I! ! llThm SwjrtesWa, Scdem, ChjbiV rrtdar Mot iC 1943 Feed Grains Drop on Board CHICAGO. May IS - (P) - Feed grains dropped on th board of trade today but wheat ended with mall fain and losses. Demand for May contracts was much less urgent than on other days this week and both May corn and May oats had fair sized losses. In part, the decline in feed grains was considered a normal reaction after the strength of the past few days. But an outpouring of cash com by the country helped to shake sentiment. Wheat closed lower to V4 higher. May $2.47 Vs-H, corn was IV4 to 3 cents lower. May $2,294 $2 .30; oats were i-lH lower, May $ 1.15 V. and soybeans were 7 to S cents higher, May $4 04. For most of the session wheat was lower, but mill buying short ly before the close rallied the mar ket Mills apparently were lift ing hedges against sales of flour to Holland. choice to Se: other grades according to weight and quality. Hogs Ugtot blockers, 90-23c; sows, M-2Sc. Lamb 39c -4 1 e lb.: mutton, 14-23e lb. Beet Good cow JS-SOe; eanner and cutters 22-16c. Wool Coarse, valley and saodiuxn grade. 45c la. Mohair 24c lb. ott 11-month growth. Onion SO-lb. ak. Australian browns to - tM: Texas white wax 4.25-4 SO; yellow Bermuda 425-4; mm to S-21. Petal on Oregon Deschutes and Klamath russets. No. 1 MO-?; new crop Calif, white roe 100 lbs. 4.50-4.73; six B. i-3S-lM. some lower. Portland Livestock Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. May U- AP)-But-terfat tentative tsuoject to immediate chance). Premium quality maximum of Ji to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. 8-92c lb.; first quality. SI-OOc lb.: second, quality. 84-8 7c lb.; valley routes and country points 2c less than first. 83-SSc lb. Butter- Wholesale f o.b. bulk cubes, grade AA. S3 score. S3c lb A. W core. 82c lb.: B. SO score. SOc lb.: C, 90 scoie. f&c lb. Above prices are strictly nomtrtal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon smiles, 48-Sic; Oregon 5-lb loaf. 50-5Sc. Eggs To wholesaler?: A grade large. 81',-53'jC doz.: medium. 48',-50'aC A grade, small, nominal; B grade, large, 42 1,-46' ,c Egjrs Purchased .from farmers. Cur rent receipts. 47'j-SO'jC doz.: buyers pay 3-3 'jc below wholesole quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Live chickens Paying, price to pro ducers: No. 1 brol'ers under 2' lbs.., 3S-36C lb.: gryer? 2' to 3 lbs.. 40-42c lb.: 1 to 4 lbs.. 40-42c lb : fowl. Leg- lbs.. 2S-27c: colored fowl, all weights. I 22c lb.; stags. 2S-3V . old or heavy, I 15-17c. I Rabbits Average to retailers for lo cally dressed animals. S5-37c: fryers, live, white. 30-32c lb.; few quoting lower; colored. 2S-30c, old of heavy 15-17c Fresh dressed meats (wholesaler to retailers, per hundred pounds) : Beef Steers, good, all weights S4S 47.50; commercial 843-48; utility S42 44 Cows Commercial 143-44; utility $41 42. Beef cuts (beef steers heifers) hind auarters Wl-U: full loins, trimmed 84 -&5. rounds 154; square chucks. B43 47: forequarters S42-44. Veal and calf Choice. 132-53; good $52-53: commercial $45-50. Lambs and mutton Lambs, good choice 30 to 00 pounds SDrlng: com mercials, all weights S48-4S. Mutton Good 7 lbs. down 122-24. Pork cuts Loins. No. 1 to 12 lbs. $52-53: shoulders IS lb. down 230-40: pareribe. 3 lbs. down. S44-4S (arcases All weights $.74-34 50. Cotmtrv-kllled meats: Veal Per pound, top ljght. 42-44: PORTLAND, Ore.. May 12 (AP (USDA) Cattle salable and total 200, calves M; market fairly active, mostly steady with bulla again strong to 50 higher; steers scarce, odd common grades 24 00-25 00: rood fed steers quot able 2S.OO-21.00; 1 lot medium S40-lb. mixed steers and heifers 27.00; few common-medium heifers Z3.00-21.00: eanner and cutter cows largely 17.00- 21.00: common grades including fat dairy type cows 22.00-50; outstanding heavy Holstelns up to 23.00; medium grassy fed cows 23.00-24.00; good beef bulls 20.50-270; medium-good sausage bulls 23.00-24.00; food vealers steady at 29 .00-31 00. few 32 00. Hogs salable 100. total $73; market not fully established, scatered sales SO lower but most late bids 1.00 off; few head Hood -choice 185 lbs. 24.00; most bids ISO-230 lbs. 23.50 down; early sales 105-170 and 280 lbs. 22.00-50; good 400-lb. sows 18.50; good -choice feeder pigs salable around 2S.0O-20.00 or above. Sheep salable 25. total 600; market nominal: good-choice spring lambs ?luoted up to 25.00; strictly good-choice cd lambs eligible to Wednesday's top of 24.23; good thorn ewes steady, 11.00 down. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. May 13 (API Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oat No. 2 38-!h. whl'e B1.00; No. 1 flax 1.10. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.38: soft white (excluding Rex) 2.38; white club 2.38; western red 2.38. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.38; 10 Stock Market Stages Push NEW YORK, May 15-(jP)-The stock market today negotiated Its fastest push In three weeks to reach a new average 21-month high. Selected rails, industrials and utilities overrode relatively heavy profit cashing on the lengthy drive and closed up fractions to 2 points. Minor losses, however, were plen tiful. Buyers still were inspired by business optimism stemming from the outlook for big government spending for a long time to come. On the other hand, accounts were trimmed by those who were a bit bearish over the WasMngton Mosoow diplomatic confusion, the Chrysler strike and other labor difficulties. The Associated Press 60-stock composite advanced .4 of a point to 69.1, a peak since Aug. 30, 1948. Both the industrial and rail in dexes dere at their best marks of the past year or so. Of 1,077 issues registering, 602 rose and 267 fell. (Duity ODMitraairieis xiNon Benjamin FY an kiln Klinfer at his re sidence, $31 Richmond are-, Tuesday, May 11, at the age of Tl years. Hus band of Mrs. Eleanor Kllnger of Sa lem; father oi Mrs. LeaXa Hoffman and Mrs. Leon Stlnaon. both of Coos Bay, Mrs. Max in Trahan. Mrs. Ger aldine Van Wyk. Mrs. LoretU Adams. aU of Alberta. Canada. Uoytf N. Kllnger of Eugene. Cap. William H. Kllnger of Vancouver Barrack, Wash., Chief Warrant Officer Wood row W. Judklns, U.S. navy, and Harold Jud- ins ox sexsmnn, c anaaa; Dromer oi Mrs. Jennie Norgrean of Bangor, Mien, survived also by nine grand children and on great erandchild. Services will be held Friday, May 14. at s p.m. at tne dougn-Barrtck chapel with the Rev. W. S. Fredericks oKl- ciaung. Interment In Be lc rest Mem orial park. per cent 2.40; 11 per cent $.4$; 12 per cent 2.58. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2.58; 10 per cent 2.5S. 11 per cent 2.S4; 12 per cent 2.70. oTyda s car receipts: Wheat 15: bar ley 2: flour 1: corn 2; oats 1; millfeed 7. Stocks and Bonds Complied by the Associated Press STOCK Salem Market Quotations 3LTTEBFAT Premium No I No. 2 , PRINTS Wholesale Retail . EGGS (Bsiytag) Large Medium Pullets and cracks EGGS (Wholesale) Large Medium Pullets and cracks . POULTRY No. I colored hens . No. 1 Leghorn hen No. 1 col. fryers. 3 lbs. up No. 1 col. fryers. l',-J lb. No. 1 old cocks LIVESTOCK fBy Valley Pack) JO B8 78 M SI JO .48 .40 54 .52 .43 S .27 .43 J8 .14 Spring lambs Woo lied lamb, choice Fresh sheared lambs . ... Yearlings Ewes Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy heifer Bulls . Calves (300 to 450 lbs ) Veal, choice . up to 24.00 23.00 22.00 up to 17.00 - 2.00 to 10 00 - up to 19 00 up to 18 00 14.00 to 22.00 17.00 to 23 00 up to 25 00 28.00 New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. May 11 -UP) -To day's closing quotations: Al Chem St Dye . 192 American Can 91 Am Power &t Lt 95i Am Tel St Tel ... 155 - A - t iiiaionud 1 1 "s Atchison 11 1 v4 Bendix Avia 34 Beth Steel 35' i Boeing Air 253 Calif Pack 38 4 Canadian Pac 17 4 Case J I 454 Chrysler 584 Comwlth Sou 3,4l Cons Edison 23 ! Cons Vultee 13 4 Crown Zel 31xi Curtis Wr 74 Douglas Air 62 4 Dupont de Ne 177 Gen Electric 39 Va Gen Foods 38'4 Ofn Motors 57 'doodyear Tire .... 44 'Gt North pfd 47 S 'Int Harvest 964 'Int Paper pfd . . 58 Y4 'J Manville 39 'Kennecott 55 H (Long Bell A 26 'Mont Ward 90H !Nash Kelvin 17V4 Nat Dairy 274 N Y Central 16 North Am Co . .. 16 Northern Pac .... 24 la Pac Am Fish 14 V4 Pac Gas Elec 34 Va P T & T 98 Va Pan American .... 9 Penney J C 45 Va Radio Corp 12Vi Rayonier 31-4 Rayonier pfd Reynolds Met 27 4 Richfield 23 Safeway 19'4 Sears Rocb 40 Sinclair Oil 24 So Pacific 56 Stan Brands 264 SUn Oil Cal 69 Studebaker 26 Sun Mining 10 Union Oil 31 Un Pacific ...182 Un Airlines 16 Un Aircraft 27 U S Steel 77 Warner Bros 12 Va Vest Elec 30 VoolWorth 45 "Won't Somebody Help Fix Me Up?" That's one plea we can't icrncrtl For we've built a solid reputation on our ability to supply you home owners with all the first class materials you need lor your repair jobsl How about coming in this week to talk over your home Improvement plans with our friendly staff? E t . i . Y Good Vision U An 'Aitet Dr. K. K. Bering Dr. tass Dagbes In work or play, good rision is an asset Be tor your lsion is good. Let us help you keep your good vision by regular examination. AT Bering Optical I DXON1TXXD CREDIT lit Cemrt I Fkeae CMt Net change Thursday Prev. day .. Week ago . Month afo Year ago .... 148 hih ... 1048 low May AVERAGES 30 Indus. A.3 S3 8 03.3 2 1 91 3 85 8 93 8 ... 3 13 13 Rails A. 4 43.5 43.1 42.7 40 0 28 2 43.5 34 J IS UtU. 80 Stocks Unch 41.3 41.3 40.8 39 S 41.8 41 3 38.0 A 4 69.1 88.7 87.8 8.4 60.5 69.1 60.3 ILSAIIIK In this dry May 13. Mrs. Sofia S saaser. UU resident of SOS S. Z2nd St.. at the age of 63 years. Survived by three daughters, Mrs. Florence Fawk ana Mrs. Bertha Sheets, both of Salem and Mrs. Lydia McKay of Washougal. Wash.; four brothers. Robert rromm and John rromm. both of Salem. Henry rromm of Tucson, Arlx., and Emanuel rromm or I acoma. wash.: four sisters. Mrs. Lydla Gaertner. Mrs. Rosa LeU and Mrs. Martha Baal, all of Salem, and Mrs. Christina Cunsch of Jamestown. N. D.: and three grandchildren. Sere ioes will be held at the W. T. Ridon chapel. Saturday. May 13. at 1 .30 p.m. with concluding services In Twin Oaks cemetery, Turner. The Rev. Gustav G. Rauser and the Rev. Walter S. Fred erick will officiate. LAWRENCE In this city Thursday. May 13. Myrtle Lawrence, late resident of 603 Union st. Sifter of Frank Harrltt of Salem. Life member of the Chad wick chap ter 37. Order of Eastern Star. Services will be held from the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Friday. May 14. at 3 p.m.. with the Rev. G. Wesley Turner officiating. Interment in City View cemetery. LIMBECK Mrs. Katharine Limbeck, at the resi dence. 590 S. 33nd st. May 11. at the age of 86 years. Survived by daughter. Mrs. Katharine Moore- and son. Fred Limbeck, both of Salem; grandchil dren. Willis Goebel and Andrei Moore of Salem. Mrs. Russell McJury of Port land and Richard Limbeck of Los An geles; five great-grandchildren. Serv ices will be held from the dough-Bar. tick chapel Friday. May 14. at 1J0 p.m. with interment In Mt. Hope Cemetery. The Rev. C Schulx will officiate. EMMONS In Albany, Ore-, Wednesday, May IS. A. L. Emmons, late resident of Portland, at the age of 87 years. Sur vived by his wife. Mrs. Lois Emmons of Portland: three children. Oma L. Mackie and Lorna O. Hinck. both of Tangent, Ore., and Neva Rogers of Portland. Member of Elks lodge In Vancouver. Wash. Services will be held from the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Satur day, May 13. at 10 a.m.. the Rev. H. G. Humpnrey or AiDany omciawig. in torment In City View cemetery. HOLUS Gus Mollis, late resident of Coos Bay. at a local hospital. May 11. at the age of 80 years. Shipment has been made by Clough-Barrick company to Coos Bay for services and interment. CLTNE At Oakdale. Calif.. May 11, Mrs. Mable A. Cline. at the ase of 73 years. Late resident of Oakdale. Survived by the husband. Ben Cline. Oakdale; mother, Mrs. Asceneath Tracy. Salem; brother Albert Tracy, Salem: sisters. Evelyn StuU and In ex Reed, both of Salem, and Katheryn Albertson. San Francisco and Cora Clancy, Portland. Announcement of services later by the W. T. Rigdon company. SlPublie Qleebrds . - South Fork Mineral Springs in Idaho's Payette national forest has an approximate flow of 75, 000 gallons every 24 hours. CUCUXT COURT Earl M. Rutherford and others vs. Margaret Klopfenstein and others: Or der of dismissal with . prejudice, based upon stipulation of parties. Dan Dokerty. administrator of David M. Doherty estate, vs. Stamper's J. St J. Tire Co. and Charles R. Stamper: Com plaint asks Judgment of $10,000 dam ages for alleged death of David Do herty la auto accident Jan. 4. IMS. near Hubbard, and alleges negligence on part of defendants. Dan Doherty vs. Stamper's J. St J. Tire Co. and Charles R. Stamper: Com ptaiat asks Judgment of 86.000 for dam ages allegedly sustained by plaintiff in death of his son in auto accident Jan. 4, lf4a. Lola Bern ice Liedtke vs. Glenn George Liedtke: Defendant ordered to pay $30 for plaintiffs suit money and 7S bar month support money during pendency of divorce suit. Vivian Damasks vs. Carl B. Damaske; Hearing set for 10 ajn.. May 17. on de fendant's motion for injunction against removal of minor child from state until suit for modification of decree is set tled. Fairs Franklin vs. Cecil Clay Frank lin: Order modifies divorce decree to grant custody of minor child to de fendant, effective at close of school year 147-48. DISTRICT COURT Carls Genevieve Robertson. 3305 Moody I a a. e. no operator's license, fined S3 and costs. Raymond Denxlne. 437 S. Commercial St.. pleaded guilty to charge of utter ing and publishing a forged check. waived preliminary examination and held to answer to grand jury, held fa ueu of $1,000 ball. Betty Good Amos, Stayton. failure to stop. (5 fine suspended upon payment of court costs Clarence Melford McCutcheon. Pert land, passing en crest of MIL fined $10 and costs. Wood Wilson Charles. Portland. Il legal use of spotlight, fined $3 and costs. , MUNICIPAL COURT .Betty C. Amos. Stayton. Violation of top sign, posted SX34 ball. tJrfS" , Htdon- Chemawa. vtola- wiSf b"'f rVfe Posted S3 be U. Z.,.m- "unberter. 829 Rase ruU. &e? m. v1oUtlon besie Alton L. Chamberlain. Salem route 7. vtolatterfed tL posted gl-M feefl. PROBATE COURT Julius Middleton estate: Hearing on final account set for June 3X George Willis Hetts estate: Notice of administrator's sale of personal prop MARRIAGE LICENSE , APPLICATIONS Philip E. Pflu. 11. sawmill worker, and Lorraine It. Petersen, IS, waitress, both of Turner. Contrary to popular impressions about the industry of; ants, a re cent study in Panama showed that 40 per cent of the ants did nothing for their community. ; BOND AVERAGI.S j 20 10 10 10 I Rails IndusL Utll. Forgn i Net change Thursday ... Prev. day Week ago Month ago . Year ago . 1948 high . 1948 low New 1948 A3 91. 9 91.8 91.3 902. 91.2 919" 87.7 highs. D.3 101.4 101.6 101.3 101.6 103.4 101.6 Wl A.l 100.9 100.8 100.7 100.3 109 4 100 S 98.0 A.3 62 0 61.7 61.3 62.3 73.8 86.9 60.2 No. 34797 la the Circuit Cenrt af the State ef Oregon far Marlon Ceaaty MARGARET WALTERS. Plaintiff. I vs. 1 CURTIS WALTERS. Defendant. ) SUMMONS To Curtis Walters, the sbove-named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons (April 23. 1948), and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof plaintiff will take a decree granting an absolute divorce from you. This sum mons is served upon you by publica tion thereof pursuant to order of the above-entitled Court and made and en tered April 23. 1948. FRANK J. HEALY Attorney for Plaintiff Residing at Salem. Oregon. Ap.23-30-My.7-14 WHm g ALL i THIS 3 WEEK We will have a front end specialist here all this week te check the front end alignment en yoar ear. Let bins check te make sere year tires are aet wearing eat dee te Incorrect wheel aJlgnment. Before yea take that sammer trip let him make sore yoar ear Is safe for the highway. It only takes a few miaates. Alse free estimates en needed re pairs. The Douglas IIcKay Chevrolet Co. 610 N. Commerci! St. Salem, Oregon RE-ELECT WALTER. NOBBLAD TO COfuSBESS Paid Polltleal Idrt. Veeblad for Cos !- Committee D. B. WOOD R I NO. -' ' "" "-s. - - a , " . , ij if -ttr1 Phil Ebll Kflf - Batcher Heins Baby Food Strained 3 cans 23 C r) 4 estuf ' A -r 7. ita e,ff J. Tag "Curly" Gover (Bayer) 2 iu- 43c 2 27c SKIITE'M Thrifty Mix 15 oz. pkg. 5c Garden Run Good Peas. No. 2 can 3 r 25 c Campbells Sou , Veg.-Beef, Beef, Mushroom, Beef Noodle, Chicken, Chicken Noodle 16c rja f:r -f -- -. lira 10 lb. bag 87c V-0 Vegetable Juice 29c No. 2 can 3 29c Grade A Large Eggs. Doz. (Net Storage) 53c Bakers Coconut Pksr Sa aflsaLa) o e e e e e e se ee 19c asa BUschke (Predaee) Qnolily Ileals al Reasonable Prices Drefi ... 27c IVODY FLAKES AH Flarora .JELLO . . 31c DAIID T7AS chisp FOESII miuBiiriB S.b. 100 OimilGBS SankUt 2 doz. 490 .UEIESIP I1PPLSS eilb. THE Yon Can Do Dclier Al VISTA 3045 So. Commercial Slreel Al lhe Sonih City Limife DOII'S MARKET Sliced Ends and Piece Lb. 2Cc Pork Shoulder Slealr Lean, Tender Lb. !8c Pork Shoulder Boasts Lean Lb. 47c Gorn Flakes Albers 8-oz. pkg. -with 15c cereal dteh both for' Mc GiKI byhIIOc WBSBSt Van Camp's No. 2 'a can 2 for 33c ! OTHnfflHB 3 -1.19 dog moo Playfair w cans 3 cans! 20C Fruit Eockfail 21c Hi Ho Crackers i ib. pkg. .290 Heinz Strained Baby Food 1st cans 250 KIUOCO'S lex 2441 - & Jf tt tisaiaat aaais WVrnl COS AN.I1K, CAllK. ;M-Tj Sonkist Valencias, l rmr Large 150", !l tK?f New crop Doz.? J ffinipirsiinr i Arizona Dozen Local Oibs. UrZH Fresh 2ni ICi