10 The Statesman. 'Roberta Promises Interest Salem' Oregon. Friday. April 30. 1943 Housewarming Haagensons' Norma Lou Faaborg. Mr and Mrs. J. Haagenson were surprised by a large group : of their friends Saturday after noon between the hours of 4 and i " i . a. i i : who plays ocicxk hi a nousewirnung in the part of Stephanie . the Wil-;iiltkory stre.et. Hostesses for the lamctte University Players' pro- o-rasion were Mrs Floyd Mc duttion of ' Roberta'' tonight and Nail, Mrs. Arnold Peterson and Saturday at Salem high school u- M,S Jonn Me,er d.torium. was formerly with a Guests from out of town. .. ,, .among the sixty-tive present. ngm oprri company m iidiM, r Clear the Way9, Alligator at Play her native land. A music major, she will smu the play's most popu lar song. "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes " Reui Shelton, male lead who pl.iys John in "Roberta", is . idelv known locally for his work in drama tus and music He has sung the tenor solo parts with Michael Camion (who plays Ladisclaw. a Riiskiiin nobleman) ir the Messiah for two years Roberta Mevers will play the comedy part of "Schai wenka". the opera singer CKer 0 are in the cast of the Jerome Kern musical comt 'tv. and in addition, the Wiilamette uni versity symphony oiihestr.i under the direction of Frank Fisher will furnish the music Solo leads in the plav are all voice ma tor-. rtni the pla v noted for its endiiiiog sung hits, should be one of iinnua! exieMenre In addition to th- rr.isical por tion of the plav. a shoit style show 1 being mi' o-i hv Mill-r's a part of the rmul.ir a-ticn. which takes pMce in a '('fs -ni p in p.:r; The p'.i i- liinit-i the directum Cf Llovd .Ione- Musir Honorary Holds Ceremoips The lo. a' . .-pt.T of M i pv-i Fp-iloi. n .i. f oral h , - par tic i p. i te.1 I .so id. ir.r !!( i e centlv ()r Api: !'i hi aioup in-t.i I lei rlu'hi.K " (I Jo-ef 1.1 H M.' n 111 i.i ' k! If'ini I ' m Apr ' Jrt hi Phi F.p-ilon fi'inu.'v i'i'iVh! "-itt.tii gnl elilb'e 11 rinii t s. ttMir if la-f .fin - 'o Plciiy.-d at thi- 'me urr Uriel. 'Avnn ,fn lin Niirti. FaarxnK .1 ' J HaiCiaia Mr'ei iimoi. (jleniiis Allen. Therr.i t'liian ..nil Keatiice Nail. Mip' i iiM'ir.. Loiraine Allen. Mar tha Hen. .lit Sharon C'liMiei Rutn !",... Ia is (,ot ..!.l .Ie..i. Ru-k'i and Snanne Stokke fifr.mni. Past Presidents Initiate Group A Kimip of P,it President of Capr.,! .mil No 9 Ameiiion Le gion ji.fiharv. motored to Hub bard WOnedav inunt wheie thev initiated a group of women for Ur Hihhard unit TV ose making the ti p Aeie Mrs Stanley Krueger. Mrs Arthur Johnson Mn Paul (irrr.nir'l, Mrs Frank Marshall Mi I N Bacon. Mis Mem Peaire and Mi Austin W 1 1 son Thev were accompanied hv Mr Mei le Travis, piesident of C.pital I'm!. Mrs Helen Mil1 1 t u e presifient of ("api'al L'nit and Mrs Di n Aptx-rson. ietarv of the Federated Patiiotic S iety of Salem group of patron- in- i Mi s Fi .1 k Fi h S. hre'kei .net Be r net d M- S. nei k ei w i a men 1 1 r of t he were Mr. and Mrs. uae larson of Vancouver and Mis. Arthur Krodii of McMinnville. Refresh ments were served by the hos-tes-es ar-d a gift was presented the (oupie. Many Attend Benefit Party' Our four hundred matron and m.us m..ny coming from Port land. Oregon City. Dallas, Silver . I raie'iver-dence and Stavton attended the annual benefit card ;arty of the Salem Daughters of 'he Nile Thursday "fteinoon at the Masonic temple. A dessert !ui rheiui wa served preceding cards. Bouquet of blossoms and pitrg flowers decorated both floors wheie cards were in play. Proceed- fiom the event will be EiveivHtn the Shrine hospital in Portland Winning prices in bridge were Mrs. Calvin Kent. Mi- Fernando Smith. Mr-. Charles L'nruh and Mrs D. L. Bishop. pinochle. Mrs. C. O Cl.,rk. Mis M R. Terry and Mis. C Daley; and five hundred. Mis. -car laudahl. Special prizes went 'o Mr E O Bushnell. Mrs. V. W Peterson Mrs Ralph At wowl. Mrs. William Wvatt. Mrs R W Claik. Mr Claude Hen derson Mrs. H L. Fisher. Mis. Mi Id led Kirk wood a;vd Mrs. E. C Crleton. Mr- John H Rankin, queen of Nvnid temple. Daughters of the Nile and her court came down firm Portland for the e ent Pre refi.i the affair Mrs Rnnkin was honored at a luncheon for alii!, her -i-tr. Mrs E. 1. Page, wa- hostess at her Court -treet honic Accompanying Mrs Ran kin we.e Mrs. Ezra Rovce. Mis. Cail Donough. Mrs. Hal Simp sfn. Mi - Claude Hendei -on. M r Walter Shanks. Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea. Mrs James Fleming. Mrs. William Mullen. Mrs Harry Ciawtoid and Mil. H Lawience l.i-tei. foimeily of Salem. Mrs. Wvatt Elected Mrs Dwight Wyatt was elect ed president of Rotana club at a meeting held recently Her staff of officers, who will be installed at the May meeting include Mrs. Km m a Di innon. first ice presi dent; Mrs Wilmer Wells. eioiul ice piesident: Mrs S. L All man, treasurer; Mis Juana Holmes, secretary; Mr O L. Donnelly and Mrs. Al Laue board member s Mrs O L Donnelly is the i etn ing presioent Marion Public Health Meeting to lie on Ma 6 SILVERTON Annual meet ing of Mai ion County Public Health a-s.xiation will be held Life. t-$o',l mfrtr-.ro.T A X AXr J It was "rlear-the-way" at the Salem Railway Ex press office in the Southern Pacific railroad yards Wednesday when Al, the six-foot alligator, de cided to nee what the Oregon country is like aft er his ride from Silver Springs. Fla. Shown above at right as the 'gator began slithering over the side of his crate are expressman Theodore Barry, left, and W. A. Link, freight agent, right, getting ready to get out of the way. In photo at left the reptile is being put back into his crate for the trip to the Delake aquarium with another six-foot alligator. Shown are. left to right. Barry; Frank Walker, Delake Aquarium owner; Chet Moffitt. expressman; Link; and Al Boston. New port. Ihe alligators are sold by Ross Allen Rep tile Institute at $5 a foot, each of the two six-foot alligators costing Walker $30. (Photos by Don Dill. Statesman staff photographer.) Naturalization Hearings Set For May 11, 12 Preliminary naturalization hear ings for approximately 20 Marion county resident aliens will be held in Marion county circuit court rooms May 11 and 12, County Clerk Harlan Judd announced Thursday. Two federal nat uralization agents from Portland will be here to quiz the applicants on matters pertaining to American citizen ship. Final hearing for those pass ing the first tests will be held on June 11 and 12. A weekly class for those seeking citizenship is being conducted at the Salem YMCA by C. A. Kens, general secretary. The class meets each Saturday night at 8 o'clock and studies American history and government. Anyone desiring citi zenship is invited to attend, Kells said. Those passing the final test in June will be given their citizenship certificates at a banquet in the YMCA. Another series of studies and tests will begin next fall, Clerk Judd said. Clark Bachman worthy patron. Congratulatory messages were read and gifts viewed. A special table was arranged Tuesday for the gifts and more than 50 mem bers and friends were in attend ance. Mrs. John Demas was initiated as a new member and announce ment made of a group to be initiated in May. Invitation from Marilyn chapter. Mill City, to attended its friendship night on May 10 was accepted. Ramona club meets May 4 with Kin George Barr. Hosts for the social hour Tues day were Mr. and Mrt. K. S. Jackson and Esie Jackson. Edible gelatine is made from flesh removed from hides in tbe tanning process. here May 6, starting with a 6:30 Girls Monday night at Masonic was mother advisor. Plans for p m. dinner at Double .1 cafe, hall Gale Jackson was worthy ! grand assembly at John Day were Dr. William Gentle. Pacific uni- advisor and Mrs. W. P. Scarth 1 discussed. versity. Forest Giove. will speak i on ramtlv Kelations. 1 mkham Silverton Star Members Eeho 50th Anniversary i SILVERTON Echoes of the ! 50th anniversary of Ramona ! chapter No. 58. celebrated April 17. were heard at the Tuesday j night chapter meeting. Mrs. J. I E Stoy is worthy matron and W. Gilbert, president, will conduct the bu-meisi meeting when elec tion will be held. Linn Iloiiiemukers Festival Is Held LEBANON. April 29- -One hun dred and sixty seven Linn county women modeled their new look, cotton dresses in the style revue at Linn county's thud annual Homemakers festival here today. The dresses were made in the laige scale cotton workshop dress ihaking project conducted in the 21 Linn county home extension units this spring Nearly 600 women attended the festival held in a Iebiinon thea tre through the efforts of the Leba non Chamber of Commerce Viola Hansen, Linn home extension agent, was commentator for the revue and later Lucy Lane, cloth ing specialist at Oregon State col lege, spoke. Never in the United-States has such a demonstration of dressmak ing been made on such a scale. Miss Lane assured the women in congratulating them. Frank Bennett. Salem superin tendent of schools, was the princi pal speaker at the afternoon ses sion Exhibits were limited because of space but included an exhibit by Mrs John Blankenbaker, of letters from a friend in England with china and pictures received from her. Seventy one of the officers of the 27 units were installed at the close of the session. Silverton Rainbow Has .Members Reception SILVERTON Ardis Estenson Was initiated into the Silverton assembly, Order of Rainbow for "vy.'ji X)mACinc units is ixwtstvt. ! ! ffZ " i.' i t f , , SM MOMiy. . . MAKl YOVKS LAST! L'. I 'V'lK ' c w"1" ow w Amine UAVts jJi V l'LfJ ij p " YOU A WHIT l COTTONS AMP LIMNS fjj W jVl Pjl i a (Ay amp picy...MirT Ty to ku ' 'diJ Jl S V 5 v. TlM MM- fVtUNt i j J T V ;l , 1 s WIAHS OUT THl fABKIC.t I ClOtOX IllACltS WMl COTTONS l-TTrly&S'iJ I 3&esftj f I , AMP LININS SNOWy-WNlTl WITHOUT V- Tyu t V hVW1 slU- AKP KV9BIH6..MMQVIS STAINS; j v l A SIH' I MAKl S UNINS SANITAAK TOO! ' 1 V. YiM F T ' 1" ciQKQx isixTtA eiHTii...jrs i Svrl - nj't I HUt TK0M CMSTIC. PI TNKlTTf, II v J 0SlClP49Jt aJ I con stm you it unins ini U y WV "W m,"1" our, P -1 n itttrniis iiuta Vow cant find a gentler bleach than Clorex. For Clorox it free from caustic and other harsh sub stances ... made by an exclusive formula protected by U. S. patent I Because it's caustic-free, Ctorox works faster in killing germs . . . does a better job of disinfecting. Gtve your family the extra health protection of a CJorox-clean home! CLOaOX I IMC. IS IEM0VIS STAIIS tEOtOtlZES ISIHFECTS There's eery ene CIO t OX ... It's always mtifeesa ... always aepenaabUI lM 2 for 27c I r BABY WEIK-AFR.2b-?MAYI2 Liquid Wax Frnk,lB AnU tZt t.. 19c Graham Crackers lZr' 1 x 28 C Bilz Crackers N. B. c. 1 it,. 32 C Fisher's Biskit Hix 47 c Free Cookie Cetter 2'i lb. pkg Green Peas " T' ,.u. 10c Olives Wh""" --r,,.. 25 c 12c Mennen'tf Baby Oil 50c size J&J Baby Powder 25 size Toiletries - Remedies 43c 21c 15c 43c 49c 37c Stork Castile Soap Bar Ipana Tooth Paste 50 ize Alka Seltzer 60c size Colgate Tooth Powder 40c size Hudson House Kraal Cove Oysters Corn t','i tin Gulf Belle 5-o. tin -tOC HAD. whole kernel I s tin 18c Frail Cocktail Hudson House House 0"7f I s tin mm M 0 Cocklail Juice 33 C Swill's Cleanser 2 Tin. 2 1 C Mail In Two Labels and 5oe for Pair Eversharp Shears Beef Stew N Nalley's ... 30-ez. tin 59c 10c 29c 29c Birdseye Baby Lima AO Beans, 12-oz. pkg L Sherwood Apricots 1-lb. pkg Birdseye French Fries 10-oz. pkg Birdseye Mixed Vegeta- OQ bles, 12-oz. pkg sajC Birdseye Peas & Carrots, 12-oz. pkg. .. frjMationa! Baby Wefk Duz or Oxy dol Lge. pkg. 37c Pfes. Gerbers? MAT5 19c DEEF-VEAL-UVER STRAINED or JUNIOR I ju: as $ tot SAfl SUD5 FOR BABY S THINGS Lge. pkg. 310 :7Katkwal Baby Week J APfl1 24 Moy 1 "-tall r m' Bars Cm&S 9 CURTIS MARKET FEATURING 'SWIFTS,, NATIONALLY KNOWN LINE OF GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS At Prices Based on Volume Turnover THIS WEEK WE SUGGEST SWIFTS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED " TT , ... Boned It tied. These are legs ef perk Q I reSn Had that are prepared for easy slicing Ne Waste Lb. Roast and serve hot perk roast for dinner-rIiee eeld for lunch SWIFTS BRANDED n:i .! Cut short for indlvidoal serlng and QQ. liLDS 01 lie CI choek fall ef jaley beef goodness. Lb. OOC Roast, braise or stew with TegeUbles M-M-Goed Fresh Ponllry - Lunch Heals - Fresh Oysters TUhncok Cheese - Collage Cheese FOR MEAT TO EAT WE CANT BE BEAT "HERB" CURTIS l-bob;s QOCKX fW"' Alediui Bars WeenQuarters Yor faffoftav Famous Sra?es -1 NORTH CAPITOL AT MARKET FISHERMEN: All-Nile Servico . Friday.' April Slth , Coffee Dennts After Midmlte. Barb's Sp'tg. Goods 175 Se. High - rhene 4555 Yen Can Do Belter al Vista THE 3045 SOUTH COIHIEnCIAL STREET Al the Sonlh City LInils BABY FOOD Gerber's Strained or Junior. 2 cans 150 CEREAL FOOD 8-oz. pkg. 170 NM3ISC0 Zwieback Package . mFAIJT FOOD Formulae 2 cans 230 King Kelly Marmalade fc-oz. Jar 100 Tenderlc&f Tea Blark Z lb. pkg. Santiam Can 21c Grn. Beans 12 f.r$1.23 27c FREE Biscuits al Fisher Deaonslralion FREE! Combination bis cuit, donnt and rookie e n 1 1 e r with each paek ift ef Fisher Biskit Mix. 39 c laridtf FREE! SX of X sneasur- tng enps with each bar Fisher's Blend Flenr. 5's Zi'm It's f's S3.9t -$2.05 . .47 Special Offer - Act Now Use this Offer Blank to get 5 eans ef Ken-L Ration for the price of 3. This Wans yen get Z cans at ne rest! Sign year name and address and five te year dealer. Yen most be sat isfied, or we will refund the price ef three cans. Tea may keep the two eans as a gift. Name Address City State To the Dealer: Yon are authorised to sell S eans ef Ken-L. Ration for the price of three to the customer whose name is signed above. Within 2 days either mail this to The Qua ker Oats Company, Chicago 4. El, or deliver te ear sales man. We will then pay yon your regular shelf price for two eans of Ken-L. Ration. Offer Yoid Vnless This Order Blank is Signed by Customer and Sale is Made in Accordance with the Terms ef this Offer. THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY 64 Limit: Two cans at no extra cost te s Customer. Offer closes Jane SI, iiit A Grapefruit Texu Pink -Dm. 490 Oranges SyiZMi. doz. 490 PolaloesSr8; IOju. 650 Peas Fresh V boBchea 350 Hot House , t Cucumbers No. I-. Xich 10: Tomatoes jcnn 2i..290 FOR QUALITY MEATS AT TXIE Lowcsl Ilarjrel Pries Step Den's Serve Tonrseli Ilarlic! Choice nseat eat properly, and packaged sanitarily - - ready for yen to pick up. No waiting Jnst bel yourself to the finest and at a greater sarin to yea! . If yea dent see what yon want, ask fee it--well be glad to eat any nseat to yew particular specification. .