The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 20, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    Music i . . vThe Homi
Joan Miller
A Hostess
and S to bid Mrs. Latham goodbye.
Miss Joan Marie Miller, daugh- . nd wni(- dogwood were
ter of Dr. and Mrs. Vern W. used about the iivjng rooms with
Miller, was hostess for a ; wiener , pinK Pear, rhododendron and
roait at the Fairmount Hill home j pjnk duetlia centering the tea
of her parents Wednesday at 5 I ubJe wnere Mr, Urlin S. Page
o lock. The occasion mscked the of Salem Mrs R . Kleinsorge,
sixteenth birthday of the hostess, j Mr c w Keene and Mrs. Ar
A group of the high school tthur JtM poured. Assisting about
was bidden to the party including th rooiru were Mr,. Tom Ander
the Misses Gwen Fry, Dot Can-n Mrs Lwen Brown and Mrs.
non. Marilyn Power. Marilyn
rl ver, juarujn nmi,
Johnson, Norm. , Canf ield Martha
Msrsn.., un '
Breakey, Carol McCleod, Betty
zsn. Ljiinr o uin ic-t , lwihm - -
Pat Service. Joyce Armstrong
L,ivn Burdette. Mary Keike. Pat
Morris, Edna Marie Hill, Bernlce
Imlah and Joan Majek. ( ff
Margaret Miller and Rosemary 1 CTCl lJ 1 LVZ7
Powell assisted the Hostess dur- -
In the evemng MOtlierS
Sigma Chi Mathers ef WUUaa- ;
etta university wUl aaeet at the ; The Home Economics club of
cr,.pte? hou on TS!. campus Fn- Salem high will entertab,
dav afternoon far a desert with its nmial May day tea ,in
lun.-heon and business session at honor of the mothers this after
1:0 o'clock. Hostesses are Mrs. noon at High Home between J
AtMinturn and Mrs. Ray Rob- and 3 o 'c lock is the first
erT. This will be the last meeting time the tea has been held for
md the stood until October. i several years and the club plans
. to continue with this annual ar-
Tsst Metres of Ordee of the j fair. AH mothers of home eco
Eaitern Star will held a business ' nomics students are invited to at-
nveting. following a :M o'clock tend. -
dinner at the Golden Pheasant High Home has recently been
Friday night. The committee in- redecorated by the home furnish
ciudes Mrs. Albert Cohen. Mrs. ings class. Serving the ices win
Elton Meve,., Mrs. F. B Keel- be Mr. Charles Fe.k. and Mrs
mr Mrs. T. G. Bernard end Mr. L. B Cover mother of the club
r ' Li.t, president. Miss Alicia Cover. The
C. teton Smith. wJ1
ri irn ritrwnil out in the decorations.
CLUB CALENDAR During the tea announcement
isi'iiDAT 'will be made of. the Junior and
Hayesvilie Woman's wi'n Mrs. . . , Kmvm received
Buhl Rot:'Jon, C'trrjir noma.
It JU o c lH tored etati luncneoo
tli.ptei G. Pro wttt Mrt Cbrls
A piiue. " SO dessert Minm
itltm roai'U ot wfrven' M-nlz-
S n. chanice. of commerce, t p m
CmA Star Xot.wi meet VTW liall.
p in . oc.J rour, ref : e"ent to-
West Sslean Wmdm'i rfato. eiXf hall.
ft ni . lnstsilaSKMi o eTfkw
DV and mtrxihwrr enni
kutjr, &aien Woin taatiouM.
delis Sunday acbaol eU Firt
Bap'i.t rtiu:tn wlOi Mrs. Bertha
soMt. irn s. churrh st., t p.m.
Sptntual SuwhlM d-J with Mr..
SSary SSann. ISPS wtaaimi ar . I p m.
e.rt OrM in eteorci Wanien'i
uncU mart at hurct.. n.o. weifar.
tsncheon. oroerram. S p rn.
Pioneer Post 14S. American Leftoo.
aet at urar. r.aii. tmt tvrnitim-
eui at. s prr
Salem Ltorra auxiliary, willt: Mt Ed-
Mitnbaai. Tenttirva MO. apecl
rtinf. Set N. Co maw arptel at.. p.?
Willamette ur!vritjr facvritr wive
iar-rai diniwr. LaLaaw Wi p m.
Mma Chi mothers mt Wttlametta
Wt.rri(T meet at chmvtir houw. de-
set luncma. l Vi p. la.
r:nene Veu Mianaaar.
If ''
Wruie Ciuae Circles.
ajiuit.'h. rT'eer at vmriouM
IS rn mijr no-hoet iHactieom
. nara F!;t::rie tet. Daughter ot
m Vetcrane Wgaaa'i et jbhouae.
S rr
(ill BOAT
siim worr-ao alua aeUKl lunchaoa.
1 p n . clubr.euse. aVaaed raawttas It
:L.T aUcM wl, Miss Allen U a Junior at Wll-
awator hoset. a am. lamette and Mr. Barnhart is a
saiem sr.srMr. OCS. meet at Ms- student at Vanport college. Ha
mt: TwrpJe. a am. formerly ittended Wlllamelte
SON DAT , . . .
Oeion Stta Mothers cmt aovarwi 1 The aennai ba.aeet mt the Ore
eta iuficv.. seayfiaai m kelt. 1 p.m. gon Nurses association of this
VVKtOAY district win be held Tuesday at
Dsusaters mt sc ! meat sti630 o'clock at Silver Creek Falls
rPiui t raw rial pariaK heja. ana 1 lodge. Reservations should be
rlMrlc luer?r.. mar - K TriAmv with Aimm P-th-r
W CS c.rc-ea of J
JO p m
i fr "try
AS LITTLE AS 0600.53 ppyN
I titers
Oregon, Tbandarr May 23, 1U
Au Revoir Tea for
Mrs. Latham
tham, who with Mr. Latham will
leave Thursday to make their
home In Oakland. Calif., was
honored at a tea Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mr. P. L.
Brown with Mrs. Glenn Bried
well and Mrs. Earl J. Adams as
sisting hostesses. Fifty guests
called between the noun of 3
R A. McOanathan.
i . . . ,
Yo of". daughter
OI the Lathams, who is here to
, moving preparations.
the Latham, have
an apartment in the home of his
. .
honor awards. They have been
selected by last year's honor girls
including Miss Cover, Beverly
Becker and El es nor e Dierks and
the advisors. The outstanding sen
ior girl of the Home Economics
club will not be announced until
the annual senior class assembly.
L. 1 f " W-W-V jl f i V .J
11 WllltrVJL-l VyWCTVi3
rp n t- i 1 1
iiell Detrothals
! UCUVlllUlO
Twr CKi Omeea rnerla innminr.
their eruragements at dlnnef
. . , wn
at 'he chapter house on the Wil-
lamette university campus Tues-
dav night. !
w. cvi.i v j w.
of Mr and Mrs. Thomas B. Ken-I
ifv of Salem, told of her betro-
i k .1 T. rt u n.
wwi a u rcra . nraa, nii vi . f
. . . ... .
snd Mrs. weaver w. ness 01 i
Cla kamas, formerly of Salem,
-nd Mim Virginia Allen, da ugh -
. , , T ...
of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allen
'gagement to Dean Barnhart of I
poTiiand. ,
No datea have heen announced !
or fort Land, announced ner en
for the weddings, although Miss j
Kenagy and Mr. Hess are plan- I
ning their wedding for the falL
Miss Kenagy attended Willam-
, u.. I. .
.',"' 7 . IT' 77 .
student at the Northwest Naza-
rece rolleea at Namna Idaho.
i Palmer at Salem General bos
La ahureh P111 of Miss Margaret Darby at
' . Salem Memorial hospital.
T7 fl
Miss Teeson
Revealed Wednesday night wai
the engagement of Miss Stella
Pearl Teeson. daughter of Mrs.
Thomas Teeson and the late Mr.
Teeson, to Gordon L. Li t tie) oh ns,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L.
Littlejohns, all of Salem. The
wedding U planned to take place
in the fall.
The bride-elect is a graduate
of Salem high school and is now
teaching violin in Salem, Albany
and Corvallis. Her fiance attend
ed Portland schools and during
the war aerved with the army
air corps for three year. He is
now attending the Merritt Davis
School of Commerce.
The news was first told at a
family dinner at the Teeson
1 norne- Tn dinner table was cen-
with , . , flower filled May
basket with ribbons extendins to
each place and tied to scrolls
bearing the names of the engaged
duo. The engagement was also
announced Wednesday night at
the mother-daughter banquet at
the Knight Memorial church when
a box of candy was passed.
At the dinner covers were
placed for Miss Teenon, Mr. Lit
tlejohns. Mr and Mrs. Elmer L.
Littlejohns. Mr. and Mrs H. A.
Watenpaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Jim
my Watenpeugh, Mrs. A. E. Wat
enpaugh. Mr. and Mrs P. L.
Blackerby and Mrs. Teeson.
Sunday afternoon MUs Teeson
and her fiance will be honored
at an at home at the Teeon resi
dence with Invitations extended
to two hundred Selem and out.
(of-town friends to call between
2 and 9 o otock.
Piano Pupils in
Recital Tonight
Miss Margaret Hogg will pre
eent a group of piano pupils at
the Stone Piano company, 1&40
Fairgrounds rd , at 8 o'clock to
night. Included among the play
era will be students who have par
ticipated in the recen Oregon Mu
sic Teachers competitive festival,
state high school contests and syl
labus examinations.
Playina: during the evening will
be Val Lets Hay. Lynne Higg4n
botbem, Carol Ann Livesay, Sally
Tontx, Carolyn Madsen, Mary
Linda Doerfler, Jimmy Hart,
Kathryn Smith, Harriet Hooper,
Samara Ramp. Suzanne DeAr
mond. Marc Nelson. DeAnn Mc
Claughry. Nancy Rust. David
La u than. Lore Sliffe, Kathleen
White, Jane McGrath, Barbara
Dwena A r,-
Ridings, Norene
Joan rltu and Jodelle
tit r
WOIIien Voter? to
" wiiiii WICTIO tt
VlSlt Instlt LltlOTlS
SMIJem Learue of Women Vnl.
- " "
era will ' i t f lk. n : j
. - """"""j
stste training school on Satur
day. The group will meet at the
Presbyterian church at 10 a.m.,
and will be joined by Mrs. Claire
Arfw at th ot Pnl-
tary at 10:30
1 group will have luncheon
tother Bnd to Wood burn af-
t'rwrds. Reservations should be
made with Mrs. H. D. Smithson.
3820 or 438D. Anyone interested
is invited to Join members of the
league on the tour.
Lions auxiliary- will aaeet
tonight at 8 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Edwsrd Majek, 828 King
wood drive. Mrs. Norman Huff
man, head of the art department
at Willamette university will be
the speaker. Mrs. Fred Halvarson
is program chairman.
z. ;
- T C
fi. - fc...
s v .
4 :
. .".'.it S'lt's-j '
' AT''
r ; -
Mrs. M arcare t Mew Endros, whose nQaawmemt to WU
lard E. Hudson, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hudson, has
boen revealed. The wedding Is plcmned for the fall. The
bfido-eloct is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Endre.
Clean Little Ears
Daily Bath for Baby, and for Junior
Mean Cleanliness Through Whole Lif
By Mexiaw Bexeai
S ta teaman Woman's Bditor
The Utile boy who hates to wash behind his ears Is out of fash
ion gone by the board extinct. This is only If his parents train
him right, a conclusion arrived at by certain psoap psychologists who
find a remedy for everything, providing their product is used.
But some of the ideas are sound. ,
The dally bath habit, begun
when an infant, and practiced
through early youth, will produce
a generation of lovers of cleanli
ness. Bathing, they say, should al
ways be a pleasant occasion, as
far rMiuivid from hurrv and inter-
ruption as possible.
Regular tubbing for infants pro
motes not only cleanliness of the
child, but gives the mother an op
portunity to keep close check on
the physical condition of the baby.
Furthermore, the child gains s
sense of security from gentle pur
poseful hands of the parent, and
as most babies eat immediately
after the bath, they are in a re
laxed and contented state at meal
time. This condition of course pro
motes good appetites and diges
tion. Parents of young children, if
time permits, count bath time as
among the happiest moments for
them, aa It provides a few mo
ments when they can watch the
child in perfect content.
While I believe there Is always
a dark period in every child's
life, when the area behind the ears
Is something to be shunned, no
matter how greet the agreement
to cleanliness of other parts of
the anatomy. StilL regular bathing
habits arc bound to shorten that
Regular tubbing with lots of hot
water, a cheerful room and en
couragement to relax must natur
ally promote good bathing habits
in a youngster of pre-school and
school age. And, to give credit to
the soap company which so gen
erously Inspired thsa story, to pro
vide a floating soap, which adds
parity glrdlo
Mot ehewn
panty girdle
ft.-- f X-,'- r-1- ',
. v.
" r f:" i
- VI
" , e'
v ... ' '
the pleasure of a certain amount of
play during the bath period, gives
added incentive to cleanliness.
Be thing la much a matter of
habit anyway, eoce one gets into
lnm swing
I :
of a dairy bath, he- is
bound to And It necessary for
comfort, and moat humans can be
counted on (with a few lapses
during certain years In develop
ment) to take kindly to the habit
of frequent bathing.
Mr. ajsd Mrs. aUlpfc H. Ceeley
will be hosts at bridge Friday
night to members of their- club
at their North Summer street
home. Preceding the group will
gather for dinner at Winona's
Mrs. Willises goelrs
ren. Judy and Doug, of Portland
pent several days in the capital
this week as guests of her moth
er, Mrs. Harry U. Miller.
AH Accordion Coacert
Orer let Aaeardlastarta
Leslie Tx. Blah School
May 22L t:lS
Pa Ml lavlUd
t . . and Soars
of rayon elastio
Sketched . . . JACQUARO KNIT
wrth detachable crsdh
Mirnanina yeung narmawta that
stretch te fetlew yeur every
msv. AH-inene iai t'sas Z2 te
SS, girattee Mi amaft, meaUwan
and larocr srzes. Nude er white.
Several members of the very
young set are celebrating their
birthdays this week.
Christine Drye, daughter ef the
Verinon Dry em, will celebrate her
fifth birthday st e party Friday
afternoon at the Drye home on
West Rural street. Games will be
in play with birthday cake and
refreshments following.
Honoring Christine will be her
grandmother and aunt. Mrs.
Charles E. Wagner and Miss Mar
garet Wagner, and Janet Griffin,
Suzanne Davis. David Taylor,
Julie Hug, Julie Repine, Dexter
and Craig Hobbs. Marcia King,
Sandra Olson and Kathleen Drye.
Jells Repine k Six
Julie Repine was six years old
on Wednesday and celebrated
her birthday with a party at the
South Liberty street home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollin T.
Repine. Games were in play with
cake and refreshments following.
Assisting the hostess were Mrs.
Vernon Drye and Mrs. N. D.
Julie's guests were her grand
mother, Mrs. T. O. Repine, and
Christine and Kathleen Drye,
Janet Griffin, Delbert Loose,
Patty Moore, Allan Lowe. Bobby
Merrin, Jack Long, Martha Long
and Joan Buell.
Credit Women
Givo Dinner
Salem Credit Women held a
dinner meeting on Tuesday at
Nohlgren's. Spring favors a ad
flowers were used oa the tables.
Mrs. Lorna Lucas presided at
the business meeting. Special
guests were Mrs. Marian Beck,
Miss Josephine Nolan, Mrs. Eve
lin Bond, Miss Blanche Gibson,
Mrs. Helen Vogt, Mies Jean
Brimaeoaaue, Mrs. Jeaa Rogers,
sai! mAi:asco tnn
aeeits rue $u.t J
aowMe raa A Cm
r aw tmkwr Wmy
Ah Ciia-rtaaaS
state) M e4tet a4rBsBset
I BM-BBBaBaas"
tin! Doris Shell, Mrs. Charlotte
Breun, Mrs. Eleanor Barbour.
Corsages were presented Miss
Beverly HartselL Mrs. Lets Ha
worth and Mrs. 'Joy Welch.
Mrs, Bessie Kayser. Mrs. Ha
worth and Mrs. A1U .Meyers
spoke on the June convention la
Banff, Mrs. Doris Decatur told
about bar vacation trip, and Miss
Josephine Nolan, who has been
in this country for only eight
Listen to
Omar M. Amundaon
XOCO Ss40 P. M.
XSLM 1:15 P. M.
PaL Adv. by Aasaaaaen fer
MamieipaJ Jadge
Fiesta colored Tmps
with cork mud
rubber platform
sole rojre.1 blue
turf Un, green
and wbite fat
colors washable.
Ifext le AUen taarwev
111: t
lj fl CASUAL LIFE --x!
JrQ- Bur Cheer Leaders . . . k
fooc-rree comorc, - f
lAVA 4.95
-y 7a5. !
3- -
SOtlXIEn rdr)
mil ffll
Waitr f ;-? ;r. ;::
r : iS ' "
serrua uatecs AeTHotrrr or rat coca-cola
tnootbj, toS4 of her trie from
earn a
Amwwmr am ant was made of the
board meeting at the home of Mrs.
Lucas on May 14 and the next
purines- meettnr June I.
rs.aavai.aj tmtrm. Ci i mi ill i
Saai a.Saa,a.ain , .
aaWBa l
: j
aPeHMal ePss3
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