I The TT"i iaa. Salem. Owqoa Thursday. May 10. 1941 Br Earal So they Oon't rw ood beef ettle here is the vaitej? Most of yu hav fcoart! Mtt statement before. Bat it w d44tHy BE FORE, want it? aefere planted piure? This wee: I short jnearlinf wirte-tace steers were turned out 4a the nwuniT pasture at the Bert and Glea McFarlane brother -farm in the Pleaaantdale locality. They her been in the bm with heavy winter feed since Iw fall. Six heifers 1m the same herd were marketed l- Portland st vrkyards a few day. and th-y averaged 700 pound each. Nat bad fcr heifers. The John E. Lindews over at In dtvi Hervre did it -again Word Cirp from Coluwibtii, Ohio, na ttrl headquarters fr Jerneydom, VolunUr Glow, registered Jney cow rwned by the Land O" as frrr.pleted a production re-id cf 12 P08 pounS of milk an 1 645 peuroU of buttei-fat which h'. qualified her ftx- ttts Gold M.dil awarr! of th American Jrv Cattle club. Volunteer Gl w s record was made on 305 dy tt at the age of i yer. In c:Mnpi!ipg tlus record h pro &icci mere than three timiM a ir'jch butterftt as the- aver age cow In the United State. Lindows h f mad a pile of recors over at their Independence ranch. Polk coujity has something when If comes to Jersey recerd.. Robert H WW?? U fc ! in I - -a, ' - .,,- - - 7- Reservoir Area Site for Neiv City Playground ..... ' -a r:-rr:4 ' .--.- vention held In Cnicago recently, ceportad on U -and - told at the 1949 aeaiioo to be held in Den ver, Monday when be spoke at the Silverton chapter of the league. O. K. DeWitt, Salem, talked on the grange severance tax bill. During the business session re ports showed that the team cap tained by Don Peters in the ex termination of predatory animals and birds contest had scored 546 points to the 214 points of the team headed by A. D. Bourboun mis. At the close of the business session, scenic pictures were shown by Victor Sather. No host dinner was served by the Isaac Walton league auxiliary before the meeting. mm i I ti llz ilea af this hage are an top af the city reserrolr at Johns and East RarsI streets as a playground for Salem's children will be realised this spring aa seen as weather permits the marking off af playlnr eearts and grading af a so ft ball Meld at the far aavd ef the reservoir ihown above. The play iroand is the result ef action by the rfty ceunctl and City Manager J. L. FransesL (Photo by Den Dill. Statesman staff photographer.) Popularity Grows W ith QdPGH. BleacbM BsmoTss Stains Dedris - PlahWacta Sold at all T asirrrrwj Geocery M. IHff. also of Independence, has completed production records on two Jerseys each winning the Medal of Merit awards. Lilac Coronator Rose produced 12,J30 pounds of milk and 877 pound of butterfat at the age of five years on 3C3 day test snd Lilac Coron ator Delight topped her a bit by producing 13,231 pounds of milk and 880 pounds of butterfat at the age of seven years in the same number of days. In the first even months of the current fiscal year, Hereford breeders have recorded nearly 200.000 Hereford calve to how an increase over the sama period a year ago. Oregon's increase is quite noted, the report said. V alley Garden Soils Lack Organic Matter The most important need of the average Willamette valley garden soil is for organic matter, says Ralph Clark, extension horticul turist at the State college. Too many gardeners expect to plant year after year without put ting anything back into the soil, he says. Cover or green manure crops jand barnyard manures will improve soil structure. Barnyard manures should be applied before spading or plowing and well mixed with the garden soil. Poor mix ing of manure in any one place will cause burning In young plants. Elect SPOOIIER STATE HEP. T. Adv. gpaaaer Cemm, Gee. Hull. Chairman " - AS SECRETARY OF STATE HERE'S WHY HPS THE BEST MAN TO KEEP IN THIS IMPORTANT OFFICE: He's the Incumbent the man ON THE JOB, doing a GOOD JOB NOW. iHe'i been a leader in state legislative work since 193S. it His record reveals that ht works as hard at the public's business as at his own. it His experience as a successful orchardist and business man assures intelligent, frugal hand ling of state funds. it He's a veteran. Pd. for by laa i ili i sVm eM, ,-A-i i m aM rewwTJry TOr ecrajTory ae vrt7TV CWaTTwt1 GwfW I H(BQ(iijQiiw w mm 1 Central Howell Qub Meets CENTRAL HOWELL The last meeting of the Community club until fall was held Friday night at the schoolhouse. After a 'short business meeting presided over by ' tha president, Mrs. Perl Bya, the meeting was turned over to tha program chairman, Elton Watts. Others on the committee were Perl Bye and Earl Schar. Program numbers were: Piano and violin music by Mrs. Byrd Miller and Roy Davenport; reading by Diane Bye; vocal solo by John Overlund accompanied by Mrs. Arthur Dahl; music by Mrs. Ben Butler, accordion, and Charles Wastenburg, electric guitar; vocal solo by Mrs. Lester Hagen accom panied by Mrs. Edgar Kolln; pre sentation by Mrs. M. F. Kephart of gifts from the Community club to Mrs. Harold Roth and Mrs. Er nest Roth, who taught Bible in the school the past year; music by J. A. Neilton, violin, Mr. Craig, guitar, and Mrs. Neilton, piano; skit, "The MeSwine Sisters," by Marvin John, Howard Watts, Pat Lewis; accordion music by How ard Eggiman and Wayne Lovre. Pie and coffee was served In the basement by Mrs. Henry Roth and Mrs. Grover Llchty. V Silverton Izaak Walton League Hears of Meeting SILVERTON Lloyd Rein hold t, district delegates to the national Isaac Walton league con- . twice as for ? wakes any water soft as rain. 3. blwes as if washes . . . ) never streaks. 0h pre recti denSes, hondsV V and all awtemotic dbh 0 and derhes washers. It's tWr coacaatnrtaj 'IXmqU ONCE YOU TRY IT...Y0UU NEYHt IE lYTTHOUT IT I in ' -C ka X v Vrv Jl T" W rm m r 1 mm u.ui r,y(i KM 1288 Stale Si. Convenient Parking , Merchant's Delivery Prices Effective Thurs., Fri, and Sat., May 20, 21, 22 AP1?TCBP Chase and Sanborn. CSa, UUlIaUaU M. J. B. or HlPa Bros. lb. ejejfg m lb. can GQFFEE Bale'. Best, whole roast lb. 490 2 lbs. 970 $1,05 CfTf! A I" Oregon's own. alUUalAI White Satin e7 lbs. 460 10 ib. 910 DEnrasoirs ponn mid beaiis " 1 DEinnson's cnn.1 con cmuie :. ... DEIimSOII'S CATSUP 14-M. Mil ASK ABOUT PLASTIC TABLE CLOTHS 2 25c 2 f 49c 17c Crackers 2 Ilncoa ib. 410 2 u 810 Cigareiles c. $ 1 .39 Chocolale Chips 190 Iodised or m O pkgs. ruin TUIIA FLMES Mid-Pacific No. Vi 390 BBBBBBBBBaaBaBmBBBaBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBa Dill Pickles Columbia QL 29c I ninso or Lux Flakes 33c Medium sise - lie Miracle Whip rmtTe Qt 69c I Purex Bleach rai. zu oai. 45c Produce Specials New Polaioes Ne!'i.ge 10 iu. 49c I Strawberries Be. 29c Cabbage xt,. 6tic Snnkisl Oranges ZZ": . 49c Dadishes loST".. 2 b,nche 13o Grapetrnil Sihsieret jpo. 45c Phone 64S9 Terry Randall Homel's Tenderized Skinned 1288 State St. half or whole, lb. 11 BUY ONE NOWI THIS PRICE WONT LAST! 0 Fresh spring chinook Pound Hialibiin First of the season- fresh. Pound mem (gi&aiPSfsiHiffl We Should Have More of It to Help Bring Down w The J. J. Clothes Shop SALEM'S QUALITY CLOTHIERS . FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Hat 'ing pledged ourselves to hold th tine against ! ever increasing inflated prices, we now offer you To All; Big and Small; to Meet or Beat the High Quality, Smart Styles, Expert Tailoring, Wide Variety of Choice Fabrics, Colors, Patterns and Complete bize Range to Fit All Regular, Short, Stout and Tall from size 34 to 50 Chest. AT THESE ASTOUNDING MONEY-SAVING, REMARKABLE .WW lffljNSS i Group No. J a l Barrymore Leisure Style Solid Color Gabardines Royal Blue and Suntan, Size 34 to 42 Regular Price $35.00 Our Challenge Sale Price Group No. 2 flSIW 35 100 Wool Donegal Tweeds, fan and Grey Mixtures. T Brown, Blue and Grey 2 Ply "Visti & 100 Wool Tropical ) Worsteds. Sizes 34 to 44. Regular Price $45.00: a Onr Challenge Sale Prico Group No. S mW 75 ilHI 100 All Wool Worsteds Single cad Doable) Breasted Models Wide Selection oi Colors and Patterns Moat Expensive Fabrics Glea Plaid, ShnrWUna. Blade Serge and Fancy Cashmeres All Sizes, Guaranteed $50.00 and; $55.00 Values Some With Two Pants. Extra Pants $1135 Onr Challenge Sale Prico Regular $520, S5&00, $6000. $620. $65.00, $70-00 and $75X0 suits in every desirable, most-wanted fabric, color and pattern. Sizes 34 to 50. Regulars, shorts, longs and stouts. One and two pants suits. Your choice oi our entire stock at $ W THE REGULAR PRICE j Sport Coats, Slacks and Pants AT 10 OFF i i " I : - i "... ..! . NOTICE: For your shopping convenience tee tcill be open Friday night until 9 o clock. Salem s Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men : The J. J. CUthds Simp For Style, Quality and Greater Value, YouH find & Pays All Ways . Yes, It Always Pays to Buy' Your Clothes at 337 Side Si. 2 Doors West oi Liberty on State SL 337Sl2loSt Next to Rarunan'S; Jewelry &or