The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 11, 1948, Page 12, Image 12

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    Odd XOO O Cj CD;0 OEZ2 o o o o
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12 Tha Stcrtasmcgu Salem, Orsxjon, Tnosdar. Mar 11, 1K
IP im Ibfl ii c . HH e o ir dl s
Emma L. Garland r William Coo
and other: Decrs quiu plain
tiffs trtla to ral property.
Marruerlta E. Hall aod Raymood E.
Bail: Decree of divorce awards cus
tody of two minor children to plain
ill plus parties Interest tn real prop
erty but hold support money order
an abeyance.
Walter A. BUckmort vs Mary Jean
Blaekmore: Decree of divorce awards
jUtntUf custody of three minor chll-
Oeo Walker vs Jacob W. Penner:
Order dunnisaes case.
Betty Etzel. by guardian John W.
Ztxcl. vs Murray Sham pane, sr.. and
Murray Sham pan Jr.: Case dismissed
with prejudice and with coats to nei
ther party.
Cladvt Mav Mure
phy vs Joseph Will-
lam Murphy: Suit for divorce charging
cruel and Inhuman treatment asks for
restoration of plaintiffs maiden name
f Gladys Mar Salladay.
George E. Dobney vs Rene E. Dob-
Order of default riiea.
State vs Rj chard Eoff: 'Defendant
ratenced to 10 years on charge of
ult with Intent to kill ana piea
for re-trlal denied. Notice of appeal
to state supreme court filed.
A. D. Brundidse vs Chris Kunkel
and Louis Knapke. as Valley Cab Co:
Jury verdicts finds for defendants In
suit seeking S11.90O for alleged In
juries sustained tn an auto-axtcab ac
cident July 12. 147. on South 12lh
Sarah A. Lowery estate: final de
cree closes estate.
Margaret Ann Bush guardianship es
tate: Order authorizes ward to execute
release on receipt of trust benefit.
Ellen Edes Myers estate: rinal de
cree settles estate.
Walter B. Myers estate: Claude C.
Myers appointed executor and Frank
Hubbs. Leslie Brown and John Rem-
tnrton aDDointed appraisers
Bichard Keeling guardianship
Mary Keeling appointed guardian and
Edith Shaffer. James 11. Nicholson and
Galvanized Iron or Copper
Salem Healing
& Sbeel Ilelal Co.
1085 Broadway - Call 1555
Corne in and see our display of
Free Estimates
328 No. Commercial
Salem, Oregon
BBBaaBSBBBBBBBSF BBawassBBsaB-' -'bbsssbbsssssssb' aaaaaBasssssF' "SBBBsjBsjaBjBSBssssssBPr
John Hufhea appointed appraisers. Or
der authorizes guardian to sLgn claim
David L Predeek guardianship es
tate: Bernard T. Predeek appointed
ruardlan. Order authorizes guardian
to sign claim release.
Frank Fred
Pyshny. SSI
3893 Monroe
avc. no operator s license,
fined S3
Charles Augustus Cranblet. Eugene,
over height load, fined $10 and cost.
Edwin Thomas Barret S44 Ferry ft,
illegal right turn, fined $3 and Costa.
Henry Adrian Tinner. Portland.: no
PUC permit, fined SIS and costs.
Herbert Fred Neinast. S484 Broad
way St.. violation of basic rule, trial
set for June 1 -following plea of Inno
cent. -
R. M. Buchanan. Mill City, passing
a check with Insufficient funds, con
tinued for sentence to May 11 after
plea of guilty: held In lieu of $230 bail.
George A. Bailey. Echo. Ore . viola
tion of basic rule, ported $23 ball.
Sylvester Brown. Turner, violation
of stop sign, posted tX SO ball.
Lawrence A. Shelton. Rlckreall.
driving verhiclc without lights, potted
$2.30 ball
wuiiam Weigei. Woodhurn. drivinf
without operator's permit, posted $3
Neal R. Anderson. 1080 Sixth St..
West Salem, violation of red light,
fined $2 30.
John Beyer. Jr.. Wood burn, driving
without operator s permit, posted $3
Peter PSnls. Scappoose. violation of
basic rule, posted $23 ball.
Clifford J. DuVal. 393 Division at.,
violation of stop sign, posted $2.30 bail.
Donald E. Amen. 1074 S. Commercial
st.. driving while Intoxicated, fined
$200. 30-day sentence suspended and
driver's license revoked for one year.
Raymond Charles Long. M. restaur
ant employe. Salem route 3. box USE.
and Carrie Juanita Walls. 22. domestic.
Turner route 1, box 13S.
Board to View
State Salaries
On Wednesday
The state emergency board will
ronsider a report of State Budget
Director George Aiken on higher
salaries for state employes, when
it meets here Wednesday, instead
of Friday as originally announced.
Aiken was expected to propose
Phone 2-4656
Res. 4883
Brasiic Deductions
155 North liberty
szo monin increase zor an
tat workers receiving not more
than $400. This Increase would
not apply to employes who re
ceive their board and lodging at
state Institutions. In the event the
emergency board approves the re
port approximately $273.00 will
have to be transferred from the
state emergency fund to pay the
raises in the last seven months of
this year.
It also was expected the emer
gency board will be asked to ap
propriate between $3,000 and
$10,000 requested by the state de
partment of education to employ
a staff of persons to supervise the
GI training program in Oregon
schools. The veterans administra
tion, now supervising this train
ing, is turning the job over to the
Slayton Junior CDA
Elect New Officers
STAYTON Junior Catholic
Daughters of America elected of
ficers last week. They are, presi
dent, Shirley Ann Kintz; vice pres
ident, Darlene Dozler; secretary,
Marlene Odenhtal; reporter, Vir-
ginia Welter. Later members en
tertained their mothers with a
program in which the different
troops participated. Each girl pre
sented her mother with a corsage
which she had made.
Thirty-seven honor pins were
awarded by the pastor, the Rev.
Mattias Jonas. Seven were four
year pins. LaVeta Dozler, Dar
lene Dozler, and Marilyn Palmer,
outstanding Juniors of the year,
were awarded special prizes from
the senior court. Speakers were
Father Jonas, Mrs. Edward J.
Bell, state regent; and Hilda
Krantz. grand regent. Junior
Counselors are Cecelia Mertz,
Clara Dozler, Barbara Palmer,
Elizabeth Murphy, and Maudeen
William H. Looney
ALBANY Funeral services for
William H. Looney, 80, who died
in an Albany nursing home May
8, following a stroke, will be held
from Fisher Funeral home at 2
o'clock, Tuesday, May 11. Burial
will be in Riverside.
jBom in Linn county March 5,
loeijLooney was the son of An
thony and Mary Looney, pioneers
of the early 1840s, and had spent
the greater part of his life on
the old Looney farm in Linn
county. He lived for a brief time
at Upper Soda and at Cascadia.
Looney was a retired farmer.
On Oct. 9, 1889, in Albany, he
was married to Catherine Acher
man, who died in 1931. Surviving
are four sons and two daughters,
Myrvle J. and Jed Looney of Al
bany, Russell Looney of Colfax,
Wash., William Del Looney of
Jefferson, Mrs. Myrtle Long of
Cascadia and Mrs. Florence Ml
chaelsen of Walla Walla, Wash.;
a brother, Virgil E. Looney of Al
bany, and a sister, Mrs. Elphla
Freerksen of Hollywood, Calif.;
14 grandchildren and f great
Thronntonl Sforc
Civics Club te Induct
The Salem high Civics club will
hold an Informal Induction In con
junction with an after-school pic
nic dinner at Silver Falls park
Wednesday, May It. President
Alan Miller has announced the
following committee chairmen:
Francis Baum. entertainment: Bob
Sharp, induction; Jeanne Hoff
man, food: and Peggy Barrick,
Contest Planned
May 21st has been announced
as the date for an interclass song
and yell contest at Salem high.
The event is under the direction
of the first and second vice presi
dents, Jackie Johnson and Ruth
Holtzman. respectively. Entries
will be Judged on originality,
oresentation, adaptability and par
ticipation and a plaque or cup
will go to the winning class.
Committees appointed Include:
sophomores. Edna Marie Hill.
James Sandefer. Betty Cooley and
Bill Hill; Juniors. Bruce McDon
ald. Bruce Brog, Diane Perry and
Audrey Simmons: seniors. Ted
Covalt, Pat Flora, Jim Williams
and Pat Ullman: stage manager,
Melvin Langeland; publicity. Mar
lie Acton, Jackie Byers and Tom
Faculty to Perform
ASB Vice President Jackie
Johnson has announced something
new in the wav of assemblies at
Salem high school for Tuesday,
May 18. She has arranged for a
faculty talent show on that date,
with the theme of the show to
remain a mystery until presenta
tion. Assisting Jackie with the
details are Margie Coe, Alicia
Cover, Marilyn Nichols. Marvin
Black, Bob Just, Leah Case, Joan
Barnes, Barbara .Spagle. Jerry
Kelley, Muriel Steusloff, Mary
Feike and Frank Vitaris.
Tri-Y to Vet
Diane Perry, Margie Acton and
Joan Barnes will compete for the
presidency of the combined Sa
lem high Tri-Y organization on
May 18. The runnerup in the
balloting will automatically be
come vice president. The candi
dates for other offices include:
for secretary, Be mice Wedmore
and Betty Cooley; treasurer. Bar
bara Spagle and Joanne Smith;
social chairman, Joanne Hendrie;
publicity chairman, Lorraine Wel
ling and Joanne Jacqua; program
chairman, Janie Pearcy, Donna
Jean Pence and Shirley Jones;
camp and conference chairman,
Pat Fitzsimons. Norma Jean
Canfield and Dorothy Pearce;
soog leader, Marlene DeWitt and
Gerry Savage; service chairman,
Evelyn Bishop and Sandra Bal
tef; finance chairman, Lois Boat
right, Marly Polales and Alice
Girod; worship chairman, Margie
Smith and Eileen Russell; ring
and pin chairman. Dorothy Ped
erson, Shirley Nelswander and
Frances Boatright.
Mixer Held
"Print day," the day when girls
all Wear their spring dresses or
skirts and blouses, was held Fri
day at Parrish and was the occa-
ion for an after-school mixer.
Refreshments Included pop and
slices, and entertainment featur
ed dancing, bingo and movies.
Collect $4t
Parrish's contribution to the
cancer drive totalled $40 when
all receipts were In on Friday.
Heavy Bidding
Probable Here
Officials predicted Monday that
not less than seven bids for con
struction of the proposed new $2,
000.000 state oflfce building would
be received Friday, when the
deadline for accepting proposals
expires. Ten contractors have ask
ed for copies of the plans.
In eevnt the bids are within the
estimate, a contract for construc
tion probably will be awarded
later this month. Funds for con
struction will be borrowed from
state account and be repaid from
rentals. Architects estimated It
would require 18 months to com
plete construction operations.
State Officials
Back from Trip
Secretary of State Earl T. New
bry, candidate to succeed himself
at the republican primary election,
returned here Monday from a six
day tour of southern and western
Gov. John H. Hall, also a can
didate, was expected to return to
his desk early today after nearly
two weeks' absence. He was ill
for several days in Portland.
Attorney General George Neun
er returned Monday after a swing
through eastern and central Ore
gon. He is a candidate to succeed
Just Like New
1942 International, 45 Passenger Bos. Ron less than 22,000
miles, 5 speed traasmlssion. motor, body, tires excellent con
dition. Present cost to duplicate this equipment around S8.0A0.
Can be purchased for less than half this price. Yea will have
te see this bus to appreciate a real bay.
l 'I tfll
Taws Repeal'
Group Urged
The "book" that a judge might
throw at some' unwary offender
would be lightened by elimination
of some of Oregon's "horse-and-buggy"
laws if high state officials
have their way. Some have indi
cated that they will ask the 1949
state legislature to create a so
called 'laws repeal committee"
with authority to recommend re
moving of laws which are seldom
if ever used.
The last such group, serving
during the 1927 session, succeeded
in wiping out more than 200 sta
tutes, Including several that dealt
with old - time saloon regulation.
Records show that it was headed
by L L Swan of Albany, then
a state representative.
Officials ur that the commit
tee should be continued for two
years to give members ample time
to study the code. Then, they said.
Oregon laws should be recodified.
4 Comers Scouts
Hosts for Mothers
At Luncheon Party
ners Girl Scouts troop 42. Mrs.
Gerald Wing, leader, and Auburn
Brownie troop 63, Mrs. Roy Fow
ler leader, Mrs. C. A. Barnett,
assistant leader, held a joint
mother and daughter luncheon
Saturday, May 8, at Four Corners
Community hall. Tables formed
in a hollow square were spring
like iff their decorations of pastel
green crepe paper and bowls of
tulips and lilacs. Place cards
made by Mrs. Roy Fowler were
miniature picket fences with
shell flowers. The girls sang
"Whip-poor-will" and "White
Coral Bells." An original play was
presented by Janet Kleen, Aud
LIES IN ettgfasfa TIMBER
f x :
Timber is a crop. Once harvested, another
crop can be grown. Oregon has 23,00&,000
acres of timber the greatest stand of any
state in the union. This great Industry
employt 76,000 workers. More than that,
it supports not only lumbermen, but mer
chants, professional men, farmers and
workers of all kinds.
But even an industry as great as this
is only temporary unless we look to th
future. However, the forest Industry of
Oregon can be made permanent by the
use of plain business sense: KEEP
JNO FOREST CROPS. The forester
calls the orderly production of forest
rey Miller, Carolyn and Donna
Meyer, and Charlotte Smith. Oth
er numbers Included 'W el some to
Mothers", Lura Clique; Her Fa
vorite Recipe'', Geraldine Krasch;
Tribute to Mothers-, j Marilyn
Our timber Industry can have a perman
ent supply. The answer is simple keejf
Oregon's forest lands growing forest
crops. Already federal lands are managed
for permanent forest production. Thig
plan of "Sustained Yield will Insure
permanent supply without interfering
with our overall lumber industry, if pri
vate forest lands are similarly managed.
Forest Conservation, Inc. organized by.
a group of far-sighted timber operators
offers you facts on "Sustained Yield."
Learn for yourself the importance of a
permanent timber supply for continued
prosperity. Write today, lot detailed
Oreooa Is fe Creates Timber Sfofo Im
Help Keep H QnaU
Hotel Osburn, Eugene,
O O O0 1 iCTT
. Accordion , solo, - - Judy ' "Wolf,
"Mother Response , -by Mrs.
Starr. Announcer, : Joy Freire.
Luncheon committee f n e 1 u d e d
Mrs. J. E. Clique. Mrs. L. P. Rich
er, Mrs. Qrville Kennen. s
i -
the Natle