FIRE EQUIPMENT CALLED City firemen . were called to a house at 830 N. Commercial it. Wednesday rooming when nn overheated chimney started a fire in the basement. The-flames swept through the floor into kitchen be fore being bi-oufiht under control, firemen said. The firemen werr called again to the city barm ot 1310 Ferry T where a tar ot caught fire, but the blaze win put out before the equipment ar rived. Elect Peery T. Buren and assure a Municipal court which will ex ercise uncoerced and impartial judgment according to the law and facts of each case. Pd. Adv. by Peery T. Buren. Rummage sale May 21st. 1st Con gregational churrh busement. Cottage and Marion. Ben Wittner Furs, formerly of 1348 Ferry St.. is now locattd at the F.ihjon Lounge. 142 S High. Jim Garvin for adv. by Garvin Comm. Constable. Pd. for Constable DeMOLAY HOI SING NF.EDFD Housing for about 500 D Mo lay youths expected to attend the annual state conclae in Salem is urgently needed. Bob Sc;imster, local committee chairman, an nounced WfUnefday. Residents who will offer rooms to the dele gates next Friday and Saturday nights are requested to call Mrs. Floyd Seamster at 5598. : Republicans! Elect Lamar Tooze delegate to Republican National Convention, state at large. Will support Oregon's choice. Overseas veteran, both World Wars. (Pd. ad. by Lamar Tooze." 3814 N.W. Thurman St., Portland. Ore ) Merle F. Brown, M. D. physician and surgeon has removed his of- , fices to 190 S. Liberty St Salem: office- telephone 2-4465. Evening exchange 9187. Births HI' NT To Mr. and Mrs Ken neth Hunt, 1040 N. 14th st , a daughter, Wednesday. May 19, at Salem Memorial hospital. RICHTER To Mr. and Mrs Irvin Richter, Salem route 5. a son, Wednesday, May 19, at Sa lem General hospital. CLARK To Mr. and Mrs Ivan Clark. 480 Ratcliff dr., a son. Wed nesday. May 19, at Salem General hospital. BALLANTYNE To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ballantyne, 1232 Center st , a son, Tuesday, May 18, at Salem General hospital. (DALLAS MAN ARRESTED Donald Webster, Dallas, was arrested by Salem police Wednes day on a Polk county warrant I charging him with obtaining money under fale pretences. De tectives said Webster cashed one check in West Salem and two more in Salem on a Dallas bank ; without sufficient funds to cover ' them. He was turned ov r to 1 West Snlem police who lodged him in the Polk county j;iil in Dallas. Uniersal 25 ft. trailer house. Ex cellent cond Priced at $1500. For ' quick sale. Se at LaWta Court, ' 2990 S. Com! Jim Garin for adv. by Garwn , Comm. Const-.ble Pd. for Constable : Cut-Up Turkey. Reduce your meat bill. Buy ycur favorite parts at reas. prices at Lmeberry's Market, 155 N. Com'l. Cut-Up Turkey. Reduce your meat bill. Buy your favorite parts at reas. prices jit Lineberrv's Market. 155 N. Com'l. POSITIONS OPEN Applications are now being ac cepted by the Salm civil service office at the rxwt office for posi tions are poultry coordinator and eterinary coordinator at the U. S bureau of animal industry in BeltsviMe, Md W. Fischer, Salem civil service officer, announced Wednesday. Salaries are $4,902 and $5,905 a year lespectively. Elect Peery T. Buren and assure a Municipal court which will ex ercise uncoerced and impartial judgment according to the law and facts of each case. Pd. Adv. by Peery T. Buren. Cut-Up Turkey. Reduce your meat bill. Buy your favorite parts at reas. prices nt Lineberry's Market, 155 N. Com'l. Dance. Claude Bird. Aumsville, Saturday. It's Varlar Week at Elstrom's. See ' this amazing stainproof wall cov ering at Elfstrom's. 340 Court. HONOR SOCIETY ELECTS j Fred G. Evenden, Woodburn, I was elected president of Sigma I XI. national honor society in sci ; entific research, in an election at Oregon State college in Corvallis this week. Lester K Jones of Sa- lem and Lamar P. Bupp of Mon mouth were chosen associate stu dent members. . Republicans! Elect Lamar Tooze ; delegate to Republ ican National ; Convention, state at large. Will support Oregon's choice. Overseas . L....U. 1 1-1 11. . ad. by Lamar Tooze, 38!4 N.W. Thurman St., Portland, Ore.) Jim Garvin for adv. by Garvin Con-. ir. Constable. Pd. for Constable VETERANS While the war was on, nothing was too good for the men In uniform. We were going to do all sorts of things for them when they came home. But most of the enthusiasm died on V-J Day. Only a few, principally older veterans, have tried to keep the promises made to the younger men and women while they were away. The hardest workers are those leaders in veterans organiz ations who give unselfishly of their time and efforts to war vet eran programs. Few other men have been more devoted to veterans inter ests than Ike Bacon. Few other men have made more friends bv such devotion. Ike Bacon served on many committees before he became an American Legion post commander. When his term as commander expired, he continued to serve. He is still serving and will continue to serve, because his experience and knowledge are needed. Ike Bacon was urged to run for the office of Sheriff. Marion County has never had a war veteran Sheriff. Ike Bacon is quali fied and he would maintain the same friendly relations with the public he has established with others veterans and non-veterans alike during his whole career as a leading war veteran and businessman. Because of his honesty, unselfishness and loyalty to what he feels if right, Ike Bacon deserves your support and that of your relatives and friends. He would make us a good Sheriff. Ike Bacon has a clean reputation and he has conducted a clean campaign. If you want a war veteran Sheriff, now is your chance! BACON FOR SHERIFF COMMITTEE William Bliven, Chairman Paid Adr. by Bacon LEGION ELECTION MEET All Legionnaires of the Salem area are invited to attend a meet ing of Capital post 9. American Legion, next Friday night when election returns will be broadcast to the assembly. The session will be held in the post's new home, the former Normandy Manor at 2650 S. Commercial st. Vote X93 Ervin Ward. Republi- can C?ndidate for Constable. Pd. ; Adv. by Ward for Constable i Comm. j' jjim Garvin for Constable. Pd. ; adr. by Garvin for Constable 1 Comm. I Asparap&s now ready for freez ! ing and canning. Fiala Ranch, 3 miles north of Salem in Polk Co. ; Ph. 23072. Bring containers. j Insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem Federal Savings Association. 390 State st 1 YWCA rummage sale every Fri day, 9 a.m. to 4 p m. 141 S. Winter. Hard of hearing? Fresh Batteries for all makes of hearing aids. See our 1 unit Beltone priced at only j $75. James N. Taft &c Associates! 218 Oregon BLdg Ph. Sa. 24491. j Republicans! Elect Lamar Tooze J delegate to Republican National Convention, state at lare. Will ' support Oregon's choice Overseas veteran, both World Wars (Pd. ad by Lamar Tooze. 3814 N.W. Thurman St , Portland. Ore ) For Rent: Cars, vans, stake and pickups. Smitty's Clipper Serv ice. Center & Church. Ph. 9600. For s.-.le: Azaleas in bloom Stray- : er a-alea field. Ph. 6915, Fifth & Locusts Sts i I Trior Automagic washers & Thor ironcrs now on display at Ralph Johnson Appliances, 355 Center, i Ph 4036. ! MILLER TOASTMASTER i . ' e . . . . " ' v Miia I toastmaster at tonight's meeting of ' the Capitol Toastmaster's club in ' the Gold Arrow restaurant. Table topics are to be directed by Robert Forkner. Speakers will be Wayne Smith, William Osko, William Bliven, Al Cramer and Gail Jones. Republicans! Elect Lamar Tooze I delegate to Republican National Convention, state at large. Will support Oregon's choice. Overseas veteran, both World Wars. (Pd. ad. by Lamar Tooze, 3814 N.W. Thurman St., Portland, Ore.) Vote 91 & retain Earl Adams, con stable Pd. adv. by Earl Adams. Vote 91 Retain your present con I stable. Paid adv. by Earl Adams, I constable. Vote X 93 Ervin Ward, Republican j candidate for Constable. Pd. Adv. j by Ward for Constable, Comm. j i Transient families, complete laun- j dry facilities. Reas. hourly rates.) Self Serv ice Laundry, 1815 S. 12th. Ph. 5607. 1 ATTENTION lor Shrifl Cotnmllte BL1LDINU AUTHORIZED E, L. Burroughs was authorized Wednesday by the city engineers office to build a house and garage at 2035 Johns St., at a cost of $4,500. K. W. Hamilton received a permit to alter a house at 307 S. 25th st., $1,000. Vote "Hoss to the House." Paid Adv. Hosa for Rep. Comm. Vote X93 Ervin Ward, Republi can Candidate for Constable. Pd. Adv. by Ward for Constable Comm. Ph. 4642 for free roof estimate. Johns-Manville shingles in beau tiful blends & plain colors. Ma this Bros.. 164 S Com'L' Glenwood every Wed. & Sat For good local government, elect Peery T. Buren Salem municipal judge. Pd. adv. Peery T. Buren. Republicans! Elect Lamar Tooze delegate to Republican National Convention, state at large. Will support Oregon's choice. Overseas veteran, both World Wars. (Pd. ad. by Lamar Tooze, 3814 N.W. Thurman St., Portland, Ore.) ACCIDENT REPORTED Cars driven by Rose G. Pomeroy, 4115 Brooks ave.,. and Everett B. Kendall, Salem route 8, collided at Division and North Commercial streets Wednesday, city police re ported. Damage to the vehicles was slight and neither driver was in jured, police said. Vote X 93 Ervin Ward. Republican candidate for Constable. Pd. Adv. by Ward for Constable, Comm. For his graduation gift, give him something to wear. You will be sure to please him. Alex Jones. 121 N. High St. Rummage sale over Greenbaums Fri., Sat., May 21 and 22. Have you tried Brownies for chicken At steak dinners? Corner Market and Capitol. Dance, Claude Bird, Aumsville, Saturday. Dist. nurses annual dinner to be held Tuesday. May 25, 6:30 p.m. Silver Creek Lodge. It is not ne cessary to be a member of the Dist. to come. Reservations must be made by Friday, 21st. Tickets may be obtained from Miss Pal mer, the Salem General Hospital & Miss Darby, Salem Memorial Hospital. Tl RMDGE AT LIONS J. H. Turnidge, Jefferson farm er noted for his work with boys, will speak on boys and juvenile delinquency in a meeting of the Salem Lions club at the Marion hotel Thursday noon. Elect SPOOIIER STATE REP. Pd. Adv. Spooner Comm. Gee. Hall. Chairman SALEM MAN INITIATED Ken Leaarburg, Salem, was among 10 new initiates inducted into the Blue Key service society for men at Oregon State college in Corvallis this week. Lenaburg, a junior in business and technolo gy, was chosen on the basis of leadership, scholarship and serv ice. E. S. Benjamin, republican candi date for State Representative, will speak over KSLM tonight at 6:30. Pd. Adv. by Benjamin for repre sentative Comm. Vote X S3 Ervin Ward, Republican candidate for Constable. Pd. Adv. by Ward for Constable, Comm. 1 VL I w- ZSTLny man can consider himself truly privileged who has had the opportunity of speaking with and to nearly 100,000 of his country men within a period of slightly more than two wecki. This privilege has been mine, here in Oregon. Your kindness and consideration to me I shall never forget. You have been the most gracious, most hospitable people a man could possibly meet. I feel we have become friends. Each day I have endeavored clearly and forth rightly to present my views on the many issues con fronting ii$ all. I have a steadfast faith that we can successfully resolve our problems, here at home and abroad, that America can and will go forward as a happy, pros perous, free nation in a world at peace. As I have visited with you, I have stated, as clearly as I know how , my convictions on : COMMUNISM IN THE UNITED STATES I am unalterably, wboie-beartedly and unswervingly against any scheme to write laws outlawing people because of their religious, political, social or economic ideas. It is a violation of the Constitution of the United States and of the Bill of Rights. It is nothing but totalitarianism itself. I know from many years experience in enforcement of the law that the proposal would not work and instead would advance the cause of Communism rapidly both in this country and all over the world. I am against it because it would drive the Communists underground. Let's keep them out in tha open so wo can know who they are and what they support and then beat them at the polls. With a vigorous national government that really hates Communism and knows something about it, we can proceed to convict them when they break our laws. W can completely discredit the Party and deprive it of its effectiveness. We can beat Communism In the good American fashion without undermining the liberties of our people. We must never outlaw any person for his individual beliefs. Those are the methods ot Hitler and Stalin. They must never be permitted to happen in America. POWER AND RECLAMATION Hydro-electric power and irrigation are urgent and essential for the healthy growth of the Pacifio Northwest and I urge that they go forward steadily and rapidly. All sound projects can be hooesdy self-sustaining and self-liquidating. On this basis, public appropriations arc to be regarded as investments in America's productive future. The same is true of needed flood control and navigation projects. River development should be on a regional basis. Such large-scale multiple-purpose projects as those for the drainage basins of the Missouri, the Columbia and the Willamette are a natural responsibility for the Federal government. I propose an aggressive and a continued orderly program of developing all such major resources for the benefit of the Nation, including McNary Dam, whkhswill generate nearly a million kilowatts, and Foster Creek and Hungry Horse and such others as may be feasible. This also includes the works for the control and harnessing of the Willamette River which were interrupted by the war. In these resources some sections are more richly endowed than others, but this is not a sectional matter. Anything that builds a bigger West builds a greater and stronger America for all our people. AGRICULTURE e I am deeply convinced that agriculture must be maintained on a par with other elements of our population. An important job for the next Congress will be to modernize our present parity formulas to provide a true measure between farm prices and farm costs. This should include consideration of the cost of hired farm labor. In modernizing parity we should also aim at a program which will correct the present alarming decrease in our flocks and herds to provide us with the strongest possible animal agriculture, as well as protect our basic production of cereals and fruits and vegetables. Until this complete long-range farm and price support program is completed, present pries supports should, of course, be continued. The interests of agriculture and industry an always inter twined. If ooe is prosperous the other will be prosperous. Dcpressioa for one inevitably means misery for the other. But there is no need to fear depression at all if we can get ahead with a creative development of our natural resources. The inter-dependency of farm and factory is nowhere better shown than in the Northwest's great program of conservation and utilization of its water resources for the asvetoptnent of power and the rerlamatto of laBd. LEAVE CLEANERS A notice of retirement from Nu-Method cleaners was filed with the Marion county clerk Wednesday by C. H. Evergreen, G. V. Hanigan and Gordon Lan ham. Turkey pickers report this morn ing, 8:00 a.m. Willamette Packing Ass'n, West Salem. PARKED CAR HIT A hit-run driver damaged the car of E. L. Snyder, 1317 State st-, while the vehicle was parked In the 300 block of North High street, city police said. Snyder reported the left rear fender of his vehicle was badly dented in the crash. e 3 -t . . . ... . .. x .: A The Statesman. Salem. Ofgoo, Thursday. Mar 23. 1348-i-S Prompt wiring service. Judson's, phone 4141. Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. Kugel, 7694. 735 N. Capitol SL Asphalt Roof Coating: Re $1.23; close out at 75c ea, Woodrows, 450 Center. Big fifty-two .gallon double ele ment electric water heaters only $89.50. Judson's, 278 N. Com'L Oxygen when mixed with acet ylene makes possible flame tem peratures above 4,000 degrees. n n MSA LABOR AND MANAGEADIT We must restore the confidence of labor and management S9 their government by a definite and consistent labor policy fairly and impartially administered. We should strengthen the processes of collective bargaining and increase to a maximum government mediation of industrial disputes, strengthen the agencies of conciliation and mediation, and reduce to a minimum government compulsion. We should then buOd op a real labor department and appoint the best available Secretary of Labos, stand back of him, let him, serve as the adcunistrau'on's repre sentative in dealings with labor and management and don't let people go around behind his back to overrule him. VETERANS Veterans are entitled to every possible help that government can give them and in my state as in yours we've tried to do just that. We must encourage them tf start new businesses and bring to them the personal counseling service of all agencies of government to help them meet their problems, from Jobs to health and welfare. We must also provide our veterans With the broadest possible educational opportunities so that the can re-establish themselves in a peace-time economy. i- GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES It Is fundamental in our free society that government should only perform those functions that are essential to the actual operation of government. It is also fundamental that taxation should be kept to the absolute minimum that is necessary to pay the cost of essentia government services and to maks payments toward the national debt. Every unnecessary expcndlp hire means a larger tax collection out of the nation's production, and therefore, a lower standard of living for the people as A whole. I sm personally convinced that expenditures of our sprawling Federal government departments, bureaus, agencies can be reduced. EDUCATION I have a deep consciousness of the place education holds ta the future of this nation. No state, no community, is better than Its schools. Half of a child's waking hours are spent in sehooL Here the child gets the best possible help to become a useful citizen. Nothing contributes more to the improvement of our citizenry than does educatioa, for schooling develops human resources which, in turn,' produce wealth and contribute to human happiness. Show me the nation with the best system of public education and with the greatest schooling in the humans ties and I will show you the nation with the greatest proa perity and with the soundest and happiest national life. : PEACl AND NATIONAL SECURITY 1. It is elementary that we must buDd up our national rnChaiT etreegth to the point where no nation on earth will dare fa attack us. But arms will not win the peace. 2. Ws need a first-rate intelligence service so that we ea bf informed shout what is going on In the world. 8. We should start, and start now, effectively to eombat ths evil propaganda of Communism. 4. We need to bring to China material help and, eves mojt important, renewed proof of our continuing deep friendship 5. We must use our great European recovery plan 4b so-called Marshall plan to encourage the eevesoptneot of United States of Europe. : - 6. We must maks op our minds that we have to wag MCf with all the energy and determination and force with which w waged war. 7. We must keep cool. Remember this is a war of nerves. The object of a war of nerves is to make s angry and provok Bf into doing foolish things. In this critical hour the mantle of world badershfp ha fallen on our shoulders, pur Republican Party alone has tit faith, the practical competence and the devotion to peace to meet the desperate appeal of free men everywhere for leader ship. Our country is being challenged in the world today by cold force and, ruthless political opportunism, Ws must b strong enough to be able to stand op boldly and fearkssry when we are threatened with brut fore. But fore sloe win never win the ultimate decision. If the world is to be saved from totalitarian barbarism, it must be saved by the skiSrul use of peaceful means, by the triumph of ideas nd idea. In the winning of the pesos every advantage is on our aid, The Republican Party will wag and win the peace by a new. high devotion to that cause, by skill and understanding and everlasting faith in the cause of human B berry. ; 10 Down. Par Monthly yeseiiaa Dllsaj Ajd Shades New Available ! .elueo- Thd Blind Han 1453 Boa St W. Salem Slats in aluminum, steel, wood. Choice of tap colors. f Mearared a4 Installed wttMa XI smiles. fi Pheme 7322. CaU Ami Time f er rree Estimate i : i J i Nil i