... I . - r . Mt. Angel Syvert Rue Is now making his horn with his son-in-law end daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson (Emma Rue). Rue had been living with his on and family, the William Rues, on the Abtqua east of her for some time. Sllvertea Hills' Mrs. M-y Graf has sold her 40 -acre farm to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Feote and will stay with a daughter. Mr. G M. Craven, for seme time be fore she goes to California to viit another daughter in Sacra mento. Foote is Just recently out of the navy. Haxel Dell Mr. and Mrs. O car Satern have returned from Washington where 4hey visited with their daughter Jean who is attending school at Tacoma. and their son Dareld who is at Pa cific Lutheran college at Park land. Satern is a hop grower of this area and a native of the Silverton country. Bethany Richard Scrnrback. aon of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Schar bck. has gone to San Diego to visit with his brother Raymond who i in the navy. Mt. Angel Mrs. Emma Lasses Is at the Silverton -hospital this week for a medical check-up. Seette Mills The community has been without telephone ser vice during, the past week as new trunk line is being built from Marquam to Scotts Mills. When the line is completed it will have six new metallic system lines. A number of new residential tele-" phones are being planned for here. Brash CeJ lege Commencement will be held Thursday. May 20 at 8 p. m. at the school house. Members of the class are Kather l ine Singer, Patsy Moriarty, James Kinkaid and Bill Nelson. i Liberty Mr. and Mrs George Cogswell (Ruby Jones) have re , turned to Seattle the past week end after visiting their parent Mr. and Mrs. Sid Jones and Mrs. James Cogswell. Gervala Parent Teachers as sociation meets Friday night st the grade school. Pictures will be shown. Officers will serve. Liberty Mr. and Mrs Clarence Holder were In Olympia last week for the wedding of his niece Pris cilla Pierre, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Pierre, formerly of Liberty. Local Mothers Fix Robes for DeMolay Hosts I - a t " ri i eras m mm .-. - .f,, i:r . r IJncoln Annual but day of school picnic will be held st the school house. Saturday, May 22 Mill CHr Mrs. Lawrence at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. T. L. Hicks, Johiucn (Neva DtMtil) and ; chairman. Games have been ar small son mot ore 4 t Silverton ranged for the morrtng with bas Friday to visit at the home of Ket dinner from 12 to 1 and sports Mrs. S. A. Gay. , in the afternoon. Salens Demolar f fleers ef the Cheaaeketa chapter will be regally resplendent in eelerfnl robes at the state conclave to be held here Friday and Satnrdsy. The eordoroy robes are being made by the Desaolay Mothers' elnb and have satin lining, gold cords and the DeaooUy shields. Shown working on the garments are. left to light, Mrs, Floyd M. Seasaster. 157 N. ltth st.: Mrs. Ferdlg Hall. 4S5 S. 15th st: Mrs. A. H. Dsvls. 5M N. 2th st.: Mrs, L. J. Stewart, rente ft; Mrs. Kalph A. Wilson. roaU ft; Mrs. Jaaoos H. TnrnbnU. elnb prooidont. 11 U N. ZlsL: Mrs. Roy T. Todd. 1S N. 17th si.. Mrs. Lloyd L Hoghea, ZI7I Lanrel art, and Mrs. Belden Owens. 1XS Saginaw st. (FboU by Don DU1 Stateosnon staff photographer.) Silverton New officers of St. Pauls Catholic church Mothers Hub are Mrs. Raynvwid Fischer, president: Mr?. Jack Uselman, vice president; Mrs. Arthur Stetnberger. secretory; Mrs. James K3tz, treasurer Mrs. Fischer suc ceeds Mrs. Frank Johnson ss president Jefferson Will Graduate Class of 27 I'nion Hill Annual clean-up- day at Union Hill cemetery will j be held Saturday May 22 In , case , JEFFERSON Twenty-seven of rain May 29 will be substituted. , wi Kradiutlrd from jfan Gervsis The Garden club met h'h school this year, one of the Thursdav with Mrs. Dorothy Zel- largest classes. The Rev. Edward lmski and 19 members were pres-1 Terry of Albany will give the ent. Mrs. Edward Ziellnski and j baccalaureate sermon Sunday Charlotte and Aileen Zielinski nitbt at the Church of Chrut. were guests. Plant exchange was Commencement is scheduled for held and motion pictures. Plans Thursday, May 27 at 8 p. m. in inr r. trA in k. I the school gymnasium. Dr. Raoul ell cookies, home mode candy and Saturday May 2 at Ronners Bertrand of Willamette university, hot do- Grocery. Mrs.' Tillie Elliott will , wi" speak. entertain the club May 27. Seniors ers Leon a Campbell, . , , . , James Dalby, Mary DeVaney, Comers Mr. and Mrs. Fre.Ug, Shirley Gilkey Boymgton spent the week r Arrl,Ts Rih at tepe Bar- I mrA r.riffin IrMifti Harrit Wilfrid club. ; . . w rx-.BM -J , Hftwfirth T jit JTAFtrvatn VirnTinis. n ww unooin - Mr. a no nurs. i 11 1 ioni ----- - t - - w-. m agvaat- i m a ; av a V w -if Sawing with Williams and Edward of Rosetourg "o"o. nnoru r.gr, bevm w. were weekend guests of hi par- ! rona, Loramo Prokop, Rich- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J err w imams " "i Hayosrille Girl Scmits will hold an all day ae Friday at Hayesville -chool house. They will enterti alley Calendar I THIOSDAT. MAT t Giirn Road Nc-iliSclvl K-i?er WfrT.ii'i Hit J A. Garencr. Dnvrri Ucer.fs ejraotlner at Anr! i :tv ri:. 9 m m. to 4 im. I4TIIDAT. MAT St Mackcay Mrial daaca. Cvanea ll'.N DAT, MAT S3 end hatl. here. bell Steele, Vernita Struckmeier. Matt Schuld, Lora Tiger. Barbara Whit. Eunice White, Roy G. Wickersham, Joy Zeller, June Zeller. Tentative eighth grade assembly has been set for Thursday, June 1. at 1:30 p. m. Mis. CarmeJita Weddla of Salem witl speak and present the diplomas. Graduates include Donna Armstrong, Bar bara Blackwell, Bonnie Campbell, Lois Evans, Shirley Evensizer, Shirley Higgins, Ronald Higgins. Dorothie Lake, Jerry Morrie, Ar thur Ramsey er, Charles Roes berry, Ronald Schamp, Loris Schamp, Chostor Sheffield and Peggy Tiger. Examinations in the high school will bo given May 28-June 1, and school will be officially out Juno 2. Marion Kf.col commttnttr picnic on PI 1 1 a Tlanft M artirkr-lal . . , . w--- . - -. M HSBMC7 aa aaaSLava7 i m n oas v n m a sas.li JUI f; ; uwuua, 01 m sj a nnn.n . a- ": DOT J. BICE, Prestsi Consisxieair Caiiiidaald Tor Be-lcdlca A native OregeeUosi and Hie song rsssa'tnt of tho ototo, Tho paoi t roars havteg rosliaa fas Marion Connty. For six yemtsv I have boosi yoor CosnHy Cossssssnntoo)or and daring this tins haven eanaiitenUy naaintalned aa Uiorooi in the Ins peovenaent mt ossr asoniy road ajrstem. We novo solahiarned a pre grans to oil twenty-Aoo miles of ew road eoeh year. At the pres ent time ninety -three amilee of fed oral aid roads are ofl orated to Marion Coonty. on whlcn two eon traets bavo been lot ateeognhdng the need for traffle conhrol in eon jested rmral school dfartriets. I ans working for the enact tot of laws whereby wo ran eataMI in safety Day Program Service DALLAS Rev. Perry H. Smith, rector of the Episcopal church, will bo the speaker at the Mem orial day services Monday, May 31, on the west steps of the court house. Committee on arrangements is from Carl B. Fen ton post, American Legion. Committee in cludes Edward J. Himes, O. E. Anderson, and Karl Ufer. ELECT The wet late sprang has Increas ed the road warm to ooch an ex tant that It Is Inspsasshle for me to Bmahe a personal eon tact cam paign, foe which I apaHgiso and I hope tho voters of Marten Connty will allow nse thss onesvao of ask- : hag for their supsjart for Connty Commissioner in tho earning elec- ; Man. Pi. Adv. Vy Rice for Ceansntssloner 1 Camasu, by Bed da tUrart Soey. CADL XI. mm Of Hotjf Bro. - Veteran - - Civic Leader - - Business maa - DELEGATE Republican National Convention First Congressional District Paid Adv. by . Kyle, Comm. Sec Ton UolgamofJ Says Edb, Ilalii, and More Dsin. DiJ Scsa We'll Have lHe Sua Bring Your Car b ihe Par Repairs That Will Be Well Done. AH Work Guaranteed Pickup and Delivery 1055 HifUsn4 Are. Phone 3993 I do not beUeve La fueaawork ao we hare installed new, mod era eejflipment to acientifically pat your car la the best paatiible mnninc condltlonv o o 11 LL3f and. all other thine being- equal or better. mi Marion Cosusty oterajat ra. Adv. By Ray H. m .a ids van? spouse nen; TODAY'S BRIDE IS A SMART YOUNG LADY! She already knows about the reliable service and decorator beauty of DUTCH BOY PAIITTS! And she plans to use them In her new home! She knows, -too . . . about reserving the following for house cleaning time: FLOOR SANDERS EDCERS FLOOR BUFFERS WALL PAPER STEAMERS WAZERS We Are Your Dutch Boy Dealer Quality paints varnishes brushes was . . . PAINT CQNTRACTINQ PLENTY OF OUR SPECIALTY PARXXNO rroef of the Above Trath: The word really means a poxsoo promised in marriage and cornea from tho Latin word meaning "I Promise.' 1 Popular Phrases and Names, by B. Hargrove, page S10, 1 CCS MCE TO KIT C3 tint. F.arM::i3. Orchard Heights Orchard Heights Woman's club meets Thursday, May 20 at 1 p. m. with Mrs. James Best. Corsago making will be the program for tho after noon and tho women aro asked to bring their own flowers. Bean Festival o Changes Rules STAYTON Selection of i queen and her royal court for the annual SanUam Bean festival in Stayton In July will be different this yoor, rules having been adopted by the festival commit tee last week. Twelve high schools in the vi einity will be asked to select i princess by vote of the student body and the queen will be select ed from the croup by three judges, all non-residents of Marion or Linn, counties. Princess candidates will be Judged on poise, 40 per cent; ap pearance, 40 per cent; and speech, 20 per cent. The contest wiQ open. when officially declared so by the committee and will dose with the queen's ball, which will be held before the start of the festival. The contest is open to unmar ried girls 16 to 19 years of age who have not been contestants in this or any other comparable event before. Contestants must be in good health and have the consent of parents or guardian and be will- ATTEITTIOII SAW IULLS Export sow repair with cril now oquipenont by BUI Gawier. BTJTIKLAIID LUIIBED CO. , Oregon - lit VOTE FOD JUDGE U. U. HciaUHEY As Salcn Ilnnidpal Judgo A MAN WITH 1. MORE THAN 22 YEARS LEGAL TRAINING. 2. JUDICIAL EXPER IENCE. 3. PROVEN ABILITY. Vela For Th8 Inciunbenl Pd. Adv. by Me Kinney for MnnleJpal Jndgo CanasnKteo r The) Scdoea, Orocon. Thtgadgr, trr TX 1fX3 1 imi to put forth effort to' make ner campaign success. She must also take part with other; prin cesses In the social and formal functions of the festival, i BIRTHDAY OBSEBYED BRUSH COLLEGE Mrs. Esther Oliver 82nd birthday ob served here at her daughters Mrs. Cart Wood, and Margie, i Guests were Mrs. W. D Oars line, Mrs. John Schlndlor, Sirs. Chvra Blankenship, Mrs. W. r. Neptune. Elf8trom Named to Seminary Board h Robert L. Elfstrom, Salem may or, businessman and First Pres. . byterian church leader, has boost notified of his appointment to the board of trustees of San Francisco Theological seminary, Presby teriaa institution. . The seminary ts a graduate di vinity school located st Sen An aoimo, Calif, Elfstrom was named, to a four-year board term. tt lie Bacoa RepabllcaB fori Some Are Qualified Some-Are Friendly Bacon la Both We're Nerer Had a iWar Veteran Sheriff. Let's Elect IKE BACON A MAN YOU CAN TRUST. Pd. Adv. ay Sheriff . ' Baeoa far II Csmrnlttas. I I I U. U. fBffl" Per Marioa Couty I QswlafVsdl May llj 144- Pd. Adv. by O. O. r-r Vote for ... ErTin A. Ward RepoMican Candidate for Ccmial.lt Asonring tho peblie effleiosit and vioa and will offlee la a basis ass - liks Pd. Adv. by Ward for Conotablo Clan. Goo. Malalissn, Cnalrma. 1 1 -'-r -J VOT1 TOR Connty Trcosnror Ropubllcaa A capable veteran, with a college education. . . . Ready and willing to serve this office. Pa. PoL Adv. by Gone Mslsnrt in y yin; ja.a jRys-fynvMiiaaaq v" JZJ 'V 'TiS Waai '' i I :-' J &V j -.- . V KMaaaaaaJ aaMAiVaaaaaaaaaai Den J. Oanseyor Republlcaji Candidate for County Coroner B awsnlncrled and olocV ed, I psodgo mysoli to cooperate impartially wllh all peesasbs concsrnod, ed fordlaa tho agmfflea conv to bo couod la posse aroodosn as to rhrife of cos as of soddosi or tragfe death. It Is tho boZUI of many dQsene as well as aeron ol aha alaht Jvaoral homo owners fat Salem and Marioa County, that tho Corneiorsrilp should be hold by a capable and qnoTiTlod dtixsm. one who nsdlhor B elerlod. I wO lnsdrute this plan, as iorwaid slop ta tho misread el hotter service. May I have yow iuvorable cooslJseatlosi at tho poQe. May ii. liar Endorsed by the Following Marion County Funeral Directors: Miller Funeral Home Binge Funeral Chapel Aurora Woodburn Unger Punersl Bosne Ekmsn Puaorsl B Mt Angel Silverton W. A. Wcddle ic Son, Ids. W. T. Rig don Co. Stayton Salem Clough-Barrick Co Salem or C Re-elect II B. 3 Present DISTRICT ATTORNEY (OJO.T VlTnCKAN FOB THIS OFFICE) KXTKMIKSCKO All Three Deputies World War Veterans YOUR SUPPORT APPRECIATED Pi. Adr. kf HI I 'S o - A Voto for EL L (FABIIEB) JQIIE3 For Stnfa Doprcrfalivo ii r Will inaura yoa Alert. A- n I ble and 11 rrreaaive i repreoentation la ear State Lerlalatore. Ho served yon in throe ro eent sessioae and Us record shows that he tried at all tianes to represent ail Mar ioa eonnty folks for the earn noon good of oar osaaty aad state. May we have yoor rote. Thaak job. Adr. by J as for Omb AND GUARANTES -f A BUSINESS-LTIIQ ! : : AJ)iiNismrvnoN By a soon who wos Uarion n si i t I III lor S yonro-im to ' ' Whea Eccaosaj-Cocated ; R0YS.KIELS0N VOTO 75X MAY 21 ! J Fa3tt4aVJ Adv. by Bar for Cos i.tii.iiialllMltti.rit 1 11111(1 I ' it, ilt.il j . i . .