Fhe Nation's liop Comics - - A s-s inV'i wi V -Ct tftltV l.Vw in- w&f?v -.-.!-''? ft ' ' w - - ? You r I Ionic NeWsper r JUST THE THOUGHT OP THAT FLOCK OF HUNGRY BUZZBATS FLYING OUT OF THEIR CAVE TO HUNT FDfl FCOO MAKES ME NERVOUS- 3 TMYU DAN6ER0US CREATURK -SUPPOSE THEY SPOT US f NEVER FEAR. LAO THEY HAVE THEIR OWN HUNT1N' 6R0UNOS- THEY MOVE LIKE A WELL-TffAlNEO ARMY-IN A FEW MINUTES THEY11 COME FLY! N OUT OF THE CAVE LIKE FLAMIN COMETS LCOK.ZEPO-THAT 816 BURN IN' PATCH IN THE SKY A) NT PRETTY FIREWORKS - ITS THE WICKED BUZZBATS FLYIN OUTFOR SOMETHIN TO BUZZ SAWtEB II I SOMETH IN TP EATj- I Mm m a 7 i v vev rfA 1 r i rnMPrjs - r- 1 1 r 1 I LITTLE ANNIE BOO NTT j LZVsKr. BUZ. V I I rytEHOT MAKES A BCSJNE FQg I OKY, SrRKS. wajtlitu. V I Cr42" ows oota' the Rapo sck. m TAXING OYISV A 4if a , , , x T,yox.j I , ii i i i I I I i him if i I TVCE9 MOOA ( HUICJV, UAPl SOSM, IPV.8 CAN r WATT A MINUTE 1 THIS id )l ANY HOUSE I iii v t r srA. ' wz: r i w u - i b B C -J lOu senas taaao 1 iouj I amj i nw too wuus ws K t-b loolsio Itd iojdw. pw? i 1. V ntlPT1- XrTci- 77CM 5JSS f O P- p ::z-ii,:rgjr mt uatt ti loo you have m van talk 1 1 v 1 cAfTr av. he wa m w. NM j AMV CCA MCES fl MUCH. tUT Hf PlP If CttAT GUN.' II JWT MUMBUN A 1 f SJnS, nT BOOM U MGHT K? 7 ( AY 40METMNC NOT Hl I MOPE U6UAL. f DCtT PAV r"" CAOLPg ALLEY ? ! P LAST WORD WIF (W JL UUFU CRM V6 BE SO WORD !. SKIN TH OAT WIFE APORE V ) rrT XXX1&&S.T iWRQr" 0NAC06WEB cart we off to Lr- X V. v " r lyrr fSrS ' apore yeeo THJAlLrtOUSfeJ 7t? r rT7T prf ffi J TO BED; AN' , Blond ie BLOND IS "Qv ''iX?r-f SS lil I' I JmOT (WTUnV OOLUVRS1 fsRVRKa-E; MONEX fTS ATTER fDAW- VPS. TWAT a 1 ' T-l C73V I CAN SETTWEMTV VOUff BEDTIME. COME. JAWfJ . DOG. MLAVBE BUT irlTTVji-X DOLLAPS ASA PLAT KATE .VOLfVE PLAVEO LOMCA jmigf SOME DAV VOUl COG-J YfANTM 5MOCE FER DUMPlNf CECTE AND. ENOUGM. OTST .CAN WAVE A- ' !. DICX THACT ' ' ' Chic Young IS DA6VMDOD GO)Ma TO MEET the BUS. MRS.BUMSTEAD? NO. INDEED! WEt?EALL ON OUP WAV TO MEET THE FREEDOM TRAIN AND DASWOOD WANTS TO MAKE SUPETO BE THE RRSTONE THERE FOP ONCE H HS LIPE A it's twe UMr .ro FIPST TIME SW.T:. . -d . . . I 1 -SV ME IT 1 nAtf-m i ir- "-n-i r t WIS AFTER NOON NAP JNYW" The Freedom Train Will Be In Salem April t Portland Produce PORTLAND. March 30 (AP) But- terfat tenia Uv (subject to ImmtdiiU change) : Premium quality, maximum of .35 to 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. t2-2c lb.: first quality. 87-90C lb.; second quality. as-8Sc lb.: valiey route and country potnu 2 cent leaa than fint. S-S8c lb. Butter Wholesale, f o b., bulk cubes: Grade A A. S3 score. 83c lb.; A. M score. 82c lb.; B. M score. 82c lb.; C. 80 score, 60c lb.. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 45 -53c: Oregon 5-Ib. loaf. 47-Mc. Esks To wholesalers: A rrade. large. Sl'.j-SJ'ic doz.; medium. 4,t-50',c: A (trade, small, nominal; B grade, large. 42l-46',ic. Ken Purchased from farmers: Cur rent receipts. 47i3-50lJc doz.; buyers pay 3-3' jc below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broiders under Z',4 lbs.. 32-3Sc lb.: fryers 2' to 1 lbs.. 3-39c lb.; 3 to 4 lbs.. 38-3c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 38-39c: fowl. Leghorns, under 4 ids., zi-zzc lo. ; 4 ids. ana over. 23- 26c; colored fowl, all weights, SO-ttc lb.: stags, all weights. 12-16c lb. Rabbits Average to retailers for lo cally dressed animals. 55-S7c; fryers. live, white. 30-32c lb, few quoting lower: colored, 28-SOe; old or heavy. 15-17c. rYesh dressed meats Quoted whole salers to retailers la dollars hundred pounds: Beef Steers Good. 00-42 .00: com mercial. 30.00-40.00; Utility. 39.O0-36.OO; cows commercial. 37.ao-38.00: utility. 33 .00-38.00 :cutter. canner. 32 0O-3S SO. Beef cuts (good steers, heifers) Hindquarters. 44.00-45.00; rounds, 44.00 45.00: fuU loins, trimmed. 50.00-55 00; triangles. 37 00-30 00; square chucks. 42.00-44.00: ribs. 50.00-54 iW: forequar ters. 37.00-40.00. Veal and calf Choice. 48.00-40-00: Jood. 48.00-40.00: commercial, 46.00 7.00: utility. 38.00-30.00. Lambs and mutton Lambs choice and good. 40.00-41.00: commercial, all weights. 37.00-38.00: mutton good. 70 lbs. down. Z3.no-Z5.00. Pork cuts Loins No. 1. to 12 lbs.. 54 00-57.00; shoulders. 18 lbs. down. 43.50-43.00; spareribs. 3 lbs. down. 50.00 52.00. Carcasses All weights. 35 00-35 50. Country-killed meats: Veal Per pound: Top light. 42 -44c. WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 13M. KOCO 149.,KOIN 70. KGW 620. KEX 11 Tii gvi Scrlam.- Orxjoti. Wxinegrftry. March 31 1 33 9 other grades according to weight and quality. Hoes Light blockers. 31 -33c; sows. 27-2c n. Lambs Per pound. 37-Bc: mutton. 15-lSc lb. Beef Good cows. 32-3Sc lb.; canners and cutters. 20-31c lb. Cascara bark Dry. Zlc in. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grade. 45c lb. Monair ac id. on iinnnin irewin. Onions 50 lb. sack. Ore. Brooks, yel lows. No. 1 medium. $7 25-8.00; Urge. $8.25-8 JO; No. 2. 83J5-3 50; boilers. No. Is. 10 lbs.. 0-Se: 50-lb. sacks. $3.00- 325; Australian. jo. 1. large, stee 8 25 50-lb. sack: onion arts, 50 lbs, $7 85-8 80. Potatoes Ore. Desckutes and Klam ath russets. No. Is, 95J0-S.75: 23 lbs.. tl.50-1 (5; 15 lbs, 05c-l J: No. 2. M lbs.. 0X25-240: No. t bakers. M-23-0M hundredweicht: Idaho russets Now. 1-A. 85 00-5.75: Minnesota Cobblers. No. 1-A. 4 00-45: B. 0X75-4.00 50-lb. sack. $4X5-4j50: riorida Triumphs. No. 1-A. Hay V. 5. No. 1 green ouaua or better, carload lots, f oJ. Portland. 040.00-42.00; U. S. No. 1 timothy, eastern Oregon or Washington, car lots. fob. Portland. t3S.SO-30.OO: oats and vetch, mixed hay, uncertified clover hay. nominal. HOUR 0:00 00:15 0:30 00:45 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KQW KEX News (Timekeeper IMarch Time fNews KOCO KLOCK iKOCO KLOCX iKOCO KXOCK iTex Ritter News Roundup IKOIN Klock Hodge Podge Hodge Podge Farm Hour Farm Hour IKOIN Klock IKneass News I Farm Hour KOIN Klock Early Bird Farm Hour 7 KSLM News I Rise. Shine (News ITop Trades KOCO Farm Parade I News St Sports! Top o' MornlngTop o' Morning KOIN KOIN Klock I News INews IFred Beck KGW Farm Time IFarm Time I Old Songs Sam Hayes KEX Sing Cowboy (This Is News j James Abbe IZeke Manners 8 KSLM Cecil Brown lOrchestra ! Pioneers IBargains KOCO HoUyw'd Music Holly w d Music West Melodies Coffee Cup KOIN User News Art Baker IGrand Slam Rosemary KGW Fred Waring IFred Waring Uack Berch IMelodies KEX Breakfast Club i Breakfast Club I Breakfast Club IBreaklast Club 9 KSLM Kate Smith IV Llndlahr (Pastor's CaO .Freedom Train KOCO Gospel Singer ! Organ Moods Man Garber INews KOIN W Warren Aunt Jenny (Helen Trent (Gal Sunday KGW Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey) Tommy Dorseyj Tommy Dorsey KEX Music IShouldn t iBrk HollywoodlBrk Hollywood 10 KSLM News IQulnn Show IHow Do Do? (Harmony KOCO Dinning Sisters Lullaby Rhythm Hawaii Echoes My Serenade I KOIN Big Sister (Ma Perkins I Dr. Malone (Guiding Light KGW Olmsted IKneass News Claudia Joyce Jordan KEX O Drake I Ted Malone IT rue Story (True Story 11 KSLM Walts Time I Serenade )u -n Today (Queen Today KOCO News f Latin-America I Salon Concert Salon Concert KOIN Mrs. Burton Perry Mason I Feature Story (Rose Dreams KGW Today's Child I Woman White Holly Sloane (Light World KEX B. Crocker (Listening IMelodies lEtheL Albert 12 KSLM Hit Time INews KOCO Extension Serv.lNovatlme KOIN News I Come Get It KGW Kneass News I Ma Perkins KEX News Noon Dreams N.W. News IVarietles News ISunset and Vine Dblsu. Nothing Dbie Nothing Pepper Young (Happiness IP Whiteman !Paul White man 1 KSLM 1300 Club 11390 Club KOCO Hello Again I Hello Again KOIN Okla. Roundup I Lullaby Time KGW Backstage Wife Stella Dallas KEX P Whiteman IP. Whiteman I West Salem Hello Again Newspaper Lorenzo J Kay West (Blng Sings Hello Again Newspaper W wider Brown Kay West 2 KSLM Heart's Desire (Heart's Desire (Martin Block KOCO KOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers KOIN Air School Air School House Party KGW Ctrl Marries (Faces Life (Plain Bill KEX Surprise Pkg. (Surprise Pkg. Bride. Groom I Orchestra IKOCO Kapers House Party Page Farrell Bride. Groom 3 KSLM Salem High KOCO KOCO Kapers KOIN Art Kirkham KGW Road Life KEX Be Seated U.S Marines I Stranger INews KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers I Tunefully Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Lora Lawtoa I Aunt Mary I Nora Drake Be Seated (Welcome (Welcome 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis (Hemingway iPassing Parade lOrchestra KOCO Melody Ma twee j Time for JohniW. Salem HourfW. Salem Hour KOIN Hint Hunt Serenade I Meet Missus (Meet Mlasus KGW Woman's Secret Life Beautiful (Rhythm I Stars of Today KEX Sunnyslde Up I North west ISunnyside Up fSnnnyslde 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Adv. Parade (Superman Off Record (Off Record Knox Manning Uncle Remus Chuck Foster I George Mooradl Sunny Side 1 Elmer Sky Patrol (Terry. Pirates j CapC MtdnlgntJToni Mix I Rhythm Ranch (Sports News ICollingwood i Bob Garred Peterson J Armstrong U. Armstrong 6 KSLM a. Heater pewsreel (Tune-Up Time Veterans KOCO Allen Roth Allen Roth Mus. Spot LlghtjMasM KOIN Elsie Presents I Elsie Presents ( Romance (Romance KGW Duffy's Tavern Duffy's Tavern I Horizons Horizons KEX Sports K Baker Vox Pop (Vox Pen 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Casebook This to Minde The Saint Proudly Hail Lone Ranger (Casebook (Cisco Kid I Cisco Kid Land of Free IMusae H orisons Masse Horizons The Saint (The Whistler (The Whistler Proudly Hail (Jimmy Durante) Jimmy Durante I Lone Ranger I Town Mayor ITown Mayor 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW That Song iThat Son? lOrchestra (Orchestra Requestfully I Request fully J Request fully (Requestfulry Lowell Thomas (Jack Smith (Dr. Christian Dr. Christian Supper Club (News IGUdersleeve ' (Gildersleeve Abbot, Cos tell o: Abbot. Costeno!Croncho Man (G roach o Mara 9 KSLM News iBeulah (Sports lOrchestra KOCO News Vets Admin. (Juke Box ljuke Box KOIN Red's Gang (Red's Gang tChib 15 Ed Murrew KGW Dennis Day (Dennis Day (Dtst. Attorney IDtst. Attorney KEX Bing Crosby IBing Crosby I Star Theater (Star Theater 10 KSLM Fulton Lewis KOCO Rem. Rhythm KOIN S Star Final KGW New Flashes KEX News lOrchestra (News lOrchestra Rem. Rhythm (Classics I Classics I Talks (Open Hearing lOpen Heartng (Sports Page Band Wagon (Artists (Serenade (Concert Hour I Concert Boor 11 KSLM Open House lOpen House KOCO Wed Party Wed Party KOIN Orchestra - lOrchestra lAtr-flai KGW News (Mineo's Music Orchestra KEX Concert How I Concert Hour lOrchestra I Open House Wed Party News Wed. Parts (Atr-Flo lOrchestra Orchestra Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. March 20 (AP) (USDA I Cattle: Salable and total 150; calves 25; market active, fully steady with Monday's general 50-cent ad vance: few common steers 10.50-23 SO; good fed steers up to 28.00; top Mon day 28.75: common heifers 18.00-22.50; odd good heifers up to 25.00: top Mon day 25.75: canner -cutter cows largely 14.00-17.00: shells down to 12X0: com mon cows including fat dairy type kinds 1730-10.00; odd medium cows 20 00-21 00: good beef bulls 23.00: common-good sausage bulls 10 00-22 00; good -choice vealers 28.00-33.00: select up to 33.00-35.00. latter record high. Hogs: Salable 100, total 1400: market slow; steady with Monday's close, or 25 Cents below early that day: good choice 185-230 lbs. 2430: few fat type hoes 24 00 240-290 lbs. 22 50-2330: good 380-000 lb. sows 20 00-21.00: lighter weights up to 2130; odd lot good-choice IM lh feeder Dies 25.00. Sheep: Salable and total 50: scat tered sales steaoy: lew gooa io 10. lambs 21.00: strictly good-choice quot able to 2130: medium grades 19.00: good-choice 134 lb. ewes 11 00; odd good heavy bucks 7 50 Portland Grain PORTLAND. March 30 (AP) Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: No. 1 flax 8.00. Cash wheat ibid I: Soft white 2 40: soft white (excluding Rex) 2.40; white dub 2 40: western red 2.40. Hard red winter: Ordinary 240; 10 per cent 2.41: 11 per cent 2.47; 12 per cent 2 53. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 282: 10 per cent 2.82: II per cent 16. u per cents 2.74. Ttwf.v'i or receiDts: Wheat 21. bar ley 2. flour 7. corn 2. oats 2. mlllfeed 11. Salem Market Quotations BCTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No 2 PRINTS Wholesale Retail EGGS BUYING Extra large Medium Standards Pullets and cracks EGGS Selling Price Wholesale, large Retail, large Retail, medium POULTRV Colored hens No. 1 . No 2 rrrt LIVESTOCK By VsUey Pack) Spring lambs Woolled lambs. Ewes choice up to Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy heifers Bulls -- Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) Veal, choice - 2.00 to up to 10.00 to 12.00 to 13.00 to up to .80 .87 .77 M SI 30 .48 .48 34 34 39 35 39 30 38 22.00 20.50 8.00 1830 1530 19.00 21.00 23.00 29.00 Stocks and Bond Complied by the Associsted bitnalrles , .i Samuel Burns Gillette, late resident of 801 N. Winter sL. at Kent. Wash, ounoay. March - 28. Survived by bis wife. Hazel B, Gillette of Satetn; a daughter. - Mrs. Margaret Shatter of Kent. Wash.: a eon. Leksad GeUette of Vancouver. Wash.: nar anotner. Mrs.c G. Gllhme of Grants cPass; a enter. Mrs.- Claude Slade of San Francisco; and two brothers. Carroll Gillette of Grants Pass, end Lin wood Gillette o( Honolulu; also survived by six grand children. Services will j be head from ugo-pamcs; cniiii weans easy. March 31. at 10X0 em. Dr. Chester Hamblin will officiate. Ritualistic serv ices ny saaem lodge 4,,AF. ec A-M- THOMAS Calvin M. Thomas, sf the rak&nca. at 025 Certh st. West Salem. Monday, March 20. at the age of 77 years. Hus band of Mrs. Elmira Thomas of West Salem: father of Mrs. Marguerite Beck, of Wsrrenton. Ore, end brother of Wil- lora 1 nomas of Hulsboro, Services will be held Thursday.- Amtl 1. at 2 m k from Clough-Barrick chapeL Interment in City View cemetery. 'The Rev. O. L. Jones wiU officiate. Ritualistic services at tbe cemetery by West Salem (range sea. KOAC, 550 Wednesday 10:00 News: 10:13 Especially for Women; 11 Oregon School: 11 J3. Concert HaU: 12:00 News: 12 J3 Moon Farm Hour: 1 .-00 Ride 'Cm Cowboy. 1 15 This Dey; I-X0 Melody Lane: 135 Time Out; 240 Behavior- in the Making: 2X0 Oregon Air School: 2:45 Mem ory Music: Mt Oregon Reporter; 3:18 Music Masters:; 4:00 News; 4:10 American Songs;: 4:45 Children's The atre: I) On the Upbeat: 9) Sports 4:15 Song Shop; 4:43 Children's Theatre: 5:00 On Upbeat; 530 Sports Club; C.-flO News; 4:15 Dinner Melodies: 8 30 Chemistry: 0:45 Guest Star: 4X0 Farmer's Union; TUS Farm Houi: 0.-00 American Heritage Week; 0X8 Veter ans: 0:40 News; IM Music That En dures; 0:45 Evening Meditations; 10300 oign uu, OCTTER UCALTni i Wssssiiaslse Tmeadv5ieBssseW t .AWmeeeesBfaejmai tr Dr. C. J. DZA17 CXJIelC amsssBsl LananssssSkdnea tnsrynswOsjsB Vswaaf mmmrmwmmm tL L Csraae E. Bamlst esd 43saad Aveaae Tsliraoas East 2410. Fwtlssa 14. Osaea March 30 STOCK AVERAGE u 30 10 10 00 Indus Rails OU1 Stocks Tuesday 88 0 273 303 04.4 Previous day 883 XT.s je.l ej Week ago 00 0 37.4 30 8 83.7 Month ago 853 353 28X 813 Year ago HJ a BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails In dust Util Forgn Tuesday 88X 100.7 003 00.T Previous day 00J leea sea ses Week ago 203 100.7 00.7 003 Month ago - 88 8 1803 00 9 833 Year ago .043 104 9 108 4 75 9 4 Corners Business Men to Investigate Zoning, and Drainage FOUR CORNERS miture zon ing and drainage problems of this district were taken up at a meet ing of the Four Corners Business Men's association Monday nigit. Ivan G. Oakes, executive secretary of the Willamette River Basin commission, discussed the drain age problem and G. R. Boatwright. Salem engineer, explained the zoning law. . To investigate the zoning, possl bilities for this area committee was named which includes A. L La Branch,- Laverne Shrakc and D wight Richer. - - ' Santiam Co-op Growers To Study Weed Control STAYTON Santiam Farmers' Cooperative will sponsor a weed control meeting at the city hall in Stayton at 2 pan. Saturday, April 3, for the purpose of ac quainting the members and oth ers with various types of 2,4D and other weed killers-on the market. A chemical analyst will be on hand to discuss the subject and answer any questions. Ray Rheams of Portland will discuss various types of spray nozzles. ICE CBEAII Qnnris . 330 SAVinG CEDTEn Why Suffer Any Longer When outers ran. nse sm years m - China. No letter wa what altmeats yen are a! meted iharsm. asnnattlB. heart, longs, fere- ee. kttney, gee. onsstpatiesuj ateere. diabetes, rheasssHsss. gail and blad der fever, skin, female eems4ainta. CHARLIE t CHAfJ CHINESE BEKI) co. T . 284 N. CemssercUl. ; Phene 2-1830 - SALEM. ORE. uftice Beers 0 so 0, Tees, end Sat, only. KUHB1EL Carl Albert KrehbieL at the resi dence. Salem route 2. March 30, at the age ox az years, survived by his wife. Lillian Krehbiel of Salem: mother. Mrs. Christina Krehbiel of Selem: n daugh ter. Dorothy Paulsen of Salens: n eon., Norman Dele Krehbieltof Salem; five staters. Mrs. Leona Taylor and Mrs. Asa Eoff. both of Salem, and Mrs. Waldo Stewart Mrs. Hulda Uchty and Mrs. Herbert Humphrey, all ef Portland; and one grandchild. Janet jUl Paeusen of Salem. Services will be; held Thursday. April 1. at 1X0 pm. at W. T. Rigdon chapel with concluding sal ices at Bel crest Memorial park. The Rev. M. A. ' Getzandaner will oclicisss. PAccrxi si In this city. March 204 FideU PacclnL Ute resident of Portland, ot tbe age of 72 TMK AlHMMMllllrti Af 1 t er by W. T. Rigdon cam party. OSBRONE if In this city. March 25. Madeline Os borne, late resident of MeMinnvtlle. at the age of 70 years. Graveside services will be held Thursday j April 1. at 10 am. at St. Barbara's (cemetery, with the Rev. A. J. Getlnas bfflcUting. " " 11 'L ssswassssssssssssssswweBss Stock Market Ignores rike; Scores Gains ) NEW YORK. March SCW-The stock market today look the Wall Street strike in stride and enjoyed one of its best recoveries of the . past two weeks. ' While heavy picket lines sur rounded the exchange, and there) was a forenoon outburst of vio lence, brokerage and floor opera tions again were reported "more or less normal." if Prices began to stiffen and ac tivity quickened around midday. From then on the rpove was up ward with amusements, steels, rails, oils and assorted industrials exhibiting-strength.! Gains ran to 2 points or so at the close with a few wider climbers in evidence. Volume was 1,060,000 shares com -pared with 760,000 (Monday. The Associated Press 60-sfock composite was up JJ of a point at 64.4, a peak since last January 15. Of 986 issues registering. MS rose and 202 fell. Grain Market , Trends Varied : i. - . -wis CHICAGO, March 1 10-CA-GrBia futures made little progresa in ei--: ther direction at the board ot trade today. Opening generglly lower, wheat led other grains in nervous trading, influenced large ly by reports of government pur chases of oash grain. - Twioe during the trading hours wheat broke through yesterday's dosing level,.but on leach . advance)' encountered selling, pressure. Traders said there was no definite ' indication how much Hour had been offered the production and marketing administration. - At the dose whea was high er to 14 lower than yesterday's dose. May $2.43 H-. Corn was 1 cent to 2 cents: lower. May 2.184-K. Oats were i higher to 4 lower. May IJ09H. and soybeans were S to T cents higher. May (3 63. tl - : - Generally favonbie weather conditions over the 'winter wheat section, and reports' that the Eu ropean crop Is making-good prog-, ress offset reports of government buying for export (Trade 'sources had 'reports of 'delay in planting oats because of wet i land. v Trading in feed, grains was largely without feature, the course grains following the lead of wheat. .. r. : I - .' Altcayt a Dependable Casti Market! ' Dairy- Pt:sa JJ7C3 Gcriv sr. u. v sli . "y Or.T.TXaaajtJ. . lr.tJ.CaanJf. i DRS. OlAIl . j.; . - LAI ! f CHINESE nXsilALlSTS Z4I North liberty - tTnstatrs Portland General E3ectiie Co Office open Saturday only 13 , a m to 1 nm 0 to 1 am Consul. I tattoo Blood pressure end urine ft tests are tree of change. Practiced ; j since uu. . - - nJ.