-ih Stat w", SaUm, Oregon. Friday, May 21. Students Seek Honor System At Willamette By Jim OtkM Slilnmu Campua Cocreipoodcnt Willamette university may in stall the honor system for exam inations next year if student opin ion prevails at the next faculty aneeting Monday, it was announ ced this week by William Harris. Seattle, head of the honor system committee on the campui. By a vote of 443-55 tjken from the livimt organizations on the carr.pus this week, the students demonstrated their approval to the committee for the prop-wed hon or system. Committee Formed The honor commute wpi set up earty this term because of com plaints by students of cheating that allegedly was g-ng on dur ing tests. At a noon luncheon meeting Wednesday at Baxter hall, Harris told men students that he was cer tain the proposed system would receive the approval of the faculty, basing his belief on opinions he has heard from several members. Ai it stands now, the system consists of three main provisions. The provisions include recommen dations for mechanical measures to eliminate t&e temptation to cheat, stipulation for an honor committee and honor pledge and certain technical recommendations to the faculty. Procedure Specified In cases of cheating, it was re commended that tMe observing student tap his penci' warn ing and if the warning n riot com plied vkith, then wr.w the name of the cheating per; on a slip of paper and hand it to the honor committee. The committee would then hear the accuv-d and accuser separately, vote and hind a recom mendation for action to the dean of students. Under the system each person Knuld i: asked to sign a state ment on each test pper saying "I hae not received nor rendered asitance in the taking of this test ' Austria Pact Talks Halted Intlel initelv LONDON, May 20 -Official United States aourcei sid tonight that the four-power tjlk on an Austrian peace treaty will be called off indefinitely The breakdown follow a tem porary suspension two weeks ago. The sources said the indefinite suspension came yesteiday when Samuel Reber, chief of the Amer ican delegation, met privately with M P. Kotinov, head of the Soviet delegation, to talk over chances of reaching at Austrian aecoi d. Norwav Freighter Jars Houseboats PORTLAND. Maq 20 -if)- A Norwegian freighter, which ran aground early this morning and sent houseboat residents flying out 1 of their beds, was pulled safely , off today. j The ihip's agent reported the ' vessel, the Thomas W. Gregory, was undamaged and would ail to- i morrow as scheduled. . The vessel grounded as it was leaving Swan Island ligoon at 7 a. m , narrowly miwnj several houseboats. Army Needle IIay Cost U.S. $4,000 WASHINGTON. D. C. May 20. -P-Vaccination of Mi.s Sylvia M. Misetich of Portland. Ore., might cost tho government $4,000. An army doctor vaccinated Miss Misetich. an army civilian em ploye. She said she ws unable to use her left leg for a year as a result of infection. Sha asked for $7,500 damages. A bill asking that amount was in troduced in the house of represen tatives. The house cut the amount to $4,000, passed It and sent it to the senate. Too Late lo Classify WANTED nifht wiltrni. Senator Pood Shop. Ph. 7777. IMS PLY. 5-paaa. cm. Ru ciih. t 130 Robert! Ave '33 OLDS S. food tim. lite, u U. 60 W. Nob HilL air.iEnicusV .SZCURITYi IIAEE A ' DATE TO DAIICE SAT. With tho Clande Bird Orchedra U Miles mm the AaaMTlUt Cat-off t mm . II 1941 You Don't Need To Lead This Horse to Water CHICAGO, May 20 -(,P)- Pull ing a plow under today's warm sun was thirsty work and Admir al, a big bay plow horse, had Ideas on where to get a drink. Owner Marshall Polo and Ad miral were plowing up some va cant lots on the southwest side today when the hot sun worked up a thirst in both. Polo un hitched the animal and went for some water for himwlf and horse. I But Admiral had another idea. I The horse ambled three blocks down street and into the open : door of a tavern. ! Orville Rowe, a patron, said j "that big horse just walked in, ! looked the Juke box over and then nuzzled Its head right in between us at the bar." I When Polo finally caught up ! with his horse, he found Ad miral sniffing a beer, eating a few slices of bread and chasing it all down with a bucket of water. Polo then led his amiable beast ; back to the plow. Jesse James Stories Conflict NEW YORK. May 20-(P-Jewe James may be alive in Law ton, Okla , but he has been dead since 1882 as far as the Pinkerton na tional detective agency is con cerned, i The agency has three huge vol- j urnes of files attesting to his death. . The Lawton Constitution said . yestrnay it had "indisputable ! pro f ' that the desperado of the; '70, v.-as still alive and in Lawton. I Ti c newspaper said he was a j man known as Frank Dalton, 100 1 year.- old last fall. He told re porters, the paper said, that his , "murder" back in 1882 was a fake and that a man named Chnrlie Bigelow had been killed in his place. The Pinkerton agency's files say j Jesse's corpse was identified by several friends and enemies ! as It lay on the floor in his St. Joseph, Mo., home in 1882. Youths Mov-ride' ml In School Bus Three 15-year-old high school boys who took turns driving a school bus in a "joyride" about the city Thursday night are in the county juvenile ward awaiting action of juvenile authorities to day City police arrested the youths in a Salem school district bus at Salem high school Thursday at 10 p. m. after neighbors reported they were driving the vehicle around the vicinity. TIME SHIFT PROPOSED SPOKANE, May 20 -fP- A resolution urging all Washington cities to adopt daylight saving time was proposed at the conven tion of the Association of Wash ington Cities today. Sir William Johnson was re warded by George of England for his services in the French and Indian War. The reward was a baronetcy, the first and only one granted on American soil, which occupied large areas of what is now northern New York state. SALEM Wednesday HAY vo: 18th Street Falrgroands Parking Lot 2:30 I .M. Doors Open st 1:307 Wrl4s Creates Trained Wild Animal Chew PrmmmMinm AN tNCONCSIVABU ARRAY Of AMAZING ACTS AND ARTISTS Maadao by the Worto"s Croat Wild Animal Tramor CLYDE BEATTY in Person ) mm iTO3 For Tonlghl Only ICE FROLICS OF 1948 Salem Ico iiremi tlO North Capitol Phone C8S3 I-,'. , ' i - STEPPED-UP FICHTERS rear Mark IV Meteors, part mi the Royal Air reree iel fighter croup based near Norwich,. England, more la formation daring training flight. British claim the planes, equipped with stew power units, are world's fastest fighters. , j r .I . m I mm ' . 1 ' '""'" "1 16 CPUISCRS 7J PEST170YERS 564 102 J0 r MISCELLANEOUS 1703 NAVAL PEOSOKHa), 397.000 f HIM 11 AW FOOCE "NAVY"MA6iK PLANES 22.244 ACTIV& I rv 1 C.-"" - .- Tonnoc 542.000 Tornado Seen Near Yakima YAKIMA. May 20 -JP)- A fun nel, identified specifically by weather bureau observers and the pilot and first officer of North west Airlines flight 626, as a tor nado, played tag with itself across the Wapato district of Yak ima valley for 20 minutes this afternoon. The funnel developed at 4:25 and remained in sight until it faded back Into its par ent cloud at 4:43, Harold Rush, meteorologist reports. Capt. Ken neth Brinnan and First Officer Bill Roth had observed thunder storm conditions and were alter ing course when alerted by the Yakima tower. They made an ex tensive Inspection as they passed by. The bottom of the funnel, they say, never came closer to tho ground than 2,500 feet. The tornado is tho first ever observed in this valley, weather bureau of ficials say. 13 Days Only Hay 25 lo June 6 THE SHIPSTADS AND JOHNSON ORIGINAL AND FINEST Ice Follies or 1948 Matinees. Bandar May J, Saturday May 5, Sanday, Jane SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OUT OF TOWN MAIL OX.DEKS Send check or anoney order to Portland lee Arena. Enclose elf-addressed stamped enrt lopo for return of seats. Prices: L5, $-5, S3.M, $. POBTLAIID ICE AI1EHA 245 N. W. Marshall .... v ' ( ..- . . ii r - Wimi t "".",!.-- ''?'' i ' 1,1 - V m m 4 UP TO K) AMESCOR!S 100 CRAff , INDETERMINATE NUMBER eoacco nnnnnnnnii HOOOCrMF "r 00UJ00 TO VJ00.000 m'nnnnnnnnniTTlSngnffHB Condon Tells Of A-Question WASHINGTON, May 20 - OP) -Dr. Edward U. Condon told fellow scientists tonight that only once did anybody try to get unauthor ized information from him, and that attempt failed. "A foreign visitor in 1944 asked him point-blank if we were work ing on uranium bomb and I lied to him, saying that I knew of no such project," Condon said. Condon, director of the national bureal of standards, has been ac cused by a house subcommittee of having associated, knowingly or unknowingly, with an alleged So viet spy. A Mat. Daily from 1 P. M. NOW 8HOWING! iW ' m mm i Co-Hit! Billy Halop "DANGEROUS YEARS" NOW! Opens :45 P. M. Co-nit! Dale Erans THE BIO 8HOW-OFF" CARTOON CARNIVAL Tomorrow! At lt:3 With Rermlar Show! 7 Opens ;4S 1 k I also Comedr "BcidsjUss Groom" v'-.i. .: -iir V QUEEN Carol Held of Lusk. Wyo-. was chosen "Miss Wyoming of lt4t" In contest at University of Wyoming at Lara mie. She'll compete at Atlantic City pageant next fall. KIDDIE SHOW J J Saturday Morning at t:J TIM HOLT In Zane Grey's "AVENGING RIDER" CARTOONS - PRIZES Stage Stunts - Fun For AH RIGHT NOW! And! Jean Crawford. Dana Andrews, Henry Fonda In "Daisy Kenyon" PHONE 3721 OPENS 6:45 P. M. STARTS TOIIITE! TWIN ADVENTURES RETURN TO THRILL YOU ANEW! THHILL-FTT.T.fT) r UU2 Motorists Advised To Attach Renewal List to Licenses Oregon motorists planning out-of-state trips this summer can av oid possible trouble by attaching a renewal schedule to their driv ers licenses. Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry declared Thurs day. Newbry said an average of three inquiries a week are receiv ed from police department in oth er stales checking on the validity of Oregon drivers licenses. He pointed out that considerable dif ficulty may be prevented by mak ing sure schedule is attached to licenses that are still void. Police officers can then deter mine whether the licenses are cur rent even though the expiration date printed on the face may in dicate otherwise, Newbry said. All Oregon drivers licenses are now expiring in blocks of 33,000 each month according to the "5K" serial number. Licenses bearing the serial num bers 5R363.001 to 396,000 must be renewed by Monday, May 31. Li censes numbered below 363,001 are past due for renewal. CORRESPONDENT KILLED AMMAN, Trans-Jordan, May 20 MaJ. Richard Wyndham, 52, correspondent for the Sunday Times of London and the Cairo newspaper Akhbar El Youm, was killed by gunfire yesterday in Jerusalem, it was announced tonight. Prlscilla Melsincer Wiltsey PRESENTS All Accordion Concert Over 100 Accordionists Participating Leslie Jr. High School May 22nd. 8:15 p. m. Public Invited FREE ADMISSION The Devil Brewed It! Tho Natives Used It! White Men Pursued It! A STRANGE LOVE POTION! Uncivilised Perhaps . . , But Would You Refuse MM? NOW! WANTED: - A Man Who Can Tame J. -w-This Vixen! STANWYCK Von HIFLIN Charles COBUIN mm W: m oil:" i l "M i m 4 CO-FEATUBEJ UaiACD cue ' ) v' i r ' t I m imn alct tinm Salem ; Vt Milt North of tho Underpass Friday, Saluriay and Snxiday; Specials j Open Every Day from 8 am. to 9 pjtu Indadiosr Sandajj 10 IBs. . . BeaatUul California Whites Julta ' j Oranges 2 j390j Bunch j Garrois2 bunchea ...290 Local I Radishes and p) 1 (TSn Green Onions j S) Ban. iIL VLlvff Field Ripened SVaAWBBBBI Garden Brand PEAS 303 size IS EBH As good as the best, WESTOII'S COOKIES Regular Price 21 1 Week-end Special 2 Packages Vanilla, Chocolate Coffee Red Dot .... Elsinore Pruno Plums , ! Yi Tasty Pak Golden Syrup 5 Bayou Queen Small Shrimp H Royal Chef CLAIIS Regular size cans Shop Self Servico and Savo Heals . . .Groceries . . . Vegetables We Feature the finest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Salem! We Feature the LOWEST Prices on Na tionally Advertised as well as Local Brands of Groceries. We Feature HONEST WEIGHTS in our ' SELF SERVICE MEAT DEPART MENTS! The Price per pound, the weight in pounds and ounces and the total price of the package is printed on each package BEFORE You choose it! These WEIGHTS and PRICES are GUARANTEED! We also TRIM all Excess FAT, GRISTLE and BONE BEFORE it Is Weighed! Assorted Lunch I leal Lb.. L490 Spiced Pork, Veal Loaf, Cheese, Bllnced Ham, Souse Frankfurters Lb, Equal portions in 1-lb, Two Honey HOME OWNED Yx. Mile North of the Underpass Salon At rtht'Foot : of vtht TJridsa ' I . . Larg Red Rlpa Fruit Box 190 33c All Flavors Quarta better than the rest! 21c Cream, Duplex Cream Lb.33ii -45 .-..90 size cans ib . tin Regular Cans 450 sealed cellophane pkg. Saving Llarlicls INDEPENDENT At the Foot of the Bridge U. Snlom N i