IS Th Stcrtotmrn, SqIwb. Ottotu Sundcry. May 3. 1943 MOTICK Or DTRNTION TO NORWAY STREET ( COMMERCIAL. STRICT j LIBERTY STREET Notice to hereby given that th cam Bum council of the city of Salem. Or Con. deems it ntetwry and expedi ent and hereby declare Its purpoae and Intention to Improve Norway street from the east line of Commercial street to Use west line of Liberty street, in the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the alley Intersection the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the establishes grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs, and having said portion of said street with a I'i-lnch asphaltic concrete pavement thirty feet wide, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council April 26. ma. which are now on file tn the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement de partment. By order of the common council April 215. 148: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is April 2s. 1948 A p .28-29-30-My .1 -2-4-S-4-7-9-9 Livestock and Poultry WORK HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch LARGE ASSORTMENT on hand at all times at very attractive prices. Cre dit Kiven any one. Discount for cash. Guaranteed as represented. Fr- deliv erv. Harry Kuehne. Carlton. Ore. I-o-'ei t miles wet of Newberg. FOR SALE or trade: Team of black rj-.ares. Will trade for cow Fred Puffer. Rt. L Box 16. Brooks. Ore.. mile Hopmere Store. Phone 23420. 7R5H"H Guernsey cow with calf S yr. old. Call after 5 p m. Tom Burton. Rt. 5. Box 270. Just this tide Macleay tore. 4 NICE fresh cows St 1 springer. I gentle cultivating horse 3 mi. E. on Center St. Rt. 9. Box 101. r.-R SALE Fresh Shorthorn cow 8325.00. R. V Carl Rt. 1. Box 289. Phone 2-20l ONE YR. "OLD registered 'Jerser'buff Sire is George Gentemann's Coronation Ahburn Ace. Dam Is Eagle Boy's Ko- , Ten. Charles J. Kelley. end of S. 10th Ft . 1 blk. wet TnHnni1inrf - . . ' - J YK OLD saddle horse and ac-lU. i -JfJr'w "V'."Jr."J. . " -O E Pnvillee. Rt 2 Box 2.Turner. ' ClST0MPlOAING. Phonef -j II l MAUV CHICKS varieties Weekly 1 G A RDEN ING of all kinds, also lawns batches. Lee'i Hatcherv. WANTED to buy All kinds ot rat tle hos and sheeo Frank Wood Rt J Boy 4? I H 1 4714 UKAf) Sttxk Clicked up Ciee of charge dav and nirb' n-rvice ih Eherwood Ore.. MX' 4424 Call Collect Id or ttarteO enicks and pullc: :rr irr. mediate or future delivery Also complete line of feed, poultry gutDi,inl remedies and seed and gjrdtn tools Fours hUtrnerv .T7I0 Klstr S Phone4969 WANTtD Any kind of cattle nuct St sheep Will ra.l j' (arm Licensed S Bonded buer Prompt service E 1 Snethen A - Sen I S.'-O Lancaster Dr j.lem Ph 2 1345 WLNG'S Rabbitrv pjy 30c a lb for fryer rabbits. Pick-up service 3985 $tate Phone 109F5 so.sjjeu LIVESTOCK buyer E C McCarid!ir. Rt 9. Box 233 Pn. 8147 Help Wanted COOK for convalescent home: also dishwasher. See supervisor at 231 N. Cottage or phone 7020. Help Wanted Male MAN WANTED to handle Casualty Insurance business alreadv established. Call between 8 and 30 a. rr... 131 Pa cific Bldg. EXPERIENCED BODY man. Best working conditions 8c pay if you qua lify. See Mr. Gearhart. Valley Motor Company. DEFENSE JOBS : In. outside USA. Card brings information about list: order blank. Foreign St Domestic Em pi. Directory. Box 145, D7. Spokane j. Wastv WANTED . Experienced automobile snechanic u:ider 50 years of age. Els ger Motor Co.. 352 N. High. Ph. 7802. GOOD paying Oregonian route now available to dependable bovs. 12 to 18 yrs. Please apply The Oregonian. 474 Ferry St. LUMBER Grader. Ph. 3283 Sllyerton. ROLL ease trim saw man that knows lumber. Ph. 023 SUverton. Help Wanted Female LADY TO sell lovely guaranteed lin gerie, hosiery, etc. Modest prices. Big earnings. Unusual opportunity. Our Mth year. Write Thogersen Hosiery fo . Wilmette. 111. WANTED SECRETARY for district tnnST with average knowledge of figures and percentages. Pleasant sur roundings and working conditions. Must supply references from previous employment. Apply M. O. Glanville. tlontgomery Ward. All applications eld in con fldence. PART-TIME stenographer, mornings. Lto 12. Mondays through Fridays only, arrlod lady preferred. State experi ence. Reply in own handwriting. ta teaman Box 112. S AOS W-OME.V-EARN1 good income tn your spare time. Sell Nylon Hos iery. Fit service to your neighbors and friends. Good commstion. Free sales kit and personal hosiery. Delaware H r7 Mills Inc., Middletown, Del. WOMEN tO sew st home spare time. Easy work, good pay. Write Hol lywood Mfg. Co.. 7982 Melrose Ave.. j oily wood 48. Calif. PRACTICAL nurse for convalescent borne. See supervisor at 152 N. Cot- ge or phone 7020., BEAUTY operator. Must be exp. 709 hird St. McMlnnville. Ore. SALESWOMAN with some book keeplng exp. Permanent. Singer Sew- tig Machine Co. 130 N. Com'L GENERAL housework and care of nvalidRt 1. Box 281. Edw. Lenstrom. OSt ot Salem's leading farm and keavy equipment houses requires young woman to fill clerical position. Pleasant working conditions. Fair typ ing ability required. Answer In own hand writing stating salary desired age. rrevtous experience and telephone umber. Box 148. Statesman. " DESPERATELY need Catholic house keeper for motherless home. 2 girls. St 12. Room, board and wages. Con eider woman with child. Write L M. Ames, M S. Summer St., Salem. WANTfD - Voung ladyor ofJice Work. Train for cashier snd accts. pay able clerk. Good hours. Good pay. Con genial group. Apply In person to Mr. wuuams. tnerry city sauna- Co. Broadway and Market Sta. Salesmen Wanted WANTED MAN or woman to sup ply consumers daily needs for Raw Ieigh products. Part r full time. Near ly 2O0 borne products, on credit of de sired. Splendid opportunity to earn snore and help meet higher living easts. Quick sales, large profits. For Information write Rawleigh's. Dept. ORE-158-233 Oakland 7 calif. REAL ESTATE Salesman io work for one of the older Reliable Firm. Must have good record and references. gox Itl Statesman. TWO VACXfUU cleaner salesmen io outside selling. Guaranteed draw plus food commission. Excellent opportun ities. Write Bos 103. Situations Wanted WHAT? Need painting? Phone U190. Plowing and Discing Tord Eqnlpt. Bob. Hulrt Ph. 1-1HI U&IAaVUUG: heavy duty iruck. private read, lit Breys Ave. Pb. EWERS. ilTTlC tanks inataUsL m. 1-8733 or -45oa, Ed smith. Paperhanglng. Free est. Ph. 13 IX EXP. STXNO. desires perm, position. BUr. 4 typing. Writ SUUtman, DESIRE care ot eoovsl cent or ln- srslld lady. WtU go mat of town. Ph. 454. VALVl'LS'G. free esLHorn. Ph. i-liii. Situations Wanted LADY Wants work. What have you? Ph. ?89 LANDSCAPE Gardening . lawns put In. Phone 2-ft38. CURTAINS washed and stretched. Also tablecloths. Phone 1-4343. CARPENTERING, alterations, repairs. cabinets. i Small Jobs only. Ph. 2-5735. Bookkeeping 'Call Wallace. 1-4596. " CEMENT work, side walk and drive- ways. Phone 2-3400. CAPABLE woman wishes hskpg. in conntry home. Ph. 405 eves. LAWN MOWERS sharpened by ma chine. Work guaranteed. Bring to shop. Howser Bros. W. Salem. Phone 3646. CALL $1781 mornings or evening for fruit spraying. Gun Rosenbaum. Tom Davis. 1855 Berry St. bL BURNER SERVICE Phone 2-062 CUSTOM PLOWING a discing with Ford-Ferguson. Herbert L Ilamann Rt 8. Bos 1304 Ph 251 18 WEATHEHSTKIPPING and Insula Hon Crofoot Bros Phone 2-4BSg LAWN MOWERS! scissors, knives sharpened Deter 966 Center Ph Q3 Light dozer work, discing. Ph' 2-2818. OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vac uum ustd B F Ensley Ph T178 DRA WlNt; ho'uw; plans PhtC21 Well Drilling Domestic Irrigation Industrial H A ROBINSON 2214 N FRONT, Salem Ph 7.1 CHIMNEY weep Nortnness. ph 4450 PKESctiool Playschool 1381 Stilt Ares 5-8 Part orallrtav Ph 8430 CEMENT CONTRACTING ' Phone f-3045 Stanley fv, Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 1-5444 P1CK ORgY " PAINTER and HiBfrnin.. Reason able prices Free estimates H J Worxl worth Ph 3015 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service an wmr, Ph H488 or 5327 MOVING St "haulingT For real service, call 2-2456 ' CEM"ETmT contracting. Ph. 2-4751. eve. SEWERS and Septic Tank installed & repaired. Scharff Brcs. Ph. 2-5568 PAlSflNGT decorating; roof spraying I . W OV. J 1 put in. rn. t-wm. a iq a. Sewer & Drain Service ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter exclusive patented razor-sharp steel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drains. Septic tank c lea nedrea son able. 5327 or 9468 PAINTING 8c papering Free estimate Ph 95U 857 Shippm g. Septic Tanks Cleaned Spartan Electric Sewer Machine Service Modern. Econ. E v Meth Clears lines of Roots. Grease. Etc K. F Ha nieJ 1 43 8t h t.W.Sa lem Ph 7404 w ANTED Furniture to slue and re oair Lee Bros Furniture Reflmshlnc Co Ph 2-1233 4020 E State Rt CUSTOM AND garden plowing Call A I Benon 2-4 5-HJ ODD JOBS, lawn-mowing, putting In wood, etc . 11 hr. Ph. 2-6751 until 9 a m. Fof Sale Miscellaneous WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE Modern and Antique Firearms. Don Madison. 266 N. Capitol Lmbr. misc bldg matl. 1445 Oak St CHICKEN OR cow manure. SI per sack here at place. Will del 0 sacks Ph 6F22. Phillips Bros Rt 6. Box 118 4 mile out State St No waxing Plasti-Kote paint for floors, linoleum, furniture and autos YEA T ER A PPL1ANCE COMPANY FAMOUS NAME watches old watch trade In. No money down. Low as 50c week 1318 State Weisfield ft Gold berg Phone 2-53 GUARANTEED perfect dUmonds. Low as 91 week. No money down. 1316 State. Weisfield a- Goldberg. Ph- 1-5358. 110V ELECTRIC RANGES, apart ment and full size ranges. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY HEAVY steel closthesline posU. Porch railings In stock At made to order. 400 ft. 1 Bt " pipe, imj N. Lioeny. EXCELLENT "Newberg" type River Bottom Top Soil. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1403 N. Front St. Phone 1417 Coffee maker replacement parts YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY WRINGER ROLLS and service. AU makes of washers. Ed Ellis. 601 Edge- water. Phone 6931. i CEDAR POSTS Ph 68F21 MAN'S Hamilton watch. 11 jewel. Size is. Ph. 4059 eves. Hotplates and roasters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Electric clocks and door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Flax Seed Seed flsx cleaned St tested. Call 1-1850. DIMENSIONAL lumber, cheap. Rt. I. Box 39. Gleo Creek Dr. HOSPTbEDS. Wheel chairs. Rent, sell. Buren, Phone 7775. 745 Court St. TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS at GARDENS SACKS S3 or S10 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere in Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM PTi 9127 days; 1-4397 eve of 8127 Trash, burners, insert oil burners. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY CARDBOARD packing boxes and Sheets, a n v size 1790 N Front "TLy RODS i oz. Leonard. 4 or. John Wilson. 2' Hobson. 535 Waldo. "TTJSCHTa PLAKTS. Large selection, trailers and uprights. All named var ieties. Tharalson Fuschla Farm. l' miles east of State Hospital on Frult- land Rd. AN ATTRACTIVE trash burner, $20 1150 th St., W. Salem. TJaVENPOST and chair. A-B. 1 hole electric stove, bed. springs, round table, 8 chairs. Kenmore washing machine, new floor lamp, 2 E-Z do cabinets. 685 Thompson. . USED FURNITURE SALE 1 very nice four-piece bedroom sets with springs and mattresses, dark wood St modern; 1 floor lamp; 1 kitchen table St 4 chairs; 1 oil circulating heater. 1 daveno; 2 elec. floor heaters: 1 baby chair; 1 elec. two-burner hot plate; 3 stools; 1 elec. toaster; 1 kitch en table at 2 chairs; 1 ice box; 1 ironing board 4c clothes rack, and 1 coffee table. 9300.00 or 9100.00 down St terms. State Finance Co.. 153 S. High St.. or Phorvi in. SLIGHTLY used apt size elec. range; used toilet snd lavatory; following used .furniture : davenport and chair sets, end tables, coffee table. 2 dav enports, occasional chairs, wall bed, day bed. Poor lamps. 610 S. Coml. St. WE HAVE a fine selection In new and used elec. ranges, gas ranges, re frig.. U heaters, oil ranges, wood ranges, washing machines. Radios, some rpt. size, many other items. Lib eral credit terms. Hard man Bros.. 4 mL north of Salem on Portland hlgh- wsy. Open eves. ' SIUgTCCTio. '41 natch. White king pigeons 91 each. Bird cages 91-90 up. 1T75 Lee St. 1 LANfl wood range 1 U C. comb, gas range 971. 1 R.H. Wedge, gas rge WC 937 JO. 1 used fas tank btr. 95 00. Above equlpt. Is sold F.O.B. as Is. See Andy at 133 Court St. WASRtKG MAdllNES : New A.B.C. and Apex . washers. La and era 11 automatic washers. Twin porcelain rinse tubs. 939 50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. ten cotirt st. phone ten Sun. : heat, and cermicidal lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Revere ware St pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BARNYARD a Chicken manure. DaL 99 per cu. yard. Ph, 93X33. Phillips 1 Rt 9. Box 113 MARR radio for reliable " services. rh. 3-1611. 3153',V S. Com! ' SERVEL caa Eletrolux re fr leer a toe 915a. Wedrewood caa range with trash burner $135. Gas water beater 83a. 3O09 Hulsey Ave. Off Radcllff Drive be tween S. 11th and WE. ' " ASPARAGUS- Best lot freezing, it per lb. You cut it. Bring containers. George Asher, on Grand Island. PLASTER BOARD, wa Ceiling tile as wall plank Rt. 433 U MrCaka Ave t SUverton Rd. For Sale Miseellaneont Camellias, Rhododendrons, Azaleas DRIVE NORTH ON FRONT STREET 4 MILES TO KEIZER. TURN WEST. STAY ON PAVED ROAD 4 MILES TO H. L. Pearcy Nursery Company GOOD white enamel apt. size range number 210. Phone 6294 . " ARC WELT5ER Wilson 200 amp. AC, r ound. lead cable Included. 9125. 2176 Summer St. EASY ELECT washer, good cond.. f65 cash takes it. Phone Z&U32. 3u3 SAVAGFTln fine rhape: Model 70. 08 with Texan Scope; Enfield Sptr. 06 receiver sights; Springfield Sptr. 06 with K2 5 Weaver; 81A Remington 300 with K2.S Weaver: 8MM Mauser with K2.5 Weaver: 521T Rem. 22; Model 72 and 75 Winchester 22: Sav age pump action 22: Model B HiStan dard 4" BBL; 38 Spls. SAW with f and 5" BBLs: one each new and used model 12 Win. 16 gauge: L. C. Smith 11 gauge DBL BBL: new and used 13 gauge DBL and SINGLE BBL guns; K2.5 and K4 Weaver Scopes slightly used at special prices; PERFECT SCHEUTZEN GERMAN TARGET RI FLE 815-46: BEAUTIFUL Flint Lock. English made hand gun. THE HOUSE OF DON. 266 N. Cafltol. . NEOJTGAS. OlC AND-TIRE sign", 4'x6' double faced at 'j original cost. 286 N Capitol. ELEC". RANGE, refrig. and complete household furniture. 570 Mill St. after May 9. SAW DUST CONVEYOR complete with motor only 820. Used hot water tank. 30 gal.. 97.50. Check protector, top condition. 912.50. Electric Eye, com plete. 920. 266 N. Capitol. lJTESTg a s ran g e . 1797 Chemek e t a "FULL SIZE "electric range, electric refrigerator, maple bedroom set com- plete. bunk beds complete, gateleg style walnut dining table and six chairs, push-button radio. 1511 N. Church. "WESTITJGTTOUSE r tT r 1 g e r a t o r. breakfast set. elec. range, knee-hole desk, office desk and chair, sectional bookcases Call 3780. ELECTRIC WASHER: sewing ma chine and mire, articles. Phone 9653. 435 N Winter. TWiTHOT WATRtankv gss range, trash burner, sawdust burner. R. A. Forkner. Apt at rear. 1853 N Capitol. Oak Floorinp: All grades oak threshholds and base shoe Ph. 2-5422. SlOVTE camera and projector 8mm. Revere. Almost new. 1347 N. 18th St. After 5 UNIVERSAL COMB, wood Ac gas range. Enameled. See at 1368 Center. Ph. 7911. DEALERS. JOBBERS. bet deal on 93.95 brush I ess auto paint. Wipes smooth, dries in few minutes. Free samples. Cover-Nu. 191 1-N. Eubbock. Tex. AUTO. GAS range. 930 and auto, gas water heater. 925. Boy's bicycle. 12 50 Ph. 4913 . 2248 Mill OUTBOARD MOTOR. Sea King 5 h. p.. like new, private owner. $95.00. Phone7736. CAN ARY SINGERS" Mrs K. W. Har rtt.R.l. Box 419. Ph. 25929. FOR THE" BEST IN APPLIANCES SEK RALPH JOHNSON KELVIN ATOR RANGES, refrigera tors. Bendix washers, dryers, lroners. Fowler porcelained 20 yr. water heater. Speed Queen washers, ironers. Electromaster. Estate. Thermador ranges. RCA Victor radios. Deepfreeze. Harder Freeze, Beall freezers. American Central Kit. Cab. & Sinks. Eureka St Lewyt Vacuum cleaners. Ironrite lroners. Tappan. Ruud St Mission gas appl. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 353 Center Phone 4036 USED WASHERS automatic and conventional tvpes. Guaranteed. 939.50 and ud. RALPH JOHNSON APPLI ANCEg. 355 Center St. Ph. 4036. USED" EASY Spin drver washer. Very good cond. 940. Ph. 8739. "bUNLAPWOOD lathe. 925. Crart men'i 2-wheel grinder. 97 50. Flexible shaft with attachments. 910. Small Jig saw. 92. Western electric motor. 910. Call after 8 p. m. wk. days or Sun. 449 N. 23d. GREENHOUSE. 9 BY 10 ft., movable. easily set up. Call 1560 Nebraska St. River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 1-1966 1-3106 Used ranges, washers snd watel heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 1 R. Walk ins Co products 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Ph 9395 Free del TOILETS: RT. 7. Bos 431 L. McCain Ave, off SUverton Rd . Salem PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 13th St. Block Co. S. 12th St. at Vista Ave. Tele 3-5363 Evenings 8904 GRAVEL, sand and silt. Delivered, or on your truck at the pit. Phone 6444 USED" ' UNTVEKSALapt. size stoves 925. Used Hotpoint stoves, side oven. $35. Ambassador Apts , 550 N. Summer. Keizer Sand & Gravel Co. Mason sand Concrete mix River silt St top soil Road gravel Fill dirt Ph. 21749 DOGS Boarded by day or mo. Trim ming and bathing. Obedience Training. Free Pick-up St Delv. LeGray Kennels. Phone 2-3168. Contractors - Builders Realize a saving. Buy lumber direct from sawmill. Dimension, sheeting, shlplap, timbers, outside wMte paint. West Salem Lumber Co. '.i ml. north of Edgewater on Wallace Rd. Ph. 9393. 4-BURNER LAH elec. ranee with oven. New wiring, first class shsoe. 9th house on left. Evans Ave. Keizer dirt. Ph. 23163. LcRay Wilson. IT. PLYWlDTSeTl40. 192b Fair Rd. Ph. 3391. Fans, exhaust and pedestal. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Vacuum cleaners, floor polishers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ALWAYS a bis stock. Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph 3119 Oil circulators, room heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY REAL ESTATE SIGN Large neon sign, cost new $394. Sen $135. Also office furniture. Ph. 9109. Azaleas in Bloom FOR MOTHER'S DAY 5th and Locust CORONA portable typewriter, ex ce'lent md. 923. Ph. 7534. aluminum Wiuruuj super value: is piece umlnum all-purpose set. Includes drlp-o-lstor, reg. $23Jtt special $145. Ne money down. I 90c m week. 131$ SUte Weisfield Sx Goldberg, ph h. 3-5358. TRXSTO cookers. $T4l Welsfield's eaev terma. No money down. week- 1316 State. Weisfield at Goldberg. TABLE and 4 chairs $7.30. Baby cart Ttc. walker 97 JO. lady's black suit $29. sire 19. Rt. $. Box 433. Glen Creek Rd. " PAlTlukiON-PR - li communication receiver, five bands, crystal BFO. noise limlter. ete with Jensen IV soeaker. Excellent condition. Price $7340. Call 9323 evenings. For Sale Miaeellanepnt FOR SALE 9 mo. purebred red Cocker Spaniel. Papers for registra tion A. K. C. Can after 5 JO. Ph. 1-4522. BUTTON-HOLE worker for White. Singer, or free machines. Ph. 9765. 1940 N. 18th. - CAMELLIAS. SI -25 TO 93. Azaleas. 35c and up. Mixed pots, large blooming fuschias. 50c; dahlia bulbs. 6 for 91. Merrill's Green House, Brooks. - GAS FLdOR furnace. 40 000 BGU. thermostat control, all fittings includ ed. Phone 2-4235. 20 WINDOWS. 36"x66"; good for hot beds or greenhouse. Phone 5627. OAT? DRESSES, chest. 9x12 wool rug. iron bed. oak dining table. 2070 Myrtle. Ph. 6236. 5 'USED wood booths St 20 ft. Ma hogany counter. The Ace. 127 N. High. AUTO. oirflr. furnace, with wall thermostat, used 6 mos. 465 Wayne dr. after 5 p.m. "TWO 10.500 gal. gas tanks. Firestone niore. Jefferson. ELECTRIC ranee St laundry travs. 396 Park ave. ELECTRIC sewing machine (pracUc- ally new) cabinet. 3560 Portland Road. Howard Trailer Camp. NOHGE fully automatic electric range perfect cond. 9200. Console Philco radio-phonograph, holds 12 records, just overhauled 950. Blonde finish brass trimmed antique table J'i. OlCe mcdel Hoover vacuum, good cond.. 910. Jun ior size violin, good tone. 910. Also other furniture and some antique dishes. 1298 N. Church. WHITE enamel table top Montag range with coil and oven thermometer, lnperf. cond236 S. 25th. WHITE cabinet electric and Singer portableLlke new1930 N. 18th REFRIGERATOR. Gibson?-ft. T. A. Shealy. Rt. 9. Box 575. on Browning Ave., between Liberty Road and High way. WOOD OR STTWTJUST Double S4H green stamps given in May. Ph. 6683. GAS range and Hollywood bed ped estal excellent condition. Ph. 2-4082. Rt 8. Box 17D. 2-WHEEL trailer, 1353 S. Coml t.. ntheall-y. BREAKFAST table & chairs, kitchen sink, like new. 4 rolls of new poultry iv-iuuK. csi iiigncjue large eiec. oven, almost new. Rt. 9. Box K26. Ph. 2-2641. ONE MARLIN .22 rifle. One pair lady's roller shoe skate?, size i'j Call 2-1718 200 AMP. DC" Lincoln arc welder. Cheap lawn mower. 1052 Saginaw. Ph. 8754. 16 QT. cannery cookers $23 50. Weis field's easy terms 92 a me 1316 State. Weisfield A Goldberg Ph 2-5358 " PEKINGESE pups. 9 w7ks. old. 2260 Claude St. Ph . 3598 TENT 10x12 new. Fan 16 inches, new. 458MilJ JSt. HOLLYWOOD bed. blue upholsteTe. French ruffle. Excellent condition. Ph. 9834. . A EN'flON Turkey Growers: Extra large quick-freeze box at '., cost price. 4010 State St. Ph. 2-6319. COOK STOVE with new oil burner. Reasonable. 970 Jefferson. Ph. 9967. GIVE mother flowers that last. Prim rose, pansies, azaelas. perennials. Brown. Rt. 9.J3ox 30. MAN S bicycle $15. "child's high chair 92. set asbestos flat Irons 91. large brown enameled stove board $2. Mason jars 35c doz. lady's white shoe skates. size 8. 81 0. 1 142 6th S t.. W. Salem. SEWING MACHINES rented: special summer rate. Bonus Da id for White. New Home or Singer, Will buv any make, any cond. W. Davenport. 1930 N. 18th. Ph. 7671. REGISTERED English Springer pups. Choice breeding from bench and field stock. Reasonable. 3325 Argyle Drive. Turn west st Liberty Road and Triangle Drive. TTeWT$6iieM tire snd tube 117. New mahogany veneer coffee table $23. New drafting set 920. Like new daven port and chair 9273. cost $369. Phone 9746 after 6 p m Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads St drtvewsy Cement Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand Bulldozing;, drainage and ditchtn yd. shovel it drag line. Phone 9591. Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE Phone 9195 USED FURNITURE Phone Slid" WANT TO Buy Used Cameras St lenses MrEwsn Photo Shop 433 State CASH for used piano St other mu sical Instruments. Call 4641 davs ot 537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co, 191 S High. Wanted Mifteellaneout APT. SIZE refrigerator. Statesman Box 152. WA NT ED NEW hay balers, tractors, corn pickers, combines, rakes, swsth ers. Bob Stone. Charlton. Iowa. HIGHESTTPRICES for scrsp Iron St metal, junk batteries, rags. etc. Zorne Industrial Salvage, 1st Chemaws Rd., phone 23603. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem CASH for old gold, solid, plated or flUed. Salem Watch Shop. 3381 SUte Miftrrllaneous COMMERCIAL ART Letterheads, cartoons, business sigs. trade marks, photo retouching. Bob Browne. Salem Engraving. Phone 9101. 213 S. Commercial. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Pistes for Repslr DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bide. Stste at Com Ph 3311 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 5965 AUTO painting, just a shade better by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co $502 HAVE YOUR awnger sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph 3513 for free pickup at delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. 130 N Commercial Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer Basement Equipment Rental 1$ B-V yds. 912 06 per hr. I B-4 yds. 9 so per hr D-7 Cat 4 Dozer 9 90 per hr. D-9 Cat Docer 1.40 per hr D-4 Cat Dozer TM per hr Pnone days tngs 1344 or tr$j? in.- Orffuo AL'S RADIO Clinic. Ketxer dist, day im. Ph. 8-4373. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. ft. 00 LE3 SPRINGER 464 Court. Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069 PECO Pacific Excavatlna' Com nanv 913 Edgewater St. Salem. Oregon Bulldozing Grading Clearing : Phone 2-1413 or 9793 WATER WELL dnlllng. Domestic or h-ruratton Duffle Id Bros- Bit 9L - Bos 433 Pnone 3-1313. Financial FIRST MORTGAGE on good real es tate, bearing Interest, for 181. tesna. Financial SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST to 40 Years and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 ' EARNINGS ON YOUR INVESTMENT We have a number of first mortgages on real estate, amounts 9500 to 910.000, to offer, net you 5 on your Invest ment. Examine the security 'yourself: Salem and vicinity. Call us at 4131 fox particulars. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S Hteh St. Salem. Oregon Ed Byrkit and Companv FIRST MORTGAGE loans at 41fc F H A St construction loans 339 Chemeketa . Phone 9991 Money to Loan MONEY S25 to $500 . . for car or home repairs . . to consolidate debts. It's simple as A-B-C. Just do this: A Tell us how much you need and a few facts about your credit and job m person or by phone if you're busy. B Then you sign without endorsers and get the cash. Proof: 4 out of 5 who ask us tor a loan, get itl C Then repay in monthly Installments wnicn vou select to fit your purse. KS to 9500 on suto 925 to 9300 on salary and furniture. Personal Finance Co. 518 Stale St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 E. Callinger. mgr. Lie. S-122. M-163 FARM and CITY LOANS 4'.', and 5 Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trut Bldg Phone 7162 Private Money On Cars. Trucks. St Trsller Homes Long or Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial St. Phone 9169 QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN LVSTOCK FARM MACH NO COSIGNERS From S25.00 to S300.00 Lie No S-138 ON CARS OR TRUCKS Repayments up to 24 months ON LATE MODELS From $50.00 to S500.00 Lie No M-338 MAKE APPLICATION BY PHONE OR IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9168 1 Dr. S. of Ladd St Bush 136 S Commercial St Salem Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST lit Nat'l Bank (old quartern For Rent Room. SLEEPING ROOMS for ladies. No smoking. 266 N. Capitol. KOOM FOR emp. girl or woman. Close in. Phon e 25066 . SLEEPING ROOM for rent. Close in. 1935 N. Capitol. HEATED sleeping rm. 2131Ceritcr St. SLEEPING room, kitchen privileges. Phone 2-4884. ROOM for emp. woman or girl. Kit. privilege. Ph. 5477. ROOM for centleman. Ph. 2-4427 Hollywood sip. mil. 2035 McCoy. 6093 Room and Board ALBANY convalescent home. Inval ids and elderly folks. Large lawn and sunporrhes. Good care guaranteed. 612 Maple St.. Albany. Ore. Ph. 231-L. For Rent Apartments 3-RM. FURN. apt. Private bath. $30 a mo. 1599 State. 1-RM. TURN. apt. with furnace heat. lights and water. Phone 9235. N I CELTTTfTj RNfSfiED two-room, pri vate bath apt. Ref. required. Ph. 2-1744. 2 RMS. PARTLY furn. 1309 N. Coml. FURNISHED ONE room cabin. 445 S. Winter. NICE furn. apt-, close in. for emp. couple, us Marion bt. 2-RM. furn. apt. Priv. bath. priv. entrance. 455 N. 34th. 2 RM. furn. apt., near hospital, on bus. Free phone. Ph. 8Q4S. FURN. 3 rm. apt., upstairs. 419 S. 19th. 2 BDRM. and 1 bdrm. housekeeping cabins. Modern, oil beat. 3860 S. Com'L For Rent Houses NEAT 3-BDRM. home at 1188 Jef ferson, basement, automatic heat, large carage with upstairs, fenced in back yard. 973 per month. Please call before noon. 3 BEDRM. FURN. house. Lease for 1 yr. 973 mo. 1st at last mo. in advance. 97 Fa I rview A ve. 2 BEDRM. HOUSE. 1-yr. old. Newly decorated inside. Oil hest. No pets. 973 mo. Inquire owner. 323 Academy Street. TRAILER house for rent, for couple New Bendix washer available. Toilet. shower. 1225 S. 25th FURN. COTTA For Rent 3 BDRM. DUPLEX. Buy furniture reasonable. No children. 970 Mill St. after May 9. LARGE BUSINESS bldg. at Pen 4 Corners, 973.00 per month. Ph. 9389. FOR RENT Large office or store room, ground floor. 167 S. High. St. State Finance Co. 153 S High St. Telephone 4121 OFFICES for rent. PhT$389 OFFICE space 500 sq. ft. Entrance through old 1st NatT Bnk. Elevator service. Ph. 9116. ZOO Uvesly Bldg IRONERS by the week Phone 3-4439 U-DRJVE TRUCKS FOB RENT Blankets furn 137 S Liberty Ph 9082 FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher snd lawn roller, weed burner. Wallace Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph 9877 GOOD Used Plsno H L. Stiff 'CAT. AND SHOVEL work, excava tion. trenching and scraper work. Call HaHrorsen Construction Co. Phone 4047 or 6QQ6 ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-sell H C Pugh 884 N 17 4692 TRAILERS 75c first hr. 0e brs following Woodry's UkU 130$ N Summer TRUCKS and cars for rent. Blankets furnished. Smitty's Clipper Service. Center and Church. Pbone 9600. Wanted to Rent 9- OR 9-ROOM house In good resi dential district IX place la suitable will renovate and maintain property. h. 413 QT 2140O. V nnA ...I. . in bouse. Reliable family, permanent res idents, excellent refaJ Will pay good rent. Call 7630. ' ' -&X5POKLZ PARTY wants Km on good 3 or more bdrm. house. In good neighborhood. Phone 866 1. UCT CHRISTIAN couDle want 1st floor apt. Steady renters. Wrttsi Box 150. Statesman. ' 1 OR 3-BDRM. unfurn. bae. by cou ple with Infant. Call Cliff Nilsen. 4619. YOUNG couple, no smoking, or jrtnk ing. need small furn. or partly furn. bouse. Prefer suburban but not sssin tiaL Dr. Nelson. 3-4083 or 3-6253. tXTHOUSE immediately. 4 adults. Have pets. Ketersncss. cu was. uoo. or write Box 137 care of Statesman REWARD: 3 or $ BR. bse. Ph. 1V&. Wanted to Rent MIDDLE AGED couple em p. at deaf school need 3 or 4 room furnished or partly furn. apt. or bouse north of Highland Ave. Send card to L. D. Sella 3361 Hazel Ave., cabin No. 3. Lou LOT Zone 4 trackage. $1100. 2179 S. Summer St. VIEW LOT on Pioneer Dr. 118x167. Berries and fruit trees. See owner at 3795 Hulsey Ave. Call 3-3203. 9750. GOOD BUILDING lots. 62,x 129! ft. South. City water. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4131 - Eves. 25561 BEAUTIFUL HALF lot. Trees, roses. corner of Elm and Magnolia. W. Salem. Ph. 8474. ONE CORNER lot a 1 joining on North Church St Columbia, closing estate, must sell, look St make offer. -C. J. JACKSON. 341 State St. Salem- NICTriLr3GT5rTE EastTront. 288 ft deep, gd soil; Fisher Rd just off Sunny view. S950. Walt Socolofsky Real Es tate. Ph. 8835. BV OWNER, excellent view lot. 85 xlOO ft. on corner of S. High and Wild Wind Drive. Ph. 7334. RESIDENTIAL LOT. 73x204. north. 6 Large oak trees. Priced for quick sale. Owner moving, needs money. Ph. 5733. KING WOOD HEIGHTS view lot. Price reduced for Immediate sale. $825. Ph. 6269. F. H. A. Building Sites These highly restricted lots In East Enrlrwood afford vou the oerfect place to build. All new district. Streets to be paved this summer. We can arrange top FHA loans for you. Lot sizes run from 50x100 to 100x100. Prices range from $850.00 to $1350.00. If you sre s building contractor looking for a place to build 1 to 100 homes, or If you are planning your own home investigate this further. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 9510 I nsu ranee . Ml g. Loans LOT 50x136-2395 MTXiberty. Good" location. Ideal for basement. Has young fruit trees It grapes. $650. Write Earl Winters. Rt, 5, Box 392, Bremerton. Wash. - - i- j Kl to... i iare iois. ""' St. One or both at $1100 each. M. B. Stegner 1887 N. Cottage Ph. 4092 BARGAIN 5 A. on Lansing, close to SUverton Rd. Very choice sub-division. 95250. 16 A. on pavement. East Center St. No buildings. $8500. - Large lot near Dickson's Mkt. South. City water, trees, elec. 91200. Large lot South on pavement. City water. 91500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - PonJ SJ' 164 S. Com'l St. - Ph. 8389. Eve. 7440 LOT. with 16-ft. trailer house. Water and lights. 91.000. 3155 Cooke St, For Sale Heal Estate loti. gravel street, very neat 6c clean, a t? Hn sk 1 net fiuiciac ciiv tasi. elec. water system. 94004V -C. J. JACKSON. 341 SUte St.. Salem INCOME PROPERTY. 2 excellent houses on large lot. facing creek. Beau tiful location, paved alley and St. Dry basements under any condition. Large 12 rm. res. (6 bdrms.l; adaptable for boarding house or apts. Smaller 8 rm. res. (4 oarms.i, gara- ge.s oil furnaces. 8 blks from city cen- tcr 335.000. Reply to Statesman Box 147 ENGLEWOOD HOME $175 down. 1 yr. old. Well built; 2 bdrms.. Ige. utiUty rm., hwd. floors, fireplace, v. blinds, att aragePhone7792. BY BUILDER; Loveiy new 6 rm. home, exceptionally well built; fine kit. and utility room, oil furnace, fire place, much storage space. 1300 sq. ft-. i double garage. In Englewood addition. sj.uuu Clown w ui nauuir. u St. or Ph. 7158 afternoons or eves. GOOD 2 BEDRM. house, base., bath, garage, oil stove, dav. St chair, table St chairs, all goes: possess, now. Close in West Salem. 95750. Arrange terms. -C. J. JACKSON. 341 SUte St.. Salem- BY OWNER 4 BR, older home, auto, heat, basmt.: sun porch; large garage: wooded hilltop. 2s acres. City limits south; city water, good road, phone 5219. $4200. Neat 4-room house N. Salem. Part basement garage, wired lor range, elec. water htr, some furniture in cluded. Possession in a few days. Alfred Dumbeck Real Estate 147 N. Commercial SL Room 4 NEW HOME St OLDEJI HOME If you are looking for one. phone me. I have several to choose from. Ph. 3289 day or eve. General Real Estate Co. ' 253 Center SL ' 3 BEDRM. mod. borne, automatic oil floor furnace. Elec. hot water beater and cooking. FHA contract. 3825 Hon roe Ave. WHAT? Looking for a good. 3 rm. home. New dec. Keizer diet. Ph. 3-3190. MOD. $ RM. home. DbL plumb, V. blinds, firepl.. dbl. garage, cor. lot. fruit St nut trees. Oil heat, full bsmt. Good for Ige. family or income. 1990 N. Mh. Phone 45S1 FOR Efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co WOW 3 BDRM Mod house. Large lot. Bus at door. 3810 Monroe. E. Salem. NEW. NEAT 4 room home, wired for range, attached garage and utinty utihty . 96030 room, near Leslie Jr. High, sarao. sovse fumshed. Phone 3-3203. No agents. please. BY OWNER: Beautiful new view home st 911 Kinrwood Drive. Extra large LR with picture windows. Two bedrooms big closets. Ma pic iioors throughout. Double plumbing. Utility main floor. Basemen. Lot 100x140. Price sharply reduced for quick sale. J. A. Sholseth. phone 2-5936 or 56. NEW 3 bdrm. full bsmt.. oil fum hwd. flrs Ige. liv. rm. St din. rm.. good sized kitchen. Wired for elec. Plastered, insulated. Lawn St shrub bery in. Ige. garage. Garden space. 4229 Rowan Ave. Keizer dist. BARGAIN. Absent owner will sell on contract IDEAL home, beautiful in terior, Ige. liv. rm. firepl.. coved ceil ings. 2 Ige. bdrms. full bsmt. with playroom, sawdust heat, near hi. Enele- wood. Hwd. firs.. Ige. bsck yd., fruit. nuts, grapes, shrubs bulbs. $12,500. 5 off for cssh. Ph. 2-97CT FOR SALE reasonable: 5-room sub urban house and 3 lots or will sell one of lots or might consider small farm with fair modern house and good land. H. c. Prat. 830 code St.. Salem. TROOM HOUSE, 'i AC. $5250 On bus RL. near school. Gas range, and furniture Included in price. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 3-4793 2 bedrooms each side $9300 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 3-4793 BY OWNER: New house near Keizer school, all red. floors, lots of built ins, oil floor furnace. 3 bdrms. down, large unfln. attic, atL garage. Large lot. $8600. Liberal terms. Ph. 3-1303. reaLVaLu f&cLLNT HomC Drive by 3143 N. Commercial Sl 8man rental on rear or lot. Bee THE REAL ESTATE MARKET M N. High SL Phone 3-4793 $ BDRM. LR. DR. kiL. bsmt, furnace. 2 lots, fruit, east front, redecorated. 3X89 N. 4th. $7950. $3400 cash down. See owner. 490 N. 21st. NICE RANCH troe home, lane loL H.W. floors. Venetian blinds, electric beat, attached garage. Yes the Ben dix washer goes. Call Bill Jones. . Goodwin & McMillin 484 Court Realtors Ph. 4707 BY OWN ft: i bdrm. mod. plastered bom. Concrete foundation, wired for range, auto, water beater, dbl. gars re. $8060. 93000 down. baL $39 no. Will consider taking rar for trad en part equity. 304 Maple Ave. 9-R. bouse, good condition. 1 lota, basement, oil furnace. Caa be arranged for a flats. A good buy at $11,000. INI. B. Stegner I89T N. Cottage ' Ph. 4093 4 BR. PUstered Eng. . stykw U R. Dl SL. Kit. Hdw. fin. V. B pic. tuU basmt, Insulated stripped, att-garage. A. Bids. 1 On- St WMther Elec. cook ing and water boater. X 2-447. For Sale Real Entate SULLIVAN REALTY CO j j i ( $3,700 SUBURBAN NORTH Wm '' f - 1 New and ready for poas. this weekend. 3 bdrm. modern home. elec. beat, fuRy ineuL and wee therstripped. Urge kitchen and nook. hwd. throughout. Excellent terms. .... i . 911.000 MODERN STYLE 91100 - I ; , Ail large rooms, elec heat, insulated hwd. throughout, dbl. garage, best of finish work. This 3 bdrm. bouse has acre of excellent soil and is close to school, stores and bus. 914.600 HOME ON THE HILL. $14409 ' - I - If you are looking for something nice la ft bdrm. all on one floor, don't miss seeing this new FHA borne. Novel fireplace with knotty pine paneling and book: -shelves, insulated auto. beat. sen. corner shower in bath. Bendix washer and many other fine features included: a beautiful setting. - ; . - ' i 315.000 FAIR OAKS WAY $15,000? Another spacious Fair Oaks view nome ready for your Inspection. Loveiy step saving kitchen In the latest driftwood finish, nice breakfast nook , with, built-in -radio. 14x19 comb. LR and DR. 3 fireplaces, large, knotty pine den. all plastered dbl. garage, roomy tiled bath, oak hwd. throughout, all elec beat and fully insulated, and weather-stripped. $5000 should handle. - - .. 915.000 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS $19400 f Looking for a secluded view borne? We have it. Six lovely rooms, basement and auto, oil furnace. 37 ft. LR novel stone firenlace. abundance of shrubbery. fruit trees and garden spot. No better place in the country to retire on. tricea ngni at iuw. SULUVAN REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. LEE OHMART & rrs A HONEY 3 nice bedrooms on one floor: elec. heat: everything in tip-top shape: in cludes street paving: located 1160 N. 24th; 93.300 down. bal. FJ1-A. Please do NOT disturb occupants. Just call Mr. Sullivan. IN A CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD Located near Hollywood district on Columbia St. Superior construction in this lovely 2 bedroom home with an unfinished upstairs: large store fire place in this well kept yard: nice t!ri tre"s- deen freeze unit In- eluded: we recommend this home to you st $13,500. See Mr. Dunnigan. -OUR TIME LEE OHMART & 477 Court St. Even, ph 3-4723 Lots of Room TWO BEDROOMS down and three up in this well-kept home Just off . 1 . I-T.h All uni .. heat, double garage. Full bath down and part bath up. Would make a nice home for a large family or is good pos hilitv for income bv convert in UD- .tail-, to an apartment. 912.750.00. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 9510 Insurance. Mtg. Loans 96500.00 North. 3 bdrm. home. liv. rm.. dining rm.. part bsmt. 92O00 will handle. Will take late model car in. 97500.00 Englewood. 3 bdrm. home with bsmt . liv. rm.. din. rm., kitchen. 8350.00 Nice 3 bdrm. home with part liar Will.h.11 Vtfiolr ! hwd. firs., bsmt.. furn! Good terms. Call Omer Huff Real Estate Co. 341 Chemeketa St. Realtors Phone 2-1549 Eves. 2-5Q91 ANOTHER FINE Engleweod home. 4 BR. fireplace, basement, new oil fur- i ---- - , , i nace, Ige. lot. near :i ! I .afSPIl Home & LXan KO. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com l St. - Ph. 8389. Eve. 7440 Selling at a Sacrifice People Returning East i m KnucA rf1nLa in 4 bdxi rYVOnS uUlity rooml Mcstly all new ; - lncludmB new water heater electric stove and rngiaaire. rviicnen table. 6 chairs. 4 beds. 3 new with new springs and mattresses. Daveno and swing rocker, knee hole dest. 3 chest of drawers. Prima-vera finish: 1 blk. from store. 2 blocks from Lesle High. 5 blocks from McKmley; bus by door. New three-room bldg. in back can be used for apt. 18x30: also good garage. For home and income see this: all for S7E00. Easy terms and possession. See M. D. Looney with William E. Moses 331 'i State St. phone 4993 MODERN small bouse X yrs. old. hwd. firs., v. blinds, liv. rm. din. rm. kit., bdrm. snd bath. Elec. water heat ing and cooking: auto, oil floor furnace and garage. Close in. $5700 full price. Terms can be arranged. Call McDowell with Art Madsen 133 State SL Ph. 3580. v. $653 Englewood District Beautiful brand new ranch type, hdw. floors throughout, lots of buOt tns. fireplace, attach, gar. paved drtve vav mwA street. Larre utilitv rm.: elec. heat: lnsul. St weatherstripper. Well worth (12.0O0. Will carry FHA loan. 5 Bedrooms Older type house in very good con dition: modern: corner lot: paved st. on both sides: double gar.: full ttse ment: oil furnace; very close to s-rroI. bus at front door. Full price 911.230; liberal terms arranged. Small Down. Payment Brand new 3 bdrm. east- Imm. poss. Beautiful hwd. floors ihrougbouL Lots of built-ins. attach, gar. private welL extra large lot; full price $3250. M. 0. Humphreys & Co. Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 or 3-459 WANT TO INVEST IN A good one bedroom house? Good district, north in town with all im provements in. Small lot Built in 1941. Should bring good return on money at $685000. - Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone $410 Insurance. Mtg. Loans ' HAVE YOU been looking for a good. sound homey house? Well help you secun this beautiiui . norm. nome. beautifully painted in St ouL immacu lately kept. Outdoor fireplace, appeal ing lawn, shade tree, shrubbery. It's close to school and bus. markets. The deep-freeze unit goes to make it com pletely a good deal. The stairway is in to the unfinished upstairs. Located in Hollywood district, can asr. lucm. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 337 N. High Street no VOU have a v earn ing to go out; a bit away from It all? A five minute walk to the fishing bank. We have ' acre with 3 bdrm. home, elec cooking, elec. water heater, oil heat, close to grade school. Nice garden St family fruit not far from Salem. Call Mr. Klein. Burt Picha, Realtor Phone 321 . 337 N. High Street VERY GOOD 3 bdrm. bom on 14 acre, plastered, hardwood floor, dble. garage, lots of family fruit, chicken, only 3 blocks from stores and bus ser vice. A good buy at $19,300. Call Mr. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 337 K. High Street $8850. NEW. MODERN 3-BR home. close in. 8. K. Hardwood floors, eu furnace, close to schools. Immediate ion. Call Stanley Brown won State Finance Co- Realtors 133 S. High SL Ph. 4131 2551 HUGE PROFITS! OREGON. CALIFORNIA. Washington Tax Delinquent properties. 1 to 940 25C to gj acre minimum no. Fraction actual value. Bend e postage for circulars St maps. Pacific Land. Botc 3350 AC Hollywood. Calff. ; BY OWNER TtirmoOM ROME at I32S Jeffer son all hardwood floor, fireplace. V. BL, elec W. H. fuU basement with oil fur. room for party room. Inuncd. mm. Cn 25830. ' A.A.J, ie -uw- . - -4nB O Good 2 bdrm. - home. liv. rm. with flrepL. hdw. fir- full bsmt. sawdust furn. Int. poas. Call Bay Dv . Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors , $41 Chemeketa SL J 3793 .mm SVC. 44A . Real Estate -r . REALTY CO. Phone 3253. Eves 7057 CO REALTORS I DRIVE BY THIS ONE TODAY It's a good 3 bedroom home situ a ted at 1645 N. 18th st. Fireplace, full basement with furnace; clean, ;uet neighborhood. Engleweod school dis trict: an ideal location for the young couple. Full price M 910-540. Financing can be arranged. Please call us to sew the interior. 1 ' LIVE ON PARK AVE. I Let Mr. Stewart show you thi nert Si clean 4 bedroom small home located close to Sunnyvtesi- on Park. Larre fenced yard: city bus rieht by door: an ideal location to raise the youngstei. It s a buy at 99JjO. folks: extra, cood I financing on this borne. Ask to see it soon. I IS YOUR TIME" CO., REALTORS Phone 3-4111 -ft-411t . 3-1223 - 9779 FAIRMONT HILL HOME New 3-bed room horn all on cn floor, liv. rm. 14x20. dining rny fire place, beautiful hwd. fir, elec.- heat, patio large lot. east frontage.; only 914.500 .00. CaU Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 1 Ph. 3793. eves. 9441 341 ChemekeU NEW SHAKE j With many fine 5 features. Beautiful hardwood floors. Large kitchen. wrUx asphalt tile floor. Inside utihty yocm. Plate glass picture window. 3 s largo bedrooms, improved city lot. close to bus. 910.500.00. t Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Plj. $10 In5urance. Mg. Loan t KEIZER DISTRICT 1 '.i acre good sou. family fruit. 2 bdrm. modern house tn fair condition.' com pletely furnished, includes an elec trie range. refrigerator.- oil circulator, washing machine. LR set. 2 beds, bat tery brooder. 58 chickens and $ rab bits today tomorrow??? Immediate possession too for bniy 94950. Call Mr. Crawford. Burt Picha, Realtors Ph. 3210. eve. 2-5330 337 N. High St. A NICE little country home. 5 acre. 24 trees of rood walnuts. 65 prune tree. 1 acre of strawberries. acre of can berries: some chickens. See Vera Tail mah with i William E. Moses! 331 j State St. 92150.00 DOW1ST Ph- 4933 97950. Nicely located 3 bdrm. L heme, liv. rm. din. rm. r.wd. firs, garage, pvd. st. on bus line. BaL $45.00 per mo. Call Ray Davis. j . Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa V Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441 i YOU DO want - an en exceptional? well built, thorough! insulated, u'ttm modern home for carr.f ortable living don't you? Heie J ore you 4riil b proud and happy to own in Enjrlewoo) dist. Call owner and builder fcr p iwiuinii. a-zi. LEON. CHILDS, INC ; REALTORS 9 acre. 2 bdrm. home. Paved road cioae to school. J', sc. boysen berries, strawberries. Chicken house. Frfc Vacant 2 -bed room home. Oil f arnaeei garace. $5950. i HOME St INCOME. 3 houses. One , bedrm. house owner occupied. One rmhel",r""u 3S month. Price $750k . MY-T-FLNE. 3 bedrm. home. BeautE ful kitchen. Attached garage.- Pric 950. t Tor these and many more call or mm Leo N. Childs, Inc. Ml ! Realtors I "32 years of dependable service to nome owners." - 344 SUte SL Ft. 1 . Evenings csfl 2-4W7. 2-5853 or 32$ $1800 Full Price j 3 rooms bath, nished: $ arm. SUverton road, close to school. Deep In. well. Part terms. I E. M. Hunter Real Estate 77 S ComT Ptf BESyBUY on . Broadway. kumTniZm rone, larre lot wrtli eozv cottare on -back: room for busrresa bldg. on front. This week only. Call quick. i . P. H. Bell, Realtor 381 Che-'eVefa I T Ph. 3-S. itt or fWT ' SALENS BETTvtew lots top'ofTFX hill fMorningsidcr $1900.00. Ask for Bid Jones. j Goodwin McMillin 5"rt Resit .- Ph. 47f FOR SALE: New 7 bedroom unflnl Nhed house. i acre. Hard surface road. -One block tmm brs S? schnoL Read o plaster. $3750. : Inquire $20 Hansel Ave. t - - $T37ooo ; Smart new t bdrm. home, attract, kitchen, dining rm. tra Urre UvrnJ rm. elec. thruouL fnrulated. Pigs. Ca rag. Over 1500 ft. floor area. , J Walter Mussrrave Realtortf ' 1233 EDGEWATER PHONX $1) ADVERTISING Wetem "Advertlslrif i I Representatives f . Ward-GrtfTfth Cwnoiny, tac S : Frandan Estern Adrertlcfna I . RepreerrtaUve f Wsrd-Grtfftth Co-nanv. tae. . Ouc-go New Fork. DetrtuL 1 AtlanU el Mexnber i Pacific Coast DIrlsItra ' .. . Bureau of AdvcrtLtlcJ - Entered f the Posfofffc f F. lew v. Oreoen es 5cna CUas M ter PvbXisAed every SMnttitp e MesMUry crust-ess tficm txf fottfb Co lercial Ftreet. ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES . Hall Fubscrlptton Rate tn Ad vance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo 0 cents: moe, $3; 1 year. 9 wo elsewhere 90 cents per mo or $7 2 for I year tn acvaocst Per copy $ cents. - . - By City Carrier. 73 cent a f-onth. $9.00 rr la adva la fcUxtoa For Sail ' i ". tU . . uji tVi 1 - N kvjr mm m a 1 1