The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 16, 1948, Page 15, Image 15

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    Maeleay The Home Econom
ic club met at the hall Wednes
day, with Mrs. George Boedig
heimer presiding. Discussion was
on dining room improvements.
Serving were Mn. Edith Wilson
and Mn. Cyril Parker. Next
month Mrs. Harry Prank and Mn.
Gus Grimm will aerv.
Slhrertoa The ' Rev. John J.
WaUh. pastor of St. Paul's Cath
olic parish, is attending the
Knights of Columbus stat con
vention at Bend this weekend. ,
He U state chaplain.
In ion vale Mrs. Irvin Sion of
Slem. formerly of the Alderman
ftrm. is with her mother and j
brothers at Norfolk, Va., where ;
she was called by the death of,
her father March 29. (
Lyons The mobile rhet i
X-ray unit will be in Lyons on !
Thursday. May 20. Anyone wish
ing to take advantage of it is
a-kri to contact Mrs. Bdeker '
at the telephone office
Mill City The Mill Citv grade
school will have a play day Tues
dav afternoon in the gymnasium. I
All parents and townspeople are
ln ited.
SUverton Mrs. August Hrr
ha been rimed president of -the
Christian church miionary so
ciety, succeeding Mr. Carl 1
Sperht. Other new officers are !
Mn. Ben Gifford. vice president;
Mr. Verna Bailey, secretary- j
trea-urer, and Mn. Will Kgan, i
Mt. Angel St Ann' Altar i
Society is sponsoring m cd party
Wednesday night. May IS, at the
school auditorium. ArranKements
are in charge of Mrs Leonard
Fiher. chairman. Mrs Frank i
Groejfer. Mr?. Rose Fischer. Mrs. j
Alfred Fi.vcher. Mr.. John Frank,
M . Edgar Fennimore. Mrs. Joe I
Ficker, Mr Ieonard Ficker. Mrs. 1
H-'en Caffke, Mrs P J. Paul. '
Mr. Charles Gillis. Mrs Fred!
G Kley and Mr. A'nauJs Gros
Jai que.
Turner PIjos tr-i figures
secured by the i hixil biai"d on '
gymnasium construction will be
orwidered at a district meeting
Monday, May 17, a'. 8 p m. in ;
Turner sc hool hoiie. aco.ii ding to
Margaret E. Rich-, di-.trut clerk.;
IVoodbarn Applications for j
trie pos-toffice sub:i;uLe clerk
Cirrier examination fot Wood- !
b'un will be ac-ceotl until May
1). acc ording to ihm V S i il j
a(A ice commission. Aj .i'- ittons
mjv bf ii.iii.ed at t . ,' '-.:i i ice
hei e.
Amity The Amny .orr.:in's
Civic club will hoi-J U M-iy
meeting at the Methodist church
May 18, with Mrs. Bill West.
Mrs. David Smith, Mrs. R. R.
Massey and Mn. L. M. Chris ten
sen, hostesses.
Swegto The year's last meet
ing of Swegle PTA will be at
the schoolhouse Tuesday night.
Officers will be installed and a
short program has been planned.
Refreshment will be served.
Tour Caroers Mr. and Mrs.
Waldo Miller and Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Fagg were hosts Wednes
day evening at the Miller resi
dence to the Loyal Friends Sun
day school class. After a social
hour a buffet supper was served.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Lyman. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
B-ownlee, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Gatchell. Mr. and Mrs. John
Adams, Mrs. Bruce Cooper, Mrs.
Howard Coe. Mrs. Clayton Mc
Caleb and Don Goodman.
valley briefs
Marian Forks Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Westerbeig and on George
have been at the summer cabin
getting it ready for summer oc
cupation. GervaU William W. AINup
has been taken to Salem Memor
ial hospital for further care and
Cloverdale The Turner Wom
en' Extension club will meet
Wednesday, May 1, at the home
of Mrs. C. J. Rosenau. Salads and
salad dressings will be the pro
ject demonstrated.
Gates Joe Joaquin had to
close his shop after hurting his
Lyon Mrs. Orville Downing
was among the mothers attending
the mother's weekend at Oregon
State college.
Sllvertoa A large delegation
from Silverton attended the
Christian church rally at Mc
Minnville Wednesday night to
hear Dr. C. L. Pickett, former
missionary in the Philippines. On
Friday night the men of the
church, losers to the women in
a membership drive, served a
dinner to the winners.
Jefferson Bill Jones, Earl
Glover and Dr. C. G. Peterson
of Albany left Wednesday on a
fishing trip to Fish lake.
Pedee Thirty-eight mothers,
daughters and "adopted for the
evening daughters" of the Wom
an's Society of World Service at
tended a banquet at the Howard
Perry home Friday evening.
McAlpIn Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Burr and children, Marilyn
and Ronnie, were called to Sas
katchewan, Canada, last week by
the death of Mr. Burr's father.
East Salem Mrs. J. I. Wagers
was ho.stes for an afternoon
meeting of the Merry Minglers
club Thursday. Luncheon was
served to Mrs. Clyde Col well,
, Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs. Wade
Cadet , Mrs. John Ackerman, Mrs.
Covil Case, Mrs. Robert Pickerel,
Mrs. Henry Sprick, Mrs. Earl
I Malm. Mrs. Anna Jess, Mrs. Rob
ert Fromm, Mrs. Fred Scharf,
Swegle Religious
Awards Presented
SWEGLE What may be the
last awards for work in religious
education classes at Swegle school
for some time were made by the
teacher. Miss Holman Tuesday af
ternoon. One special award was
given to Lorraine Harms, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Harms, who has learned over 50
Bible verses.
Awards were given to Lois
Straw and Shirley La Flemme
from the fifth and sixth grade
room; to Lorraine Harms and El
eanor Barry in the fourth and
fifth grades and to Jimmy Huck
step, Larry Jayne, Beverly Han
son, Lloyd Johnson, Carolyn
Thompson. Diris Cobb. Wayne
Welty, Garry I so no, Carolyn Als
man. Roger Zwempke, Tommy
Se Rine. Douglas Fox and Yvonne
Ellis from the third and fourth
grade room.
Mrs. Cleo Keppinger. Mrs. Robert
Wagers and the hostess.
Liberty Mr. and Mrs Ernest
Engwall of Seattle are visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Bell.
Maeleay Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Jones of route 5 were nominated
as Maeleay grange delegates to
the state grange session at As
toria. Unloavale The Dayton Tele
phone company is planning to
add a new Una in the Grand
Island district to relieve the over
load on several lines. Extensive
repairs on the line are being
Au ins ville Women
Attend Meeting
AUMSVILLE Minnie Peter
son was hostess to the Women's
club May 7. Those who attended
were Mrs. Ivan Putnam, Mrs. Erne
Towle, Mrs. Melvin Smith and
Mrs. George White of Aumsville
and Mrs. C. L. Martin of Salem.
Mrs. Erne Towla will be hostess
May 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Nicholson
and daughter moved into their new
home last week. They have bean
staying with the Frank Perlows
while their house was under con
struction. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Holford
and new baby spent last week at
the Charles Wright home.
Mrs. Fsy Bates was hostess at
a party in honor of the seventh
birthday of her son Jimmie. Those
who attended were Peggy Beck
told, Loretta and Jack Gillispie.
Jack Wilcox, Margaret and Gary
Bates, Penny and Sharon Martin
and Tommy Slater. Mrs. Bates
served ice cream and cakt after
games had been played.
On the Air!!
Dave Hoss
8:45 P. M. Tuesday
Rep. Candidate for
State Representative
Pd. Adv. Hess for step. Cai
W ashers
Holt down and no-bolt down
atddasdS up
Tha BENDIX automatic
Horn Laundry Washer,
rinses three times, then
damp dry a your clothes,
cleans, empties, and shuts
itself off all automatic
Ralph Johnson
235 Center 81. - Fhaae 403
c?s 1JT
i "Ti i ii film
Expert, Reliable
Can llXt - AtS CaH St
94. .r m Ci SM
Sua. f i . aa .
Here's one gift that yoa ran be sore will be received
with delight aad gratitude by any member of the fair
sex. See ear selection of nationally famous makes.
Modern Waterfall Chest
Has Automatic Tray
A magnificent cedar chest with a front panel of
walnut veneers and other exotic woods. Genuine red
cadar lining, tested aroma-tight lid! Free moth Insur
ance policy included!
SpIpi t from
As Low As
Treasures for the future, for the trousseau, for the new
home, can be safely stored in this fine cedar-lined
walnut veneer chest. Self-lifting compartment tray.
Easy Terms
lOE -il Tj
V alley Calendm
Annual meetaig of St. Ann's Altar
sorirty. St. hlahp. scbool. Mt. Angel.
HunuAi, MAT l
Ketaer PTA Sponsors "Cotton Pick
ers HI Jiaks" minstrels at scbool aud
itorium. T:4 p.m.
Beneit dance with hard times cos
tumes, St. Paul's parish hall. Silver
ton. Knights of Columbus moating. IL
Mary's school. Mt. AneeL
Knichta of Columbus meeting. St.
Manrs school. Mt. Ansel.
Sweele PTA at schoolheuao. S pa.
St. Ann's Altar society card party.
p.m., Mt. Ansel.
Keiser PTA at school auditorium,
tbTuksdat. mat m
Garten Road Neighborhood elub.
Mrs. W. K. RichardaonTs. 1 pjn.
Kescar Woman's Sewing elub with
Mrs. i. A. Gardner.
Driver's license examiner at Mt.
Angel city ball. a.m. to 4 P-m.
The Statasman, Salam, Orsgon. Sundxry, May 18. 19 1
Cub Scouts Display
Handicraft at Lyons
LYONS Pack 81 Cub Scouts
met at tha community club house
for a splendid display of handi
craft and motion pictures j by
Charlie Bunnester of Stayton.
Bear badges went to Richard
Moslander, Larry KUgora, Her
bert Reeves, Brent Bently, Elmo
Johnson; wolf badges, Ronald
Muzechenko, George Johnston;
lion badges, Donald Olmstead,
Leon Kilgore, Arlo Ashley; bob
cat badge, David Trahan; danner
stripes, Richard Gearth, Richard
Moslander; assistant d a n n a r
stripe, Richard Gearth; gold ar
row, Richard Moslander, Donald
Olmstead and Brent Bently; ail-f
ver arrow, Richard Moslander. f
0 mm
1 w
with Ottoman
A chair that tha man of tha house will want
for his very own . . . it's so roomy, so com
fortable with deep spring filled cushions and
adjustable tilting back. Beautiful velour cov
er. Ottoman has plump 'pillow top
for added eomfort.
tr-sm? $09.75;
1 "r "isSSr'eSsK
$89.75 W'mm
Refectory type table
with stain and mar
resistant top, handy
cutlery drawer. Sturdy
tubular chrome hair
pin legs. 4 tubulsr
chrome chairs have
backs and seats in col
orful washable leatherette.
Add to Your
Monthly Account
Doublo-Duty Sofa Bod
Here's a way to provide extra sleeping space in most any room.
This modern velour sofa with innerspring construction opens into
restful double bed. Bedding space beneath seat.
it PAY ONLY $1.25 A WEEK!
Now Patterns In FELT BASE RUGS
Durable sanitary hard surface
rugs In assorted tile modern and
floral designs. Crisp, clean colors,
appropriate for any room.
-'SfSI'l ' 4 . '-i
-j $io.7S :.e
fr little Oczzt cn a big btnm
il : ! I . ' ' - L . - i W r-h
'ffUllltlllUllltltllUM (SttlSBIStlttSSltiit(l,