Dallas Women Complete Year Of Club Work DALLAS Mrs. Glenna Jones, art instructor at the Junior high sc hool. was guest speaker at Dal Us Woman's club which was held at library hall. Mrs. Jones showed work of her art student. Also on the program was Mrs. Harold Ran stad soloist. Mrs. Melvin Gllson was the accompanist. Reports from these delegate and members who attended the con vention of the General Federation of Women's clubs at Portland re- i .. arivon Annual club re tail 11 j -- ports were given. Mrs. Howard Fleming, delegate to the General Federation of Women's clubs and president of the local club told of the Wednesday luncheon when the Dallas group was hostess to the Colorado delegates. Report on the Dallas youth recreational program was given by Mrs. Cecil Dunn, club civic and community service chair man. The club contributed $100 tp the project. Officers Installed Officers installed for the coming year are Mrs. Fleming, president; Vtr. Hrnlrt Ranstad. first vice president; Mrs. Robert LeFors. sec- , ond vice president; Mrs. Allie Hen- nagin. recording secretary; Mrs. j William Dalton, corresponding sec retary; Mrs. John R. Allgood, treasurer and Mrs. Eugene Direc tor. Mrs. Maurice Dalton was In stalling officer. Hostesses at the tea hour were Mrs. C. L. Crider, Mrs. Erie Ful gham, Mrs. Randolph Hilton. Mrs. William Blatkiey, Mrs. William Dalton, Mrs. J. J. Wick and Mrs. M. A. DeGraff. 80th Birthday Observed with Sunday Party ORCHARD HEIGHTS Cele bration was held May 30 at the Bethel schoolhouse honoring Frank Wilson on his 80th birthday. He was born In Black Hawk county, Ia..a In 1868, one of twin broth er r rea, r.is twin, anu an uiu brother William live in Iowa and celebrated birthdays the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson have resided in the Popcorn district for 43 years. Pi esent for the occasion were Mrs Jennie Newman (sister) of M a i ion, Iowa, Mrs. Clara Ho myer, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wll son. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Grigg. Mrs Blanche Yates, John Cav itt. ull of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. C C. Harlow, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hartman and sons Ragnor, Gary and Roger, all of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Clarke and daughters Carol Lou and Kay of C'oivallis. Mrs. Victor Snyder and daughters Betty and Adah Mae of Longvlew. Wash., Mrs. Walter living and daughter Jo Ann of Cathlamet, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. William Pero and children Jerry, Johnny. Judy and Jimmle, Mrs. M. Star. Mr. and Mrs Carrol Harlow and son Dan nie. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wil son, Mr. and Mrs. George Star and daughters Rosemary and Maribel, Mr and Mrs. Ward Prescott and son Dennis, Mr and Mrs. Bob Zeller and son Ronald, Mrs. Ruth Compton, Mrs. Mabel Downey. Mrs. Ardlth St. Clair, Mr. and Mrs Doc Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Wilson and children Kathy, Mauryno and demons, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith and children Fiank, Marynett and Sarah Jane. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson and sons Ralph Jr., Howard and Wal ter, all of Salem, and the honored guest and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. A son. Fred Wilson, and his family, of Port Orchard, Wash-, were unable to attend due to Col umbia river floods; also a neph ew. Dean Wilson, of Aberdeen, Wash. Cooking School Today, 2:30 p.n. Featuring Martha Logan Nationally Known Swift Home Economist At Portland Gas & Cokt Co. Aud. 109 S. Com!. Sponsored by I.G.A. Stores i ,j 1 1 . t i Hit ..M fU'.J T,,.. .1 .f"M ' i , . ' ' ' : IGA X-tra Whipped Creamy Smooth Salad Dressing Shortaitag.!!3 $1.15 rmre vegetable shortening. for better baking. Special price f ff Schillings, Hills, Del uuuuu Monte, Folgers - mum UST REMOVE BCESS ACIDS l fiolp IS MILm el Kldnoy Tuboa FluaJs Out rotaoooua waste If r teummot acUa la foorfclnoA, mr IS mOm ot kiammr tmbm bit m . VMt4.TkMttterftiMBdtllMlMk. la r aa4 aiefct to W Hmtrm rid you mjttwm of mum meU mam iiutouou : wmmm, imiir In rinria in rrnw rt-n 1 1C pmiam. kM mi PT nd wtmrxr. KXtit n nmhtM. woUbw. poffaoa nadcr thm eras, XSmSow taor to aoaMtaiac wvmc wk Ms, so mmk rmmr AiffM t or IWi Pflto. a mamuimmMmluimtlm. d sum TnHr hy mO koM for r M rm.r. Doaa's ttrm fcappr Ttumr mmm. win katp torn lm mumm os m.mmm tiifc Soak mmt sum mm ihit Co Dna'i PiUa, How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your tela taeth annoy and em- uSTwtS roVoit.' UughTtalk? Joat arortnUo a iittW FASTEKTH on your ptetoa. This alkattn (non-acid) powder holds falao toetn more firmly and more ' . ximmv rnoT. nasty Uit or lenn. Does not sour, pock; ASTZXTH today at any drug store.' I I i'l'i'Z-i-'.'ii I P:::;:::::h:::: I V:::::::J::?l : : : : : : : : x'Z'Z'Z'Z'Z'Z'-fiiili'Z'Z'Z-zi &sL E'UllIX Brands - ' " bmw m m mxara m u 33, jjCSM t'.Lo )u s v crovm (1 "fej tSS&nf 1 I 25-lb. ba 50-lb, ba l J r-r 11 m-i&v A 1 1 V y 'Ml I f::::::::i:!a I i::::::::i:sd:J:i::::::::i:i:i::::::?: 1 I iZ'Z'z'z-vz'z-z'z V J II W I J T r C0I1E m AIID SEE VHI" ib. 530 20 Sare money t this lew price. Special for Friday and Saturday I f. :::." -A Ev.v.'.v. i Kv.v.v.v. yW. in i ::::'-:"-::::r::::::::::::i-:'-iH:::::::? : ::::::::::f: 'z'z'z-zYX V ryPrv if (I ' J A'-zttz&zjt I J 4 ::::-:J: : r:::::::::L-:-::::wX v y 1 mm CAIIinilG IIEEDS ODSSDOCJ DS FC1GE FC2 TTKlflO VALIIG SPQGGI ' 1 rtj . sSj im&Z&tPA iracon Ball Dome Lids Pkr. 12 CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE ill? 2 cans for Special price for this jamboree. Siva p- Ball Jelly Glasses 12 i Pint - Reg. Mouth Jars, case IQ 1 1lna KVrr nr RaII ' W V 'Wide Month Jars, case QQ it Hint. Kerr or Ball WtfW s , ci i SPECIALS FOB FBIDAY AIID SATUBDAY Nourishln Innldsl Orannes 220 size Dor. ViP. I V TASTY PAK Tomato Sauce 6 for Ilission Peas 29c No. 1 can 15c Small, tender peas at a low price. Bay ease and save. New paeas wiu oe nisner TASTY PAK, WHOLK DiU Pickles DEL MONTE SWEET Pickle Chips French's Mustard CUT SJTE Wax Paper Cascade Hapkins STAR KIST GRATED Tuna Fish Balsins Seedless For an abundance of calcium raisins, for cooklnjr and baklnj: . ..No. tH ca 19c lt-os. Jar 29c 6 -ox. Jar 10c l5-ft. roll 23C Pkf. 100 15c T-os. ean 43 c .2 ib. pk-. 25 c Apple Sauce jniuyGS 220 size Doz. Just the right six for slicing or Juicing. At a low price too. 80 size. CoacheUa VR. for 10 7 14 S - Breakfast size, chuck full of sweet, Ungy Juice. Frosh Tomaloes -Lb. tube Solid ripe, to slice In that fresh spring salad. v 1 A Yfiiiov unions jj ibs. rif ITVFT - VrWVWaaa tmm A Baking Powder Pound eaa mm w Hershey's Cocoa Vi lb. eaa 20c TASTY PAK - No. tH cn Apricots WhL un peeled mm In rich sweet syrup. At a low price. ELSINORE WhL TJnpld Apricots No. 1 can 2 for 3 WELCH'S Grape Juice pint POPHTTT Pulled Wheal Polled Bice California, Sweet Spanish type for seasoning or to eook as a vegetable dish. IIdw Poialoes H on dttf) Large, long U. S. No. 1 California Shatter. Priced low to save you money. 4 -os. pkjr. 10c 4 -os. oka. 13c 1 UVU111UU size IUU . r... v- Special offer. Send In a label from jar ef 6valtlne sad lee to reeelv a bandy "Shake up nag. 3 PLAIN OR CHOCOLATE Ovalline 73c vy f f J Cane & Maple Syrup .12-oz. 290 Pep Kellogg's 8-os. pkg. 15c Oet your Freedom Train book. AXQO Corn Starch Xb. pkg. 13c uf Si'jiM linns' doi voiatoofgcniflis I if tf e thus jmj ffi3 f . rsaJiiTmrmutT wns un ensall i (III M turn $m li j tj j li'f Ifm BUM WDBB SI KM TOS IBS -iiC I a. wni sua tee m maun mki- if JC 1 rwreiuai f fV 1 taajaBg-yt an Km ewgja I aa S OLD DUTCH Cleanser . cans for BUY AT YOUR IGA STORE By test, faster, easier cleaning Llnil Starch . 27-. pkg. Buy this large size for economy. ' -Gallon Free from eaustlo. Extra genUe in bleaching. Ex tra efficient la household cleaning. IGA Jell-It s-3 pHsgOff Serve this mere delicious Jell powder with garden fresh vegetables or In a fancy meld with fresh fruit. tlorlon Sail .,26.,. 100 Morton Salt brings e tna garaen rresn iiavor ei rcftuwes. Lge. Size Reg. Sis ticAira sr 2 f0r 35c 2 for 19o n n riTT dlot 1 muJzA GAP IS' 2 for 18c IS,11 14c Pound Packas Nourishing, ButrlUsus, ecea- onaleaL 1 KMSPY CMG1 Crisp, fresh, dainty,' salted sQuares. Priced lew. Whealies 12 -. pkg. Kellogg ! Shredded T7tsal . 17o Pkg. 1 soGn 10-Ib. bag S90 25-Eb. bag Bar for your csaping at these eneelat tew $2.19 pricos. 1 Popular Breads Cigorcli:3 . SL39 Carton Elozola Oil Ale Use this llemld shortening for the new eaas roeipeo- i 4 c i 1 19c ..UMj.4ll.. 3 Flalics I M ' Large Size 35c BlFFaUBNT ? Silver Dnsi .Large pkg. 370 PEAnSOlI'S FOOD IIKT. niDEPEnDEUCE FOOD Zt4 North Commercial. Salens, Oregon IIAMET . Independsnee, Oregon IIODEL FOOD IIAI1EET m North High SU Bale,. Oregea " H1GIIL2UID IIAI1IIET 1 . . " tat mghlaad Ave, faleaa. Oeegeet dnCOTTS IIAIIEET " diet North Rtver Eead EEII GOLLIET BaUsa, Oregon fflhn Oregeav Open Saadaye cnmiMCiaSniiAnKET serve bite giiocedt Uonmouth. Oregon DaRa, Oregon THE! EVEI Get a fine dish cloth enclosed in each package. BROADWAY GB0CEB7 I Broadway and Market; Salens, Oregea iff 1UEGZD HASH Cz EABB7 Center at 41th. Salens, Oregon noiniEB's GBOCEB? EQDALL'S GB0CEB7 mnion'S iiAbket att North Ceanasereial S4. . Salens, Oregea - BOtllEIEn'S ! HUT. - 17tlr 4k Center - Successor te Bergls - 17 and Market St, Salem. Oregesi USS Slate Street . "