The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tho'Shrtoa man, ScdoTnV Ortqww Txidar. Hot 14, IUS
pal chore h wtth
300 Wtft LefeUe St.
Over a hundred Soujourners
nd their guests were entertained
t a dessert luncheon Thursday
afternoon at the Salem Woman's
clubhouse. The Individual tables
were centered with bouquets of
lilacs and yellow tulips and the
serving table was centered with
a large bouquet of yellow tulips
flanked by tapers.
Guests present were Mesdames
Holly Jackson, John Schubert,
Wesley Stewart, Braden Daggett,
Allen Searcy, R. E. Nickens, How
ard Ragan. Harold Muhs, John
R. Wood, Paul Baker, John
Archer. Wesley Gladow, Ralph
Pickering. George Stevens. Louis
duBuy. Elmer O. Berg, Chester
Cummlngi, Wheeler R. English.
Tom Dunham, Robert Wulf. Floyd !
Utter, Lester Jones, Leon Perry, ;
James Darby. Howard Elsmann
and Frank V. Prime.
Winning prizes in bridge for
the guests were Mrs. Frank V.
Prime. Mrs. Harold Muhs and Mrs.
James Darby. Prizes to the mem
bers went to Mrs. Gordon Leon
ard. Mrs. H. T. Paris and Mrs.
Charles R. Shaw. Mrs. Holly i
Jackson won the pinochle prize.!
Special prizes went to Mrs. Al- ' m ,
lan F strom, Mrs. Malvin Rudd T-f h O
and Mrs. Eugene Laird. I 1 1 J 11 lO
Watt galas Woman's club
card party, city bail, p.m.
North Salem WCTU boapttattty taa.
at Mrs. Carl Gtaa bocnaa. 1079 Ship
ping at., a PJn.
PLET ctubwtth Mrs. Etta Oberahew.
12U Zlm street. West law. sun.
Paat PraaldaBta Hal Hibbard
luarr. 1 p.m. W1U Mrs. J
inary, s p.m. anus Mrs. J. B. ar
kar. ISM Jeficraoai stroel
Delta Gamma mothars maet at efaap
ter bouaa. I p.m.
Women of Botary board moat with
Mrs. Wane Mister. 174S Saginaw at.,
1 o'clock doaacrt lunchaoo.
St. Ann Guild. St. Pauri Kptaco-
rtth Mrs. Carl E. Meteon.
S O-m.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. United S Dan
ish War Vatarana. VTW ball. S p-m.
Selena Woman's ekib Litrratura
roup. Woman's clubhouse, coffae at
I JO, program 2 p.m.
Etokta Woman's club with Mrs.
Ralph Scott at George Allen borne.
110 N. 21st St.. 1:11 deaaert hinrheon.
Central WCTU hoapitality taa with
Mrs. Mayma MUX. 1714 ChemekaU st,
3 to 4 p.m.
Salem Writers club, with Mrs. J. M.
Devera, 1X7J Market street. 7 2S p.m.
HayesvUla Womin'i club, with Mr.
Herachel Robertson. Chemawa Road.
13 JO o'clock covered dish luncheon.
n vo
Music ; .
Th2 Home
- Women's ZiZXar
'. Society Editor ' -
kit- -' S . ' " "
f -'.iU 'if '.
i "t " ; .
New members welcomed were
Mrs. William O. Lett. Mrs. R. C.
Brijws. Mrs. Allan Edstrom, Mrs.
R C. Dempewolf and Mrs. Will
lam Foster. Hostesses for the af
fair were Mesdames Leo R. Peter
son, chairman. James L. Payne,
Ifobart Jackson, August Rlgby.
Rodney Fety and Lawrence A.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Merk
are announcing the engagement of
their daughter, Alma, to Charles
Lawrence Wheeler of Pasadena,
California, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Wheeler of San Fran
cisco. Miss Merk is a graduata of Sa
lem schools and completed nurses
Sojourners are planning a card i training at Huntington Memorial
party for May 18 at the May
flower nail at 8 o clock for mem
bers and guests. Pinochle and
bridge will be in play and those
attending are asked to bring their
own table accessories. Mrs. Carl
Wood heads the committee in
charge of arrangements with Mes
dames Gordon Leonard. Thomas
hot-pital in Pasadena, where she
is now employed. Mr. Wheeler is
a student of Pasadena college.
The wedding date has been set
for June, 1849, - following Mr.
Wheeler's graduation.
Miss Tacker Betrothed
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tucker are
today revealing the engagement
. , - -; - , 1 ..
Wise. M. E. Knickerbocker. Frank ! of their daughter. Miss Marjorie Hhl IlDDlnGS lO
Mjnbeck. Malvin Rudd. W. H. I Tucker, to Vernon Elliott, son of ! i
nnston and Gerald H. Wing as-i Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Elliott oUSprin )n pontOC
sting. j Shedd. Oregon. ; kjcrili. lcricrvjl
Women Voters
To Convene
Miss Tucker is a graduate of
Salem high school and is now
a student at Merritt Davis school
of commerce. Her fiance is with
the navy and stationed at Corona.
No date has been set for the
The annual state convention of i wdd"r
th- League of Women Voters of
Oregon will be held Mar 17-18 I o . oi
at Gearhart. Mrs BUir Stewart, j OUrpHSe bllOWer
f resident, has announced from -, x .
v.rtland. -Working Together for t OT NlTS. SeCOr
face will be the convention ;
'theSitna.'ri.twd I lled American Veteran.
1ST Foett Grck EV:uxillrJr was entertained at the
r7lls MiStforH Pi! Kla,mth j home of Mrs. Harry Rickard.
!n i-,l2i!nd nH,Sa- Monday, sewing and giving a
Z' ,nr.ri. 1 fmm 1 rprise handkerchief showe? to
E,rvaZ ' n Mrs. Ralph Secor who.i, moving
V7f 1 lto Fairfeld. Calif. Sgt. Secor Is
Debate will register from 8:30 with the air force. Plans were
to 9 30 ajn, Monday, with the made for the annual party for
keynote acidfess that morning bv , the Gold Star and War Mothers
Mn Justin Smith of Medford. A at the home of Mrs. Stuart Johns,
talk on "Taxation as a Basis of May 25.
G-od Government" will be made Attending were Mrs. Eva Ben
by Miss G:d.n Everett. Portland i nett. Mrs. Goldie Kyle. Mrs.
attorney, at the noon luncheon. Hulda Rinehart. Mrs. Ralph Secor
nd evening speaker will be Dr. , and Darlene. Mrs. Cora Hutchin
EMon Johnson, dean of the school son, Mrs. Don Kingsbury and
f liberal arts of the University Carol, Mrs. Elmer Byer. Mrs.
Cf Oregon, on the topic ' Public William Richards. Mrs. Pauline
isnaaros and Private IdeaU." Richards, Mrs. Harry McWhorter,
Highlight of the luncheon Tues- ' Mrs. William Noyes. Mrs. Stuart
day win oe a recognition cere- I Jonns, Mrs. verne Ostrander. Mrs.
mony for the Salem league by 1 Blaine Martin, Jimmie, Dickie
tr. Edna Landros of Eugene, and I and Billie, Mrs. Roy Reynolds,
Miss Patricia Jann Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis H. Jones, whose betrothal to Paul Wiebe, son of the
Rev. and Mrs. Herman Wiebe of Monmouth, has been re
vealed. The wedding of the young couple is planned for
early summer. (Jesten-Miller).
tions. Christian Science Monitor
and literature pertaining to Gen
eral Federation club programs.
Headlining many convention
meetings and programs is conser
vation. Frances E. Williamson,
Portland, information specialist of
the UJS. Forest service in the
northwest, is now organizing ma
terial for the exhibit which will
be limited to conservation of nat
ural resources in the western
hemisphere. Information special
ists representing different regions
will aid in setting up the display.
As a courtesy to the convention,
the forest service is sending a
guide on all tours arranged for out
of state guests to point out conser
vation measures and Oregon
scenic attractions.
Reservations were received this
week from two more Philippine
clubwomen for the national con
vention of the General Federation
of Women's clubs. May '24-28 in
Portland. They are Concepclon C.
Martelino and Judge Alameda Lo
pez of Manila. Mrs. Martelino is
a board member of the Philippine
clubwomen. Mrs. Trinidad F. Le
garda of Manila, president of the
national federation of the Philip
pines has already registered.
Mrs. Legarda Is coming to Port
land to thank federation members
personally for thetr financial aid
in rebuilding her organization's
clubhouse which was destroyed
during the Japanese occupation of
the islands. The plans for their
projected clubhouse is to make It
the Pacific headquarters of the
general federation.
Of general interest to all club
women attending the General Fed
eration of Woman's clubs conven
tion May 24 to 28 In Portland will
be the exhibits on display in the
north wing of the auditorium.
Included will be GFWC head
quarters, conservation of natural
resources, motion pictures, cancer
control, safety, CARE, United Na
Ts cnenthly meeting of the
Dorcas society of the Seventh
Day Adventiit church was held
at the home of Mrs. Alts Web
ster on Maple avenue Wednesday.
The members sewed during the
day with a no-host luncheon
served at noon. A study of church
standards was given by Mrs. Mc
Lafferty. Missionary reports In
cluded hours of service to Chris
tian help, Missionary visits, pa
pers given away, garments, food
baskets, money expended and 500
pounds of cloth sent overseas the
past quarter.
Couples to
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Focht wDJ
be hosts to friends at the celebra
tioo of their 23th wedding anni
versary to be held at their home.
Route 1, Box 225 oa Sunday af
ternoon. Hours for calling are 2
until s o'clock.
Friends are being invited
through the press to call at their
country place.
Headriekaons to Celebrate
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hendrick
son are celebrating their silver
wedding anniversary on Sunday
at me aoayiiower nau at 7 o clock.
Friends axe being invited
tnrough the press to attend.
Delta Gamma
Mothers Feted
The Delta Gamma mothers of
Willamette university entertained
the out-of-town mothers at a
luncheon at the. sorority house
Monday afternoon. Solos were
given by Art Dimond for the
mothers and at 4 o'clock the girls
joined their mothers for dessert
Coming from out-of-town were
Mrs. R. V. Leonard, Mrs. C. R.
Lester, Mrs. Dean Pollock, Mrs.
I. Geiger, Mrs. C. C. Cooper,
Mrs. John I. Holbeck. Mrs. P. L.
EngdahL Mrs. Otto Woldt, Mrs.
L. M. Taylor, Mrs. W. R. Beven,
all of Portland; Mrs. D. B. Du
Rette of Gervals; Mrs. Sam V.
Smith of Toledo; Mrs. Z. S. S tro
th er and Mrs. Ruth Montague,
both of Newberg; Mrs. George
Phillips of Albany; Mrs. S. S.
Gilbert, Hood River; Mrs. Pearl
Denson of San Mateo, Calif.
Salem mothers present were
Mesdames J. J. Sechrlst, D. H.
Uniohn. L. M. Case. Casa Nichols.
James McClelland, L. J. Sparks,
O. B. Long, C. S. Nelson, Deseret
Shaeffer, James Lucas and Wal
ter D. Gardner.
Buy It! Try hi
Never Be Without
ss a m was
41 j
Bleaches - Kemevea Stains
Deodorises - Disinfects
Said at All Leading Grocery
the introduction of new leacues
A response "Chrysalis to Butter-
Ey" will be given by Mrs. Hal
eSart of Salem.
Mrs. Clara Ryerson, Mrs. Alma
Hatfield. Mrs. George Pro, Miss
Vonah Richards, Miss Irrna Zaun
and Mrs. Harry Rickard
iV l I I I II .- J
- -r
An old imm
After 7 Years of Distinguished
fterrlce at 13 if Ferry. Salem's
hu MOVED to New
Qutrtero in tha
la thfe aewer saere convenient location the dis
ertminating far bayer eaa bow find the 'finest
qaalit? rars plas personalised eastern aerriee
and distinct! re workmanship.
Complclo Fur Servico
At the Lowest Prevailing Rates
Controlled Fur Storage
SAT., MAY ,15th
U U U p1 . ry." 7 i
i p
r , , . Ill ,'i n, j,,,, "'ttiji'T ii':J"i ' i".-njl' J '-' l' l N - 'l BJ T- 1 nn.nrt i. ,', ,. n T - li m mi I I II i
Bon Haer DanccTonlglit
Last dance of the season for
the Bon Huer dance dub will be
held at the Veteran's hall tonight
at 9:30 o'clock. The men will
have charge of the refreshments
with Fred Humphrey serving as
chairman. Playing for dancing
will be Wayne Strachan's orches
tra. v
Highland Mothers
Are Entertained
At 3:30 today, the Highland
school faculty will entertain all
the Highland mothers at a teasln
the school cafeteria as apprecia
tion to the mothers for their co
operation and help given through
out the school year.
Arrangements are being made
by a committee consisting of Mrs.
Leroy Mittendorf, chairman, Mrs.
Lillie Hall and Miss Lyle Murray.
The regular meeting of the
Highland Mothers' club wfll be
held in the auditorium at 1:30 pjn.
The film, "Human Growth4 will
be shown under the supervision
of Mrs. Dorothy Massey, state de
partment of education.
Mrs. Brown
New Regent
Court Capitol City, Catholic
Daughters of America elected
Mrs. 2L D. Brown as grand re
gent for the coming year; at a
business session held Wednesday
nlghfat the Salem Woman club
house. Also elected were Mrs. A.
W. Lovdk, vice-regent: Mrs, C.
L. Gruchalla, prophetess, Mrs. F.
E. Kenyon, financial secretary;
Mrs. H. E. Corey, historian; Mrs.
W. E. Sen run k. monitor; Miss Nils
Cluett, treasurer; Mrs. Sylvan
Mauer, lecturer; Miss Loraine
Meuset, organist; Mrs. H. L. Hol
boke, retiring regent: and Mrs.
Napoleon Rocque, retiring:; vice
regent, as trustees.
Mrs. Holboke reported on the
state convention of Catholic
daughters recently held m Klam
ath Falls and Mrs. J. D. White en
the Junior convention also held
there. Reports were also made
that the group has sent four pack
ages to an English family, cut
18 layettes for the Red Cross, and
Shower Honors
Bride-Elect' '
nizht a weddms? shower mi -fv-
en by-Miss Erlyn Klokstad and
Donna Lee Webb at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson hon-"
oring tajeJr daughter Lorraine,
who Is to be married to Philip
PflnX; on Sunday, May 23. Games
and refreshments were enjoyed
by Mesdames Harold Nelson. Paul
Thomas, Arch Rankin, Fay Webb,
Art Kunke, Everett Vickers, Peter
Teleck, Albert Bates, Lloyd Jar
man, Walter Miller, ' KennetJi
Chapman, , Leslie Petersen, Dick
Chapman, Bfll BalL Guy Chap
man, Keith Petersen and small
daughter Lynne, Floyd Pflug and
Floyd Pflug. Jr, Louis , Kennies,
Gay lord McCurdy i and Jaunlta.
Karl Wipper, Morris Petersen.
Tom Webb, Bud Mitchell, Sam
Drager, .Hugh Webb. Fred Mile.
John Baker, Bud Petersen, Ls4
Klokstad. Vester Bones, Ben Wlp
per, John Petersen, Donna and
Ariene, and Maxlne Moon. ; I
fed 130 Chemawa children at ta4
monthly communion breakfast, j
Lb. 3C
I5S North Commercial
Phone 6723
Th (Ion Look In Scsaiity Is Cocixg Um
. ? -;y . .
Attractive velan tears Jeia the crew ef the trailer fseatfaaeolle which wCt taetade thia eeeasaaraity in
its tear ef tae nation to sell aaviags bends U loeal resideats. BesJmeMIe's visit wCl Tae eras ef the
rrdghlighto ef eeamaJtra efferta to attain sales geal in enrreatt Seearttr Lean. Tear ef IsemdmobGe
isaader aaspieea ef Trailer Ceaeh Maaefictavers AsseclaMesi and Untted States Treasiy Deeart
At Miller's Today 12: to
Xesidents of Salem will be given the epportunltF e4 signing a gold scroll and having It sutograpTs
ed by See. of State Nowbry and Mayor Hfstrom upon: the purchase ef Security Savings Bonds'
when the Security Loan Bondmobile comas te talem Friday. This eommunity la one of only
171 selected eommunlties In U. S. to be visited by one of the six caravans now touring the eoun
try for the Security Savings Bond drive. . -! . '. . ' -
. ; 1 . , - J. : ; : " .
The U. Security Bondmobile will be La front of MiUers' repaxtment store today from U-Cf
boon until 2J00 o'clock. The decorated scroll will be on view to all daring the visit here accord
lag to Sid Stevens, County Chairman of Security Bond drive.- Ivaryoue purchasing a bond
will be "eligible to sign the scroll which will be presented to the dty to be made a part of the
.permanent collections In the archives of the community.; Xvery person thus signing will have his
name enrolled as having purchased a share la our country. "U. S. Seringa bonds are actually Sef
curity Bonds, security for the Individual as well as for our country:
The Bond caravans oonsist of six big house-type trailer) coaches, each of which Is IS feet long
and weighs 1500 pounds.! They are decorated in red. White and blue trim and carry the offlf
dal Security Loan Insignia. They have a complete public address Installation. Five of the out
fits" will start from Chicago and one from Los Angeles. It is expected that they will havs
reached well over 50 ef the nation's population by .the end - of the Security Loan campaign
'June S9
- i' '
s s mm i m mm m & , a ka a m'i mmmmimmmmm '
f e 4 II I I A