Girls State Plans Made The Oregon Girls State, spon sored by the American Legion auxiliary, will bold their annual convention on the Willamette uni versity campus June 14 to June 21. Mrs. Stanley Kruecer, Salem department Girl State chairman, aid this is the first year the meeting has beee held away from Silver Creek Falls since its inaug uration in 19SS. Approximately 160 girls from over 100 Legion units in the state will attend the meeting which will be aided by the guidance of 18 women In Legion auxiliary and instruction work. The girls themselves will elect and set up their own mock state organization which was designed by the American Legion as a study in Americanism and how it works. Though legislative work will be the main occupation of the girls, they will also witness oper ations of the executive govern ment and the judicial, including a court trial and parliamentary law. They wilt also hold a naturaliza tion session. Recreation and vesper services will be part of the program with vespers held in early evening fol lowed by a "fun hour." Rooming facilities will be pro vided by Willamette university with the independent section of the men's dormitory. Baxter hall, and Lausanne hall in use. Some of the women who will take part in the meeting with th girls are Dorothy McOullough Lee, Portland candidate for may or; Mrs. Edna Marie Moore, New berg, and Mrs Marie Wilcox. Grants Pass, candidate for state repreentati e Ktokta Club Officers New officers of the Etokta Woman's club for the ensuing year are Mrs. Vard Hughes, pres ident; Mrs. Ralph Scott, vice president; Mrs. Mason Bishop, secretary: and Mrs. W. W. Chad wtck, treasurer. Election was held at the meeting on Tuesday after noon at Mrs. George Allen's komt. Mrs. W. E Hanson has served a president of the club On? pst year. Senior Girls and Mothers Guests SILVERTON Senior high school girls and their mothers will be guests of the Silverton Busi ness and Professional Women's club at lea Sunday afternoon be tween 2 and 4 o'clock at the Lib erty Hill home of Mrs. R- J. Van Cleave. Additional guests will be Mrs. R. F. Quintal, advisor to the senior girls, and Mrs. W. P. Scarth, dean of girls in the high school. Greeting the guests at the door will be Mrs. Van Cleave, Miss Hannah Olsen, Mrs. Harold Lar sen and Mrs. F. J. RoubaL Mrs. Leonard Hudson is tea chairman a ad has asked Mrs. Ruth Barber and Mies Ina Harold to pour the first hour and Mrs. A. B. Ander son and Mrs. Howard George to pour the second hour. Assisting will be Miss Thora A res tad. Mrs. Helmer Brokke. Mrs. Mahlon Hoblitt, Mrs. E. R. Ekman, Mrs. Jean Groasnickle. Mrs. Ralph Francis, Mrs. Charles Davis and Mrs. F, M. Powell. Mrs. Peggy Scott is in charge of the tables and Mrs. Albert Tip ner Is arranging the afternoon program. Miss Stella Dybevik and Mrs. Mary K lee man are in charge fo invitations. Maccabees Will Honor Officer Maccabees. Capital tenthive 84 D. will hold a special meeting tonight at the hall. 248 N. Com mercial st., at 8 o'clock to honor the great commander, H. S. Hud son and Mrs. Hudson of Portland, and other great camp officers who will be present for the occasion. Twenty members of the junior department will give a degree in honor of the officers. A class ini tiation will follow, which will be exemplified by commanders of the six units of Portland includ ing Herbert Marks, Fram No. 121; Helen Stump, Oregon No. ID; Vi olet Tauscher. Liberty No. 528; Charles Melvin. Portland Roae, No. 1; Elbert Crawford. Monta villa. No. 158; Herbert Boun. East Portland, 600D. Over 60 members are expected to come by bus and ; 3 ; . ''e.4, v.' r.s- r- I i - . --!- . " T"?- -jr .i V vHVrJ Mrs. Floyd Earl Croqhan (Kolloen Kroner) pictured with her junior bridesmaid. Miss Leanne Danison. a cousin, af ter her marriaae on April 25 at the First Congregational church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kroner and the groom is the son of Mrs. Alma Croqhan of Baker. The couple will live in Portland. (McEwan photo.) ear from Portland. A program and refreshments will follow. All Maccabees and visiting Maccabees are invited to attend. Au Re voir ' Luncheon Mrs.' Dean Ellis, who Is leav ing on June 1 for Portland to make her home, will be the honor guest at an au re voir luncheon this afternoon when Mrs. Richard F. Hauge entertains at her East Wilson street home. Bridge will be in play follow ing the luncheon hour. Bouquets of pastel spring flowers will pro vide the decorative note. Covers will be placed Tor Mrs. Ellis and members of her bridge club including Mrs. Richard Nel son, Mrs. Emery Hobbs, Mrs. John Marvin Ritchie, Mrs. Wil liam Bush, Mrs. Roger K. Put nam. Mrs. Lester Carter end Mrs. Hauge. Engagement Announced Adding her name to the list of brides-elect is Miss Elaine Straus baugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Strausbaugh, whose engage ment to Carl D. Goidsby. son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Goidsby of Salem, has been revealed. The wedding Li planned to take place during the summer. Miss Strausbaugh will graduate from Salem high school in June. Her fiance Is a graduate of Salem schools and is now with the state highway department. During the war he served with the marine corps for two years. BUENA VISTA The Wtnui'i club gave Miss Modena Banks of Independence a miscellaneous shower at the Community hall Sunday. Miss Banks will be grad uated from Oregon State college in June and will be married the same month. After a social hour two smalt children. Lois Graber and Kent Ward, dressd as a bride and groom presented the gifts. Those attending were: Mrs. Henry Brnks, Mrs. J. A. Arvid son, Mrs. Charles Bullock and Miss Banks of Independence; Mrs. Jim Pruiett and daughter of Al bany; Mrs. Rex Gunn of Eugene; Mrs. Charles Kelley, Mrs. Leland Prather, Mrs. R. R. Masaey, .Mrs. Henry Fickel. Mrs. L. N. Osborn, Mrs. Addle Harmon, Mrs. J. W. Graber, Mrs. C. E. Miller, Mrs. P. A. Wells, Mrs. H. H. With ,-cw, Mrs. Cecil Hultman, Mrs. W. L, Short, Mrs. L. H. Ward, Mrs. W. R. Pruiett. Mrs. C. F. Wells. Mrs. Wesley Fickel. Mrs. E. D. Long, Miss Jean Osborn. Hiss DeLores Hultman, Lois Graber end Kent Ward. Golfers Welcome New Members Welcomed as new members of Lthe Salem Women's Golf club on Wednesday were Mrs. James B. Ha worth and Mrs. Tom Dunham. Old members who turned out on ladies day for the first time this season were Mrs. Tony Painter, Mrs. Max Allen, Mrs. Fred W. Pickhard, Mrs Arthur R. Hurl- : vim n o lam. . The second round of the spring tournament was in play. Winner in the day's play in Claas D was Mrs. C. M. Wicklander. Salem members of the Oregon Women's Golf association will participate Thm Statesman. SaW Oregon. Thursday. May 2X in the sweepstakes tournament at the Oswego country club next Wednesday. Mrs. James LateJaw esttertafaa- ed informally for a. few friends Wednesday niht at her Jeffer son street home. t' Uolice f o lis Px!is My telephone has changed t Fire Extinguishers 'mmd Refills J. D. HartweU i i Melting ice from (he Arctic and Antarctic polar ice cape dilutes the oceans in the vicinity and nukes them less salty. '- f l!y r. v. .; m.C iM.iUIi. Wm.f. S.iiS.afcSl.MlliitOS. Ask G. C "JERRY" BROW aoavf Standard Imsvraact GOLDEN YEARS' PLAN Ha will gi : yoe full dersil ea ska laser oca plan aba sea hies yoa tc retire with life Standard Insurance 1 3. C "JERRY" DROWN I SAIM, OREGON Venetian Blinds Made in Salem Modernize YOUR heme . . . effectively . . . simply ... by fitting; your windows with Salem Venetian Blinds now. No matter what the style of yonr home, V enetian Bimds lend an appearance of uniformity and finish to its windows. REIOHOLDI flllD IfllilS MANUFACTURERS 560 South 21st Street Phone Slit Complete Disposal All Sp rin Merchandise! Com in and Mako Your Selections from Theso Lovely Now York Creations at COATS and SUITS Como and soo thooo fino fabrics and boautiful stylos choson from loading Now York rosour oos. AttractlToly prlcod for this salo. Reg. 55X3, go al Beg. 85.03, go at . . 559.95 Pricoo Aotonishingly Low. RESSES COSTUMES $49.85 Defaced lo S)l $115.00 Bednced lo Slips and Gouns la ieo-roee, whrts and block m Panlies (35.C3 IledBccd Is $22.9S Dedsced lo Jersey ' $41.03 Deduced b SLACKS .. $95 $14.95 redeced io . . . Li DICKIES Many itjlsa, wbita and oolort to go frost r $S5 $95 and $ S3 From oar regular slock, all sixes and styles, nationally known brands. $2.00 ralusa to b aloeed out at Many styles and solors T Press Shoes from Sclby Tru Poist Selbf Style-EEZ, Eire O'Neills, all famous makes. $11.15 redsi $lUi red seed te $8.93 $7.93 $6.95 loyco Play heoo AH sizes, regularly priosd frost $8.95 to $10.95, reduced to Propr-Bilf Children's SUOES i Completa ffioesMmt tf ; Sara $2.00 par p rULLEIEBY Uaaj Waatifal axdmsire aaW take avd restate ef t tag ral IT- TIC TAC TOE $5100 A wewderfal gjift at enly Lndca LoLczrj Pcrhrics and Ccsnoiirz CompUim Una for gifts and panonal uaa, at prXaat that will pleas you. FOBS . . . Coins In and snake year plans for a far coat for this falL It will be per sonally selected to neet all ysur requirements at a defiaite saria. Ceeae before the first ef Jaae. For Siorogo r Brisur all yoar fan ia for a complete moth-proof-las. restyliaf, repairiaa; and appraisal. We bare a cetnpleta far Sfrries, quick and cooyeaient. Mako yoar salesHiossi frotn this beautiful jewelrr . it I 1 - J i l i Prlea