THE YOUNG IDEA" Afossler Th Btort mcrn, 8dn, Orexyoa. ggturdtry. jlprtf II. tlf T DAILY AND SUIVOAY 34-3S; square ehtaka. Ml-44, rOie, foreejwertar, SJ7-JJ8. VeeJ asd esJt rtMre. $a-4l: goeel. ; !. Male::- : 5 .- v - , --in. ; Ulity, Ma il. ' ,Your Home' Newspaper " Lambs reod aad rheioe HUM f4S-U: wrwr U ItM. S4-U; ro nial. all wighta. H1-4X. MMtton-faoo, Tt the. esm. fTl-ta. Perk trti luswe. N. 1. te 11 Iseu -4: eheiMrs IS la, sm, Mt. ur By WIMM I i ' Mrs. Kale Win. a4 Pert land kna- CiuU. AprU IS. at the see t TI yeoa. wrvtved by tour aMgrwts. Mrs. Jo Weoldrvlfe mt Alheay, Mrs. Nana Ca la M f tug ens, Mrs. A lire ftaani and Mrs. Varguwa l.auer. koto Portland; a4 thews Sana. Ttnilr V inn. )r. mt V ewwver. Ham. Jeha lery wlna a uebreal and Hoy M. Wlna mt lwUn, Ore-J brother, awy MeCbewtey to ea atoe. Ltfe mnmrmOmr ef the Christ rtoarek. fcervacee will 1 held t'eea Ue HeaeU-Mesret rhapel Monday, Ani B. to IM p-m.. the ke. UtMibry kuaus erfie4stM. totersnent Mj the ioor aew tasj). iiiiiiniiiiiin spereriba. 8 lbs. tew a. aaa-si. Can U wMchla. ssa-MJC C ijtry-arie4 sneete: VesA Per SWOT. tee lagwt. 43 44e; eOee grates arnSlaig to we4ga4 mm4 quality. Hoes light blockers 0-31c; avwe M- 1 - J. c Lambe per lac ia. M-4U; aauttoa 18- i r 7 HE HAOUr-l JjncsECOQs) Ij ( HURRY. J , (hi a ousid Beev-aeoel flows 40e ; aaiAnees anej eutters Ji-XtC m. (tmn bark Dry. lie as. Weal 0erae, Valley ajai ! sill r- U III no III fit II r l i 1 1 nr. BLONDS L4 Ilk BUN INTO TOWN AND GET SOME SANDWICHES, PKX UP MV1 SUTTTOO, JOS.. AND BRING TESS BACK WI DICK TRACT :to AFTER WE'D CONE BED. B. O. SAID WE WEREN'T SAFE. HE MADE US GET UP AND DRESS. AND WE WENT MUST BE MOST BCOWN r OK OUR YtFI I ME DZAUnFULEVERyTHING POJfJ ,-at led V TTl UP TO THIS, lUiyWvcusEki rJf I WAS ONE TZ&F&Vul AOF EIGHT BUT 1X4 SOUR AUNT? r SURELV. BRIER. VOU WON'T ! WOurOLDy XOU MIAN TOMORROW I GOTTA DPESS UP LIKE A G00OES5 AN VISIT THE REAL LITTLE C000E5S IM HER RMACEl -6E,rLL BE SCARED - DOT WORRY. LASS K BUT A REAL -THE LITTLE G0D0ESS)GOOG?ESS WILL BE GLAD TO KIN EASY SEE HAVE YOU FOR lIAJNTAREAL h A PLAYMATE LITTLE ANNIE ROONZT OONT BE AFRAID-THE GODOESS IS JUST A LITTLE GIRL LIKE YOU THAT WE NATIVES ARE UOLOl W PRISONER SM5 TOO YOUNG TO KNOW GREAT BIG PALACE IS ONLY A FANCY PRISOM- PRISON. HER I K RTOO? r 1 FAkCY PRlSOM-r ' 1 1 H f " 111! yTTT 7y v h rr-i.T i " ' Cf- Irmham!, wM ' ii " BUT IF I UVE ( ONLY UNTl L WE THERE, WILL I FIND THE MOTHER f BE IN A Si AND CHILD -AND THEN ILL FIND A WAY TO HAVE YOU ALL ESCAPE T06ETHER- PB6EKnt6 TW5 6QIX ANO A 50,000 BOHM . to j.b. wrvsht QS) WATCH ) I (CAM f tfCeCMl j TEUU5 HOW ' Ptf (Ti I THAT REVOLUTION?! fjT A COWFtRfNCf Of tOga SHOT OIL EX ECUTIVES in kewyork: BTJ77 SAWVTF WEU, BOY5. AOPtSTY MS TO ACCEPT ALL THE CREPTT. THERE'S ONE OF TMO 5MART HGUNd MAR HER064 N WPEFRH MENT A 60-GfcTTtK NAMEO 6AWYER WHO Pi vcr a purr ALAA. ' " V ft : x IN FACT, HE ANO UK ASSlSTAMT 60-OTTERj FOB6ET "nCMAt RJ5KEPTUIK 1 EKT 0U6HTA LIVti TO 5E rRONTlkX OIL'S KiEP OUX tMVESTMEMT OF 50000, OOOvf EVE5 ON MM. HMM'. S rcouiouscA BCmttCETHAT YMOW IN AKY OEPWtf J ABOUT MENT. HiMTO 2r 1 5; MO PiS ICU.WQUAT6! MORS KUV- QUATS, SESAJ MTCKEY MOUSE C PWMSgS AAA 17") VWPTHin rWArT...VOU AAUSTNT i-J EXERT VOLM5SEUP! I ... WELC QMS J(G AW gSHV EST ' "--i.t:t twek rr s a deal; MXI AKJD CXJR BUS PiSAU-E tRHESJLACS WILL REPCBTTD WE, MeaE . TOMOBBOW. I SWALL DESCRIBE TB PEOPLE WE ASS CESOislS, 1W0 M3U WiLL SCATTff? TO EVEBV Ptt.3 IN RAO'S.' RIP DEBT OES. TWEV WILL DO WHAT UErTVEB ) SW.OU NT S!S j IQ MY DEAR WATSON, VOL) sea I NOB TI4E POUCE CAM UMDBSESTlAWrTH F" J te-. wJJhCL 1 APOLOSIZEi OO..TMSY WILL COM3 PABiS.. OCD5SOOAU.Y S. 5r MtYK VtXJ AHE AKJO TWS STAOLCOCS MUST I, TOO, AM TWE .Tlj'Jfl'iMl VVN03WCA8Le TAKTE SHAWM TO SQVE PAH: V 6MAOT.. VPU-M?' N , T' - xrT IF THAT HE9$iE MOUAKI V LANDS HE2S AGAiN, I GUT: GASOLINE ALLEY OUT, BUT IU. KE5CN. I I I IS PT7. THEN. F TWEy R3NT Btiitu Grr err ppo TH' TRIAL, BLUN0ER8OSS tJEDSE POTTERS 6WW" TH cJUPy THEIR LAST- (VftlNLTTE BARNEY GOOGLE ONCET (WORE. ALL Yg C'iUJuia V6 GODO POTTERS l-NSrW AM' TRUE--- VOHffl" rjJSX eSPsWS" VG GONNA SfV t-!2122- VAJHEN I AST FER AguJlt7ltyA 'SCOnA1 NGGEBLQED 9 ORAPfW A BUNCH O' KEYS DOWN VORE BACK 1 -Whw! What rtak y Tv ha4 . . . Fr rpofcla a4 mU UsiT Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, April Al Chera & Dye 192 American Can.. 87 Am Power it Lt 9 Am Tel & TeL.154V4 Anaconda 38 H Atchison 105 Bendix A via 33 Beth Steel 35 S Boeing Air 28 i Calif Pack 32 Canadian Pac . 13 Case J I Chrysler 43 eiH 3 22 H Comwlth Sou Com Edison Cons Vultee 13 Crown Zel 30 Curtis Wr 8 Douglas Air 64 Dupont d Ne....l75Vi Gen Electric 36 23-(P)-Today' pen Foods Gen Motors IGoodyear Tire Ct North pfd . tint Harvest . ant Paper pfd . J Manville ;Kennecott ILong Bell A ... Mont Ward Nash Kelvin ... Nat Dairy N Y Central . North Am Co Northern Pac Pac Am Fish . Pac Gas Elec . P T & T Pan American Penney J C Radio Corp closing quotations: 38IRayonier 58 1 Rayonier pfd 43 Reynolds Met 46 Richfield - 95 Safeway 56lSears Roeb ... 38 I Sinclair Oil 56i So Pacific ..... 27Stan Brands . 58 Stan Oil Cal . . 17 IStudebakt-r 27Sun Mining .. .. 16S!Union OU 15IUn Pacific 22'Un Airlines . 14VlUn Aircraft .. 33 U S Steel .... . 99 Warner Bros .. 9 (West Elec .. 43lVoolworth - ioi 28 32 28 .- 20 ... 19 ... 37 21 35 25 . 65 22 11 29 ...182 ... 17 28 77 ... 12 . 29 46 Portland Produce PORTLAND. April - AP)-ButUr- fat tentative (subject to Immediate change) : Premium quality maximum of J3 to 1 per cent acidity delivered In Portland, 89-92e lb.: first quality. t7 90c lb.; second quality. M-SBc lb.: vaUey routes and country points S cents leaa tnan first. 85-88C lb. Butter Wholesale, f ob., bulk cubes: Grade A A. B3 score. S3c lb.; A. 91 score. 2c lb.; B. M score. 82c lb.: C. 89 score. BOc lb. (Above prices are strictly nomi- 11 Cheese Sell ins price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles. 45-Ue. Oregon 5-lb. loaf. 47-Mc Eces To wholesalers: A grade, large. Sl'a-MlaC doz.: medium 48',i-S0'?c: A grade, small, nominal: B grade, large, 2'-4fl'kc. Ekss Purchased from farmers: Cur rent receipta. 47'i-50'rC doz.: buyers pay 3-3 ',c below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best bennery eggs. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers under l' lbs. 33-36C lb.: fryers. i' to 1 lbs, 40-43c lb . 3 to 4 lbs.. l-43c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over, 41-43c lb.; fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs., 22-24C lb ; over 4 lbs . M zSc; colored fowl. aU weighU. 32-U lb.; stags, all weights. 14-17c Rabbits Average to retailers for lo cally dressed animals. SA-STc; fryers, live, white. JO-32c lb., few quoting lower; colored. ZS-SOc; old or heavy. 14-17C. fresh dressed meats (Quoted whole salers to retailers In dollars a hundred pounds) : Steers rood, all wts.. M3-49; com mercial. H l-0 .50; utility. 3-3. Cows commercial. t39-41; utility. $37-38: ctnncr, cutter. 934-M. Beef ruts (good steers, heifers) hindquarters. $4-M; rounds. S4S-4S. full loins, trimmed. 197-M: triangles Mohair 4a lb. an Ontoos fta-ib. yeiaswe, N L. Urn. esss-aja. He. traitM grwwta. Hrwaaa. Or as sais-4 to: MUm Mm. I We. S4 Tnmm wtuw was:, to . M yetiww BWmuda, liaviM. Petotoasv Jre DnrhvtM aad aT1aen atk rwaseta. No. la. S4 0asS mm M to; IS Ike. afte-SIM: Ne I to Ike. Iiae- 1T; No. 1 wakers. aa-a k wsigh; Itetee rueasia . l-i ot IS-Ik. kaa. U M-lsr Cwbklera. N. 1-A. 4 1S-4 M. rvwtoa Trlumpha. Ne. 1-A, 4 to-4S. B, M to ils to-tb. aark: Cal whit rea. lto-lk. Ne I -A. S7 ai-lto; M-lk. Ne. 1-A, Maa-xis. Hay U. ft. N. arem alfalf wr k4 ler. crke4 lofla. f e V PerUaael. to a. 4ia. U. ft. No. 1 tSMttf, tMUri Ore- Km er Waahlngtosk. ear lota fab. Peru ad. S3S as-M as. oeta and wick, snlaed key, uncertified clover key, aernlwal. Portliind Grain PORTLAND. Ore, April It API Wheat : No futures quoted. Cask wheat (bid) ' soft white I St: soft white (esrludms Res) til; white chik til: weeter red 1 11. Hard red winter: erdlaary IU; 1 per rent 114; 11 per eenl 1 41. II per cent 1 to. Hard white Baert- ordinary BSJ. It per rest 1.11. II per rent 117. 11 per cent 1M Today's car receipts: wheat 11. bar ley 4. flour 1. corn 1; oeta 1. (nil) feed . fewler, at the reeldetM4, 1. wxiaawiif, Arm 11, a rowui one r. arvtved by hat wife. Mia. kxiwl Fowler to Turner f'r daughtOTa, Mrs. Mar)erte Hak to Turrwr, Mrs. Al- twttlaU to kalem. Mr gJeaaore ftnlt to Idah and SJetae (W to kw a a. s. Lenta and trad Tra. RntMUi Paw and Harnld Snwlee tm C eat Meet w-v; e atatee. Mrs. Mel lie ft. Hean to kedea. ( aU4 aeto four krk way. Ore s sewr PewW. kotk to ler to kaieea a rs, mn u rewier to rirIUUle, M4 Warne V. rewier to All-ny. Cia , Ralph J Pewler to Red felurt. Cal'-. a4 Uwlgkt t- rewier to turner. kervVM win ke held Meedar April M. at It aaa. rreea the t touan-harrtrk Knlj wttk Iwteraient ta ti k us dale tery. rieeea eeaJt Oewsrs. aa wZ. aaewaia. lato resident ? friew eve- Thursday. April 11 lauaa. Huebeato Mrs. Mary L, Me. wen, ee aian; father to Sdwin Ms to Portland tttaeWv M.w.t. n Trwk to 1 I ktoi-r to !ee. MnFna, uvegias Mr Portland Liven lock SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 1398. KOCO 1498. KOIN 976. ROW 626. KKX 11M HOCK 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX M.-88 08:15 666 66:45 News fTlmekeeper ' fMarch Time (News KOCO KXOCX 'KOCO KXOCK KOCO KLOCK IPsnm Parade News IKOIN Klock IKOIN Klock IKOIN Kiock Hodge Podge iHodge Podge iKneaas News DaUads Downbeat (Downbeat (Downbeat I Downbeat KSLM COCO torn KOW KEX N Farm Parade KOIN Klock Hear This Roundup Boys BUse. Shine INews News Band Concert News I News Now Hear This Old Songs lAgronsky (News ITop Trades Harmony User News Hayes News Collins KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Movie Mat. Haven of Rest News CBS Trcd Waring Research I Movie Mat Haven of Rest l-efs Pretend rred Waring Dirt Dr Bargain Counter IWest Melodies Pop Varieties Jr. Mlas Wr Mias Ed McConncD. (Ed MrConnell Shoppers Spec. ! Shoppers Spee KSLM KOCO KOIN KVBW KEX Radio Bible Pop. Varieties Theatre Today Jack G region Demonstr s Uon (Radio Bible IPod Vartetlea Theatre Today Jack Gregson iralry Tales Pastors Call I Music Serenade Land Lost Orchestra pdualc uctd critics Beany Wslki (Land Lost KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Orchestra I Harmony DrrhMtn rxir tt..nnMi ic.imi fit.r Ibtmkn sm nJS. Navy Grand Central (Grand Central (County Fair (County fair Farm Jt Horn Farm St Home (Meet Marks Abbott, Caste UolAbboR, Costello' Headline Meet Meeka ISUlngs 4 KSLM T I KOCO II KOIN I KOW Ooe Jock News Mary Taylor (Doc Jock rChuckwagoo I Mary Taylor fOor Jock tLady Melody lOo Jork (Lady Melody 1 Give St Take (Give Ai Take Arch Andrews lArch Andrews 'stars Twimm roarlStars Tomorrow KEX Rhythm 'Rhythm IWeet. Theatre Warttm Theatre KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Hit Time Lady Melody INews 1 Bute Show dv MelodT INS News IGarden Gate Pree for AH Stars Tomorrow Stars Tomorrow' Storv Shop Playhouse Playhouse I symphony (Variety Shew I Western Ballads trree for AU I Story Shoe) (Symphony KSLM U.N. Today 1390 Club lOrchestrs KOCO Saturday Mat. (Saturday Mat (Sat Ma tine mrvtt a y.iiM'llr KMrtn.n.r HandiraD KGW Doctors Today 1 Doctors Today lana Quartet KEX Symphony (Symphony ! IBlnaT Sings (Sat MsUnea I Feature IPvano Quartet iKeatette KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Treasury (tradition lOpinionalre fOptntamalre KOCO Kaprrs (KOCO Kapers 1 10 Top Tuna IIS Top Tune S. Daugherty s. Daugharty At the Chaae (At the Chase Carroway ShowGarroway Show Dr. I. Q- Jr. fDr. I. Q.. Jr. rreasury Show Treasury Shaw Melodies I Rex Kaury KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Prmuflv Hall (Proudlv Hall lOreheetra IN KOCO Kapers I KOCO Kapers (KOCO Rapers IKOCO Kapers Art Ktrkham ITunefullv ICroes Sertian Croaa Section Nenra Guest Star NBC SywiphonylNBC Symphony JT Junctloa Ur Junction M'Nellls. ShldnMNelna. She id a KSLM Orchestra (Hemingway IRports KOCO Melody Matinee Melody MatineetMualr Hail KOIN The Aces I The Aces IDyana Cal KGW NBC Sympboay NBC Symphony Curtain Time KEX E- Fellc 'H WUintr IBtble Massage k-hrtat. IMimm Hail IDyana Cale Curtain Tim tO. Futdheim Orchestra ITabemacle (True or Falae Jan Oar her (Land o' Dance Weetem Geo. risher (Danger Ahead ICalltovrwoad Land O Dance Jan Carber (Hit Songs Town Spks (Town Speaks (Torn Tunas (True er ralee News IGerred IK. Peterson KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Calvary Vespers Orchestra (Wtth the KkSs fWlth the Kids Btannat Muaas tktanhat Musie issue, spot ugntMant ssaaer Joan Uevta I Joan uavte Ifnooed ceu eaae ju lie Ui Melodies Harry J iMeleda am K Bakes ludy Murder Madded Oudy C (Marter KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Drama B. Klelhege Kay Kyeer Csmpua Heads News IWaa Thaatra IWeat. Tbaatr fTempo Time fTsnape Tim I'lsrseoSs Serenade Ignorance rays Ignorance rays Kay Kyaer (Ola Oprr IOn Opry Campus Heeds IRaaa Dolaa iRoes nalssi KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Stop M Dugout Dope Muuc LUe to Rllay (Stop M IBaseball Boy Scouts LUe to ShJer Exm ifUeil CaO Hawaii Cans Game Tlaaehen Gsass (Da ban Gams IA oreat Life A Croat Lis (Truth. C ien rrrwtk, Csswsa, (Tukon Tsbbssi KOCO Baseball Cam KOIN Bsuiuis Shew KGW Hit Parad KKX Ganghustars IPop Edwards IChHiholrn . riBBii"Ylqsms W." Carsnseha? vSustui1 Monre s'ajgTut' M aare Hit Parade Musat Hoar Motos aus- !8sn8Ttl1safwayrl lOlCsteRWtran lOlCaaVaTsftFsal KSLM Slew IM. Downey KOCO Donctng Party IDanctng Party KOIM rm aar staal a-ea Fort KGW Mewa iTancer Con. KXX News CTrls Cefna runs Meet I wots la snerssi Mt (Orchestra tOrsktfa lOrchsstra IeS KSLM I KOCO I KOIN I KGW Hat' to Tats KKX Orchestra Party lAir-O Party KOAC S kaaataTday ) aJB. New: ISM Baevir Caad Weekly: 1191 Especially far Women: USM Can- cert Hall; Uas News; 11 :U Moan Farm Hour; IM Vartrty fen Nueie: IM Veto of the Army; 145 PaAjnertnan Rhythms: IM TraftW Safety: 1:11 Memory Book of Music; t Passksll. isarkng Party priksstra Prcbstora J)astrWu rait Air- Runs Ma rsaj far Cancer; . On the Upbewt So. Soorta Cbb li New; ai. Tkk Is South Africa: S3, Laik at tut: S.-41. Landon Letter: I to. Opera Tonight; IsL Ness; t, Laau Pi its; aa, Larry Cllakri; , Sign Off. PORTLAND, Or.. April 11 - A f ) (USDA) Salable cattle today 100. total 2V0. calve 10, steady on arant supply. 1 medium 1011-1 Uw lb. fed steers il.M MK. part load top medium Ml lb heifers M M; edd head common rl to, lew low good cows U 10. medium SO (lo ll to. cutter-common lTSO-SU 00. aan ners 1S0O-1SSO. bulla ararce: vealats steady; 1 good Vealers ISao-MOO, me dium 13.00-2S.00; common It 00-14 00 For week, salable cattle lU, total calves 121 and ISO; compared week ago fed steers 1.21-1 M higher; heifers stead jr to SO cents higher; good rows to cents up; lower grades SO-1 00 high er; bulls strong ta M rents higher, vealers fully steady: top steers for week IOM lb. hljfh good IS On. bulk average good XI 00-71; medium 13 OO-M 71. ram man 21 00-24 &0. good fed heifers 21 00- 2S M; medium 11 00-14 SO. rommon HSo-U SO; good young cows 21 23. bulk sversge good 12 iu-21 U0 medium M 00 22 00; cutter-common 17 OO-lt to; ran ners 11 00-14 K. shells down to 10 00. good weighty beef bulls 11 M-14 10. Jood sausage bull 23 00-13 0: medium ) 00-11 M. cutter -common II OO-lt M, few ehoic vealers 12 SO; bulk good choice 2S 10-11 00. medium U 00-ia to. common ltJ-i 00; culia down to 11 00 Salable and total hogs today 21. odd head good 120-149 lb. but-hers 1171 about steady; small lot 2S1 lb. 11.71; nothing else offered. For week salable hogs 14M. total 4531; compared last week's rloae butcher c leases steady: Monday's Inaa regslned during wees; rloatng top 14 no. sows steady: feeder plrs 50 rents low er; Monday's top fill, bulk good rhotre during week lao-144 lb butch ers 13 S0-14 00; 1M-170 lbs 21 00-22 00. 170-V0 I be. SO 0O-S0; light smooth sows It&O-IS to; buui good-choice 17 to ll 0O; heavy sows 11 M good -choice 74 110 lb. feeder piss 21.73-14 50, common M lbs. down to 20 00 Salable sheep today none; ana r set nominally steady. For week : salable I2M. total IJOS; compared week ago slaughter lambs SO-1 US higher: most advance on shorn lambs, slaughter enea SO cents hlrher : bulk good -choir woo led lambs 71 to-50. common -medium It OO-M to; doubles good-rhotre. mostly choice. Ill lb shorn lambs 22 to. few good woo led yearling weathers 1100: good-choice wooied sllughler ewe 10 50-11 SO; common-medium ( Sn-i ISO sood -choice IM-Ib. freshly shorn sisugntrr ewes 10 00 AprU M. at I a rk b rhapel wit Memorial pork. Salom Market Quotations UTTERPAT Pi Hunt Ne. I No 1 PRINTS Wholesale Retail KCiGS ftVTINO Katr large Medium Standards Pullets and cracks EOGS - lelHag Pnrs Whols I, large Retail, iarr ftetaiL medium rOlLTSt Colored ken Ne 1 N. 1 . Fryers ... LIVESTOCK (lr VaBev Spring lambs woollod lantna. rhotc Preah eheared uimtta Yearlings .. ... Ewe rat dairy raws ... Cutter row Dalrv heifers . . Bulls ... Calve (OS t 45 lbs.) Veal, chotee Park) up t up t I to ta mp te up t KM te 11 ta p t 71 as as U S4 a J4 M 12 to r nf ! hlythe Calif. nd Eugene Mr Wain mmi 7 "r1 a1'"f- bath to La An. Atae survived by four grarX rft.ll4.A Ili . . . . . . . . . . " wiu ie neie sstetnar. at toe ( tourh-Har. lh totertnent to awlciaet ' J. s r otvir .f Caaree Da vet- Uu resident f SsUrJ i b?" koatniiT April U at jh ar to tl. Murvived by a a-uMer Mr Florence hnrrlll7.t Grain :Markct Prices Drop CHICAGO, April 2J--arsIn price received inih.r tmi, .i.t R a.W-'al cut txJsy. both wrKeat endlnf with losses estendlnf to """" w "n a renig. it wag Uia erond straight rtv iha l- has suffered heavy losses, larfrly '"u" oi rami in the wheat belt. iM Wheat ended ft tn 14 lw.. May 82 41Vs-a: mrn ,.. v' 8V, lower. May ill a 14. 9 it. wera lower, May $l.097. V,, and soy beam war SVi to cents lower. May $3.88. Th commodity credit corpora Uon at Kansas City today offer, ed to Day 10 rent' a lnuhl the Chicago futures at turn. for wheat. This was a J. cant reduction, follow I nf detlina of ll4 cent yesterday. Stock Market In Sh a rp .Climb NEW YORK April 2J - ( -Storks completad snolher lea; on their sprint advsnca today In Uia broadest market on record. Pritea oualked tin u ta mM than two points under th Impetus of heavy demand for manufacture inf and railroad issues. Of tjfc 1.388 Isau lister! rm ha stork change, transactions were reported In 1.111 - the hietieat number in "bis; board- history. Of these 853 showed fslna snd 238 kMaes. ; ToUl sales ranj to 2,470.000 shares, iargeat sine Doe. , 1848. Broadcasts Omitted Th arhadula of! Sunday ra dio procrama which normally appears In the Saturday States man has been omitted today du to th failuta of atstiona to report program time rharxf -a nsrassltatad by the adopUan of daylight aavlrtat tun In tho ast. 1 1 14 I I 111 171 Ml 11 1 Ml Stocks and Bonds Comt!ed by th Aeemated Pre. April 12 STOCK AVERAGES as is it m Indus Ralls (Jul Btnrh Friday all ! 1 to Previeu day ..Ml 41 S to 4 at I Week age . SI a MI MS Ml Montk age to 1 Ml MI Ml Year age Ml M t 418 SI I 1S4S high SI I 411 48 M l ATUAOII M IS RaUs Induat Prtdar Pissiew stay . "tl 1 MS wee age e Montk age aa 1 Veer a Ml iss kick ill New ISM kick. 11 ISt4 11 IWT IMS lata I I Uul Peren IM $ SI 4 IOS 8 SI 4 Id 4 SIS MS Ml IMS 74 1 lae MS D22C9 Tculgkl Dailaa Armory Woodrj Orck, $$II0IIEY$$ FHA 4Vi EosJ Kaiaio Ztela Tlzzzzo Co. IU ft, mck St, U. Cle-KZZS UEUAIIT YOUR EGGS! A l way t a DrpcmlabU Cash Market! Ciirly's Dairy Ptc20 C7C3 Why Suffer Anj Longer WkaaaSksM fsn. pea ear (wtoee year to 4 blaa. Ne aaaflter VM wkto ilaeas yea are amirtea atsardara. lati ls. beart, leaf a, Mr ae, fctaaey. gas. eonoupailen, nlrera. laaeta, rimall ear levee, an, f CHARLIE CIIAN CBTINESB MEM CO. tag Ca Pkeee 1-lf 4 ALaat. ta TTme Hears S ta 1 f-naa, and Sat. easy ea. tu ana aiaa- "0 i ) ', r: QSi, r.T.TXaavMJl. j ; Dr axaajl DCS. CtUUI ; . . LAM VMHIXK ITmnAIJaTS : 241 Nofto Ubarty tTnwli'1 Portland Oenerat E3eti-I Ca orfle aoe Reiurday iy lu - to 1 am 8 te 1 am I m.,,l. taUaa toned prae and mimI kwas awe tin to enara practumd 1 ; J