The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1948, Page 20, Image 20

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13 The Statesman. Sqlem. Orecon. Friday. May I
Barber Shop
Quartets to
Vie Tonight
Barber shop quartet of eight
er nine Oregon communities will
compete in close harmony tonight
t barber shop singing Jam
boree in the West Salem school
gymnasium beginning at o'clock.
HosU for the songfest are the
West Salem Lions club and the
Salem chapter of the Society for
the Preservation and Encourage
ment of Barber Shop Quartet
Singing in America.
Cash prizes will be awarded
the best quartets and the best
novelty presentations. Master of
ceremonies will be E. Burr Miller
and judges will include E. D.
Lindburg, chorus director for the
local chapter of the singing
group; F. H. McKay, band di
rector of Oregon College of Edu
cation, and Melvin Gilson, music
director of Dallas high school.
Among participating quartets
will be the Agony Four of Ore
gon State college, the Four Flats
of Newberg and the Guardsmen
of Silverton. Local quartets will
sing, but not in competition. Fol
lowing the competitive singing
program, a group songfest will
be conducted.
The Four Flats, a Pacific col
lege group including Harlow An
keny of Salem in its membership,
has twice won the northwest con
test for barber shop quartets.
Sing Tonight at West Salem
Aimisville Family
Moves Residence
AUMSVILLE Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Sphoon and daughter have
moved to the place they recently
purchased from Mrs. Jennie
Mitchell, who has moved to Mc
Minnville. The Aumsville firemen-sponsored
baseball team came out on
top of a 12-2 score with Crab
tree Sunday.
Mrs. Elmer Klein spent the :
weekend attending Mother's day
doings at Oregon State.
Mr. and Mrs. Letter Graves
and family have moved to the ,
Tillie Wright place which they ;
purchased from Lester Ellis. Mr. j
nd Mrs. Pete Fry and family of j
West Stayton have bought and ,
re moving to the house recently
vacated by Graves.
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ilverton Star
Has Dedication
SILVERTON A candle light
dedication of the new altar cloth
and initiation of new members
were features Jf the Tuesday
night meeting of Ramona chapter
58. Order of Eastern Star. The
altar cloth was presented to the
Star by the Masons. Five new
members initiated are Mrs. Oscar
Edlund, Mrs. Joe Renault, Eliza
beth Nicols, Marian Zahlner and
Mrs. Lydia Jensen.
Two ' mothers, Mrs. George
Hubbs and Mrs. Jensen, were
honored and presented with cor
sages at the meeting. Singing in
their honor was the Star quartet
composed of Mrs. Harrison Fish
er, Mrs. Harlan Loe, Mrs. Harry
Riches and Mrs. Ronald Asboe.
Special guests were from the Mo
lalla chapter.
Mrs. W. Clark Bachman was in
charge of decorations and hos
tesses for the evening were Mrs.
R. A. McClanathan, Mrs. U. C.
Eastman, Mrs. Charles Leonard
and Mrs. Lulu Mikkelson.
Mother's Day Tea Given
By High School Girls
These costumed and fnll mustachioed gentlemen comprise SHvertoa's
"Goardsmen," a male quartet entered in tonight's barber shop sing
Inr Jamboree at West Salens school gymnasium. SUverton's entry
Is sponsored by the chamber of commerce there. Pictured are (left
to rlrhtT Lead Henry Holland, Tenor Elmer Palmqsist, Baritone
Max Holland and Bass Ed Satrnm (Statesman-McEwan photo).
Gear Lake Extension
Unit Meets on May 20
ham Is the hostess.
Mrs. L. J. Chap in and Mrs.
Cobie Orey are the project lead
ers for the subject "Salads and
unit meeUng Ume has been Salad Dressings.
changed to Thursday. May 20 at Election and installation of of
10:30. Mrs. William Wallace Gra-' ficers will be held.
Dayton PTA Officers
To Be Installed Monday
DAYTON The Parent Teach
ers association program Monday
will include colored slides of vari
ous school activities of the last
year. Officers installed will be
Mrs. Ivan Gubser, president; Mrs.
David Powell, vice president; Mrs.
Clare Heider, secretary; and Al
bert Komrouse, treasurer.
Tired Kidneys
Often Bring
Sleepless lights
Port r yoWtU y tum ISifUs
of UutatMortiUnklckWtararifTtW
kloo4 mm kw rn mamHhr. Wha Umt W
tirwl mm4 doa't work right is tbm iarti.
BUTlJlHMtortM Biclitk. TrmnX
trmemmtjf w with rtiadm aim
momtiiimn whomt tWr W nrhtnK vrrac
wlta year kidaers or Umddtr. Coat nnUet
tbU MBdHkm mmd iommrmiambtm. Mtfal aWp.
Wbmm 4iMmWrrf kktMrfoaetioa Mnaiti
Toimttmcma mnmtttr to r in hi your Uomd. it
"r alo cum aacffiac backache, rhtmnmtia
paiaa. Ua paina. loaa of Pp aad mmrxj.
waiiiafc pnfBana aadcr tka 7a. koadaabaa
aad aixaiiMM.
Doa'S waHJ Aak yoar draevbt for Doan'a
rflla, a Uautlaataiarotic. Md ocefoHr
kr milliotia for or SO yaara. Doaa'a girm
bappy vaiiaf aad wCl Wp tSm U aUla of
kiaaoy tab flah oot aotooaaaa wwx tram.
roar biood. Got Doaa'a Pilk.
DETROIT Girls' athletic asso
ciation of Detroit High School
gave a Mother's day tea Friday,
May 7.
The following program includ
ed numbers by Dolores Huettle,
Charleen Bell, Rose Marie Zullig,
Marlene White, Jean Bray and
Mrs. E. W. Bray; Mrs. R. C.
Haseman accompanied.
Present were Mrs. R. C. Hase
man, Mrs. D. E. Wood, Mrs. Tom
Fryer, Mrs. Fred Siever, Mrs.
E. W. Bray, Mrs. Otis White. Ethel
Griffith, Mrs. H. A. White and
Anna Wold.
Shirley Hammer had charge of
the program while Charleen Bell
and Rose Marie Zullig served at
the tea table.
Aurora Women
Elect Officers
AURORA Mrs. Fred Dentel is
president of Aurora Woman's club
for the coming year and other
officers are Mrs. Emory Fountain,
vice president; Mrs. Gerald
Beach, secretary; Mrs. P. O. Otta-
way, treasurer; Mrs. Philip Good,
financial secretary.
i M
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"Oregon needs
KSUZ 6:15
TM ciub aimua
was given last week in; the
Knights of Pythias haJL In
charge of it were Mrs. David
Garrett and Mrs. LilHe Johnson.
Piano selections were given by
Grace Evelyn Scheel; readings by
Elaine Willard. Mrs. Vivian Jen
sen; vocal solos by Mrs. ; Bub
Yergeff. ;
Hostesses for the afternoon
were Mrs. Harry Small, Mrs. L.
G. Giesy, Mrs. N. E. Manock. Mrs.
and Misa Gladys Krano, . I --The
annual picnic will be held
June 2 at the home of Mrs. George .
Zigler. ; ' i
I Ei i
Pa. tmmmr ar Cmm. 91 I
W. f !! Rotoa p. Mmim, Or. Mab
lr mw mmm . , w w a W 4W
tnwnc UXZ7
Mr. Mclson IBeins
Well Received
f - -
5- . i
5 -
Being called an "Old Timer" ia
Marion County does not necessax-.
ily mean old age.
There are many of these "Old."
Timers" in our County who were,
born here, have spent their ener--gies,
and devoted their time and'
talents since youth, to help devel
op Marion County, land bring It
to its present state of affluence .
and wealth. ?
Roy S. Melson, a present candH
date for the office of County Com--missioner
rightfully belongs in
this class, and his candidacy fcr
this office is being very favorably j
commented upon, i r
In his travels around the Count
he is being well received and his-1;
many friends are offering not only - ;
encouragement, but are going out
of i their way to help him male
new friends and supporters in his
campaign for this, office. I '
The "Old Timers." of course, knoW
of .Mr. Melson's previous experi
ence in Marion County business
affairs. They know; of his success
as a fruit grower, and also his
long-standing and constructive
participation in civic affairs. But
those who are comparatively new
here, are very much Impressed ty
Mr. Melson's ready and competent
answers to all questions concern
ing County Business. ) '
A Vote for Mr. Melson at the Pri
maries on Friday, May 21, will be
a further progressive step in Couti-
ty Affairs.
Pd. Adv. by Roy S. Melson for
County Commissioner.
Tops for Cool Comfort Men's
m mmwm
ith Budgei Priced
J" : : '31413)
r L J-- M mmmmmmmmmm mm -mmr' 'eaaaaw'
''y!yF'''f : ' 1 Polo shirts made of fthest quality
I f "v. ( cotton yarn. Penney sportswear at
ass, 'Jj.S' -ffiX . J '5 fne$t' Colorful, washable print
m? m'mm'iim- - I ( g polo sfiirts with spring knit creto
v j t neckline for lasting service. Knit or
I iXsSf i vf OX uottom'
I I VTxSw 11 Penney Main Floor
00 110
Sparkling white "T shirts for men. Smooth absorbent cot
ton knit with spring knit crew neckline that stays in place.
Good long tail comfortable and easy to wear (Novelty
rib knit tool Cool for summer.
Pennev'f Main Floor
L (Sood Suggestion For iradaafiion!
Fine quality "Towncraft9' : pajamas in those popular strips,
check and solid colors. Elastic belt and draw strings. Every
one sanforized for lasting fit. A, B, C, D sizes. r
Penney'a Main Floor I