The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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    onno o
12 Th Stcrt man. Salem. Oregon. To day. In t.
Telephone Man
Buy s Residence
In Four Corners
J. E. Webster have purchased the
residence at 420 S. Lancaster drive
from W. W. Mel, who has moved
to Salem. Webster is supervising
foreman for Pacific Telephone Sc
Telegraph Co., in the Salem area,
recently transferred here from
Portland. House guests of the Web
ster the last two weeks were Mr.
nd Mrs. Michael Kroll, Birken
feld. Ore. Mrs. Kroll is Mrs. Web
ster's sister.
Guest of the Albert Brants. 510
Beck ave., for the weekend was her
brother, Lt. Comdr. J. H Norwood,
from the USS Colorado, Bremer
ton. Plane Mechanic Here
Homer Morgan, Western Air
Lines mechanic at Vancouver, flew
his own plane to Salem and is
helping out at McNary field during
the emergency. He is a brother of
Mrs. Ross Chrisman. While here is
staying with his father, W. A. Mor
gan, Mahrt ave.
W. J. Sitton, 110 S. Elma ave.,
was released from Salem General
hospital and will return to work
this week.
Visit in Oklahoma
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon France, Ken
neth and Dewey France left by
train Sunday to visit friends and
relatives in Oklahoma City and
Norman, Okla., and will be gone
two weeks.
Four Corners Baptist church has
postponed its Wednesday night
meeting for one week so that those
who wish may attend the First
Aulo - Truck - Fire
Aro Your
If so. chock on our rates before you re
ntw with your prosont company.
466 Court Si.
Salem, Oregon
Phone 5661
Hew 1948
Power Tiller
of a Hundred Uses
PLOW. DISC. HARROW, in one operation. Ideal for cul
tivating Strawberries. Cane Berries. Hops. Fruit Orchards
and Nursery Stock.
Hurry While They Last Special Terms If Wanted
Teagne Motor & Implements Co.
355 N. liberty St Phone 24173
Story "with a catch,
A new customer drew me aside the other day.
" Look," he said, "I'm a graduate engineer -but
the door on the glove compartment won't
stay closed and the thing's got me stumped.
My w ife'j torn a dress on it already."
ono lcioe:e3
Detroit High School
Holds Commencement
DETROIT Graduation exercises
were held Friday for the grade and
high school pupils. Ward Rice of
Eugene was speaker. Graduating
from high school were Nina Jean
Tucker, Nancy Budlong and Donna
Willis. Graduated from theeighth
grade were Mary Gordon, Belphlne
Tucker, Shirley Willis,' Sharon
LaVasseur, Vicki Lawbach, Lois
O'Brien, Peggy Goodeve, Barbara
Denton and David Dray, John Da
vis, Kenneth Harris, Paul Floyd,
James White and Malvin Delano.
Dallas Presbyterian
Church Is Remodeled
DALLAS The foundation has
been poured for the addition to the
Presbyterian church. Plans call for
the extension of the building to
within three feet of the sidewalk,
lowering of floors in the vestibule
and the prayer room, placing the
entrance at the center front which
will provide added space in four
class rooms.
Charles Weideman, local con
tractor, is In charge of the build
ing. Baptist church in Salem to hear
Dr. J. R. Turnbull speak Wednes
day, June 9.
Boys Go Fishlnx
Lenthal Holmes took his class of
Junior boys from Four Corners
Baptist Sunday school on a fishing
trip to Santiam and Mill creek
Saturday. Making the trip were
Donald Jacobe, David Baker, Jack
Brant, Craig Scott, Dewey France,
Kenneth France, Gary Pierpoint,
Darrell Rickman, Darrell Hepner.
DUC Mxr.
fixed doiens of glove
compartment doors. Usually
It's the catch that needs resetting.
screwdriver and a little know-how.
from the others, and after I'd reset
. ill
Service is mj business
Stayton Family
Visits in Detroit
DETROIT Mr. and Mm. C. H.
Baldwin and daughter of Stayton
visited relatives here for the week
end holiday.
Eagles lodge entertained with a
dance Wednesday, June 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waterman
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gail
Fagan for the weekend.
Jim Dickey is in the Bend hos
pital recovering from an acci
dent. Surprise birthday dinner was
given Ruskin A. Smith at his home
the evening of June 4th. Guests
were Mr. Otto Russell, Arthur
Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Camp
bell, Mrs. M. Crawford, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Wegleski and Merilyn
and Wally Van Meyers. Mrs. Rus
kin Smith was a charming host
ess. Mrs. Ruskin Smith drove to
Portland last week where friends
joined her and they continued on
to Seaside for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. "Red" Ry
nearson and their daughter, Susan,
drove to Bend Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell, of
Portland were guests of Otto Rus
sell last week.
Mrs. Margaret Noble was viited
by her son, her sister and her
brother-in-law of Seattle. They
stayed over the holiday week-end
with her.
"Never a Dull Moment' was
presented by pupils of the eighth
jhade at the grade school building
Wednesday, June 2. In the cast
were Mary Gordon, Shirley Willis,
Dalphene Tucker, Vicki Lawbach,
Barbara Denton, Peggy Goodeve,
David Bray, James White, Paul
Floyd and John Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Precdc
and Burt Moore of Bend were
guests of the Len Davis Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph Wright is visiting
her daughter and son-in-law. Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth- Bostwick in
Portland and her week-old grand
daughter, Susan Leone Bostwick.
She will return Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Delano spent
the week end at Newport. Mrs.
Delano's son, Don Harper is here
on furlough.
Dallas Pastor
On Trip to East
DALLAS The Rev. Ralph P.
Waggoner of Nelscott, former pas
tor Of the local Presbyterian
church, supplied the pulpit Sun
day. Mrs. Waggoner and two
daughters, Ruth and Ann, accomp
anied him.
Other ministers who will fill the
pulpit through July 4, will be: June
13, the Rev. Winfield E. Nagley,
department of religion, Lewis ic
Clark college; June 20, the Rev.
Ernest W. .Warrington, D.D.. de
partment of religion and philoso
phy, Oregon State college; June 27,
the Rev. John B. Harrington, chap
lain, Lewis & Clark college, Port
land: July 4, the Rev. S. J. Osborne
of McMinnville.
Dr. and Mrs. Earl W. Benbow
are on an extended trip and will
visit relatives at points in Iowa
and attend the wedding of their
son, Robert, and Ann Merrill June
12 at East Pepperill, Mass. Dr.
Benbow will officiate at the wed
ding. From there they will go to
Chattachoochee, Fla., for a visit
with their son and daughter-in-law.
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Benbow.
Returing by Los Angeles, they ex
pect to be here early in July.
All the job requires is a small
This catch was no different
it, the door worked perfectly.
You're a genius," the man said. "Now what
can you do about all those squeaks?"
"In one word," I said. "Shellubrication."
"Please," he said. "As soon as possible."
might," I told him. "Service is my business."
orosn op o
Berry Canning,
Freezing Gets
Underway Here
Processing of gooseberries to
day and strawberries later this
week will open up the Salem
area's annual summer food can
ning and freezing season.
United Growers plant at Liber
ty received a few gooseberries
yesterday and expects to begin
processing strawberries next Mon
day. Blue Lake Packers expects
to start gooseberries Thursday or
Friday along with strawberries.
Kelly, Farquhar, which will freeze
strawberries, expects to start
Producers Packing company
has slated gooseberries for today
with strawberries later this week.
Starr Fruit Products company
will begin to can gooseberries
Wednesday to be followed in a
few days by strawberries.
Hunt Foods, Inc., expects to
start on strawberries by next
Monday, as does Oregon Fruit
Products company In West Sa
lem. The West Salem plant also
started gooseberries Monday. Re-id
Murdoch company plans to open
its strawberry pack late this week.
Oregon Fruit Products com
pany expects berries to start com
ing in from The Dalles about
June 25 for canning. Last year
they started about June 12.
All of the gooseberries will be
canned while most of the straw
berries will be frozen, it was re
ported. Salem Delegates
Attend Parley of
Christian Science
BOSTON. June 7 Thousands
j of Christian Scientists from many
j parts of the world are assembled
J here today in annual meeting, in
j eluding Dorothy C. Popet Greta
I Hyatt, Laura E. Kelly and June
Wilber Lamb of Salem, Ore.
The Christian Science board of
directors urged Christian Scien
tists to work strongly and actively
for the defense of free government
throughout the 'world, declaring
that such government rightly
merits active defense of its sa
cred purpose In addition to the
pious declarations of allegiance to
its outer form.
The incoming president, Harry
C. Browne, declared that the suc
cess of any organization, institu
tion or government depends upon
the spiritual efficacy of the gov
erning or controlling Instrument.
The retiring president of the
Mother church, Mrs. Helen Chaf
fee El well, reiterated the need for
zealously guarding the democratic
privileges of free assembly and
freedom of worship.
Whiskers lo Be Worn
By Dayton Buckeroos
DAYTON. June 2 Whiskers
will be the adornment work by
Dayton men in advertising the
Pioneer Buckeroo. a two day event
to be held here July 24 and 25.
The dates overlap the annual
old timers picnic to be held in the
city park, Sunday, July 25 which
will specially feature the Ore
gon centennial this year.
o o o o
Jobless Pay
Drops Third
Unemployment payments de
clined nearly one-third in May
from the previous month's and
were 7.5 per cent lower than a
year ago, the state unemployment
compensation commission reported
Claims resulting from critical
flood conditions did not affect the
May benefits.
Workers under state coverage
received $520,574, nearly 29 per
cent less than in April and 17
per cent under May, 1947. Un
employed veterans under the GI
Bill of Rights were allowed $402,
174, slightly more than the previ
ous May but 34.5 per cent under
April, 1948. Self-employed serv
ice men received $86,520, less than
half last year's figure.
Street Repair
Being Rushed
Repairs to Union avenue, dam
aged seriously in the recent flood
in the Portland area, will be com
pleted by Friday, State Highway
Engineer R. H. Baldock announ
ced Monday.
He added that the cost of re
pairs to roads and streets under
jurisdiction of the state highway
commission would be large but
that the total figure would not be
announced for several weeks.
A staff of state highway depart
ment engineers was shifted from
Salem to Portland to assist in the
repair operations.
Valley Vacation
Bible Schools to
Open This Week
DALLAS The annual summer
Bible school, sponsored by the
Dallas Ministerial association.
! opened this morning at the junior
I High school building for pupils
j from four years to high school
Transportation is provided for
country children who desire to
attend the school. Bus frm Per
rydale brings children from there
and the Smithfield area by the
coast highway. The Polk Station
Fir Villa route will return by the
Salem highway. The bus route
out Monmouth road to the bridge
will return by the Salem high
way. The Falls City route will in
clude Fern's Mill and return and
a mile up Oakdale road. All chil
dren are asked to be at the road
at 8:15 a.m., Perrydale children at
8 a.m.
Gervais Class Starts
GERVAIS The Presbyterian
church will conduct daily Bible
school beginning Wednesday, June
9, to continue through June 18.
Sylvia Bray, graduate of Salem
Institute of Child Evangelism of
Salem, assisted by Viola Bierly,
Mrs. Ernest Tremblay and Mrs. E.
K. Fenton of Woodburn, will be
Briefs Prepared
On Surplus Appeal
Attorneys for Charles A.
Sprague, plaintiff in the suit filed
recently to restrain transfer of
surplus state income tax revenues
and corporate excise taxes to the
state's general fund notified state
supreme court officials Monday
that their brief on appeal is be
ing written and should reach the
court prior to June 15.
The state tax commission is de
fendant. Circuit Judge George R.
Duncan recently hedd the surplus
funds transferable to the gener
al fund for payment of govern
mental costs, either by legislative
appropriation or by vote of the
Amity Students Win
Awards for Activities
AMITY Students recommend
ed to receive pins as awards for
wrk on the high school paper.
Amity Inklings for the year
1947-8: seniors, Orla Deedon, Ber
nadette Pitts, Patricia Tarter,
Jeannette Kirkwood, Lorraine
Cresswell, Rosalie Moe, Ruth
Ohlinger, Dorothy Hen son, Artyce
Hawman, Ed Meyer, John Nau
man; juniors. Donna LaFollette,
Deloris Jones, Delores Owen,
Phyllis Jorgensen, Phyllis Meek
er, Claude Ttorabaugh, Bob Drain.
Members of the Annual Staff,
Lenore Geisler, Phyllis Meeker,
John Casteel and Royal Tarter,
Cheer leaders, Pat Tarter, Phyl
lis Jorgensen. Clydene Howard
also received pins for. their activi
ties. San Francisco
Tim fUl Ttm
faere Art Mm Uwe fir I
Z2S M. Ma
.ynnoy.TJoTG Di:
Gerrab Dean E. Booster,
QM3 USN. is spending 20-day
leave at his home here after duty
with Joint Task Force Seven in
the Marshall Islands. He will re
port at Seattle, for further as
signment. Liaeln Annual Lincoln-Zena
picnic will be held at Mickeys'
grove in Lincoln, Sunday, June 13.
It will be held at the -Mickey
home, south of the grove in case
of rain. All interested are Invited
to attend. Basket dinner at 12:30
will be followed by a program
and social hour. Mrs. Lois Craw
ford is president.
Gervais Arthur McCall, Port
land University student, has been
home with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles McCall for a brief
vacation and will start summer
school June 7 at Portland.
Lincoln Mrs. J. D. Walling
will entertain the Lincoln Good
will club for a picnic, Thursday,
June 10. Basket dinner and a
program are planned. Mrs. H. D.
Burns, is president; Mrs. L.
Hicks, vice president; Mrs. Lois
Crawford, secretary; Mrs. R. J.
Meissner, treasurer.
Gervais Carl Jorgensen, son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jorgensen,
University of Oregon, will be the
life guard and have charge of
swimming instructions at the Set
tlemier park pool in Woodburn
when it open for a 10-week per
ior, June 26 to September 4.
Labish Center Krtchen show
er will be held Tuesday at Mrs.
O. G. McClaughrys, for the bene
fit of the new church kitchen.
Gervais Mr. and Mrs. James
Laird and children of Drain spent
the weekend with David St. Johns.
Other guests Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. John Beard of Lebanon.
imllw T j-ii c Kirt nf Ralcm
spent part of her vacation last
week with her parents, Mr. and
aas as3K3i& see
Ti A
(JUtf ; . ,
I 2135 Fodrgroimds Bood Salm Phoxiev j
I ' ' j
. " r.-. r i
Mrs. E. A. Kirt in Amity. She at
tended the state convention of the
Business and Professional Wo
man's club in Eugene Sunday.
Koberts.. Home.. Economics
club of Roberts grange meets at
8 p. m. .Wednesday, June 9, with
Mrs. ohn Wilkinson as guest
speaker. Sewing and remodeling
of clothes will be discussed. Host
esses will be Mrs. Joe Ringwald
and Mrs. Chet Nelson.
General Electric Presents
- The New All Automatic
Marion Electric Co.
Exclusive Dealers for General Electric Appliances
In WMdbira Area
S24 Pacific HJway Fhejae BIse tit
And Here's the
Safest Packaged
MILK you can
Qoverdale Youngfolk j
Win Scholarships : r
CLOVERDALE. June 7 -4 Kar
leen Drager. 4-H dub member,
and Loren Newkirk, Salem high
school vocational agriculture stu
dent, each received scholarships
this week. Miss Drager received
a full club scholarship to the an
nual 4-H summer school in Cor
vailis and Newkirk has been
awarded $75 towards a scholar
ship at Oregon State college for
next fall. I
Crosses dating froth the 5th cen
tury have been found on the Brit
ish Isle of Man. I
i -
Check Thes -. i
Outstanding QacditUt
Acttrator 1.1
V Washing Action
V Top Loading
Portable, and no boil
ing down. !
Automatic Soap !
Filtered, Circulating
'Water. .
plus; I I
A fiTeryearfproteciioii
plan on the) sealed-In
driring mechanism.
k5 1
We bare alwcry taken tbe
car with fh parirr. inbatm tad fia
tot oi Marflowr. Noww tok env
odiM Important step lor yonr baby's)
udetf a nw tuar bottlr with a
tamper-prooi scaled mtal cap. Buy It
for safety us ii i grealer conren
ienc. ' I V .
, -The
sew meUt cap epeas tbe
' first Ime with; special pe
er that eemes U ye IXEE. Af
ter that lt mar te snapped back
the bottle as reseal Jad
sed sf&ln and axain.