The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 30, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    the Skjteaiumi. Salem. Oregon, Friday. April 30. 194
Miss Patricia Riches to
Wed Albert Lindbeck,
News Told at Tea
Weddinf bells will rinf on June 18 for Mi as Patricia Riches,
(laughter of Mr. and Mri. Lloyd Thomai Riches, and Albert W.
Lindbeck. ton of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck. The exciting en
gagement news was told Thursday afternoon at a beautifully arranged
tea for which the bride-elect's mother was hostess in compliment to
Mrs. Estes L. Morton, a newcomer in the capital, who recently moved
here trom Hood River.
Several hundred guests called
at the Riches' home on North Sum
mer street between 3 and 8 o'clock.
Sally Schenk greeted guests at the
door and passed individual blue
wrolls bearing the names of the
engaged duo, written to the music
of -Loves Old Sweet Song " Mrs.
R H. Baldock and Mrs. Rrwwell
Beach of Portland introduced to
the receiving line which included
Mr Riches, Miss Riches. Mrs
Morton and Mrs. Lindbeck For
her announcement party the bru
nette bride-elect chose a wjterfall
blue dress and a pink carnation lei.
Others in the receiving line also
wore lets, which had oeen flown
from Honolulu for the occasion. A
tunning arrangement of cherry
and crab apple blsms was used
in the foyer for a background for
the receiving line
On the mantle was a bouquet of
pink snapdragons, baby gladio
luses, sweet William, white Es
ther Reed daisies and rhcxioden
dron blossoms, flanked by deep
rose tapers. The tea table was
covered with an ice blue satin
cloth and centered with a bouquet
of ivory stock, parrot tulips., cal
dium leaves and bleeding hearts.
On the side board was an artistic
arrangement of magnolia blossoms
and coral, which the RicheV had
brought back with them from their
recent trip to Hawaii.
Assist al the Tea
Presiding at the urns wera Mrs
plegate and Mrs. Colone Louns
bury. New members initiated were
Miss Margie Tucker, Miss Delores
Hill and Mrs. Fay Bressler.
Officers appointed for the en
suing term were Mrs. Lounsbury,
president; Mrs. Bressler, vice pres
ident: Mrs. Shimondle, secretary;
and Miss Delores Hill, treasurer.
The next meeting of the Salem FL
club will be held on May 6 at
1577 Court st with tha president
as hostess.
Shower Honors
Engaged Duo
Miss Leona Hawks, bride-elect
of Mar in Williams, was feted
at a miscellaneous shower Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Palmer Williams on Hawthorne
avenue. The couple will be mar
ried on June 5 After an informal
afternoon refreshments were
served. Appointments were in pink
and white and the centerpiece
was of white and pink tulips and
white tapers.
Honoring the engaged duo were
Mr and Mrs. H. Haugen, Donna
Mae and Diana, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Patterson, Mrs. Ted Tufte, Gloria
and June, Mr. and Mrs. Julian
Haugeri. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Will
iams, Mrs. W. Mosley, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Fischer and Tommy,
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Williams, Mr.
A D. Woodmanee, Mr. Karl i and Mrs. Albert Miller, Alice Joy
Hemlein. Mrs. Farley Mogan and j and Anthony. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff
Mrs. James T. Brand. Assisting in Williams, Luella Haugen and How-
Music.. iThe Homd
mxxam sets
ard Peterson. Charles Williams,
Janice Haugen and Kenneth
Wright. Charlon Hawks, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Garbel, Harry and Ver
non Haugen. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer
Williams, Denny and Jackie Joe.
Lions club auxiliary barn danea. St.
Joseph's nail.
PLXr club with Mrs. Frances Nksder
bereer. 330 S. Uth at, P m.
Florence Vail Missionary society. Cal
vary Baptist church. 11JO dessert
luncheon, business session.
Cberoetoeta chapter. Daughters of
American Revolution meet with Mrs.
C A. Jory, 425 Hoyt sU 1 P-m.
Barbara Frietchic Tent. Daughters of
Union Veterans, covered dish supper,
Mayflower hall. JO pjn.. family and
frtrnd invited.
Wesleyan Service Guild. First Metho
dist church, with Mrs. George Hall.
240 South Charch street. S p.m.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. United Span
ish War Veterans. VFW halt 8 p.m.
Salem Secretary's association meet
ing, Salem Coftee shop. 6.30 p.m.
Salem Garden club. Gas company t
p.m. Colored slides of wild flowers to
be shown.
Chadwlrk chapter. OES. p m.
American War Mothers. 2 p m. Leg ion
Fete Mrs.
Mrs. Hillary Etzel was honored
at a surprise shower Thursday
nisjht when Mrs. George Neuman
and Mrs. Jack S. Bush entertained
at the Neuman home on Brown ins;
Bridge was in play during the
evening with a late supper fol
lowing. A blue and pink color
scheme was carried out in the
appointments with bouquets of
tulips and apple blossoms provid
ing the decorative note.
Honoring Mrs. Etzel were Mrs.
Robert Callahan, Mrs. Richard
Hague, Mrs. Seiwyn Imlah, Mrs.
Wesley Ritchie, Mrs. Frank Craw
ford, Miss Pauline and Miss Cleo
Turin, Miss Ardelle .Scott, Miss
Ruth Skinner and the hostesses.
Roll Your Oicn
Versatile Yeast Dough Has Many Uses
the dining and living rooms were
Mehdames Robert Sears, Glenn
McVormick. Raymond Bond. Frank
V. Prime. C Lester Newman. Ed
win Armstrong. Wendell Webb,
Harry Schenk. Wallace Bonesteele, j
Lynn Lambeth. B E. Owens. Rich- I
ard A Meyer, Mains Liert and Jo
seph Chambers
Th couple's marriage will take
place at St Paul's Episcopal
church with a reception following
The bride-elect is a graduate of I X l D O J 1 A it, A 1
Salem schools and attended Oregon ! riUVfcfb Oillipitf "Vlltfl 1 VI LI bit? I XJL
SU'e college. During the war she jT Maxlae Buren
serv ed in the marine corps for two Statesman Woman s Editor
yea is She is now employed at the Once one's mastered the art of mixing up yeast roll doufh, on
secretary of state's office Mr. has a wealth of opportunity to exercise ingenuity for its use.
Lindbeck is a graduate of Salem ' For instance, by adding an egg to the dough, one may make very
high school and served In the army j fine spicy coffee cake. Add S teaspoon nutmeg, teaspoon cinnamon.
for three years, most of which cup raisins and an extra 2 ta
tima was spent in Alaska He is 1 blespoons of sugar and let rise
no with Zellerbach Paper Co.! first time. Spread in a 9-inch pan.
The couple will make then home ! prick dough with fork, brush with
in Salem following their marriage, melted butter. Mix 2 tablespoons
Salem FL Club
The McMinmille FL club No
21 reinstated the Salein FL club.
No 14 at the McMinm tile IOOF
hall Wednesday night. Former
butler. 2 tablespoons sugar, V cup
flour. ' cup nutmeats, Vi teaspoon
cinnamon and teaspoon nutmeg
and sprinkle over top of dough. Let
rise and bake at 375 degrees for
30 minutes.
Another variation is orange rolls.
Roll out the once-risen dough to
a rectangle, shape and spread with
orange marmalade, roll up' like
jely roll, cut in slices, place cut
Salem members who attended and side down in greased pan ormuffin
were reinstated were Mrs Blanche tin and let rise until double in
Hull, Mrs. Wendell Ewing. Mrs.
Helen McClure. Mrs Evelyn Shl
mondle. Mrs Dorothy Hill. Mrs.
bulk. Bake at 350 degrees.
One can make a variation of
rolls by grating a cup of cheese
Bake in
Adallne Lanktree, Mrs Coni Ap- into the dough before allowing it
to rise th first time
ring mold.
Regular rolls may be put into a
pan over a mixture of nuts, corn
syrup and apices and mad Into
luscious sweet bread.
We once knew a woman who
made 12 different breads from
plain dough and were they good.
Though all can't be recalled at the
moment, her repertoire included
plain, twists, cinnamon bread,
bearclaws, butterhorns, cinnamon
filled rolls, cloverleaf, parkerhouse
and sweet egg rolls, coffee bread,
Swedish tea ring and one other.
Icebox dough is a lovely thing
to know about, but a bit hard on
the family's waistline. Any good
cookbook will tell you how.
Bow Garden Bakes
00 TIr
Ladies' Garden Shovel
ON. 1
Tru-Temp Long Handled Floral Shovel $1.59
Plastic - Rubber - Rubber Reinforced
5Q-FEET . . .
and up
33mtGRQ3J ; v """ Lasl 2 Bays
V - - SToday & Saturday Don't Miss Oat
( :jT(r' J National Hardware Wek
tMzm?u tmm" 55 m I 7 ) K -Co
J v 2 Day, twy . . . 1
1 1
' -c7fJ Jk ,. I
50 Fct f i -Inch
O TEII YEARS oi gnaranleed xalisfaciory
service bnili inio every length!
One of the finest values in garden hose you can find any
where! Built with three tough layers vulcanized into
one leakproof unit strong enough to withstand 14
times average city water pressure. Compare Sears low
you'll find this quality selling for dollars more else
where! Stop in for yours today!
r.- . - v
froa. -. 1 igsm
-. cmWst. AV
Hand Axo
A 59c
Special Today and Saturday Only 50 Ft. Dunlap
Garden Hose. 5-yr. Guarantee. Res;. $5.79.
Friday and Saturday
hssHi. Mlsfeerv
.i x..ii5N, ia4
Love I
Beg. 21.95-2 Days
Kef. SJKS a4
Ky si ... U4
wsw't wera or mst.
Accwrats. 24-ta.
AU the features that make lawn care a snap now yours at
extra Barings during; Sears May Economy FestiTaJ ! "Alloy
steel bed knife . . . enclosed curs . . . large ball beariar.
Don't pass it upask for the CRAFTSMAN 80"l f
i mm ilji nij. m w ss mi. 4 . snysi n i hii,i.,sismi, gin., ..UJ A 1
. ' .V. -' i-. - - --J
Dunlap H. P. Split Phaso
trie Grinder
Pay Only 3.C3 Dorro
This M H.P. Dunlap grwif b right for most shop work.
3450 fLPJA. for 115 volt 60-cydo A.C Predskm ball
boarinosVirHrv dovbtoehaft with two grinding (onocoarso
and on fine) wheels, 6 x tt-hv On-off switch. Adjustoblo
tool rests. 2ft. cord with plug.
- . ... -- -
Wood Turning Lotho
Kes-vUr tZSi 2995
Cease la mmd eSack fc tuton a
- - a fal i - - -
PW paaPinej aasrss5aai rwmwvy -tanv btpbi
hsa'lfc'Iasa! aw " "" '
Fully Enclosod Sow
stexaifau- iSJti 2 a(U95
TMssfcarsry htrndt se?w usuesls, rfcas,
Craftsman Jig Saw
Kewlax 17.SS . 15.95
CriW sa tlje pq asm eats I
Hon: Stop nl Yonr Coiivciiisnco and Leisnr c iill 9 P. II Tcnigtl
WMl til S!oE3 Sbczl
freed & CaMsrt
I I M I t I I , I I I ' I I ' ' I I
SSS I mJ mmrmyWmm