The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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10 The gfartoe man, SaUm, Oregon. Sunday. Mar f. IMS
The encasement of Miss Arlyn.
Sheldon to Eric Carlson is be
ing announced by her mother,
Mrs. Opal Sheldon today. Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Carlson are the groom
elect's parent.
The announcement was made
In Corvallis at the Sigma Kappa
heuse recently. Both are students
mi Oregon State college, ahe is
mernbei of Sigma Kappa and
be of Sigma Pi.
No date has been set for the
Ratcliffs Co South
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Rat
cliff left by oar Saturday for
California, so that Mrs, Ratcliff
may represent the Oregon Fede
ration of Women's clubs at the
regional UNESCO conference in
San Francisco May 13-13. Her
appointment was made by Mrs.
J. Blair Buck president of the
General Federation of Women's
clubs. They will spend some time
in Modesto, Mrs. Ratcliffs former
Home, and return May 18 .
Chi Oasega altuamae will saeet
Monday night at the chapter
house, 754 Ferry street, at 8
o'clock. HmImm will b Mrs.
Paul Nieswander and Mrs. Francis
11 "f'WM
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4- S '
; 3WAY 9tb V
- V. ; . ' 1
Seen and Heard...
Ouess we should hsv. got on the band wagon snd told you
to come in and buy Mother a gift for Mother's Day but w.
just didn't bring ourselves to do it. We'd like Mother to
have a gift, sure but not just once a year. Mother should
be showered with gifts, acts of kindness and appreciative
acknowledgements dozens of times a year and loved and
cherished 383 days a year (366 on leap year). Today is
Mother's Day take her out for dinner, she may have liked
some flowers or some other gift, too, but for pity sakes don't
stop with today, do it many times throughout the year
she's your mother every day in' the year .... treat
her that way, every day in the year, before it's too lata.
I Jackson Jewelers
225 No. liberty
Near (he plan where you pay your lit bill. If you do.
t si w w. i m vr .aaa as?
Your Reservations
Now at Our Summer
"V 1
smr v
FUR Storage Headquarters
Bring your precious furs to the cool comfort and safety of
our scientific storage vaults. Your furs need and deserve this
summer protection which is available right here oa eur
O Dcacdellng
At Low Summer Rates by Expert Furriers
O Repairing o Glazing
O ITew Ilcdern Cleaning Eqaipaeni
Lachelles Furs
13 43 Ferry St
SoUm's Old Tm Shop
Phots MM
Marianne Low, daughter of the
M. F. Lows, who is: now In Los
Angeles enjoying the sun, but soon
to take position in the southern
city . . . Enroute south she stop
ped in San Francisco for few
days with Ptfulie Wallace . . .
and then went on to Los Angeles,
where she has been visiting with
Charles and Mary Elisabeth Flit
ton and Hume and Dorothy
Lester Newmaew left Friday by
car for Modesto, Calif., Car e, visit
with their son-in-law end daugh
ter, Donald and Mane Ann Weils
and six months old grandson . . .
The Newmans plan to drive far
ther south to Lsie Vegas end Phoe
nix before returning home in eerly
June . . . Marie Ann and the
baby will then accompany them
north for a stay.
The Glenn McCbrmicks sire
leaving Thursday for Los Angeles
and Hollywood to attend a meet
ing of the National Association of
Broadcasters at the Biltmore ho
tel . . . they also plan to sojourn
in the sunny south before return
ing in a fortnight.
Driving south today to Califor
nia will be the Dev. and Mrs.
j George H. Swift, whose main des
j tination is Santa Barbara, where
I they will attend the synod of the
eighth province of Episcopal chur
cties . . .. They will then go on to
Los Angeles to visit their son - in
law and daughter, the Seth Pay
son Smiths (Alice Swift), arriv
ing in time for Alice's birthday.
MOVING TIME ... In the
Walnut Park district last week
. . . first when the Daniel J. Fry,
juniors moved to their newly re
modeled home on South High
i street, the A. L. Lindbecks imme
diately took possession of the Fry
home at 540 N. 22nd street, which
they purchased some months ago
. . . then the George Oreys, who
bought the Land beck home, at 55
Rose street, moved in practically
the same day . . . and the Sid
ney Risings, newcomers in the
capital from McMinnville, took
the Orey home at 2260 Center
street . . . Within two days the
four families had all moved out
and in with moving vans and
trucks going in and out of the two
streets at rapid pace.
Back again . . . are the Paul
Van Scoys, who formerly lived
here and in recent years have been
in La Grand a, where he has been
division engineer with the state
highway department . . . Mr.
Van Scoy has retired and they are
now at home on their farm at Jef
ferson, where he has a walnut or
chard which will occupy most of
his time . . . The Van Scoy's
daughter, Anne (Mrs. Richard
Pierce) of Portland lived here be
fore her marriage with her par
ents . . .
From dawn south . . . comes
news thst the Jerrold Owens have
moved into their newly built home
in Oakland, Calif. . . . they mov
ed south soon after the war . . .
Mrs. Owen hopes to come north
later in the spring for a visit . . .
but she may be delayed a while
as her son-in-law and daughter,
Capt. and Mrs. Henry Kortemeyer
(Mary Anne Owen), who have
been in Richmond, Vs.. are now
enroute west to Hamilton Field,
Calif., where he will be stationed
with the army air corps.
comment this week about Gladys
Swarthout's stunning gown she
wore for her concert here lsst
Monday ... a halter style bod
ice of crimson red and extremely
full skirt of heavy brocaded satin
in shades of delft blue and red, a
chrysanthemum design . . . the
material having been brought back
from Paris by Valentine, who de
signs the singer's wardrobe . . .
We got a glimpse of the artist
when she left the auditorium,
having donned a handsome sable
coat over her gown . . . Those
few who were fortunate la meet-J
ing Miss Swarthout said that she
was sweet, unaffected and most
pleasing to converse with . . . .
talking mostly about her husband
and New England farm.
this week when Mrs. Conrad Paul
son and Mrs. Elmer O. Berg enter
tained a large group of matrons at
the former's spacious Court street
home . . . The decor . . . a
striking arrangement of dogwood
in a huce vase on the mantle . .
crystal May baskets filled with
assorted spring garden flowers
and tied with pastel ribbon bows
centering each table . . . The
buffet table centerpiece a tiered
arrangement of tulips and flower-
ins cherrr blossoms . . .
The asslissri . . . Mrs. Paul-
Smoke Sale!
Our Display Stock o Shades and Lamp were slightly exposed to
smoke during the recent basement fir in this building.
art offering at great discounts, many hand-tailored silh
shades also many less expensive shades from ...
ahe still avAn.nni
23$ lfor&iaek
son in a black and white print and
Mrs. Berg wearing a long sleeved
black dress with deep aqua print
. . . Swing skirts and fitted Jack
ets certainly are the vogue this
season- . . . Mrs. Charles Wood
so becoming in hers ... of
beige pink sheer wool and brown
straw with taffeta pouff at the
side . . . grey for Mrs. Robert
Needham and - a tiny check for
Mrs. Homer L. Goulet ... A
ehampagae beige suit for Mrs.
Clayton Foreman, her Gibson Girl
straw sailor of brown with plaid
taffeta bow . . .
Mere mt aaeas . . . Mrs. Charles
Campbell in ehic violet wool
suit with box Jacket and pink hat
domed with pink and violet
flowers ... A black and white
print with -pleated flounce at the
bottom of the slim skirt chosen by
Mrs. Harold Olinger . . . Quaint
was Mrs. Maynard Sniffer in her
black ballerina skirt and white
Gibson Girl blouse with black
bow, even her hair pulled back in
curls and tied with a bow ... a
perky brown straw with green
ribbon and flowers standing right
up on front worn by Mrs. Rey
nolds Allen with her brown faille
dress . . . Marjorie W o o t o n,
down from Portland for a few
days, wearing sophisticated black
and a black chapeeu with orchid
and pink roses and veiling . . .
Job's Daughters
Meet Monday
Job's Daughters. Salem Bethel,
will meet at the Masonic temple.
fifth floor. Monday nivht at 7-7n
o'clock for inspection and charter
nigni. xviiss 5nirlee Newbry will
Dreside. Initiation will Ka km
witn refreshments following
Mrs. Felicia Ehlert. Portland,
grand guardian, and other grand
officers will be present for the
meeting. The Independence Beth
el, which sponsored the Salem
Bethel, and other Bethels, will
come for the occasion. Members
of all Masonic orders sre invited
to sttend.
The Leslie street heme of Mrs.
Thomas Hill, Jr. will be the scene
of the Delta Delta Delta alumnae
meeting Monday night at 7:30
o'clock. A dessert supper will
precede the business session. As
sisting bostease are Mrs. Robert
Sprague, Mrs. Earl Wooldridge
and Mrs. William J. Braun.
Miss Staab
To Many
St Joseph's Catholic church
will be the setting for the marri
age of Miss Norma Dorothy Staab,
daughter of Adolph Staab and Al
fred Gail Gregory, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Gregory of Salem, this
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev.
George OTCeefe will officiate at
the double ring ceremony. Lor
raine Bickler and Jerry Neitling
will sing Rhineberger's "Ave Ma
ria" and "On This Day Oh Beau
tiful Mother.- Mrs. Raymond Bar
ton accompanying.
The father of the bride will ac
company his daughter to the altar
to present her in marriage. Her
gown will be white marquisette
made with a fitted bodice, leg e
mutton sleeves and long train, the
sweetheart neckline with embroi
dery of silk cord. Her veil, a
Princess Ellrabeth style, is finger
Up illusion edged in wide lace
falling from a tiara of seed pearls.
For "something borrowed" she
will wear three strands of pearls
belonging to Mrs. Carmen Mingle.
Her arm bouquet of yellow roses
and lily-of-the-valley will be tied
with white satin streamers.
The bride has chosen as her
only attendant her sister. Miss Ro
zelle Staab, who will wear white
dotted swiss over taffeta and long
matching mitts. Her flowers will
be an arm bouquet of daisies and
white stock. Flower girl will be
Sheryl Kay Prockish of Portland,
niece of the bride, who will wear
white organdy and carry yellow
marguerites in an arm basket.
The best man will be Marcel
Staab, brother of the bride. The
LLshers will be Arlin Staab and
Virgil Gregory.
Mrs. Floyd Gregory, mother of
the groom, will wear s brown wool
broadcloth suit, trimmed with am
ber beading. She will wear mat
ching accessories snd a corsage of
At the reception following the
ceremony at the Mayflower hall,
Mrs. Willis Thomas will cut the
cake. Mrs. Phil Washburn will
preside at the urns. On the serv
ing table will be an arrangement
of snapdragons and pink tapers.
Assisting will be Mrs. J. E Cath
cart, Mrs. Edward Prockish and
Mrs. P. J. Pfeifer. Miss Helen
Staab will be in charge of the gift
table. Miss Joane Washburn will
pass the guest book.
For traveling the bride will
wear a gray Club-Collar suit with
black accessories. The couple will
be at home In Salem, following a
trip to southern Oregon. The bride
attended Sacred Heart Academy
and Mr. Gregory attended Salem
Venetian Blinds
Made in Salem
Modernize YOUR home . . . effectively
... simply . . . by fitting' your windows
with Salem Venetian Blinds now.
No matter what the style of your home,
Venetian Blinds lend an appearance of
uniformity and finish to its windows.
f (0 Sooth tUt Street
Phon, SMS
on HonTH rncriT frrogET
y 3'
PHON2 02H7
Chadwich chaster. OES
afternoon club will meet for a
sert luncheon Tuesday afternoon
at the Masonic Temple at 1:15 o'
clock with cards in play follow
ing. The committee includes Mas-
dames Mem Pearce, chairmen, V.
L. Jean, E. T. Hart well. William
Gahlsdor, F. D. Vinson, S. A.
wneeuey. tt. ute weoo, u. a.
Pepper end Jennie Chalmers.
11 Beta Fkl swashers win held Us
monthly meeting Tuesday after
neon et the State -street chapter
house at 2 o clock. Hostesses will
be Mrs. Carl Schneider and Mrs.
Franklin Bishop.
Our "Frigid Fur Storage is na
ture's wst of keeping your furs
soft, plisble snd lovely! Civs
them guaranteed protection.
f ftf Oar upfl far-
The HeTtf ajasJ tiens svxQlary
will meet at the Lions Den Wed
nesday night et &30 o'clock. Mrs.
Carl Gies and Mrs. Robert Fork-
ner wIH serve as hostesses. Musi
cal numbers will be presented by
students from the' Highland school
end Sacred Heart Academy.
For a Perfect
lliy : aDhxncrMidsl
Flowers and Candlelight at
Winona Chalet
Seretstg Mother's Day
! to lite
On the Dallas Highway
Jest g Miles
Dewatewa Balsas
Our asetfcoea of eleaaing and
gluing sre exactly the aasne as
those recommended by the aa
tioa's leading furriers.
2nd Floor
Here They Are Again
7 ' .-. - ' -. - - I
A -
;-T -
r v
May shipment of studio styles hare
arrived. Hats that add dignity to snits
coats and dresses. Hats that speak for
. ' ' ; - i
themselves. Perfect grooming I 1
tad Flooe
JAN. I958
MAR. 1958
APR. 1958
MAY 1958
JUNE 1958
JULY 1958
AUa 1958
4 C2PT. 1958
OCT. 1958
NOV. 1958
2 . t .
t 1
1 DEC 1958
How to fake jjimcs off
To eaa as re this petrioUo, earfoassffe
hi rissT-or-TH B-kfOSfTaa. when the
bills fall due, are worrisome days for way by joining- your firm's PayroS 8ss
lags Plan. If you're not oa a payroll, yea
Biany of us.
Dut here's a way yoa can tighten thai j cea earejl la the) Bead-ArMeath PUa
oa your prsre rings etarttng sa
agf aavd oentiiwHagf or as loag as yea like
throegh yoew bssoiu
tfea't it be wecMletfsi, haTing
InTest ia 8. Beewity Boads. Start free flrst-of-ths moaUe for jeWsetf as4
pvttiog aside part of ererything yea saca j fanCy J !'
Tea years f rasa today, yeall start sol
lectiiig Becting fwur sfsffarr sr
aBBeTBaf eataaM bMK mtL.
ejeeweBF aaa wSw eWa
p. a.
fcosssl " sWs bVsIm sesACSse)
j' mi a
''Ah, :
- . if U . 14
. - J -
. 4 a f- m 4.t m- at r - ,