' f-Thi StdUtmcinj Sc!nj- OrwoofL StAvarScrt: Mftr V im . V alley Calendar SATURDAY, May Stayton high school hotcomlng. INDUSTRIAL FATAUTES Two fatalities, 735 covered acci dent and 10 claims lor occupa tional disease benefits were re ported to the state industrial acci dent commission here during the week ended May 6. Tbe fatalities Involved Marvin Oscar Diarmit, Scotts Mills laborer, and Andrew Johnson, Clatskanie logger. NOTICE Or INTENTION TO IMPROVE NORWAY STREET from COMMERCIAL STRSST TO LlBERTx" STBJuXT Notice mi hereby given that the com Boon council of tne city ot Salem. Or egoo, dm it necessary and expedi ent and hereby declares Its purpose 4 intention to Improve Norway street from th east line of Commercial street to the west line of Liberty street. In the City of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the alley Intersection the expense of which wU be assumed by the city of Salem, by briefing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing ce nent concrete curbs, and having said portion of said street with a 2'i-mch aspnalUc concrete pavement thirty feet wide. In accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council April M. 1948, which are now on file In the face of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to maxe tne above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement de partment. By order of the common council April 24. IMS: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is April 28. IMS. Ap-3S-2g-30-My.l-3-4-3-6-7-6-9 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE GROVE STREET f"KOM BROADWAY STREET TO TH STREET Notice Is hereby given that the com non council of the city of Salem. Or egon, deems it necessary and expedi ent and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to Improve Grove street from the west line of Broadwsy street to the east line of 4th street. In the City of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, by bringing said portion of said street to the es tablished grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and pavtog said portion of said street with s 2'-nch asphaltle concrete pavement thirtrt feet wide. In accordance with the plant and specifi cations therefor which were adopted by the common council April 20, 1948, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement de partment. By order of the common council April 28. 1948: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is April 28. 1944. Ap-28-29-30-MyJ -2-4-5-4-7-8-9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notlcfc Is hereby given that the under Signed was appointed administrator of the estate of Mary E. Wampler. deceas ed, by an order of the Circuit Court. Marlon County. Oregon. Probate De partment, made and entered on the fth day of May. IMS. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to the under signed admlstrator at Room 316 Pio neer Trust Building. City of Salem. Marlon County Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. LOUIS C. WAMPLER. Administrator for the estate of Mary E. Wampler. de ceased. William H. Trlndle. Attorney for Estate My 6-13-23-29 LivelHk atiH Poultrv 2 GOOD young milk cows. 2 bred heifers. Olin Cross. Rt. 6. Box 123. Sa lem . PH. 67F14. FRESH Guernsey cow with calf. 3 yrs. old. Call after 3 p.m. Tom Burton. Rt. 3. Box 270. Just this side Macleay store 4 NICE fresh cows 6c 1 springer. 1 fentle cultivating horse. 3 ml E. on enter St. Rt. 9. BoxJ01. FOR SALE Fresh Shorthorn cow 6223.00. R. V Carleson. Rt. 1. Box 269. f none 2-6206. 2 COWS with calves. Rt. 2. Box 33. mvmnna Lewis 5 DUCKS ea.. good eating. Rt. 3. Bo01ff.RvJRd. on Sawmill Rd. "GELDING. 6 yrs. 1.400. Exceptionally trained, work, saddle, harness, equlp rnent. 1210 A Id e r. out Cherry St. ONE YR. OLD register 'jersey bull. Sire is Georre Gentemann's Coronation Ash burn Ace. Dsm is Eagle Boy's Ke ren. Charles J. Kelley. end of S. 10th St.l blk. west. Independence. 5 YR. OLD saddle horse and saddle, p. E Pnvtllee. Rt. 2. Box 92. Turner. 5aDBCEHOHSE: 1 ImUes N: of frook s . Box 78F. BABY CHICKS 9 varieties Weekly batches. Lee's H a tchery . WANTED to buy All kinds ot cst tle hoes and sheep Frank Wood Rt T Box 4.T1 H Phone 2 714 DEAD Su-k (xcked up free ol Charge dav and nlrht service Ph Bherwond Ore. 4433 or 4424 Call collect IMPROVED N H day -old or started chicks and pullets for Immediate or future delivery Also s complete line f feed, poultry equtoment. remedies and teed and garden tools Foxes Maimer 3716 State St Phone 49r WANTED. Any kind of cattle hoes as sheen WM call al farm Licensed j bonded buvers Prompt service E I S net hen s Son 1350 Lancaster Dr falem Ph 2 1343 WING'S Rabbitry pays 30c a lb for fryer rabbits. Pick-up service 39S3 State Phone 109F3 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandllsh. Rt 9. Box 233 Ph. 8147. Help Wanted COOK for convalescent home: also dishwasher. See supervisor at 232 N. Cottage or phone 7620. RELIABLE couple for part time work on small acreage. Sllverton city limits. S-rm. house Ac garden. House needs some repair. Opportunity for retired couple who wants place to live at some employment Walter Leisy. Ph. 2152. SOS Smith St, 8 U vert on. Help Wanted Male VIOLIN player. western orchestra. i5. inn. WANTED": Experienced automobile mechanic under 30 years of age. EIs- ner Motor Co.. 332 ft. High. Ph T801. GOOD paying Oregoaian route now available to denendable bovs. 12 to is Pleas apply The Oregonian. 474 rrrv St LUMBER Grader. "Ph. 128i Silverton. ROLL case trim saw man that knows lumber. Ph. 3283 Sllverton. WAW iio) Experienced sawyer for circular mill cutting 2SJOO. Night shift. May 10th, Electric set works. Log turn er. West Salem Lumber Co Ph. 9583. IMo Wanted FemaJe PRACTICAL nurse for convalescent home See supervisor at 253 N. Cot tsf or phone 7020. BXAUTY operator". Uust be exp. Ifta Third St.. McMlnnville. Or. SALESWOUANwm some book keeping exp. Permanent. Singer Sew ing Machine Co. 130 N. ComX ! ICE CHEAII Qnaris . SAVING CEIIT1 Help Wanted Female ENDtAL housework and ear as! Invalid, Rt. I. Boa 283. Edw. Lenstrom. "0NtV ot Salem's leading farm and heavy equipment nouses . requires young woman to fill clerical position. Pleasant working conditions. Fair typ ing ability required. Answer sa own handwriting statin salary desired age. previous experience and telephone number- Box 14S. Statesman. DESPERATELY need Catholic house keeper for motherless home. S gtrks. I U Room, board and wage, con sider woman with child. Write L M. Ames. 666 3. Summer St. Salem. 2 WAITRESSES. J. B. Drive-In. SZM Fair mounds Rd. 35TN 5C RAPTORS and 1 typist Salem Title Co. 283 state st WANTZD - Young lady for oiiice work. Train tor cashier and aoct. pay able clerk. Good hours. Good pay. Con genial group. Apply In person to Mr. William. Cherry City Baking Co, Broadway and Market Sta. alfmen Wanted REAL ESTATE Salesman to work for on of the older Reliable Firms. Must have good record and references. Box 192 Statesman. TWO VACUUM cleaner salesmen for outside selling. Guaranteed draw phis good commission. Excellent opportun ities, write box lm. filiations Wanted whanging, Free est. Ph. 1323. 5TENO. desires perm, position. Bkkg. 4c Box 143. typing. Write statesman. DESIRE care of convalescent or fn- valkl lady. Will go out of town. Ph. 4454. LADY wants work. What have your Ph. 8ZS3, CARPENTER WORK: Remodeling Dlastertng. 734 Union St. LAN DSC APE Gardening, lawns put in. Phone z-ja PAINTING. Free eetHorn. Ph. 2-6311 CURTAINS washed and stretched. Also tablecloths. Phone 2-6343. CARPENTERING, alterations, repairs cabinets. Small jobs only. Ph. 2-3733. Bookkeeping Call Wallace. 2-459. CEMENT work, side walk and drive ways Phone 2-3400. CAPABLE woman wishes hskpg. In conn try home. Ph. 4039 eves. PLOWING Ac discing. Ph. 2-I5lI7L. W Schrunk. 233 FisherRoad. LAWN M5wER5sharpened by ma- chlne. Work guaranteed. Bring to shop. Howser Bros. W. Salem. Phone 3646. CALL 21761 mornings or evenings for fruit spraying. Gus Rosenbaum, Tom Davis 1655 Berry St. T)rLBUkNl&SERVlci: Phone 2-6062 M LO WINC a dlacins with Ford-Ferguson. Herbert L. Hamann. Rt S. Box 1304 Ph. 231 It WEATHERSTRIPPTnG and Insula - tion Crofoot Bros Phone 2-4636. scissors, knives sharpened Dexter. 966 Center. Ph 6833 Light dozer work, discing. Ph. Z-Z818. OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vac uum nsed B F Ensley Ph 7176 DRAWING house p.aftsPh962T Well Drilling Domestic. Irritation. Industrial H. A ROBINSON 2314 N FRONT. Salem Ph 7293 CHIMNEY sweep.'Northness. ph 4430 PRESchool Playschool 1381 State Are 9-8 Part or all day Ph 6430 Icemen t CONTRACTING Phone 3-3043, Stanley fagg Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS f-5444 DICK OREY 6266 PAINTER and Paperhan- Reason able prices Wood worth Free estimates. Ph 3013 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers Ph 9466 or 3337 MOVING & HAULING For real service, call 2-2436 CEMENT contracting. Ph -4731. eve. SEWERS and Septic Tanks installed & repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. z-ssea PAINTING, decorating: roof spraying a specia lty. Free est I mates. Ph. 2-4813 . CUSTOM PLOWING. Phone 2-3718. GARDENING of all kinds, also lawns put in. Ph. 2-5634. 6 to 3. Sewer & Drain Service ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp steel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drains. Septic tanks cleaned reasonable. 5327 or 9466. PAINTING 6c papering free estimate Ph 9513 . 857 Shipping. Septic Tanks Cleaned Spartan Electric Sewer Machine Service. Modern. Econ. Easv Meth. Clears lines of Roots. Grease, Etc. K. F. Hamel. 1143 6th St., W. Sslem Ph 7404. WANTED Furniture to clue and re pair Lee Bros Furniture Reflnishinc Co Ph 2-1233 4020 E Stste St. CUSTOM AND garden plowing Call Al Benson 2-4536 ODD JOBS, lawn-mowing, putting In wood, etc, 61 hr. Ph, 3-6731 until 9 a.m For Sale. Miscellaneous WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE Modern and Antique Firearms. Don Madison. 266 N. Capitol Tlmfer, miicbldg matl. 1443 Oak St. CHICKEN OR cow manure. 81 per sack here at place. Will del 6 sacks Ph 68F22. Phillips Bros Rt 6. Box 118 4 miles out State St No waxing PTaitl-Kote paint for floors, linoleum, furniture and autos YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY S NAME watches old watch trade In. No money down. Low as SOc week 1316 State. Weisfield A Gold berg. Phone 2-5358. perfect diamonds. Low as $1 week. No money down. 1316 State Weisfield a- Goldberg. Ph. 2-5356. liov eXecTrIc" RANGES, apart ment and full sice ranges. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY rTAVY steel clostheslin posts. Porch railings In stock at made to order. 400 ft. V St 4 pip. 1143 N. Liberty. FCXlXrJrrNewberg" type River Bottom Top Soil. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 140S N. Front St. Phone 3417 Coffee maker replacement parts. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY WRINGER ROLLS' and service. All makes of washers. Ed Ellis. 601 Edge water. Phone 6931.- CEDAR POSTS Ph SgFTl HANS Hamilton watch. 11 jewel. size 18. Ph. 4059 eves. Hotplates and roasters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PATTERSON-PR -13 communication receiver, five bands, crystal BFO, noise limiter. etc.. with Jensen 12 speaker. Excellent condition. Prtc $7340. Call 6322 evenings. ' Electric clocks and door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Flax Seed Seed flax cleaned S tested. Call 1-1830. DIMENSIONAL lumber, cheap. Hi. i. Box 399. Glen Creek Dr. H6SP. Bl2Swheel chair. Rent. aelL Buren. Phone 7773. 143 Court St. USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS 4V GARDENS SACKS $9 or $10 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere tat Salem ' WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph. 6127 days; 1-4397 eve or 6127 Trash burners, insert oil burners. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY CARDBOARD packing boxes and sheets, any six 1790 N eronf I FLY RODS S os. Leonard. 4 ox. John Wilson. ox. Hob-son. 333 Waldo. TCSCHIA PLANTS. Large selection, trailers and uprights. All named var ieties. Tharalaon Fuschla Farm. 1 1 1 mile east of SUt Hospital on Fruit land Rd, AN A'rrUALTlVE trash burner. 820. 11 M 6th St. W. Salem. WARD range. Enamel bdrm. set and batMnette. 353 W. Chturh. "DAVENPORT and chair,' A-B, 1 hoi electric stove, bed. springs, round table, S chairs. Ken more washing machine, new floor lamp, 8 SVZ do cahsneta. 63 Thoxnpaoa. ; s - s For Sale Mbcrilaneooj Camellias, Rhododendrons, Azaleas DRTVX NORTH ON FRONT STREET 4 MILES TO KETZER. TURN WEST. STAY ON PA VXD ROAD 4 MTLE3 TO H. L. Pearcy Nurgery Company USED FURNTTURE SALE 1 very nice four-piece bedroom sets with springs and mattresses, dark wood as modern; 1 Iloor lamp; 1 Kltcnen table ax 4 chairs: 1 ou circulating neater. 1 daveno: a elec. floor beaters: 1 baby chair; 1 elec. two-burner hot vl.. .fwl. 1 Lm rmm1mr- 1 b-4t-H- n table St 2 chairs; 1 Ice box; 1 Ironing board ex clothes rack, and 1 coffee table. $300.00 or f 100 00 down 4c terms. State Finance Co.. 133 S. High St.. or Phone 4131. WXSTINGHOUSE elec. roaster and hot plate. 390 S. 16th. 2 GLADSTONE bags, practically new. 380 S. 16th. USED white enamel trash burner. excellent condition. $39.30. S-leaf ex tension banquet table. $10. Whit en amel oil ranee. $73. GLEN WOODRY FURNITURE MKT. 1603 N. Summer St, WE HAVE a fine selection In new and used elec. ranges, gas ranges, re frlg.. oil heaters, oil ranges, wood ranges, washing machines. Radios, some ant. size, many other Items. Lib eral credit terms. Hardman Bros.. 4 ml. north of Salem on Portland hlgh- wav. Onen eves . :l.. . . i .. ... SINGERS 110. 47 hatch. White lung If eons $1 each. Bird cages $2 JO up. 3 Lee St. MOVIE camera and projector Smm. Revere. Almost new. 1374 N. ISth St. A fter S LEAVING town, must sell household furnishings at sacrifice. Hotpoint elec range, bedroom set. daveno. and re frigerator, dinette set. etc. All In ex cellent rond. See st Hist St.. or phone 4914. $30 Saturday only. 3-piece chrome di nette set In blue or red. Table 3lxo Inches with 10-lnch extension lesf. GLEN WOODRY FURNITURE MKT. 1603 N. Summer St. 16 blks. N. of State Capital Bldg. . River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE ICTX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH $-1966 $-3106 Used ranges, washers" and water heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY J R Wstkins Co products 171? Cen ter St. Sslem Ph. 3393. Free del. TOILETS: RfTI. Box 431 L. McCain Ave, off Sllverton Rd.. Salem. PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 12th St Block Co. S 12th St at Vista Ave. Tele. 1-333 Evenings 8904 GRAVEL, sand and silt Delivered, or on your truck at the pit. Phone 6444. TTSEDuNIVERSAl a pt. size stoves Si useq Hotpoint stoves, sine oven. Ambassador Apts.. 660 N. Summer. Keizer Sand & Gravel Co. Mason sand River silt Concrete mix as top soil Fill dirt Road gravel Ph. 21749 DOGS Boarded by day or mo. Trim ming and bathing. Obedience Training. Free Pick-up St Delv. LeGray Kennels. Phone 2-31 o. tARGE PANSY plants. 73c doz.: to matoes, 25c doz.: all vegetables snd bedding plants reasonable. Straight out Center St. Silkc's Greenhouse, Rt. 6. Box249. METAL TOP bench. 32 in x 7 fL 3 In. Ph. 4079. Contractors - Builders Realize a saving. Buy lumber direct from sawmill. Dimension, sheeting, shiplap. timbers, outside white paint. West Salem Lumber Co. 'i ml. north of Edgewater on Wallace Rd. Ph. 9593. MOTHER'S DAY Camellias. East on Center St. 'i mi. past Lancaster. Eves. Mitchell. 4 -BURNER L&H elec. range with oven. New wiring, first class shspe. 9th house on left. Evan. Ave. Keizer dlst. Ph. 25163. LeRay Wilson. ' 9 FT. PLYWOOD boat $40. 1920 Fair Rd. Ph. 3392. LIGHT VirrGHT strx-k saddle, brid dle, Navaho blanket. Ph. 21 28; 1 LANG wood range 325. 1 M.C. comb, gas range $75. 1 R.H. Wedge. gas rse WC 137.50. 1 used gas tank htr. $3.00. Above equipt. is sold F.O.B. as is. See Andy st 133 Court St. PRACTICALLY NEW Delta 4 In. Jointer, $40. Howser Bros. 603 Edge- water. WAsTIN"gMACHIne3 New A B.C and Apex washers. Launders 11 automatic washers. Twin porcelain rinse tubs. $39.30. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC 467 Court St Phone 9611 Sun heat and germicidal tamps. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Revere ware St pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BARNYARD St Chicken manure Del $3 per cu yard Ph 68F23 Phillips Bros Rt 6. Box 116 MARfi radio for reliable services. Ph. 2-1611. 2133', S. Com'l. SfcRVEL-gas Metro lux refrigerator $130. Wedgewood gas range with trash burner $123. Gas water heater $33. 2693 Hulsey Ave. Off Radcllff Drive be tween S. 12th and 99 E. ASPARAGUS. Best lor freezing. Sc per lb. You cut it. Bring containers. George Asher. on Grand Island. ""MOTHER LIKES" potted- plants and cut flowers. Pemberton's Flower Shop, 19B0 S. 12th. Open evenings. Ph. 2-3346. PLASTER BOARD, wall board. 4'xS Ceiling tile at wall plank Rt 1. Box 431 L McCain Ave., off Sllverton Rd TABLE and 4 chairs $7.50. Baby cart 73c. walker $7.50. lady's black suit $23. state 18. Rt. 8, Box 433. Glen Creek Rd. CORONA portable typewriter, ex cellent cond. $25. Ph. 7534. WEISFIELD auper value: 10-piece aluminum aU-purpo set. Includes drip-o-Utor. reg. $2XM special $143. No money down. 50c a week. 1316 State Weisfield Si Goldberg, ph. 3-3356.; PRESTO cookers. $13743. WeixfiekPs terms. No money down, BOe a week. 1316 Stste. Weisfield St Goldberg. nede YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Vacuum cleaners, floor polishers. Vacuum cleaners, floor polishers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ALWAYS a big StOCJt Woodry's Purnltur Mkt Ph 811$ Oil circulators, room heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY REAL ESTATE SIGN Larg neon sign, cost new $386. Sell $123. Also offlc furniture, ph. $109. Azaleas in Bloom FOR MOTHER'S DAY 5th and Locust I USED wood booths St 10 ft Ma- hogany counter. The Ac. 127 N. High AUTO, oil fir. furnace, with wall thermostat, used S mat 468 Wayn dr. after 8 p.m. TWO iiAtA gaL gaa tanks. Tires tone Store. Jefferson. ellctrjc rang St laundry trays. 296 Park sv. ELECT Rid Ing machin (practie any Skew I cabinet. 156 Pswtlaiul UnmA Howard Trailer Camax For flalo -Mlceflneon $19 Occasional chair covered in rich valour 4s tapestry with hardwood frame and no-sag spring construction. GLEN WOOuni rURNITUaS MKT, 1603 w. Summer St. NORGE fully automatic electric rang pea feet cond. $200. Console Phllco r ad lo- phonogTa ph . holda 12 records, lust overhauled $30. Blonds finish brass trimmed antique table $12. Olde' model Hoover vacuum, good cotuL. $10. Jun ior size violin, good tone. $10. Also other furniture and some antique oisnee. izho n. cnurcn. WHITE enamel tabU top M on tag range wiin cou ana oven inermometer, In perf. cond. 236 S. 23th. WHITE cabinet electric and Singer portable. Like new. i30 rt. i8tn. RtRlGEftATOR. Gibson 7-ft. T. A. Sheaiy. Rt. 9. Box 373, on Browning Ave, oeTween LJDerty hom and mgh- wy- WOOD OR SAWDUST Double S&H green stamps given In May. Ph. sow. GAS ranee and Hollywood bed ned- eetal excellent condition. Ph. 2-4082. Rt 8. Box 17D. WHEEL, trailer. 1333 I. Coral si. in the alley BREAKXAST UbU Ix chair, kitchen sink, like new. 4 rolls of new poultry netting, westingnouse large eiec oven. almost new. Rt. 9. Box 626. Ph. 1-264 L ONE MARL1N Ai rifle. One pair lady's roller shoe skates, size !. Call 2-1718. 300 AMP. DC Lincoln are welder. Cheap lawn mower. 1052 Saginaw. Ph. 8734. 16 QT. cannery cookers $330. Weia- neid s easy terms S3 a mo 1316 Stat. Weisfield St Goldberg. Ph. 1-8338. PEKINGESE pups. I wks. old. SSSb yiaude at. pn. ism. TENT 10x12 new. Fan 16 inches, new. 4ga Mill st. HOLLYWOOD bed. blue uoholstered. French ruffle. Excellent condition. Ph. 9834. , ATTENTION Turkey C rowers: Extra large quick-freeze box at ',i cost price. toi" tate at. rn. z-j COOK STOVE with new oil burner Reasonable. 970 Jefferson. Ph. 9967. GIVE mother flowers that last. Prlm roses. pansies. azaelas. perennials. Browns. Rt. 9, Box 30. MAI AN'SblcycIe $13. child's hl:h chair $2. set asbestos flat Irons $1, large orown enameled stove board sz. Mason Jars 33c doc lady's white shoe skates, site 8. 810 1142 6th St., W. Sslem. SUPER BILT tapestry covered dav- jno. used very lime. Ph. 8339. FOUR 2 mo. old pedigreed Chinchilla buck rabbits. Terry Shepherd. Rt. 9. BOX 79. Pn. ZBJ77. GAS RANGE, g walk -in cooler doors. 293 S. Cot tare. STUDIO PIANO. $384. ph. 22Td7 H.P. ELECTRIC naint SDrav run. Closing out. Floor finishes, paints, and many other items. 810 Madison St. J. K. Boone Chemical Co. SEWING MACHINES rented: special rummer rate. Bonus paid for White. New Home or Singer. Will buy any make, any cond. W. Davenport. 1930 N. lain, rn. ion. No. 3 RAY oil burner, brand new. Will sacrifice. Abe Edtger. Rt 1, Box 421 Dallas Ore. Ph. 21F13. "wlSTlNCfloUSE arc welder. 8o. 3300 Sllverton Rd. R E G I ST E R E D English Springer Hips. Choice breeding from bench snd ield stock. Reasonable. 322S Arevle Drive. Turn west at Liberty Road and Triangle Drive. BEDDING, perennial and vegetable plants. Prmberton's. i960 S. 12th St. NEW 6.50x16.00 tire and tube tiT. New mahogany veneer coffee table $23. New drafting set $20. Like new daven port and chair $273, cost $369. Phone 8746 after 6 p.m. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads St driveway Cement Ready -mix Concrete Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4 yd shovel Si drag line. Phone 8561. Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE Phone 9185 , USED FUR N ITU R E Phone 3110 WANT TO Buy Used Cameras St lenses McEwan Photo Shop 433 State CASH for used piano & other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 9337 evenings or send description to Jaauith Music Co.. 191 8 High. Wanted Miscellaneous TOPSOIL for ya rd 380 S. 16th. HIGHEST PRlCESTlor scrap iron St metal, junk batteries, rags. etc. Zorne industrial salvage, 1st Che maw a Rd phone Z3609, i Dl A Klf TflUT!? Wills Music Store. SalernV CASH for old gold, solid, plated' or Oiled. Salem Watch Shop. 2361 State Miscellaneous COMMERCIAL ART Letterheads, cartoons, business sigs. trade marks, photo retouching. Bob Browne. Salem Engraving. Phone 9161. 313 S. Commercial. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plata for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bids. State A Com Ph 2311 fc WEATHER strlpsPullman Ph 3963 AUTO painting, lust a shad better by Ray ETTER Call S brock Motor Co HAVE YOUR Sanger sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative Ph 3312 for free pickup a delivery service on aD makes of ma chines. Pre estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Ma chine Co.. 130 N Commercial Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 19 B-'V yds. $1200 par hr 16 B-4J yd. S ao per hr D-7 Cat Dozer 9 SO pr hr D-4 Cat A Doawr 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat A Dozer T OO per hr Phone Day $40$ Evenings 8244 or 34406 Salem Oregon ' ALS RADIO Clinic. Kaiser dlst. day or evening. Ph. 2-43T3. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked $106 LE3 SPRINGER 464 Court Mattresses CapiUI Bed Co Ph. 4069 PECO Pacifl Exes va ting Conptsr 912 Edgewater St Salem. Oregon Bulldozing - Grading Clearing fori I-1II3 or $79, WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or trrlgatlosi Duffle Id Bros. Rt 9. Bos 423 Phon 2-1313 ; Air-Way SanllUora dam. Ws. i-Alll Financial t EARNINGS ON YOUR , ; INVESTMENT We have number of first mortrares ao real astate, amounts $300 to $10,000. to offer, net you 8 oa your invest ment, Exsmtn th security yourself; Salem and vicinity. Call us at 4121 for particulars. STATE 1TMANCK COl in m. -ugh sk Financial . Ed Byrkit and Company riiui mukuiaui loan at F H. A at construction loans. 339 Chemeket Phone 9981 MONEY TO LOAN Wanted: Real estate snortgsg loans. Sa us about refinancing your pr snt contract or mortgage. Approved city wsni. low interest rates. Leo N. Childg, Inc. REALTORS 844 State St. Ph. SMI Money to Loan MONEY $25 to $500 . . for car or horn repairs . . to consolidat debts. It's slmDl A-B-C Just do thlat A Tell us how much you need and a tew facts about your credit and fob in person or by phone if you're busy. B Then you sign without endorsers and get the cash. Proof: 4 out of B who ask us for a loan, get It I O Then repay in monthly lnslallmen which you select to fit your purs. sza to soon on auto $3S to $300 on salary and furniture. Personal Finance Co. BIS SUt BL. Km. 123 Phon J191 E. Galling, mgr. LIC. Q-1X2. M-1P3 FARM and CTTY LOANS 4U and 8 Your own senna of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts snd Second Mortfsg. Capitol mzcvKrfas CO. SOT pioneer Trust Bldg Phone TIP Private Money On Cars. Trucks. 4s Trailer H Long or Short Tern Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial St Phon ties QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN. LVSTOCX FARM mACH. NO COSIGNERS From $25.00 to $300.00 Lie. No. S-13S ON CARS OB TRUCKS Repayments up to 24 months ON LATE MODELS From $50.00 to $500.00 Lie. No. M-338 MAKE APPLICATION BY PHONE OR IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9168 1 Dr. S. of Ladd St Bush 136 S Commercial St. Salem Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Nat'l Bank (old quarters) For Rent Rooms HEATED sleeping rm. 1131 Center St. SLEEPING room, kitchen privileges. Phone 2-4684. ROOM for mp. woman or glrL Kit. privilege. Ph. 3477. ROOM or gentleman. Ph. 3-4427. Hollywood sip, rms. 2033 McCoy. 6093 ROOM for working lady, bus by door. S blks of Hollywood Center. Call afternoon jrr eve. 1080 Madison. Room and Board ALBANY convalescent home. Inval ids and elderly folks. Large lawn and sunoorches. Good care ruaranteed. 612 Maple M, Aioany. ure. rn. ui-u For Rent Apartments NICE furn. apt., close in. for em p. couple. 116 Marion St. 2-RM. furn. apt. Priv. bath. priv. entrance. 453 N. 24th, 1 RM. APT., clean, upstairs, furn. 240 E. Washington. 2 RM. fum. apt., near hospital, on bus. Free phone. Ph. 8046. 2 ROOM 6c a 3 room apL. partly furnished, private entrance, private bath, ground floor; double plumbed, plently hot water. 20 min. bus service. Adults only, no pets, no drinking. Ph. -5479 days or see i a. Keea. zu Lee St FURN. 3 rmTapt.. upstairs. 419 S. 19th. CE FURN. nearly new 2 rm. apt. Elec. ranee, oil heat. Close In. Em p. couple pref. Ph. 3-6905. PARTLY FURN. light housekeeping rm. with private toilet and entrance on bus line. Ph. 3562. 330 N. 22nd. 2 BDRM. and 1 bdrm. housekeeping cabins. Modern, oil heat. 2860 S. Com'L For Rent Rouses SMALL 3-rm. house $30. 4 Corners. Elderly couple pref. Ph. 2-1371 TRAILER house for rent, for couple. New Bendix washer available. Toilet. shower. 1225 S. 25th. 2 RM. unmodem hou.e. Ph. 6036. "TURN. COTTAGE. 321- PortTRdT For Rent LARGE BUSINESS bldg. at Pen 4 Corners. 675 00 per month. Ph. 8389. FOR RJENT Large office or store room, ground floor. 167 S. High. St. State Finance Co. 153 S. Hirh St. Telephone 4121 OHICES for rent. Ph. 6389 OFFICE space 300 sa. ft Entrance! through out 1st Natl Bnk. Elevator service. Ph. 9116. 200 LiveslY Bldg. FOR RENT: Double garage. 1227 Court st. 1RONERS by the week. Phone 2-4439 U-DRiVE TRUCKS TOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9062 FLOOR Sander, alee, floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Wallace Hardware, th Marshall Weils store Ph 6877 GOOD Used Piano a L Stiff CAT. AND SHOVEL work, excava tlon. trenching and scraper work. Call Halvorscn Construction Co Phon 4047 or 6006 ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-eell H C Push 684 N 17 4692 TRAILERS 75c first hr, SOc hr following Woodry's Mkt. 1603 N summer ""TRUCKS and cars for rent Blankets furnished. Smitty's Clipper Servtc Center and Church. Phoo 9000. Wanted to Rent MIDDLE AGED couple emp. at deaf school need 3 or 4 room furnished or partly furn. apt. or house north of Highland Ave. Send card to L D. Selin. 2261 Hszel Ave-, cabin No. 2. YOUNG married cou Die. both emp.. both no children, desire fum. apt. Phon 5161 days T $330 after 0 pjn. YOUNG couple, no smoking, or drink lng. need small furn. or partly furn. house. Prefer suburban but not essen tial. Dr. Nelson. 2-4063 or 2-4252. RjSPONSlBLr V0UNC3 couple tto sircs to rent good t BLR. nous by Jan. Good refs. Write Box 141 Statesman. DESIRE FURN. ant. around $30. Re- eently transferred, located permanent ly with Pac TL as Tel. Wife and baby. sii m NEED HdlTSS ImmedUtely. 4 adults. Have pets. References. Call 36406. Don. or write Box 137 care of Statesman. WANT TO RTNT'lInfuTnished 1 or more bedroom house for business man and wife. Refa. Ph. 2-2494 after $ p m. SIWARZ): i or 3 BR. hsa. Ph. faol Lou NICK BLDG. STTX East fronLtSS ft, deep, gd soil: Fisher Rd Just off Sunny view. $960. Walt Socolofsky Real Es tate. Ph. 83S. ' "BY-OWNER, excellent view lot. i3 xlo ft. on corner of 8. High and i larxe oak trees. Priced for auick sal. Owner moving, needs money. Ph. 9733. ' KING WOOD HEIGHTS - view lot. Price reduced tor Immediate sale. $823. r Lot'4 F. H. A. Boildinjr Sites These highly twstrtcted lots hi East Englewood afford you too perfect place te build. All new district. Street to b Cived this summer. W can arrange p FHA loans for you. Lot slxas run from SOxlOO to 100x100. Prices rang from SSSOUM to 813500. If you are a building contractor looking for place io ouua l to loo nomii, or u you are planning your own homo, investigate uus ruruMtr. . Ahrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. $010 Insurance. Mtg. Loans LOT iOxLli iU NT Libertv. Vocation. Ideal for basement. Has young fruit trees A grape. $650. Write Earl Winters. St. i. Box 382. Bremerton. S larg lots. N x d ft. front. N. 19th St. on or both at flioo each. M. B. Stegner 1887 N. Cottar Ph. 4093 BARGAIN 5 A. on Lansing, close to Sllverton Ha. Very choice sub-drvision. $3230. 18 A. on pavement. Cast Center St. No buildings. $8300. Larg lot near Dickson's Mkt. South. City water, trees, elec. $1200. Larg lot South on pavement. City water. $1500. Larsen Home & Loan Co Exchisiv Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Ccml St - Ph. 8389. Eve. 7440 LOT. with 14-ft. trailer bouse. Water and lights. $1,000. 3153 Cook St. For Sale Real Estate En el e wood District Four' nice two and three bedroom homes. $2,000 down, balance en easy payments. rAA. loan if desired. $1000 Down Neat on bedroom home, good dis trict, nice city lot. Immediate posses sion, reasonsbf payments. Gracious Living NIc 4 bedroom home, double nhunb- 4Vlnav full basement, nicely landscaped pot. double garage. a good buy at 1U.OUO. $1400 Down Two nice small acrease with three bedroom homes. $0900 and $7200. Im mediate possession. $500 Down Oood five acres, sll in production. paved road, good building site. S mile downtown saiem. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Eve. 7217 or 8316 rAIHMUM Mil .1 . HUMS. New 3-bed room home all on one floor, liv. rm. 14x20, dining rm, fl re place, beautiful hwd. Crs, elec. heat. patio, urge lot. east rronvage, otuj $1400.00. can Kay uavis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. J793, eves. 9441 241 Chemekets TEAR LESLIE SCHOOL. Nest 2 bd rm. home, full bsmt- furnace, wired for range. Paved st. beside park. Beautiful easy kept lawn on small lot. Fruit. nuts, flowers, grapes, a sacruic ai $6000: terms. ' KEIZER. Choice li-ac. on North Riv cr road. Mod. 2 yr. old 4 bdrm. home, full bsmt.. 2 fireplaces, furnace, at tached garage, beautiful lswns. $13,800, $5800 down. STROUT REALTY 93$ S. 12th St. Phon 2-3323 NEW SHAKE With many fine features. Beautiful hardwood floors. Large kitchen with asphalt til floor. Inside utility room. Piste glass picture window. I larg bedrooms, improved city lot. close to bus. 610.5OO.0O. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 9310 Insurance. Mtg. Loans KET2ER DISTRICT U acre cood soil, family fruit. 2 bdrm. modern house In fair condition, com pletely furnished, includes an electric range. refrigerator, ou circulator, washing machine. LR set. 2 beds, bst tery brooder. 54 chickens snd 8 rab bits today tomorrow??? Immediate possession too for only $4930. Call Mr. Crawford. Burt Picha, Realtors Ph. 3210, eve. 2-5390 337 N. High St A NICE little country home. 3 acres 24 trees of good walnuts. 63 prune trees 1 acre of strawberries. acre of cane berries: some chickens. -See Vern Tall man with William E. Moses 331', State St. Ph. 4993 HOME FOR INCUMt UK LAKlil FAMILY ONLY $600 NOW VACANT $1000 to $1500 Down to Right Party Hollywood District 8 rooms and bath down. 3 rooms up. Wired for rsnge. Ldry. rm.. nice lot. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Libertjr Ph. 7113 BY OWNER Ac builder: Lovely new rm. modern home. Hwd. floors, oil furn fireplace. Abundant closet space. Extra tine Kitchen at utility rm. iwo sq. n. Dbl. garage. 4 diss, rrom nign school. S blks. from stste house, built to last. Anyone who knows good con struction will appreciate this house. See 1790 B St. or call 7158 afternoons or eves. 82130.00 DOWN $7950. Nicely located 3 bdrm. home, liv. rm. din. rm. hwd. firs., garage, pvd. st.. on bus line. BaL $45.00 per mo. call Kay uavts. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemekets SL Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441 " OUT-OF-TWNOWNZR says sell this 3-bed room (possible 4). extra large living room, x-car garace. in oeauurui setting, secluded hillside place (2 acres), 8 miles east State St. Vacant now. $13300. Olaf Thonstad Real Es tate. 941 N. Cannot St. Phone 7903. 3 BEDRM. mod. home, automatic oil floor furnace. Elec hot water heater and cooking. FHA contract. 3823 Mon roe A ve . " WHAT? Looking for a good rm home. New dec. Keizer dtst. Ph. 2-3190. MOD. $ RM. home. Dbl. nlumb V blinds. firepL. dbL garage, cor. lot. fruit Ac nut trees. Oil beat, full bsmt. Good for Ire. family or income. 1690 N. 5th. Phone 4561. FOR Efficient and effective sales service call th Salem Realty Co NOW 2 BDRM Mod house. Large lot. Bus t door. 310 Monroe. E. Salem. NEW. NEAT 4 room home, wired for rang, attached gar a re and utility room, near Leslie Jr. High. $3930, $6930 furnshed. Phon 2-3203. No agents. pleas. BY OWNER: Beautiful new view horn at Sll Klngwood Drive. Extra larg LR with picture windows. Two bedroom big closets. Maple floors throughout. Double plumbing. Utility main floor. Basemen. Lot 100x140, Price sharply reduced for quick sal. J. A. Shotoeth. phon 2-3938 or 8S8. NXW 2 bdrm. full bsmt. 11 furn, hwd. firs., lire. liv. rm. At din. rm, rood sized kitchen. Wired for elec Plastered, msulated. Lawn St shrub bery m. If, garage. Garden space 4226 "town Aw. Kelzex dlst. BY OWNER: On account of illness. most seTi my home. 1830 N. ComT. BARGAIN. Absent owner will sell on contract IDEAL home, beautiful In terior. lg. liv. rm, flrepl, coved ceil ings. 2 lge. bdrm, full -bams, with playroom, sawdust heat, near hi. Engle wood. Hwd. firs. Is, back yd- fruit, nuts, grapes, shrubs bulbs. $11.300, 3 off for cash. Ph. i-9199. . FOR SALE reasonable $-room sub urbao house and 3 lots or will seU on of lots or might consider small farm with fair modern nous and good land. H. C. Pratt, 83Q Cod St, Salem. f-ROOM HOUSE, AC, $3230 On bus Rt, near schooL Gas rang, and furniture Included In price. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phon 2-473 VIEW LOT. $1,666. 166x163. 4 English walnuts. Pioneer Drive Inquire 2393 Halaey Ave. between S. 12th St SSE. off Radcllff Drtv. - . BY OWNER: Almost 2 houses for th pries Of on. 2 yrs. I'.s story. S bea rma, hdw. firs, elec hot water. Floor fur-. Caw Sad bid, 2X 144$ Sw 13th. . . For; Sate Real Estate SULLIVAN . f -7?1 SUBURBAN NORTH $8 700 S ..nKL ? rdy fo pou- this weekend. S bdrm. mLdera noma. te. heat. ExcIlenVrms! wtirtrtPPt Urt kitchen sad nook, hwd. througbouu 1L000 MODERN STYLE $11X00 I - lmrV E2om- ?JC- h-sulatod hwd. throughout. dbL garage, bast of S1-. T?ck- ThJi r .bdrm. nous ha k acr of excellent soil and Is dos to srnooi. stores and bus.' , $14400 HOMX ON THX HILL $14,000 I f If you sre looking for something nice In 2 bdrm. all on on floor, dont miss seeing this new FHA horn. Novel fireplae with knotty pin paneling and book shelves, insulated auto. heat. aep. corner shower in. bath. Bendix washer and nsirt v gvtK-s flitsa lmtttnmm iap1sf - i -- - a - . g $13,000 FAIR OAKS WAY 415.000 S ! Another, spacious Fair Oaks view home ready for your Inspection. LoveTy step saving kitchen In th latest driftwood finish, nice breakfast nook with, built-in radio, 14x1$ comb. La and DR. 2 fireplaces, larg knotty pis den. all plastered dbL garage, roomy tiled bath, oak hwd. throughout, all elec. beat and fully insulated, and wcatherstripped. $3000 should handle. -. $13X00 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS $15X00 1 Looking for a secluded view homer W have ft. Six lovely rooms, basement and auto, oil furnace. 27 ft. It novel stone fireplace, abundance of shrubbery, fruit trees snd garden spot. No better place In th country .to retire on. Priced right at $13,000. s OTtT T TTT A TVT TT A T rrrxr S 1 I JUlj-lTAil REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd. LEE OHMART ITS A HONEY 8 ate bedrooms on 'one floor: elec heat; everything in tip-top shape; in cludes street paving: located 1160 N. 24th: $3,300 down. baL F-HA. Pleas do NOT disturb occupants. Just call Mr. Sullivan. EM A CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD Located near Hollywood district oa Columbia st. Superior- construction in this lovely S bedroom bom with an unfinished upstairs: larg store fire place in this well kept yard; nic shad trees: deep freeze unit in cluded: w recommend this horn to you st $13X00. See Mr. Dunnigsn. ; "OUR TTAfX LEE OHMART 4TT Court St. Even, ph. 2-4723 GRABENHORST SPECIALS BE SURE TO SEX THESE HOMES $6X0 buys this 6-m. horn, located North. S bdrms, garage attached. S yrs. old. plastered, larg lot, a oargain. $9X00 buys this new 4-rm. home, on nic view lot. sll ; plastered, hwd. firs, thruout. auto. beat, gsrsg attach ed. $2X00 down will handle. BUS IT US : IAJ 1 8 lots located In No. 3 business rone 167x123 ft. Trackage, fin warehouse site. A bargain at $2XM cash. GRABEHORST 134 SOUTH LIBERTY STREET I . PtiOB 4131 Evenings 7772. 2-0589. 2-2948. 2-4537. 461 Tor Prompt Courteous Servic. List Your Property With Usi REIMANN REAL SUBURBAN Kew sound! r constructed bom on 2 seres, nut and fruit orchard. Scenic property, two bedrooms; additional Land available. $10X00. No. 236. $2750 DOWN Lovelv 2 -bed room new home: aD hardwood floors, tiled fireplace, forc ed air oil furnace: best of location. Don't b too late. No.! 247. REIMANN FOR 201 S. High Street . Evening ana bunas y (ii nrt wrrr view lots too of th hill (Momingside) gieoo.oo. ask iot bui Jones. Goodwin & McMillin 4JU rmirt Realtors - rru 3yi Joe Hutchison, Realtor w 433 Court Street Salem. Oregon 2 NEW 1 BR House, ssavu. imra. NEW 2 BR House close in. $7230. Small down payment NEW 2 BR with 1U A. $7350. $1330 NEW 2 BR . bouse $8000, McKinley School Dist. For th best buys m nomes. can asx. Klumpp at ' JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR . Ph. 7696 Eve. ,3-4768 or s-3141 -OR SALE: New Z-: beoroom unfin- KfS hmi. 1 acre. Hard surface road. One block from bus A schooL Ready to plaster. $3750. inquire e-v nanKD Ave. ." GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. 1833 N. Capitol Salem. Ore, Ph. 3031 7ua -vr-ald story bung style home on s lot 60x160. 2 bdr. bath. LR. K. builtins. nook and finished attic lo cated in the Highland district. 18250 2 bdr home. bath. LR. DR. K. bulluns. Nook. Venetian blinds, base ment and double garage. 1 block to bus. $2200 dn Balance at 4. aajflo Suburban 1 bdr new home. bath. LR. K. Nook. Bus by door. $1300 dn will handle. $5500 2 bdr suburban home built 6 yrs ago with bath. LR. K. builtins and Venetian blinds. Bus 2 blocks, grade school 4 blocks. 3 cherry St 3 filbert trees, some strawberries St nice shrubs. 68750 20 acre orune At cherry or chard with 3 bdr home and basement with bus service past; the door. House has been newly decorated. $12.700 36-acr farm wun s oar moa- ern horn St beautiful yard. 6 stan chion barn, poultry house, shed St silo. 30 acres under cultivation, some tim ber, fenced and has J springs. App. 70 chickens. 1 milk cow, l heifer, hay at Norge refnserator Included. Eve. Ph. ZTroZ. BlGj - suvenon -n. FOUR BEDROOM HOME" North Salem; two bedrooms down. two up. dining room, basement, ou furnace, fireplace. 63 gallon electric Water heater: fish Sond: fruits and nuts. Rock bottom price of $12,000. r BRAND NEW Immediate possession: two bedrooms. hardwood floors, ou nest, cove ceilings. $8500. mnvpitovm Lacreage 3 acres, east, near Swegle school. $3200.00. 6i acres, north river road on pave ment, nice building site, excellent sou; handle on terms of $300 down, balance monthly, full price $4650. 1. aim on nm Hifn.aj .. j small unfinished cabin with som url niture. $3730. 23 seres, view locstion, several acres can berries. $5000. Salem Realty Co. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phon 76 Eve. 24773. 24581 . 255W0 Mitchell Real Estate 3423 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-3161 THX GOOD EARTH ! WsV SELL IT 4 BR horn with steeping porch on r lot. N. Fruit, berries, grspes. $6300. Terms. A good buy. ' NEW 4 BJL houaej. plastered, hwd. floors, furnace. Att garage, dec cook ing. 1 A, walnut At lota berries $16. 000. Term. V j Her zs 33 A. an cult, soon straw berries. Farm beautifully bordered al most completely 4y lge fir timber. Lavs pretty ss picture. Stream. Nearly new ranch style homo ultra modern on sightly knou. Close tn. stt job. Terms. k A. near city limits, beautiful view. etty water; paved street, restricted dist. $2500. - . ".-.( ' . ... l-unit auto court with S bdrm born for owser. Gross lncpm $800 per m. All for $32X00. . P. H. Bell,! Realtors 361 Chemekets'- ' j Ph. VS $-R. house, good condition. 1 lots, basement, oil funuce. Can be arranxed for S flats. A good buy at $11X00. . r M. B Stegner v 1887 y: Cottage j " Ph. 4092 4 BR. Plastered Eng. style. L. R. D. B, Kit, Hdw. firs. V Bids, S fire Dies, full basmL insulated A ' weather- stripped. att-garage. A. FJec. cook- w ana water neater, re. S-347S. NICE RANCH type home, larg lot. H.W. floors. Venetian blinds, electric heat, attached garage. Yea the Ben dix washer goes. Call Bill Jones. Goodwin t jMcSIillin 484 Court - Realtors Ph. 4 TOT BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. mod. plastered home. Concrete foundation, wired for range, auto, water beater. dbL gars re. $8X50. $3000 down. .. baL $39 mo. Will consider takmc ear for trad on port equity, so sa pi aw. ,J?qt Ss&c-ninl Estate REALTY CO. I SXMUJXXjS. A KjJ. Z I Phon 3233. Eves. 7057 & CO REALTORS DRIVE BY .THIS; ONE TODAY It's a - good 3 bedroom bom situ ated at 1643, N. 18th st. Fireplace, full basement with furnace: clean, quiet neighborhood Englewood school dis trict; an ideal location for the young couple. Full price is $10X00. Financing can be arranged. Pleas call us to aeo th interior. f LIVE ON PARK AVE. f Let Mr. Stewart show you this neat A dean 4 bedroom small horn .located close to Sunnyview on Park. Largo fenced yard; city bus right by door; aa Ideal location to raise to youngsters. It's a buy at $9,350. folks: extra good financing on this bom. Ask te see tt IS YOUR TIME & C0 REALTORS Phoo S-411T -t-ills' . 2-1222 $770 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Modern 4-bdrm, home full basmnl auto. heat, fireplace, dbL plbg, targd lot. ideal family home GROCERY STORE I Located on corner' lot, excellent Hy ing quarters. Show' good tncorn. INCOME PROPERTY I Apt. house, good location i North auto, oil heat, excellent condition. In come $240 per mo. plus owner's liv ing quarters. Price $18X00. BROS REALTORS ESTATE COLUMN BUTLDTNO LOTS your In a row. walnut tree, erfy water, view, six $1x143. End; lot pavement and bus line. $50 down. $18 per month. Call today. 3a ACRES BEAVERDAM 11 acre upland, very lood 4e bedroom home, onion nous 3 acreS sowed to flax seed; sll goes tot $1.00. No. 1019. REAL ESTATE i . . s-s-us. s-vj. or YOU DO want ail en xcptionsIrf well built, thoroughly insulated, ultra modern home for comfortable living, don't you? Here ix on you swill be proud and happy to own In Englewood dlst. Call owner and builder , for ap pointment. 2-1227. 1 DL-P LEX GOOD LOCATION S bedrooms each side ; i fP30t THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. f' Phone 2-47l BY OWNER: New house near Ketze school. sll rwd. floors, lots of built in, oil floor furnace. 2 bdrms. down, large unf in. attic, att. garage. Largo lot. $8600. Liberal terms. Ph. 2-1302. ALSEA RIVER COTTAGE At Tidewater, on river below post office. Well built, f sttractrvsi-S-room cottage, known as "River Rest." Suit able for year round; occupancy. Living room, dining room, kitchen i 2 bed rooms, bath, electric refrigerator - and hot water heater, oil range and heat. Cottage completely- furnished. Lars garage and shop. Covered dock. Will sell at 1943 cost.' $9,250.00. Ooen for in spection Saturday P.M, May 8th and. Sunday all dav until p.m. or call H. C Sever-in. 4016; evenings 8212.- REAL VALUE EXCELLENT, HOME Drive by 2142 N. Commercial St, Small rental on rear of lot. See THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St- i Phone 2-47f -LEO N. CHILDS, NC. REALTORS f , acres. 2 bdrm. home. Paved roadt close to school, l'i ac boy sen berries, strawberries. Chicken ' house. 'Pried S3450. $ Vacant 2 -bedroom home. Oil furnaces garare. $5950. i HOME At INCOME. S houses. One V bedim, house owner occupied. One 3 rm. house rents 835 month. Price 37506c MY-T-FTNE. 2 bedrm. horned BeautW ful kitchen. Attached garage.. Price) $9850. . - f For these snd many more call or , Leo N. Clulds, Inc. Realtors 32 years of dependable service to , home owners.' 944 State SU Ph. 21 Eventn-s caTI 2-4007. 2-3653 or 5O0 $1800 Full Price t rooms bath.' or finished: H' acre. Sll vert on road, dos to school ' Deep s In. wIL Part terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate TT6 5. ComT. j Ph. 2-341 ' BEST BUY on Broadway. Business zone, large lot with core cottage e back; room for business bMg. pn front. This week ontv. Call quick, j P. H. Bell. Realtor . - 361 Chemetreta l Pt. 466. ere. 2-6S6. 3367 rrr mtt ' 3 BfiRM7T-rDP. kit- ha ml fJrX S lots,-fruit, east front. ledecorated, 2263 N. 4th. X7650. $3630 cash down. Sod owner. 490 N". 21st. t , . ADVERTISING f Wfslern Advertlsirif - Representtivs l OocsfMny '1 . , ytai rrawctaeo j v Eartem Advertlslni " ' Represents tires - Ward-Grtfftth Com parry, tn. Chicago New; York. Detroit. Do-ton. Atlanta Meflnber - Pacific Cosst Division ' Bureau of Advertising tWev at the Poetof1ci ef So. area Oreoost s Sscosta Class Mas ter PvbUsAed eocry sorsH- x cept Monday BasHt f nc til somtM Cowunerci-i Ctross. SUBSCRrPTTON RATES " Matt fbscrmttoa Rate rn Ad. ssnee: Within Oregon: Dallv and Sunday Mo 60 cenu. 0 moa. $3 23; 1 year $6 tto Elsewhere 60 cents oer mo or $7 20 for 1 year advene. Per copy S cents By City Carrie? " T9 cents a month, $9 00 a year to advaaea in Marios and adjacent fount i aa ! i