The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 30, 1948, Page 11, Image 11

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riiir Meeting
Of Presbyter
Ilejd at-Gervais
Mr. Bartliell Named
Hospital Supervisor
formation: Master, E. N. San
guineus Officer. A. G. Braw
shaw, 20. Vessel. S. S. Lake
Kootenay. Date. March 27, 1848.
Lat. 42 degrees 10', N. Long. 125
GERVAS - Sprin meetinft of
Willamette Pheshytery was held
hre Tuesday with the Rev. Ern
est Trerrjblay hot p.ttor. Forty
mp in attendance. Meeting con-
DALLAS Mrs. Josephine
Barthell has been named supei I degree 17' W
visor of the Dallas hospital. Mrs. led bottle.
J. A. Moore, superintendent of 1 He also found
the hospital, has announced. I glass floats and
Mrs. Barthell is a graduate of i glass floats.
St. Joseph's Creighton Memorial
hospital in Omaha. She took post
graduate work in Manhattan Ma
ternity hospital in New York Cty
It was in a seal-
Veterans Discuss Loan I pack to urvlse Cities, and to
4 j conduct a community wide paper
At 1 WO-Lounty Meeting J drive with possibly the establish-
Twenty-five veterans, enrolled j ment of ng t4tion.
in Polk and Yamhill county agri- ! Reports showed that Silverton
I cultural training courses, met in I now has 150 scouts and cubs reg-
uayton Wednesday night. T. K. ; utered
Hobart, Ladd Sc Bush-United j
States National bank, met with
wned by the miHt-tator. the Rev.Und worn on tuberculosa IB vaney
H J Schmidt of Lebanon, devo- of the Sun Sanitarium, rhoenix.
tion, led by the Rev John Rik- Ariz During the war she was with
of NVwnort R. N Hanson the department of interior In-
Hubbard IT A Officers
To Be Installed Mav 3
them to discuss bank loans to Jxpizpf Clllll) CpFOUD
farmers. This represents one of , .
a series of sessions which have j IflIJ jOT t flCOttOTl
been arranged to acquaint the j
HUBBARD The PTA meets of credit available to them. Other j met April 22 with Mrs. V. C.
Re-united Cousins
Have Family Party
ROBERTS A family dinner was
held Sunday at the Louis John
ston home when they entertained
for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bidgood.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Englehorn. Mrs.
louise Johnston, Wayne Johnston
and Charles Thomas.
After living near each other for
five years the Johnstons and Bid
goods discovered that Johnston
and Bidgood were first cousins.
Monday evening. May 3. at 7 :30 meetings considered the Produc
o m. at the evm. Officers for the tion Credit association. Federal
layman, was named dian field service. She ha also coming year will be installed . Mu- Land bank and the state loans.
new moderator. The Re Earl
Rinhow f Dallas rewnteo on
t'hi istian education, arvl R N.
Hanson on the '"New Life Mm e
ment." Three groups of young
pople will hold conferences this
summer Other iarticipating
t'fie were Dr J. R. Harris, Dr.
Mjiintte and Dr. Mnisan Cdell.
Niih meeting was conducted by
tf Rev. Chestei Hatnblin of Sa-
Ua. and Dr. R N
I'jtiiK uiiiver-itv. nati.t o( Nica
raua. spoke Resolution were ,
rrctd by the Re . fc K. Fenton
ot Woodburn. The meeting closed
with prayer and uenettittion by
the new moderator. ,
Clara Jones Missionary sciety '
set el luncheon and dinner to
those attending i
worked at the Salem uenerai nos-
sical numbers will be given bv
j Sandra Huff. Patty Thompson. Silverton ScOUter
I a Ta ir vt; i ir , i aiun ic m. i ti i-i .
Keizer Man Thrilled
By Find Along Coast
KEIZF.R Lloyd Wood ex
perienced the thrill of finding a
government ""bottle paper" while
ualkini nn the beach between
Hooker of R(X-kaway and Barview Sunday
It contained the following in-
aod Donna Driver. Mrs. Charles fclect fH UllieerS
V'redetiburg will report the Klam
ath Falls convention.
Towel shower for the school
kitchen will be held.
Priest for a no-host luncheon, and
afternoon of informal discussion.
Plans for summer picnics and ways
to honor summer birthdays, were
made. The club will not meet
regularly during vacation months.
Remembrance gift was given
! Mrs. J. D. Watson. Mrs. E. T.
SILVERTON James Bonner Owen was welcomed as a new
was elected secretary of the Sil- ! member. Other members present
verton Scouters round table group ! were Mesdames L. P. Bagger, H
The third and fourth grade re- Tuesday night, when Norman H. Breneman, J. L Sloan. L. A.
ceived an album of "Snow White Naegeli, neighborhood chairman.: Wood, D. J. Goode, P. T. Andregg,
and the Seven Dwarfs"' and the presided. P. O. McFarland, J. H. Derrick,
high school received a book "Fire" Tre group voted to grant pow-j Alfred Stedwick, J. D. Watson,
for the library, for PTA program er to the chairman to appoint one j Delia West and the hostess Mrs.
attendance. i member from each troop and V. C. Priest.
Aurora Baby Clinic
Examines 32 Children
AURORA Maoon county health
personnel examined 32 infants and
pre -school children here Tuesday
in the annual clinic planned for
children expected to enter school
next fall. Mrs. Donald Garrett
was the volunteer chairman, as
sisted by Mrs. J. F. Feller. Mrs.
Dell Feller. Mrs. Martin Albers,
Mrs. Ralph Bair. Mrs. Willis Vo
der, Mrs. Frank Thiel and Mrs.
Ben Netter.
The Stat man, Salem. Oregon. Friday, April 33. 13311
Cervais May Queen
Selected by Seniors
GERVAIS Etto Jo Dodd is the
senior class of the Gervais Union
High school choice for May Queen,
and Mildred Hetsler. crown prin
cess. Other princesses are Shirlev
Rondeau, Cartene Rentz. Wanda!
rerrin ana uerouiy Burke. May
day festivities will be held Thurs
day. May 6 at 2 pan.
Track meet will be held in the
morning and a ball game with .
Hubbard Will foJlOW crowning o '
the Queen.
Expert, Reliable
Call 7521
428 Coort Si.
Hen 16 lo 45
To Traia f er
Alr-Conditlonlnx la ear well
equipped school shops.
We teach yea U build, malntila
aod repair deep freezers, milk
coolers, walk-la coolers.
coolers, etc.
For Information Sea
Mr. G. L Jensen
From 11 A. ML. to P. M.
FrL, Sat. sad Saa at
Marion Hotel.
Approved for Vets.
Idaho Familv
Msits Detroit
DETROIT Mrs. Bill Mullen
and children of Wallace. Idaho, are
viiting h r sisters. Mm. Fred Sie
vr and Mrs. Lee Thornton and
their families while enroute home
from a California visit
Renee Oderman. nurse at the
Vancouver Valeran hospital vis
ited her brother Lyle and Mr. and I
l" John Da Lane o( Idanha and
oi her friends here.
Mr and Mrs. L. L Rynearson
wire called to Portland by the
ari tous illness of her grandfather.
F M McNamee Later they drove
to Stevenson, Wash . to his fath
i home
Bob Dart wu taktn to the Bend
h-spital Saturday for tieatment of
a' infection deelopeJ m a burn
on tin arm.
Mi and Mrs. Frank Steenhout
Ji and children Willard and Don
rii jnd Mr and Mo Cay Wilson
attended a birthday party at Red
mond Sunday for Mrs Charles
bnntnall at the home of her on.
Leland Bnntnall.
Thirty-five pepl attended the
Piient Teachers asstHiation meet
In Monday.
A motion picture about the
at hol at Mooseheart. Indiana was
showu by Otis White The program
Included piano wlo by Edward
Harvan and vrxal numbers by Mrs.
William Cauble. ji. Mrs C. A.
Ftatzke of Independence will
peak at the next meeting. May 13.
Southern Pacific
Engineer in East
DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. W C.
Hefner of Salem, former Dallas
residents, are in Washington, D. C.
where he will attend the national
bard meeting of the Brotherhood
ot Locomotive Firemen and En -linemen.
Hefner. Southern Pacific, is
chairman of the legislative board.
They stopped in Chicago on
Brotherhood business while en
route east and tfie return trip will
liK'lude stopovers at St Paul,
Minn . Winnipeg. Canada; Van
couver B C, and Seattle They
opet to bo away a month.
During their abajjsrfcV her moth
r. Mrs. GeorgeW. Curt, will
visit at the homes of her son and
two daughters in Dallas.
Donald Extension
Unit Has Election
DONALD Sunshine club met
thu week with Mrs Francis
Ryan. Mrs. Rudolph Henny of
Brooks spoke on varieties and
growmg of rhododendrons. Showy
duplay of blooms were as Illustra
tion. Growth of the club's member
ship has led to investigation of
a larger meeting placo.
An offer was accepted for tha
quilt top started by the club,
money to be used for future club
Mrs. Leigh ton Whitsett was elec
ted president; Mrs. Kilian Smith,
ice president; Mrs. Harlan Feller,
Mrs. A. H. Rehm was assistant
hostess. Members of the group
are Mesdames L Knizley, Francis
Feller. F. Howe. Roy Lenhardt.
F. E Miller. Frank Miller. Henry
Goode. Del Feller. Jack Bush. Har
lan Feller. Vernon Miller. C. Co
nyne. Tom Pramas. Francis Itel,
Roy Stratton, R Henny and K.
Next meeting of the extension
unit will be at Mrs. Ryans. May 11.
Salads will be discussed by the
project leaders, Mrs. D Feller and
airs. Vernon Miller. Mrs. J. Bush,
and Mrs. L. Knizley will be host-
she shops
Without Painful
Wmmy nfirm
wnm w mm M waate mat
no Oay.
W kM OMr of kU tmmeUam
Nil .to iiii,m
yofcU. aoalliae. pm mmdmr the tm
lirJ',-11 'fc J a oty
' - - i i ! tiiMiiai - una fc
DmmTt wmjtl Aak ymmr l t4 tor Dmi'i
rUHl KOHIHI tUmM. mmt 1 1 II I f IT I
linin foe OTr IS Man. Daaa'a miwm
fcaeer rriirf aa4 will a4 tao I mlm mt
r taba Sash oo pawaaj
MoaaV Cat Daao'a TiBk.
.VAVAVAVAV..V.VV.V.V.V."aV """- ....... t- "..".
'.'si .'.:
Lima Beans
with Bacon
A real good buy on
ral good item
King wood fwc
No. 2 cai 19
There's no monopoly on quality, you know. Anyon
can make ooo root beer if he has the know-how
and will put good "stuff" into it. The people who
make Cragmont do know how and do put good
stuff into it. Otherwise could Safeway afford to
recommend and guarantee Cragmont Root Beer?
Certainly NOT! As most Safeway customers already
know. Safeway will refund the price of any purchase
that fails to prove satisfactory. Cragmont Root Beer
and all other beverages are included in this guarantee.
fta flmnraoooefaso
NOT famous
But, . . . soon will bt.
Yes, we know you prob
ably never heard of
Cragmont Root Beer or
these other beverage
and may be reluctant to
try them. But try a bot
tle on our say-so, won't
you? You really will
like them vathd that
means you can start
saving money right
away or these bever
ages at Safeway cost
you lese.
(gn&(5PHRT tmws dim
Prices Effective. All Scdoway Storos
aaf.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.VAV.v.v.v.v.v.v. iv.v:.v.v.v.v".v.. . - jrtt a- x.
.""v""""""""v'va"v."""v. jii a "mM
I lm W OrcngeMce
4..r 25
(rSQljiP APr!cots
sr&V t) ' Snta Paula
n - l-fi: ; r i r : I
M fa r-fa
p-S ' ;:"-f t i' $ -a .
1 : Fresh
V Rhubarb
1 1 For pies and
"ws. sauce supreme
HicC so, WJ(S, CatS'wer
8nowy White
Lb 100
Cl 1ft
on somwmmmsim&i values
No. 2 can, 2 for 25
No. 2 can, 4 for 25c
28 25
No. 2 can 22c
Canned Fooif
PaelHc Mist
Chip Sliced Beets No. 2'a 4 for 25
Diced Beets, Snider'a Fancy No. 2'g 9c
Sanburtt Cat
Green Beans
Diced Beets, Sun Pak
KeeedaJe Green WhIU
Lima Beans
HUbwir, White, cream style
Payette Valley Cream. GoMea
Corn No. 2 2 for 25c
Peas, Gardenside. Standard No. 2 can 10a
Gardenslde Brand
Spinach No. 2 can 2 for 25c
Crackers and Cheese
Busy Baker '
Soda Crackers, 1-lb. 25c 2-lbs. 45c
Grahams, Pirates Gold Lb. 29c, 2-lbs. 49c
Tea Timer Crackers 1-lb. box 30a
American Cheese, Dutch Mill 2-lbs. $1.19
American Cheese, Kraft 2-lb. loaf $1.19
Breeze Cheese 2-lb. loaf $1.1
Jnices and Traits
Tomato Juice, Taste Tells 46-oz. can 19
Apple Juice, CAS Brand Quirt 10c
Hostess DelUbt
Fruit Cocktail No. 2lt can 38c
Old Fashioned Chants
Pear No. 21. can 21c
Prunes, Highway, std. No. 2Vi can 2 for 25
Produce Features efiecflre Friday & Saturday 7
Artichokes Lb. 10s
lomaloes 14 ox. cello tube 25s
Green Onions Lb.lCo
Spinach 11 ox. cello pkg. 17a
i Desert White
Made from the finest ingredients full of sparkle. Flavor that's reminiscent of the home
made root beer you used to enjoy so much back home.
Horo's rmst of the family of Now Dovorago wt guarantoo you will llko thorn
O Scooter Ltmon-LIm Coverage
O Sky Room Tom Collins Mix
O Gold Rush Orange Soda
O Snowy Peak Ginger Alo
O Merry Mix Sparkling Water
o Sno-Colo Colo Beverage
la Salem - Sll-rerton Dallas
U.SJ!o.1-t!eY Potatoes
Smooth, uniform
Shafter whites
Meat Features fiectfre Friday and Saturday
or 2 for 27o
APRIL 25 - MAY 1
Dry Cereal fr" - 17e
Pablum Cereal 45e
Strained Baby Poods M," f, C
Chopped Baby Poods Hmlmt lOe
Daby Foods rr'1 variefy wa
Oregon Brand, Peach
or Plum. ej ?
16oi. Jar aLeap
Oregon Berry, Logan
berry, Blackberry
16 ox Jar
Highway No. 2 can
2 for 250
Sliced Peaches
World Wide
CoUm Valscs
IlobOiU 46c 91c
Airway ' 44 C S1.31
Edwards 51 0 $1.01
II. J. D. and Hills Coflea 53 C
Golden Vesi Coffes i-n.
Pure Ltrd 33
Crlsco Shortening
Short Shanks
IQfchen Craft flour
10-lb. pig.
Blade Cuts
- f
Sirloin Stealis lb. 72s
Flank Stealis lb. 79
Beef Short Ribs lb. 29'
Ground Deef lb. 45l
Sail Pork lb. 39 0
Pork Loin Roast (b. 59T
Pork Loin Chops lb. 69
Leg o' Lamb lb. 60a
Lamb Shoulder lb. 52s
Grooory Teaturee In this ad are effecfire fhraqab. Monday, May 8.
We resenre the tight to Kmlt quantttlea. No sales to dealers.