The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 02, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    Hostesses to
Fete Miss
In comphrriewt to Mi Gwenn
Fust, who win bo m. rrut! to Keith
Morra on Juim 20. Mu. Evert
Givens and Mrs. Lesiw Reming
ton are enter wing, witu a lunch
eon this afternoon at the Givrns
home oa South Cottage street.
A miacellaneus shower will fete
the bride-to-be arvd - the afternoon
hours will be spent informally.
Bouquets of sr ring Cowers will
proride the decorative note.
Covers will be placed for Miss
Rust, Mrs. C. A. Rust. Mrs. Glenn
Morris. Mrs. Glenn Hoar, Mr. A.
H. Fish. Mrs. E. J. Zwaschka. Mrs.
Mauley Robison, Mrs. J. C. Jones,
Mrs. C. Lester Newman, Mrs.
Knight Pearcy. Mrs. Blanche Cupp,
Mrs. F. Ivan Brown, Mrs. E. Speer
of Junction City, Mrs. Elmer Smith
of Eugene. Mrs. Lucy Pagote. Mrs.
Edward Pagote, Miss Charlotte
Williams and the hostesses.
High School
Pianists to Plav
William Fawk will presen his
advanced pupils of high school age
In recital Thursday at 8 o'f'oc' in
his studio. Friends of the t upils I
re invited. i
Two rcfitals featuring advanced
puruls will be prserted June 7 '
7 . Z L :rceur:"
'"L t,1"r' J
i iiwe Pidvuir inursr.jT are
w y - - , . ' iv an tioici v uiui i rip i nilSC Kd Vf Hill Ha; ann
Sh. ""ind ?Krl7- I S,'OV 3t ,he C h,C" Art Insl" ,febek-.hK "on!Mr,. E L Ehrmann played vio
Sac Pond Shee 1 Jovre Mar tute U wi" be in vicw ,hrough n,gh.t.wJth Mrs. Vernon Frahm n numbers, accompanied hjr Mrs.
tn nli b r CtTnke T riHton AuCUf' 0prned in ApnL ' Prld,n ,an" Mad?.m5( Rosallc Ernie Bradtl. Mrs Hal DeSart,
Wedd? KenneS Loth- DoSthv Ha" haS als hu 1,cd to , rl club President, presented an au
Br .ndrie VTrfc on 0,1 at the annual , "alucst- J"" ,Pau' ?avlM revoir gift to the Khool princi
K , J d,MsS Svi. Srh'aS3 ppC American Contrm,K,.-ary Art Show , on the foundation fund J j L M. Pennock, and Mrs Pen
iir,?. .Mary uai Kinard fe- . f r.L,; ... and meeting of the Sialem Worn- ' . . .
dv?. Errmaline Bnir Jack Loftis,
Barbara Bennett. Joyce Ciawley,
C'arrena Fowler. Alrpe Dalke,
PtuI Hor,ririe. Ida Jo Gronke,
Thomas Andrews and Bill Loftis.
Mn J. Lvman Steed, whe has
beeti i- Albuquerque. N.M., for
ove; a month visiting with her
son-in-law and daughter. Lt. and
Mis Va!inc Wittwer. witl leae
f ir ttie north this week and er
r.ute home will stop in Los An
gfls to sfe her son. Herbert, and
in Fierkeley to lilt her daughter,
Ao Time to Eat
Gardening, Nice Evenings Cuts in on
Eating Time; Menus Must Be Simple
Br Majciae Karen
Statesman Woman's Editor
This nice weather, and especially if daylight saving comes in. is
going to be pretty good for our figures. The "our" refers to the fig
ure of those men and women who want to spend every daylight
hour after work in the garden.
This means that taking time
off for dinner is considered a
wate of time and therefore meals
are made up of less filling and
lens longer-to-prcpare foods.
We working men and women
who find outdoor work so desire
able either put off eating until af
ter dark, or eat a bite of salad
and othT i old food.
Eating out in the garden, where
one can look at his handi-work
hHps a little though.
A meal in a skillet is one speedy
way for mom to work In the gar
den up to the last minute, get
dinner and then dash out and fill
the remaining time of daylight In
the out-of-doors.
For six servings, here's
1 pound ground beef
1 cup soft bread crumbs
1 teajpoon salt
teaspoon pepper
1 cup whole kernel corn
I cup sliced onions
teaspoon salt
1 cup whole tomatoes, cooked
1 cup tomato juice
Combine ground beef, soft bread
crumbs, 1 teaspoon salt, and pap
pr. Fry in heavy skillet, stirring
frequently until well browned.
Cover ground beef with corn and
Onions. Sprinkle 4 teaspoon salt
over onions. Next add whole to
matoes. Do not stir mixture but
leave vegetables in layers over
meat. Add tomato juice, cover and
simmer 20 minutes or until veg
etables are tender.
This means that there's but one
tin to wash, and if plates are serv
ed in the kitchen, the minimum
of dishes are toiled.
Frankfurters re recommended
meats for summtr cooking, for it's
only a matter of heating them
Here's a recipe for using the
frankfurters, which may be gotten
ready all but the cooking. In the
morning. With a salad this can be
the main course and can be cook
ed in or out doors.
1 pound package franks
cup finely chopped onion
8 slices bacon (about Vi pound)
Slit franks to make loug pocket.
Fill each frank with onion. Wrap
bacon around frank, spiral fash
Ion. Fasten each end with tooth-
fir WIND your watch mmem a day.
UN pref eraMy ia the aaoeasns: at tM
JJ mom kM. Wind it caaMly. U
jrMf watck ruas erratically.
Wing it ta m for bnaactioB aad
t put it in good ttmiMT far ya-
Our wafcIiHiaJters afrafaad
thm repcar oi m vrafebas. Bdsty
US' jour wxxfcix.
Oregon. Wednea day. Jnn 1. IMS
p. -r.
Music The Homi;
Silver tea a social ifternoon.
KnifM Memorial church, t p.m.
Ladies of CAR. no-host luncheon. 11
o'clock:. YU'CA. business meetinf fol
lows. Central La temple. Pythian Sister.
p.m. KP hU- Officer meetin 1
pjn. j
Leslie Methodist church WSCS meet
In church parlors. 1 M dessert lunch-j
Sons of Union Veterans auxiliary.
Salem Woman's clubhouse. 7 JO p.m..1
regular meeting.
Spiritual Sunflower club with Mrs.
Myrtle Bruijn. 185 N. itt st.. 1 pjn.
Gold Star Mott-.ers meet at VFW ;
hall. p.m.
Barbara Frielctoe tent. Daughters of i
the Union Veterans at Salem't
clubhouse. p.m. .
Englewood woman' club with Mrs. !
".arl Strickland. JS Park ve . 115 i
rlessert luncheon.
CTietneketa chapter. DAR. ro-host
luncheon. 1 p.m.. with, Mrs. Fxlwir
Keecl-.. Morningside. ,
I Weslcyan Service Guild. Fl-st Meth
i ndtst church with Mrs. Fayc Llndley,
-ITS Cadmus ave.. 7:43 p.m.
i T t HO J
UGH 1101 1 OSnClS
Paintings hart
Czr Hal, nationally known
artist who resides in Sulem
w..t?r color on exhibit
at the
.n-,i A :
jLT-t. l -
mi 1 1 iprsiuuir lrum
ixmraioor 10 japi'arv L'f. HiS ;
: will be one of about 100 on ex
Beekv RfimkaB. aiaiivhir f '
the James Bcnniions of Portland, i
ivi ii 1 1 k i wn ft 111 mi
with her prandmother, Mrs. Wal
ter L. Spanlding.
It. W. Spraeue of Seattle has
been in Salem for a few days
visiting his sop and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sprague,
and brother and sister-in-law, the
C. A Sor.ienes.
pick. Broil slowly on all sides un
til bacon is cooked and frank is
heated about minutes or cook
on fork over open fire. Serves
Personally we omit the cooked
vegetables these evenings, in fa
vor of a very large mixed vege
table salad, and if there's cold
meat on hand, lt too is on the
menu. Most of our filling food
comes in the dessert which is usu
ally some form of pudding and
cookies, both prepared during the
p re-work hour just after break
fast. Of course this schedule isn't re
commended for year-round use,
or even for month-long dining,
but lt does for tha days when
gardening Is so very far behind.
him he'A.
AtUL in tm
Gift Suggestions
For Dad!
Smokers Accessories
FJco Leather Goods
(Billfolds, Pocket
Secretariea, etc.)
Bronze Book Ends
Sharina Sete
Larqr Beach Towels
- ..-.' i
1 -' . vV
Mis3 Y v o n n o Gray,
-Icruijhter of Mr. and Mrs,
EL L Gray, who is com
pleting her second year at
3 a c r o d Heart hospital
Schocl of N'.'Tn in Eu
gene end has h?z: elected
v h pres.dont lor
the corainq year. She is
: !or a taroe weeks'
vacation and on June 21
wiL! enter the Oreoon State
hespita! for a three months'
course in psychiatry, alter
which rhe will return to Sa
cred Heart hospital.
Mrs. Wood Will
Head Rebekahs
' r- 1 i
. T , Tr
cn s council. Mrs. Howard Hun-
; saker ga e a talk on the General
j Federation of Women's clubs ses
sions in Portland.
, ; 7 X ,
New officers eltrteH for lh en.
suing year are Mrs. Lloyd Wood,
JlWit ki auu. .41 .
Floyd Pepper,
vice-prand; Mrs. Clem OhNcn.
recording secretary: Mrs. Howard
Hunsaker, treasurer: and Mrs.
Clarence Town.sond, team cap
tain. Decoration of Chivalry will be
conferred on six Chevaliers Fri
day night at a public ceremony.
Drill practice will he held Mon
day night following the meeting.
The FL club will meet Thurs
day at the home of Mrs Harold
Bressler, 3830 Midway Drive,
8 p.m.
Guest at Dinner Party
Mrs. Claude Murphy was in
Portland Saturday night to be a
guest at the dinner party for which
Mrs. Frank L. McGuire, wife of
Potentate McGuire of Al Kader
Temple, was hotess in the Rose
Room of the Benson hotel. Thirty
five matrons attended, including
many from out-of-town. The men
were attending a ceremonial and
later in the evening the women
joined their husbands for a mid
night buffet supper in tha Oak
room of the Benson.
The Soroptlmist club will aa-
tertain with a banquet tonight at
the Golden Pheasant, which will
be followed by initiation and in
stallation of officers. Miss Irene
DeLisle is the club president
Mrs. Charles Ekhardaeo left by
plane Tuesday night for her home
in Atlanta, Ga., following an ex
tended stay in the capital at tha
home of her niece and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Loring Schmidt. Mrs.
Richardson came west for tha win
ter and spring: months.
305 Court Street
To Honor the
Supreme Court Justice and Mrs.
James T. Brand will be in Port
land this weekend to attend af
fairs to be given in honor of Pres
ident and Mrs. Peter H. Odegard
of Reed college. The Odegards
will leave the end of June for
Berkeley, where on July 1 Dr.
Odegard will assume the chair
manship of the University of
California's political sciece de
partment. A public reception, to which all
friends of the college have been
Invited, will be held in the new
faculty lounge , from S to pan.
Saturday. Justice James T. Brand,
chairman of the Reed college
board of regents, and Mrs. Brand
win receive with Dr. and Mrs.
The college commons wrH be
the scene of a dinner honoring
the Odegards Sunday.
Mothers Honor
Faculty at Tea
Highland Mothers club enter
tained with a tea in honor of the
school faculty at the Mayflower
hall on Thursday. The tab and
rooms were decorated with bou
quets of roses and columbine. Cor
sages were given to the honor
Mi? Muriel Bentson and Mrs.
L. M Pennock presided at the
urns. The program included piano
selections by Mrs. Warren Clark
and vocal numbers by Mrs. Len
ard Kephart, accompanied by
Mrs William Skew is. Mrs. Car-
1 nocK. Mr. r"ennocit is retiring tnis
i month.
uiuD MemDers at
' (QatOS HOITie
The Pr ingle Pleasant Point so
cial club was entertained at the
home of Mrs. E. S. Coates on State
street at a no-host luncheon and
informal afternoon. At the busi
ness session the new officers pre
sided including Mrs. Rue Drager,
president; Mrs. Vernon Coates, vice
president; and Mrs. George Gra
benhorst, secretary - treasurer.
Plans were made for a birthday
party in honor of Mrs. Martha
Yates to be held at her Morning
side home on June 24.
Attending were Mesdames
George Grabenhorst, Lucy Edsill,
P. M. Hilmoe, Ora Potter, Ha r ley
Moon. F. R. Clark, Rue Drager,
Clifford Jones, E. Zrooman, Martha
Yates, R. F. McLaughlin, Homer
Harrison, George Guerne, Albert
Barnes, Vernon Coates and E. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gnaap af
Spokane have been visiting at the
home of her brother-in-law and
sister. Mr. and Mrs. Claude H.
Murphy. The Gumps, who are now
in Lebanon visiting with relatives,
will return to Salem before leav
ing for Spokane. A guest at the
Murphy home on Sunday were
their daughter, Mrs. Lucille Brun
skill. and Mrs. Peg Cecil of Port
land. Tha Madera Drama elaas saet
for luncheon on Tuesday after
noon at the Court street home of
Mrs. William Everett Anderson
with Mrs. Frederick Deckebach
the assisting hostess. Mrs. Decke
bach reviewed the play "Street
Car Named Desire," by Tennessee
5 1
.j-'i ..... i "' I
.... -,- i
1 Mrs. F.
I. Roubal, who
was installed as president
of the SiJverton Business
and Professional Women's
dub at a dinner meeting ,
June 1 at the Immanuel
Lutheran church. OCennell
Dlis). Credit Women to
Leave For Banff
Eight members of the Salem
Credit Women's Breakfast club
are leaving by car and plane this
week for Banff to attend the In
ternational conference from June
6 to 10. Attending will be Mrs.
Bessie Kayser. Mrs. Lorna Lucas,
Miss Lena Blum, Mrs. Dorothy
Walker, Miss Eleanor Bailey. Mrs.
Verne Robb, Mrs. Alta Myers and
Mrs. Gervaise Elliott. Mrs. Lucas
told about convention plans at the
regular meeting of the Salem club
Tuesday morning at Nohlgren's. A
nest of myrtlewood bowls, to be
given by the Salem club at the
convention, were on display.
Miss Eleanor Bailey gave a fi
nancial report. Plans were an
nounced for a drop-in luncheon
for club members at Nohlgren's on
June 10 between 12 and 2 o'clock.
An education meeting and break
fast w ill be held June 15 at Nohl
gren's and another meeting will
be held in the evening at the
same place to hear reports on the
conference by the delegates and
color films will be shown of
Disabled American Veterans
auxiliary will hold their regular
business meeting Thursday, at 8
p.m., at Salem Woman's club
house, 460 North Cottage. Elec
tion of new officers, memorial
services, initiation, and election
of delegates attending the state
convention June 10, 11 and 12 at
Roseburg will be included at the
session. After tha business meet
ing the auxiliary will join the
chapter for refreshments.
David Perry will celebrate his
seventh birthday at a party Thurs
day afternoon at the Jefferson
street home of his parents, the
Leon Perry . A group of his school
friends have been invited to lun
cheon. 51
n s : 1 :
TJU .'-s-:.' : V":r
? ti ii;; hi II I Ml iH- bi
Tl jl IS
' bnaratss est eetsj AC sssst
Seniors Will
Be Honored
ority on tbe Willamette university j
! campus will be honored at a buffet 1
supper party Thursday tuht at C
o'clock at the North Summer
street home of Judge and Mrs.
v awa w a vw i m as.
James l. srana. xioscessn ior ine j
Bffa?r will be members of the ad
visory board including Mrs. Brand,
Mrs. Marion Mulkey, Mrs. John
Hughe, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague
and Mrs. Wayne Dougton.
Honor guests will be Miss Sara
Ann Ohling and Miss Geraldine
Schmoker of Salem, Miss Kay Kar
nopp, Miss Frances Sopp and Miss
Miriam Oakes of Portland, Miss
Beverly Briggs of Montana, Miss
Muriel Oliver of Yakima, Miss Wi
nona Dillard of Toledo, Miss Bet
tie Olson of Milwaukie and Miss
Mary Phyllis Gerth of Palo Alto.
Girl Born to Barclays
To Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bar
clay (Mary Jane Simmons) go con
gratulations on the birth of a
daughter on Tuesday afternoon at
the Salem General hospital. The
little girl, who weighed seven
pounds, two and a half ounces, has
a year old brother, Gregory. The
baby's grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Roy H. Simmons, who win
return this month from an extend
ed stay in Palm Springs, and Mr.
and Mrs. James L. Barcley, all of
Recital Is Tonight
The recital of pupils of Ruth
Bedford, which was previously
announced for Tuesday, is to be
tonight instead, at the Carrier
Room of the First Methodist
church. Another recital is sched
uled for June 4 at the Roberts
studio. -
Maccabees Cancel
The flistrict Maccabees conven
tion which was scheduled to be
held today In Corvallis has been
cancelled because of the flood; it
will be held in the falL
Dancer Has Mumps
Mary Kay Brown will appear in
a group of dances at the recital
of pupils of Jessie Bush Mickelson
tonight at the Roberts studio to
replace little Susan Lee Bush, who
has the mumps.
Waoaea's eawcil grP the
First Christian church will meet
Thursday for no-host luncheons
and sewing. Hattie Mitchell group
will meet at the Mayflower Hall
at 10:30 a.m.; Gertrude Shoema
ker, with Mrs. Zina Sharpnack,
180 Evergreen ave., 11 ajn.; Mis
sionary Friends, with Mrs. Roy
Yung. 538 N. 21st st, 11 ajn.;
Mondombe, with Mrs. Roy Wright,
2040 S. Commercial st., 11 ajn.;
Pendra Road, with Mrs. Monroe
Cheek, 753 Ferry st, 11 ajn.
Society Will
Meet Friday
Florence Vail Missionary, society
of the Calvary Baptist church will
hold its monthly meeting at the
church Friday, an executive meet
ing at 11:30, 12:30 lunch served
by circle 1 and program at
1 130 p jn.
Mrs. David Campbell of Eu
gene will be the speaker in the
afternoon session. She was a mis
sionary in South China and will
talk on the effect of communism
on China. Mrs. A. B. Chapman
will leed the worship service and
Mrs. C. H. Davis is in charge
of the music.
The Liiile
Famous Lady Alice
Guaranteed for their Washability and Durability
Mtas! Mtosasl
Cotton - Rayons - Linens
p 10.95 4 14.95
Eivry Day a "Bon Marche"
The Little
US N. HLgfe SL
Headin for the great outdoors? Save s
corner in your bag for an Admiral Petite
Portable ... it will add many pleasant
moments to the ran that's ahead. No bigger
than a camera, yet plays anywhere ... in
doors or out ... on self-contained long-life
batteries. What power! What tone! What
beauty! And in such s -petite package!"
Select from three... ebony, ivory or dazz
Ling emperor red ... with fold-down
handle. The price, too, will amaze you.
423 (kzA C!rcd
Ftcra 7322
A Dinner" 1 i
Party ;'
i if
A group of Salem ; people wd
motor to Portland Saturday night
to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Schmidt at their home en Osborn
Road. Dinner win be served to
members of their club and Salem
guests with several hours of cards
following. i I -
Attending from here wd be Mr.
and Mrs. C W. Parker, Mr. sad
Mrs. L. O. Arena, Mr. and Mrs. Xd
gar A. Linden, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Chambers and Mrs. Walter X
Ions are atoms with one electron
removed or added. f
French Shop j
. j
and Kathaleen houisel
French Shop j
Phone 7)870
I a-
4 Mil j
S 'if'"