The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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    &Th Ctart mnv Sclem Oregon. SotxiircUrf, Mar 1 ii
Mother's day feature of the lo
cal "Young People's Church of
the Air" Sunday will be the boys'
Chorus from the state training
school at Woodburn. Director is
Mrs. Metzcer. The program, at 1
Sunday over KSLM, will be
ideast from Salem Memorial
pitaL sponsor.
TALBOT Sunday morning
sermon topic at Talbot Commun
ity church will be "An Outstand
ink Mother,", and the evening scr
man "The Sin God Will Never
Forgive,- both by the Rev. R.
Sogers Irwin, pastor.
. pat church will observe Mothers
day Sunday at 11 o'clock with
special music including a duet,
Your Mother's Prayer Mrs.
Lois Amick and Mrs. Lora Hol
tnan; "Mother and Home," choir;
Solo. "The Rose of Mother's Love,
Mrs. Oliver Rlckman. The pas
tor, the Rev. Frank Ferrin, will
tpeak on The Unfeigned Love
tt Mother."
AMITY The Baptist Youth
fellowship win attend Central
Willamette BYF rally at Corval
lis on Saturday. May S. They in
elude debate team, Jewell Wal
ler, Art Oravett and Jack Glpeon.
Eighteen persons were baptiz
ed Wednesday night at the close
Ct revival at First Church of God,
conducted by the Rev. Lucille
Frank Lockman, one of the Wil
lamette university forensics squad,
trill speak at 7:30 pjn. Sunday
at Jason Lee Methodist church on
"Security Through Serving."
The Rev. Lloyd Anderson, pas
tor of Salem First Baptist church,
will open a week of revival meet
ings at Bethel church In Aums
trille at 2:30 pjn. Sunday, to close
May 10. Ooepel movies will be
shown previous to each evening's
Special Mother's day services
will be observed at 9:45 ajn. Sun
flay in the Sunday school of
South Salem Friends church. Irene
Ogler will sing and Haiel R.
Lowe will speak.
Appointed as new ennsuan
Science assistant committee on
publication for Salem is Frank
boolittle, who replaces Warren
Horsman. The Oregon committee
Is headed by Norman Dexter Sco
bill, Portland.
representing the Alaska club of
Northwest Christian college will
chow slides and describe mission
work in Alaska at the Church of
Christ Sunday at 7:43 pjn.
The following is the official publica
tion of the record of claims before Uvj
Marlon County Commissioners Court
(or the January term for 148, with the
amount allowed, bills continued, etc..
according to the records in the office
of the County Clerk.
Misc : Ladd Sc Bush Salem Branch
the U. S. Nat l. Bk. of Portland. With
holding. 3J9ia7; Public Employees Re
tirement System. Retirement, J.79S.7S;
State Public Welfare Comm. Care.
S9.SM 50; J. P. AiplnwaU, License.
41.00; A. C. Grsgg. Postage. 19.00; A. C.
Crragg. do, 14.00; M. 3. McCormick.
Bond Refund. 2 11: Lee A. Wells. Bond
Refund. 11.60; Stat Ind. Acc. Comm..
Ins . 703.19; County Assessor: C. A.
Lewis. Deputy. 179.69; Ray Lick, do,
155.04; J. L. Siegmund. do, 166.99:
Grace N Babcock. do. 132.73: Ida M.
Bailhe, Clerk. 120.81: May Holtorf. do.
130J4; Doris Barrett, do. 109J8; Helen
Snyder, do, 88.77; Gordon E. Tower,
prartsman, 190.59. Circuit Coarti A. A.
Richards. Court Reporter, 207 44; R. B.
Hughes. Deputy. 118.99. Canary Clerk:
M. Reznlcsek.fPeputy. 135.12: r. Crosby
do, 162.71: R. teowird, do. 165.14: Dora
Barrett, dor 143 03; Vernon Windsor,
do. 14233; Helen L. Mulkey. do. 139.49;
W. M. Gilford, do, 13034; T. L. Hamil
ton, do. 9033: Rues. J. Stanton, do.
SOJ4: A. Presnail. do. 138.94. Comty
Cemrt: M. Rexnicsek. Clerk. 40 00: R. 3.
B tan ton. Stenog.. 80 00. Cewrt Bease:
Edw. Brasher. Janitor. 136.12: W. A.
CMtton. do, lil.46; Wm. Moriarty. do.
123.94; Rath Hutchlns. Elev. Oper.,
45 4; M. E. Lmdsey. do. 71 J4. District
Atty.: Reginald S. Williams. Deputy.
2e4J4: Anna M. Astill. Stenog.. 123 04.
HsaRk Dept: Frank Sisler M. D.,
Health Officer. 432.64; F. R. Coleman,
Sanitarian. 233.80; L G. Lemon, do,
t2SJS: W. B. Quinn. do. 22SJS; Lenor
Head ley. Supervisor. 19924; Bemlc
Yeary, do. 211.13; Joan Schneider,
Nurse. 178.17; Eleanore Sweden burg,
do. 180.94; Helen Steyaert do, 164.79;
Jan Domkowskl, do. 20739; Mary
Lola Cotton. Clerk, 19.84; Erna Berst
eher. Nurse. 179.64; Leslie L. Stone, do,
3 IS S3. Mart Simon, do. 119.42- Betty
Martin. Clerk. 12134: Mary Fowler,
Extra. 12.72; Mabel Febrv. do. 493:
eelen Schuetx. Clerk. 139.44; Ardith
olt dp. 121-27; Vera Wood. do. 169.14;
'. 3. Stone, Health Officer, 4SJ3;
Merwyn Darby. Supervisor. 4139: Ems
Plett, Nurse. 20.71. Brettemkask JasOce
e Pae Dlst.: Edison Vlckers. Justice
eg Peace. 89.10-. Chaa. F. Stutx, Con
stable. 2439. Mt. Angel Jsstiee of
Peace DtsC: N. M. Lauby, Justice of
Peace. 10.00; Peter J. Burger, Constable,
.. suf ilea swmtm or reace um. :
Alf O. Nelson. Justice of Peace. 191.49;
P. N. Burch. Clerk. 48.14; Emery J.
Jackson. Constable, 7334. Weodbmni
Jastte of Peace Diet: T. C. Gorman.
Jostle of Pac. 183.09: W. C. Miller.
Constable. 4839. Javemll Dept.: Nona
White. Probation Officer. 1537; D. J.
Jepeen. Assistant. 190.40; 3. Anderson.
Stenog , 8339. Comaty Stecerder: Fran
oea Msttaoci. Deputy. 14414: Virginia
Grit ton. do. 14134; Adella Dickman. do.
144.08: Oraoo Brunello. do. 12434;
Psulin Buroker, Clerk. 12838. Reg.
El.: Gladys Whit. Dep. County
Clark. 148.7i. Bcheel Sept.: Cora E.
Raid. Deputy. 14434; CarmaUt L
Waddl. Supervisor, 197.46: Vivian S.
Koesug. do, 111.74; Christ in V. M or ley.
Secretary. 12832. Cosnary Sheriff: A.
L Jotmttoty, Dep 184.49: B. R. Smith,
do. ias.11: William DeVau. do. 14.07;
Robert FaQon, do. 144.77; John Harger.
do. 194.19: Louis Bonney. do. 100.09;
H. P. Domogalla. Tax Deputy. 210 03;
H. T. Rvana. Cashier, 118.42: Vlolott
West, Bkkp. Mach. Oper. 168.18: C.
Runmanf, Dep. 194,84; Iran Hansell,
Extra, 16754. Cemnty Smrvevot: A. D.
Graham. Deputy. 182.14; Nella Sim ma.
Secretary, 13434, Ceaaty Treaiarer:
Audrey H. Ewtng. Deputy. 131.40. Vet
erans Service Office t H C. Saalfeld.
Service Officer. 29134. Canary En
gtneer, 882.04; Barbara L. Smith. See.
retary. 123 39. Dog Ce.ersl Faad: Paul
Msrnach. Pod Control Enf. Officer,
197.19; T. L. Hamilton, Oerk. 100.00.
Connty Pprty: H. Wm, Thlelaen,
Land Agent. 14432: ' J. Anderson.
Stenog, 49.00: Charles 3. Eerben. Tax
peputy. 14430. Jeff eras Jastie mt
Peace of Disc: E. E. HoweQ. Justice of
free a. U8J9I J. T. Jones, Constable,
Church Elects
New Officers
JEFFERSON Following ser
vices Sunday morning at the
Evangelical United Brethren
church, covered dish dinner
was served, with the annual con
gregational meeting and election.
Chosen for the conference year
beginning in July were: class
leader, George Kihs; assistant,
John Kihs; trustee, Don Davis;
stewards, Mrs. Frank Rehfeld,
Mrs. J. A. Meyers and Mrs. Don
Davis; treasurer, Helen Kihs; II
nandal secretary, Mrs. J. A. Mey
ers; Sunday school superintend'
ent. James Hague; assistant. Or
ville Rehfeld; secretary of Sunday
school, Mrs. Don Davis; Sunday
school treasurer, Mrs. John Kihs;
delegate to annual conference.
Helen Kihs: alternate. Mrs. Frank
Rehfeld; secretary of council of
administration. Helen Kihs; plan
1st Mrs. Orville Rehfeld; assist
ant, Mrs. J. A. Meyers; Sunday
school pianist, Mrs. Gilbert Zim
merman; ' assistant, Mrs. Orville
Officers for the Women's So
ciety of World Service previous
ly elected are Mrs. James Hague,
president; Mrs. Don Davis, vice
president; Mrs. J. A. Meyers, sec
retary; Mrs. George Kihs, treas
Wishart Talk
Set at EUB
The Rev. J. Kenneth Wishart,
former army chaplain, will be
ruert roeaker at the 11 ajn. ser
vice Sunday at First Evangelical
United Brethren church, Marlon
and Summer streets.
After 29 months overseas in the
Pacific theatre, Wishart was in
vited to become associate direct
or for the northwest region of
the National Association of Evan
gelicals. Mrs. Wishart will have
charge of the Junior church Sun
day at 11 ajn.
A eosoel musical will be pre
sented by the choir at 7:45 pjn.
in recognition of Mother's day
and Music week. The Rev. Wilmer
Brown will bring the evening
First Methodist
To Close Series
A sermon, on Susanna Wesley,
"The Mother of Methodism," will
feature the 11 ajn. service on
Mother's day at First Methodist
church, and will conclude a six
weeks series on "God's Great
Church." The Rev. Brook H.
Moore, pastor, has spoken five
Sundays on the contributions of
five other denominations.
Music, directed by Ester Eber
sole, will be "Children's Prayer"
from Hansel and Gretel (Humper
dinck) by the carol and Junior
choirs and "Ho. Everyone That
Thirsted" (MacFarlane) by the
senior choir. i
1439. SUyton Justice f Peace f DlsC:
W. H. Bell, Justice of Pesce. 123.79;
Henry Smith. Constable. 19.69. District
Court: Clurus Brown. Dep. Clerk.
143 44; Gloria Robinson, do, 4639. Dis
trict Court Coasts kl: Earl Adams.
Constable. 200 84; Gloria Robinson, Dep.
Constable, 89.00. Labor: J. P. AsptnwaU.
do, 20230: J. J. Hollett do, 127.34; Harry
H. Lawrence, do. 23334; Harold L. Mar
tin, do, 18138; Edward Schmltt. do,
18889; E. G. Syron. do. 166.40; C. W.
Wooldridge. do. 23230- D. L. Woold
ridge. do, 19806; O. D. Blneger, do.
161.65; Henry Bower, do. 171.01; J. A.
Bums, do, 17931; Wm. P. Croker,-do.
146.73: Orville L. Dunigan. do. 209.46;
Harvey M. Girod. do. 191.70: Roy Hat
field, do. 169.73; Harold Kepplnger. do.
20933; R. W. Kinney, do. 23137; R. C.
Kirk. do. 210.65; Laurel Lamb. do.
19837; E. A. Lawrence, do. 21036; H. A.
Martin, do. 196.77; W. R. Massev. do.
22437; D. P. Scharf. do. 217.73: Robert
Smith, do, 183.16; G. L. Spencer, do,
177.66; Earl D. Standley. do. 12437;
Lloyd E. Taylor, do. 68.04; OrvUl L.
Truiuell. do. 185.64; Hugh Webb. do.
14231: Lee A. Wells, do. 209.49: Frank
Woelke. do. 229 72; Tony Woe Ike. do.
18332; Clyde Woodruff, do. 189.43;
Theodore Kucnzl. do. 238.14; William
R. Brenner, do, 204.15; Menno Dalke.
do. 191.89; S. K. Ely. do. 129.00; Eugene
C. Garrison, do. 106.63; William Green,
do, 203.47; Lloyd Jarman. do, 179.47;
C. J. MUler. do. 191.71; Tom Rltehey.
do. 20938; Jos. A. Robl. do. 208.79; W.
Shelley, do, 211.63; Gene Shilling, do.
191.07; - Philip H. Stmms. do, 1S8.91:
August Smith. 'do. 194.79: L. W, Web
ber do. 19033: J. C. Curnutt, do. 178.59;
E. J Coover. do. 185.36; A. W. Belile.
do. 79.10; Karl E. CornweU. do, 84.72;
C. B. Enge, do. 173.16; R. L. Gingrich,
do. 17930: E. C. Jackson, do. 209.66;
F. T. Lauber. do. 166.02; G. A. Olson,
do. 183.84: C. O. Ross. do. 18734; K.
Thorpe, do, 138.43; M. J. McCormick.
do. 17837: David Du Bols. do. 14031;
Virgil R. Fahey , do. 18730; P. H. Hos
tetler. do. 22739: H. E. Lenhardt. do.
177 97: William Naftzger. do. 202.68;
S. M. Martin, do. 17339: E. J. Richards,
do. 186.48; Arthur Blackburn, do.
189.72; George Huege. do. 169 34; A. A
Rlchardt, do, 179.13; Chaa. Tucker, do, I
19230; Tom Bowden. do. 198.13: Frank
L. Hersha. do. 198.42; E. H. Busby, do.
182.99; Donald Cobtne. do. 176.78.
Mksc: M. K. Lmdsey. Elev. Over. 237
Ruth Hutchlns, do, 18.06; M. E. Peter
son. Labor, tea; Mae. Ledgerwood,
Bailiff, 21.09; H T. DamagalU. Extra.
193.12: H. T. Evans, do. 119.89; Lydia
M. Mattson. do. 9434; Dlxl G. Meyer,
do, 10238; Lorraine Kerr. do. 10438;
Ruth Means, do. 13237; Lois Faye Pan
tortch. do. 1238: E. Dunsworth. do.
29.60: Elsie Simila. do. 3232; Cleo
Walker, do. 28.64; Ruby Wiederkehr.
do. 2931: Colmar D. Blerke. da 9933;
Norma Fischer, do. 1836; IdeOa Mc
Adim. do, 9.42; Rebecca BUes. do. 18.80;
Doria R. Read. do. 2138; Nancy J.
Babba. do. 2138: Janic M. Head, do,
1837; Chaa. Millar, Janitor. 11.44; Ray
Lick. T.E, 839: Jam H. Nicholson,
Inc. Bond. 19.00; R. Shelton. Postage.
154 00; Shannon as Company. Sups.
930; Capital City Bindery, Exp. 1630;
H. A. Judd. TJt, 6.SS; L. E. Barrick.
Per diem, etc. 9230; H. A. Gueffroy.
Exam. 830: R J. Van Cleave, do, 9.00;
Blaka Moffltt at Town. Sup. 9.00;
Industrial Elctrnics Corp. Exp. 94.76;
Otis Elevator Co. do, 930; Roto Rooter
Bewr Ser. Co. do. 430: Vsnco, Sup.
16. TO: Vlbbert Electric, do, 2.40: M. B.
Hay den, Postage. 9.0O-. M. B. Harden.
Exp- 9438: Ruby B. Hughes, do. 9239
Sybil C. CaUia as Frank H. Spears.
Rent. 10838: Cooke Stationary Co. Exp.
13330: Earl Adams. TJT. 8137; . John
Schraid, Lease, garbage exposal. 100.60;
Anthol Riney, Fairs 8s Tours, 939;
Capital Drug Store, Mod. Sup.. 1139;
Dr. Morris Crotbers. Mad. Ssv. 4134;
Hendiie Medical Laboratory. Lab.
129.00; Dr. R. E Joseph. Med, Serv.
14 00; National Safety Council. Sups.
30: Perry's Drug Store. Med. Sups.
16.49; Physicians St Hospital Sup. Co.
Med. Sups. .47; W. B. Quinn, Transp,
2920; Dr. Lawrence Rlggs, CL Psy.
7S30; Salem : Mason ke Tempi Assoc.
Rent 180.80; Salem Medical Laboratory,
Lab, 2938: School Dist No. 4, Ma Int.
I. 19: Shaw Surgical Co. Med. Sup.
92.10: Frank Sister, Trans. 1100; Valley
Motor. Sup. 82734: John W.- Hanra
han. Fee. 956.00; Fred W. Lange. do.
198.00; A. W. Simmons, do, 95339;
Katharine C. Konen. Indemnity Claim.
830; Boy ft. Springer Farm, do, 830;
AluaklT mi Oed
rrrv at 13tti its. lUv. Walter f
Frederick, pastor: James Keesler, as
sistant. Sunday school. 8:4 : ajn. J.
BsrUett. supt. Morntag service. It a-m.
"All In a Mother's Day." 1:4S pjn.
Evangelistic Rally. Closing' servic of
the Divine Haallnff campalfn, Bv.
W. W. Freeman. Tabernacle Echoes
program. 4:4s Saturday,
N. Cot ta at D eta. Ousts O. Kau
r, pastor. Sunday school. 8:43 a-m.
Morning servlco. 11. "rounds tion
Stonoa of a .Christian Kim." Evenng
service. 1:30. "Stomal
Security of the
Marlon at Liberty rt. Rev. Lloyd
T. Anderson, oastor. Sunday school.
:4S ajn. Morning service. 11. "What
the Bible Teaches About the Mome.
Evenlne service. T 30. In chars of
American Sunday School Union and
sound turn, uit of aui.
Hazel at Academy eta. Rev. Fred
erick O. Bennett, pastor. Sunday
school. S:4S (jn. Mornlnf service. 11
A Model Mother." Evening service.
T30. The Virgin Birth." Wednesday.
l-JO pjn. Prayer and Bible study.
Seventeenth at Court sts. W. H. Ly
man, pastor. Sunday school. 8:4S a.m.
Mornlna- service. 10:80. 'Bulldine the
Christian Home." Christian endeavor
JO p.m. Evening service, 1 JO. "If
Thine Eye Be Single."
Center at Hurh sts. Ministers. Rev.
Dudley Strain. Rot. Jesse M. Good-
heart Sunday school. 9:49 a.m. Morn-
srvs service. ramur idols.
Evening service, 7 JO. "The Great
Door-Knocker. 4:19 p.m. Youth meet
ings: Wednesday , SJO p.m. Church
night. 1:41 pjn. CongregiUonai meet-
M. Sth at Gaines rt. Herman 3. Bohl.
pastor. Sunday school, S A3 a.m. James
Larson, supt. Mornins service. 11.
Rev. Paul Hokanson of Oklahoma
City, Okla. Evening service. 7 JO.
Guests. Salem Collece and Academy.
Youna Deoole. SJ0. Prayer and Bible
study, Wednesday. 7 JO. Missionary
prayer band. Thursday, 1 pjn.
Liberty at Chemeketa sts. Sundsv
school. 11 a.m. Morning service 11.
"Adam and Fallen Man. Evening ser
vice, S. "Adam and Fallen Man." Wed
nesday evening meeting at S, Includes
testimonies of healing. Reading room
is a. mgn sr.
Woman's club. 400 N. Cottas it.
Morning service. 11 s.m. Adam and
Fallen Man."
N. CotUge at Shipping sts. Minis
ter. James A. Scott. Bible school. 10
ajn. Church service. 10:49. "God's Wo
man." Young people, f JO pjn. Even
ing service. 7 JO. ,fWhat Onl Must B
Deve to be Saved."
Cottars at Hood sts. Rev. and Mrs.
H. A. Schlatter, pastor. Sunday school.
S:4S a.m. Junior church. 10:49. Morn
ing servlco 11. 4:4 pjn. Youth fel
lowshlD. 1:49 Sermon. "The Ideal
40 8. J2nd st. Rv.A. B. Christy,
pastor. Sunday school J 10 s.m. MOrn-
wg service, 11. Evening servioe. S.
Wednesdsy Drsyer servioe. S n.m.
Young people Friday, S pjn. Saturday
1. Junior YJ.E. Young people s rally
at Independence, p.m, Monday.
vr.W. haU. Hood at Church ata.
John E. Salisbury, bishop. Sunday
school, 10 a.m. Priesthood and prim
ary. 11:90 ajn. Evening service, f 30.
N. Cottage at Marlon sts. Rev. 8. R.
Huntington. D.D.. , pastor. Sunday
Crothers. Exam. 29.00: Dr. H. A. Guef
froy, do, 30.00: Dr. Harmon Harvey,
do, 9.00; Dr. Burton E. Meyers, do,
9.00; Dr. Ralph E. Purvine. do. 10.00:
Dr. Roscoc C. Wilson, do. 93.00; Capital
Bedding Co., Reps, 38.00; Painless
Parker. Med., 6.00; Denver Young.
Meals. 476.18; Emery J. Jackson. T.E..
1730; All O. Nelson. Rent, etc., 9935;
Edw. J. Bell. Bond. 10.00: Edw. J. Bell,
do, 20.00; W. C. Miller, T.E.. 7.83; Drs.
Findley. Clements, ac Baum. Misc.. 9.00;
Mrs. Henry Helmhout, Care, 39.00: D.
J. Jepsen. T.E.. 14.60; The Boys St Girls
Aid Society of Ore.. Care. 3030; Catho
lic Charities. Inc. do. 4933; Chlldrens
Farm Home, do, 23.00; Oregon Pro
tective Society, do. 9.00; Mr. J. H. Turn
id re. do. 25.00; Carmalite I. Weddle.
T.E.. 3.00; R. L. FOfstrom Co . Sups..
1.60: A. C. Grace Postmaster, Postage,
Sups., 20136; A. C. Grsgg. Postage,
4330; Herman Wm. Lanke. T.E.. 8.75;
Underwood Corporation, Sups., 120.30;
Leonard Blum, 1 Coyote, 3 00; Louis
F. La Doux. 1 Bobcat 230; The SUy
ton Mail. Sups.. 16.60; Agnes C. Booth.
T.E.. 23.73: Vivian S. Hoenig. T.E..
19.55: Department of Agriculture. Seal
er. 6533; Burkes Camera Shop. Misc.
.66; Monroe S. Cheek. Trans p., 11.19;
City of Salem. Radio. 12.00; Nudelman
Brothers. Misc.. 14.13; Red Star Trans
fer So., do. 17.60; H. A. Simmons,
Tramp.. 59.60; Bert Smith. Misc.. 30;
Johnson At Siewert Printers. Sups.. 933;
Eugene Dietigen Co.. Equip.. 18.10:
H. C. Saalfeld. TI., 2330; Paul Msrn
ach. T3.. 39.13; C. C. Cannon. Dod
Board. 60.00: A. L Eoff. do. 60.00: R.
C. Hunsacker, do. 60.00; John Harms.
Pigs Killed. 44.00; Christie Hofstetler.
Sheep Killed. 94.00; Adam Hersch.
Sheep Killed, 19.00; Bob Hunsacker.
Sheep Killed. 86.00; Adolph Kittilson.
Sheep Killed. 24.09; Elmer Lorcnce.
Sheep Killed. 36.00; Usona Thiessen.
Turkeys Killed. 30.50; The American
Law Book Co., Laws. 10.00; Baker
Voorhls at Co. Inc., do. 12.00; Bancroft
Whitney Co, do. 730; Bender-Moss
Co, do, 10.00; The Lawyers Coopera
tive Pub. Co, do, 9.00; Shepards Cita
tions, do. 18 00: West Publishing Co..
do. 1030: Abrams At Skinner. Inc
Bonds. 29.00; Geo. E. Allen Hardware.
?Pe, 1337 So; Armco Drainage Ac
Metal Pro.. Sups., 9.03731; Ballou St
Wright Rep. 9239; Harry Becker.
Hauling Gravel. 168.40; Bradfield Lum
ber Co., Sups. 1.40; E. H. BurreO.
Reps. 81.80; Capital Auto Parts, Sups.
30.47; Capital Journal. Adv. 10834;
Capttol Office Equipment Co. Sups.
9737; L. M. Case. Hauling Grav.
45239: Casey Tractor St Equipment
ix. sups.,; central f
Sups.. 17634;
Leo N. Chailds Inc. Band
10 00;
9930; Clyde Equipment Company. Repa.
131; Columbia Equipment Co. Repa.
1934; Coijw Motor Sales Co. Repa.
9.79; The Commercial Book Store.
Sups. 21.79; The Commercial Book
Store, do. 119.09; Commercial Sand At
Gravel Sup. Co. Gravel. 233: Howard
Cooper Corporation. Repa., 1731: Don
Ac John's Aruto Serv. do. 139; Electric
Steel Foundry Co. Sups, 7830; En-
t f
school. 9:41 a Jn. Momlng service, M 49.
"The Christian Family. Pilgrim fel
lowship at church. T pjn. Student
saiiowsaip at Him M. Capitol. 7 pjn,
Nineteenth at Ferry sts. Louis 1
White, pastor. Sunday school. -Ai am.
Morning service and Junior church,
11 a-m- "The Mothers of Men." JO.
pjn. Pilgrim fellowship. Leaders. Don
wnite, Alar j or m wnmr, Kocerr uiap-
Church at Cbemefcrta sts.
Georce H. Swift, rector. Holy
m union, 7 JO ajn. Junior church and
elssssa. 849 a-m. Prayer service and
sermon, 11 a-m. High school group.
Pariah Bouse. 7 JO pjn.
Marlon at Capitol sts. Ruasel Mayer,
pastor. Sunday school. 10 ajn. Morn
ing service, 11. YJ. mooting. 7 JO
Monday. Bible study. Wednesday. 8.
N. 17th at Nebraska sts. Rev. Lloyd
G. Uecker, pastor. Sunday school.
S:4S ajn. Morning service, 1L "The
Privilege of Motherhood." S JO. Inter
mediate, xouui and AduJt fellowshlDS.
Evening service, 7 JO. "The Pool of
Bathes a i. S:49 church roundup.
Marion at Summer sts. Rev. WUmer
If. Brown, pastor; Rev. George K.
Millen. assistant. Sunday school. B.-4S
ajn. Morning service. 11. By Rev. J.
Jiennetn wisnart. Evening service 7:49
pjn. uospci musical oy choir.
400 N. 19th st. Rev. James H. Taylor.
pastor. Sunday school, 49 ajn. Mrs.
Anna Shryock, supt. Morning service.
ii. "A. stotners wages.- S:9. Four
square Crusaders and Defenders. Even
ing service. 7:49 pjn. "The Mother of
Jesus." Tuesday, 7:48. Prayer and
Bible study.
N. Church st. at Highland ava. Mrs.
Cora E. Grtfanr nutor. finn.v
school. S:49 a.m. 4 JO. Christian en
deavor. Evening service, 7 JO. a pjn.
Wednesday prayer band. 7 JO cm.
Wednesday, prayer meeting.
S. Commercial at Washington ata.
Orrln C. Ogler, pastor. Sundsy school.
:49 s.m. Mornlna service. 1 1. 1 nm.
Jjn. Prayer meeting,
unior and senior CX. Wednesday. 7 JO
1179 N. Church St. Rev. Claude C
and Mary W. BelL pastors. Sunday
school. 0:49 a.m. Gladys King. supt.
Morning service, 11. Program by the
Sunday school. 7:19 p.m.. Vesper ser
vice. Evening service. 7:44 p.m. S pjn.
Tuesday service. S pjn. Friday ser
vice. 9 p.m. -Calvary Vesoers" Sat
urday. KSLM.
Hood at Summer sts. Rev. R. A.
ueger, pastor. Sundsy school. S:49
ajn. Films. "The Prodigal Son." Morn
ing service. 11 ajn. "A Christian Mo
ther. Evening service. 9 In Wood.
burn. Slide film demonstration bv
State at ISth sts. C. R. Schulz. na-
service. 11 ajn. "Music In Worship.
N. ISth at A sts. Rev. W
pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morn
ing service 9 and 11 s.m.
943 N. Church St. Rev. M A at.
endsner. D.D., pastor. Sunday school.
8:49 ajn. Morning service. 1L ''Mother"
Luther league. 4 JO p.m.
Church at Stat ats. Brooks H.
Moore, pastor. Church school. 8:49 a.m.
Morning worship. 1L "God's Greet
Church The Mother of Methodism."
JO p.m. Junior and senior high fel-
N. Winter at Jefferson sts Louts
C. Kirby, D.D.. paste!. Sunday school.
8:49 a.m. Morning service, 11. "The
emeer mna es a, ww. x., - -, --
toff Electric Co., Reps., 839; Equit
able Steel Co, Sups. 8036: Ray L.
. a . I T r.ii.l S 94
Farmer Hardware Co.. do. 30: teen
v. . . LI Tn,.in IliltM'
Firestone Stores. Sups, 8.17; The First
National Bank of Portland, Sups.,
1.02433: A. J. Frank Lumber Co. LDr
15J6; Freres Frank Lumber Co, do.
21.06; The J. K. GUI Co. Sups. 30.88;
The B. F. Goodrich Co, Sups. 68.88;
A. D. Graham. Misc, 16.60: H. Ac L.
Tooth Co. Reps. 2835; The Haloid
Co- Suds. 1.67136: J. E Haseltin Ac
Co, do. 613.49; Home Fuel Co. do.
9730: Jno. P. Hunt Ac Son. Bond. 634;
Interstate Tractor Ac Equip. Co., Reps.
313.09; Jo Joaquin Quonset Garage,
Rene. 1.73: Ira Jorrensen. do. 231.64
H. A. Judd. Exp, 1333; Kay Type
writer Co. do. 9.00; Kelzer Sand Ac
Gravel Co., Gravel. 4.79: Cleo Kepp
lnger, Hauling Gravel. 389.50: Kraps
At Long Printers. Sups, 102.70; The
Georsre Lawrence Co, do. 21.73: Log
vers Ac Contractors Machinery, Reps,
264.59: James H. Msden Co. do. 28.71;
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. do.
29.58: B. J. Mlnden Lumber Co, Lbr
e flk ff. aTAv 37- XT mm TVwW Thb 8au
1236; Mountain States Power, L At P.
40.03; John Nag, Hauling Gravel.
963.00; Needhams Book Store, Sups,
7937; Oregon Gravel Co. Gravel. 6336;
Oregon Physicians Serv. Dues. 130.50;
Oregon State Agricultural College.
Field Work. 1.033.00; Peciflc Building.
Rent 16130; Pacific Tele Ac Tele. Co.
Tele, 190.83; Peck Brothers. Sups.
989.66; Portland Gen. FJec. Co. L Ac P.
S05.79; Red Cross Pharmacy, Sups.
4.74; Richfield Oil Corp. Sups., 12.72;
Royal Typewriter Co. Inc. Equip.
16738; Saffron Supply Co. Sups. 635:
Salem Auto Parts Co. Reps, 36; Salem
Blue Print Co.. Sups. 9.73; Salem Con
crete Pip At Products Co." 94.07;
Salem Laundry Co, do. 2238; Salem
Memorial Hospital. X-ray. etc. 134.10;
Salem Navigation Co, Sups. 149;
Salem Navigation Co, Reps. 1439;
Salem Steel Ac "Supply Co. Sups. 9 JO;
Salem Tent Ac Awning Co.. Reps. 2.89;
Salem Tire Service, do. 301.79: Sani
tary Service Co. Inc. Exp. 9.44; Shell
Oil Co. Supa. 3935; ' SUverton Farm
Equipment Co. Reps. 4.49; Homer H.
Smith In. Agency, Bonds. 19.00; Snap
on -Tools Corp. Sups, 9930: Southern
Pacific Co. Rent Ac Frt. 294.99; Stan
Baker Motors. Reps. 39.82; Standard
Oil Co. Sups.. 1.109.84; Standard Oil
Co. do. 97 44; Statesman Publiahing
Co. Adv. 19930; State Tire Servic.
Rene. 2141; H. S. Swart. Postage 100
Tide Water Associated. Sups. 8039;
Truck Sales Ac Servic Co. Repa.. 137;
Turnldg Ac Johnson. Misc. 90.69:
Union Oil Co. Sups. 8235; Valley
Motors Co. Repa.. 1231: Valley Weld
ing Supply Co.. Sups, 1132; Walling
Sand At Gravel Co .Gravel. 83435: GU
Ward, Sups. 4934: The Western Union
Tela. Co. Tele. 148; Willamette Valley
Transfer, Sups. 831; Woodbury Co..
Sups. 8439; R. D. Wood row Co, do,
9327 Denver Young, do. 9338; Walter
H. Eoeel Co, do. 11935.
Jan. S. 1848 Dane Hall Beenaa to
0 ' , I
LnihDran Hour Hally
Oregon Slulo College Canpns
Speaker of IsiternatlonaJ Latheraa Hoar MBG
Every Sandj.7 Mornins; 8:30 to t A-M.
Mother Heart of Mary." Anthem: "My
aaocner-e junto.- soio epew. a. sug
gerstaXX. xvoning service. 7 JO p.m.
Guest speaker: Frank Lockman. "X
Mother of Methodism." by pastor.
isuu greupe. eau.
S. Commercial at Meyers sts. O.
Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday school,
8:49 ajn. Morning service, 11. Anthem:
"This Is My Father's World." Junior
choir. Solo: "That Wonderful Mother
of Mine." Louis Johnston. "And His
Mother Stood By." M.Y.F. at 1 pjn.
Evening service. 7 JO. Midweek service.
inursaay at tjq. pjn.
1179 Lewis st. R. V. Sittser. pastor,
Sunday school. 18 ajn. Moraine ser
vice. 11. Evening service. 7:49. Prayer
-opl. Friday 1:49 pjn. Glenn O'Delf.
448 Ferry st. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson.
pastor. Sunday school. 9:49 a.m. Mom
ma; service, ii o ciock. joining in
Sunday ownlne and week nlht Mr-
Vice with Evangelistic Tabernacle for
nev. r reman s meetings.
Chemaketa at Winter sts. Oteeter W
Hamblln, pastor. Sunday school. 8:49
ajn. J. J. Fltzslmons supt. Morning
service. 10 J9. "Why the Birds Sing
Evening service. 7 JO. Willamette Uni
versity a cspella choir concert 1:19
pjn. xouta groups.
. S4I StaU st. Adj. and Mrs. R. B.
Lasher, pastor. Sunday school. 10 ajn.
Morning service. 11. Y. P. Lerlon, 8
PJn. Evening service. 7 JO s.m. Thurs
day: Bible study. 7 JO pjn. Saturday:
848 N. Commercial rt Services, t JO
ana ran pjn. Rev. Mary Gerfcen.
862 N. Cottage st Lulu Walton Quick,
leader. Morning service. 11 a.m. "Coo-
f Sl4 TVetsPh iVt ill VahSbeaiai a
vice. 8 pjn. Tuesday. "Prayers That
Are Answered." Noon meditation.
u:u. woanesaay. UDerary open
to pjn. except Saturday.
119, N. Commercial st Rev. Max
Wyatt nastor. Sunday aehaol 1A am
wnomMn service, ii. a pjn. aTvang
listlc service. Thuradav. S n m n.Kls
tudy and prayer meeting. Saturday.
8 pjn. Fellowship night.
mteentn at Mill sts. A. a. w.M
pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Mom
InM service. 11. "The In n th. T
is iour sirengtn. Young people. S:49
i service. 7 30. a Recipe
n ncTiTu, series rour.
Lutherans to
Dedicate Organ
Dedicatory services for a new
Wurlitzer electric organ will be
observed Sunday at 11 ajn. at
Christ Lutheran church. State
and 18th streets.
Don Worden, church organist,
will play numbers including
"Melodic Celeste" by Thomas
Koschat and "Prelude" and
"Fugue in B Flat Major by Bach.
The Rev. C. R. Schulz, pastor.
will officiate and preach the
dedicatory sermon.
Corvallis Talk
Set by Maier
Dr. Walter A. Maier, evangelist
of the weekly Lutheran Hour
radio program on the Mutual net
work, is to speak at 8 o'clock
Thursday night at the men's gym
nasium of Oregon State college in
Corvallis. Locally, St John's Luth
eran church is aiding in sponsor-
Paul E. Bruce: Permit to movt tractor
and bulldozer, Julius Pokorny; Permit
to haul logs. Harold T. wiltae, uien w.
n - J D UT l. T
Rak. Norman McCallister. Jan. 3, Per
mit to haul Iocs. Joseph Ziebert. H. E.
Penrod, J. H. Wilkinson. Jan. 8, Final
hearinr on Indemnity claim of Kather
Ine C. Konen; Beer license, Walter Vor-
pahl. Ernest W. Fernau and Albert a.
Ped, Lester J. and Beulah B. Lance;
Permit to haul logs. Wm. Shepherd,
E. C. McCandlish. Jan. 8, Indemnity
claim of Edward A. Row placed on
file; Permit to haul logs. A. H. Sacher;
Report of A. D. Grahana on County
road 701: Minutes on Road Oiling pro
gram for 1946: Orders appointing Eddie
Ahrens and Warren Gray on County
Fair Board. Jan. 7, Permit to haul
logs. LaVem C. Totland, Boring and
Mane veld: Minutes on Road oiling
program for 1948. Jsn. S. Permit to
haul logs, Emory L. Hartley, 4 Polo line
Crmita to Portland Gen. Elec. Co.;
lnutes on Road Oiling program for
1948 Jan. 9. Pole line permit. Port
land Gen. Elec. Co.; Permit to haul
logs, L. M. Carlson; Beer license. Henry
D. and Margaret L. Palmer; Pipe line
permit Portland Gas and Coke Co.;
Bond approved for H. A. Judd County
Clerk and deputies. Jan. IX Permit to
haul logs, E. G. Euson. John Jacobsen.
A. M. Dennlsen. F. A. Dugger; Con
tract for Sale of real property to W.
E. Thomas et ux. Jan 13. Permit to
haul logs, Claud Moomaw; 1 Pole line
permits to Portland Gen. Elec. Co.;
Quit claim dead to Jack Beigdeder;
Plat of Olson and Reeve Keller Tracts
approved. Jan. 14. Permit to haul logs,
Mark and Richard Thornton. Leroy
Wallace and Wilbur L. Davis. Lrvesay's
Lumbar Yard. Jan. 19. Application
for Dance Ball license by Monitor
I.O.OJ". Lodge No. 147 placed on file;
Lease on land for stock pile. Rex O.
and Glendora Burgess; Order designat
ing newspapers for publication of
County proceedings. Jan. 16. Permit to
haul logs. E. W. Christopher Jr. Syron
and Olsen. Joseph Ziebert: Beer
license, Marvin R. and Rose C Long.
J. K. Cornier and E. D. Franx: Bond
for Roy Pag as Commander eg Hal
Hlbbard Camp No. 8 United Spanish
War Veterans approved. Jan.. 17. Peti
tion of Mrs. Geo. Hubbard et al to
NOT change name of Garden Road:
Petition of Bill Braaach et al to nam
Gross Ave.: Permit to haul logs. A. A.
Rhoadea. Walter R. Larson; Southern
Pacific and PUC petition to construct
additional track at crossing C717J in
Sac 19. T. 7 S. R. J W. letter from
Court si aires objections to proposed
crossing with certain amendments to
paragrapa i. Jan. is. reran so nam
fom. Francia Mack. 3. H. Bietenbcrc.
Everett Nlahtlnsrale. Jan. 20. Circuit
m J v. mm " ... , . ip
permit G. A. Robinson; Permit to
haul loes.lsyn H. Paulsen: Bond
of T. C Gorman as Justice of reace for
Woodburn District approved: Permit
to erect transformer. Portland Gen.
Elec. Co.: Annual financial report of
Brooks Rural Fire Protection District
placed on file: Affidavit of Duplica
tion, notice of bearing on Petition t
Dailas. Churches
Church at Court sts. Rev. Joyce
Carver, pastor. Sunday school. 8J8
ajn. Mornng service, iu evening ser
vice, 130.
Birch at Stump sts. L. Otis Trlplett
pastor. Sunday school. 8:49 ajn. Morn
ing service, arvemng service. J. An
charge of John Akers.
W. Washington st Rev. H. Herman.
pastor, ssass s:u ajn. second and
fourth Sundays; IS JJ ajn. Third and
una Sundays,
Jefferson at Clay sts. Kenneth
Johnston, pastor. Sunday school. 8:49
SJn. Momlng service, 1L "A Wise
Mother." Evening service a. Eva
Marie Johnson will speak.
Shelton at Mill sts. Rev. A. Hoenlach.
pastor. Sunday school: 8:49 ajn. Morn
ing service. 11. "Mother Meets Her
Match." Evening service, 7:49. "The
Model uia.-
410 Mill at Sunday school. 1:49 a.m.
Morning service, u.
Levens at Mill sts. Sunday school
li ajn. Morning srrvic u. svtnni
service, 9 JO-
1018 Aah st J. W Hunter, pastor.
Sunday school 845 tjn. Morning ser
vice, 1L Evening servic. 7 JO.
Basement of city library. Elder J. L.
Orion, pastor. Sunday s- huol. 10 ajn.
Evening service, 7.
Church at Mill sts. H. William Elmer.
pastor. Sundsy school. 8 :43 a m. Morn
ing service. Evening servic, 1:43.
FREE Methodist
834 Mill st R. W. McConnick. pastor:
Sunday school. 8:49 SJn. Morning ser
vic, 1L Evening service. 7:49.
810 Washington st. Karl .A. Ufer.
pastor. Sunday school. 10 ajn. Morn
ing service 1L
N. Jefferson st Homer Leisv nastor.
Sunday school 10 a m. Morning" service
1L J. M. Frans. ruest. Evening ser
vice. 7 JO by high school Sunday
school class.
Miller ave. A. C. Wall. Interim oastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service
ii. evening, iju. unrisuan enaeavor
Washington at Hayter sts. O. H. Jant-
xen. pastor. Sunday school. S:43 ajn.
Morning service. 10:45. "The Christ-
Ian Home." Evening service, 7:49.
"Poisoned Fountains.'
Mill at Main sts. Clark S. Fnx, pastor.
Sunday school. 8:49 a.m. Morning ser
vice, 11. "Church In Thy House." Even
ing service. 7:49 pjn.
Levens at Court sts. Dr. Earl W.
Ben bow, pastor. Sunday school. S:4S
a-m. Morning servic. 11. "Horn Life
ana rirm roundauom."
Chamber of Commerce rooms. Rev.
Perry H. Smith, pastor. Morning ser
vice. 11.
Washinston at Jafr.nm s.ini.
Gladden, pastor. Sundsy school 8:49
ajn. Morning service. 11.
ng his S Does ranee, according in
the Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor.
Renowned for his dynamic pre
senUtion, Dr. Maier speaks to an
audience estimated at 13,000,000
On the afternoon nrior to his
Corvallis talk he will be Inter
viewed here over station KOCO.
organise Pudding River Water Con
trol District. Jan. 21. Order design it
ins newspaper to miblish 1044-47 1nr
closure list; Permit to haul lors, Alvti
n. Axcger; npe line permit. Mien
Heights Water District: Oult tlrnn
Ldeed (correction) to Geo. J. Boedlghei-
mer ei ux. Jan. zz. Kemonstrsn-e to
proposde Pudding River Water Con
trol District filed: Permit to haul Iocs,
David Schafer; Plat of Haight Add,
to Salem approved: Pole line nermrt
Portland Gen. Elec. Co. Jan. 23. Permit
to nam logs. Theodore rreeman. Her
nice Noland. Eddie C. Goschle; Beer
license. Leonard H. Allison. Chaili
C. Nielsen; Remonstrande to proposed
Pudding River Water Control District
placed on file. Jan. 24. Acceptance of
Oregon Physicians Service. Limited
family coverage-deducations to b
made as authorized; Order for trans
fer of funds from dog license fund to
general fund; Permit to haul logs. H.
W. McAuley. Jan. 26. Application for
Dance Hall license by SUverton Hills
Community Club: Pol line permit.
Portland Gen. Elec. Co.: Permit to
haul logs. H. A. Russell: Order nam
ing Gross Ave. Jan. 27. Transfer Order.
Jan. 28. Permit to haul logs. 'Teoe J.
Hettwer: Minutes on hearing pro
posed Pudding River Water Control
District Jan. is. Plat of Krasch Ad
dition approved: Permit o haul lors.
T. W. M in den. Jan. 30, Bond of Alf.
O. Nelson as Justice of Peace for SU
verton District approved: Indemnity
claim of Ted H. Sldor placed on file.
Jan. 31. Final hearing on indemnity
claim of Edward A. Howe; Indemnity
claim of Elzi H. McGuire placed on
file: List of Judges and Clerks of elec
Won placed on file, and approved by
Few are the broken homes
where God enters into family
relationships. The Church and
the Sunday school help us to
"Seek the things that are
Morolno; Worship, 10:55
"Why the) Birds Slag"
Mother's Dor Message
Sexrmon by fhe Minist
7:30 pjn.
Willamette) XJntrmnStr
A Ccrppella Choir
la Concrt
Firsl Prcsbyieriaa
Cbetneketa at
Chester W.
Tlrginia Ward
Ifaaie Director
V y. -I JVa-'T 1 "til
140 Carlton way. V. G. Story, pastor.
Sunday school. 8:45 ajn. Morning ser
vice. 11 o'clock. Rev. J. M. Walton.
Evangelist, missionary. Evening ser
vice, 1:30 o'clock. Rev. Walton. 8:49
pjn. Youth meeting wttn Rev. Walton.
Five miles east of Salem. Sunday
school. 1 10 a-m. Morning service and
Junior church, II o'clock. ;
State sU at Elma ava. Rev. Prank
O. rerrin. pastor. Sunday school. Ai
a-m. Leon Lambert, supt. Mornins ser
vic. 1L "A Mother's Faith.- fi.T.U.
830. Evening servic. 7 34 pjn. Coa
pLalners of SasvaUon." Prayer and
Bible study, Wednesday. 730.
Swegla scboolbous. Sunday school.
IS a m. Urr CI T Turn, eimt Uam.
ing servic. 11 o'clock. Mother's Day
program by the Sunday school.
Grange hall. Lee Wiens. nastor. Sun
dsy school. 9:49 aJn. Paul Ceil. supt.
Mornlna service, 11. Young people, V.
Eveninc servic. 7:49. ;
(Branch of first Baptist) i
N. Pacific hiahway. Lee Shiolev.
supt. Sunday school. 9:49 lb, Mornmg
servic. 10:49. In charge ; of Gospel
Team from First Baptist church.
Schaolhous humun) Cl B Uamm
pastor. Sunday school. 18 a m. Morn
ing servic. 11 a-m. Preaching and
N -Deaasalaatioatl
Liberty rd. at Madrona ava. Rev. T.
C i Brown, pastor. Sunday school. 18
a-m. Morning service, 11. Eveninc ser
vic, 7 JO. i
Talbot. Rev R Rnni. Traria
Sunday school. 10 ajn. Divine worship,
11 a.m. "An Outstanding Mother1
service. I :3 ocJocK. Xhe
Sin God Will Never Torglve." Youna
People. S -43 r m bjku
prayer service. Wednesday 7:49 pjn.
1129 Elm st. Rev. A. A. Loewen.
gastor: A. H. Fadenrecht. assistant.
undiT irhnnl a -as m vjnn.i
vice 10:49. Youth groups, (:4s p.rru
S'TT"ia pjh. weonesaay,
7 30 n m RlhU ImAIm, t-v
J. B. Houser.
Third st Gerth sts. O. Leonard Jones
pastor. Sunday school. 9:49 a.m. Mrs.
Leo Ester, supt. Morning ; service. 11.
Fan-illy Functions.' Musi by Junior
Chcti and Carleton Brown. 830 pjn.
Youth fellowship.
Willamette's Choir
Set at Presberian
The a cappella choir of Wil
lamette university will present a
program at First Presbyterian
church Sunday night at 7:30
First Methodist Church i
Down Tewa The Tall White Spire
Church School 9:45 A. M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A. L
Sermon Scries God's Great Church
"The Mother of Methodism" 1
"Prayer from Hansel
Janlor and
"He, Everyone That Thirsteth' (MacFarlane)
The Senior Choir
01 p. nv Wesley Fellowship Tea for WACi.
Prof. Kalph Dobbe fa a May Mmsleale
J p. m. JanJor and Senior High FeUewahips
Esther Ebersole, Minister, of Mosle
Ray N. Fcdje, DirecUr of Teath .
Brooks H. Meore, Minister
Dorit you miss tonight's 4 J
Super Youth Rally
with i
Salem's First Showing of Grand NewiFilm
Christian Dramatic - Romantic
plus f
The Simpson Trumpet Trio f
The Salem
7:30 p-m.
( , i -
; Assembly of Cod
near Rer. FreeasaBi Over KSLM Satorday at 4:43 pjn. f
r Ereryana Waleeaae - Ker. W. S. Frederick. Faster
. - i .-- - ..." -:- -?:.-.
SUverton Churches
SUverton-Marquam hisJiway. Ad
drew - Lanaandorf. pastor. Sunday
school, 18 ajn, Morning service. -ILt .
CHtnscH. or GOD - - - I -Second
at A sts. G. W. ClegBam. pas
tor. Sunday school. 18 ajn. Moral 8
servic. 1L Eveninc servioe, ..
S. Water St. Carl Mansfield, paster.
Sunday school, 18 ajn. Morning servioe,
1L Evening service, 730.5
Third at Lewis si. Momlng service 1L
MWA ball 3rd at High at. Sunday
4TrKa-al 1 13 at awa ISrmina al aaa
80C N. 2nd sts. G. T. Brstvold. pastor.
Sunday school. 18 ajn. Morning service,
1L Young poopl. 1 njn. Evening sax
vie. 8. J
Pin at Grant st. John J. Walsh,
pastot Sunday masses 8 and 18 ajn.
Weekdays, 7 am. I !
para at 2nd sta. A. L. Beazley.pas-
oaooaui scnooi. wJt ajn. . J.
supt. Morning service, 1L
f -
N. Church st- S. L. Alralie. pastor.
Sunday school. 18 ira. Hannah Olson.
f"P-Mortung service. 11. fTh Mother
tt the Christian Home." Luther lea
rue. 7 pjn. 8 Joint servic at Eugene
el auditorium. ,
Main at Flske sta. Ben P. Browmiaf,
1or. Sunday school. 8:49 ajn Morn
ing service. 11. "The House Base."
Evenine mi lU. a rnmmi..u.
gram at Eugen Field audtorium. i .
. eie n. son, parior.
Sunday school. 10 ajn. Morning service
11 A m Cateohtvine n -v m . n .
"The Blessed Mother." S I
praav rntiiniM 5 f
Park at First wfm lr4tii ; m.-r1
Bates, pastor. Bible school. 89 ajn.
M. B. Forst, supt. Morning servic, 1L
vfuaiines oi Aiouiernooo.
service Eugene Field auditorium.
N. 2nd rt Cl A Itr.KMvl,
. " ", r J. .
e..M r Wi.t ,A , .
J . r- mjn. ngnuni aer -
asrs. ooroon Bratvoid win
STtve Ifnthw'a X.v . . .
. J m pjn.:Ai
,fe Field auditorium. Wednesdsy
7. -49 Prayer meeting and Bible study.
SeetfWMf at a mm WM T Lf V..V.
tor. Sunday school. 18 ajn. Mrs. Jasnes
Phillips, supt. Morning, service. tll
SJcamination of confirmation class.
Luther leagu. 7 p.m.
nVlvlr TV. rr- : . 1
-- - - mull u UUCKUg UT
Dean Melvin H. Geist f
At the morninr mmrvir T)r
Chester W. Ham him nactnr aeiTI
use as his Mother's day message
-Why the Birds Sing.? The senior
cnoir, au-ectea ty Virginia Ward
Elliott, and assisted by the junior
Choir, directed hv Mr Trtrm
H. Sturm, win sing "O My Soul.
Bless the Father." t
and Gretel"
Carol Chairs
f I
1200 Fre Sexrts
7-M M.
Bev. T7.
Hut Sick Are Bdlng
V Rexdexl
Corns) Wiih Tour Ntexl
; 9:0, Saador School f .
Mother's Day Progiaai
. and Cblldrnt Cholxj
11 ! Sermon by pastor
"JLU la a MothtVs Dcrr -T:45
pjsu Tent aalss tiJs
last ' divine healing "terriee
with Kerr. Freeman. -i
- "13th and Ferry Sis.