i T The Stat man. Salem. Oregon. Friday. April 30. 1948 By Donna Carr PARRISn JUNIOR HIGH Honor Students Name! High honors for the last nine wrekj report prnd at Parnsh Junior high sw hool wri t to 68 students. Honor cerd reports were earned by 151 students dur ing the same period. Students gaining high honors were: Elliott BacktraiKl. Charles Benner, Donald Berg. Wilma Blue. John Bone. M.rjiet Boock. Evelvn B Bromley. r'rf Buchan an. Sharon Campbell. Bt Carl son. De lores Carr. George Cas per. Bill Cranor. Netl Daugherty. Dorothy Davis, Larry Delk. I -a Ti ny Dibbern. Robert Dough ton. Dorothy Dyke. Joan rill is. David Garinger, Joyce Ctrluk. Caro line Giese. Teddy Ruth Gordon. Melvin Govig, Sally Greig. Esther Griffin. David Hardie, Marilyn Harper. Jean Hartwell, Carol Hew.tt. Harri-t Hiday, Donnade ' Hindman. Marilyn Isaah, Bar bara Joansen, Carolyn Jones, Joe Anne Langiell, Myrna Little, Stanley Lyman. Dorothy Mac ! Gregor. Charles McClelland. Jim McOelland. Bob Mc-Conville, Alice Miller. Sally Mitchell. Josephine Mystrom. Sharon O'Brien. Patsy Pease. Rosemary How, ell. Beverly Salisbury. Bev erly Savior, Dorothy Schuler, Patricia Schwalen. Marcia See ber. Rolerta Sjoding. Terry Srowalter. Loree Sliffe. Grady Smith. Nan Steele. George Stro- Get Going on Your Homo Building Plans Nowl . . . And let us help you every step of the way! . . . We have interesting home planning booklets for your m.-.pet tlon. aiid wall be gld to anAer any questions you may have about the newest and mM( up to date building materials' How about coming In this week to talk with our friendly staff? E It's the Talk of the Tovn j.j. Clothes Shop An W OF NEW SPRING Top Quality 1 V mm mm f i $750 OFF THE REGULAR ORIG INAL PRICE ON ANY SUIT IN THE STORE OFF ON ANY Sporl Coal, Slacks, Panls AND FINE For Fell Hals Open Friday Niht Till 9 OTlock You 11 Find II Pays All Ways To Buy Your Clothes at J. J. Clothes Shop Salem s Quality Clothiers or Men and Young Men 387 Stale SL 2 Doors Wet of Liberty at State Street Next to Tlartman's Jewelry Store rut. Loyce Taylor. Patricia Todd, Jean Turnbull, JoAnne Walter, Rita Wanner, Richard Wilson, Keith Wright and Inez Ziegen haget. Honors went to Lillian Adams, James Anderson. Betty Andre sen, Elsie Armstrong. Pat Bade, Nancy Baker. Roger Bandy. Mar garet Barge. Carol Bart ell. Gil bert Bateson. Beverly Benner, Glenn Benner, Barbara Bennett, Leonard Berg, Eddean Berry, Donna Bradford, Joyce Brets, Claire Brown. Juanita Burr, Helen Callazhan. Donald Case. ' David Casebeer. Jim Caviness. Gwendolyn Chiles. Dick Chris tofferson. John Clayton, Pat Col lins. John Conder, Donna Jean Cooke, Darlene Crawley, Arvin Crose, Shirley Crothers. Jan dimming. Deb Davis, Gracie Dunn, George Durham, David LEaton, Michelle Edwards. Leora I Fpley. Richard Evans. Barbara j Fariv Sandra Faris. Gary Fer- gueson. Pat filler, Ann fowler. Gary Fowler. Carol Garrett. Ardyth Garver, Jerry Gillespie, Loretta Goode. William Gurn, Lloyd Hagen. Joy Hale, Lois Hall. Patricia Halseth, Joan Hammer, Marjorie Hanson.' Velma Hardy. Dave Harra. Beth D Hart. Rob ert Hart. Robert Hazel. David Heinz. Bob Hewitt. Connie Hil ton. Loyal Howard. Curtis Hum phrey. Clifford Hutchinson. Mar shall Jelderk., Murrey Jensen, Belva Johnson. Jacqueline Jones, Carol Kaufman, Marlene Keller, Lawrence Kimble. Marilyn Kip per. Ruth Kreft. Marjorie Kron ser. James Kuenzi, Janet Kuf ner. Louisa Lamb, Sharon Lam kin, Harold Lang, Virginia Live ly. Alan Litchenberg, Anna Mae Lot kenour, Mari ' Lorenz, Billy Lottls. Kay Lovell, Bob Lee Lower)-. Darrell Lunda. Robert S. Lyons, Cleta Martin. Donna Mar tin. Gerald Martin. Bill Maude, Ronald Meskimen. Gary Mess ing. Pat McDonald, Bill McKin ney. Herdis Nickelson. Lawrence Monk. Rita Mae Morrison, Ron nie Morgali. Mary Newton. Dick Need. Janice Obert, Janice Olson, Shirley Page, Donalyn Patton. Loir, a Perkins. Kay Perrin. John Perriman. Cleora Phillips, Lenore Phillippe. Douglas Pike, Sophia Polales. Clarice Remple, Gerald Remple. John Rowell. Carol Rus sell. Beverly Savage. Mower Schirman. Mary Schrunk, Virgin ia Scott. Joan Seamster, Barbara Seeber. Judy Schrock. Margaret Ann Smith. Virginia Smith. Jack son Smithson. Richard Sohrt, Doris Starret, Tom Steeves. Jo anne StettJer, Norma Stewart, Aletha Story, Barbara Van Loh, Norma Watson. Celia Weaver, David W'eeks. Arlene Werner, Dick White. Betty Whitfield. Carol Weinstein. Viola Wilcox, Janet Wiley. Allen Wood. Helen Wood. Mary Lou Zumwalt and Nola Zobel. HIGHLAND SCHOOL Operetta Slated . -The Magic Feather of Mother Goose." an operetta, will be pre sented by the primary grades of Highland school at 8 p.m. Thurs day, May 6. in observance of Na tional Music week. The operetta is being directed by Miss Nita Sweat and Mrs. Gwen Ronetta. An attraction of the program will be a 30-piece uniformed rhythm band of students from grades 1 and 2 who will present the overture. Mrs. Earl McLaugh lin is making the stage settings and the programs are being pre pared by Mrs. LeRoy Mittendorf. Miss Kay Lovett and Mrs. Doro thy Claus are securing properties for the performance. LESLIE JUNIOR HIGH Students Not Absent Sixty five students, 37 boys and 28 girls, were neither absent nor tardy through the first 27 weeks of the school year, figures re leased by the Leslie office re veal Sixteen seventh graders, 30 eighth graders and 19 ninth grad ers are included on the list. During the third nine-weeks period 171 students (about 27 per cent) boasted perfect records for attendance and punctuality. Of this number 93 were boys and 76 girls. Sixty one seventh grad ers. 54 eighth graders and 56 ninth graders were on this list. Students with perfect records for the first 27 weeks of the school year: seventh grade: Dor othy Dixon, Audrey Dunafon, Jean Jorgenson, Barbara Klun der. Carol Lee. Delore McClel lan. Shirley Peterson, Marlene Roller, Helen Spore, John Buren. Gentenum, Tracy Gilman, Hall. Raymond Hughes, Wickizer and James Wis- Gen Glenn Larry hart. Eighth grade: Shirley Brockart, Helen Booth, Mary Jo Brown, NEW MEALT1MI SATISFACTION 4 ii Qook tit ceo NORGE CUdUa Way Fboae4610 'Home-of-the-lleelt' i r pi ''' a -b i assismtmmmmmmm 1 t C P lltlll IIIM 1 S t -ff 't . I 1 I lyri k o . n 6 1,,OM,01 rh LAM NO 505 A AF Newsfeatares A SMALL HOI SE with a big heuse floor plan - - this design by Shaw A Reoneker. architects, far the Saaail Home Plan Serrtee, Box 2821 WoodUwn 8UtiA, BtrsaingiMm C. Ala., rfers an Interesting lay out Li ring rsai and poreh are on the rear facing a landscaped garden. Aeeess to the poreh froaa both lirtng room and kitchen fa cilitates outdoor dinteg. A center entrance hall, seldom found In small homes. Is another feature of this plan. A well lighted dinette has a bay window on the front. A low roof pitch makes for econ omy in construction. This house corers an area of 9SS square feet, of which the porch comprises tf square feet A part basement of about 250 square feet can accommodate a gravity warm air heating plant and storage space. Suggested specifications Include exterior walls of frame, brick reneer, or concrete blocks; roof of composi tion shingles: plastered Interior walls and ceilings: hardwood floors throughout except in bath and kitchen where pine floors are cov ered with linoleum. Lions Hear Hawaiian Trio A trio of Hawaiian who are Willamette university students here entertained Salem Lions Ewaliko and Charles Nee, with club Thursday noon in the Mar ion hotel with their singing of the Hawaiian war chant and Hawaiian drinking song. Singers were James Noa, Bill the latter accompanying with his ukelele. The club also saw a California-Hawaii Sugar Corp. color movie on Hawaii and its' sugar industry. -v Ila Jo Campbell, Irene Fenley, Nadine Gilman. Emily Hubbard, Karolina Kampstra. Janie Lam bert. Carolyn Real. Jeona Rux, flrem Srhi4reriffost. Carolvn Seay Dorothy Swigart, Barbara Wag-f ness, Shirley Will, cianne wooi ery, Joyce Younger. Jerry Agnew, Gerald Baker, Gerald Boldt. Nor man Cocking. Bobby Cole, Ray Cook. Jim Darby. Hjalmar Davis; Wayne DaMetz, Dale Pearson, Grant Shaffnor and Lawrence Theye. Ninth grade: Margie Atwood, Berniece DaMoude, Florence In gram, Hertha Long, Margaret Miller, Lois Roseler, Marcelene Smith, Leona Strode, Jackie Yates. Mary Young. Roy Bloom. John Brockway, John Edgar, Ar nold Manke, Doyle McMillin, Max Morris, Harold Pickerel, Jerry Rains and Billy Thoma. trA ....... ,........... Hitls Rrot. Coffa b a blend of the bost of the world's fine oofToos "ihe pdc of the crop. The flavor of every coffee bean b brought to uniform perfection by the exclusive H3b Bros, proa ess of CONTROLLED ROAST1NO. The tempting freshness of H3h Bros. Coffee Is protected by vacuum-pocking . In cans and Ultra-Vac far. rtatwS S M.0S To 1 TWO GRINDS: Byron Gooley's Yea, thene are just samples of the great savings you can make bv shopping her. Compare these prices and be convinced YOU CAN DO BETTER AT BYRON COOLEYS. 3 Lb. Can Snowdrift Grade A Large, Country Fresh Dozen Oleomargarine Durkee's Per lb. nil IT Tall cans. All brands 2 for50 C A I "P 26 oz. pkg. Ardens Iodized or Plain Each 70 Pepper 2 oz. Crescent pure Each 70 Cinnamon 2 oz. Crescent pure Each 80 n 1 lb. Swift's Oriole, sUaCOXl Sliced and rind off Per ib. 590 n,n 1 b. pkg Swift's DaCOIl Ends and Pieces Per lb. Hound Steak Grade A Per lb. 690 LARD 4 lb. pkg. Nebergairs Pure Shortening S Ib. can Spry l.W Coffeo 1 lb. can Empress Potatoes 10 ib . sack No. 1 Idahos 490 Grapefrail Fresh Seedles Texas Pinks, Per dozen 39c Each 40 Pineapple No. 2 can crushed. Per dozen 3.75 .. Each Oysters Cove New Orleans, the small ones. ' Per dozen 4.15 Each 350 Tl ' 20 oz. can Kingwood. Per dozen 1.75 Each 50. 50 Sweet Pickled, 4Y2 oz. jar. Use like PI mien toes. JrepperS Per case 24, 69c Each Chocolate Syrup Per case 24, 1.00 Each 50 Cleansing Tissues "denS1!.5..19! Each 50 l-lb. Jar Ranchers Pride rUZU P. TTrlle. or Turkey & Noodli Per doz. 2JZS Each 90 Catsup 14 oz. bottle Patty Dae, Per dozen 1.75 Each 150 Strawberry Jam 10 lb. jar 2.75 1 lb. jar 29 01 f7o.s.loMllMe-o. 8 oz. pkg. Wonderfood 2 for 25 0 Ilaplc Sugar 100 pure Vermont Each 690 Candy Plain Mix Per lb. 100 Fndgo Candy Creamy and fresh Lb. 5L90 Sweet Chocolate Wafers, l ib. pkg. Bakers 48 mint flavored. Each 490 Washing Powder. 3 lb. pkg.. 1 14 Sanox or Speed-E-Suds. Each at vy MHpBHOiOBOHOaaoaMOasoiaaMOBWioooMBOBMWHMaaaMH Primes. 25 Ib. box Or. Italians These can be shipped overseas. 1 fflt& Far box 1.99 Per Figs. 8 oz. pkg. fancy black' 3 for 250 Trend Washing Powder D Large size 2tor-ikVP Mazola OiL Pint size 190 Coffee, 1 Ib. can Chase and Sanborn 490 No LimiU We Sell to Dealers. These Bargains Are Good Through Thursday, May 6th. 2360 State Street Phone 3323 Tf ; 236 N. COMMERCIAL ST. tan, osteon L