1 Cfiiy Newg IBirleffs CITED AFTER ACCIDENT Leonard C. Guy, Salem station A, was charged by city police on Tuesday morning with failure to atop at the scene of an accident nd with having no driver's li cense. He was arrested in the 2600 block of Portland road by an officer who reported Guy's car truck, in the 3100 block of Port land road, a parked auto owned by Edward Powers. Damage was reported to be slight to both cars. Guy was released on a total of $30 bail. CLEANERS INCORPORATE Ingie Lundal, John H. Johan son and Gordon La n ham filed ar ticles of incorporation of Nu-Me-thod Cleaners, Inc., with the Mar ion county clerk Tuesday. The business, located at Silverton, is a dry-cleaning and dyeing establishment. X-RAY UNIT HERE A state board of health portable X-ray unit will be here today to re-take on larger film "doubt ful" X-rays snapped during the recent Marion county survey. The . , . j unit will be at First Methodist 1 AuU ,as installed Floor sand church. Church and State streets. er for Zent- R- D Woodrow, 450 from 9 a m. to 3 p.m. About 70 ; Centr st- Rummage Sale, First Methodist church Thurs., Fri., June 3, 4th. Neic Apartment Court Opening on South 13th have been notified for re-takes, Mrs. Ruby Bunnell, executive sec retary of the Marion County Tu berculosis and Health association, said Tuesday. They are asked to use the Church street entrance to the church. Legionnaires and guests! Dance very night at the new American I Dance tonight Crystal Gardens iegion ciuo. iso cnarge. Asparagus now ready for freez ing and canning. Fiala Ranch, 3 miles north of Salem in Polk Co. Fh. 23072. Bring containers. LUMBER FIRM FILES Thor Automaglc washers Se Thor ironers now on display at Ralph Johnson Appliances, 355 Center fh 4038. ! Glenwood dance every Saturday. 9600. FINED FOR DRIVING Carleton A. Peterson, 607 A . ' 1 M M TT J Anicres or incorporation oi r rea j por Rent: CarJ vans ukes and Lockyear Lumber Co. of Silver- j cmittv'. r,w c-. A ...:.u .w - - rr' wa were iuea V j r I -c' Center it Church Ph county clerk Tuesday by Fred E. Lockyear, George A. Rhoten and J. Ray Rhoten. Insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem Federal savings Association. 390 Slate st Silver Falls Lodge now open daily from 12 noon till 9 pjn. ' RECORDER FEES DROP Fees collet-ted during May at the office of Marion County Recorder Herman Lanke totaled $2,58, Lanke said Tuesday. The amount 'collected in April was $2,722 and in May of 1947 it came to $2,249. Plnte mirrors many sizes to choose from; 20' off. Woodrows, 450 Center. FIREWORKS CHARGED A 14-ycar-old Salem boy was in the hands of juvenile authorities Tuesday after city police appre hended him for throwing lighted firecrackers from a moving auto mobile on Monday. I . C'rK i .lr& 1 The Start: men. Solem, OrWqon, Wodn day. Tun t. 1948 S Hillcrest Girls from One of the latest apartment house additions to Salem Is the new eleven-rental unit at t55 8. 13th st. built by the Neoman company, contractors. The apartment court Is on a 15x145 foot lot. and is faced with field stone. On each side of the court are tingle story units with a two-story unit st the rear. The apartment project is valued at $73,000. (Photo by Don Dill, Statesman staff photographer.) Vanport Find Parents Six girls from Hillcrest school, Salem, committed to the institu tion from Vanport, were hurried there Monday when news of the city's flood disaster was received hero. f , . All were successful I'm finding their parents and later weW re turned to the school. - ' i This is the time to give your furs N. a rsl haiitv treatment while in storage at Ben Wittner Furs, 142 S. High. ' IP! I .-J - -. . . - t- PHDLLEY To Mr. and Mrs. Commercial st., paid a $50 fine in Salem municipal court Tuesday on a charge of reckless driving. He was arrested Monday evening by I LICENSES INCREASE city police, who reported chasing j Marriage licenses issued at the Peterson at high speed from the i Marion county clerk's office to 400 block of South Liberty street t taled 78 during May, 11 more to the 1100 block of Mission street. ! than for the month of April. This Legionnaires and guests! Dance every night at the new American Legion club. No charge. Painting, half price. Ph. 7552. LA VISTA PLAT FILED A plat for LaVista subdivision. Konneth W . Philley, 5alem route located northeast of Salem off Sil 4, box 173, a son, Monday, May 31, , verton and Fisher roads has been it talem General hospital. nied In the office of County Re- nd H. G. Coy st., a I, at Sale SHELDON To Mr. and Mrs. Ilm Sheldon. 194 S. Church st., daughter, Tuesday, Juna 1, at Salem General hospital. UNDERWOOD To Mr. and Mrs. Keith G. Underwood, Albany, I daughter, Tuesday, Juna 1, at alem General hospital. BARCLAY To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barclay, 210 E. Superior ft., a daughter, Tuesday, June 1, At Salem General hospital. STELZ EN MUELLER To Mr. id H. G. Stelzenmueller, 1321 Mc- a daughter, Tuesday, Juno lem General hospital. MYERS To Mr. and Mrs. James Myers, Mill City, a son, Monday, May $1, at Salem Memorial hos glUI. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to extend our sincere ppreciation and thanks to the many friends who in various ways Showed their thouxhtf ulness to us t the t me of our Mother's illness nd death. F. J. and Herman Klempel Robert Klempel and Family Mrs. E. M. Bush Irs. Henry Schmidt Irs. Paul Hershey and Family Mr. and Mrs Paul Johnston and Family VIr. and Mrs. Gus Klempel and Family Mj. and Mrs Rev. and Mr CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to thank our friends and relatives for their kindness. Words of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings In our lata be reavement. Mrs. Blanche Gaines, Margaret Reed and sons. corder Herman Lanke, it was re ported Tuesday. Fay Sherman, Leo J. Miller and Maurina Miller filed the dedicated plat. Johns-Manville shingles In beau tiful blends St plain colors Ma th! s Bros.. 164 S Com l Ph. 4642 for free roof estimate. Fly to see the flood. Call 7231. Charter trips anywhere. Salem Air Service. VET LOANS DECLINE Loans under the state veterans farm and home loan act aggre gated $593,000 In May as com pared with $621,000 In April, state veterans department facials an nounced Tuesday. Ti.cre were 141 loans completed In May as against 150 In April. Closing out all bedding and per ennial plants. Boyd Kursery, 2440 State. Dance tonight Crystal Gardens. FLIES TO MEETINGS Dr. Robert E. Joseph, assistant superintendent of the Oregon state tuberculosis hospital, left Saturday by piano for Quebec City, Quebec, Canada to attend the annual meeting of the Ameri can Association of Thoracic surg ery. He will bo away 10 days. Going to Portland? Have your clothes washed and dried at the Launderette while gone. 1255 Fer- ry. brings the total for this year to 354. Open under new management by Edna Barker, the Blue Line Beauty Salon, 278 Chcmeekta. Special on permanents, also hair shaping. Ph. 2-6783 MAY HAIL LOGS A permit to haul logs over Mar lon county and market roads was granted Tuesday by Marion coun ty court to Sarah Lucy Forest, 825 E. Madrona ave. Karakul Karpet. It's new. it's re versible. It s 100'. virgin wool and woven through and through, only $4.95 per sq. yd. Ph. 7648 or 3364. CHECKS CLEARED City detectives reported Tues day that four arrests during May cleared 16 fictitious checks out of the total of 21 reported to the de partment during the month. Dance tonight Crystal Gardens. TAKES DAUGHTER HOME Mrs. William T. Smith, Salem route 8, box 495, and her Infant daughter were dismissed Tuesday from Salem Memorial hospital. Rummage Sale, First Methodist church Thurs., Fri , June 3, 4th. MRSSEGUIN HOME Mrs. Edward Seguin of Sunny side Is convalescing at hor home following a recent major operation at Salem General hospital. Rummage Sale, First Methodist church Thurs., Fri , June I, 4th. TOWN 8 END CLUB MEETS Townsena club 4 will meet to night at 2125 N. 4th st., at 7:30 o'clock. SKETCHERS TO MEET The Salem Art association sketch group is to meet tonight at 7:30 in the Willamette university art building, with Alice Humphrey as hostess. Plans will be made for a sketching trip in the near future. This is expected to complete the sessions of action figure drawing. Dance tonight Crystal Gardens. ; In person tonite Club Combo, Ji my McCowan & his 7-piece colored band. months have pretended to be bet tors in a drive to snare book makers and numbers operators Inspector Craig Ellis said today the two not only caused more than 50 arrests but laid their bets so shrewdly that they cleared a profit of $200. A check for that amount was sent to. the city treasurer. JUDD RETURNS Marion County Clerk Harlan Judd. who underwent a minor'leg operation in Portland Veterans hospital last week, returned to his : desk Tuesday. ' Reduced prices for June. Lose 10 lbs. with 10 treatments. E-Z Way : Weight Control takes from the I waist, hips, thighs. Ph. 6253 for ap pointment. 543 N. Church. MACHINE ABANDONED City police recovered Tuesday a gum vending machine wiic-h was found in Mill creek in the 1800 block of Court street. red ; Speed Sought In Appeal of Tax Test Suit Vice Squad Decoys Make Betting Pay C7 or PHILADELPHIA, Juno 1-;P-Tho city Is reaping a profit on Its vice squad decoys. Plainclothesmen Frank Wolf and Stephen Cambers for four Attorney Dean Ellis of the state tax commission conferred in Port land Tuesday with attorneys in connection with speeding up no tice of appeal to the state supreme court in the case of former gov ernor Charles A Sprague. pub lisher of the The Statesman, to re strain transfer of surplus state in come tax revenues and corporate excise taxes to the state's general fund. Circuit Judge George R. DuTT can, Marion county, recently ruled these surplus funds were miscel laneous receipts and subject to transfer. Tax commission officials said they were anxious to obtain a su preme court decision prior to July 1 when the high court will recess for its summer vacation. Local Postal Receipts Show Slight Increase Postal receipts for the month of May totaled $44,945 as compared to $44,695 for the same month last year. This gave an increase of only $210, as shown in figures announced Tuesday by Albert Gragg, Salem postmaster. View lot, south Salem, 60x120. 3 small fruit trees, gravel sts., no sidewalk. Alley, sewer this year. Light, water, gas. Bus Vi blk. Attention Eagles: Two free shows j Grade and Jr. High schools. Lots in to bo hold at 8:30 and 10:30 every vicinity selling $1400. For quick Wed. Quest night bring your sale $800 cash. Ph. 9463 after 9 friends. I a.m. ' .! ft Afk. ' I - JtftrlM&SJ J.y All Aluminum O Non-Staning TENSION WINDOW SCREENS For All Doubl-Hung Windows Easy t Pvt On and Toko Off Gives Windows lastinf loevty as low as Costs Loss and Lents Lonfer More Daylight for Tow Homo 0) SOxSf in. sise Gone Is the spring-time rituai or dragging out heavy-framed screens and climbing a ladder to at tach them . . . with a Ry-Lock screen all you do is flip a catch from Inside and it's released for win dow cleaning. You get more light because modern design cuts out heavy, ugly frames. You save on up keep, too the enduring aluminum won't stain or rust. MAKES WINDOWS EASY to CLEAN It takee only a second to unlock the screen at the bottom from the Inside nothing to take down. After cleaning It's Just as simple to ooouro again. ill NO UOOUS mm so NO PJUKT1N3 of NO RAMI SMttttaa ei ft cat r&ftfy JatA, A Hi 34 Slnlo Si. Outstanding Values Are Yours - Just by Driving Out to Shop! i 22 KARAT GOLD DECORATED F&&Z I 1 ;n Ye$, outstanding!, for exquisite dttlgn, for unbeatable vsjuef REOAL create beautiful hirw mony of graceful ChifM bast nd delicately-iryled shade. Height 23'oorn Convenient Tefmj See Them Today at , aurer - Bogardus Where Pricei Are Always Low And Quality High So. 12th St. Hlway Junction Try the NEW MODEL. Olarion 0nir $89 Batteries for All Aids 125 N. Liberty - Ph. 2-4000 n E17 Dry Conpoond Kills WEEDS as it FEEDS lis CW On ooty operation with a Scotts Sprtodor provides double action to romov uafy don dolion, plantain and tho liko, whit th grass Is fod to thicker growth, rkhor color. Try It quickly transforms a wood patch Into m showplaco lawn. SCOTTS LAWN FOOD f plus WIED CONTROL I tsoo q f 1100 ft SCOTTS LAWN SEED . 4frtMi rl fmnmtmi m sm - mr fCOTf ffHAMtl-YM oao Mr town m : woco oao 4 jrow 1 WiSr wrti na rf i ti.itilmi nAa M.M 14J0 F. iL Docrflcr G Sons Ilnrccry 150 N. Lancaster Drirt at 4 Corners Paont 2-1S21 mm w UVJ on 1 . rn r rorn Mohiloil Sweeps Field in the World's Toughest Tet of Men, Machines and Oils. MAURI ROSE, Winner 500 - mile Indianapolis Race at New Record o 119.81$ Mile Per Hour Says: ''Mohiloil had what it takei to day. The engine performed per feet It thanks to the added pro taction Mobiloil gave. BILL HOLLAND,) ? 3 2nd Place Sayti j ' "Mobiloil helped me greatly to day; stood up to the toughed test in the racing world. DUKE NALON, j 3rd Place Saytt I ' "My hat's off to Mobiloil it gar my engine the extra protectlofl eeded." ?i- ; ,-" ' . . - 1 v " '. . I "f 1 i NV''.i i I ' l 1 I 1 11 11 i T I Top protection that adds thousand of miles to engine life la your with Mobiloil the ofl that won at Indian -apolis. You can get this top-quality oil at... LbDDeJ (30 oaDdi? QENERAl PETROLEUM CORPORATION