.. ,' -. fi t 'if. ti :s i -.t 'iirrir.uiiiirfiiiriii.iii ....... i ' ii i - ii l' iiiiiiriiriiiiii.ui -- Salem Men Await bhore Leave in rrusco Thn Slatwmmi.' Salem. Oregon. Trldmy. April 33, I33 5 4 4- '- - r n - f 4 1 . - . I v - CHURCH PLAY TONIGHT "The Missing Christians," play by Manford Evans, will be pre sented in a request repeat per formance tonight at 7:45 o'clock in the Foursquare church, 490 N. 18th st. Members of the cast are the Rev. Edwin and Vonitta Gur ney. Hazel Ingalls. Rosabella IV.il burn, RoselU McCarthy, Delma Callahan, Dorris Cochran, Gary Black and LoUta Gurney. Lots of used brick, cheap. Mad son's Wreckirtg Co 278 N. Capitol street. Expert picture Elfstrom Co framing. R. L. CLUBMEN TO CLIMB The Chemeketans hiking club will climb Bald mountain in the coast range west of Falls City Sunday. Paul Duber, leader of the six-mile hike, asks those making the trip to meet at Greenbaum's store at 8 a. m. and to bring trail lunch. Dance Saturday, Dallas armo-y. Glenn Woodry's orchestra. Salem Garden Club tour post poned until further notice. Remember! Glenwood opens Wed., May 5th. Ballroom Dance Saturday, Dallas armory Glenn Woodry's orchestra. Hard of hearing? Fresh Batteries for all makes of hearing aids. See our 1 unit Beltone priced at only $75. James N. Taft Sc Associates, 218 Oregon Build. Ph. Sa. 24491. Dr. Doiph Craig, dentist, an nounces the removal of his office Fishermen: Complete line of fish to the Pearce Bldg., corner of ' ing tackle. Hunting Sc fishing li Court Sc Com'l Sts. Stair entrance cense. Open nights Sc Sundays, on Court St. Caldwell Service Station, 25th Sc State. Ph. 9788. STRAIN UNESCO DELEGATE Certification of his appointment 1 WIEBES LOCATED to attend the coming Pacific re- Mr. and Mrs. Ave Wiebe and giona 1 meeting of UNESCO was children Madeline and Billy have received Thursday by the Rev purchased a home in Imperial Dudley Strain, pastor of First Beach Gardens, Calif. Wiebe is Christian church. He is one of a now employed at the Consolidated group of churchmen named to rep- Aircraft Co They are former Sa resent the interdenominational lem residents. Mfcrme Missions council. The meet- ' i lilt SAN FRANCISCO. April 29 Members of the Salem, Ore.. division of naval reserrtsU are aboard the destroyer-escort USS Grady, new here far naval reserve week, and just before "liberty call" they were given a briefing on this port's liberty spots by LL Kenneth Hill. USNR. Portland. Ore. (right). The Salem reservists (left to right) are Richard Nelson. Clarence Hughes, Don dine. Alfred Kara, Robert Small. Frank YVIlley and Ray Leon hard L The Salem group, with other reservists from the 13th naval district, Seattle, are on a two-weeks' training cruise. (Photo special to The Statesman.) ing will be Franc fsco. May 13-15 at San Grand Opening Dance Wed May 6th Glenwood ballroom, 4 mi. north of Salem Dancing every Wed. Sc Sat. Dance Saturday. Dallas armory Glenn Woodry's orchestra. Fir trees, half price Cabbage, lettuce, tomato, bedding plants, p a n s i e s, primroses, perennials, Boyd Nursery, 2440 State. More time for picnic or gardening. Wash at the Launderette. 21 auto. Bendix. 40 mm. service. 1255 Ferry. MOTHER DISMISSED Dismissed from Salem General hosprtal Thursday were Mrs. C. C. Barnes of Turner with her new born son and Mrs. William L. See ley, 693 N. Church st., with her in fant daughter. Dance Sat., Crystal Gardens. 2-tube fluorescent fixtures with tubes. $6.95; 3-tube fluorescent fixtures, with tubes, $7 95. Wood row's, 450 Center. i Downspouts, gutters, galvanized Thor Automagic washers Ac Thor or copper, now available. Judson's, ironers now on display at Ralph 279 N. Com'l. Phone 4141. i Johnson Appliance, 355 Center. ! . . ,, Ph 4036 i Dance Saturday, Dallas armory, j ! Glenn Woodry's orchestra. Ph. 4642 for free roof estimate. Johns-Manville shingles in beau tiful blends St plain colors. Ma this Bros.. 164 S. Com! YWCA rummage sale every Fri , 9 a. m. to 4 p. m 141 S. Winter.' Catholics Plan New School At Silverton DISEASES REPORTED Dysentery led all other diseases ending April 24 with 13 cases re ported, the state board of health reported Thursday. Other diseases reported were five cases of mumps, tfcree each of chickenpox and tuberculosis, two of syphillis and one each of influenza, whoop ing cough and gonorrhea. Dance Sat , Crystal Gardens. Dance Sat., Crystal Gardens. SLAUGHTER HOUSE FILES SILVERTON. April 29 The RV- .1 J Wnltll ns.lnr n Ql in Marion county during the week j "L " i 'J' Z 'JZ ,'7 Z' llttXIW m 1UUTI J1U(1HCI 1IUUW, J vi m M w. Hubbard route 1. was filed Thurs- j modern brick school building to day by I. Thomas Yoder and Mike replace the old wooden one which Kenagy with the Marion county 1 been used as a grade school clerk. . 'or th Pt 27 years. The archi- I techtural firm of Jaccobberger, Wiring, heating, plumbing service ; Stanton and Zeller of Portland are on Saturday at regular weekday : completing the drawings for a unit rales. Judson's Phone 4141. i which will accommodate 160 stu- c ., dents in the eight grades. Leiuse ou sre lauriury, otj Jefferson St. Bendix launderalls, Maytags and dryers. The best In the west Ph. 26317. For sale: Azaleas in bloom Stray er azalea field. Ph. 6915, Fifth Si Locusts Sts. Dance Saturday. Dallas Glenn Woodry's orchestri armory 4141 Insured savings earn more than Savings Association, 390 State st. J The Wooden Shoe restaurant at Bonnie Deo Beauty Salon reopens Broadway Sc Hood St. will be new shop on 1993 Fairgrounds rd. open on Sundays from 10 a. m. to Hollywood Dist. across from new 9 p m. Come and try our Gismo s. bank bldg. Ph. 2-1995. Eileen Sim- Early last year, the parish pur chased four buildings from Camp Adair, the materials of which will be used for the new school. Oil burner troubles? Prompt serv-! A preliminary drive to raise ice by skilled oil burner men on $25,000 for the project has been all make burners. Judson's, phone j launched. Father Walsh said. The Parri.h 20 and Salem high school 40. Salem high will also enter ensemble groups. The high school orchestra Is directed by Victor Palmason; high school band by Vernon Wiscarson; Parri.sh or chestra by Carl Thielen and the ensembles and soloists by Ray mond Carl jof Leslie. Bands from Dallas and Wood burn are also entered. UAL Starts 2-Stop Flights to Chicago New summer schedules to be put in effect tomorrqw by United Air Lines will feature two-stop service from Salem to Chicago, it was announced Thursday by H. F. Sweeney, United's station manager here. With all flight times adjusted to conform with daylight saving time in various parts of the country, an evening flight, departing from Salem at 10:05 p.m. (PST), will make connections in Portland with a DC -4 schedule to Chicago which stops only at Denver. The same flight serves Cleveland and New York. The Chicago arrival time is 11:55 a m. Jaycees to Hear Dewey Salem Junior Chamber of Com merce will be represented by a large delegation of its member ship at sessions of the state Junior Chamber convention in Portland today and tomorrow. Gordon Keith, new president of the local junior chamber, will head the official delegation which also includes Tom Pomeroy, C. A. Schaefer, Richard Schmidt and James Buchanan. The delegates will be accompanied by their wives. Other members are expec ted to visit some of the conven tion sessions. A highlight will bo a dinner ! address Saturday evening by Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York, followed by a dance. Delegates will sponsor the can didacy of Pomeroy as a state vice president for the organization's district 2 which includes Salem. Schmidt is a member of the con vention nomination committee. Schaefer is a state director. Perceptible tides are observed in soma lakes. morn, formerly of Hollywood dist., manager. KKLM COMMENDED Salem radio station KSLM re ceived a commendation certificate from the U. S. army and air re cruiting service Thursday for its Auto glass installed. Floor sanders for rent. R D. Woodrow, 450 Cen ter St. FILE FOR MARKET H. H. and Evelyn K. Bolmeier, 1350 Norway St.. filed with the work of tearing down the old landmark, originally built in 1890 as an atheist college called "Free thinkers University" will begin as soon as school closes in order to start work on the new building which plans call for completing ready for the fall term. A new church was recently com pleted here as the first unit of the local Catholic center. Complete plan." also call for a convent to be built later. outstanding work in aiding army Marion county clerk Thursday a recruiting. The certificate was presented- to Glenn M. McCormick, station president, by Lt. Col. H. E. Hellies-en, head of the Salem re cruiting office certificate of assumed business name as Bolmeier's market, deal ers in groceries and meat. 52-gallon double element electric I water heaters, now only $89 50. May 4th Crystal Judson's, 279 N. Com 1. Tulips, Mother's day gifts, at pub- New! Bonnie Dee Beauty Salon, lie market. Sat. a. m. Rural Ave. Spivak Tues Gardens. Ph. 21995 for appointment. Slenderising, baths. Ph. 6253. Dance Sat., Crystal Gardens. Up-to-date light fixtures. Elfstrom s third floor. Steam baths, reducing. Ph. 4839. RADIO CLINIC NAMED The assumed business name of Al's Radio clinic, Salem route 8, box 544, was filed with the Mar ton county clerk Thursday by A. F. and Dorothy A. Lamer. The firm will deal in radio and small ap pliance sales and service. For Rent: Cars, vans, stakes and tickups. Smitty's Clipper Serv e. Center Sc Church. Ph. 9600. tO to 60 on wallpaper closeouts. Ilfstrom's, 340 Court Super Rummage Sale. Bargains galore. Fri. Sc Sat., Apr. 30 Sc Way 1. 9-5. Over Greenbaum's. Liberty Woman's Club. BOARD TO HEAR STADTER "Trusts'' will be the subject of Edward O. Stadter, Salem attor ney, in a talk today noon before the Salem Board of Realtors, meeting in Marion hotel. Bazaar Sc cooked food sale, Fri., April 30, Portland Gas & Coke Co., Daughters of U. Vets, of Civ. war. I Try For hourly nursing call Mary Vin- , yard, R. N Ph. 22521. Carl Holmstedt is now located at Cal De Bow's barber shop at 421 S. 12th. Musicians to Compete Today Soloists, orchestras and bands from Salem's junior and senior high schools will go to Eugene by chartered bus today and Sat urday to compete in state music contests as guests of University of Oregon. Those making the trip are first division winners in last week's regional contests, with some 3,000 young musicians expected to compete. The Salem group was in Corvallis last weekend. Leslie is sending 15 soloists. Season Opens Ilay lsi BARB'S WILL AGAIN STAY Open All Uiie, Friday, April 30ih For Your Last Minute Needs STOP IN FOR Coffee and Donuls STARTING AT MIDNIGHT FLY RODS if REEXS GOOD SELECTION OF TROUT TACKLE NIP BOOTS & WADERS NITE CRAWLERS Barb's Sporting Goods 175 South High Phone 4355 Births ARNOLD To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arnold, 337 S. 18th st.. a son, Thursday, April 29, at Salem General hospital. HANKEL To Mr. and Mrs. P D. Hankel, Rickreall. a son, Thursday, April 29, at Salem General . hospital. MILLER To Mr. and - Mrs. Earl Miller. Independence, a daughter, Thursday, April 29, at Salem General hospital. SOLOMON To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Solomon, 497 S. Capitol St., a daughter, Thursday, April 19, at Salem Memorial hospital. Lcsier DcLapp Ceasaserclal Haallag Fmmitare Xsnaf 111S No. CessT rnoee 1-17M Batons, Oregon Ileblex Vil Caps A dietary supplement. Con tains Dried LWer plus other factors of B Complex natural to yeast and liver. mtmm orrt bituHim oa W !. Be 50c Try Our Fountain for Fine Drinks Plenty of Fruits and Plenty Ice Cream Freeeree! by exoerieneed men and will fit yew taste to a T. YOUR PRESCRIPTION STORE WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER 1899 - 1948 "It Pays to Trad at gchaefcrV Prescriptions Accnralely Filled EVEBYTHIIIG FOB THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let urn fill your prescription. BOX CAIJDY FOR 1 3 OTHER'S DAY e Fresh and Delicious Seetete, Johnstone, Sierra rrieed from SI e S3 GIto her a gift that she will appreciate. This hi the effloial lenslar Remedy Store for Marten Canary. Ten will find these preparations of highest nsltty and guaran teed to he exactly for what they are sold and rsprsssntsi to he. LoJ 11 DER-MA-MOL flettrrfM Irvil9)fps (Jv6 9 MtOTftoK IWM 500 Back pains may mean trouble Schaefer's Kidney Pills Stimulant to the Kidneys 50c . Avoid Embarassment Try Schaefer's Dedal 0inlmenl-50c Poison Oak Sufferers mar obtain Instant relief with amazing- llocd's Poison Oak Remedy Used sneeios felly in Salens for 4t years. Qsick drying, greaee less; dees net shew an skin. ATsilahle at Schaefer's Only 50c & sa.co 135 II. Ccnnerdal SL Sets Agents for Fenslar Reanedies fee Marten Cemnty Prcscripilsss Filled 1CS3-1S13 Phcno 5107-9723 2 Mils ,t Yes, add up thene savings and see why more and more house wives are thopping at Erick son's. Week in and week out you will find that we consistently supply you with quality mer chandise at the lowest possible prices. Two Big Supermarkets for your convenience - and savings. Beans Red Mexican Beef Gravy C"..!. III Franco-American lb. cello Franco-American Tall can 290 40 gj franco-American cheese and tomato sai n:ll Tl:-.I-1 Columbia Shortening Snowdrift 5 lb. can $1.13 While Siar Tuna ChunkN'.. v, 390 Bisquick Go,d M"" 41 0 Flour w'heat ... 25 lb. bag $1.79 ...Quart jar 290 Straight or Kosher KITCHEN QUEEN 10-lbs. 89c Ideal for sanee A and pies ........ " Fresh Tcnaioes Red. ripe 10- and Jslcy Lfc. wC Bhnfcarb - Local n. 17c Artichokes 3 for 25c Sunkixl Oranges 23c Grapefanil Fresh and bright 252 mediant stse Dosen Fink Texas, sweet. Jvl- JQ i I cy and de lie Ions. Dos. Hew Pclaloes No. 1 White 1f f0 Shafter U lbs. 05C APPLE SAUCE pkgs. 150 Frozen, Lamb's 16-os. pkg G & H SUGAR .10 Pure cane 100-lb. bag . n-.870 $8.39 Colli Dei Monte No. t can 1 5 C Golden bantam eream style Beans 8.nM.m N,.(u 19 c Stringless - - Silver, No. 2 can. 2 for 25e Sweet Pea D" M:, 18c Pioneer, No. 2 cans- - 2 for 19c Larsen'iVegallNiM... 15c Hew Polaloej.. .3 25c Marlon DEL. MAIZ rnrTC Vacnnm Packed Nibloto any LOni 12-e ea. lC Baked Beans Oven baked Tenderleal Tea Vi Of Corn Flakes lb. pkg. Orange Pekoe Reg. S-es. pkg. Post Corn Tooetles 47c lie nipe OUvej 8-"",;1 ,. 10 c Preserves "w 1 , 25 C Boysenberrr TThmh-I-Ja Orange ttoiucuauv Uoney S-es. new! King Kellj Creamed Pint eart Whitney or Miller's 9c Ken-L Ballon Dog Food Deal 5 cans for the price of S Buy S cans - get 2 cans free 5 Cans Ken-L Ration 390 Palmolivo Soap Reg. bar Super Snds VEL rC;tVSu... .. 310 Granulated Soap pu.,. 470 j Golden Syrup lH-Ib. Jar 2 Jars 25c Breakfast Bell Syrup If). Pint bottle I3C A Tea Garden prodsct - cane and maple flavored Sioux Bee .. Sirained Honey ... 5 ib. can 79c Seedless Raisins Healthful and A lb. economical as pkg. nvC Fig Bar Cookies 39c Superior 2 4 -ex. eelle pkg, Circus Peannls 29c Salted. S-es. can See the largest display In Oregon IIUG0A nARGAIUIIE 2 ibs. 770 Your Favorite Margarine 1-lb. 39c fovo-Riro PORK BOAST No shank Xb. 550 PORK CHOPS Lb. 590 Eastern grain fed pork PORK STEM. 490 Lean and tender SUCED DACOII .. Armour's HAI-2S Half or whole . Skinned PACIFIC OYSTERS : Fresh and firm MONDAY - SATURDAY ONLY Lb. i-b. 590 .Pint 590 11 U0 Dip AT FOUR CQ3I1EE2S m P0I1TL11IID H0I1D