The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1948, Page 15, Image 15

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    t, fikflaxtyMnoQngop. froy, llay,l 1S3 IS
Terser Sunder guests at the
Karl Prathrs were Mr. and Mri.
Earl Gobi of Portlad end Hn.
Harry Balnee of Los Aneeles who
la heri tor a 10 days vtaU with her
brother and his family. Other re
cent visitors at Prathera were Mrs.
J. E. Elchendorf of Klamath Tails,
Raymond M. Payne ot Toledo and
Mr. nd Mrs. Roy Prathar of In
dependence. llleertoa Dr. C. W. Keen
wat taken to th Sflverton hos-
Eltal Thursday for a real period.
r. Keene, who was 111 earlier In
the year, has been mveh Improved
lately and has been at his office
dally for to past several weeks.
Print le Dr. and Mrs. Irvln B.
Hill of the Fali-view Hoeae left re
cently for a three-weeks' trip to
New York and Boston where he
will attend a confer en re. Enrout
home they will visit Philadelphia
and Iowa.
ftllverUa Mrs. J. W. Smith. 1
who haii been ill for some time, '
la rapidly Improving and U now j
recuperating si the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Del Starrett
In Ion vale Th Pacific col- j
leg 40 vole a cappeUa choir from :
Newberg wiJl be presented in aa
crM concert Sunday. U a m, at
th Unionvale Evangelical United
Brethren church.
Jerfera Mr. and Mr George
P-t. jr., of Talbot, have bought , cattle ranch west of
J m dan Valley. Four hundred acres
re under irrigation and Potts has
grazing rights for several hundred 1
h s rl of catti. The ranch 1 on
the Boise-Reno highway
Frlngle Mr. and Mrs Jerry j
F rd ar operating the new cafe ;
which opened recently in connec- ,
t n with the Gentzkow serv ice
si ition.
Jefferseei Marlon Extension
;nlt will meet May 21 In the
(erfon Farmers Unian hall with
God Taete in Clothes" tpic for i
AllvertM Charity Kropf. for
ser nurse In th STleerton hospi
tal, has gt-r.e to Lebanon where
he wil b superintendent of the
Lebanon hcepital.
Middle Grve Th Woman's
ftctety of Wcrld Service organlza
0n of Mkkii Grove, will hold a
C'X'ked food ale Saturday, May
IV in the ttsement of th R. L.
tWatrom Furnitur company. 340
Caurt stieet. Midmorning lunch
will also be erved. Proceeds will
fee given to Weekday Religious Ed
cation fund of th grad school.
That's Dependable !
Every Timel
f t -lit -. f - - - afc-w
im- I i ft i
High Quality
Thla Is not ordinary hamburger,
but tender, flavorful ground beef
made only with selected beef,
ground and packed daily in pure
sanitary visiting casings, in a
sanitary central plant.
Lift ft
Groosd and pack ad fresh
dally. Scaled fa airtight
visiditg casings U assort
dependable frshn4ca
and quality.
How nvnihib nl fell
Sof oway Slcrc:
la Sales
"V mi-. .
Mary t. Wald
DAYTON Funaral servlcei
will b held Friday for Mri
Mary E. Waido, 83, who died Sat
c1ay at th home of her son.
George Waldo, In CorvallU after
a long Illness. Born Feb. 6. 1883,
ti Ontario, Canada, she married
Ktchard Waldo, March 4, 1898,
Drayton, N. D., who died In
IJ36. Three children survive,
Seorg cf CorvallLs, Mrs. Harold
sybrook cf Kamuela, Hawaii
nl Mrs. Frank Foster of Dayton;
:o three tlsters, Mrs Efn Rlch
ardion of AhGwah Ching. Minn.,
Mrs. Nlca Dvlin of Drayton, N.
P . and Mrs, Sam McFarlan of
Ulngham, Wash.; brother, Ed
ward Turcr of Drayton, N. D..
and six pand children. Mr. and
Mrs. Waldo earn to Dayton In
1911 and lived on a farm vest
f town.
She was a member of the Mettl
ed Ut churcn and a charter mem
ber of th Kill Kara Klub. Fune
ral srvlcs will b held at 1:30
f m. Trlday at th Pioneer church
In Dayton, Macy 8c Son In charge.
The Rev. W. H. CooksUy will
tfflclat and Rev. Robert Mulkey
will b scklst Burial In th
Iver green ilamorlal park.
Jerry Slav
BROOXJ Jerry Slap, II
months dd son Ot Mr. and Mrs.
ft C. Slap died Sunday at the
Dorn becker hospital from spinal
meningitis following at attack of
milunza and pneumonia. Sur
viving ax th parents, seven
brothers and sisters. Funeral ser
vices were held Tuesday at Zs-tacada.
YesI at SAFEWAY You Can
be sure of Finest Quality
. . Every Timel
BE SURE . . . Shop Sofowoy Vhoro ALL PRICES ore LOW1
Salm Silvsrton Dallas
No. 2Vi
Kraft Dinntrt
Seded Raiilni l,-"'
Pancake Flour
Slaepy Hollow Syrup
Karo Syrup tlut M
Karo Syrup 'd L'b1
Apple Butter Dfh W
aaeK 5C
ll-t. k. 5C
I'rlb. pig. 30c
12-ox. bHl 24c
i',-ib. 2lc
l-lb. can qQq
2l-o. ar 25c
Pears, Old Fashioned, No. 2Vi can 19c
Shortening '- 43c $1.15
Shortening''" ' 4!c '- $1.09
Mu Made Mayonnaise
Salad Dressing otkm..
V-8 Vegetable Juice
Improved Rice ue
Beg More Doq Food
Frlskles Dog Food
Pi 47c
quart oo0
44-ot. can 35c
Mb. eta. 24C
2 M" 27c
tall taa 3C
Edwards l-lb.
vacuum-packed can
5!c - $L01 - $2.01
This rerolatlonarr Idea Is sji
othsr Saftwav step toward
improvinx ths qualitj and
eonvtnltnes of tht meat 70a
bay for now you can st
Ground Beef and Pork Saus
age that's fresher, leaner,
more delicious and absolutely
uniform la quality guax&n
teed to please 700 every time
76a bay It. Ask about it at
7 our Saftway ... today I
Once 70a try Safeway ground
beef or sausage, youH never
... never ... go back to
ordinary hamburger and bulk
sausage if you can help it I
That's for sure!
Fresh Ground
In visklng easing
Any size piece
13038,; ,
Also in risking
IKuoofatt Lb.
JEFFTRSON Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Wheeler ar parents ox as
11 pound 9 ounc son born in
Albany Saturday, May 9. This Is
their fourth child and they have
named him David Lynn.
SLLVHRTON Born at th
Eilverton hospital May 11, son
to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. Joha-aon.
Volley Calendar
raioar, MAi 11
Snider - Fancy
Diced Beets, No. 2 can 3 for 25o
(Qrf.HIghay Crtsm ityle o!de N. l' 8c
Payette VaUey Cream Style
Corn, No. 2 can 2 for 25c
Uma BeanS wItK Hem Deaafioa'i 16-es.eaa 23c
Lima Beans wUh B"on- K1"9W4 No-1 1 5c
Luncheon Meat ,2-t 49c
Minced Clams 7- " 29c
Sardines Kc -N.tur.t n. i 25c
Grocery iecrhxres In this ad ore effective through Monday, M
W rrv the rlahl to limit quantities, Mo sales to deed
Toilet Soap olmoth regulsr bar 2 I9c
Hand Soap orao fwdr i-o. J7C
Ivory Snow Fof w,w I"t ii'A-s- 35c
Draft Soap Powder
Supurb Soap Granulate!
Dux Soap r"latd
Catsup, Red Hill
13 or. botU
Soda Crackers
Busy Bakers or SnowQak
May 17.
Ilt. pie. 3a
24-ot. pig. 33c
J0,-t. pig. 5a
2 for 85o
2 lbs. 45o
Orc,o Brand
Ken-L-Rotlon DOG FOOD
5 aaa far fa pHe el J
wtfb eawpee avallabf at if or
1 miiw
Farm-fresh ruit and V0gtabj9 pricyj togave ou money
Country style
Green Dell
Excellent Staffers
Aubura Metbars dub, scbooCieu.
rait Salem exteaato. oait. air. OS
car rorcar 10 pjn.
Kalier rub acoutt DMn suaa aa
chool tMUtertum.
Una -a ciul
S Albany.
MarVo 4-H club
km ?.
1 kaa. t
That Loosen
Need Not Embazxass
Many warara ot ta3mm teetH hav esf -t4
real mkarrmaamat bacauae thalr
ptaU dropped. aUppad er wabbtod at
fust th vrona Uina. Do net Uve ia fear
M this bappenlnrt rov. iart sprtnkJ
a lltti VASTXSTH. Um alkaline (non
Icid) powder, oa your plate. Holds
(toe teat more firmly, ao Uy SmI
tnarm MmlorLabl. Doaa Mot sour.
Prosb ASPARAGUS fc "lo
Dry ONIONS Tesaa Warf .Wu
Local Crop RHUDARD
lb. Co
lb. IEs
li. .121a
Ii. 13
Ji. 3-16
Produce iWnres' sSecflT Wday .cnd Cateday.
Prosb, Firm, Rlpo
Smokod Sklnnod
Vole lb
7. I
lb. 2?!
Doof Standing
Trimmed waste-free
lb. V
Every cat U guaranteed goodeating or money back
Dcof Short RIbo"
Fresh Ground Deof
Lamb Shoulder Roast
Drcask oQ Lartb Sioyr
Porii Shbiildcr Roasi
DuITi PcrT: Scuscgo
Uiilo Pig Scuscrpa
lb. U5
i - ' -----
o? sure fint) QStfi2Mes$y
; For j; rs Ct
IZsct fsctzres eTecfire rridoy and .Ccirday
Checks "P'ate odor (denture breath).
Cet j AaTUCXU at any orus swr.