The Nation's Top Comics "DAILY AM) SUND.J :.n Your Home Newspaper W Ipf ijjTipi ipii r BLONDE l ' I GERTRUDE. Mt?.7 OW. V I GPASZXLXL? WOw7QAW)1 r NO. CWACLIE. VOU A I NTT T Tm- t A"T7- LV V-JTP5 Mt? A VOVE GROWN DAWt J GONG TO LEAVE ME -ftSf.0! Jfir ONTO SEE.tTRACV.) DO VOU UK fW VOU AJNT NEVER 7 1 TliYr- RCHEyvouJryc -vpur? uttle tyy Vgojng TO LEAVE jT -a 'l i 1 1 i i .I i i i i i i i . . DICX TRACT WEAK R50M rWlPSTAKO HUN6EP, i lasheo mvself rj twe , PLAN-THENt MUST E FAJNTEO IV! THE NEXT THING I REMEMBER, f WAS LYING HELPLESS OJ THE BEACH OP BI00O RED I5LAK0, SUPQOUKfDED BY WG&Y SAVAGES -r GAVE MYSELF UPfOOLOSr- T UTTLE ANIflZ ROONZT WHEtf AM ANGEL FROM HEAVE W- YOU SiSTER. THE UTTLE GCOOESS THAT RULES TU 1SUNQ APPEARED -AN" 7 SAVEO MY LIFE eurr aihYgotwo SSTER-IMJUSTA POOQOGPUAM WHO A I NT GOT KiO FOLKS. rL--k:: BUT SHE LOOKED U UKE YOU -SPOKE U KE YOU - AW' UKE YOU, SHE WAS KINO AMD TENDED HEARTED tm'.tmtt iX l )u!- s: rp u-Exptcrtp OUT M -ADUHrS. BUZZ SAWYEB 5 J" vYS w .at r r .- m -. VIRAL UMUAPOTAMT CITIE5 ACT CAPTUKfeP. AKMED MO5 5BtETHE 0L nCLIX. THAT WTTMtN WILL OUCLL HOT TMCY ARMCP KACwLC 1 K&CGVC THE A WtEJC, 75WPUMPOF 5MOR fRtSlPEMTC ARMS, 6EMtRAU ACC0RCTH6 TO V J TWi RM0 1 FROM A FC0HTE3 X OU Of FIOAU TWC f T4N WAV. X HBAK THI 6TOtK ABOUT VOuR NBW MICXEY MOOSZ ry r UK'S A FINB UrTTL UY...1 -X 1 H BUT H CCAgg5M A TTT1 1 Jj uittu... jrl I CEGA r 'Wlil, rl MXJ See, MS 6EEMS TO KNOV VWHAT "VOdftE THlNtONS AMD WHAT'S ffOiN3 TO 1 7 11 Seg VMMAT VOUAAgANlJ - r -i j WOmtoJ TO JTTT TO CONTACT A Hi ATBW WW UMW ; . THASJtuT ..AKO I X TUB 6 6 IS (CVJCW I CAM TWJST READY TO TA-OS lOUJ II? KZRBT I WAT, Cafi WE OXMT) OF COURSE WLL kS3 WITHOUT aY.m3 MXl S&O R3S WiM, BETTER TEU. CV I'M HOP TO IT, J CJ, SWOPTTl. MOOGSl J TBU. 'EM - AWYTWlNa X jrf cautcaY JLjiil GOOD-BYE TO kV TUATKiOT, wfO, AiXT HCCM ) ALLET M-' V I OASOL27IZ t xt OOUL0NT rp"iBi"",r I HAV PtAmMES9 iCVa9OXM lJKTQ TUN ))j V TAKZ 0MSCC J II ONPEK MCet f IT AIL OVW NOWi I LV COUP IE! ! MOUtl NUBUNG V V fl PAVWliPAVJli 3 DON'T (JEPAofTN VOT4E HfWW A MVQHWARE PAW cwrrr ubop offn ih' n I ICC ...UC'C IM TV' I X SHORE Q TCMLED TO rr takes A HEAP O' PADDUN' TO WAKE VOUNGUNS BEHAJ6 AM" BUTTER" Snnffy Smith Fred Lasswell BALLS O' FIRE !! TH' FREEDOM TRAIN'S IN TOWN !! 1 v Cope. 1947, King Feature Syndxate. Iik., World fighti rtierwed. Th Start man SoIoth. Qrxyoo, To Atrr, jlpfl f"lM3 Portland Produce Rail Issues Pace Market; Trade Rapid NEW YORK, April 5-;T)-While expectation were plentiful the stock market generally swung for ward today with the rail average touching a peak since September, 1946. Selective strength among oils was a feature from the start, gains of 1 to 3 points or so recorded for favorites. The million-mark was exceeded for the 11th session since mid March. Transfers of 1,040,000 shares compared with 1,080,000 Friday. Demand again was based part ly on rearmament prospects, Eu ropean relief, government stock piling and tax cuts. Numerous skeptics trimmed ac counts or stood aiide because of labor disputes. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was up .2 of a point at , 65.5 where it was only .5 under the j 1948 top. The rails made a new h'gh of .1 of a point. TUESDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilacycles: K.SLM ISM. KOCO 14M. KOIN t?. KGW 62. KEX 11M OUR 6m.L.m KOCO KOIN KGW KEX M. Mill NJI ' M:4S News Music Tlmekpr March Tim Newt KOCO KLOCK KOCO KLOCK KOCO KLOCX Tex Hitter Ntwi Roundup KOIN Klock IKOIN Klock I KOIN Kiock Hodxe Pod IHods Podge iKneau News I Early Bird Farm Hour Tarm Hour (Farm Hour Tarm Hour 7 KSLM News Rlie and Shine News (Top Trades KOCO Farm Parade I Newt 4c Sports. Top o' MornlngTop o' Morning KOIN KOIN Klock INewi Boo Garred IFred Beck KGW Farm Time Farm Time I Old Songs I Sara Hayes KEX Stn Cowboy iThis Is News iMetody Matinee Zek Manners 8 KILM Cecil Brown lOrchestra Pioneer IBargaina KOCO Haven of Rest i Haven of Rest West Melodies Over Coffee KOIN Uaer New Kn Baker I Grand Slam Rosemary KGW Fred Waring I Fred Waring I Jack Berch Melodies KEX Breakfast Club 'Breakfast Club ! Breakfast Club I Break, fast Club PORTLAND. April f (AP Butter -fat tentative sub)ect to Immediate change) : Premium quality maximum of J5 to 1 per cent acidity delivered In Portland. t-2c lb.; first quality, 07-Mc lb.; second quality. M-we lb.; valley routes and country points 2c leas than first. B3-S8c lb. Butter Wholesale, fob. bulk eubea: Grade AA. 03 score. 3c lb ; A. S3 score. 2c lb.; B. M score. 2c lb.; C. S9 score. Mc lb. (Above prices are strictly nominal.) Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 9-S3c; Oregon 5-lb. loaf. 47-5Cc. Eggi To wholesaler: A grade, large. Sl'j-WjC doz.: medium. 4s-90c; A grade, small, nominal; B grade. Urge. 4J"-46'.,c. Eggs Purchased from farmers: Cur rent receipts. 7,,-50c dor.; buyers pay 3-3 Uc below wholesale quotations on graded basts for best hennery eggs. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers under J lbs., 33-3Sc lb: fryers. ! to 3 lbs.. 3-30c lb.: 3 to 4 lbs . 39c: boasters. 4 lbs. and over. 3S-3Ac; fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs.. X3c lb.; 4 lbs. and over. M-tfc colored fowl, all weights. 30 -33c lb.; stags, all weights, 13-lsc lb. Rabbits Average to retailers for lo cally dressed animals. 3-S7c. fryers, live, white. 30-33c lb., few quoting lower; colored, Z8-30C. old or heavy, 15-17C Fresh dressed meats (Quoted whole salers to retailers In dollars a hundred pounds) : Beef Steers Good. 30 00-43 SO; com mercial. 30 00-40 00. utility. 35.00-30 00; cows commercial. 37.00-30 00: utility, 33 00-36 00: cutter, canner. 32 00-33 00. Beef cuU (Good steers, heifers I Hindquarters. 44.00-43.00; rounds. 44 00 45.00. fuU loins, trimmed. &0.0O-SS 00: triangles. 37.00-30 00; square chucks. 42.00-44.00: rib. M.00-04.00; forequar ters. 37.00-40 00. Veal and calf Choice. 40.00-40 00: ood. 4SOO-40OO: commercial. 4io 7 00: utility. 36 00-39 00. Lambs and mutton Lambs Chotct and good. 40 00-41 00: commercial, all wetghta. 37.00-30 00: mutton good. 70 lbs. down. 23 00-28 00. 3100-94 00: shoulders, 10 lbs down. Pork cuts Loins No. 1. to 12 lbs.. 4100 43 00: sparerlbs. 3 lbs. down. 90 00-52 00 Carcasses All weighU. 34 00-34 09. Country-killed meatf : Veal Per pound, top light. 42 -44c: other grades according to weight and quality. Hogs Light blockers. 31 -Sac: sows. 27-2c lb Lambs Per pound. 87-39c: mutton. 12-lHc lb Beef Good cows. 32-SSc lb : canner and cutters. 29-31 c lb. Cases r a bark Dry. 21c lb . Wool Coarse, valley and medium grade. 4sc lb. Mohair 42c lb. on 12-month growth. Onions 00-lb. sack. Orr Brooks, yel lows. No. 1, medium MM-t.SO. large. $8 23-'M: No 2. 33 29-3 90: boilers. No. Is. 10 lbs. 60-eoc: 30-lb sacks. 3 00 3 25: Australian yellowsJ No 1. large. S8 29-0 00 SO-lb. sack: Onion sets. 90 lbs . 97 09-8 00. Potatoes Ore. Deschutes and Klam ath russets No 1. 33 50-5 79 . 29 lbs. SI 50-1 63: 19 lb . 05C-3I 09. No. 2, 94 lbs. 02 29-2 90. No 1 baker. 06 23 S So hundredweights: Idaho russets No. 1-A. C3 60-5 75: Minnesota Cobblers. No. 1-A. 94 23-4 30: Florida Triumphs. No. 1-A. 34SO-4 03. B. 04 0O-4 39 90-lb sack. Hay U S No 3 green alfalfa or better, carload lots. fob. Portland. 340 00-42 00 U I. No. 1 timothy, east ern Oregon or Washington, carlo Is. fob Portland. 338OO-30OO. oats and vetch, mixed hay, uncertified clover hay. aornmal. Portland Lirestock f ' ew ,A . Obitahriesii N AS LIN Ura Anna Bf Mulln. iutUtstf dent of fetalem. la Brsanerton. Wi -.u. U ha tia it beicrest Momoriai park Tuesday, A( 1 9 n m lha P. W. ETtCSJ orficiatuig. QjrerUoo by tba CtougA Barrick company. ICHMALTZ Sgt. Herbert J. Sehmsltx, faiiasg resident of Mln route 3. oo two Jims, Feb. U. 1043. Survived by bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sehmsltx of Sa lem; two sisters. Mrs. Rosa Mudgett of Salens and Mrs. Victoria Greiner as? Portland; two broUiers, Leonard aod Dennis Schmaltz, both of Salem, assd his grandmother, Mrs. Barbara Schnot der of Portland. Requiem mass will be said from SL Vincents Cathotta Church Thursday. April s. at : bjo. wua WW n iy. Recitation of the rosary wi Clough-Barrtck chapel W AprU 7. at la p.m. Conclud ices In St r-anf ludlne Barbara's cemetery. 9 KSI.M KOCO KOIN KC.W KEX Kate Smith IV Llndlahr Pastor's Call lOrchestrs Gospel Singer jOrgan Mood IJan Garber INews Wendy Warren 'Aunt Jenny j Helen Trent Gal Sunday Tommy Dorse y Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Music I Shouldn't IHoUyWd Bkfst HoUyw'd Bktst 101 KILM OCO JIN KGW KEX New Cole Trio Big Sister Olmsted G Drake Qulnn Show IHowdo Do? I Harmony Lullaby lllawatian Echo 'My Serenade Ma Perkins !Dr Malone I Guiding Light IKneasa News IClaudts I Joyce Jordan ITed Malone I True Story fTrue Story 11! KSI..M KOCO OIN GW KEX Organalltles News Mr Burton Today's Child B Crocker Serenade Chuckwagon Perry Mason Woman White 'Club Time I Queen Today 'Lady Melody l Cole Trio Holly Sloan IMelody Queen Today Lady Melody I Rose Dreams 1 Light World I Ethel Albert BORDEN . , Mrs. Laura May Borden, at the resi dence. 2110 N. Church st . Sunday. April 4. Survived by her husband. O. K. Borden of Salem; two daughters, Mrs. Carroll Hamilton of Arvln. Calif., and Mrs. Myrtle Carnegie of Portland; a son. Rupertjfc. Borden of Bishop. Calif.; a sisterrMrs. Carrie Smith of Chicago. 111.: a brother Rupert G- Sronach of New Haven. Conn: four grandchild rest. Burton C. Carnegie and sari B. Came gle. both of Portland, and Charles 3L Borden and Laura Jean Borden, botn of Saa Diego. Calif.;' and two great grand children. Linda and Susan Carne- Se. both of Salem. Services were held onday. April 0. at 2 p.m. st tba Clouah-Barrtck chapel with the Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson officiating Inter ment services at Lincoln Memorial park. Portland. MOKAVEC Frank D Morave. at the reeidrnea. Salem route 2. Sunday. AprU S. SurvtT ed by two daughters, five grandchile drrn and on great grandchild. Services wlU be held Tuesday. AprU 9, at 3 RJB. in the Clou gh-Barr irk. 3 A CERES 3 IO In this city Monday, AprU 3. William A. Saueressig. late resident of 133 Wander Way. at the age of 00 years. Survived by two sisters. Mrs. Martha K. rrankhauaer of Anamoose. N D, and Mrs. Ida Miller of Reodsport. N.Y.: three brotlvera. Alfred L. Saueressig el Bismarch. N D . George Saueressig of Pollock. N D . and J. E Saueressig of Salem. Announcement of services later by the W. T. Rtgdon company. OBSON . . In this city Monday. AprU 9. Lils sL Hobeon. Late resident of 463 S. Capitol st . at age of 30 years. Survived7 by husband. Everett H. Hobeon. Salem; mother. Belle Wheeler. Salem; brother. Merlin Wheeler. Albany; and a sister Mrs. Vers Chlpman. Boise, Ida. An nouncement of service later by th W. T. Rtgdon company. Salom Markot Quotations BVTTKsUTAT Premium No.,1 No. 3 PRINTS Wholesale Retail 12! KSLM Hit Time INews OCO Listening Music Lopes Orch. KOIN New Come Get It C" Kneata News I Ms Perkins KEX New 'Noon Dreams (Varieties IN.W. News INews I .unset V Vina I Dole.. Nothing Double. Nothtag I Pepper Young (Happiness Paul Whlteman Paul Whtteman 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 11390 Club West Salem JBing Sings 1390 Club Hello Again I Hello Again kla. Roundup Lullaby Time I Air Newspaper 'Air Newspaper Stage Wife Stella Dallas H-orenrn Jones IWtdder Brown Paul Whlteman 'Paul Whlteman Kay West 11 I Hello Again Hello Aratn I Kay West 2 KSLM Heart's Desire I Heart" Desire i Choose Partner Orrhestra KOCO Hollywood Hr 'Hollywood Hr. Hollywood Hr. 'Hollywood Hour KOIN Air School (Air School I House Party I House Party KOW Girl Marries 1 Faces Life (pUin B1U IFarrell KEX Surprise Pkg. ISurprise Pkg. 'Bride. Groom I James Abb I 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX B Ingle Basket KOCO Kapers Art Kirkham Road Life Be Seated Single Basket IKOCO Kapers j Traffic Safety (Lora Lawton 'Be Seated (News 0C( ;Soncs KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers Arthur Godfrey' Arthur Godfrey Aunt Mary I Nora Drake Welcome Welcome 4 I Passing Parade 'Orchestra ! Jazz Jamboree I Adios KSLM Fulton Lewis IHemlngwsT KOCO Melody Matin rim for John KOIN Hint Hunt I Serenade (Meet Missus I Meet Missus KGW Woman's Secret' Life Beautiful 'Bride. Groom Stars Today KEX Sunn t side Up INor" west erner Sunnysld Up ISunnyslde Up 5 KSLM Adv. Parade I Superman Cpt. Midnight I Tom Mix KOCO Off Record I Off Record (Rhythm Ranch Sports News KOIN Knox Manning 'Uncle Remus C Colling wood Bob Garred KGW News I George Moor ad Date With Judy Date With Jady KKX Iky Patrol I Terry. Pirates I Sky King I Sky King 6 KSLM G. Heater INewsreel IMustcale Music Plight KOCO Manhat. Musis IManhat Music Spot Light Music Maker KOIN Meditation (My Belief ! Chris WelU Chris Wells KGW Amos n' Andy I Amos n Andy Fibber McOe Fibber McGe KEX Sports IK Baker 1 Boston Symph. 'Symphony 7 KSLM Drama tChishotm Trail IHaif Hour IHalf Hour KOCO To Veterans I Music Han I Music Horizons IMiuie H orisons KOIN Studio On jstudio One Studio On j Studio On KGW Bob Hop Bob Hope 'Red Skelton I Red Skeltoa KEX Symphony ISymphony Th Law (Hollywood 8 KSLM . Secure Rights .Recur Rights Xetectiv tDetective KOCO Request fully iReqoestfullr I R "-quest fully Reejuestfully KOIN Lowell Thomas I Jack Smith (The Norths The Norths KGW Supper Club (News I Milton Berks Milton Berl KEX Singers INews (Town Meet Town Most 9 KSLM News IBeulah Sports Now scop KOCO News (Eddie Lemar Juke Boa Juke Box KOIN Big Towa I Big Town Club IS Ed Marrow KGW few (Listening Theatre Theatre KKX Town Meet I Town Meet I KEX Forum KXX Forum 0 KSLM Fulton Lewis .M. Downey New (Orchestra II KOCO Rem. Rhythm I Rem Rhythm (Classics iClaaslcs III KOIN 9 Star Final ILinda's Love (Orchestra jOrcbestra I I W KGW Mows Flashes (Sports Page (Youth Speaks ICreat Artists KKX McCaU News I Invader I Concert Hour tCoocert Hour PORTLAND. April 3 (API (USD A I Cattle Salable 1000. total 3SO0. calves salable and total 190. mar ket uneven: few sales light and fed heifers 90-79 cents lower; bidding 100 and mere lower on heavy steers, one load above average good 1009 lb. steers 25 40. two good 750-130 lb. steer 24 00 25 3S beat fed steers held above 23 30: few good heifers 34.00-25.00. common- j medium IT o-zz.oo: canner -cutter cows steady at 14 0O-17.00: shells 13 00 down: common-medium cows weak at 10 00 21.00: few good cows 2190. medium good sausage bulls steady at 13 00-23 90; good beef bulls up to 33 00-30: good choice vealers steady at 20 So-Jg 00; good 34O-S00 lb., calve 94 00-27 00. Hogs: Salable 700. total 3000: market slow, largely 1.00 lower: good -choice IBS-2.13 lbs. 23 90: 33O-30O lbs. 3130: 160-109 lbs. 21 30: good 400-900 H. sows 3400: few under 370 lbs 30 SO; good choice feeder pigs 34 30-30.00 Sheep: Salable 330. total 2190: market active, strong with extreme top on fat lambs 94 cents higher: eat load strict ly sood -choice 117 lb fed lambs 33 00; few good -choice trucktne scaling 30-113 In 2100-90. common 17 00-13 00. few good 140 lb ewes 1030: strictly good cholce eweg quotable to 11.00. EGGS BUYING Extra Large , Medium . Standards Portland Grain PORTLAND. April 9 ( API Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No-HL 30 lb white 70 00; barlev No. 8. 40 lb B W. 30 00: No 1 flax 0 00. Cash wheat ibid): Soft whit 3 40: soft whit excluding Real 2.40. watt dub 2 40: western red 2 40 Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 40: 10 per cent 3.42. 11 per rent 230. 13 par cent 3 30. Hard white 3aart: Ordinary 3.04. 10 per cent 2 04: 11 per cant 3 70; 13 per cent 8.70 Today's car receipts: Wheat 30: bar oats 1 ley 3. flour 10. mllMeed 11. SHilWta and eraaka . EGGS - SslUag Pries Wholesale, large , Retail, large Retail, medium POL'LTRT Colored baas N. 1 r No 3 .. lKES TOCt (By Valley Psek) Spring lambs up to WooUad lambs, choic Fresh sheared, lambs Year rut Ewea Fat dairy cow Cutter cows . Dairy heifers Bulls - Calvee 1300 to VeaL choice up to 8.00 to B 43 lbs ) up to up to 00 to 00 to up to Stocks and Bonds Cpmotlad b STOCK AV A2- 30 U If usa. T Indus Rail h h si si Stoaka i Monday . Prevtov day - Week ago Monsh ago . Year ago 1040 htah New 1043 hlejh. M 3TU. Ralls India rt UtU Peefa Monday Prevteu day . Week ago Meat a . . Year aao 04 1043 bign 30 .1 New 1043 Mgh. 001 1010 100 1 fl 1 fi 1003 00 3 ill h is: si 1 J 1040 103J II tola 1001 tea Now York Stock Quotationa Al Chem it Dy 1M I Amarican Can 81. Asn Power at Lt SV Am Tai ic Tal IMS Anaconda 10 Atchison 101 Bendix Avis 14 Bath Staal t4V Bosunf Air S7 4 Calif Pack KH Canadian Psc 12 Case J I 41H Chrysler M H Comwlth Sou 14 Cons Edison 12 Cons Vultea 14 Crown Z1 194 Curtis Wr 64 Douflas Air 61 Dupont da No 1744 1 Gen Electric 164 Oen Foods 'Gen Motors Goodvaar Tira iGt Nortn pfd lint Harvest lint rVpar pfd S Manvilla ; Kennacott iLongJ Beil A Mont ward Nash Kelvin Nat Dairy N. Y. Central North Am Co. Northern Pae Pa Am rish Pac Gas P T A T Pan Axoarioan Penny j. C. Radio Cor oV!Rayorer 11! KSLM OCO OIN KGW KEX Tua. House Dei-ring News Cass cart Boar (Open House JTu Dancing I Serenade lOrgan 1 Concert Hour lOpea House (News JTu Dancing fT (Alr-flo (Alr-fl lOrchestrs lOrctM Orchestra Air-flo OrCsv-rtFal Orchaati a I KOAC Taw-fay 33 0a.i MM 10O3 -spedaDy for W tl AS Oregon School; 11 J3 Concert Hall: 12 aO News: 13:13 Farm Hour: 10 Ride "Em Cowboy: 1:13 Ore-ron School: 1 Malady Lane. l3 Tuna Oat; Mental Health Speaks: S0 School: 2:49 Memory Music: l Ore gon Reporter; 3:13 Masse Masters; 4 tW New. 4:13 Favorite Hymns: 4 JO sao Army Nurse: 4:49 Children ' Tbea tre: S.-0O On th Upbeat: M Sporta Club; News; 0:19 Dinner M lad tea; 0 30 Round th Campflr: 7:13 rarca Hour; SOS Music for You; 8:13 Kay board Classics: S J0 U.O. Symposium; 9 -OS Campus Headlines: 0:43 Evening Meditations: 100 Sign Off. 1 rrr; EYESIGHT IS PRECIOUS 1 .i M Saa BwImbs Taka cars) of yours. Let us a)ramine your sryswi rwguksiy' ... fit you with ccsrrsjct lenses. Corn in today. " AT S6 41 44 90 Ml 19 tl 164 3 S I6V4 164 16 10 s 14 I 4 9JV 10 4IV4 rsl Rsroniar pfd Raynolds Mat Richfiald Safawatr Saa rs stoab SiagUir Gil So Paci-le Stan Brands Stan Oil Cal Studabakar S-o Mininjr Union Oil Un Paalflc Un Alriinas Ua Alreraft U S Steal Warner Bros Waat 3 Wool worth s Tl th -Udsc an aeUra ysut to tog t rsap rts w wmitw' T-tt th JUT DAT sd Its that te bssm plaa4 far wwT ' I DtspUy your Sag b DAT. Aprfl A THI KSUIJUI KXSXf - . THI NATlCt-Al CUA9 THI CSOAslZIO C-ICIVS THI I.O.TX. i nscs- j- vi n a nXwZm. trzrz KEITH BR OWN T)LUMBER YARD DIGNiri-S CREDIT BASNET m Cmmr 6S66 81S3 GOOGLE J. hJ I