1 The Stat man. Salom. Owgoa Tu daj. Jun 1. 1943 3- 4- Society - ; ' r.. ' Music ?; Ine rxomi '. . MAXXNE ' BUKEN Y ;.. s tt-iOR&:tkGU&' ' Women's Editor ' j I J Society ,Editor;VV Summertime Vacationists; Visitors Summer vacationists and visit ers will wmmwce to highlight the news now that the travel months are here. Miss Suzanne Small, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small, is leaving Saturday by plane for San Francisco and Hawaii. She will be accompanied by three of her Kappa Kappa Gamma soror ity sisters from the University of Oregon. Miss Harriett Van Natta. who has often visited in the capital with Miss Small, and Miss Joan Mowat, who both live in Honolulu, and Miss Cynthia Grif fin of Oakland, Calif. The girls will stop in Oakland at the Grif fin home for a day before flying o er to Honolulu, where they will rrr.ain for the summer. The foursome will return to the states In the fall to resume their studies at the University of Oregon. Headed East Prof and Mrs. Josef Schnelker and d. n-ghter. Ann, are leaving today :or the ensuing year at the University of Michigan on his j d ntor s degree in theory of music. Hi. wife and daughter will remain i 1'. Indiana for the summer with hT parents and in the fall will i loin Mr. Schnelker in Ann Arlxir. . Vi ic 'hey are away there will be, I'xchar.ge professor from the U-i eisity of Michigan at Wil-Iim-vp university. j I)i and Mrs Robert Tschudy arriving m the capital Thurs- d.iv fur a visit at the home of , D-,jn and Mrs Melvin Geist. They ( h e be-.'i in Venezuela the pit . t a o year.- and will return in the f-iW Friday night Dean and Mrs.! G-Mst will entertain at dinner for , the Tschudys. who were formerly i on the Willamette university fa- ! ciltv and additional guests will b- Prof and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs. Arriving in Salem Wednesday for a fortnight's visit with Mr. and ! Mrs Frank Fisher, will be her mother. Mrs. Frank Donaldy of Cleveland and her brother and ister-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Wil li im Donaldy of Cleveland, and Mr Fisher's mother, Mrs. Mark , K Fisher of Canton. Ohio They j ie driving west and Mr. Fisher .itl airompany them east the end of the month. T Attend Sn Graduation Mrs Frank Rock, accompanied bv Miss Pauline Morse, daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Morse, left! Konday fur P.iadena, Calif, to 'tend the graduation of Mrs. Pxk so-. Fr.o.k Rock, Jr., from th- Cahfoiria In.stitute of Tech rioJogy on June 11. Miss Morse will also attend the Junior -Senior prom a (ruest of Mr. Rock. They ili rx away ten dy and enroute h me -. lil i.it with friends and relatives in Berkeley and San l"i jpcim c Miss F.litn Pr-i and Mi.-s Shir ley Durand of Rochester. New York, who has been attending Wil lamette university, will leave by tir Friday to drive east, stopping enroute in Chicago They will vi.mit in New York City with Wil liam Utley, formerly of Salem. Miss Ross will return west by pln by way of Los Angeles. nere she will visit with Mr. and Mrs Corydon Blodgett. Miss Dur and will be at her home in Ro chester for the summer and will return in the fall for her senior year at Willamette. Fxpetted in the capital today will be Lt. Comm. and Mrs. Gene C Anderson and year old daugh ter. Becky Lee, who are driving north from San Diego. The An dersons will be guests of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Severin. a week before leaving for New port. R. I., where he will attend a pavy school for the ensuing year. Mrs Anderson will be remem bered as Betty Severin. William Fawk to Present Pupils William Fawk will present an other group of pupils in piano recital tonight at the First Evan- feiical United Brethren church at 5 pm. The public is Invited. Those playing will be Jack Eyerly, Janice Ma den. Othalene Lee. Donna Fay Behrens, Larry Ediger, Diane Watsoa. Jim Seitz. Bruce Dalke, Barbara Peter, Ralph Williams, Nerma Scfcleaa tner, Barbara Granke, Patricia Ediger, Mary Davis, Maxima Kim, Dorothy Bradlem, Richard Pedee, Jack Loftus, Carole Hilfiker, Bar bara Bennett, Alene Dalke. Roo rt Saucy and Leigh ton Weddle. Mrs. Bennett to Head Auxiliary Disabled American Veterans auxiliary held its regular business meeting. Assisting the flood area members was the main issue. A shower was given one member's wife and the child welfare chair man, Sadie Pro. was given $25 to aid child welfare flood area mem bers. Election of new officers was held for the ensuing year with Eva Ben nett elected commander; Pauline Byer, senior vice commander; Mrs. Wilfred Wilier, treasurer; Mrs. Pauline Richards, Junior vice com mander; Mrs. O. E. Rinehart, ser-geant-at-arms; Mrs. William Rich ards, chaplain; Mrs. Goldie Kyle, patriotic instructor; Mrs. A. L. Brewster, conductress: Mrs. Stuart Johns, assistant conductress; adju tant, Mrs. Verne Ostrander; his torian, Mrs. Alma Hatfield; ban ner carrier, Mrs. Laura Johnson; musician, Mrs. Mary Sabroski; child welfare, Mrs. Sadie Pro. Delegates were elected for state convention June 10, 11 and 12 at Roseburg. The next social meeting will be June 17, Mrs. Mary Sa broski will be chairman for a bingo party and the public is in vited. A Birthday Party Eileen Hadley. daughter of the Wayne Hadleys. will celebrate her fifth birthday at a party this af ternoon at the Saginaw street home of her parents. The chil dren will play in the garden with birthdav cake and refreshments- to be served at small tables on the trerrace. Special guests will be Eileen's grandmother. Mrs. Douglas Mc Kay, and Mrs. Evelyn Gordon. Others bidden are Mrs. John L. Sullivan. Fiances Anne and Can dance, Mrs. Clarence Wicks and Judy. Mrs. Craig Coyner and Merrie Hill. Mrs. Frank Newell and Georgi Sue. Mrs. Richard Chambers and Ann, Mrs. William Linfoot and Julia and Mrs. Victor Collins, Jr. and Marilyn. Congratalatiens go to Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wilson (Margaret Hardman) on the birth of an eight pound, four ounce son, Alan Jay. on June 3 at the Salem General hospital. The baby's grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Siegmund and Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, sr. Mrs. Weddle State BPW President Mrs. Arthur Weddle of Salem was elected president of the Ore gon Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs at the annual convention held in Eugene this weekend. Mrs. Weddle was installed as president at the Sun- ; day morning breakfast at the Eu gene hotel by Miss Ethel M. Johnston of San Francisco, na tional federation chairman for ed ucation and vocational commit tee. Mrs. Weddle has served as first vice president of the Oregon Federation the past year and is a ptt president of the Salem BPW I club. She is active in civic and community affairs here and is as sistant county superintendent. Salem will entertain the 1949 convention for the Oregon Federa tion of BPW clubs, the invitation of the local group having been accepted at the concluding session of the 27th annual convention. Miss Betty Elofson from Salem club was elected the state cor responding secretary. A third rep resentative on the state board from Salem will be Mrs. Anna Morgan, president - elect of the local club. More than 25 from the Salem club attended different events of the convention. The local club's chorus, directed by Mrs. Jessie MickeLson. sang for part of the program at the formal banquet Saturday night. Mrs. Hiday To Preside The thirtieth annual convention of the Oregon Department. Daugh ters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will be held in Grants Pass June 16-18. Headquarters will be at the Redwoods hotel and busi ness sessions at the VFW hall. Mrs. Nellie C. Hiday, depart ment president: Mrs. Sarrah Cut ler, department secretary; and i Mrs. Madeline Nash, department j councillor, all members of Bar- bara Frietchie Tent. Salem, will j leave by train Sunday night for Grants Pass. Delegates to the convention from the Salem Tent ('are Mrs. Elizabeth Conover. Mrs. Mellissa Pearsons, Mrs. Georgia , Woodard; and alternates, Mrs. Ha zel Ray, Mrs. Mae Ivie and Mrs. j Harriet Winkenwerder. ! Miss Harriet Hiday. Miss Ahola i Lee Edland and Mrs. Ethel Broslg i were initiated into membership of ! Barbara Frietchie Tent at the Fri day night meeting. A social hour followed at the home of Mrs. Effie Ulrich. Members af chapter CB. PF.O 1 ....! 1 AM . ... 1 win men ior a covered dish pic nic luncheon on Thursdav at the Dallas City park at 12:30 o'clock. The business meeting will be held following the luncheon at the Dal las home of Mrs. Charles H. Greenwood, 107 Court St.. at which state convention reports will be given by the delegates. Miss Locrta Vcmdlver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Vandiver, whoso engagement to Alvin E. Russell, grand son ot Mrs. C. C. Russell, all of Salem, has been revealed. No wedding date has been set. (Jesten-Miiler). Sandra Nordyke To Play Today Today Sandra Nordyke will play three of her original piano com positions at the state convention of the Federated Music Clubs in Portland. These compositions won national "superior" awards dur ing the past three successive years. This entitles her to a per manent cup which she will recei . e at the convention. Her compositions are: "Nocturne in A Minor", "Scherzo" and "En chanted Journey." She is the daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. Homer Nordyke and a pupil of Mrs. David Eason. Mr. and Mrs. Claybonrne' Dyer spent the weekend sojourning at Neskowin. Also at Neskowin at their summer place for the week end were Mr. and Mrs. George Roth and small daughter. Mrs. Kenneth Bell has invited members of her club to a buffet supper and evening of cards to night at her suburban home m Manbrin Gardens. Mrs. John Beakey will be an additional guest. Mrs. Glenn Wilbur and Mrs. Lynn Heise will entertain mem bers of their club at bridge and a late supper Wednesday night at the former's home in Salem Heights. Mrs. Robert Cannon will be an additional guest Au Revoir Parties Mrs. James Bunnell will enter tain informally at tea Thursday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. Stanley Krueger, who is leaving for The Dalles to make her home the end of the month. The affair will be held in the office of the Marion county health association, of which Mrs. Krueger has been, a member, with mem bers of the Marion county health department and health association staffs bidden to say au revoir to Mrs. Krueger. Sharing honors at the affair will be Mrs. Austin Wilson, also a member of the health association staff, who is resigning her position. Hostesses Fete Matron Mrs. Richard G. Severin and Mrs. Hugh A. Dowd were host- esses for an informal party and tea r naay afternoon at the for mer's home on Tillman avenue in honor of Mrs. Wilmer Smith, who leaves by plane June 15 with Dr. Smith for Chicago and Bos- j ton. The group feted Mrs. Smith ! with an au revoir shower. Honoring Mrs. Smith were Mrs. j W. L. Lldbeck, Mrs. W. N. Thomp I son, Mrs. Rostoe Wilson, Mrs. Tom J Dunham, Mrs. Douglas Cooper, I Mrs. Vein Miller, Mrs. Virgil Sex ton, Mrs. W. W. Baum. Mrs. Mary Hogg, and Mrs. George Manolis, Jr. and the hostesses Brides-elect Honored at Showers June brides - elect are being feted at numerous pre-nuptial af fairs. Mrs. Joseph "Griffin will enter tain Wednesday night at her Fir street home in compliment to Miss Gwenn Rust, bride-elect of Keith Morris. A miscellaneous shower will fete Miss Rust and after an informal evening a late supper will be served by the hostess. Honoring Miss Russ will be Mrs. C. A. Rust, Mrs. Glenn Mor ris, Ma. William A. McCormaclc, Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Lena Rust, Mrs. Catherine Howard, Mrs. David Loutham, Mrs. Glenn Davenport, Dallas, Mrs. Orville Davenport, Mrs. Robert Covert, Mrs. Emily Van Santen, Mrs. Don ald Kuhn, Mrs. Veta Ketehum, Mrs. Lynn Sloper, Mrs. Guy New gent, Mrs. Emmett Dickson, Mrs. George Combs, Mrs. Vern Axel son, Mrs. Wallace Park, Miss Wil ms Combs, Miss Alene Axelson, Miss Maxine Daenport, Miss Nan cy Rust and the hostess. For Miss Upjohn In compliment to Miss Donna Upjohn, who will be married June 14 to Kenneth Brown, will be honored at a bridal party Wed nesday night when Miss Edith Moxley entertains at the Mission street home of her parents, the Fred B. Moxleys. A dessert sup per will be served at 7:30 o'clock with a kitchen shower following. Honoring Miss Upjohn will be Miss Kathryn Hill, Miss Barbara Belt, Miss Helen Zielinski. Miss Carolyn Brady, Mrs. C. H. Brown, Mrs. Donald H. Upjohn, Mrs. Richard Upjohn, Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mrs. Edward Peterson, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, jr., Mrs. Jack Walker, and the hostess. Luncheon to Fete Visitor Mrs. George Croisan will en tertain with an informal lunch- ! eon this afternoon at her North 14th street home for the pleasure of her house guest, Mrs. Fred Rahn of Riverside. Calif. Mrs. Rahn came north for the gradu ation of her daughter, Virginia, from Oregon State college on Monday. . A group of Mrs. Rahn's former college friends, now living In Sa lem, have been invited to the af fair. The hostess will use pastel bouquets of summer garden flow ers to decorate. The afternoon hours will be spent informally. Clothing to Honolulu Mrs Stella Scott of Pendleton and a member of the Pendleton Daughters of the Nile club was a special guest at the regular sew ing "meeting and luncheon of the Salem Nile club Monday at the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Loran Spaulding presided in the absence of "the president. Mrs. William Newnnjer. This will be the last meeting of the club until October. The committee in charge of sew ing for -the Honolulu Shrine hos pital reported that at box of doth ing will bo ready -to send this week. . 5 110 u It the Time to Do Just as the Smart Young Lady In This Picture Is Doing. S h e' Pladng Her Fine Furs In the Expert hands of a skilled. Reputable Furrier. km v. For Storage In Alr-Tlght Vaults la Salon That Moans ISSN. Liberty Phone till A new bride f rua; Spokane, after snaring her man," Said, " Twas simple as oae-rwo-three! We nere married in haste, when he questioned my taste, And I answered. 'It's TWO-DEEP for mei n TWICE AS GOOD 54 THE DOUSIE IICH CHOCOIATC CANDY SAI MdPirnciES The regular annual meeting of the members of, "the Belcrest Memorial Association will be held in the Ad ministration Building at Belcrest Memorial Park on Mon day. June 14, 1948, at 2:00 P. M. Ownership of one or more full sections in the Park constitutes membership In foe-Association. The PUfPOf the meeting is to elect a trustee to serve from June 14, lS4d, to the date of the annual meeting in 1951, and to transact uch oher business "as may properly com befoco th meeting. W. C Seandllnr. Clerk. Belcrest MeeaarUl Aaaeefatioa T m Beta Phi Ing will be held Thursday night at the North Summer street hoaae f Mrs. James T. Brand at 7:J 'Hock. Originally the meeting had been scheduled to take place at tha chapter bouse. ITS TIME TO RE-ROOF O FINEST MA1XUALS O PROMPT APPLICATION o EXPERT WORKMANSHIP O 1-TEAR GUARANTEE 140 Coort . Dial 9221 rh&sL proves it pays to walk a block further for savings like thesel THI STORIS OF BITTIR VALUES' Brings to you these ... Cooll Crisp! Broadcloth UNIFORMS Set-in Belt O Slab Broadcloth O 3 Roomy Pocket Button Down Front O Guaranteed Pre-Shrunk Aloe mflahle im Mao 53.29 Perfect Companion! "SPUN LO" JERSEY SLIPS Guaranteed by gf"l Good Housekeeping IL11V& Knitted Jersey Fabric Double Bra Top Adjustable Shoulder Straps No Ironing Necessary If you'ro too busy to shop ORDER BY MAIL! for Nationally known Brandt shop MKTROPOUTAN STORK: 1SS Narth Pleas Sea4 Mo the Below IWleate Iteaaat St, Oree-oa ITEM QPAMTrrYl SIZE I COLOU ICE I TOTAL "Spun Lo" apo ' " Women's Uniforms I N, Address Please flo encloses Cheek ( ) Money Order ( ) C.OJO. ( ) THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES 1 f; Salem, Oregon 136 North Commercial St. t 15 -- t : ' -1