, April 17. 1I4J Silverton Man Wins Fiddling Contest Here Chart Mulkey. Silverton. won firs place in the old time fiddlers' contest sponsored here last week by the Veterans Living Memorial association. Mulkey was awarded a plaque donated by Willamette Music Co. and $50 In cash. The contest was held Thursday, Friday and Satur day nights in the Salem high school auditorium. A similar con test Is being planned for October, the Disabled American Veterans said Monday. Other contest winners include John Beldlng. Grants Pass, second prize, and Albert Leichty, Silrer toa. third. Moose lodge quadrille won first prize in that division, and the waltz contest was won by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grove of Grants Pass. Roy Davenport, Silverton, was st Age director and Gene Malecki, Salem, master of ceremonies. IVtlee Farm Is Sold To California Family PEDEE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pettitl of Ifayward. Calif., who have two children of high school age. Sim mon left this week for Windsor, Calif. Pie social at the Fir Grove com munity club Saturday netted f 7 1 85 to be used for local expen se Recent guests of the J. W. Cor macki were: Mr. and Mrs. Lee KeynoMs (Hilda McCormack) Mr. and Mrs. Orville Edwards (Iva Mi-Cormack ), Ronnie and Elaine of Philomath, Mrs. W. E. Wilkin son (Virginia Reynolds) and baby son of San Francisco. Rirkev Benefit Dinner Nrl Lunch Fund $24-1 FOUR CORNERS Rickey Mothers club served 250 at the benefit turkey dinner Thursday night at the school on achievement day A display of ceramics was made Mrs. Rollin Baker and Mrs. Mine Barham had charge of dec orations in fresh flowers. Two hundred and fifty were served. Pnxeeds from ticket sale were $212. Rickey Mothers club gave $32 10 and from Its magazine fund, making a total of $244.10 to be used to supplement the school lunch fund. 81-Year-0ld Fiddler Performs 1 civ fc Ta Galley Briefs :. , -m us . x . --XT' Anether eld -time fiddlers' contest wfil be held next Oeteber by the Salem DAV chapter becaase ef the raeeeas ef the contest Just held. One eld-timer Is John Marphy, tl. Toledo, who took no prises, bat delighted the audiences with his playing. (Photo by Don Dill. States man staff photographer.) Detroit Residents Visiting Mill Gty For X-Ray Pictures DETROIT, April 28 The Wom an's civic club is promoting a project to have as many residents of this community to make the trip to Mill City Thursday, April 29 to have chest X-rays made at the mobile unit, scheduled there for one day. Because of rgd conditions the state health department decided against making the trip to Detroit with the heavy equipment and club members are making a special ef fort to get Detroit men and women to make the trip to Mill City. Sunnyside Community. Entertains Visitors SUNNYSIDI Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander had as their guests her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dodge, children Vivian and Keith, Port land. Mrs. Ann Wlchlac, sister of Mrs. Jim Askew, is In a McMinnville hospital recovering from an op eration. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murry, Buhl, Idaho; Mrs. Nell Hackney. Mc Minnville: Mrs. Marion Curry, Salem, visited Mrs. Georgo Her kart. Murrys lived in this com munity for several years and once operated a grocery store here. ' " 1 r , & Thlm 1949 Mercury Sports Sodan frpifie (he low. aracful Hnee oi the all-new Marcury models wklch wfllgooo display at the, WARNER MOTOR COMPANY, 430 N. COMMERCIAL, noxl Thursday. Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30 and May 1. DOCTOR, LAWYER MERCHANT, CHIEF... Thinking about your future? Most young men are... and Tory young man should bo turning such plans ever and over in his mind mentally checking off the list... doc tor, lawyer, soldier, merchant chief For thousands of young men ' ' the career of soldier is present ing a profitable and exciting vocation. Today more and more men, checking off of dm "what shall I be", are stopping at "soldier". In the U. S. Army and the U. a Air Force they are finding careers with a future. Before you decide on your future work, consider a career with the U. S. Army and the U. S. Air Force ... a career offering excellent opportunities for training in dozens of fields, affording education, fascinating travel, plus excellent pay. wholesome recreation and regular advancement. Why not drop in at your nearest recruiting office and, talk things over? It is an interesting story . . . and there may be a chapter made to order for you. 0 & rr. feno Room 211, Post Office Bid Salem, Oregon Taieei Victoria chapter. East- Star will celebrate the birth. day anniversary Wednesday night, Ajrfl 28. Acacia. Marilyn, Euclid and Chad wick chapters have seen invited to attend. Frtnaie Mother's club meets Tuesday, April 27, at the school house, at 2 pjn. William Kid well, staff member of Salem school dis trict, and an assistant will be truest speakers. Mrs. L. E. McRae will be in charge of refreshments. Turner Mrs. Dan Vinton, who is in the Salem Memorial hospital, is improving. Priagle Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Lin hart are newcovers to the com munity, "having recently moved into the place formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Herb. Tamer Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mitchell, who were married April 14 in Stevenson, Wash, have pur chased a place in Portland where both are employed. Fraltland New residents in Fruitland are Mr. and Mrs. George Kleen who moved into their new house last week. They sold their Pratum place to Mr. and Mrs. Ed die Hibb of Gait, Calif. The Rev. Ralph Kleen of Forest Grove came to help his parents move and was the officiating minister at the wed ding of his cousin, Roland Kleen to Dorothy Jean Gilman at the First Methodist church in Salem Friday. Turner The fire department was called to the Louis Petersens Friday noon to extinguish a fire which caused no damage. McAlpln Anna Doerfler has re turned from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Pauline Axom, in Seattle. Fear Corners Rickey Mothers club meets Wednesday, April 28, 8 p.m., at Rickey school. The film, "Human Growth", will be shown to adults only. Adults are In vited. Middle Grave Mr. and Mrs. Horace ( Bud ) Randall and daugh ter, Sharon Rose, of Olympia, vis ited the W. H. Scharfs and other relatives over the weekend. Vis iting at Fred Scharfs were Juanita Wade and Allen Super of Portland. Super is a nephew. Detroit Firemen's benefit dance will be held Saturday night. May 1 at Canyonmoon dance hall. Wonder Valley boys from Salem will play and the committee in charge includes Otto Russell, Roy Newport and Bob Dart. I Silverton Members of local Odd Fellows lodge who were spe cial guests at the week's meeting of Estacada lodge were John W. Myers, noble grand; Jeo Taylor, vice grand; Perry Nofsker, secre tary; James L. Taylor, past grand of Idaho lodge. Evans Valley The Work Bas ket club will meet Wednesday af ternoon, April 28, at the home i Mrs. John Wolfe, with her moth er, Mrs. Emil Loe, assistant host ess. Detroit Mrs. Anna Leis of West Slope, mother of Joe Leis, died last week. Leis went to her home when she first became seriously lit suverton tuns uari Kussei oi i Winlock, Wash., is a guest at the home of his son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hadlev. Detroit Mrs. C. A. Fratzke, of Indepnedence, regional vice presi dent of the Parent Teachers asso ciation, will speak at the PTA meeting here May 13. Evergreen Work is rapidly ad vancing on the new Ray Myers home here, a seven room frame structure. A two oar garage and landscaping remains to be completed. Frnitland A son, Stephen Wayne, was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Gerig Thursday, April 22, at Salem Memorial hospital. He is their third son. Tamer Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Sidwell (Vera Mae Hendren) are announcing the birth of Ronald Wesley, April 12 at Salem Mem orial hospital. Silverton Chamber Will Publicize iu District SILVERTON Illustrated bulle tins publicizing Silverton were discussed at the board of directors meeting of Silverton chamber of commerce this week. M. G. Gunderson reported prog ress in preparation of the Silver ton bulletins which will contain descriptive material and photo graphs taken by June Drake, who pioneered development of the area -rain- Check op on your heating system, including recom mendations and estimates on adjustments and repairs needed. ELIMINATE EXCESSIVE FUEL CONSUMPTION! PHONE TODAY fJl leading to the accepted slogan, "Siivertoa. Gateway to Silver Falls Park." The board voted to give the Sil verton Women's dub $30 toward printing descriptive cards for dis tribution et the -national Federa tion of Women's dubs in Portland, May 24-29. Lloyd Laxsen of the industrial committee reported a growing in terest by eastern firms in estab lishing branch plants in the west. The annual rainfall of the earth has been estimated at 20,000 cu bic miles. Friendly Ilour Club Plans for Coming Year SUNNYSIDE Friendly Hour club closed the year with an af ternoon meeting, at the Dudley Taylor home, when unknown friends were revealed. Plans for the cdming year were discussed, Mrs. Raymond Dutort conducting the meeting. Mrs. A. B. Clark, Lancaster, Calif, mother of Mrs. Francis Graham, was a special guest. Members present were Mrs. Les- FilRIIEDS IIISURAIICE GQOUP Anlo Truck Fire Save without sacrificing protection on your Automobile or Track Insurance with a continuing form policy No yearly resale cost YOU save the difference. We Invite your inquiry. 466 Court St. Salem, Oregon Phone 5661 n Wf V m ; r Or fw v! p. f - f limit" i trrts. OSXO Dist. Mgr. ter Thomas, Mrs. Esms Thortoo, Mrs. JUymond Dutort, Mrs. John Newmsch wander, lira. Say Heck art, airs. Jim Askew, Mrs. -Irving Bonse, Mrs. George -Herkart, Slza. Charles L. Taylor, Mrs. Fred Kleclc. Mrs. Francis Graham and "Mrs. Dudley Taylor. llusJcrats are important fur animals 'in not i tnfiti smd -frigid Alaska. 1 I r 1 DAY RADIO SERVICINOt YOUR BENDIX DEALER! VAN'S RADIO & APPLIANCE CO. MS Edgewater Phone 1-4727 ipcDSinniviEiLXf... The Greatest Hot Water Bargain In Salem- For a limited time only, Jud Whitehead Double Element Automatic Electric Water Heate 52 Gallon Size 42 Gallon Size 32 Gallon Sizo 89.50 84.50 76.75 7 PLUMBING -HEA TtNQ 279 H. COMMERCIAL SH-H-H . . . That furtive visitor with the mask, gloves and soft shoes may even steal your insurance policy, but your burglary loss will be paid in full with a PERSONAL PROPERTY FLOATER. SALEM'S GENERAL OF AMERICA AGENCY CHUCK CH INSURANCE Oregon Largest Upstate Agency" 129 N. Oasunerclal Satan - Dial Slit Mmw i j r iUJIpf I'StMW ;,'.'"if: ,m,iv 3C 26X35 or oftsiiffvd wln boras w .feiilf eMi Emir9 blDrtfl. t,nrni bsiM nRk WmHmt resistant. Durable, Lw esf. tiwelra ttM ri9. rr miik Wkor Wl foconfypsef farmnKtiu -rfita.MMrM Pumice Lite -Reck Concrete Implrm BiMlit AAatartal C. rVrtUad, Otm. FOR SALS BY Pnnilite Block & Supply Co. Edgewater 8L. West Salem rhene X-5441 ' MMVa. - FORGOTTEtl S0METII1I1G ?? go f GO fT37 H0?!H3 fiO 2 eMsf 3 BEDROOMS L1APLET0U ADtSfKOn AS LITTU as OCOOP cszn 3 "A Tro finLT home is a Trrrm UOMC " Me 4 With An Eye to the Future" Dr. R. E. Bertna iBacaes the smart graduate comes to us for optical j needs. Registered optometrists, finest lenses, wide choice oi handsome frames. AT Bertsts OpUeeJ DIGNITIS) CREDIT SJ Ceart i rkea SSM V-" skxt auwats coMMMn tAtaw rzrom