The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 30, 1948, Page 9, Image 9

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    May Weekend Festivities
Begin Today With Tea
For Queen Joyce I
May Weekend festivities on the Willamette university campus
will officially open this afternoon when Queen Joyce I and her court
are huoored at the traditional tea at Lausanne hall from 3:30 to 5
o'clock. Hostesses for the affair are members of the Independent Wom
en's organization and Weds with Miss I sa belle Mason as chairman.
An invitation has been extended to all students, parents, faculty
members and wive to attend the -
tea. I the Craig Coyners, all of Salem.
Receiving in the lounge will be
Queen Joyce Patton and her moth
er-in-law, Mrs. Hazel Patton of
Aston. Princess Vergie Wicks and
hr mother-in-law, Mrs. Ruth
Wicks of Albany. Prim-ess Dorothy
Deal and her mother. Mrs. Harvey the Queen and her court will b
IVal of Longview. Wash., Dean honored at a tea at University
Mary Unerode and Miss Cherie House, to which all .students, fac
Miller, Independence social chair- ulty, campus visitors and friends
man are invited to attend. President and
Pouring will be Mia Helen Ol- j Mrs. G Herbert Smith will receive
. . .. I with the oueen and her attendants
n. LJtUdnne nail musmoinri , i
Mr Cloyd Harrel and Mrs. Dale
Marwfield of the Weds
Qaeen's ( aurt
Ouern Joyte will be crowned at ,
c.lorful ceremonie on the Willam-i ,)th CAmn Williams and his or
Hte university campu, Saturday , chtl a eiigaged to play between
afternoon at 2 30 o'clock. Last u i athntir w.
yt-ar's May Weekend queen. Mar-t-trt-t
Allen of Salem will uuv. u
Quern Joyce. Members of the
quern iourt lrniude Prince -if
Vergie Wick and Dorothy Deal
and Uieir attendants. Laur Jean
Bate. Krancn Sopp. Caroline
t ooper and Beverly Bi ig Train
beaters will be Betty Lou Graber,
d .lighter of the Leo Graber,. and U
Heme Jill Coyner. daughter of
for a practical
lt't tarilliag ( awe! L'atil
ed lhi f. mlt
Wifitk iroa jt have mm idt-a
fcw ay ifiiin ca bg . Thumb
tip beat rrg alalr la traadlr.
Uffcc weight SIJ.M
C3Qbl8.l LM&fclXb GbGb
: ; KEEP
r' f ':"'
Watch Jer it in Sunday's Statesman
The coronation will be climaxed
with the traditional winding of the
May Pole by the junior women,
who will wear pink and blue for
mal. Immediately after the coronation
" "
Mar Day Ball Saturday
. Highlighting the social events on
' 3i:irHv urtll h the Mav flav
R .', n, tH- eritv fvmnasium
terf.'li and a giant May Day bas
ket from which the orchestra will
p!ay are two of the outstanding
decoration features. Woven yellow
and blue rrepe daper will lower
the gym reiting. while plush drapes
will surround the three thrones of
the Queen's court.
At 9:45 o'clock, trumpeters and
h,raIde wi aru
G q,. Wl joyie a
nnounce the arrival
nd her court. Fol
lowing her entrance, the tradi-
j tional Queen's dance will be
I played.
C'haperone- for the formal af
fair will be Mrs. Mary Linerode,
Mr and Mrs. Walter Erickson, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Fenix, Dr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Rigg-. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Jory and Dr. and Mrs.
Daniel Schulze.
Guests Campus far Weekend '
All living organizations on the
campus will entertain out-of-town
guests for May Weekend at the
respective houses. Delta Gamma
will honor Queen Joyce, Princess
Vergie and Princess Dorothy at a
formal banquet Saturday night at
the Golden Pheasant at 6 o'clock.
-f i -ii ; i . j . . 1
I i ne proiam win iik iuuc a wel
come by Aldene Gould, vocal solo
i by Joy Bushnell. piano solo by
! Arlene Joseph, short talks by the
Royal Trio. Martha DuRette, 1947
Cherry Festival Queen, and Mrs.
Leon Perry, chapter rush advisor.
Alpha Chi Omegas, and their
guests will be entertained at a
spaghetti dinner at the home of
Mrs. John Minto on Saginaw
street tonight at 8 .o'clock. Red
checked cloths, carraes, decora
tions and food will comply with
the Italian theme. After the din
ner the group will attend the play.
The Pi Beta Phi coeds have in
vited their mothers to enjoy May
weekend and several are arriving
in time for the inter -sorority sing
this morning Rooms have been
reserved at the Marion hotel for
the mothers and they will be
honored at a banquet at the hotel
tonight at 5:30 o'clock. A buffet
luncheon will be held at the chap
ter house Saturday noon for the
mothers and their daughters pre
ceding the coronation.
9:15 PJL
Friday, AprU 33
Oil THE J03
Oregea Primary Elsxtleas
Jftay 21, 194 1
d. A4v Guy Cordaw 4t U Scoter
Comm. Corg f. lowian, 1st Scty.
eorttond. O.
Committees Are
Named at Meet
The VFW auxiliary. Meadow
lark 6102. met Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. C L.
Nichols. Committees appointed
were Mrs. Wilbur Wieprecht, ba
zaar chairman; Mrs. Eugene Pohl-
! man, finance; Mrs. Gordon Bress
I ler. home fund; Mrs. Robert Nor
; ris, hospitality; Mrs. Billy Kelso.
iAiuuuj , nu. i. ii hi kj is, mem
bership; and Mrs. Gordon Bress-
ler. rehabilitation.
Mrs. Nichols was elected as a
delegate to the department en
campment at Pendleton with Mrs.
Wieprecht as alternate. The aux
iliary is also supporting Mrs. Wie
precht for district junior5 vice
Pattons Hosts
To Sons, Auxiliary
Sons of Union Veterans and
auxiliary met on Tuesday night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.
J. Patton for a no-hoat dinner.
Auxiliary president, Mrs. Edna
Waterman conducted a round
table discussion on military train
ing. Mrs Bertha Ray gave a
reading. The next meeting is set
for May 1 1 at the home of Mrs.
E. B. Perrine. and will combine
social and business.
Attending Tuesday's session
were Mr. ard- Mrs. W. J. Hage
dorn. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett,
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Burch, Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Reiley, Mr. and
Mrs. L P. Bennett, Mrs. Bertha
Ray, Mrs Edna Waterman. Mrs.
Mae I ey, Mrs. Agnes Konen
berg. Mrs. Helen Konenberg,
Mrs. Mae Buckley. Mrs. M. Mc
Wharter, Mrs. Lena Robins, Mrs.
Lura Tandy. Mrs. Blanche Stew
art. Mrs. E. B. Perrine and the
hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Patton.
Banquet Attracts
To Portland
Members of Eta chapter Beta
Sigma Phi are going to Portland
tonight for a founders day ban
qjUlas guests of the Portland
Council, following which will be
initiation of the following new
members: Mrs. Walter Spaulding.
Mrs. R. H. Wood. Mrs. Carlton
Grinhold. Mrs. Melvin Hewitt.
Eta chapter has also listed on its
caJendar for May a Mother's day
breakfast May 9 at the Gold
Arrow. Miss Imogene Johnson,
Miss Helen Blue, Muss Margaret
Miller, make up the committee.
May 22 the group will give a
dance at the Oregon Institute of
TURNER Pupils of Mr. and
Mrs. Millard Leslie were presented
in recital at the First Christian
church Thursday night. Vocalists
were Betty Jo Lee and Carol
Standley. Pianists were Irene
Thomas, Mary Jane Farrell, Paul
Thon s, Joyce Yardley, Karleen
Drarzer, Wanda Stinett, Lorena
Edwards. Billy John Tucker and
Dorene Place. Howard Schelski
and Mr. Leslie played a trumpet
duet as an opening number. Mr.
Leslie, a graduate student at Wil
lamette university is music direc
tor at Turner high school.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power
and daughter. Marilyn, have re
turned from a week's stay in San
Francisco, where he attended the
meeting of College of Physicians.
While in the bay city they were
registered at the Bellevue hotel.
Dr. and Mrs Harmon Harvey
have also returned from a stay
in the south, having sojourned at
Del Monte Lodge, Pebble Beach.
Mrs. Edward Roth and Mrs.
Robert E. Joseph will motor to
Portland today to be guests of the
former's mother, Mrs. M. C. Hem
enway at the Alderwood Country
club's annual stagette day.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Me-
Lei lan will be hosts at dinner Sun
day night at their Royal Court
apartment in compusient to mem
bers of their club. Bridge will be
in play following the dinner hour.
With An
'Ey to thm
th smart graduate comai to us for optical nmds.
Reaistaraxl optometrists, finest lenses, wide choice of
handsome frames.
Berta Optical
US Ceert nmm CM
Wedding in
Qf ' Interest
Ot interest to the couple's many j
isafem mends is announcement
of the marriage of Miss Barbara
Williams, daughter of the Rev.
and Mrs. IV. Irvin Williams of
4Ung Beach, Calif., formerly of
f&alem, to Leo O. Reed, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo V. Reed of
Salem, which took place in Long
peach; on Sunday, April 18.
Th 4 o'clock ceremony was
performed at the home of the
bride's parents with - Rev. WiK
liams, former pastor of the First
Presbyterian church here, offi
ciating at his daughter's nuptials.
For her wedding the bride wore j
a white net and lace floor length
gown with fingertip veil held in '
place with flowers. She carried a '
bouquet of white gladioluses cen
tered with an orchid. Ralph Reed
of Los Angeles, uncle of the
groom, was best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed went south
for their son's marriage.
The newlyweds have been
spending their honeymoon at
Balboa, Calif. They are expected
to arrive in Salem this weekend
where they will reside for the 1
The new Mrs. Reed attended
j Salem schools before moving to
, Long Beach with her parents. She
i. a graduate of Long Beach high
school and will receive her diplo
ma in June as a graduate nurse
from the Emanuel hospital school
of nursing in Portland. Her hus
band is a graduate of Salem
schools and during the war serv
ed in the army air corps. He will
continue with hU education at
Oregon State college in the falL
Shower Honors
Miss Manning
ST. LOUIS Miss May Man
ning was the inspiration for a
bridal shower on Sunday, April
25. at 2 o'clock in the St. Louis
hall. The affair was planned by
Mrs. Dave DuBois, Mrs. Harold
Hannegan and Mrs. Ray Man
ning. Refreshments were served
after an informal afternoon.
Invited were Mrs. George Sey
mour, Mrs. James Leith, Mrs.
Albert Leith, Mrs. Lawrence
Ferschweiler, Mrs. Clarence
Grass man, Mrs. Edward Grass
man, Mrs. Johnny Grassman,
Mrs. Claude Heisler and Mildred,
Mrs. R. P. Horning, Mrs. Frank
Jungwirth and Eleanor, Mrs.
Carter Keene, Mrs. Leo Andres,
Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. Lena Rush.
Mrs. Alford Nolan, Mrs. Seifer,
Mrs. Martin Schlecter, Mrs.Bart
Alpin. Margaret and Rose, Mrs.
Albert Prantl, Mrs. Otto Bitter,
Mrs. Walter Miller. Mrs. Bob
Climer, Mrs. Paul Eaton, Mrs.
Barrie Fellers. Mrs. Felix Morisky,
Mrs. Margaret Kraus. Mrs. Arthur
Hemshorn. Mrs. Frank Thompson,
Mrs. Charles Hannegan, Mrs.
James Myerhofer, Mrs. Wayne
Carlton, Mrs. Leo Klecznski, Mrs.
Michiel J. Mahoney. Mrs. M. W.
1 Mahoney, Mrs. Partch. Vera and
! Margaret, Mrs. Henrietta Allen-
bach and Edna, Mrs. Theo Rubens,
Ceal and Agnes. Mrs. Gronn. Mrs.
I Bitterman, Mrs. Henry Kirkwood,
I Mrs. Leonard F--rschweiler, Mrs.
1 Bernard Ferschweiler. Mrs. Jim-
mey Davidson, Mrs. A. Manning.
I Mrs. Alex Manning. Thersa and
Gertrude, Mrs. Joe Wargnier, Mrs.
Cyril Schomus, Mrs. Louis
; Schmerber, Mrs. Lena Lachspelle
I and Mrs. James Mahoney.
Miss Manning will be married
I on May 9 at 10:30 in the morning
j in the St. Louis Catholic church
j to Johnny Deulalminck of Hills
I boro.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill af
Lansing avenue are the parents of
a son, named William Earl, born
at Salem General hospital Tues
day. He is the grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. William Hill, Rickreall
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fry, West
Salem. This is the Hills' first
v t
I rw 7
Choose irom the large selections oi the very latest dolls.
waJdng dolls, plain dolls
Knitted Rompers
Made of Durene knitted fab
ric for longer wear, and
lasting lustre. Easy to wash.
Button shoulder. Choice of
blue, white and yellow. Siz
m 6 months to
m year JLaOJ
Training Panties
Double thickness makes
theae mora absorbent. All
elastic waist band. Sizes one
sis. 29C up
Infants Dresses
Attractive embroidery and
lace trim. Pink and white.
Others from
89c to $2.98.
Lon? sleere and button-down 41 CS
front Easy to launder. Choice JL
of pink, white, and blue.
136 North Commercial St
and kxney dous. Ererr one Is
Flannel Gertrudes
Available in white with pink
Terry Cloth Bibs
Choice of assorted colors, patterns and de
signs. Also quilted or plastic.
Plastic Aprons
In clear, red, yellow 1
colors with attractive
In clear, red, yellow and blue
colors with attractive check
100 Wool Booties
Soft 100 wool in short and long lengths.
Choice of pink, white and blue.
100 Wool Shonldereile
Cute knit pattern. Easy to launder. Pink, whl
and blue.
Leather Soft Sole Shoes
Hand embroidery trim. White, pink, blue and
yellow. Packed individually in cellophane.
Felt Booties
Individually boxed in whit only. Sizes 0 to 4.
1C3 Wool Sweater
Clever styles with button-down front. Pink,
white and blue.
flC3 Wool Sweater Set
Includes cap, booties and sweater. In white,
pink and blue.
Esmond Baby Blanket
Available in solids, checks, animal figures.
Size 36"x50" with 2" satin binding.
Infants Bonnets
Many styles to choose from
in pique, net with lace trim.
Choice of pink, white, blue
nd 4 4 A
Choice of pink, blue and
white plaid. Sizes 27 inches IU e
by 36 inches. up
Tha Stotoaanon. Salam,
Offers You These
Money Saving Values
During National
Sunbabe" Rubber Doll
A wonderful companion to charm children. Sunbabe looks and behaves
tiie a real baby, her skin is soft and realistic, she s cuddly, drinks her
?4xDttle and wets her diaper. 11 -inches tall with jointed arms and leas and
movable head.
Mfaffk fflc
All sizes and tf pes. soch am Maalc-Skla dols. sleepiag doSs,
priced to sore 70a money, so
and blue trim.
. 89c
plastic. Plain
trim. -
Rubber Pants
Completely waterproof.
Seamless and reversible. Na
tural flesh color. Small, me
dium, large and eztrs
75 c
Oregon. Friday, Aprfl 33. 1943 9
the famous
get several today while
Weil made of light-weight,
fine combed knit fabric
Button shoulder. Washable '
and long wearing. In aUipes
and pastel colors.
Sizes 1 to 1.
Infants Shirts
tSade of interlock cross knit
with short sleeve. Tie styles.
Flannel Gown
quality guaranteed, in white.
pink and blue with con
59 c
J " V
59 c
Birdseje & Flannel Diapers
Soft and absorbent. Ideal 2)S3
for baby's tender skin. Cjm dos.
Salem, Oregon