The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 30, 1948, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 The) Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Friday. April 30. 1S43
KoMh Along
By Jerry Stonb
To bad Uvat "Ulems Roy llotrhisea couldn't go back t kwi for
A rrwk at an Olympic wrestling berth, after having earned the right
at the recent qualifying meet In Portland too bad because Hutchison.
h grapple in the 124-11$ pound class, had at least a 5o-5o chance
f landing on the Olympic quad. That the opinion of the gvys
who've watched Roy in hi Infrequent tensions at the Y and who
unanimously praise the lad's agllitv and toughness. As far as we
could learn. Roy passed up the payoff show because of inability to
get time off from his job up Detroit way. . . .
Remember the .Sox?
Baseball comes bock to Silver
ton. And immediately there comes
to mind the glorious days of the
Red Sox back around 193 The
Sllverton Red So were not only
the darlings of the burg out Sil
ver Creek Falls way but also had
a load of disciples In Salem and
other adjacent points. For this part
of the Willamette Valley was base
ball starved in that period prior
to the birth of the pro Senator.
The 3 So were a great semi
pro boll club and but for a lack
of pitching depth, that gang could
have gone great guns in any Class
B pro loop In the country, ne-
noember em: Johnny Pesky. Roy Helser. Barney Koch. Babe Schwab.
Bob Bonne y. etc. For a number of those kids the Red Sox served as the
spring bo. rd into sparkling professional nreera. . n.ow
Mefieluess. the combined Kenesaw Mountain Landis and Connie Mack
of Sllverton. who built the So, is out to do It again to "I"'"
elob approaching the standards of that sterling crew of 1938. Full
speed ahead. Bill. . . .
Oh. That Weather
The weather offered a frightful
greeting to the llnkster in the
opening round of the Elks tourney
Saturday and the nwH? common
complaint was the nafv habit the
wind had of carrying pills into the
woods. Defending Champ Jack
Rtwll'i defeat by Harvey Quis
tad was. of coarse, the big news of
the first round snd Jack's upset
could probaWy be attributed more
to his long layoff than to the ill -hamor
of the weather gods. . . .
Tough life: Stearns Cushing. a
oporta enthusiast from away back,
hod Just that over the span of the
last few days. Saturday: Stearns
oipped by Tom Stacer. 1 up. in
t?d flight action in the Elks meet,
with the crusher for Cushing being
a four-putt green. Monday: Our
subject ran do no better than a
473 series in Commercial league
pin action at Capitol Alleys. Tues
day: Mr. Cushing formally opens
his service station, which he'd
purchased a few days before, and
while closing up that night he is
confronted by a determined young
man the determination being ap
parent in the gun poked at Cunn
ing's middle. Cost to Stern: 40
bucks. Wstta life! . . .
Sieve O'Neil. Detroit's chief,
proudly proclaims that George
Vlco Is the best fielding flrst
aacker to be around the Briggs
stadium bailiwick since the days
before Hank Cireenberg. And that's
coin- back a long time. . . . Joe
DIMaggio the Yankees' respected
rapper, hit .Mi last year, which
la smart figure for the average
gent but very lean Indeed for one
of Joe's talents. But closer obser
vation makes that .315 formidable
even for DtMag considering that
he was plagued by the following
during the '47 campaign: Pulled
muscles In right and left shoulders,
torn neck muscle, bone chips in el
bow cf throwing arm. torn leg
muscles, trick knee, lame back,
strained Instep, and unhealed op
eration scare on heel. Joe has mi
raculously rid himself of this mul
titude of miseries as the current ,
race swings into high which makes
one wonder just how much dam
age a perfectly well DiMaggio will
plioh with his warclub. . . .
Wl-P Ball 'Jam' Tonight
Tho first of Its kind for Sa
lem, the opening of a series of
Marlon-Polk league baseball
Jamborees will be held tonight,
starting at 7:3 o'clock, at Wat
ers field. All six league teams
will take part In three games
of three Innings duration each.
Jefferson. Stay ton. Independ
ence. Monmouth. Sacred Heart
academy and Halem academy
are the entries. It will be a
"Marlon vs. Polk" setup, as the
total score compiled blu schools
from respective bounties will go
toward winning the trophy.
The first game sends Jeffer
aost against Independence. Then
Use strong Halem academy tack
lea Stayton. The finale pits
Monmouth with Sacred Heart.
Jeff. Sacred Heart and Stayton
form the Marion team. Pitching
will undoubtedly play a promi
nent part In the show. Lefty
Valley leaguers
In Three Games
WOODBURN, April 2-(Speci-al)-Willamette
Valley league base
ball teams collide in three games
Friday, but not one will have a
bearing on the. undefeated status
of tho leading Sllverton team. Sll
verton is idle Friday, with a bye.
Tho three games, all set for af
ternoon play, find Sandy at Dallas,
lit. Angel at Woodburn and Eata
eada at Canby.
Grid Beavers in
Game Today at 4
April 29-(Special) -Coach Lon Sti
rrer's spring football practice ses
sion Friday with the Oregon State
Beavers will be devoted to a full
scale game between the "Orange"
and "Blacks." The game will start
at 4 p.m.. and will be the first of
three such tilts set for the next
three Friday afternoons.
Vikings Win,
To Play Foxes
' Conch Harold Hank tossed reg
ular Centerfielder Frank Os-born
At the Springfield Miller? jn the
Big Six league game last night at
Waters park, and Frank responded
by tossing a three-hit. 5-2 victory,
third in a row in loop play for the
Salem Vikings. Osborn vshiffed
Although Bob Cedros held Salem
to two hits, one a double by Waldo
Uniuh and the other a run-producing
Mngle by Warren Osborne,
he had the misfortune of having
seven ei roi s behind him. Three Sa
lem i uns in the sixth won the
Salem plas the potent Silver
ton Silver Foxes in a 1:30 o'clock
game tooay at Waters.
Springfield 001 100 0- 3 7
Salem 110 003 x 5 2 4
C'edro and Kindrick. Frank 0-fcKi n
and Houik.
Parrish Plays
West Salem 9
Parrish Junior high's Pioneers
attempt to get into the win col
umn today in their afternoon
baseball tilt at West Salem with
Bill llanauska's nine, the only
game of the day In the Junior
High league. In the only loop
game played thus far Leslie's
Rockets nosed out the Pioneers,
4-3. Today's mix will be the first
for the West Salem.
Pioneers to Join
New Sports Loop
HILLSBORO. April 29 A) -The
Tualatin - Yamhill Valley league
will add Oregon City high school
and drop Tillamook hfgli school,
beginning with, the football sea
son next fall. Tillamook was the
only league member outride the
valley district. The change will
confine tho league to an ea.vily
lraelled area.
Tails for Polks
Bob Funk of Salem academy. '
Jack Soing f Sacred Heart, i
Junior Wlekersham of Jeffer- :
son. Daane Wagner of Stayton.
Bob James of Independence and
Bd Baker of Monmoath all
have twirled well so far tlha !
aeaaon in leagne play.
National league: Boston at New
York-Sain 10-I1 s. Poat ll-6l. Brook
lyn at Philadelphia I night) Hatten
0-1) vs. Simmons (0-2). St. Louis at
Cincinnati Pol let i-Ol vs. To (0-1 1.
Pittsburgh at Chicago Sewell l-) vs.
Hunt (0-1).
American league: New York at Bos
tonReynolds (2-4) vs. Harris I l-O)
Philadelphia at Washington (night)
Marchlldon (1-1) vs. Maatcraon (0-0).
Chicago at Detroit Wight (0-6) vs.
Newhouaor I-2). Cleveland at St.
Louia Teller 12-0) vs. Carver -).
Duck Pins
fielder's S. B B Coarts 1;
Blae Lake Cannery 4. Kelly Far
e,ahar and Serve KJte Grocery
4. W. C Dyer 9 were' tho results
of Commercial leagae. bowling
ii B B Dackpia alleys last
night Bill Nelfaeyer had a 231
single gaaae for high and Lee
Jaeeard roiled a II high aerie
for Blae Lake.
State's Anglers Wait Saturday 'Co9
Fully equipped and equally
loaded with the enthusiasm that
only fishing seaooa can bring
each spring. Oregon's thousands
of anglers are poised for the
194S "go" at dawn Saturday
morning, the state game com
mission predieta the number of
licensed sports fishermen this
year will at least equal the
number of any season In the
past. The general season on
tront opens Saturday and ends
September 3. The commission
calls attention to the opening of
trout season In tidewater areas,
on June 15. not on Saturday.
In Lake county the general
opening la May 22.
Other exceptions, listed by
counties, are in the official
synopsis of the angling laws,
obtainable at nearly all local
sporting goods stores.
Even-Steven, Still in
Senators, Jackets
Split Ooubleheader
ROOSEVELT FIELD, Bremerton, April 29.-( Special ) -Salem and
Bremerton broke even in their Western International league double
header here tonight. Salem taking the first game, a wild one, 9 to 7,
and Bremerton coming from behind in the nightcap to win in 10 in
nings, 3 to 2. The split left Salem
in a tie for third place in the i
tiunrlmtfs with Victoria, at a 500
level. Tomorrow night Salem goes
j over to Tacoma to open a four
game series with the vastly
strengthened Tacoma Tigers,
j Lefty Cal Mclrvin won the
opener for Salem but had to be
! relieved in the final frame by
j Vince Lazor when the Brems
I threatened. Lazor retired the side,
i In the nightcap Roy Pitter went
; into the ninth with a 2-1 lead, but
a triple by Bob Samcotf, driving
in a run, tied it. Then in the tenth
1 Al Maul, a batting sensation all
! night, clouted another triple and
! Frank Volpi drove him in with a
, single to win the game.
Salem () (7) Bremerton
' Wert 1 J 0 6 OiMoore.r
2 1
2 3
1 0
0 3
3 5
1 1
I 1
0 6
0 0
0 0
0 0
Spater.2 1
Nunes.2 S
M Milan. c 4
Sinovic.m 4
Hirtman I 3
Gedzius.s 2
Gentiku ,r 3
Mtlrvin.p 2
HalterJ 2
Uuf p 0
0 0 SaiTUoll l
0 l'Ragni.m
0 OMarkert.l
4 1 Maul.l
2 0- Brown. 3
1 o Arnrich.
2 0 Ronning.c
5 0 Simon. p
1 1 Condon p
0 0 Ward p
Volpi. m
0 j
e I
o i
1 1 1
o e o
Total 29 7 21 3
Total 32 1121 7;
052 101 0-8 7 1
0a"m r:. J,
Bremerton 000 402 1-7 11 3 !
Winning; pitcher. Mclrwin. losing 1
uti-her. Simon. Mclrwin: earned rum i
6. SO by 5. BB off 2: Simon: innings
pitched at bat off t. hits off 1. runs
scored off 3. earned runs 3. SO by 3.
BB off 3: Condon: inning pitched 2i.
at bat off 14. nits off 3. run? scored
off 3. earned runs 2. SO by 1. BB off 2.
Hit by pitcher. Spaeter by Simon:
Ronning by Mclrin: Wert by Condon.
Left on ba.4e. Salem 10. Bremerton V:
two base hits, Mclrwin. Moore. Runs
batted in. Centzkow 2. Nunes. Wnt,
Spaeter. Moore 2. Sanicoff 3. Ragni.
Volpi. Mclrwin 2. Time 2 10. Umpires.
Last and Kotzen.
Seoond game :
Salem 001 001 000 02 10 2
Bremerton 001 000 001 1 3 10 2
Pitter and Hanson: Ceill. Marshall
(10) and Volpi
Rematch Made
Their slam-bango of this week ;
being interrupted by a referee's
disqualification. negro villain
Rowdy Rufus Jones and George
(Alias) Dusette nave Deen re
matched for the main stand on
Matchmaker Elton Owen's weekly
mat production at the armory
next Tueday night. Riotous Rufe,
still the gent to stir up the cus- I
tomers and bring the cops Into j
action, was loser to Dusette in
the first meeting when he in- !
sisted in not only had-butting i
George out of cowrfnission, but
also the referee.
The retake will find a new
arbiter on hand, plus a Dusette
who figures he has perfected a
defense for the negro's vicious
butts. Three prelims, to be read
ied later, will support the mainer.
Jeff Tracksters
Dump Sweet Home
JEFFERSON. April 29 -(Special)-
Coach. Pat Beal's Jefferson
Lions cooped 10 first places and
the relay to swamp the Sweet
Home team in a meet at Albany
Wednesday. 92 '4 to 42'2. Sprinter
Jack Grimes led the win with
11'4 points. Other Jeff winners
were Crenshaw, high hurdle;
Jim Grimes, mile; Spark., 440;
Rollier, 880; Crenshaw, vault;
Page, discus; Crenshaw and Mor
ton, tie in high jump; Hardwick,
javelin and Freitag. Weddle,
Sparks and Jack Grimes, rela
In the Major
AB R M O A E Rbl
Pesky. Red Box 4 1 I 2 0
Doe it. Red Sox 3 1113 6 1
Gordon. Cleveland 4 6 1 6 6
Whitanan. Dodgers 11116 6 3
Vlco. Detroit 3 117 16 1
( Vice's hit his fourth homo run.)
ALL 1 AW ic. A
Forecasts ,. for stream condi
tions in most areas is practic
ally the only saddening thing
for the angler. The continuous
Tigers Snatch
7th Straight
Tacoma bopped Yakima again
last night, 10-7, despite a 7 -run
Yakima seventh inning, and it was
the seventh straight victory for
the league leading Tigers in the
Western International chase: The
Tiges had a six-run sixth inning
for themselves for their victory
surge. At Vancouver the defend
ing champion Caps thought little
of the potent Spokane team and
downed the Indians, 4-2, shoving
them into the WIL cellar. Lefty
Carl Gunnarson pitched a six
hitter in winning this one. The
Caps are in second place. At Vic
toria the red hot Athletics climbed
into a tie with Salem for third
place by pouncing on the Wen
atchee Chiefs. 5-2. Larrv Ward
pitched a two - hitter for the
Vies. Frank Mullens hit three
doubles for the Vancouvers in
I their win
Wenatcheo 000 000 200-2
Victoria 000 401 OOx 5
Rose. Stenman i4j. Mann )
i I
uairympie: ward and Dan telcon.
kane 000 002 000 2 2
ncouver 200 010 lOx 4 11 1
F. Nelson and Younker; Gunnarson
and Warren.
Tacoma 000 036 10010 12
Yakima 000 000 7(JO 7 8 4
Foitier. VenturelH 17) and Rossi;
Dulling. Pirack (7) and Eastwood.
Beavers Book
Last Home Tilt
April 29-(Special) - Ralph Cole
man's rain-plagued Oregon State
baseball team will play Portland
university here Friday at 3 p.m.,
the last home game before the
OSC's take to the road into Wash
ington and Idaho next week. The
Bavers have broken even in their !
only two northern division games!
thus far, with Washington. Top!
hitters on the team to dato are'
Al Anderson, third baseman, with
500; Carl Gustafson, Outfielder,
with v418; Dick Kohler. outfielder,
and Ray Oberst, shortstop, both
Leading flingera for the Cole-
mans hae proven to be Charley
Sauvain, Don Bedford and Fred
C J 1 1.1
CTriOli IlOltlS
Sports Banquet
SILVER TON, April 29-(Special)
The annual Silverton high Letter
man's club banquet was held here
tonight. Club president Carl Wick
ham was toastmaster and guests
introduced, many of whom spoke,
included Jerry Lillie and Johnny
Lewis, Willamette U coaches; Guyr
(Pop) DeLay, retired Silverton
coach; Al Lightner of Salem; Bill
McGinnis, longtime Silverton base
ball enthusiast and members of
the teams, faculty and school
board. Movies of the 1947 world
series and football play of last
fall were shown later by "Hack"
Hiller of the faculty.
New Far Western
League to Start
Weather permitting, the new Class
-JsFjur West Baseball league will
play inaugural games tomorrow
night. The eight - club circuit,
backed by major league outfits,
embraces two teams in southern
Oregon and the rest In northern
Training camp surveys by Pre
sident Jerry Donovan indicated
Klamath Falls, Ore., as the pre
season favorite in the 128-game
Salem's Finest
Anio Radio
littler Service
Ted Fanxer In Charge
SC5 S. Commercial
Phone S23S
rains of late have leaded to
make many streams high and,
muddy. Consequently, the "eon- j
ditions only fair sign has been 1
hung out.
The six-Inch legal length lim
it will be la effect; except in
the lower L'mpqua and Rogue
river, coastal water and drain
age basins tributary to the ocean
and water tributary to the Co
lumbia river below St Helens
the limit Is eight Inch- In Dia
mond lake. Owyhee reservoir
and Owyhee river It Is It inches.
Coastal streams closed to sal
mon fishing in March ajid April
will open again Saturday, ex
cept for the Wilson river and
the Trask river, open only be
low highway 101, and the N'e
halem river, open only below
the Mohler bridge.
New Record
When Jack Sherman (above) of
Sllverton lept 21 feet In the
broad Jump at Canby yesterday
In the Willamette Valley
league meet, he act a new
league record. He'll be tough In
the upcoming district and state
Beavers Drop
7th Straight
HOLLYWOOD, April 29. -UP-Hollywood
scored a run in the
ninth inning of a stormy Coast
league baseball game tonight to
win over Portland 7 to 6 for the
Beavers' seventh consecutive set
back. Ken Wyatt, third Beaver
pitcher, was the loser. Tho Bea
vers had 13 hits to 11 for the Stars,
and tied the score at 6-6 with a
four-run blast in the seventh.
In the only other game played
two were rained out San
Francisco extended its league lead
with a 3-2 conquest of San Diego.
The Portland loss dropped the
Beavers into seventh place.
rartlanO ( 7 Motlyw4
Silvera ,e
Store .3
Reich r
3 11 OCoxj
3 0 J
1 White. m
I 1 0 Stringer J
1 OfKelleher.l
1 OZernial.r
1 )Ubkt.l
1 S 01 Ross .3
S 1
a l a
4 1 0
a io
a o
4 a
Basinski.l 4 1
DiBiasi.p 1 1
1 S Kahn.c
1 Woods. p
i i
Pippen p
1 2 Maltbrgr.p
1 OBuUand.p 1
0 O
Totals 38 13 23 13 Totals 34 11 27 17
Portland - 000 200 400 6
Hollywood 110 004 0017
Winning- pitcher Butland. Losing
pitcher Wyatt.
Pitcher IP AB R H ER BB SO
5 22
2j 10
' I
4 7
5 3
1 1
Wyatt .
Denotes plus.
Errors Smith. Cox. Zernial 3.
Kahn. Runs Ratto. Smith 2. Mole.
Silvers. Lazor. Whit. Kelleher. Libke j
2. Ross 2. woods. Len on Date fort
land 7, Hollywood 13. Two baa hits
Libke . Woods. Kahn 1. White. Di
Biasi. Rucker. Runs batted in Kel
leher. Kahn 3. Stringer. Silvers 3,
Smith. Mole. Double plays Ratto to
Basinskl to Mole: Basins ill to Mullen.
Time 1 50. Umpires Eligeln. Dor
an and Cordon. Attendance 3.693.
San Francisco . 000 636 0003 IS 1
San Diego 000 2U0 0001 3 1
Melton and Howell: Seats. Jurltch
(61 and Camelll.
Sanliam Ski Dope
S A NTT AM LODGE. April 29
(Special)- With a little anew
falling each day for the past
week, and a total of 114 Inches
on the ground today, skiing
conditions at Santiant lodge and
Hoodoo Bowl are still consider
ed very good by Ledge Mana
ger Art Boeschen. All but a
thin layer today was packed
and granular. Last year at thla
time only 39 Inchea of anew
was on the ground. Skiing is
expected to last until May 29.
or later, under present condi
GERVAIS, April 29 - (Special)
The Marion county B league base
ball schedule for Friday afternoon,
all games starting at 1:30 o'clock,
sends Gervais to Turner, Hubbard
to Chemawa, Sublimity to Aumi
ville and Mill City to St Paul.
I- - I - : cj r
1 I p otUMu Mtwtsi 1 mc
With Hit Wand
(artist Lose in 14th;
Kiddle Winner Again
By the Associated Press
The Cleveland Indians rang up
their sixth straight American
league victory sans a loss Thurs
day, this one a 5-2 victory at St.
Louis jover the Brownies. Mana
ger Lou Boudreau's four straight
hits, including a double and home
run and three runs batted in, were
too much for the losers. The New
York Yankees crept into second
placer behind Cleveland with a
5-4 win in 10 innings at Washing
ton. The Joe DiMaggio-Joe Page,
combination was a big factor, Di
Mag driving in Bobby Brown with
the winning run and Page hurling
runless relief after replacing Frank
Shea. Tre Chicago White Sox beat
Detroit 5-4, as Catcher Aaron Rob
inson had a 3-for-3 day at the
plate, including a homer. The Red
Sox were outhit by the Athletics,
but won 11-5 on the strength of
four, homers, worth eight runs.
Ted Williams, Sam Mele, Joe Dob
son and uJake Jones each biffed
one, eachWith one on. Williams'
was his third of the season.
Tho St. Louis Cardinals went
14 innings before losing to Cin
cinnati in the National league,
Johnny Wyrostek doubling and
coming in on Hank Sauer's single
for the win. Both homered ear
lier. Home runs by Dick Sisler
and Harry (The Hat) Walker
helped the Phillies pull out a 4-2
-win over the Braves. Both homers
were flukes, inside the park. Old
Elmer Riddle scattered seven hits
to pitch Pittsburgh to a 4-2 win
over Chicago. It was the second
straight win for the 31 -year-old.
The Ebbet field jinx and 20
Dodger hits smacked the New York
Giants, 17 to 7 at Brooklyn.
Cleveland .. . 100 010 300 S 13 1
St. Louis . 000 100 1002 S i
Lemon and Hegan: Fannin, Stephens
(81 and Mots.
Boston 221 002 00411 0
Philadelphia . 000 110 120 S 10 0
Johnson, Dobson t8) and Tebbetta;
McCahan. Keilner (2), C. Harris ),
Savage (9) and Rosar.
Chicago . 003 001 100 S 8 1
Detroit ... 001 003 000 4 I 1
Hayes, Pearson (7) and Robinson;
Houtteman. Perca 8l and Sift.
Washington 001 011 10O 4 f 1
New York .. 020 111 000 9 i 3
Hudson, rerrick i8i. Thompson 1 0
and Early: Shea, Pag (7) and Herra,
Narhos 9). 1
National Leagaa
New York - 320 100 100 7 7
Brooklyn 440 116 01 17 20 1
Jones. Lee 1). Hartung i2). McGow
an (6). Hansen . Hallett (7) and
Wastrum: Roe. Rainsdell (2). Branca
(3) and Edwards.
002 002 0004 10
.. 010 010 00O 2 7 0
Ri4d)e and Kluttz: Borowy. Erwkson
(). Kush IS) and Mc-Cullough.
St. Louis . . 000 220 000 000 00 4 7
Cincinnati . 201 000 010 000 01 S IS 0
Munger. Johnson 10. Wilkes lit)
and Rice: Raffensberger, Guinbert (14)
and Umaimo.
000 000 1304
000 010 0102
Row and Semlneck;
Beazley, Hogue
() and Masi.
Molalla Wins WVL Go;
Two New Records TJi
CANBY. April 29.-(Specia1)Molala high won the 1948 Willam
ette Valley league track and field meet here today by scoring 79 li
points. Silverton was second with 33 l. Woodburn third at 301. Eata
cada fourth at 24. Dallas fifth at 16, Canby sixth at 15, ML Angel
seventh at 8 and Sandy last at 3.
Two new records were set.
Woodburn s Bob Hall unfurled a
javelin toss of 185 feet. IO1 inches
to erase his own mark established
last season. Silverton Jack Sher
man leaped 2f feet in the broad
jump to rinj up another new
John Wells of Molalla led indi
vidual scoring with wins in do in
hurdle ragea and a second in the
broad jump. Klang of Silverton
was i double winner in the hot
and discus, as wag Irv Zastopil of
Woodburn in the sprints. Molalia
copped five firsts. Woodburn and
Silverton three each, Estacada two
and Dallas one. Summary:
uu. ur.iia illl RanwnkimD (Ml.
iM). Hall (Wl. Seaton tWM
100: Zastopil (W). Speights (Ml. Lan
yon iD), Owens IMi. Lynch Sil. :16.7.
Mile: Haldorf (D. Lamb (Est I. Saw
yer (M), Olson (Ml. Rose (Can. 4:57 .a.
440: Kirk M). Melvin (Et. Mver
(Sill. ChrisUan Can), Reiach (M).
LH: Wells (M). Schiewc. Blomekamp
(Ml. Lanyon (D), Simon (Dl. .14 1.
680: Collins I Est I. Bennett iM).
Thompson iD). Irwin (Can). Jense-n
(Cant.: 3 11.
120: Zastopil (W). Speights IMI. Mel
vin (Est). Sherman (Sill. Wilcox (Sanl.
:23 6.
Shot: Klang iSil). Penner (MA),
Judd (Cast). Sherman (911). Jewell
(W). 43' 5
Vault: Glacd (M. Gibson (W). Lew-
ia (Sill arid Dlia (M) tie and Hamp
ton (Can) and Stewart (San) tie. ' 6".
Discus. Klang (Sill. Krueger (Can).
Hamilton (M). Hall (W), Penner (MA).
Ill .
Hi: Carter (Eat). Blomekamp (M)
and Staudinger (M tie: Gibson (W)
and Sutton (San) tie. 6' 3".
Javelin: Hall (W). Schneider (li).
Mosse'uW K-Perby.
W L Pet.
W L Pet
Tacoma 7 2
avwenatchee s .468
Vancouvr 6 4 .647 Bremerton 4 S .455
aiem a JOS) Yakima t 7 .429
Victoria 6 6 .SOO-Spokane .333
Last night's results: At Bremerton
7-3. Salem 9-2 I second game 10 inn
ings). At Yakima 7. Tacoma 10; At
Victoria S. Wenatchee 2. At Vancou
ver 4, Spokane 2.
W L Pet.
W L Pet.
1 12 .455
San fran 17 B .654 Seattle
Los Angls 17 12 .56 Hollywood 10 13 .4.15
Oakland 15 12 .55 Portland 1116.407
San Diego IS 15 .500 Sacramento S 13 .375
Last night s results: At Hollywood 7.
Portland 6. At Sacramento-Los An
geles, rain. At Oakland-Seattle. ram.
At San Diego 1. San Francisco 3.
W LiPct. W t. Pot
(-Cleveland 6 0 1.000 Philadeph 4 S .444
New York 3 3 .625 Detroit 4 .400
Washngtn S 4 .556 Boston 3 .373
St. Louis 4 4 .500 Chicago 2 6 .250
Thursday results: Cleveland 3. St. i z. tsoston li, Philadelphia 3. Chi
cago 5. Detroit 4. New York . Wash
ington 4.
W L Pet. W L Pes.
New York 7 3 .700 Chicaco a S 5o
CincinnaU 6 I .543 Brookl n 4 I A44
Plttspurg I 4 .556,St. Louis a 4 .429
PlUladelp 3 MO' Boston 4 7 364
Thursday results: Brooklyn 17. New
York 7. Pittsburgh 4. Chicago 2. Cin
cinnaU $. St. Louis 4 (14 Innings).
Philadelphia 4. Boston 2.
Goodman Signs
On with Canby
Marv Goodman, Little All
America n football end at Wil
laihette In 194. all-around ath
lete at the school and the past
year freshman athletics boas
there, has taken a Job as head
eaach at Canby high school. In
the Willaaoette Valley league, ac-
Jerry Llllle. Geadmaa toil! go ta
Canby next term.
G A a. H Pet.
Ewards. Dodgers 6 .70
Boudreau, Indiana 6 27
Niarhos. Yankees 30
Robinson. Indiana 6 36
Gust inc. Pirates . 31
Westlake. Pirates 29
4 11 J50
4 14 .5l
l io .500
13 .462
14 .452
Home Runs: National league Sauer,
Reds. I; Cooler. Ciants. 4; Vaughan.
Dodgers. 3: Gordon. Giants. 3; Staler.
Phillies, 3. American leasiuo Keltner.
Indians. 3: Vlco. Tigers. 4: Williams.
Red Sox. 3; Robinson. Indiana, X.
PORTLAND, Ore, April i
The Pacific Coast Professional
Basketball league today fined the
Beilingham. Wah.. team $400 for
falling to finish the season.
Neperud (8U). Kiggins Eat). Walker
(Wi. las IO',' mw record).
BJ: Sherman 1S1I). Wells ill). Pen.
nor lUAl, Linton 1D1, Hanna (Sill.
31' (new record).
Relay: Molalla. Silvertoo. Woodbuj n.
Canby. Eatacada. 1 3S.
SEATTLE. April 29-rp-Foot-ball
Coach Howie Odell of the Uni-
L versity of Washington won't lose
lua second star backfield man after
ail. Odell heard today that half
back Marshall Dallas was quitting
school. He has talked with Delias.
He aaid the grid star assured him
he would be back next fall to play
OJnsiis Jl
Lale Comers Can Slill Oblain Tackle,
Bails and Licenses.
Telescope Steel Roda 4.25 nd 5.1Q
Level Wind Reels 2.60
Taper Fly Lines as low as -----.495
Level Fly Lines From 950
Bait Boxes, Large ..............I... 700
Aluminum Leader Box ... 40(J
Aluminum Picnic Cooking Kits .1........ 9,95
Fresh Sibck of Night Cratvters ;
A Faw of tb Better Gradas of Rls Hods WHllo '
th Supply Laate. e I . -
- K . "v. - - -.
ZZ2 Sloto EU Salem
1 t ' ' . i
lor TrSIbe
'Xiao.-a-svaavaLs J. 1
Said Shoo-In
Citation, Coaltown
Claw Scares 'Era Off .
n-i . ' -V' .
. luur were consiaerea
certain icrupni to nave a go at
the terrible twins , Citation and
Coaltown, in Saturday's 74th run
ning of the Kentuckv derby. It
might be id that Warren Wright"
Calumet Farm has turned tha
pages back 40 years, for if ne
cessary to thumb through th4
record book to 1907 to find a
field of only nix starters in tha
$100,000 classic.
When the final entries Vr
dropped into the secretary's box
at Churchill Downs tomorrow, th
expectation is that these four brave
animals will find themselves com
mitted to the mile and a quarter
tussle against the Calumet beau
ties: "My Requeet, Escadru, Grand
pere, fcrd Billings.
Big-6 Tennis
Conclave Here
Coach Del Ramsd ell's Salem
high Vikings wade into the Bit
Six league tennis tournament,
starting today at 10 a jn. on th
high school courts. The two-day
conclave will feature teams from
Salem, Bend, Springfield. Eugena.
Corvallis and possibly Albany. All
final events In the doubles and
singles competition will be held
Saturday starting at 10 a.m. alM
Les Sparks, Willamette U rt
coach, will handle the drawing to
day at 9:45 am. to determine first
round pairings. The matches will
then Droceed all dar lone, accord
ing to Raimdell. TroDhies for win-
i ners are being provided br Howard
1 "
Locke Sizzles
To Lead Meet
Bobby Locke, the crrwnky. knit ti
ered South African, fired a seven
under-par 65 today to grab the first
round lead in the national capital
. " .1- - m- a : r i ti
; f , ' " " , f.
i ournea up ine mnce ireorges ciuo
, layout at Lanover. Md near Wash
ington, on the home nine, blasting
9 ;ll!4i4iPar by five strokes. He had
34-31 oo.
Ilarion Iloiors
Night Tewln CaU tUVt
US Center PK 7831
Phono CCS2
tTp V