The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 30, 1948, Page 16, Image 16

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    'ifr--flw Statototan.' Solra, Owgon. Friday.; Aprfl 30. 1348
Zen Parents of pupils in Zena
school are asked to meet Friday,
April 30 at 7:45 p.m. at the school
bouse to consider a neighborhood
rganization to sponsor the school.
Senator Douglas McKay is to be
congratulated on ending the sha
dow boxing in the current guber
natorial race"and getting down to
In the speech
that has all
Portland talking
What kind of a governor
do you want for Oregon
- here's the record.'
Fri., 10:15 P.M.
Pd. Adv. by
McKay For Governor Com.
W. L. Phillips, Chr.
10 N. Coml. Salem
Lyns Jordan and Mehama
Farmers Union local will hold a
benefit Friday night, April 30 in
Rebekah hall. The program will
include music by a group of Lyons
children, a motion picture, and
refreshments will be sold. Pro
ceeds will go toward the national
Fanners Union fund.
Labish Center Guy Dow,
who has been a patient in Salem
General hospital for the past
month was taken to the home of
his daughter, Mrs. Pete Russ
Turner Mr. and Mrs. Rodger
DeLorm and family of Ren ton.
Wash., have been visiting the W,
Ft. Hogseds. They also visited
Mrs. Arnold Gagnet (Pearl Hog
ged) who has been ill in a Sa
lem hospital.
LAblsh Center Forrest Sim
mons moved last week to a house
they have rented near Wood
burn. Simmons is with a real
estate firm in Salem and the j
couple who purchased their berry
farm are on the way west from
Lincoln The Good Will club
will hold a plant sale at the Lin
coln Community club meeting Fri
day, April 30 at 8 pjn.
Liberty Mrs. Charles Krauger
is under a-physician's care as the
result of being shaken up when
she fell from a moving automo
bile while riding with her daugh
ter, Ida Krauger.
Fmitland Family
Host to Visitors
FRUITLAND Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Harmon visited the Al
bert Harmons for several days.
I He is Albert Harmon's youngest
1 brother. They sold their place at
i Compton, Calif., and will locate
at Anchorage, Alaska, where
they have three married children.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Harmon were their grandson,
Vaughn Gardner and family, Rose
and Jess Lucas, all of Salem, and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harmon.
Visitors at the George Kleens
this week were Mr. and Mrs. Al
den Smare, Mrs. Lydia Dawes,
Mrs. Ida Macinster and Mrs. Ma
bel Kirk, all of Silverton.
New Extension
Heads Elected
For Pratum Unit
PRATUM Twenty women
attended the' extension unit
meeting Tuesday. Guests were
Mrs. Thomas Jones, Hulda Gerig,
Mrs. Peter Bischoff, - Mrs. L. K.
Bruce and Mrs. Earl Pooler.
Mrs. Ralph Wilson was elect
ed chairman for thje, next year;
Mrs. Harry Martin, f vice chair
man; Mrs. 1 Earl Murray, secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. J. G. Lau
derback is retiring chairman.
Mrs. A. C. Spranger read let
ters from foreign friends. Mrs.
Robert Anderson reported on the
Azalea Hduse project at the
spring festival.
Serving table was centered with
a bowl of tulips and - daffodils.
Mrs. A. E. Johnson and Mrs.
Thomas Jones poured. Hostesses
were Mrs. A. C. Spranger, Mrs.
J. G. Lauderback, Mrs. Ralph
Wilson and Wilma deVries.
Next meeting will be with Mrs.
A C. Spranger, May 25 at 10:30.
Mrs. Spranger and Mrs. Oscar
Johnson will demonstrate salads.
Dallas Music Week
Observance Planned
DALLAS In observance of
national music veek here, a pro
gram will be presented at the
high school auditorium, Sunday,
May 2 at 3 p. m. Mrs. Melvin L.
Gilson is local chairman in charge.
It is planned to use local talent
largely, with the high school chorus
furnishing the large group num
bers, Mrs. Gilson states.
Dallas National Guard
Equipment Is Displayed
DALLAS Latest equipment of
the Dallas anti-tank company,
162nd infantry, Oregon national
guard, was on display when the
unit held open huse Monday night
at the armory.
Dick Harmon is the command
ing' officer of the company which
now numbers 20 men besides the
Birthday Party Given
At R. C. Shephard Home
ZENA The Ralph Shepard
home at Zena was the scene of a
birthday party Monday honoring
Mrs. Shepard. Contributing to the
crystal gift were the families of
Worth W, Henry, Roy E. Barker,
C. K. Alernck, Byron i'jrvire,
Frederick Muller, V. L. Gibson,
Robert Shepard, Elmer Terrill,
Walter B. Hunt, James Smart, sr,
Ted Burns, Wilfred La n Lis, Jesse
Walling. R. H. Scott, Maurice
Shepard, Paul Shepard, Walter
Kime, Joe Shepard, Greta Hiatt,
Robert T. Wright, W. F. Crawford,
Leland Bassett, Wayne D. Henry,
Florence Purvine.
Dallas State Guard
Members Get Papers
DALLAS Men of company
B, 11th battallion, Oregon state
guard, were presented their dis
charges at a meeting in the armory
last Friday night. CapL Ken Lau
dahl, former commanding officer,
made the presentations. Official
mustering out date of the unit was
February 3.
Bert Caster Family. Tm J
Moving to New Home
KEIZER Mr. and Mrs Bert
Caster, with their two small
sons, John and Todd, are mov
ing to a farm near Central Point
this week. They have lived in
the community for two years and
Mrs. Caster has on several oc
casions done substitute teaching
in school here. Caster has been
employed in Salem at the Wil
lamette National Farm Loan Co.
-' i t
Gervais Woman Visits
Houston, Texas Niece
GERVAIS Mr. and Mrs. George
T. Wadworth and Helen Miller
drove to Newport last week for
the funeral of their old friend.
SILVERTON Born at the
Silverton hospital April 29, a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
A Hubert: April 28, a daughter
to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pfau, jr.
of Salem; April 27, daughters to
Mr. Rnd Mrs. Alfred Dettwyler,
and Mr. and Mrs. James E. Long
of Mulino; April 24, a son to Mr.
and Mrs. Donald D. Kuenzl of
Salem. . :
George Momhemig, who came to
the Pacific Coast several years be
fore Wadsworths. -.
Mrs. M. C. Smith has gone to
Houston, Tex. for the weddintf at .
Closes May 15th
New Super Quality
Suits, Topcoats
Sport Coats, Slacks,
Pants and
Fine Fur Felt Hats
Original Plainly Marked Regular Prices
Sale Ends May 15th.
Will Reopen July 15 with a
New Complete Fall Stock.
Open Every Nite
Till 9 o'clock
442 State St.
Nxt Door to Nohlgran's Rastauranl
I i
lis a
o -
T . : ll . Bl.l XI
u -'V
100 Wool Worsted, too!
For Only
v.. u umii
W V U x :
7 A
w 1
. .
V. A J
'jr.f'f ft J
Wifli Two Fair Fantu
o Glen Plaids
P Tick Weaves
Luxury Styled
Economy Priced
7 i
Here's the Secret of
Smart, Summer Comfort
Si r
h j i
O Single and Double Breasted
O Blues, Browns, Tans, Greys
Tpwnclad all wool tripicala are the answer if you want to stay
coo1! AND well groomed this Summer. No wilting, no sagging,
only clean lined good styling I Featherweight fabrics, many hand
tailored features, expert designing do the trick! See our selection
of stripes, tickweaves and plains, now !
"Crallsmen" Tropicals, loo ... . 47.50
Penney Main Floor
Ml"' J
Townrlad cuitn click as soon as you
try them on I And time bears out
the fint impreion! You feel the
difference fine fabrics, flawless
tailoring and modern styling can
make! Townclad suits are designed
for men who are going places.
Single and double-breasted models.
Blues, greys, browns. .Penney's has
a sparkling new selection now.
Don't miss this top men's clothing
value! ;
suiis with 33.75
One Pair Panls
Llalcbirig Ponls
Alain Floor