Vanport City Roofs 'Float in This Statesman Air View of Flooded Sector Four Comers Families Host To Visitors Tho Statesman, Sclera. Oregon. WcTnnr!rf , Jim 2, 1948 3 k - i Ne wsreeL Television Pilot Here J , A - . . . - - Loklnr east acrota flooded area from the aouthwest corner of Vanport City. The original break-throujh was Jut to the left of the picture thronfh the rail embank ment shown In the forerroanrt. This aerial photo taken exclusively for The Oreion Statesman, and thephoto on pare one. were snapped from 1.000 to 1,500-foot al titude with a 4x5 Speed Graphic, aslng a SH-incb lens, a K-i filter and with shut ter speed 400 at Ft., Hubbard Folk Plan to Move HUBBARD Mr. and Mr. Wil liam Stach and family wcr guests t a surprise farewell part gl' f: by their neighbom Saturday night They have sold their place and will live in the una 1 1 Zehner h(ue un til a new nous; ha txen finished for them in Woodburn The New Testament class meet ing and party were held at the !lunakeri Thursday. The class ha selected the name, Christ Ambas sadors. Fourteen eie prcient and had a wemer roast after the meet ing in the park. Missionary Aid of the Hubbard Gospel Mission met Thursday and packed boxes of clothing and fin ishing quilt for missior'jriei in i China and Alika. ! Gerald Murphy, Alhambra, Cal., Valley Obituoriea and Wayne: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher and Nancy; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dahrens, Dennis and Di ane of Alpine, Mrs. Virgil Mar quardt. Melvin, Marvin, Mickey and Kenny; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton William Hooser McCormat k and Curtis of Wald- Dallas Funeral errices for ! Mr. and Mrs Pine Burbank, William Hooser, 81. will be held Valley Itriefc worth will speak on "Flower Ar rangement. Election of officers will be held. from the Henkle and Bollman cha pel at 2 p m. Wednesday with cre matorium at the Mt Crest crema torium in Salem. He was born in Lincoln county, N C . Sept 16. 1836 and wa married to Cerolvn Beam at Oakland. Calif Auk. 30. 1907. They lived in North Carolina and Texas before coming to Dallas in 192.V He was a cabinet maker by trade and died at a Kugene hos- j pital Saturday. He is survived by his widow of Dallas and a mere, in California. Four Corners Maranatha Mis sionary society of Four Corners Kuby and Earl; Mr. and Mrs. Al i Baptist church meets Thursday, Jackson. Loris. Judy and Timmy, 1 June 3, at 2 p.m. with Mrs. Frank Japer Willet of Monmouth; Mrs. Fcrrin. 4270 Hudson. Ida Warnick, Iancaler Extension Unit Installs Leaders Vestel Matters. Louise. Caroline and George jr., of Salem. Mi. and Mrs. Al Jenkins, Betty, Wesley und Lynn of Swwt Home; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huff. Ver non and Timothy of Redmond; Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Lyday. jr.. of Kings Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Bui bank, and Betty; A. L. Burbank, Mrs. S. P. Singler and Stevie, Evelyn Burbank, Mrs. Maud Burbank, Eugene Burbank, Arthur Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. O. N missionary from South will be guest speaker. Hubbard Families of Levi Mil ler. Ben Miller and Ch;irles Vren denburg went to the Henry Mills place north of Aurora Sunday for a family party with the Cliff P. Mil ler family of Seattle as special guests. Halls Ferry Harold Hansen Is recovering following injuries re- and Walter of Pedee. Walton H. Worrell Alhanv Funeral services for is visitinK Km father, A. L. Murphy, Walton H. Worrell, 81, retired pos- for a few days. ul terk who d,ed Saturday, will tT , , , , Peggy VHch and Hazel Boyd held from the Fortmiller Fu- H U )l)a T(I C w ri IKltCS were here for the weekend from .,,! hm at 2 n m Wednesday Burbank. Vivian, Helen, Bob, Tom 1 ceived Friday when cut in the classes at Oregon State college. lulina Iatie Extension Unit Installs Officers EAST SALEM Mrs Frank E Capell entertained Edina home extension unit whe officers were installed Mrs. James Keys is chairman, Mrs George Seymour, vice chairman, Mrs. Drew Micheals, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Jay Yarnell, salad. Project leaders were Mrs. Cas- rl1 and KTra v:-m Ujlra-i w - - ' . Prunt worm Ar RnK.rl Hii.1, - - , . m Kr i k lain, Mrs. Otis Bradbury, Mrs. Richard Rosecrans, Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Mrs. Yarnell. Mrs. Keys. Mrs. Sey mour, Mrs. Micheals. and the proj ect leads. Mrs. Earl Cook was a ftiest. with burial in R'verslde rnetery J'reSeilteCI Awards He was born at Olney, Mo., Jan. 130. 1867 and came to Oregon from ; Missouri to Silverton and then four years later to Albany. He had 'lived in Oregon 64 years, retiring 15 vears ago. Surviving are a Tjine 1 daughter. Mrs. Cliff Clifton. Cres n new ! cent Calif., nd three sisters Burbank Family m Reunion Is Held t Cherrv Grove Four Corner Pinochle Club h Entertained FOUR CORNERS Hosts to Pinochle club Saturday were Mr. and Mrs Ray Osborn. State St. Present were Mr and Mrs. Ross Chrlsman. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest WaLker. MY. and Mrs Hardie 1'muips. Mr and Mrs S H. Ca Lie Mr and Mrs. Dale Jeffries Mrs. Homer Bales. Honors went to Mrs Jess Mc Ilnay. Ernest Walker, S. H. Cable and Mrs. Homer Bales. Next meet ing will be with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jeffries. PEDEE Descendents of the late Riley and Elizabeth Burbank held their annual reunion on the old homestead at Cheery Grove school Sunday, May 30. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dahrens, Merl, Virgil and Orville; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tomlin and two children, Sandy; Mr. and Mrs. Loren Bur bank, Mr. and Mrs. John Yost. Warren; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyd and Phyllis; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kublick, John and Larry; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Burbank. Aaron, Lyle and Eldon; Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Van Dam; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pankratz, Milton, Loretta and Gar- 1 rv r,f PnrtlanH Mrs William Clark i mr ann airs. Jes Mel Inay, i Terry, Michael and Jorja of Van-i and Mrs. William Fiester. Mr , ro,ivr Wash' TV.n Riirhank mnti , Mr. and Robert of Tacoma, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Burbank; , Mr. and Mrs. Granville Wilson Of ! Falls City; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ! Mflls. Rex, Richard, John and Jc?; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Willet. Barbara HUBBARD Graduation exer cises were held Friday at the gym nasium for nine senior and 13 eighth grade pupils. Scholarship plaque and Digest award went to Hazel Davies, valedictorian; Rob ert Dahl, salutatorian, was award ed the Knight trophy Woman's club trophy to Marlon Davis; Lor ene Rose was presented with the Hi-Ways cup for Journalism; the senior class won the Interclass riv alry cup; John Strawn and Harley Piper, the Silke cup; special medals went to Martha Morrison. Bernell Sims, Delores Kliewer and Bonnie ! Bridge for activities and perfect at tendance records were achieved by Charles Courier, Velma Ba rends and John Davie. Ronald Shrock of the eighth grade was presented with the Parent-Teachers association award for scholarship and conduct. Hubbard Alumni Plans For Picnic on July 13 HUBBARD Annual high school flmlc will be Sunday. June 13 at at's Acres. Picnic lunch at 1 p.m. Coffee and ice cream will be serv- od by the Alumni association. All ' former high school students, I teachers and members of their I families are invited. In case of rain the picnic will be held In the Hub- ! bard city hall. Leland Kocher is! president and Mrs. Harold Wolfer I is secretary. I Opens :45 "CROSSFIRE" Starring RobC Young - Kobt. Mltcham Gloria Graham PLUS "ED FROM SPAIN" With Udio Cantor - Noah Beery Now! Opens 8:45 3 KHlor-Thrillora See Dilllnger - Barrow Nelson - Bonnie Parker "Vcmiahing Gangators" Proaton Foator "Tho Last Milo" Brace Cabot Virginia Brace Tot Tm Hot. It" Now! Opens 8:45 Mont Hal "Along Oregon Trail" Ronirrw of tho Mounted "Danger Ahoad" forehead by a baseball bat. He was taken to the hospital by Harvey Schuebel following the accident and several stitches were necessary to close the wound. Hubbard Daily vacation 3ible school opens June 7 at the Hub bard Gospel Mission and will con tinue until June 18 from 9 to 12 each morning. Four Corners Rickey Garden club meets Thursday, June 3, at 8 p.m. at Community hall. Lois Ha- Ends Tonight! Eirol Flynn - Ann Sheridan in -Silver River" TOMORROWI Rarely Has the Screen Known Such sheer, Savage Suspense! 1 EAST SALEM Mrs. Clyde Col- well entertained members of the : Lmncaster extension unit at the laft . . Cl T. It. . America, "' """'r l VJ L J It IC3BUII, UWI II1SIC Alt Clothing." and installed the fol lowing officers: Mrs. Wade Car ter, chairman; Mrs. Albert Fabry, vice chairman; Mrs. Cleo Kcppin ger, Kecrctary-treasurer. Mrs. Car ter will prepare an exhibit for the flower khow in Turner at the time of the spring lamb show, June 5. Reports were made by Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs. Irwin Wagers, Mrs. Robert Fromm, Mrs. Earl Malm, Mrs. Coil Case, Mrs. Robert Pick eral, Mrs. Leonard Malm, Mrs. Keppinger, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Fab ry, Mrs. Colwell, Mrs. Anna Jess and Mrs. Harvey Page. FOUR CORNERS House guests of the F. A. Boyingtons are Mrs. Vivian Hoffman. Oakland, Calif., who will visit here for a week, and Mrs. Vivian Hawley, Port land, here for the weekend. Mrs. Hoffman is Mrs. Boyington's niece and Mrs. Hawley her sister. Driving to Sand Lake Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Phil lips. Janice Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips and family, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Deckard, Maurice Deckard and Jim Baer. W. J. Sitton. 119 S. Elma ave was taken to Salem General hos pital Sunday with a serious in fection. He accidentally bumped his head against a nail which penetrated to a considerable depth. House guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Stewart for Memorial day were her brother, Ben E. Kolbe and his fiancee Vivian Pursell. both of Yakima. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Jordan, houe guest of Mr. and- Mrs. D. M. Deen, Durbin ave . were guests at an Informal outdoor buffet supper Monday at the DavibH Crocketts. 185 Fisher rd. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Batterson, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Dcen. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Meyer, Donna, Carolyn and Joyce Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller. Aud rey and Lolita Miller spent the weekend at Lower Bridge camp on the Metolius river. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Kleen. Da vid. Stephen and Michael Kleen and Mrs. Kleen's mother Mrs. E. R. Corning, were evacuated from South Kelso. Wash., Monday. Mrs. I Corning was visiting there. Mrs. Skip Wittnert left), chief pilot for the Fhileo corporation of Phila delphia, piloted the two-engined Beecbcraft from which flood pie tures and stories were obtained Tuesday for The Oregon Statesman. Greeting him is Lee Brown, asshtint superintendent of the Oregon State police, who also was on the flight. Others Incladed William Ilealy. assistant secretary of state, and Frank Schnltx, assblant photographer for the travel bnreaa of the state highway commission. The television newsreel plane of the Fhileo corporation was flow west to obtain flood pictures. With Wittner on the trip here were Robert White, sales manager of the Philee- commercial department, and R. V. Nichols, chief engineer of Fhlleo's radio-telephone -division. - ' ; ' Kleen and children will remain' Verlaine Walker; and : Evelyn I at Mrs. Comings, 290 Elma ave., : Bc-nz, Oregon StatO college stu j indefinitely. Kleen returned to dents, were here for the; week : Longview where he is employed. ' end. BASEBALL TONIGHT 8:15 P. M. Waters Field Salem Senators VS. Vancouver Box Seat Reservation Fhone 4S47 For that Tasty Sandwich Milk Shake Cold Drink Conre Out to See the t King Gole Drive-In South Commercial at Liberty "Y"i New Summer Hours: Open 11:0 A. M. to 1:69 A. M. Monday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday CLOSED ALL DAY TUESDAY I ry e ff. ' -.r WW:-- r I - 1 f Paul Armstrong School of Dancing Announces Nw Beginners' Classes for all Ages At "Marion Hotel' f i " . ' V ' ' .1-. - i MM Ml Give your child a chance to learn under the able and professional Instruction of PAUL ARM STRONG. It costs you but $12.50 for summer term of dancing instruction. Beginners' Classes for: Pre-School Children 10:00 a.m. Thursday Children I to I 10:45 a.m. Thursday Children 9 to 14 1J0 pjn. Thursday The well trained children of today are the leaders and stars of tomorrow! Visit, enroll, and start lessons Thnraday, Jane t Classes for Experienced and Advanced Students (PRIVATE INSTRUCTION BY APPOINTMENT) ill IAY MILLAND CHAILES LAUGHTON MS mm i - i '! MALWIIN O'SUUJVAM lira JOHNSON Extra! Stan Kenton's Band Color Cartoon - News Salem's Top Show Valae! m 0 Last Day! ti Klde a Pink Horse" "When a Girl's Beautiful" Tomorrow 1 J And! i 1 LAUGHTZX mnd I lOVPri Color Cartoon - Warner News STARTS TOMORROW! Ph. 3467 Motinoo Daily from 1 P. M. - Enda Tod-cry! (WoL) Roy Roara "Under CcL" Stars" Joe E. Brown "The TanderYaara' MY FRIEHD FUCK A THUHDERHEAD Son of Flicka i mm av sr' dk m -esB m w r m - ' m MssssassanWTT-nir ami -aa a - - j K wmiEm" All v 0f SSi PEBGT CHARLES mm...T. . '0!r'---bM, cur.iMins coBomi Arthur Li- j t '"-r-vf! ""nut UAY . ' 1 i i: v.. v r. - I : - And Now The Screen Rings With Marv O'Hara's Thrilling Climax To Adventure In The New West.!, LLOYD NOLAN BURL IYES - GERALDINE WALL i nine iiMn . DfinrDT daccitd Direct oy LUUIO lIIIU frodvcod by UUUUU UWO LLI Screwi Ploy by Mojiwl tixU y Bed on Oio Hooot y Mory 0Hor ccfmiRTcx Co-Hii! L Dairy Evans Brcwn PLUS! AHUIAILFOS IIOVIETOIIE IIET7S! . I i -