. :ihtYCniDT'-"-lKy'M ' -r. DAILY AM SUNDAY '-i'-. : -. i i 1 .-'5" - " -. ".. - -it ?-rf ! i - - V V - : Your: -Home .-.JVewajjapcr. ' Z-Z DIO MXI KNOW TVOJ APe JUST TWENTY-EHSMT SMOPPINC OXVS LEFT UNTIL MY BWTHCWV ? I 111 VES.TWfS RPE BELDNCED TO BRIER VOLTS. TUfS little: piece Bcok: out WHEN HE DROftD TW PIPE ON A DESK AT HEADQLUVtfTEPS 4 J DICK TRACT HERES A SHOVCCI okav. hewdlC I'll j VTAKE OVEg NOWt YES. TV STORY I TOLO VOU TESTER OWT 5 ALLTOJE-WUEM THE SPIRITS lOf TUE UPPER llfl SEMT tXI TO BE OUR BEIDVEO GOOOESS, VCXJ A0 AW O0CY05KY; A6f4ES-TWe STDCV WBOUT YOU WAVlhTA MOTHER fl IS TRUE-1 THOUGHT IT 06 , I (OKLY A BAJLfTlRJL DOE&M- it rstjy I r?fc : Id LITTLE ANNIE ROONZT TUE G005 MUST HAVC SENT YOUR EARTH MOTHER TO PROTECT GUARD AND LOVE VOU cuc uac rpa.i mo if a Kin rar KINO-THEN.OWE LNLUCKYjfiJ DAY, SHE WENT AWAY- Si rWEMrAWAY?- WMERE?- WHY? 'only the seven sacred SA&ES CAN ANSWER THAT QUESTlOM-TtfEY ALOHE iARE" PERMITTED Tq WHAT CSTEAIf TD TUE PPEKEDTlAll-WWERFUL GOOS-j y UMMl Wt NONE- 1 JUT VAMT TO V VrfHATMTENOUR 6T OUT OF THIS COUNTRY, I I POUTICAL CONVK- 1 AWAtV f ROATWI ACCURSED I -iy I 111 BUZZ SAWYER AH. Yt. TOO BAD OUR UTTLE FOR A GREAT T REVCXUTVON FAJV.ED. SO YOU I PCA4- OF 1 CRAVS MONEY. AMD MONEY. I J FAR NOULD YOU 60TO WOULD DO I . OBTAIN MONEY, MR. AMYTHIM6. I SE, I MOW iNTEetST IN. AND YOU B WIUN; TO AH HOW SMALL I SAY TT ? TO THROW THE MONKEY WREMCX INTO THE WORKS OF A CERTAIN YANKEE OU. COMPANY? W 7 FkONTiEK ' J VGLADtY. , T Z' IT9 MV PAiJLT... I ) BA M' out 1 X i J MICKEY MOUSZ TfYl TOL.P HIM HE OUGHT' IjO. TO TMINK OP SOMS ZZy THIN3 TO HEUF W ?&Z 7 EVEiKVONE... V ( INSTEAD Of V,NVNT,N5 SiUY TEE6A BEEVA...CWT VOL VOUR BEAJN A UTTLE TOO XAW. SXaCLOO; TWC 8D18E XXI HfcE CFFEXOAC israauuxs. rr s tbue that i cojld wau out I OF KE2E A QCH JW AKO SUAAAJ 4MLCE'S ACTVCB OUtD kVEH OW I MAO RXC RIP URBY WELU-I AM WOT DOt... IW FACX MY CLIEWT fWIMS ME NOTWfMfl. i cojld oaop cash. .but TWERE fS SOMTHIN6 AiGQf.. O0WSaECEH0W0R.. SELF- BespEcr..cALL rr wht au WILL. THAT WOWT LET ME. fin ; i ft I KXA? KOJOC CtA? SELF-CE5P3rr ACENT tXi THIMKIMS CNLV OF OLCSELF, KIDgrf WHAT A90UT TVC cwtLQ sac, ivi tvc otveb ccomt rr is ms futuce tDU A2E OECIOIMa: IN l-tVtfJ KJLME, ANAN.. X K X AM TWlKlflwa. GO ON. -5. 1 f j'na, i cAKfr ctbTthat vy If AWV TH IPEA OF I JCA , . II WILWE1 TDEWAM? I V'CNING ld -fJ GASOLINE ALLEY HE FIGURES WE COUP ORGANIZE AM7 ALL TUB Fiy-fT HOP IN THE COUNTRY. F BE K FZ0O5 NAK PUPCJCl I CONT mant to K LAJOH, BUT 17V FUNN. ,)TI t-JV 1 WLMER MUT HAVE H PIPE PREAM9. HTLL COVE OUT OK IT. 6QT A PHCTOQRWrTEA WTH'COORIHOOSe TRIAL WfiTURflL-UVCE SCfS HE QV4 GTT fiLLTH SUGPCN6E W CQMWBl IN HIS PITCHER h ZZZ. M1NEY COOCLB (1 Vyo SfJUFFY'S i -KETCH ft OM BIRD WIF CHftFF Portland Produce E0 1 "I don't erc if my allowance is Infinitesimal and all the other tirl'i fathers buy them scads more clothes ... I still think you're the sweetest Pop in the world!" New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, May 8-(yP-Tod ay's closing quotations: Al Chem & Dye . American Can .. Am Power & Lt Am Tel 8c Tel .... Anaconda Atchison Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif Pack Canadian Pac Case J I Chrysler Com with Sou Cons Edison Cons Vultee Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air . Dupont de Ne Gen Electric .. Gen Foods Gen Motors 57 9 Goodyear Tire 154 Gt North pfd .. 34 4 Int Harvest 95i .... lnt Paper pfd 59 35 J Manville 33 Vz 34!Kennecott 54 Vi 27ttLong Bell A . .. 36 Mont Ward COM 15 Nash Kelvin 16 45i Nat Dairy 27 4' 57 N Y Central 15 3 (North Am Co 15 234Northern Pac... 25 13iPac Am Fish 31Pac Gas Elec 33 7P T & T 634 Pan American .. 9' 174; Penney J C 44a4i 35 s! Radio Corp ll4j Rayonier Rayonier pfd .. Reynolds Met Richfield Safeway Sears Roeb Sinclair Oil So Pacific Stan Brands Stan Oil Cal Studebaker Sun Mining Union Oil Un Pacific Un Airlines Un Aircraft U S Steel Warner Bros West Elec Woolworth 30 Vs 27 24 4 19 39 24 54 26 70 234 10 32 17 29 75. 11 28 MONDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 1384, KOCO 1490. KOEN 979, KGW 629. KX 1199 OUR 6 KSLM KOCO KOI.N KGW KEX 00.00 News KOCO Kiock Nrwt Hods Pod fa Farm Hour 00:15 I rim Keeper I KOCO KJock IKOIN Klock IHodfe Podf iFartn Hour 00:39 00:45 (March Time News I KOCO K1XCK i Tex Ritter I KOEN Klock IKOIN Kiock Knew News lEarly Birds If ami Hour Farm Hour New Else N Shine News Top Trades Extension Serr News & Sports fTop 'o Morning Top "o Morning KOIN Klock i News Bob Garred Fred Beck Tarm Tim I Farm Time (Old Songs I Hayes. News Sin Cwt07 I This Ii News 1 James Abbe IZeke Manners KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Kate Smith Vtc Ltndlahr Sons Pioneers IBargain Counter H wood Must Holly w d Music West. Melodies Over CoUee Pser News IFoUies prand Slam Ros-marT Tred Waring irred Waring IJack Berch I Melodies Breakfast Club. Breakfast Club Breakfast Club tBreakiast Club KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX e , , fN.W. News IPastor's Call IHarmony House Gospel Singer Organ Moods I Music IMusic Wendy Warren I Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Cal Sunday Tommy Oorsey ITommy Dorsey 'Claudia Joyce Jordan Music iSriouMn't UlUj-wood BkfLHoUyw ood BJcft KSLM Editor's Diary KOCO Alvino Hey KOIN Big Suter KGW Today's Child KEX Galen Drake ISedenade I Queen for Day Queen for a Day i Lullaby I Hawaiian Ecbo My Serenade I Ma Perkins I Dr Ma lone I Guiding Lignt i Woman White Holly Sloan ILight World I fed Ms lone True Story True Story I KSLM Walts Tim KOCO News Mrs Burton Life Beautiful KEX B Crocker I How Do You Do Farm Horn (Orchestra IChuckwagon I Melody Lady I Melody Lady I Perry Mason I Nora Drake I Rose Dreams I Ma Perkins I Pepper Young (Happiness Listen Post I Melody Go RndJIvory Etchings Hit Time News Listening Music Novatlme Noon News I Come Get It Kneass News Istella Dallas News I Noon Dreams N.W. News I News IX or Nothing L. Jones (Paul WnJteman C of Commerce (Sunset and Vine IS or Nothing IWldder Brown iPaul Whiteman KSLM Heart's Desire 'Heart's Desire KOCO Classics I 'lassies KOI.N Feature Art Baker KGW Girl Marries Portia s Life KEX Paul Whiteman Paul Whitcms IWest Salem Hr. Letbert lAIr Newspaper (Plain Bill n Kay West Bing Sings Mem. Music I Music IPag FarreTl iKay West PORTLAND. Ore. May t-f AP-Bul terra i untaurs UDeci ia kmmeoiate Chan re I. premium auairty maximum at J) to 1 per cent acidity delirered In Portland, SS-Me D.: first quality. i-wc to.: secooa quality. s-S7 m.; alley routes and country points ac less than first. S&-SSC lb. Butter WholeaaJe. Lob bulk cubes, grade A A, S3 score, tie lb,: A, 03 score, i2c lb.; B. 00 score. 00c lb.: C, 00 score. ?ec to. lAoor prices are strsetly nai. i To wnotesaiers. A erode, knm. U dos.: modjurn. 4-&afc: A. rraoe irnsu, oomtnal; a grade, large, KcgsPurenased from farmers. Cur rent receipts, 47ft-50Hc doc: buyers pay 0-3la below wholesale cjuotattons on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Cheese Selrmg price to Portland wholesalers : Oregon singles. 41 Mc; Oregon s-lb. loaf. S-5ae. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers under 2'4 lbs, -3e lb.; fryers. 2'i to 0 lbs, 40-Oc lb.: 0 to 4 lbs, 40-43c: fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs, 23-Mc lb.: over 4 lbs, 27-28c; colored fowl, all weights. 32 33c lb.; stags. aU weights. 14-17c. Rabbits Average to retailers for lo cally dressed animals S5-57c: fryers, live white. 30-XSc lb.; few quoting low er; colored. 2S-30c; old and heavy, 15-17C. Fresh dressed meats: (Wholesalers to retailers, per hundred pounds.! Steers good, all weights. $40JO 47.50; commercial. S45-46; utility. S40-42. Cows ConunerciaL 144 -45: utility. S40-42: canner-cutter. 039-41. Beef cuts (beef steers, heifers) Hindquarters. $53 50-54: rounds. $54.59: full loins, trimmed. $64-66: triangles. 041-42; square chucks. 045-47; ribs. 054-57; forequartera. $42-45. Veal and calf choice. $52-53; good. $52-53; commercial. $47-50; utility. $42 . Lambs Good -choice. 3O-60 pounds. $47-50: commercial, all weights, $44-46. Mutton good. 70 lbs, down. $22-24. Pork cuts loins. No. 1. S to 12 lbs, $32-54; shoulders, 16 lbs. down. $36 J0 44; spare ribs, 3 lbs. down. $46-49. Carcasses All weights. $34-3430. Country-killed meats: Veal Per pound, top light. 42 -44c: choice to 45c; other grades according to weight and quality. Hogs Light blockers. 30-32c; sows, 24-26c lb.: best to 28c Lambs 39-41C lb.; mutton. 12-20C lb. Beef Good cows. 38-44c 'lb.; can ners and cutters, 33-34c lb. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grade. 45c lb. Mohair 25c lb. on 12-month growth. Onions 50-lb. sk. Australian Browns. No. 1 large $5.50-7.60: Texas white wax. SO lbs, $8-6-50; yellow Bermudas. $5 50-5.75. Potatoes Oregon Deschutes and Klamath russets. No. 1. $6-6.75; 25 lbs.. $1.65-1.75; IS lbs, $1-1.05: No. 2. 50 lbs, $2.50-2.63; Washington Yakima russets. No. 1. $8-6.18; Idaho russets. No. 1-A. $8-25-6.50: new crop Calif, white rose, 100 lbs, $8-4 -SO; six B, $3.65-4, some lower. Hay U. S. No. 3 rreen alfalfa or better, caiiots f ob. Portland. $42-43: U. S. No. 1 timothy, eastern Oregon or Washington, ca riots, f.o.b. Portland. $39-40; oats and vetch mixed hay, un certified clover hay. nominal. JAJtatAN ? ; , ;-;. Dan B. Jirmsn, late resident of Sa lem and Santa Monica, Cahf. at his home in Santa Monica. Wednesday, ; isnnaa of Salem; three daughters. Mrs. Bayard findley of BckreaXT; Mrs. T. A. Bwrgy of Santa Barbara, Calii, and Mrs. TL O. Reynolds of Xverett, Wash.: fiwm wrwtftiliiTm t - - and a nephew. Christian Science aerr icos will be held from the Clougb Barrick chapel Wednesday. May 12. at asezooriai , CAMPBELL In this 4i-w e.hiM.a v. a j MMu.jt rwry Andrew nimnK!! I.i. .uir4u.t . H. Liberty sL. at the age of 55 years. Survived by his wife. Mrs. Lola Camp Su ? ..Slena; kis -father. John A. Campbell of Longview, Wasbu four Campbell and Ciena CampbeU, aU of -otictcw. ana lujraooa uampDeil of Salem; brothers. W. D. CampbeU of Nuys. CaHf, and a sister, Mrs. Etta auiiivsn of van Nuys. Services win be " held from the W. T. Rlgdoa chapel Tuesday. May 1L at 1 JO pan. T, JONES i ,f Mrs. Julia A- Jan.. rtn- of 2195 S. Church st, in a local boa pitaL Saturday. May 0, Survived by daughters. Mrs. Charles Cochran, Walla ,W?,iIVW"h- end Mrs. David Bennett Hill. Salem; a sister., Mrs. John H. Wallace. Albany; grandchildren. Agnes Cochran and Charles CoeJtran. both of Walla Walla, and Mrs. Hewiand X. Lake Ran mnAw. . gTandchUdreo, Catherine Lake, Salem. aiaa irnwn rommr. &an iMmir. Announcements nt ir i. 1.,. t the Clough-Barrick company. The Builfleia Mmt Vhf lL b rated this April, was 1310. . . Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, May I (API Wheat: Cash gram: OaU No. 2. 36-Ib. white 81.00; barley No. 2 45-lb. B.W. 77-50; flaxseed 6.05. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2-37; soft white (excluding Rex) 2-37; white club 2.37; western red 2 37. Hard red -winter: Ordinary 2.37; 18 per cent 2.39. 11 per cent 2.47; 12 per cent 2.55. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2.56: 10 per cent 2.58; 11 per cent 2.C2; 12 per cent 2.68. Today's ear receipts: Wheat II. bar ley 1. flour 13. corn 1. oats X. mill feed 10. Salem Market Quotations BCTTEKFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Wholesale Retail EGGS (Baying) Large Medium Pullets and cracks -EGGS (Wholesale) Large Medium Pullets and cracks POULTRY No. 1 colored hens No. 1 Leghorn hens No. 1 col. fryers. 3 lbs. up No. 1 col. fryers. 2-3 lbs. No. 1 old cocks M .78 Jl JO .40 .40 .54 WEI7AIIT YOUR EGGS! Altcays a Dependable Cash Market! CnrlyY Dairy Phone 8783 $$I10IIE7$$ FHA i & 4H Keal EsiaU Louh Fersonal Aota Lss : Stale Finance Co. 153 S. High SU Lie SZ1.-MI2 t .43 JSt J.A LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Spring lambs up (6 23.08 WooUed lambs, choice 23.50 Fresh sheared lambs Yearlings Ewes KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Air Force Hr. KOCO Kapers Meet Missus Road Life Surprise Pkg. Air Force Hr. KOCO Kapers iMeet Missus Lora lawton Surprise Pkg. I Orchestra I KOCO Kapers J louse Party (Aunt Mary ipride. Groom I News KOCO Kapers (House Party I Nora Drake (Bride. Groom KSLM Fulton Lewis lHemingway KOCO KOCO Kapers KOCO KaDers KOIN rt Kirkham iLulUby Time KGW Woman's Secret SUge Wife KEX Be Seated I Be Seated I Passing Parade I Orchestra I KOCO Kaners I KOCO Kitwn (Arthur Godfrey Vrtbur Godfrey lunot i lovs iKelax Rhythm Welcome Welcome KSLM Adv. Parade ISuperman I Orchestra Orchestra KOCO Melody Matinee'Melodv Matinee J urn pin' Jacks tAdios KOIN Hint Hunt I Hint Hunt 'Club 15 Ed Murrow KGW Tommy Dorsey ITommy Dorsey' Tunes. Topics (Stars Today KEX Sunnyslde Up IN 'westerners ISunnyside Up Sunny side Up I News reel KSLM Orchestra KOCO Jan Garber ILand o" Dance KOIN Knox Mannlai Uncle Remus KGW Chuck Foster IGeorge Moorsd KEX Sky Patrol ITerry. Pirates fCapt. Midnight I Rhythm Ranch ICollmrwood Ore. Melodies (J . Armstrong Tom Mix I Sports News I Bob Garred (Ore. Melodies Ul. Armstrong KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX K Allen Roth (Allen Roth Radio Theatre I Radio Theatre Content Hour EContent Hour Sports K Baker ICisco Kid (Cisco Kid I Music Soot Lite Music Makers I Radio Theatre I Radio Theatre I irred Waring Irred Waring IMr. President IMr. President KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX George Do It In Our Age Friend Irma Supper Club Lone Ranger George Do It IMusic Hall (Friend Irma World News iLfOne Ranger Charlie Chan jCharlie Chan Music Horizons' Music Horizons I Screen Guild (Screen Guild ICavalcade Cavalcade IPhilo Vance I Philo Vance KSLM News IF. Lawton KOCO Juke Box IDugout Dope KOIN Lowell Thomas i rack Smith KGW Telephone Hr Telephone Hr KEX Pt. Sublime IPt Sublime Inside Sports Baseball Talent Scouts Voice Sound Off ) Henry Taylor (Baseball News Voice (Sound Off KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis Baseball Inner Sanctum Dr. I Q Art Gaeth Calif. Melodies (Orchestra Baseball Baseball 'Inner Sanctum IBeulah I Dr. I Q Big Story Earl Godoin (History Pages (Calif. Melodies (Baseball Dewey (Big Story History Psges I KSLM Traveler KOCO Baseball KOIN S Star Final KGW News KEX News Orchestra INewS Reb. Rhythm Symphony IMy Opinion IMusic. Poetry (Sports Page (Band Wagon I Vaughn MonroeiCoocert Hour J Orchestra ( Classics (Music Poetry I Current, Choice Concert Hour KSLM Open House LOCO Dance Band KOIN Serenade LOW News LEX Concert Hour lOpen House (Open Ho I Dance Band Oaace I Serenade (Air Flo Wax Museum Wax Museum toncert Hour I Sons of Guns (News .Dance Band I Air Flo Wax Museum I Orchestra I KOAC. SSe kXv MeaCay 10 M aum. News; 10 t0 Especially for Women: 11.-00 Oregon School of the Air. 11:11 Concert HaU; 12 DO News; 12:15 p.m.' Noon Farm Hour: Ixw Ride 1m Cow boy; 1:15 Oregon School of the Air: I JS Melody Lane: 1:55 Ttane Out; 2 "OS Let's Get Acquainted: 3-M Proudly We Hail: Sxk Oregon Reporter: 3 J5 Mus Masters: IM osc Child reoa Meeting. 140 On Upbeat; 8:30 Sports Club; 6)0 News: S:l3 utnner atekoates: ssv sau sie of C-echoslovakia; 7:15 Eventing Farm Hour: S- OSC Lecture Series: SOO. U.O. School of Journalism: 8:1 Campus Recital; 96 Evening Med-U Uooa,- 18 M Sign Off. SEIIVIC- O Factory Test Equipment mnd Service Methods. O All Work Goaranteed. O Pickup and Delivery. Morrow Radio IMS. Libert j Phone 5955 Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy heifers Bulls Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) Veal, choice 20.00 . up to 17 00 2 00 to 10.00 up to 19.00 up to 18.00 14.00 to 22.00 17.00 to 23.08 . up to 23 -OS 29.08 Stocks and Bonds May STOCK AVERAGES 30 Indus. Net change A.1 Saturday 92J Prev. day 92.4 Week ago 91 1 Month ago ti l Year ago 87.T 1948 High 93.1 New 1940 high. IS IS SO Ra Us CUL Stocks D3 A.l Unch. 42 4 41.0 68.0 42.6 40 8 66.0 41.1 40-1 S7.1 39.0 4O.0 66.1 30.1 42S S2.1 42.7 41.0 6S.1 BONO AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails In dust. Utfl. Forga Net change Unch Unch Unch Unch Saturday 91.4 181.0 100.0 61.4 Prev. day 91.4 101.0 100.6 61.4 Week ago 91J 101.4 100.0 6X1 Month ago 90.2 101.4 100.3 61.8 Year ago SI 103.0 105$ 74J BUYS TO COTVN . EUGENE, May 8 -(Special) -Liberal vs. conservative buying will be discussed by members of the Oregon Retail Distributors institute at their ninth annual conference in Eugene May 16 and 17. Included in those arranging conference panels are Gene Van -deneynde of Salem. ED-ALTO TO YOU After Cerrecilag nemorr holds (Piles) frlstala, Fsore, Prolapse, a I ether Rectal Disorders. Ne Hospitalixatien Write or Call for Free Booklet Dr. R. Reynolds CUnla Nature-Proctologist tit N. Uberty St, Salem, Ore. - Dr.T.TajsvNJ. DRS. CHAN Dt.a.CTuuaJJ9. . . . LAM! CHINESE 1TE BAL1STS I 241 Nortk Uberty j Upstairs Portland General T ectrte Co. Office open Saturday only 16 a-m. to 1 pjn 0 to 1 jn Cons tatloa Blood pressure and urine tests are free of charge- Practiced 1911. Why Suffer Any Longer ars fa aso OM CUoeee resaesUes. Aaaartag saceess fa 648 Bima. Ne - . tm rkiu- K. . srtta what ass yea are afflicted Siserders, sinesiUs. heart, lamgs, Uv er. kitfaeys, gas. ceeipea, sucers, diaaetes, rheaaaallam, gaU and blad der fever, skin, few tie ri-p bs . CHARLIE t CHAN : CHINESE KERB CO. 1 2S4 N. Camsserrlai Pe-e t-1830 SALEM, ORE, office Baeirs 9 to 0. y. Tko tlew LecailCai - i of ' j a I lyers GIo vo Ci .Tnnninrj Co. at IC3 So. 12iSL-SI:3 Complete Ling of Back-kin Glores, Slippers & Jacketg. Custom Ta-ninff and BmfaeturiniT f . of Ar Artldes Onx Specl-ltj. ; -4 I