The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    I Ths Stertasromv Salata, Ortjoai Tusadci j. v April 1
Many View First Primrose Show
At Mt. Angel; Eva Nibler Wins
By Llllle L. Miasea
Oarden Editor. The Statesman
MT. ANGEL. April 5 If Mt Angel Garden club's first annual
primrose shew la an example of what may be looked forward to in
the future, garden clube in surrounding communities may have to
look to their laurels. More than 600 visitors viewed the 96 horticultural
and nine arrangement
Sunday afternoon and evening at
the city hall.
Much credit for the well-organ-laed
event went so the chairman,
JuUana Dehler, and her assistants,
Loretta "Denier, Roslyn Kronberg
Anna TXida, Norma Schmidt,
Theresa Duds, Mayor Jacob Berch
UAd and Edred Schielder. Mrs. O.
I. Williams greeted taw guests.
The judges, Mrs. John Henny,
sr.. of Gervais, and Mrs. A. T.
Clin of Brooks, gave Eva Nibler
sweepstake ribbon on her large
red polyanthus. While it only
laced third in its division, the
avender Cashmeriane. exhibited
by Mrs. John Stenger, attracted
much attention as did also the
rtintr whit Julia entered br
Loretta Dehler. ML Angel Green-
house had an attractive non-
competitive display, and an inter-
esting shadow box arrangement
wa entered by Virginia Ebner
Two features of the ahow in
cluded the Boy Scout entry of
birdhouees and corsage-making
by Mrs. Bernard Schiedler and
Mrs. George Schmidt. The prim
rose corsages were sold to help
defray the expense of the show.
Prize winners Included:
Flown arrangements: 1 and 3,
Mrs. Joe Kenny; 8. Loretta Deh
ler Horticulture: Rarities and oddi
ties 1, Mrs. Joseph Bochsler; 2,
Mrs R. Palmer; 8, Mrs. John
Juliae: Purple I, Juliana Deh
ler; white, Loretta Dehler; orchid.
Mrs John Henny.
Aculis, single I. Mrs. Josephine
Bochaier Martha Bookman. 3.
Loretta Dehler. Double 1. Mrs.
S. Messner.
Polyanthus: Red I, Mrs Nib
ler; 2. Mrs. John Stenger. Pastels
1. Mrs. Celia Martin; 2 and 3.
Mrs John Stenger. Purple 1. Mr.
Josephine Bochsler: 2. Mrs S.
Mesaner; 3. Mrs. E Saalfeld. Yet- , for the year 1948-49 are Carl Grei
low 1. Mrs. A. Fischer; 2, Mrs. t der, vice president; Nelson Hick
Nibler: 3, Mrs. S. Meaaner. Bronze ok, secretary, and Everett Clark,
I. Mrs Robert Fronk; 2. Mrs.
John Stenger; 3, Gervais Garden
club. White- 1 and 2. Mrs. Nibler;
8, Mrs. John Stenger. Blue. Mrs. j
George Schmidt. I
Sergeant Gets
Battle Medal
S. Sat. Lawrenca Baker.
Sa- i
Jem, received the Asiatic - Pacif
ic campaign medal In a special
ceremony in a meeting of Salem's i
company B, lBznd Infantry regi
ment, Oregon national guard, at
the nrjnory Monday night.
Baker, a veteran, of 33 months
of combat with the 4 1st division
In the Southwest Pacific theatre.
Is full - time caretaker of the
6-Iem armory and supply sergeant
for company B. He fought in cam-
paigns In New Guinea, the Phil
ippine and Australia. The award
was the first given to the Salem
Eiard and was presented by Capt.
url Cox, commander.
Six new recruits inducted at
the training session are John L.
Lehnherr, Harry E. Lehnherr. El
don D. Lehnherr, Ronald H. Rentz.
Kenneth Adam and J. C. Phil
lips, all of Salem.
Boy Scout Council
Heads Meet Here
A conference of Boy Scout ex
ecutives from over the state, which
began here Monday at the Marion
hotel, will end today following a
diacuaaion of scout program finan
cing. Rex Mugar of Portland, deputy
regional representative ot the na
tional staff, will conduct today's
esxion for the 35 executives pres
ent. A -discussion on general scout
ing problems was held Monday.
O. D. Scharpe, Portland region
al executive, la presiding. Gordon
Cilmore of Salem, Cascade) area
council executive, la boat.
Mayor Proclaims
Army Day Today
Army day, today, was proclaim
ed for Salem officially by Mayor
R. L. FJfstrom, who noted "we re
affirm our confidence in the sol
dier of today who at home and
broad presents the evidence and
determination for a Just aad last
ing peace."
The mayor stated, "Throughout
the world the mission of your
army la the protection of the right
of the American people to live In
free democracy. Adverse con
ditions are encountered In many
cases bat are being undertaken
s a critically important duty."
Brawl Wounds
Prove Fatal
To Hop Worker
WalUoa F. Norwak. 43. died in
a Setem hospital Sunday night,
13 hour after he was wounded,
allegedly In an argument at the
Horst Brothers hop ranch at In
dependence. State Police Sgt. Farley Mogan
said Norwak was stabbed about 8
a. m. during a drunken brawl at
the ranch. Raymond Harvatt, 31,
another worker at the hop yard,
is held in Polk county Jail on a
charge of assault with a danger-
out weapon. Mogan said the two
men had been arguing over pos
session of a wine bottle.
D AULAS. April 3 Wallace
F. Norwak. who died Sunday night
in a Salem hospital as the result
of wounds incurred at the Horst
hop ranch, was born in Ashland,
WU, Jan. 13. 1903. He had come
to Independence two weeks ago
from Everett, Wash., where his
father. Martin Norwak, lives. The
body was taken to Smith mortu
ary. Independence.
Winslow Heads
-m ra ar aOl 1
7g MCIl ClllD
Norman Winslow was elected
president of Salem Y's Mens club
in a dinner - meeting In YMCA
Monday night.
Other newly - elected officers
treasurer. The organization s new
officers will be Installed on Mif
3 when an executive board will
be selected.
Col. Robert Seott, commander of
the marine corps guard with the
Freedom Train, told of his ex
periences while traveling over the
nation during the past six months.
New member initiated were Dr.
Robert Wulf, Edward Woodson.
Jack Nichols and Tom Stacer. Ti
Men president Doug Chambers
presided at the ceremony. More
than 50 persons, including a dozen
visitors attended,
CAP Officer
Inspect Here
Officers from civil air petrol
headquarters in Portland were In
Salem Monday night to Inspect
Salem's CAP unit at the high ,
school. I
The visitors were Capt. B. Wise. 1
liaison officer; Capt H. L. Angle,
Oregon wing air i rupee tor; War
rant Officer L. E. Harvey, assist
ant state air inspector, and Sgt.
D. Hyler. state records clerk.
Cpl. E3den Mcintosh conducted
drills on navigation and a training
movie. It was announced that ca
dets will start flying in the Salem
unit's two training planes from
the city airport next Saturday.
Livesley Escapes
In Forced Landing
Tom Livesley, a Salem filar,
had a narrow escape Saturday
night whan his month - old light
plana developed mechanical trou
ble and he was forced to make an
emergency landing, crossing Lan
caster drive into a ditch some
four miles from Salem airport
He waa flying here from Seattle
and had almost reached the air
port when a cylinder head blew
up. Livesley waa not injured, but
the ptane waa considerably dam
aged. Middle Grove to
Seek Fire Area
MIDDLE GROVE. April -(Special)
Voicing almost unanimous
approval, a large group of resi
dents of the Middle Grove com
munity tonight decided to circu
late petitions seeking permuuioa
of Marion county court to form a
fire protection district.
Jack Hayes, deputy state fire
marshal, addressed the gathering.
The proposed district would 11a
east of Salens city limits between
the Portland highway and the
Four Corners fire district.
Count Service
t "A.
t . -.-V.' : ; ": "
I ew' 1,
L, ...
Arsay day teday means 111 yean ef eeaabiaed service far eeMlers ef
the Salem V. 8. arsay reermlttng statlea and reserve esaasaeate
pieiared above. Oldster M. Sgt. T. J. Maasey. first ta Una. wtH ae
gta hi 27th year ef service wttk the aramr. havim eallateel 84 yean
age m Arsay day. Others are. left U rlgkt. M. Sgt. D. A. Riddle.
Zl yean aerrlee: BC Sgt. L Bachaaeier, 11 yean; 1st ggt. J. W.
Meier. 14 yean; M. Sgt. F. J. rhllllpa. 9 yean; T. Sgt. P. E. White.
7 yean: T. Sgt. BL K. Edlmnd. 7 yean; S. Sgt. M. Haiaea. yean;
aad S. Sgt. L. B. Leat. 8 years. (Pae4 by Dea Dill. SUteaaaaa staff
bategraaher. )
Capital Legion
Approves Sale
Members of Capital post t,
American Legion, approved sale
of the present Legion hall to
Central Church of Christ for $75,
000 Monday night and building
trustees Indicated the post will
move into Its new quarters In
Normandy Manor about May 1.
Commander Lawrence Oster
man announced that the state li
quor commission has approved the
poet's application for a club li
cense and that a part-time man
ager has been hired to operate
the club facilities. Name of the
new manager was not disclosed.
The post authorized a three
man committee to direct publicity
to get voters to register for the
primary election on May 21.
I ate to dasaifv
rue sTirDCBAKEm asdao. audio.
hratOT. good condition, after fl p.m..
140 I.ibrty rd . Salem
'7 hp. outboard motor; t-whoel
traitor. 1 wtieela aad Urea. IMS .
12th Call after S pat.
f tad Hit
( -Sweat Oenevieve"
I I Carteea - Bravtty
Thrfil racked
if The Peeaie's
Ef Laaujkiert l
WILLlAlf 3
G- tiki Indict 3
mm Liaaaaiff J
Cf May!
tf t Tea) TreaU!
f-f A Leve as WU4 as 1 i
taa U
I aA
L I ActlaaJ
rj Advantarat
on Army Day
Zf-Jf - 1
Medical Office
Institute Opens
A medical - dental office work
ers' business relationship institute
opened Monday night at Salem
Credit bureau offices with a talk
on professional ethics by Olive
White, director of nurses at St
Vincent s hospital. Portland.
Registration cloeed at 30 "stu
dents" representing Salem, In
dependence, Silverton, Dallas and
Wood burn. The class will hold 12
weekly sessions, with next Mon
day's program devoted to "re
ception" and conducted by Madge
Tingley of Portland, a national
trustee for the American Dental
Assistants association.
Aad 3 Mesqniteen
"Hit the Saddle"
Eada Taaay
Lily Pe
lad T.
odarl (Tu
na Peeara
oi tha
I ff! 11
wtdi US7W23 DOttATH
viAocMasocotorp "
Court Acquits
Kxupp Combine
NUERNBERG, Germany, April
&-(A)-A united States tribunal to
day acquitted Germany's gun
maker, Alfred Krupp von Bohlen
und Hal bach, and 11 other direc
tors of the Krupp munitions com
bine of plotting aggressive war.
The defendants still face two
other, war crimes charges plun
der and spoliation of conquered
nations, and deportation, exploita
tion and abuse of slave labor.
They were acquitted on charges
of committing Crimea against peace
and participating in a conspiracy
gainst peace. The court did not
announce its reasons for dismiss
ing the two charges.
It was the first ruling on wheth
er German industrialist can be
held criminally guilty or helping
Adolf Hitler build his powerful
war machine.
High Court Rejects
Plea by Ribinstein
The supreme court declined today
to hear an appeal from Serge M.
Ribinstein. one time Wall street
"boy wonder" who has been con
victed of draft-dodging.
The decision left the Russian
born International financier in
prison to finish out a 2Vi year
term. It also affirmed a $50,000
fine Imposed when the reputed
multi - millionaire was ordered
to prison on charges of making
false statements to his draft
Marine Reservists.
Train Guards Party
Mora than 100 members of Sa
lem's marine corps reserve and
marine guards from the visiting
Freedom Train met for a social en
tertainment at the Paulus Bros,
cannery cafeteria Monday night.
Present to welcome the visitors
were MaJ. Leonard Hicks, local
reserve commandant, MSgt. Floyd
Barker, local reserve recruiting
head, and his staff.
iioui vmniEn of acadeiiy
y-, mmAmvosKova
N vnnspq or ah exotic fasti
(IS ' V"
Jamos iYlason
.bbl aasi aaaBBat saaak. aaav
rannnn si n
' w ewaaaaaaaeaasaaasaaa
Pfcaska Utl Msrlass Dally frasa 1 P. IC
Tomorrow 1 And W Personallj Endorse) it as one
of tha Most Exciting Motion Picture Erer
Filmed! On! On! The dune Gathers Fnrj .
1 1 1 i ' i
-1 .!. i i
I Hubbard Union
School Hearing
Set April 29
A proposal to establish a union
high school district in the Hub
bard area will be aired at a
Marion county district boundary
board meeting April It, the board
reported Monday.
The board, meeting to county
Capture of 4
Yank Feared
SHANGHAI, April M-Pr-Jour
more U. S. marines were feared
to have fallen Into Chinese com
munist hands today.
Four marines who had been
held since December 23 were
freed only last Thursday.
The pilot of a marine research
observation plane said he aaw a
marine transport plane make a
forced landing due to engine fail
ure about 18 miles west of Tsing
tao. He said all four crewmen
stepped from the plane and were
taken into custody by Chinese
troops who appeared to be com
munists. Hi-Y Mother. Plan
Annual Reunion Today
Past and present members of
the Salem Hi-Y Mothers club will
have an annual reunion meeting
at the YMCA tonight at S o'clock
instead of at noon as originally
planned, Mrs. Herbert O. Rahe.
program chairman, announced
The Willamette university dra
ma department will provide a spe
cial program.
EUGENE. Ore.. AprU S -UFy-The
Willamette Basin Project
committee will hold a day - long
public session here Thursday.
1 1 4 1 1
court rooms Monday also denied
a petition for re-election in the
recently consolidated Woodburn
Bclle Paasl district and canvassed
votes on a recant election to
consolidate the Shaw and Aums
ville districts which was de
feated. In the Ehaw-Aumrville merger
vote, Shaw district voted IS tor
the move and 38 against while
Aumsville cast eight votes unani
mously in favor of the consolida
tion. The board denied the petition
from Bella Passl residents asking
for another vote on Its consolida
tion with Wood burn, which was
spproved by both districts on
March J.
Reason for the denial, the board
stated, was that both districts
involved in the election had fa
vored the move. If one of the
districts had voted against the
consolidation, a remonstrance for
new election would have been
in order. The petition sought to
break up the consolidation.
He same six districts which
had defeated a union proposal a
month ago have filed a new
petition in the Hubbard area with
the boundary board. The districts
are Donald, Hubbard. White.
Broadacres. Aurora and that part
of Butteville district in Marion
county and not now a part of the
Can by union high school district.
Site of the union high school, as
designated on the petition, will
he a tract of land on the Ben
Epper farm at the intersection of
Boone's Ferry road and the road
going wast from White school.
If no opposition to the proposal
is heard at the hearing then the
district boundary board may Issue
an order creating the union dis
trict. If remonstrances are filed,
however,, an election must be
held 1st each of the six districts
P Ccnolno Top fl'alltF
Ubflf at CsaUr
ilpplhcco Salcsncn Ucnlpdp
Opportaaltx ta becoat aaodtfod witk lead in; n?r
chiarTlriwy aaUbllsaatMU ia VlSaBictta Vallty. V
ara bow adiiatr liatltad number of salca pencttsfl to
rtprwwt ns ia aach Umilng lints of appliances as Frlj
tdaira Rtfrirnatora; Raastav Antoatatlt Was&crtv
llajtar aad Easy aoana lanndrj applianeaa. -, 1
QaalUiaation aa 0 to 23, with or wltaoat koIsj ex-
Red Crow Steff i
Member Arrivea
Genevieve Cockerllna arrived U
Salem Monday to take over the
post of secretary la the home ser
vice department of the Marion
county Red Cross chapter. Miss
Cockeriine came from Racine,
Wis., where aha was YWCA adult
program director after serving 1 4
months overseas with the Red
Cross. i. j
She is a daughter, of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Cockerllna, Corvallia,
and a 1941 graduate of Oregon
State college. She takes over the
work which has bean in chars of
Berry Aasmusaen.
Ladies Coif dub
Plana Plaw. Vnl.
i - w m v v J,
Taa Ladies olub of the gatem
Golf club will meet Wednesday
for oompetitlve play followed br
a special business meeting ait 1
p. m. I
AH members were urged to at
tend the business session la which
a vote will be taken on the ques
tions of luncheons and hours of
play for woman. J
Feed aad Dinners 1
tp p. sa. Till 1 a. as. j
H Mile S. Salesa City Limits
" 1 a - I
buspii t opta
1 1
5 . (
I -
PKoae nil
A. .1
2L C&acrT ATsmas) Vhoam tSZ2
2CDCUUSL : t Caltm, Oresca .
Foot Moriatoaa) Bwsl
CorW iHa!?'c