The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 20, 1948, Page 16, Image 16

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    16 Ths) Statman, Solin, Oregon, Thyndaj. Mcry 20. IMS
Now York Stock Quotations
NEW YORK, May 19-0P)-Toda y's doting quota Uoni:
Al Chem it Dye 185 'Gen Foodj 39!Rayonier
American Can .. M-KiGen Motors 58HlRayonler pfd
Am Power St Lt lOiGoodyear Tire - 48 1 Reynolds Met
Am Tel St Tel ..156'Gt North pfd .. 49!Richfield
Anaconda Splint Harvest ...... 169 ISafeway
Atchison 113m!Int Paper pfd (WVilSears Roeb ....
nrvH! Avia .... 35i!J Manville 41 ISinclair Oil
Beth Steel
. 357,us.ennecou
... 26 Vi Long Bell
Boeing Air ...
Calif Pack ...
Canadian Pac
Case J I
Comwlth Sou
Cons Edison .
Cons Vultce .
Crown Zel ...
Curtis Wr
.... 38 I Mont Ward
. 18 INash Kelvin ...
. 48,!Nat Dairy
.60 !N Y Central .
158 iNorth Am Co .
. 24 1 Northern Pac .
. 13H;Pac Am Fish .
. 33 I Pac Gas Elec
P T St T
Douglas Air
624 Pan American
Dupont de Ne .180 Penney J C
Gen Electric .... . 39-4 aaio uorp
Guernsey Club
Elects Lovee
Florham Park. N
J .
was elected
president ui
t a IK,.
American uuemsey . .
Cattle cluD
at the annual convention
The cattle breeder. whoe con-
vention is part of a western lour
extending from the southwest to
Canada, will attend the annual
western Guernsey sale here to
Elected to the organization s
board were oeorge
t-mi 1 ji Pal if H. J. Ziegler,
Cleveland. O : Fred Si
non. Ind : uranwie i .
Brooklawnwood. Md.; J. M-
Donald, Cortland. N. Y.; L. V.
Wilson. Excelsior. Minn. "jlvln
vr, vr r.u.- Pewaukee. Wis.; Otto
T i.korv Neb : Kent B.
u..,.. 'flU:,li.,ma Cltv: Barney
Hovce. Vancouver, Wash ; ""
t..v," c Picric Huntington, L. I
retiring president.
Ort-Kon rre-merv butter during
the firt two weeks of May fell
ihort of the axernge score set
during March, but onlv two sam
ples were low in butterfat con-
tent a compared
Ing March, the fctate department
of agriculture sain rui
- m .
irr,th F. Carl. a?itant cniei ,
J V I M'v n
Portland Livestock
dairy type kinds
beef cows 22 00-24 00: gooo. oui a ,
upwRd .to 25 50. severe .e-.-...
iJb lb butcher bull. 2SOO-27 00. good
. w.ii- n so: common-mea-
1 sauge bull. 22.00-24.00: good
choice vealers 2S 00-31.00. selects up
to 32 50 common-medium grades IB w
16 00 culU down to 15 00 or below.
"sSiabl. hog. 900. total l:m"r"t
rv .low. Dart of an. unusually large
midweek supply unsold, general grace
llcftdV to weak DUl forne uiui ,
or more ioer ., , . , , .u,rwi 197- ,
55 .5' ii iii ih. 20 50: heavier
r-J?'. in laoo Rood 30-405 I
lb " sows 17.5-18 00 : 300 lb, up to 19 00: ,
1 food 665 lb Stag 15 00: OOa-Cnoisr
leeder pigs scarce, salable .rouno
13c0?r", .Hr obM ' total 650: market
nominally steady; gooo-cnoiie -"
. . . r . . . , n
famb. salable around 25 00. extreme top
Tuesday 25 50; good wool old crop
Umbs salable up to 23 25; shorn lambs
quotable up to 22 00 or above; good
choice shorn ewes quotable around
0 00-50
Salem Market
No. 1 -
Ho. 2
Retail -
EGGS Baying)
Pullets and cracks .
EGGS Wholesale)
Medium ,
pullets and cracks
No. 1 colored hens
No. 1 Leghorn hens
No. 1 col. fryers. 3 lbs. up .
No. 1 col. try1- ''-' lb-
No. 1 old csftks
LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack)
Spring lambs up to J4 00
Woo lied Umbs. choice .. 23.00
Fresh sheared Umbs 22 00
Yearlings . up to 17 00
Ewe 2 00 to 10.00
Fat dairy cows up to 19.00
Cutter cows . . up to 18.00
Dairy heifer 14 00 to 22.00
Bulls 17 00 to 23D0
Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) up to 25 00
Veal, choice - - 28 00
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem. Ore
gon, deems It necessary and expedient
and hereby declares Its purpos. and
Intention to Improve Pine street from
the West line of Laurel avenue to th.
East line of Hazel avenue. In the City
of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, at
the expense of the abutting and ad
jacent property, except the alley in
tersection the expense of which will
be assumed by the city of Salem, by
bringing said portion of said street to
th. established grade, constructing ce
sncnt concrete curbs, and paving said
portion of said street ith a 2 'i-lnch
atsphaltic concrete pavement thirty feet
wide, in accordance with the plana
and specifications therefor which were
adopted by the common council May
10. 1948. which ar. now on xil. tn the
office of th. city recorder and which
by this reference thereto ar. mad. a
gtart hereof.
The common council hereby declare,
tta purpose and Intention to make the
above described improvement by aaxt
through th. street Improvement de
partment. By order of the common council
May 10. 1946:
ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder
Date of first publication hereof ts
May 12. 148.
May 12 13, 14. 15. 18. 18. 19. 30. 21. 23.
S3. 1946.
m W .
itn vt. 19-1 APl-lUSDAl- j
VT ii i 200 total 250 calves "5; mon council of the city of iaiem, ore-: CLEAN, honest young man to lea
Salable came fw- miik ' ,iow. but eon. deems It necessary and expedient ervice tation Si garage business, i
M , . i .1 itfli i decline; few and hereby declares 11 purpose and ; Edge. atrr St . W. Salem.
"'V.'low Rood 75O-970 lb. steers intention to improve the Ea.t alley. wA NTED Experienced dairyman for
S& sO I tot medium 735 lb. mixed Block 6. The Oaks Addition, ron, j Cr,de A d , , m work
f- A and heifers 26 00 nredlum-low South line of E street to the North milk, etectr.ctly furn. M. B.
:t"he","r.h2i,,27.0O. lowh..h good . In. of D street In the Oty of 1 ! nnd.ev. 1 ml, E.. of R.ckre..l.
neifrrs "nold c""'r,;. downward expense of the abutting and adjacent I EXPERIENCED mechanic must have
i . i 18 0O-1S.50: Shells aonro . T . .n n.r.. own tools and furnish references. See
n 13.00: common cow including . fat Jwhlch 'j, .-u.ned Van. Teague Motor Co. Ph. 2-4173.
. 314
. 34 a
. 27
. 25
. 204
. 41d
. 26
. 584
. 26H
. 9
. 26S
. 11
. 304
. 18'j
. 30'.
. 79
. 134
. 31
. 48
a racmc
A ...... 28 IStan Brands
...... 4V4Stan Oil Cal
.. 274 ISun Mining .
.. milUnion Oil ...
.. 16Hi!Un Pacific .
.. 254 lUn Airlines
lUn Aircraft
35H U S Steel
.. 98 i Warner Bros
.. 104 West Elec ...
. 464 1 Wool worth ...
. 12-.I
of the department's foods and!
loiru ioicinn rannrliuH At nm.
, 3 7 . . ' j .v..
pies oi Duller were muito iui
month. Of these, 40 were labeled
grade A and three grade B, Carl
said. i
The official scoring board scor
ed 25 of the 40 as grade A. but
dropped 15 samples to grade B.
; , t art.h 50 mDe, wre ibel-
, ...... '- ' , .. .
I ed. with 32 scored grade A and
. jg rat-e B
Stock Market
Prices Stead v
. ,
N K W lORK. MaV 19 -lPl- The
,fv rnrlrf itpaHloH Inrlv aftprlof feed, poultry raulDment. remedies
! Tuesday', abrupt break but ag-
Kresi,ive selling barred .he way
, into higher price ground.
i Except for a handful of issue.
prices see-sawed back and forth
mr.t nf th Hav Snm oils rails
..-. m.tnl manwffwl to hanu on
j in 0jiB1 't n.irvr, in irmmH a
1 point but . for the market gener-
ally mall changes either way
were about In balance.
The day's turnover of 1,850.000
shares was well below yester
day's 2,480.000.
The narrow price movements
were summed up by the Asso-
ciated Press average of 60 stocky,
which advanced only .1 of One
point to 70.5. Of 1.109 liquet
,, i,;, k j j -,-. ,i, .,r.H .nJ
which traded, 32 advanced and
367 declined.
As late as the 1890s, persons
who affected long fingernails were
thought to use them as a shield
naaintt A r cf onv MJdrt
Notice is hereby flven that the com''
by the city of Salem, by bringing said
r. tn- established grade, and
, , Mld ,
alley with a 6-tnch Port'
land cement concrete pavement ten
feet wide, In accordance with the
plans and specifications threfor which
were adopted by the common council
May 10. 194S. which are now on file
In the office of the city recorder and
which by this reference thereto are
made a part hereof
The common council herebv declares
its purpupe ariu iiuvnuun m inc hit
ihr...h ih. .tr..i imrr..v .mm de. !
p.rtrnent. !
By order of the c.nmon council ,
May 10 1948
f.lx rv klj munui. ii it nfiuiuri j
ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder
u 0,' "r" "uo"c,uo" ncrro1 "
Miy ll! 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
7 1 IS4B
Notice U hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem. Ore
gon, deems lt necessary and expedient
and, hereby declares its purpose and
intention to Improve South Winter
street from the North line of Cro?s
street to the North line of Leffelle
street. In the City of Salem. Marion
County. Oregon, at the expense of the
abutting and adjacent property, ex
cept the street intersections the ex
pense of which will be assumed by the
city of Salem, by bringing said portion
of said street to the established grade, please. Apply from 1 to 3 p m. Wlllam
constructing cement concrete curbs, ette Valley Roof Co.. Inc. 30 Lana Ave..
and paving said portion of said street
with a 6-inch Portland cement con
crete pavement twenty-four feet wide.
In accordance with the plans and speci
fications therefor which were adopted
oy tne common council Ma v 10. 1948
ZJi, h . ; ,k V;. 1 .
which are now on file in the office of
the city recorder
ind which by this
reference thereto
are made a part I
The common council hereby declares ,
its purpose and Intention to make the
above described Improvement by and
through the street Improvement de
partment. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof Is
May 12. 1948.
May 12. 13. 14. 13. 18. 18. 19. 20, 21. 22.
23. 1948.
Sealed proposals for furnishing all
materials and constructing a Sewer
Project will be received at the office of
th. City Recorder. City Hall. Salem.
Oregon, until 1:00 p.m. on Tuesdav.
June 1st. 1948. and will be publicly
opened at 1 30 p.m. on the same date
by the City Manager at his office.
This project Include the following
approximate quantities of materials, in
200 L.F. 30" Monolithic Outfall Sewer.
100 L.F. 72- Monolithic Outfall Sewer.
1.289 L.F. 72" Reinforced Concrete
Pipe Intercepting Sewer or Monolithic
1.653 L.F. 66 Reinforced Concrete
Pip. Intercepting Sewer or Monolithic
7.778 L.F. M" Reinforced Concrete
Prpe Intercepting Sewer or Monolithic
1.450 LT. 8" Concrete Sanitary Sewer.
270 L.F. 10" Concrete Sanitary Sewer.
195 L.F. IT Concrete Sanitary Sewer.
150 L.F. 13 Concrete Sanitary Sewer.
700 L.F. 18 Concrete Sanitary Sewer.
19 Manholes.
1 Diversion Structure.
1 64' Reinforced Concrete Bridge.
Plana. Specifications and other doc
ument, required for bidding may be
Inspected at th. offic. of th. City En
gineer and cople may be obtained by
qualified prospective bidders uoon a
deposit of $10JK. which amount will
be refunded In ease th. documents are
returned, but otherwise will be re
tained. Attention of bidders la directed to
Section 96-103. O. C. L. A. providing for
pre -q-ualif lea tlon.
All proposals must be upon regular
blank forms furnished with the speci
fications, and must be accompanied by
a certified check for an amount equal
to or exceeding five percent (3) of
the total bid. A 100 corporate surety
bond will be required to guarantee the
faithful -performance of the contract,
together with insurance In 'such sum as
may be necessary to protect the City
against loss or damage by reason of In
juries to person or property.
The right 1 reserved by the City to
reject any or all bids, or to accept the
proposal which appears most advan
tageous. ALFRED MUNDT.
My City Recorder
Corn Relaxes
After New High
CHICAGO, May 19 -CP)- Corn
prices eased on the board of trade
today after the May contract had
reached a new high since Febr
uary in early dealings. Wheat and
oats closed steady with small
price changes. Soybeans and lard
moved ahead for fair sized gains.
At the close wheat was V-Vi
higher. May $2.47-2.47 4; corn
was ? to 2 cents lower, May
$2.314-2.32; oats were lower
to higher, May $1 13H-H, and
soybeans were 5 to 8 cents high
er, May $4.25. Lard ended 15 to
70 cents a hundred pounds high
er, May $23.52.
Livestock and Poultry
FOR SALE. Holstein cow. freh 5
weeks Milking 55 lb. Ph. 22508.
butcher hog. 250 lb.. Rt. i. Box
J1B- Brooks
I FOR SALE: N il Red roosters.
1 yr
old Rt 4. Box 478. I. H. Fetrow Ph.
23172. l' mi. from bridle on Dallas
LARGE YOUNG dairy cow. milking
l near 5 gal. Kretli 2 tno. Easy milker.
grntle. guaranteed rigill Ph. 3J4B
GOOD GOING Guernsey cow. fresh
6 wks Guernsey heifer. Rentile. milking
good. White laiuh, 1 mi. E. from Tur
ner. .
BAHi CHICKS varieties Weekly
r.itrhe' Hatchery.
WANTED to buv All kinds ot cai
He hoe. and iheep Frank Wood Rt
7 Box OI H Phone 2-6714
UKAD Slos-k picked up. flee ol
charge, dav and night ervtoe Ph
Sherwood Ore. 4432 or 4424 Call
col le-ct
"IMPROVED N H day-old or started
chick and pullets for Immediate or
i fiilnra liirv A ln mmnleta line
1 Vr? n'o'sst
WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hoc
8t sheep Will call at farm. Licensed
& bonded buyer Prompt service E
I Snethen & Son 1530 Lancaster Dr
?lem Ph 2-1345
Mffandlti-h Rt 9 Box 233 Ph 8147
I 2 EXTRA nice family cow Guein.
Sc Jer . 5'j Sc 61, gal day. If you are
looking for a real one. don't pass thete
up A!o 2 fat cow 3 ml east on Cen
ter St. Rt. 9. Box 101. Salrm.
Help Wanted
i . , u , WllIam.,.. p-kme A-
oiatioii. Wr Salem . .
WANT to Vrgit-r picker for 12 acre
i Mrawbrrnn. 1 inilf mil nmtli
I ol Haiti Girn school Henry RaHinui-
n Rf 7 Box 3,3 s1(.ni
WANTED : Experienced bookkeeper.
Male or female. Good working con-
ditlons. good pay. Write Box 177 co
Help Wanted Male
W AWTm 1 -rai ai -ir fnr rlnr
man. Apply Capital Theatre.
GROCERY CLERK. Saving Center.
Portland Koad.
MAN with lumber truck to off bear
In small sawmll At haul output. Good
rate for Labor 6c hauling. Cabin furn.
lights. Apply Adams Lumber Co., Rt.
1 Box 9 Sclo
working condition 6c pay If you qua
lify. See Mr. Gear hart. Valley Motor
A-l AUTO mechanic. Steady work;
your own boss. 609 Edgewater. W. Sa
lem. BOOKKEEPER preferably witrTTum-
ber exper lence for bookkeeping 6c gen
ral work In sawmill office. Reply In
own handwriting
giving all details.
regarding experience 6c salary cxpect-
ed. Write Box 174
ru. nine do a hi j
YOUNG man 17 to work around imall
furniture ntore part time, after school
possibly. Prefer someone interested in
learning and advancing himself to bet
ter position later. Write Statesman Box
Help Wanted Female
STENOGRAPHER: Must be able to
take rapid dictation. Iegal experience
preferred. Pleasant working cond. 40
nr. wk. 8200 per mo. to start. Apply
State Civil Service Comm. 444 Center
ONE MIDDLE aged lady to contact
property owners. No selling. Must be
neat In appearance 6c able to meet the
public. Hour 9 a m. to S p.m. 5 days
a wk. Straight salary. No phone calls
PERSON TRAINED in domestic sci
ence or occupational therapy to help
rehabilitate convalescing, nervous
housewife Into systematic home msn-
arement Call 5460 for details
-.-. ts: -. r
WANTED: Office help with book
keeping experience. Permanent with
good pay for right party. 115 N. Lib-
WANTED Experienced lingerie
saleslady. Apply at Sally's.
HOUSEKEEPER for 1 man. Good
home. 130 mo Rt. 3. Box840. Salem.
PERMANENT position. Girl for ste
nographer 6c office. Dictation lequired.
40 hr. 5-day wk. Good salary. Apply
Portland Gas St Coke Co.. 109 S. Com-!.
Salemen Wanlel
SALESMAN wanted: make from 8300
to 8500 per month. Easy sales. Must
have salesman experience. L. M. Ogle
vle.548N. 20th. Ph. 9487.
PERMANENT position open for
weatherstrlpping and Insulation sales
man with well-established firm. Must
be neat, well mannered, over 25. Ex
cellent opportunities, salary and com
mission. Ph. 8496.
TWO VACUUM cleaner salesmen for
outside selling. Guaranteed draw plus
food commission. Excellent opportun
ties. Writ. Box 103.
Situations Wanted
LA WNM OWING and garden work.
PtlOn 9877.
"WILL CARE for children
in my
home. Ph. 4587.
WILL CARE for baby or child. 835
mo. Ph. 2-5947.
EXP ER FEN CE housekeeper - com
panlon for 1 or 8 persona. Live In.
Contact Mrs. Crane. 1210 S. 18th. Apt.
1. co Tlce.
CUSTOM plowing. L. b. Knox. RL I.
Box 78. Ph. 61F3.
17-YR. old boy need work. Willing
to learn trade. Ph. 2-3190
ROTO-TILLT-R workI Phone 4010.
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
CEMENT WORK, large and small
Job. Ph. 6396 or 2-34O0.
Oil Burner Service
Call Cy Younger. 6072.
PLASTERING by the yard or hour,
all work guaranteed. Ph. 1-4389.
EXPERIENCES mail with family
would like farm or dairy work. Can
furnish references. First house west of
Turner high school. Tom Dixon.
CAR PCN f tR work, remodeling, plas
tering. Price, reasonable. 753 Union sL
PAINTING, brush or spray. Inside or
out. Free estimates. Ph. 2-2146.
WHAT? Need painting? Phone 23190.
PaperhanRlng. Free est. Ph. 5522.
WOMAN wants hour work. Ph. 1-372L
CHILD care. Any ageTPh. 78.
PAINTING. FrMesLHorn. Ph. 2-5511.
Situations Wanted
DRESSMAKING. Bound button hole
pec. Al Ice Campbell, CM N. Capitol.
CAAfitN and Uwn work. Have lit Si
trac. on rubber with dosor. Ph. 592Q.
CARPENTER work, alteration, re
pair, cabinet. Email jobs only. Ph.
BY CARPENTER L cTbuT.t build.r
St fin la her Sc small construction. Wm.
L. Johnson, Salem Pen. Pel.
RATfcAlT nurse wishes car o?
elderly person In their bom. Writ
Statesman Box 178.
Plowing and Discing
Ford gqulpt.Bob. Hulst. Ph. 3-1139
LANDSCAPE Gardening, lawn put
In. Phone 1-5653.
CURTAINS washed and itretched.
Also tablecloths. Phone 1-6343.
Call Wallace. 1-4596.
CALX, 21761 morning or evenings for
fruit spraying. Gus Rosenbaum. Tom
us vis IB33 tierrv St.
Phone 2-6062
tlon Crofoot Bros Phone 2-4656
LAWN mOWeTS; scissors, knive
sharpened Dexter, 966 Center Ph 6633
Light dozer work, dtscing Ph 2-2X1 6
Furnace and chimney cleaned Vac
uum used B r Enslev Ph 7176
t)KAWING house "pla ns Ph 9621
Domestic. Irrigation. Industrial
2214 N FRONT, Sa I em Ph7JM
CHIMNEY sweep Northness, ph 4450
PRESchool Playschool 1381 State
A?f 2-8 Part or all day Ph S430
2-3Q45 Stanley fagg
Painting & Decoratinp
2-5444 PICK PREY 6265
PAINTEK and Pacxrnani.r Reason
able price Free estimates. H J
Woodwortn Ph 3015
Mike's Septic Service
Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service
on Sewers Ph 9466 or S.H7
GARDENING of all kinds, also Uwn
gut In. Ph. 2-5S34 8 to 5.
Sewer & Drain Service
ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter exclusive,
patented razor-sharp steel cutting
Blades Cleans sewers or drains. Septic
tank cleaned reasonable. 5327 or 9466
PAINTING 6c papering free estimate
Ph. 9513 857 Shipping.
Septic Tanks Cleaned
Spartan Electric Sewer Machine
Service. Modern. Econ. Eav Meth.
Clears llne of Root. Greae. Etc. K. F
Hamel. 1143 8th t. W Salem Ph 7404
WANTED Furniture' to aflue and re
pair Lee Bros Furniture Reflnlahlne
Co Ph 2-12X1 4020 E State St.
CTJsTZTVl AND garden plowing. Call
A I Benvm 2-45.16
ALL ktNDS of tree spray ln. Barn
whitewashed: work guaranteed to pass
Inspection. Ph. 2-5346.
For Sale Miscellaneous;
USED ranges and water heaters.
Pumlllte Block sV Supply Co , West
Salem. SpeciallsU in masonry plas
ter supplies. Time to paint up? Norris
Walker Paint. Sc. our "Youngstown "
PRESSURE cookers. Revere war.
SPECIAL, carnations 35c a cfump.
Pacific Hybrid delphiniums, bedding,
vegetable plants. Pemberton's Flower
Shop. 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 2-3346.
HAIR dryers, electric shavers, hair
clippers, vibrators.
"Commercial range with gnu.
Modern and Antique Firearms.
Don Madlon. 266 N. Capitol
THCECTR1C mixers, waffle iron
sandwich grills coffee makers, blend
ors. roasters, clocks door chimes.
CHICKEN OR cow manure, tl per
sack here at place Will del sacks
Ph. 66F22. Phillips Bros Rt. . Box
116 6 miles out State St.
FAMOUS NA MIT watchebld watch
trad. In. No money down. Low as 50c
week. 1316 State. Welsfield Gold
berR Phone 2-5358.
PLAST1-KOTE for walls, woodwork,
automobile, linoleum, no waxing.
ELECTRIC irons, steam iron, metal
Ironing boards, pads and rovers.
LOTS in Belcrest Memorial Park.
Good location. Write for details. Mrs.
W. E. Klein. 5461 West 41st Ave . Den
ver 4. Colorado.
INSERT oil burners, trash turners,
oil circulators, room heaters.
DRbP-LEAF table. 2 rockery. 2 show
cases ll small). Call at 1467Couxt
NEW PLANED lumber. 2-inch at
835 00 per M: shiplap at S45 00 per M:
shingles, cedar posts Sc paint. Commer
cial Lumber Co.. 3165 So. Com'l. 3
blks. S. of Vista Market
FOR BEST? garden" silt or driveway 4092 or 5369.
WESTINGHOUSE electric oven with
grill: Westinghouse elec. plat: Cool
erator. 75-lb. white ice box. 2150 Che-
meketa. Ph. 5737.
ELGIN man's "bicycle. Good cond.
$37.50. 504 N. 14th. Ph. 2-5856. 4
HlG"H type oven Universal electric
range, excellent condition. 680. Inq.
2335 Center.
WOOD range, coiled hot water tank.
gas water heater. 195 Court. Ph. 6882.
COMPLETE SET single bed. spring
and mattress, dresser. 850. Ph. 2-1094.
PIPE and plumbing. Savings on
quality merchandise. Logging supplies
Sc general hardware to cost you less.
SpecUl on elec. hot water heaters. 42
al . new. 975 each. Capital Bargain
louse 145 Cen t e rS t.
SUN and heat lamps, heating pads,
electric comforters.
River Silt
Sand and Gravel Co.
PH. 2-1966 2-3100
J R. Watklns Co products 1717 Cen
ter St. Salem. Ph. 8393. Free del.
F. H. A. Approved
12th St Block Co.
. 12th St. at Vista Ave.
Tele. 1-5363 Evenings 8904
GRAVEL, sand and silt. Delivered, or
on your truck at the pit. Phone 6444.
rr.trTBtr ranges, water heaters,
washers lroners. vacuum cleaners,
floor polishers, radio, recorders.
YEATUt AyfUAfH.1, t.--J.
USED wood booth. St 20 ft. Ma
hogany counter. The Ace. 127 N. High.
Walling Sand & Gravel Co.
Crushed Rock
For road J driveway. Cement
Ready -mix Concrete- Garden sand
Bulldozing, drainage and ditching Vt
yd .hovel Sc drag line Phone 1561
FARMERS attention: Milking ma
chines, butter eh urns, milk pasteuriz
ers, fence controllers.
MUSICTJSSONSTviolln and piano.
Start your child this summer with a
good teacher. Conservatory work for
advanced student. Rawlins Music Stu
dlo. Ph. 1-6013.
BARNYARD St Chicken manure. Dei
S3 per era. yard. Ph 68T22. Phillip.
pro., m pox it.
DOCS Boarded by day or mo. Trim-
mlng and bathing. Obedience Training.
Free Pick-up St Delv. LeGray Kennels.
Phone 1-3166.
ALWAYS . big stock.
Woodrv's Furniture MM Ph 8110
H0SP. BEDS, wheel chairs. Rent. selL
Burca. Pbon. 77J3. 745 Court SV
For Salo fMitceHaneotxa
Insulated Sheetrock 66c per sq. yd.
Weather proofed USO sheeil n( lye sq.
ft. Stop In. PumUlt Black it Supply
Co.. Wert Salem.
TAPPAN CP gas range fully auto
matlc. practically new. Call weekday
after p.m. All day Sat. St Sun. 3177
sunnyriew Ave
194) ROTOTOXXft. private owner. 1
mo. old. Has reverse gear. f70 dls-
count. Phone 3646.
BEFORE you buy a garden tractor,
see the new Garden Pal. S27S.50. How-
ser Brothers, eoa Edgewater St.
Blaster board, wan board. -x-
Celllng Ule S, wall plank Rt 7. Box
434A, McCain Ace., off Sllverton Rd.
6 SACKS S3 or $10 PER TON
Fre Delivery Anywhere In Salem
Ph 8127 davs: 2-4397 eve or 8127
CARDBOARD packing boxes and
theet; anv le 1 790 N Front
GUARANTEED perfect dlamonda.
Low as fl week. No money down. 1316
State Welsfield Goldberg. Ph. 2-5358.
Flax Seed
Seed flax cleaned Sc tested. Call 2-1650
TRACTOR Ures reduced up to 20.
All brand new. first quality Clearance
to make room for Wards new extra
Hl-Bar" tires! Sale Include most
popular purr. Quantities limited 1
Fill Dirt - Quarrv Rock
Pacific Excavating Company
971 Edgewater St.
Phone 2-14 13or8793 Salem. Or e
Double S&H Green Stamps
310 2 cord load 16" mill wood.
Fresh cut (screened) fir sawdust.
Tri"CitX Fuel Ph. 6683
SLIGHTLY used pop-up toaster 6c
2-burner electric plate. Reasonable.
Write Tom Connors. Box 22. Dallas.
HOTPOINT elec. range. r. friRerator.
washer dining rm. furn. Sc living rm
bedrm. sets. Also garden tool includ
ing lawn mower, rubber boat. Phone
25073 815 N. 17th.
SURPLUS Store." 1351 Hoyt St. Toi
let, new. silent type, best grade. Wash
ers, Young, deluxe and regular mod
el for Immediate deliver) : take a
look. Wash basins, best Rr-ie of cast
Iron enameled, with chrome trim at
price of china. Electric water heaters,
new. 30 Sc 42 gal : also table top mod
els. Sleeping bag, new. full ripper,
wool or kapok. Tarpaulins, most sizes.
Folding metal chair?, only 150 at S3 25.
Picnic table. ',-ln. Masonite tops.
815.00. Coleman oil circulator 829 05.
House wire, boxes outlets, switches,
range cable all kind. Electric weld
ers. G. E. farm welder: also surplus
A C. welders. Commercial. 80-gal. steam
Jacketed kettles, dish washers, steam
cookers, galley tables, laundry equip
ment: tumblers, extractor. presses.
Bunk beds and mattresses. American
LaFrance fire engine. Sawmill engine.
I-eRoy. industrial: also 225 hp. marine
engine, diesel. also gas. 360 hp. ma
rine, gas engine. Bedside tables, oak.
from S5.00 to 66 50 Come south on
12th to large Hot sign, turn eart one
block Tel. 7W16
DAVENPORT and chair. 837; x!2
Alexander Smith rug. $18: also boy's
bicycle 818 Ph. 602.
Easv Terms
Swing rockers, reg. $59 50
Armless davenos. reg. $69.50 ....
Daveno. Nylon velour
Reg. $119 50
Davenport St Chair, reg. $199.50
5-Pc. Walnut B R. Suite.
Reg $16950
5-Pc. Maple B R. Suite.
Reg. $179.50
Innerspring mattress, reg. $29.50
- $24
H&H Furniture
1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3797
Across From Holy wood Lions Den
THERMADOR water heater, good
deaLPhone 34728.
WEBSTER wire record"errbargain.
Phone 24728.
1 WCK5 RANGES for saie your
choice. see at 1040 Hood St.
Big Bed Value
Complete bed consisting of all-metal
Simmons bedstead. Simmons coil
spring, and Harmon button-tufted ln-ner-pring
mattress. Reg. $56 85 value,
now only $39 95 for a limited time only.
See this today at the
1605 N. Summer St.
-6 Blocks N. of State Capitol Bldg.
The Store That Bargains Built
late model. Excellent cond. $115. Frieze
Davenport and chair, like new, $175.
Knee hole desk, natural finish. $20.
Colled single bed spring 810. Rt. 4.
Box 319 2 blks east Colonial house on
Boone Rd. and turn left.
AERO-FLAME oil circulator. 5-room
sire Good cond. 620. Ph. 7943.
ZENITH short wave portable radio.
Cost 8136.50. Sell for 895. 1537 N. Winter.
DANDY. METAL 1 -wheel luggase
trailer. Almost new. $30. Ph, 2-5469.
FOR SALE: good fat beef. Phone
WILL SACRIFICE new Kenmore gas
range. Must sell. 790 Falrview.
SAVE 810 on new Thor Gladiron
Ironer. 1242 3rd St. W. Salem.
9 CU. FT. Gruno Refg." A-l cond..
also clothes closet. 940 S. 15th.
i "RABBIT "HUTCHES. $2 00 each. Rt.
9. Box 107. Fast Center St.
""RED COCKER Spaniels for sale. Ph.
DEEP SINK $5. French door $15.
Toilet tank 6c bowl $15. Gas water
tank $45. 1475 N. Commercial.
6-PIECE dining room set. Very rea
sonable. Double Iron bed, large posts.
$3.50. New 97-piece set of Bavarian
china. 12 place setting. Call 7236, 2885
M t . View Drive.
WEDGE WOOD comb, gas St wood
range. $95. Auto, gas water htr. $25.
2695 Hulsev. off Ratcllff. between S.
12th and 9E.
16 MM M(5VIE camera. T5 lens,
projector, screen, other accessories.
$225 cash. Ph. 4411.
S1AMPS. special collection Ireland
catalog $850.00. A good Investment.
"Tor the best in appliances
see ralph johnson
KELVIN ATOR ranges, refrigerators.
Bendix washers, dryers, lroners.
Fowler porcellned 20 yr. water heater.
Speed Queen washers, lroners.
Electromaster Estate. Thermador
ranges. RCA Victor radios.
Deepfreeze, Harder Freer, Beall
American Central Kit. Cab. St Sinks.
Eureka St Lewyt Vacuum cleaners.
Ironrite Ironer.
Tappan. Ruud 6c Mission gas appl.
355 Center Phone 4036
PEKINESE PUPS. 8 weeks old. 2360
ELECTROLUX refrigerator. 7 cu. ft-
good cond.. 875: Ph. 4494.
$ CU. FTT refrigerator, excellent
condition. $150. Phone 1-4303.
MUST SELL outboard motor "Sea
King" S hp. self starter, rubber clutch.
late model. $80. Twin size bed rornp.
with mattress. $15. Ph. 7796.
Wanted -Furniture
WANT TO Buy Used Camera. St
lenses MfEwsn Photo Shoo 433 State
CASH for used piano St other mu
sical instruments. Call 4641 days or
9537 evenings or send description to
Jaoutth Music Co. 191 S High
Wanlrd MiM-eIlaxieou$)
SECOND GROWTH saw timber, any
amount. Civ. location. Statesman Box
WANTED:" Dec. sewing mechlne.
good cond. Prefer portable. Ph. 4263.
WANTED, old . Sunbeam preseur.
clothes sprinkler, any condition.-' Writ.
Box Se Statesman
i Wamtnl- lIiaeeTIaneon
Wills ' Music Store, Sslem
CASH for old gold, solid, plated of
filled. Salem Watch fthoa. c5s Stata
Dental Plate Repair
Bring or Mall Your Plate, for
Adolph BldR.. State 6r Com Ph 1311
WEATHER strip. Pullman Ph 506
AUTO painting, lust a shad, better.
by Ray ETTER, Call Shrock Motor Co
HAVE YOUR aunger sewing rtUM-nlne
repaired by a qualified Singer repre
sentative. Ph. 3512 for free pickup At
delivery service on all makes of ma
chines. Tree estimate given before
work Is started Singer Sewing Ma-
ehlne Co.. 130 N Commercial
Letterheads, cartoons, business slgs,
trade marks, photo retouching. Bob
Browne. Salem Engraving. Phone 9101.
213 S. Commercial.
Salem Sand & Gravel Co.
Contract Work
Roads Cleaitng - Ditching
Sewer 4 Basement
Equipment Rental
15 B-'. yds T12 00 per hr
10 B-, yds. . 9 60 per hr
D-7 Cat 4 Dozer - 9 60 per hr
D-6 Cat a Dozer 40 per hr
D-4 Cat Dozer 7 00 per or
Phone Davs 940(1
Evenings 8246 or 24400
Salem Oregon
AL S RADIO Clinic. Keixer disu day
or evening Ph 2-4373.
MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked
800 LES SPRINGER 464 Court
MattfVsses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069
Pacific Excavating Company
971 Edgewater St, Salem. Oregon
Bulldozing Grading
Phone 1-1413 or 8793
WATER WELL drilling Domestic oi
Irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt 9. Box
423 Phon. 2-1311
Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans.
See us about refinancing your present
contract or mortgage. Approved city
loans. Low interest fates.
Leo N. Child?, Inc.
344 State St. Ph. 9261
5f INTEREST net. on your surplus
money; buy a first mortgage on Salem
and vicinity property: examine secur
ity yourself, make your own selections.
Amount to $500 to $10,000 mortgage
now available. Come in and look over
the list of mortgages now.
State Finance Co.
153 S. High St. Telephone4I21
' 5-. Earn in os on Your
W. have a number of first mortgages
on real estate, amounts $500 to $10,000.
to offer, net you 5'. on vour invest
ment. Examine the security yourself:
Salem and vicinity. Call us at 4121 for
153 S High St. Salem Oreron
Ed Byrkit and Company
TIRST MORTGAGE loans at 4'T,
F H A Sc construction loans
339 Chemeketa Phone 8981
Money to Loan
MONEY $25 to $500
. . for car or home repairs
. . to consolidate debts.
It's simple as A-B-C. Just do this:
A Tell us how much you need and a
few facts about your credit and Job
in person or by phone If you're
B Then you sign without endorsers
and get the cash. Proof: 4 out of
5 who ask us for a loan, get it)
C Then repay In monthly Installments
wnicn you select to fit your purse
$25 to $500 on auto
$29 to $300 on salary and furniture.
Personal Finance Co.
SI ... St Bm IS
Phon. 2191 E. Gallinger. mgr.
L1C. S-1ZZ. M-165
Private Money
On Cars. Trucks. St Trailer Home.
Long or Short Term Payment.
Rov H. Simmons
136 i Commercial St. Phone 9168
4.i and irm
Your own terms of repayment with
in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con
tracts and Second MortRsees.
107 Pioneer Trust Bid. Phon. 7162
Auto Loans
Willamette Credit Co.
1st Nat'l Bank (old ouarters
From $25.00 to $300.00
Lie No S-138
Repayments up to 24 month.
From $50.00 to $500.00
Lie No M-338
PHONE 9168
1 Dr. S. of Ladd St Bush
13d S. Commercial SL Salem
For Rent Rooms
SLEEPING ROOM. Gentlemen, near
bus 1223 North 5th St. .
ROOM for gentleman. Ph. 2-4427.
Hollywood sip, rms. 2035 McCoy. 6093
PLEASANT sip. rm, for man. 1050
Norwav. Ph. 2-4547.
RM. with priv. bath for lady or gen-
tleman. Ph. 8087. 1391 Court SL
Room and Board
ALBANY convalescent home. Inval
ids and elderly folks. Large lawn and
sunporches. Good care guaranteed, ill
Maple St, Albany. Ore. Ph. 231-U
For Rent Apartments
FOR LEASE: 2-bdrm. upper flat:
partly furn. Write Statesman Box 178.
5-RM. unfurn. downstirs. close In:
adults only. Write Statesman Box 179.
SMALL furn. apt. 365 S. 16th.
NEW 1-bedrm. apt., range and re
frtgerator furn. 1053 Edgewater.
ONE-ROOM furn. apt. 2605 Maple
Ave. Ph. 1-5Q93.
FURNISHED apartment. Lease couple
only. Ph. 1-1831 afternoons,
PARTLY furnished apartment. 1506
For Rent -Honse
NICK NEAT Jr. clean I bedrm. home.
For further Inf. call 3961 or 8706.
FOR RENT: 3-bdrm. house: stoves St
water heater for sale. Inquire C4 Mill
2-BEDROOM furn. home. Ph. 8389.
ft-RM. lit floor, completely furn.
house, garage: no objection 1 small
children: $73 mo. Inquire 19Q8 Center.
FtlftN. CtyrTAGg. 3215 Port. Rd,
sT -. wi . . r --. a- ea- a. w s
TjnfURN. 1-bdnn. house. Gaa for
cooking. 147 Beach Ave.
For Rent
FOR RENT Large sfnot . stor.
room, ground door. 117 8. High. SC
Stat. Finance Co. .
191 S. High SC TeJephOM 4121
Fo Rent
Business Building for
Brand new business building on 99 E.
close tn North. Appro. 1600 o. ft.
Fast growing location; auto, oil heat.
Suitable for most any kind of busi
ness. Long lease available.
M. 0. Humphreys,
3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 7880 or 1-4596
WILL LEASE to responsible party.
10-rm. house. DM. plum btng St wir
ing. Close in. Near Willamette uni
versity or Salem Memorial hospital.
Suitabl. for 2 apt., boarding nous,
or convalescent home. Nice yard. 9110
per mo. Available June 1st. Ph. 6224.
IRONERS by the week Phone l-444
Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 90C1
FLOOR Sander, elec floor polisher
and lawn roller, weed burner Wallace
Hardware, the Marshall Well. stor.
GOOD Ued Piano H L. Stiff
CAT. AfD SHOVEL work, excava
tion. trenching and scraper work. Call
Halvorsen Construction Co Phon. 4047
or 60ns
A TMORAYS. Ozone Good health
Rent -sell H C Puh 684 N 17 4692
VACUUM cleaners $1.00 day. Howser
Brothers. Ph. 3646.
TRUCKS and cars for rent Blankets
furnished Smitty's Clipper Service
Center and Church Phone 6600
YOU SAVE time and money by rent
ing tools. Try us. Howser Brothers.
608 Ertgewater.
TRAILERS 7ac first nr. 50c hrs
following Woodry's MkU 1605 N
STORE space where Gsft Box now
located. 303 S. Winter. Inquire 2S55 S.
Wanted to Rent
YOUNG EMPLOYED couple wish
small unfurnished house or duplex, not
over $50.00 month. Will give best of
care. Can give references. Call 3151
days, ask for Betty.
BY JUNE 1st. Modern 2 or 3 BJi.
furn. house. Army officer's wife St 3
children. Will occupy not .less than 18
mos. Best of care. 6c references. Write
or call Dr. E. R. Wheeler. State T.B.
hospital. Salem. Ph- 4374.
EMPLOYED COUPLE (veterans) get
ting married in Jane, need apt. or
small furnished house. Write Box 182
care of Statesman. '
3 OR 4 RM. apt. unfurnished. Near
Hjoll7woodDurPh 1-6120.
HOUSE, unfurn.. 2 or "3 bedrmL by
couple with 2 young children. West side
of ri v er pre f err ed . Refs. Ph. 2-4375.
2 OR 3 BDRM. home up to TO.
Permanent. Good refs. Call Mr. Ault.
2-5281 weekdays between 10 a.m. Sc
6 p.m. Prefer N. part ofdtj .
WANTED to buy furniture St lease
of good paying apt, house. Ph. 1-5514.
REW ARD:2 or 3 B R- hse. Ph. T803.
BY June 1st, 1 or 2 bdrm. house or
apt., partly or unfurn. by couple em p.
perm. 1 child. Ph. Hubbjrd. 8221
HOUSE tn vicinity of state hospital
by retired couple. No pets. C. H. Pierce.
Gen. Del . Salem.
YOUNG couple urgently needs by
June 1. 2-bdrm. furn. house. No gas
heat. On city bus line. Ref. Call Mrs.
Hail. 9236. exL 13. between 8 JO a.m. St
4 30 p.m.
EMPLOYED vet. wife St small son
urgently need 2-bdrrm partly furn.
or unfurn. house or apt. Reas. Ph.
1-5262. i
YOUNG couple wants 'small house.
Call 4337.
$1250. Lot lOOxlM feet, on Cascade
Drive. City water and gas. paved.. Call
Mr. Plena.
Burt Picha, Realtors
Phone 3210 337 N. High Street
VIEW LOT. 100x165. walnut trees.
$975. near bus. Inquire 2CB3 Hulsey
Ave. off Ratcltff . btwn S 12th Sc 99E.
SUBURBAN lot, east. 647x163 paved
road. Ph. 2-6135.
For Sale Real Estate
WHAT? Looking for a good 3 rm.
home. New dec. Keller dirt. Ph. 3-3190.
MOD. $ RM. home. DbL plumb, V.
blinds, firepl.. dbl. garage. cor.-let,
fruit St nut trees. Oil heat, full bsmt.
Good for lge. family or income. 1690
N. 5th. Phone 4561
FOR SALE : N ew 2 bearoom unfui-
Ished house. ' .ere. Hard surface roaxL
One block from bus at achooL Ready
to plaster. $3750. Inquire 820 Hansen
MOD. 2-bdrm. home. 4 ac i mi
off 99E on Lancaster Dr. Rt. 7. Box 181.
4-RM.. 2 bdrm. house, lights, water,
lawn, garage. Full pric. $2000. W. B.
Seals. Turner. Ore. ;
3-BDRM. modern home. auto. heat,
elec. cooking and hot wtr. beater. FHA
contract. Ph. 2-5864.
NEW 3-rm. house 3451 Simpson. $2750.
Call at 2305 N. Liberty. A. E. Heasley.
3-BDRM. mod. new house, reason
able. In Sublimity. Hubert Stuck rt.
Rt. 1. Box 26 Aumsville. Ore. Or see
Bob Stuckart In Sublimity.
1 YR. OLD 6-rm, stucco pumice
construction. Must see to appreciate.
Englewood dtst. 3643 D $V
NEW 3-bedroom home at 4 Cor
ners. Priced right. Ph. 3746 for
Information. -
BY OWNER: Nice 2-rm. house ih
rear. In fine res. dlst, A real bldg.
Site. 2465 E. Nob Hill.
FOR Efftcieo; and effective sales
service rail the Salem Realty Co NOW
$3,200.00 DOWN. Lovely 4 bd. r. Eng
llsh style home. Hdw. floors. V. blinds,
bsmt,' furnace. a. Lawn, shrubs.
Ph. 2-3476.
$2200 DOWN, completely furn. small
2-bdrm. house, garden spot, near
Richmond school, stores and bus. Ph.
BY OWNER: Modem 2-bdrm. home.
If interested in a good buy. dont mis.
looking at this. J. 3. Purdy. 743 S. 20th.
Ph. 8015.
S A CRIFICE for Immediate
Modern 3-bdrm. home completely
fum. as is. I c. edge of city, $7300
cash. Ph. 2-4252.
NEW. neat 4-room house near Les
lie Jr. High. $5930. Ph. 2-3303.
BY OWNER: 250 E. Meyers St, price
$13,750.00. Dining room. 2 bdrnuv, hwd.
firs., fireplace, bsmt.. elec. heat: nice
lot. sprinkling system,- outdoor flre
place. See eve., after 6.
BY OWNER: 1925 Fairmount St.
Price $14,000.00. 3 bdrma. on one floor,
hwd. firs, throughout. Nice tile fire
place, dining room, utility room, cov
ed linoleum: lot 50x100. Must see to
appreciate. Ph. 9441 eves,
1943 AMBASSADOR Nash 4-dr.
sedan; original owner. This car in new
cond. Will trade as down payment on
good home or nearly finished home.
Near bus line. S. aid. of town pre
ferred. Ph. 2-6139. .
BY OWNER: Small house on small
lot: close to school, bus and store.
2216 Laurel Ave. Ph. 2-6776 eves.
BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. home north.
firepl, auto oil beat, basement, lot 60x
137. Ph. 269IZ.
BY OWNER: 2 Bedroom house, larg.
corner lot. new laundry trays, butlt-irss.
sink, newly decorated.-; rented for $79
per month. About etgbt Clocks rrosn is
Natl Bank. North. Good neighborhood.
Your, for $8730. t00 down. Pbea.
9460. Eve. 9437. j
OML ,, ACRE. $5250.7.
Redecorated, near school, some terms.
433 N. High St. j Phone 2479S
BY-OWNER. Mod. 2 1VR. houee.
A. $1600 down. $41 . ma ml. west
Keixer sen. next to RicJuurd Mkt. T.
C. Lord. - ?
garage. Only IM mi. from city center.
Weathers tripped, insulated, auto bent
and hot water. Oak firs or inlaid li
noleum thru -out. Full price $8800. Your
tei m. tn reason. Shown by- appoint
ment. C F. Kara. Rt, X. Box 411 B. 1st
house N. Brush College- srchooL
VERY NICK modern Z bedrm. home.
W. Salem. $7850, Ph. tUtS. ..
For Sale-neal Estate 1
n 4
Father Buck', retirement home, S
bdrma.. kiC lge. living-dining rm.
comb, with, lge. living rm,
with fireplace and pane ted walla. Lge.
porch. Complete bath, BssnC. furnace.
dbL garage St single garage. 1-roorn,
tenant bouse. Privet, fish pond. Live)
year round stream. Beautiful garden,
and grotto. Lovely wooded tract of g
acre.. Telephone share and water
rights included. Only 4 miles front
Salem. Dont dream any longer, there
H nothing like it near Salem. See it
today. Only $13,900. CaTI Mr. Rainsj.
1-bdrm. borne set in a se
eluded dell with I acres, some timber.
Year round stream. Fish tn your own
front yard. Only 4'i mile, from Selera.
Only $5950. Call Elmer Amundson.
Small 2-bdrm. horr.. located: north
with 13 acre some fruit and garden
pace. Near school, church and store.
Call Elmer Amundson, g
Ph. 1-6667
554 Ferrv St.
.... $1900, DOWN
$37 per month. buys new 1-BR
suburban home, lidwd. firs.. uto eU
heat, Urg. lot. nice new. Pull price
Price reduced to give . real value,
Strictly modern insulated home, full
basement, furnace. 2 fireplaces, larger
LJL ar DR,. compact kitchen. 2 bed
rooms down. 2 up. hdwd. first thru
out. Fine garden, soil. If you want at
real family home; let us show you this)
one. Easy terms, $12,800, t
Walter Musgrave Realtor
1233 Edgewater
Phone SU
$6350.00. 4-bed room home, auitabla
for renting room., bus bv door;
$9500.00. Very neat 2-bdrm. home. S
blks. from Englewood school. Lot Ksl
182. Terms. e
$6750.00. Good home with S nice rrra,
bsmt, oil rum fireplace, between
Capital and Summer tu. North.
Call Mr. Walters
Huff Real Estate Co.
Realtors - 341 Chemeketa! St.
Ph- 3793 Eves. l-536
$6,500. 5-room iiome with auto, eil
floor furnace. Hwd. floors, home in
sulated. 2 -car garage: Immediate pott,
session. WiU also sell furnished. Call
O. V. Hum. with t
State Finance Co.
153 S. High St. Ph. 4121. ev.. 2-520S
EXCLUSIVE. Iew 2-bdrm.' home
ready to move Into. Large lot. beau
tlful view: basement, oil furnace: bed,
floors, fireplace. Yes It has what yoti
warn, aii xor biu Jones.
Goodwin and McMillin
484 Court St.
Phone 47CT
$6500 00 I I
Immediate nossession. 6-room otn
located on N. 20th St. Basement, tWaf
garage. Corner lot. Bus at door. Ca
Stanley Brown with ,j
State Finance Co. Realtor
1S3 S. High St.: ph. 4131
Evening 2-5561 j
"BUILT" BY an Eastern contirtor
and that mean, well-built. 1 bdrm
home. Urge LR A DR. elec. neat, aft
garage, utility room. Large lot.
20 Ac. located east, Nice income to bt?
harvested this season. 2-bdms, bomej 1
beautiful set lng among larg. trees, ilia
basement, bam ac chicken house. '
Hollywood Dtst. 4-bdrm. borne, full
basement, large living and dining rm..
Near the new trading center. $6700.
Lawrenc Real Estate
330 N. High Ph.
$3450. New attractive 2-bedroom
finished home dose to 4 Corners. Hs
garage, drilled ,-welL elec. pump. oi.
floor furnace, lot 100x126. Term. .
$5500. Very clean 2-bedroom bosnA
North. Laundry room, garage. lrsje
fenced in lot. Shade tree.
a.lJ ". r -.. iat.
uau w. v. nuinai wiui
State Finance s Co.
Realtors- f - j
133 S. High St. Ph. 4111. eve. f-S306T
NEAR Parochial school: very desJr
able 4-bdrm. home: fireplace, oaki
floors, large basement, full Jo, Reas.
onably priced. ;
3-bedrm. shake home: livina room.
kitchen, bath. Venetian blinds, gag,
cooking and heating. Insulated. WMth4J,
erstripped. pati. and guest nous, lay
back; close to schools and transport. fl
Uon. j .r
4-bdrm. frame house, hwd. floorsk
double plumbing, living roosrv. ctininsj
room, dining room, kitchen, basement
electric cooking and water- beating1
$8850.00. -I
Garag. 38x64 with aU tools anf
equipment: small house; Ik acr.
ground. $12,500 80: terms. t
Fully equipped, completely trvcdcrrt
cleaning and pressing establashsaent
with Krosperity cleaning unit,
P. H. Bell. Realtor
361 Chemeketa St. - phi 4806
Eves: 8649. 8661. 2-6686. 3367. 7569
Ar vmi Irwtlrtto. 1rw . IimiiIiAiI
2-bdrm. horn, with excellent plaartery
nirowooa iioors inrougnout. nice
rooms, su electric. -even the firep
Insulated too. large lot, beauUful
ting. This is an exceotlonally good tvt?'
tnr ml. UOU l. 4.... ittu M
win ouy it. uau ar. tteese.;
Burt Piclia, Realtors
Realtors .
Phone 3210 - 337 N; High ft.
$1300. View propertr. 4-bedroorTt
home. basemert. furnace-, double
plumbing, hwd. floors, fireplace. 2-ra
garage. Lot 113x227. Call O.iV. Bumd
with .
State Finance Co.
Realtors j
153 S. High g Ph. 4111. eve 2-Syvf
BY OWNER: Stucco 3-bdrm fbsuJ
lated home. Flrep'ace. breakfast eouk
hwd. floors, bsrrt, furnace, laundry
trays, elect, hot water heater, wired
for range. Some fruit ac nut treeaj
Walking distance of state offic. ani
hospital bldgs. .Bus bv door. Close t
store. $6250 for quick sale. Ph. 2-4812
for appointment.
BY OWNER: $33 SO or make offer: 1
bdrms.. Englewood dist. Hwd. flrsw
auto, oil heat. basement. 19 yr. .Jdl
Terms. 1663 Madison. Ph. 9409. i
4-RM. mod. house. dbL 'gar.: fruit B
nut trees, berries, acre, ground. Rt, g
Box 336JCelie dlst, Cummtngs LaneJ
NEW 3-bedroom house 128x140 lob
elec. heat, fireol, attached garasM'
$9500. 959 Morningslde. between ftJ
and 11th. Turn on RatcBff to Hsussryf
na su in on icn.
Wc-rtrri Advertising -1
Ward-Grtfftth Com nan y. tass, k
Sna Franctsc. j t
Eastern Advertlalnff j
. Representatives
Ward-OrtfrTth Company, tne.
ChC-Uro New York. Detroit f
Boston. Atlanta t . I
-- s -
Member I
Parine Coast Dirfsfott
Bureau of Advertlsinf
sT-Uered t the PostoffTc. tt
try. uitw-i ti atecenn tnmm ,
see - rsMisuf every ntwrsteng ew.
cept Monday. BuMwm tfflcm 1J
South Str.;
Mali f"ubscrtptton Rate, tar Ad
ranee: Within Oregon: Dally and.
8unday. Mo 99 cents: mos, $1X5;
I year. oa tiaewner. so cents pes?
mo. r tor i year a
cony a eenta.
By City Carrier. TS cent, a monOv
t9.M a ysjnr hi advaa. ut Martoai