The conference will get under way in earnest today when the girls begin to campaign for their state, county and city officers. Mrs. Stanley Krueger of Salem is in charge of preparing for the conference. Polk Democrats Meet Saturday MONMOUTH, June 14-(Speci- al ) Polk county democrats will j hold an open rally in the Wom- i en s club bunding here next Sat urday night at 8 o'clock, it was announced Monday. Edward W. Gideon, democratic candidate for U. S. representative. will be the featured speaker. All j foK county democratic candidates will be introduced. TWO COUPLES TO WED KELSO, Wash., June 14 -iJPy-Marriage license applications here include: Kenneth A. Tracy and Joyce Henderson; Howard Robert Ochse and Martha Reta Murham mer, all of Salem. GIRL FALLS TO DEATH PORTLAND, Ore., June 14 -(JP) Bur dene Hair, 11, Seattle, went up Rocky Butte today to look at the Columbia river flood, and tumbled 15 feet to her death. BOTE DAVIS 7j WAMNCJt BROS WJJW mm JANIS PAICC JAMIS OAVIS BRETAIGNE WINOUST HENRY BLANKE tnd Hit "SHAGGY" In CeJor! mm Last Day! " Adventures of Robin Hood" In Color! - and -"Singapore xr ft X a BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:45 P. M. OPEN AS USUAL DURING REMODELING Starts Tonight! Two Roaring Re-Issues' BUFFALO BILL HIDES AGiUII' tit Richard Aricn Walter Wood Boosted for Legion Chief The candidacy of Walter Wood, member of Salem post 136, Am erican Legion, for commander of district two, was announced at a meeting of the post Monday night. The membership voted unani mously to endorse Wood for elec tion. The sum of $100 was appropria ted for relief of the Vanport flood disaster. Boy Scout troop 19, Salem Heights, will be sponsored by the post. ,The troop will be under the chairmanship of Wayne Har der. Support for the candidacy of B. E. (Kelly) Owens, of Salem, for state commander was voted. Committee chairmen for the en suing year, announced by Com mander Homer Smith, Jr., are as follows: Membership, Ken Potts; finance, Robert Irwin; publicity, George Donaldson; Americanism, Jerry Brown; athletics, Lester Lent; en tertainment Richard Wood; de gree team. Seward Reese; child welfare, Fred Remington; sick and relief, the Rev. Louis White; ser vice, Joe Devers; housing and em ployment, Jim Payne; house com mittee, Joseph Felton; legislation, Chester Fritz; boy scouts, Wayne Hardman; aeronautics, Dr. Lewis P. Campbell; community service, Carlton Greider; state fair pro ject, Robert Green, Earl Lyons and Charles Creighton; July 4th celebration, Charles Jens; associ ated war veterans relief commit tee, Frank Cross; Salem Memor ial Auditorium association, Don Ballantyne, and firing squad, Sgt. Don Riddle. Additional nominations from the floor for delegates to the state con vention in September included Sgt George Lent, Wayne Perdue, Bert Walker and Carlton Greider. Nominations of Four Postmasters Listed WASHINGTON, June 14 - (Jp) Postmaster nominations sent to the senate by President Truman include these from Oregon: Victor Carl Black. Dallas, Rob ert E. Ballard, McMinnviUe; Al bert R. McCall, Rainier; Loyal E. Smith, Sherwood. Now! Opens 6:45 p. m. Charles Starrett "Land Rush" RussoU Hcrydon "North of Border" HMUVTiT.iq Ends Today Opens f :45 "WAKE UP AND DREAM" plus "Calendar Girl" with Jane Fraaee - Win. Marshall STARTS Tononnow! DOUBLE-BARRELED EXCITEMENT AND THRILLS! HrDb 7, Was r 7. Vl ROBERT ' BRIAN to. V - 0 m IP1, WAGE DISPUTE SETTLED PORTLAND, June 14 -VPy- A wage dispute between the AFX, Retail Clerks union and the Food Employers, Inc.. was . settled to day with a pay increase of 12 Vi cents hourly. The scale for clerks will be from $40 to $58,40 a week, depending on lenpth of employ ment with the chain stores. AIR REFUELING DISCLOSED SPOKANE, Wash., June 14-UP) Gen. David W. Hutchison said to day that a new technique of re fueling bombers in flight from an air tanker "will make it possible for our bombers to leave the North American continent, fly to Rus sia and return." i : .- i - - FOB O SWEDE RALStON'S AIR CIRCUS j O MILITARY PARADES O PRIVATE PLANE CONTESTS O MOTORCYCLE THRILL RIDING McNARY FIELD Children 50c inc. PHONE 3467 MATLNEE . . . Montana r.iwe Mm earn mm mm Deadly With Both! B3 Goodwin Edpr Kennedy SfeartErwia iofca Life! J0R1 CimTRISHT ScrMapisy If Art Arter V4 CovtW Lr rV product by SEYIIOUS KEEEKZU. . l -V Directed 6r rtAfilm$4 ttmimmo AST1STS GETS MEDICAL DEGREE OMAHA, June 14 - (Special) Jack William Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gibson, 1735 S. High St., Salem, Ore, received a doctor of medicine degreo from Creighton university at commence ment exercises here. HEATING Now Is the time to get ready for next winter We install new and repair old furnaces. FREE ESTIMATES JOHNSTON SHEET METAL CO. 1411 8. 12 th Phono IM1 ) -3 Of Hot I VflHPOBS BEU SALEM JAYCEE Tax DAILY FROM 1P.M. FRANCES HAFfERTY i 1 v 1 km RICHARD UARTIII D0I1 COYOTE BASEBALL TOEUGGT ' 8:15 P. BL I Waters Field Salen Senders . r Tnccna - Box Seat Reerralkms PhotM 4647 - - - ' (Or3 Adnlu 1.00 ina. Tax - Ends Today (Trie.) Dana Andrews 1R0N CURTAIN A Pearct -MAIN STREET KID .v f m - - I