The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1948, Page 14, Image 14

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' 1
4 The Statesman. Salem. Ortqon. Sunday. May 9. 1949
Sheldon, Yost,
Lengren Win
Elks Semis Gained ;
Brande-Painter Today
Three divot aces earned tickets
Into the semi finals of the title
bracket as action resumed yester
day in the Elks annual Willam
ette Valley links classic.
Jimmy Sheldon, perhaps the top
local hope for honors, turned back
Harvey Quistad in one of the
feature matches of the day. In
an all-Albany duel, Dick Yst
hammered out a 4 and 3 victory
over Rex McReynolds. Veteran
Glen Lengren moved into the
semis by getting past Bill Schafer,
2 and 1.
Lebanon's Jack Brande, No. 1
favorite to take the Elks crown,
and Tony Painter will vie for the
fourth semi slot In the title pic
ture as they tee off at 10 o'clock
this morning.
Sheldon and Lengren will col
lide in one semi duel next week,
with Yost meeting either Brande
or Painter in the other.
Only first flight action yester
day saw Ned Ingram stop Law
rence Alley, 2 and 1.
There was heavy quarter-finals
firing throughout the remaining
of the 28 flights yesterday and the
remaining of the third round
matches must be wound up be
fore tonight's deadline.
Huskies Top Vandals
SEATTLE, May 8 fPV-Three
meet records and one 18-year-old
stadium mark tumbled today in
spite of a chill breeze as the Uni
versity of Washington track team
thumped Idaho 94 to 37.
Huky Dave Dalby threw the
platter 156 feet 91! inches to beat
by a full 6 feet the stadium stand
ard made by Paul Jessup of Wash
ington in 1930.
Mat Card
Two prelims
oa Matchmaker
lack Ktsr
nough to add a
learners Owen
Installed here
Sunday sorties: -Too bad Tex
Ealkeld had to cancel his fistic
party for Wednesday, but at least
well be spared another visit by
Ray Garcia, the Mexican punch
ing bag. The society lor the pre
vention of cruelty to animals
should look into Garcia'i case. . .
Jack Harshman, Victoria's homer
' ' ! ' 'i '.' 1 IV f.
hitting first sacker last season
(he smacked 33). belted five-in
his first seven games with Jersey
City this spring: . . . Speaking
of the boys with the wood, if
George Vico isn't a little less im
pressive soon they'll be indexing
him in the "rookie of the year"
class. Gosh knows his fielding is
flashy enough. After Veek's beef
with Boston's Birdie Tebbetts the
other day, the Tiger teammates
applied to the Michigan commis
sion for a boxing license for
Georgie. (They also gave him
raw steak for his black eye)....
Mr. and Mrs. Wandel (Lefty)
Mossor, in announcing the arrival
of 6-pound, lOH-ounce Linda Rae
Sua on April 30, also tattle that
the pert lefthander is now out of
pro balL Newark shipped him to
feinghampton of the Eastern loop,
but the scarcity of pay included
In the switch caused Lefty to re
turn to his Huntington, W. Va.,
home to eye the semipro field.
. . . Mebbe Lefty should cast his
peepers back to our town. Then
Mgr. J. Wilson wouldn't have to
be sending all those telegrams to
-Evil Eye" Fleegle. . . . Waste of
time, Jack. Mammy Yokum will
'have that guy barred soon. . . .
The Senators do need playing
help, to which even their most
ardent patriots will attest; But as
Wilson puts it, "How the heck
can you ask help from a club
i Portland) that's in last place and
i need of help itself?" . . . Um
This Started Vico-Tebbetts Mix
r c
-ia -
A ,
GEORGE VICO of the Detroit Tigers and Birdie Tebbetts. Boston
Red Sox catcher, started throwing fists at each other after Teb
betts (above) tagged Vieo oat at home on a squeeze play which
misfired 'in Thursday's Detroit-Boston contest. Both players were
banished from the game and later fined $10 each by American
League President Will Harridge. The umpire above is Bill Sum
mers who thumbed the pair out and No. 17 Is Detroit pitcher Hal
White. (AP Wirephoto to The Statesman)
Sweep District Win
Filled Up
will set the paee for the tag team main event
Elton Owen's armory mat party at the Ferry
Street Garden Tuesday night, the first start
ing at SJO o'clock. In that commencer it will
be two toughiea against each other, Jack (The
Jaw) Lipscomb and The Phantom, who might
be dubbed "The Head" In lieu of his butting
"hold." The No. 1 tilt puts Glen (Cue Ball)
Knox In with Jack Poppenhelm. Then the al
ways - popular - In - Salem tag teamer, this one
featuring Jack (Tiger) Riser and affable Al
Ssasz against nasties Paayo (King Kong) Ka to
nes and Alex (PMUlesa Pole) Kasaboskl.
Kiser and Katonen. well known to local mat
cusotmers, haven't appeared here In many weeks.
Kaaaboskl debuted last week and proved to be an
A-l mat heel. All four In the mainer are talented
slam-bang chapter to the many thrill-packed tag
in the past Owen himself will
pire Abe Kotzen, remember the
name, seems to be out after the
WIL "chase 'em" record Doc
Regele set last year and year be
fore. So far Arbiter Abe, a sec
ond year man as a bandit in blue,
has thumbed Managers Chuck
Cronin, Jim Brillheart, Alan
Strange, Buddy Ryan and (yeah,
he got him too) Jack Wilson. Tour
players have seen Abe's bared
fangs also, including the Solons'
Charley Hanson. . . .
Tulsa 31, Dallas 1. It happens
in other than the WIL too. . . .
Midgeteer Allan Heath has head
ed south to give the California
tracks a whirl. What that driving
zany wont show those customers!
We trust Jimmy Ryan will have
him back in the northwest when
and if he ever gets around to
opening the Salem speedway
Earl Colson, Jr., the Buffalo Bil
lish popgunner from Tacoma is
getting such a rep for himself
that he's booked solid for shoots
clear through July. He'll be here
for the big Pacific International
trap classic in July. . . .
Big Jim Johnson, the Willam
ette hoop great is still racking
up the points. He's now the num
ber one man on the scoreboard
at Waters park. . . . Roger Dasch's
tenure with the Cardinals was
brief. He was released the other
day. Now George Emigh is try
ing to pick him up. . . . Inci
dentally, Mr. E. is indeed miffed
at one Alan Strange for lousing
up a big swap with Bremerton,
after necessary documents and
discussions were drawn up for
signature. . . . Bob Hamblin,
young son of Dr. Chester Hamb
lin of the First Presbyterian
church 'here, seems headed for
big things in the swimming world.
He has been training under the
famed Jack Cody of Multnomah
AC, and Cody opines the boy
shows great promise. . . . Frank
Stojack still has the Coast junior
heavy grappling belt after alLHe
wouldn't give It up to Gordy
Hessell, because of ' a steenko
refereeing job by a Canuck in
Vancouver. . . .
Harvard Takes
Rowing Event .
Picking up the beat In the last
third of mile, Harvard univer
sity's crew defeated Navy and
Penn today on the rough - and
windswept Schuylkill river to re
tain tne Adams cup.
Harvard turned in the surpris
ingly fast time of 3:48 for the Hen
ley distance of a mile and five
sixteenths. !
. i -
No Marks Fall
In Cinder Go
Scoring heavily in the 2-3-4-5
spots and adding these points to
wose captured witn live Iirst pla
ces, Salem high's Vikings yester
day continued to be 'District 7
track and field champions by scor
ing 90 markers in the annual
classic on dinger field. Molalla
placed second with 53 4, Wood
burn third with 23, Silverton
fourth with 20, Jefferson fifth with
10 4, Sacred Heart sixth with 8
and Mt Angel seventh with 3.
In the Class B battle, fought by
four schools. Turner won with
71 hi points. Aumsville had 69,
Gervais 32 hi and Oregon School
for the Deaf 24.
The chilly wind and muddy
track were much too uncooperat
ive for the record - seeking lads
in the Class A division, and nary
a mark fell during the afternoon.
In the B meet started only last
season, five marks fell.
First and second place winners
in all events qualified for next
week's state classic at Corvallis.
Salem will send 12 men and a re
lay team. Molalla sends seven and
its relay squad, Including Johnny
Wells who yesterday won three
first places, in the hurdles events
and broad jump, and romped a let
on the second place baton quartet,
all good for 10 points and high
honor for the day. Woodburn
sends three athletes as does Sil
verton. Both Jefferson and Sacred
Heart Academy send one hope for
points next week. Results:
Class A reults:
MU: Grimes (J), Hart (S). Siwrir
(M). McCann (J), Olson (M). 4:57i.
100: Jwnaon (8). ZsitopU (Wi. Kay
(Continued on page 15)
Longden Rides
In Big Opener
(Special )-The great Johnny Long
den, America's top-ranking jockey
and one of the most colorful rid
ers in modern day turf history,
will demonstrate his amazing rein
manship to Portland fans next
Saturday when he will perform
on the opening program of the
Portland Meadows meeting, it
was announced today by General
Manager William P. Kyne.
Longden, who rode his first
winner in 1927 and his 3000th last
month, accepted Kyne's invitation
to ride in the 1948 inaugural. The
38-year-old English born booter
will fly to Portland in his pri
vate plane.
1 Ai ill m
Complata with Battary.
Clip & Tia ropa
"k Rad Emergency Lena
U.S.C.O. Approve
f uriortaatanie
-k Brand New
-k Dependable
Solons Cop Pair, 3
(VHacEtmein Cling to
Lazor, Olson
In Win Roles
Today Ends Home Stay
Double Bill at 1:30
By Al Lightner
Things may be a bit rough for
the town Senators later on, but
this morning they feel no pain. All
they did last night was upend Van
couver's Caps twice, 3 to 2 and 2
to 0, in a pair of the better ef
forts of the young WIL campaign
here, and in so doing promoted
themselves from seventh to fourth
place in the standings.
Only 710 thoroughly cnilled cus
tomers shiwered through the du
et, but it must have been worth
it to them. They saw two well
pitched outings by Vince Lazor
and Big Jim Olson, Vincent hang
ing up his first victory of the sea
son in the opener and Olson com
ing through for his second straight
and the first shutout for a Senator
pitcher in the nightcap.
For the suddenly slump - struck
Caps, the losses were their sixth
and seventh straight.
The two clubs finish up the ser
ies in a 1:30 o'clock double bill to
day. Manager Jack Wilson has
named Bob Stevenson and Cal Mc
Irvin as his starters. Boas Bill
Brenner of the Caps will go with
Bob Costello, 22-game winner last
season, and Larry Manier, both
Lazor's chore was practically
conceded as a lost cause and his
fourth straight setback when the
locals went into the final frame
on the short end of a 2-1 count
Vince had yielded only three hits
and was deserving of the win. But
it looked as though he wasn't go
ing to get it, as Lefty Carl Gun
narson, the pert southpaw swap
ped to the Caps last season, was
breezing along on a four - hitter
himself. Then Lady Fortune tossed
one of her broader smiles on Se
attle Vincent
To open the final heat, Al Spae
ter bounced toward second and
beat it out when Second-sacker
Joe Kaney had trouble handling
the slow-hit ball. Gunnarson then
walked Joe Gedzius. Dick Sinovic
bunted, and when Gunnarson tried
for third too late, all hands were
Paul Halter then popped a short
fly to right field. Spaeter was
tagged up at third, ready to dash
for the dish after Charley Mead
made the catch. But Mead instead
dropped the ball for an error And
Spaeter was in with the tieing run,
the bases still loaded. Charley
Hanson bounced into a double
play, third - to - home - to - first,
and Dick Gentzkow came up. Gun
narson had one strike on Dick
when he uncorked a wild pitch,
and in came Sinovic with the
clincher. All this on one scratch
hit, Salem's fifth of the game.
The Caps had scored in the se
( Continued on page 13)
OSC Trackmen
Trounce Ducks
A powerful Oregon State college
track squad won 83 to 48 today
from a University of Oregon team
in a Pacific Coast conference,
northern division dual meet.
The Oregon Ducks were strong
in field events, but were out
classed on the cinders. OSC swept
all firsts on the track except the
low hurdles and the two mile.
The two mile furnished unex
pec ted excitement on an error of
OSC's Dick Patterson. He was
leading on seventh of eight laps,
forgot there was another lap to
go and relaxed after sprinting
across the finish far ahead of Ore
gon s Fete Mundel. He finished
close behind Mundel, however.
Jerry Cole of OSC was high in
dividual scorer with two firsts in
sprinting and second in the low
American league : Chicago at New
York Shea (1-1) vs. Haynes (1-3).
Cleveland at Boston (2) r slier (3-3)
and Munerief (1-0) vs. Dobson (1-3)
and Kinder (1-0). Detroit at Philadel
phia (3) Houtteman (0-3) and Trout
(1-2) vs. Brtxxi tj-j ana coieman
(1-1). St. Louis at Washington Ste
phens (0-0) vs. Masterson (1-1).
National league: Brooklyn at Pitts
burgh (2) Branca (1-3) and Baraoy
(3-1) vs. Sins-leton (1-0) and Cress
(0-1). New York at Chicago Kosio
(2-0) vs. Meyer (1-1). Philadelphia at
Cincinnati (Z) Heinueiman (1-0) and
Simmons (0-3) vs. Peterson (1-0) and
Fox (0-1). Boston at St- Louis Spahn
(1-1) vs. Dickson (1-1) or Hoarn (1-1).
tJa law a4 T1ssa Ia
m 0 ww . mw0 ww w w m mmtm w a,w
HioKwatv Ernatrrranisa
Uat mm Boat trailer light
Bicyclo) tail light ate.
Burns 48 hour on ona
standard Flashlight Bat-
3 f0p 1.25
1403 N. Church St.-Salm(Ore.
W L. Pet.! W L Pet.
Tacoma 10 S .825 Brmrton t -5O0
Wenchc 11 -5791 Victoria t 10 .474
Yakima 11 10 J24Vaneuver S 11 .421
Salem t J00i5aokane t 13 .400
Saturday results: At Salem 3-1. Van
couver 3-4; at Wenatche 10. Victoria
13; at Spokane-Tacoma (rain); at Yak
ima 4. Bremerton J.
W L Pct. W L Pet.
S. Fran 34 11 .SMlSoatue 13 17 .469
Los An. 23 14 .S41 Holljrwd 13 IS .453
Oakland 23 13 -583 Sacrmto 11 23 J24
5. Diego IS 30 .4S7Portland 13 23 J24
Saturday results: At San Francisco
T. Portland 3; at Hollywood 1. Los An
geles t: at Seattle 3. San Diego 3; at
Sacramento 3. Oakland I
Sagging Bevos Slapped
Again by Flying Seals
By The Associate Press
Portland Beaver adherents may think things are getting slightly
ridiculous but anyhow it happened again last night meaning the
Portlands took another one on the chin from the Pacific Coast league
leading San Francisco Seals. This time the score was 7-2, which is
perhaps incidental. It was the
Bill Reese (above) has been around
the WIL a long time, and always
has been a pain for the Salem
Senators. Bill will be en first
base for the Vancouver Caps In
today's 1:3 doable bin at Wa
ters field.
Fervent Grabs
Dixie Handicap
BALTIMORE, May 8-6P)-Mrs.
X. Ed Jacobs' Stymie again found
Calumet Farm blocking his path
to a major victory when Fervent
copped the Dixie handicap today.
Fervent, running as an entry
with Faultless, beat the world's
biggest money winner by one and
a half lengths. Joseph Tucci'i
Incline took third, three lengths
behind Stymie, in a photo finish
with King Ranch's contest A
crowd of 24,021 saw the race.
While Fervent's triumph dump
ed another $21,950 into the Calu
met coffers. Stymie had to be
content with $5,000. This gave
him a total of $823,560 while
Fervent's bankroll now, reads
In the Major
r Rbi
0 0
o o
0 0
Cordon. Indians i
Pesky. Red Sox .4 0
Doerr, Rod Sox -
Jansen. Giants, won today.
Vlco. Detroit 4 t Hi I
Vieo (3d game) J 0 1
J ...
Softball Opener Set Back
The opening of the city's Majof
league softball season, scheduled
for Monday night on the Leslie
diamond, has been postponed for
at least one week, according to
Softy Commissioner Gurnee Flesh
er. Poor weather conditions,
Pay for .
One Tiro Per Elonlh
Our Easy Pay Plan
Let Us Appraise Your Old Tires.
We Pay for Unused Mileage.
Stale Tiro Service
Cottage at State Phone 9268
Salem's Quality Tire Store
- 2, 2-0, Climb to i 4th Spotj i
Top; Giants Back iim Ma Lead
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Phils. 10 3 -S7 Boston 7 S .447
Clevlnd S 4 .647 Detroit S 10 .444
N. Yrk OOOIWashgtn 7 0 .43
St. Louis JOOChtcaso 3 10 .231
Yesterday's results: At Washington 1.
Cleveland ; at Boston 4. St. Louis ;
at New Yotk 3-0. Detroit 3-1; at Pnil
adelptila IS? Chicago 1.
W L Pct.l W L Pet.
N. Yrk 11 0 .847 Boston 0 .471
St. Louis 0 .S43 Phils del. 7 10 .412
Pitts. 0 .15!Cinclnn. 7 11 J89
Brooklyn S JOOtChJcago 10 .373
Yesterday's results: At Chicago S.
Brooklyn 0: at CincinnaU 3. Boston 3:
at Pittsburgh 5. New York 13; at St.
Louis 3. Philadelphia 0,
Beavers' 16th loss in 17 starts.
Eleven walks by three hurlers
didn't help the Bevos any.
Los Angeles kept pace with the
Seals by licking the Hollywood
Stars, 9-1, and Oakland remained
close behind by dropping Sacra
mento, 6-3. Seattle beat San Di
ego, 5-3.
Pertlamd Saa Praaeiseo
BanskiJ 4 11 O Nicely J 4 113
Ruckr.m 4
SUvrax 4
Storey J 4
Reich j 4
WennerJ 3
Mole.l 3
Rat to .ss 3
LUka.p 1
Kwlskl.p 1
Wyatt.p 1
1 Wdlngjn
0 Broviaj
0! ResteUU
3 Luby.3
3 Leon rd X
0 Werle p
1 10
Total 33 0 34 101 Totals 30 t 37 11
Portland 001 000 1003
San Francisco 100 203 10X 7
Llska 3 33 19 4 3 3 0 3
Kowalski 113 plus 4 1 0 3 0 0
Wystt 3 11 4 4 1 3 3
Werle 0 33 3 3 0
Losing pitcher Llska. Wild pitches
Wyatt 2. Passed ball Silvers. Left on
bases Portland 4. San Francisco S.
Home nut Rocco. Two-base hits
Reich. Wenner, Leonard. Runs batted
in Rocco 2. Silvers. Leonard 2. Wood
ling, Mole. Sacrifices Werle. Nicely.
Double play Luby to Nicely. Time:
3:10. Umpires Powell. Dever and
Warneke. Attendance 4.740.
Oakland . 011 000 0040 0
Sacramento 000 010 0203 3
Buxton. Gsssaway t) and Llllard.
Raimondi (9): Tost and Lombard!.
Castino (). Moore (0).
Seattle 400 001 MX t 10 0
San Diego 030 000 0003 S 1
Seats and Rice: Corsica and Orasso.
Los Angeles 013 033 0010 12 0
Hollywood 000 000 0011 4 3
Lynn and Mai one: Albosta. Butland
(S). Krakauskas () and Kahn.
A's, Packers
WIL Victors
By The Associated Press
The Wenatchee Chiefs lost a
chance to slip back into first
place In the Western Internation
al league last night as they fell
before the Victoria Athletics,
15-10, in a slugging duel which
produced 24 hits. The Victorias
piled up their huge total in the
first seven innings off five Chief
hurlers, and were materially
helped by eight Wenatchee mis
cues. A Chief win would have
slipped them back to the top
over the Tacoma Tigers who were
rained out at Spokane.
The Yakima Packers moved
within one game of the Chiefs
via a 4-2 triumph over the Brem
erton Bluejackets. Bill Freeman
let the 'Jackets down with eight
Bremerton 000 000 3003
Yakima 110 020 00X 4 13 3
Conant and Volpi; Freeman and Xast
wood. Victoria - (10 403 200 II 13 3
Wenatchee 041 000 12310 13 I
Coot. BLankenshlD (3) and Palmer:
Ttsnerat. Mann (1), Bruce (3). Stev
ens (4). Cronin (I) and Siokm.
PULLMAN, Wash., May B-VP)-Washington
State college collected
its eleventh consecutive dual track
and field meet victory today with
a 102 to 29 win over Montana
State university.
which have waylaid necessary
work on the field, are listed as
the principal reasons for the set
back. Flesher will re-date the
opener and announce the season's
schedule soon.
A's Rack Triple Play; Brecheerf i
Spins 1-Hitter; Cleveland Wins i
By The Associated Press I -;
The Philadelphia Athletics, grimly determined to hang onto the,
lead in the American league just as long as they can, helped their
cause yesterday with a 16-1 victory over the Chicago White Sex
and at the same time the A's chalked up the first triple-play of the)
ws Major league season. Tne big
killing came in the seventh inning
when Second-sacker Pete Suder
snared a liner off the bat of Taft
Wright, flipped to shortstop Eddie
Joost who caught Luke Appling
off the sack. Joost s throw to Fer
ris Fain nabbed Tony Lupien.
Cleveland's Indians stayed half a
game back of the A's by whipping
Washington, 6-1, with the aid of
a 450-foot homer by Larry Doby
and three-hit chucking by Gene
Bearden. Doby's drive was the
hardest smash seen by Griffith
park since Babe Ruth hit one over
the center field wall in 1922. The
Detroit Tigers and the New York
Yankees split, the Tigers taking
the first tilt, 3-2, behind Freddie
Hutchinson and losing the night
caD. 9-1. The St. Louis Browns
surprised the Boston Red Sox,
9-4, despite homers by Ted Wil
liams and Stan S pence
In the National loop the New
York Giants pushed past the Pitts
burgh Pirates into first place as
they slapped the 'Pitts, 12-5, but
the big news was Harry Bre
cheen's one-Litter for the St. Louis
Cardinals as the Red Birds beat
Philadelphia. 5-0. The one hit off
Rrocheen was scratchy. Johnny
Schmitz hurled the Chicago Cubs
to a 6-0 win over Brooklyn ana
the Boston Braves topped Cinan
nati, 3-2.
000 050 12
uiuhifolmi OOO UUU UU1 1 a
Bearden. Christopher ) and Hegan; i Q i And Evans.
ri. ""152 010 200-0 IS
Boston , 110 000 020 7 3
c.nfnrd and Partee: Harris. Gale-
house 13). Hughson () and Te6itts.
rwM 001 010 001 J S 0
HewYoSIJ: 000 000 002 2 4 0
Hutchinson and Swift; Lopat. Drews
(9) and Be it a.
rwtrott 000 000 010 1 4 1
M.w vrk . 000 002 70X 9 11 1
Newhouser, Overmire 7) and Wag
Rau-hi Paee (SI and Niarhos.
rhl.n 000 001 OOO 1 10 2
Philadelphia 500 040 07X IS 13 0
Grove. Moulder 2). Papish 4,
Goodwin 19). Gillespie (6). Caldwell
S) and Robinson; Scheib and Guerra.
nmnklni 000 000 0000 S 1
rilraeo 200 021 10X S 0
Sloat. Mali Ol. vancuy ( i mm
Edwards; Schmitz snd Scheffing.
Cincinnati 100 010
0003 s
Barrett. Pendergast ()
and Masl;
V,niir Meer and Lamanno. '
Mw Vnrk 530 000 40012 II 1
Pittabureh . 000 113 000 S 13 I
Jansen. Trlnkle ) and Livingston;
Iimlurrfi. Hlebe (11. Ostermueller (7),
Man 7. Strineevich (t) and Fitr-
vraUf -
Philadelphia 000 000 0000 1
St. Louis 000 102 02X 3 7 0
Donnelly and Lakeman; Brecheen
and Rice.
Marble Meet
Champs Named
Four local youngsters have qua
lified for the State Marble tour
nament at Jantzen BeAch next
weekend after taking first and se
cond places in the city playoffs on
Washington school grounds yester
day. Champion in the Class A divi
sion (6 to 12 years) is Adrian Clif
ton, 837 South St., a student of
Highland school. Runnerup in that
division is Ronald Stettler, 300
Evergreen ave, Garfield school
In the Class B group (IS to 15
years), Larry Ensien, Rt 6, box
368A, and also representing Gar
field school, captured top laurels.
A Bush school lad, Floyd Trussel,
2266 Mission, took second honors.
A banquet and show will be am
ong the features at the Jantzes
Beach playoffs.
1 tpeciol Process Shoot v
o yours for distinction tcilh comfort
Here you see the heavy detail that Is favored la
footwear for Spring. What you don't see is the
healthful first-step comfort that made Pre-FIex
- " " - . i
famous. Enjoy these shoes with "expensive" "
features at moderate cost. Try on a pair now.
Sdem Capitols
Team Shaping ,
Salem's entry in the State base
ball league is shaping up slow
ly but surely. The Capitols, spon
sored again br the Willamette
Amusement company, will open!
the season here, in Waters field,
Saturday and Sunday- nights. May (
22-23, against Wade Williams'
Portland Timber Structures. . f
Managed by Johnny Lewis, who!
twirled for Yakima in the Western f
International league; before he
took to coaching, the Caps expect!
to have a strong State league en-J
try. Former professionals dot the;
lineup. : , I
For pitchers Lewis expects to!
have Bill Hanauska, Charley Sau-f
vain, Lou Scrivens and possibly;
Frankie Dierickx for key games4
Ted Kerr and Roy Harrington are
considered as topflight catchersj
Wally Flager, Lee Shlnn, Earl;
Hampton and Al Lightner are in
fielders and in the outfield Lewis
expects to have Carl Gustafson,'
"Swede" Gambit and Dick Alli-4
son. More strength may be added
later. i
The team hi.s 18 - State league'
games scheduled, plus a few ex4
hibitions with such traveling out
fits as the Harlem Globetrotters;
Hawaiian All-Stars and House of
David. All home games for the
Capitols will be played in- Waters
park this season.
Manager Lewis has called si
practice session for the team to-
day at 10:30 ajn., at Willamette's
Sweetland field. i
Table of Coastal Tides
Tide tables for Tart, Oregon, com
piled by the U5. Coast and Geodetas
Survey. Month of May. lUt,
Time Ht ? Time Ht
12Ipjit 4J IjlpjB. -IS
S.1S p-m. 2 4
10 0:11 am. SJ 241 a.m. -1 .
3:13 p-m. 4.S :M pjn. 2.9
11 0.M a.m. tS t:li ajn. -1 J
3:06 p.m. 4.7 137 pjn.' 2J
IS 134 a.m. t:03 ajn. -14.
4 .02 pjn. 4.S S3 pjn. 3a
Neckwear Sale
olS Price
Yes, they're right out of our,
regular stock . . . each carrying
the label of a famous manufac
turer. Here's your chance to
really save on quality neck-'
wear. J
Uniled Shirt Shop j
Men's Wear
S31 State 8L I
Dozens I
of 91.00 If I
Ties -
50c vj