Spring Recital Is Scheduled At Silverton SILVERTON St. Paul parish's annual spring music recital will be held Triday 3 p.m. at the school with the public invited to attend. Sister Gerard ls in charge of the music department. Appearing on the program in piano solos are Mary Schnoren berg. Marvin Moll. Arlys Stein berger, Raymond Kaser. Freddy Kaser, Rita Uselman, Nadine Small, Carol Brandt, Marilyn Smith, Joy Schnorenberg; piano duets. Sharon Mitchell and Rich ard DeSantis. Pauline Leighty and Donna Evans, Nancy and Betty KUe DeSantis, Beverly Rue and Myrna Steinberger, trio Harold, Kathryn Hiskey. St. Pauls Mother's club will meet in the school lunch room, Friday at 1:30 p m. All mothers are invited Election of officers will be held and mothers may at tend the muic recital which fol lows '.he business meeting. Last in the series of three card parties sponsored by Altar soc ciety was held Sunday night. Win ners included Mrs. H. Boehmer, W. Sterber. John Abel, Joe Gander. Mrs Matt Martin. Nine tables were in play. Annual ham dinner, by St Paul's Altar society has been set for Sun day, May 2, from 12 to 3 p.m. Tho Statesmen. Salem, Oregon. Friday, Xprfl 30. H3 7 Huhhanl Man Moving To Sect Home Place HUBBARD I T Yoder and Mike Kenauy have purchased the Yoder slaughter house from Mel yin W'Qlfers who have moved to Sweet Home Hubbard firemen will hold a benefit May day dance at the city hall Saturday. May 1. Rile Garrett and his orchestra will furnish old time and modern imiic. Mr Mabel Cok of Salem vis lied her mother. Mis E E. Burch. Mrs Nellie Harris and Mrs. Sara Barrett Sunday. Sunday guests of the William Barretts were Dr and Mrs. Charles Shewey of Canby and Mr. and Mr. C.ti Broder and Mr sod Mrs Bill Sammis of Portland Ami A 5s qct geogfis bogbo bq79 (, ---cwt,- a -. J , -, JL J J . m - .- - - AAAaAAOAaaaAaassssaO)oS'SOO)s)Sio so e o 9aaaaaaaa0cac9vata00fafat999i90 S e V -Z m 7m m a Aaaoooe a O a O O O O . PniCED LOW TO SAVE YOU I10IIEY J for 850 far S1.S5 - . for 950 TIP II fflPP Elsinore Freestone No. 2'i can Delicious golden ripe frail la heavy syrvp. 111? ADC Tasty Pak JTLlXlAftaJ N So. 2Vi can Firm, delicious halves at this law price, Women of Two Districts ! Plan (Community Party I ROBERTS Invitations have been extended more than 200 women of the Roberts and Halls Ferry districts to attend party Friday night at the Roberts grange hall sponsored by the Home Eco nomic club of the grange The i party is to acquaint the women with their neighbors and friends I and promote friendships and har mony throughout the community. A program of music, games and a guest speaker, Miss Bertha J Heck of Portland, secretary of the Oregon State Grange, has been ! arranged Refreshments will be j erved by the Home Economic j elub ; An invitation is extended to all ' women who did not receive theirs, ' perhaps because of incorrect ad dresses Hawaiian Inland Trip Subject of Lodge Talk HUBBARD Rebekah lodge Tuesday had 15 members present. Mrs Ella Becker was absent be cause of her brother's death in California. Mrs. George Rogers conducted a school of instruction. Mrs. Orlie Bojes of Woodburn who returned recently from a trip to Hawaiian Islands, told of her trip. Mrs Ida Johnson and Mrs. Rogers served Annual Aurora Musical T lie Held Wednesday Al'RORA Annua! musical cf the Aurora Woman's club will re held Wednesday. May 8, In toe Knights of Pythias hall. Hostesses are Mrs. L. G. Giesy. Mrs. Harry Small, Mrs. Emory Fountain, Mrs. James Ogle. Miss Georgia Kraus and Mrs. N. E. Manock Mrs. Donald Garrett will be program leader. Do Spring Housedeanlng With WHITE ROSE Arr tweeter Cleaaer. i Fresher T7HIT1 Kitchen. WHITE ROSE Dtstribated y WlllaaaetU Greeery Ce- Sale at QUISENBERRY'S New Location 419 FERRY ST. PHONE 9123 (la rfceaa Directory) QUISENBERRY PHARMACY "Best buys In town" is a big state ment, but we honestly believe that you can't tie these values any where . . prices, quality, and freshness considered. We pride ourselves on friendly service, too. So all in all, IGA is your best bet! IGA BUY Canned Foods In Unils of 3 Cans And 6 Cans Save Honey! APPLE SAUCE Far breakfast, lunch ar dinner. DDHTTa? Of HT7C N- 2'i can aTllUllJLf aTJalUl'llJ No. 2 can Elsinore Yaur best bay in fruit, bay all job want. No. 1 ran Del Monte Five rich, ripe fruits, ready mixed. FRUIT COCKTAIL 111? Jl C No. 303 can Tlttta? Elsinore Dimple .. Small, fancy, tender peaa for your eating enjoyment. REMEMBER THERE'S A QUEEN BESS SILVERWARE COUPON IN EACH PACKAGE 7-oz. pkg. .r: 160 SaTisr Vs u FLAKES L Great Combination Delicious with Bananas Large package 19c aaaF-x' v .atX r TJ a m "aaaaak-sar i a. a-iasiin L mmT e a e a v v CORN No. 303 can T. P. Whole Kernel TOMATOES a2 ' "n Hand packed, whale red ripe fruit. TOMATO JUICE 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 for for for for for for for S far UU far 7e V.V.VJ 4' AVIV a C fr c 690 far IHJ 470 far Se 450 far SSe 790 C far SUI 690 C for SUS t . : : : : : :::::::::::::::::: .... .......... "I;!;!;.;.;. 'ce . . . reUy sh . . . FRUITS ind VEGETABLES t LOW PRICES! :;:j::::: SPECIALS FOB FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 0 KELLOGG S VARIETY PAK rosT BRAH FLAKES KIX CALUMET BAKING POWDER A AH BAKING SODA ARGO CORN STARCH IGA SALT IGA MAYONNAISE Package 32 C 14 -oa. pkg. 20c 7 -os. package 16c Lb. pkg. 20c 2 for 19c Yello .v dkl Lbs. Pie.' fresh k toil III New Crop Texas Bermuda at a Special LOW, LOW PRICE. a a F1ES1H! EEILEOT Pound .. Crisp, Sweet from California Sl'fr ri'.i. y f Ce,T w' MIX J Fresh T maSoes Lb. pkg Lb. Tube Solid, Ripe Sno-Boy, for Salads or Slicing. a a a Lb. pkg. 13C t-ohkg. 9c Pint 43 c Sunkist Oranges ml 2 Doz. ni;OT Seedlea Navels for Sweet Juice or Eating. and . . . Fresh Sunkist emons r. Liz IGA PEACHES N. ,., 29c Golden Yellow Cling, halves NOW YOU CAN SEND FLOUR TO EUROPE AT NO COST Bar Flaher Biskit Mix. Clip waxed label from the top and aend it ta "Flour For Ebrope." Box 84. Seattle. For every Biskit Mix box top. Fish er's will donate 2Vt pounds of flour for Europe. A.m7 0 44-ax. pkg T C HI IVinesap apples 3i--.22)c j Sno-Boy, Crisp, Sound, Washington's Finest. ::::::j::::;:t:;:;:r:rt:i:i:t:t::tX::?i?irS?:?:t:?:t2rs:t-r-:::t:tr-???-5-- WHITE ROSE BLEACH More than just a bleach 1 1 -gallon jug IGA Soap Grains Le. pkg. 33 C PAR SOAP POWDER 41c Package 79c Largs Package Giant Package Qaailty aaap pawder far parttealar be ase wives. EXCLUSIVE OFFEII 3 Hollywood Star Variety Living Carnation Plants Yours for f ONLY mCOQ and One Scotch Cleanser Zip Open Tab or Two Sierra Pins Toilet Soap Wrappers Sierra Pins Soap X for .. 21c Scotch 1 1 Cleanser 11C Quality Ileat at IGA IGA markets continually offer the beat buys In town aa the finest quality meats, cut ta yaur Individual need, waste free and ready far the pot or pan. Every cat guaranteed to please ar yaur money gladly refunded. HALEY'S Spaghetti & Ileal Balls i- HALEY'S Beef Cubes & Gravy .lt-es. eaa 25c 73c HALEY'S Veg. Stew & Beef u Cudahy Tang -as. can 41c 12-os. eaa 49 c Gerber MAT5 for BABY Raisins Seedless V lb. pkg. VJ V Special price for Friday and Saturday. Buy and Save, 4 BEEF-VEAL-LIVER STRAIN CDC JUNIOR ( 18c Flour 10 lb. bag Kitchen tested for uniform results. acAOv to 17c 4 V a w i rr-V-f3 LA e Carnation Ililli Fartlfied with viUmin C. Bay and save at IGA stores. giiov$. SWANSDOWN Cake Flour JCWox. pkg. 390 For light, fluffy, smooth and velvety texture, Cano & Ilaplo Syrup?4cr.J,,.370 Makes jour hot cakes and' waffles tssts better. Tillamook Cheos& Lb. 690 Priced low to save you mey. t Oranno Juico 4b3 m1". .:250 For sn abundance of vttaaala CJ Karo Syrup tr230 Rich in dextfoes. Salad Dressing IGA Pint Jar Creamy smooth, rich flavor. 330 .. . iq! Ha Whits King SOAP F0I7DEI1 Lgs. 01a GUBt "JO., Pkg. UIU Pkg. I OK A little White King gaaa a Ions way. . . . . .. Old Dutch CLEAIISER cans for 290 Beat by test, faster sjal easier. 3 SAVE IIORE I10IJEY AT T F0LL0V7IIIG IGA STORES pemsoii's food inn. 194 North CammercUl. Salem. Oregaa MODEL FOOD IIAHEET 171 North Blah St. Salem. Oregon orcutt's iiahket 42 Nartb Elver Kaad Salem, Oregaa CEIITIIAL CASH IIAIIEET llanmoath, Oregaa niDEFEIIDEIICE FOOD IIAIIEET Independence. Oregaa HIGHLAIID IIAIIEET t0 Highland Ave Salem. Orcg KEII GOLLIET Mehama, Ore ran Ope n Sandays SERVE BITE GROCERY Dallas. Oregaa BD0ADT7AY GDOCERY Broatfway and alarket. Salem. Oreroa EDUEGED KASfl Ci EAnBY East Center at 41th. Salem. Oregaa nOIIIIED'S GBQCEBY Gerraia. Oregaa SQUALL'S GHOCEBY Woodhara. Oregaa LEinioirs iiAnEET gtt North CemmerclaJ St. aUleav Oregaa D ERG'S GROCERY STORE 171 Center Street. Salem. Oregaa) CARTER'S IIAIIEET 17th and Market St, Salem. Orofoa) STATE STREET IHTT. 123S State Street Salem, Oregaa iiAnsmiALLons ' Doamaka o af 12-oa. ak( aalC Cf KaXSTEXT On:! w .LIE rouN S til 27c J :? f Miitititm!?frfrf ff iimt;ntmf n ti