The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1948, Page 5, Image 5

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Only minor damage and no In
juria resulted In three traffic ac
cidents reported Tuesday morning
by city police. Autos driven by
George H. MacDonald, 666 Grant
at, and James A. Trude, Spring
field, collided at Court and Wmr
ly streets at tO a.m-. nd vehicles
operated by James C. Carden, 1215
S. ISth St., and John W. Reid,
Mill City, collided In the 600 block
of South Winter street at 7 a.m.
A car driven by Thomas A. Biggs,
740N. Cottage st struck a parked
car in the 200 block of North Front
street, according to police reports.
Slenderizing, baths. Ph. 6233.
A Salem Lodge No. 4. A. F.
VrV & A- M wlU ODen at 10:15
V am. at Clough Barrick
mortuary Wed . March 31. to con
duct the funeral service of Broth
er Sam Gillett.
Construction of three new
dwellings was approved in city
building permits issued Tuesday
by the city engineer's office to
Clarence Whitney to build at 187
N. Winter St., $9,000; A. G. Ham
ilton, 1280 N. 23th st.. $6,000; and
Arthur Vaughan, 2410 Broadway
it., $4,000. Guy S. Sherman was
permitted to erect a garage and
utility room at 1130 E. Rural ave ,
$1,000. Permits for alterations
went to D. Bridges. 2229 Lee st .
$2,300. and Joe Reihen, 736 N.
14th st., $700.
Auto gla?s installed. Floor Sand
ers for rent. R. D. Woodrow, 450
Center St.
A garage at 1118 Sixth st.. West
Salem, owned by W. Downing, was
largely destroyed by fire about 11
a m. Tuesday, according to Salem
firemen who answered the alarm.
The building also contained two
bicycles snd a davenport, which
were destroyed. Cause of the blaze
was not determined.
Dance tonight Crystal Gardens.
Portland marine ir..-tructors will
be on hand for a quarterly re
view of the Salem rranne reserve
battery's training in the 105 mm
howitzer, tonight at 8 o'clock in
building T-514 st Sclem airport.
Cars wilr leave city hall st 7 30
p m. to take members without
other transportation.
Steam baths, reducing. Ph. 4838.
Abandoned in the intersection
at Front and Hickory streets, a car
stolen from the Valley Motor Co.
used car lot was recovered by
city police about 11 o'clock Monday
night. The theft occurred earlier
In the evening, according to police
Dance tonight Crystal Gardens.
Gen. Dwight E. Eisenhower has ;
accepted membership on the na- j
tional executive board of the Boy '
Scouts of America, according to ;
word received here Tuesday by j
Salem Stout Executive Gordon
Gilmore from Amory Houghton, t
organization president.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association, 390 State st
Permit to haul logs over cer
tain Marion county roads was
5 ranted by the county court Tues
ay to Francis M. Bielenberg.
Scotts Mills, and to Charles A.
Schiedler, Silverton.
Phone 4642 for a free roof esti
mate. Johns-Manville shingles are
rve-w available in beautiful blends
ic plain colors. Mathis Bros..
164 S. Com L
Dance tonight Crystal Gardens.
Theft of a grease gun and a
crescent wrench from his bull
dozer, in Bush's pasture Monday
night, was reported to city police
Tuesday by George Cooper, Salem
route 8, box 496.
All unfinished furniture 20 off.
(This week only.) Woodrow's, 450
An assumed business name for
T. Pullman Co. a firm dealing in
weather strips, insulation and
Venetian blinds, was filed with
the Marion county clerk Tuesday
by Theodore Pullman. 2700 S.
Commercial st
JOHNSTON To Mr. and Mrs.
Roger W. Johnston, Mill City, a
daughter, Monday, March 29, at
Salem Memorial hospital.
COLLINS To Mr. and Mrs.
Emmert Collins, Mill City, a
daughter. Tuesday, March 30, at
Salem Memorial hospital.
- DICK To Mr. and Mrs. John
Dick, Independence route 1 box
323, a son, Tuesday, March 30, at
Salem General hospital.
OILMAN To Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde E. Oilman, 1173 Norway st,
a son, Tuesday, March 30, at Sa
lem General hospital.
MILLER To Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Miller, Salem route 7, box
418, a son, Tuesday, March 30, at
Salem General hospital.
Piaster Damage
Arcsad Balliliib?
Stop li Forovor By
Having Us Install
For Bathrooms. Showers
. and Kltchons
Fro Estimate Gladly
Speaker at the Salem Church
men's forum luncheon Thursday
noon at the YMCA will be the
Rev. J. R. Welkins of Burlingame,
Calif. Welkins, Methodist min
ister, has just returned from
tour In Japan to Inspect the effect
of the war cn the Christian church
there. Charles A. Sprsgue, YM
religious work chairman, will pre
side at the meeting, open to all
laymen and ministers. Dr. Ray
mond A. Withey, Jr., Willamette
university religious counselor, will
introduce the speaker.
Dance tonight Crystal Gardens.
Attention Eagles: Two free shows
to be held at 8:30 and 10:30 every
Wed. Guest night bring your
A collision Involving his bicycle
and an auto at 21st and Market
streets early Tuesday afternoon
resulted in a head cut for young
Gerry Rich I860 N. 22nd st. The
boy was treated by city first aid
men and taken home. The car
was driven by Pauline Amort,
Aumsville route 1, police reported.
Wiring service. Judson's, Phone
Oil burner troubles? Prompt ser
vice by skilled oil burner men on
all makes burners. Judson's, phone
Installation of recently-elected
Officers of the Capitol Toastroas
ters club will take place at a club
meeting Thursday night at 6:30
o'clock in the Hollywood Lions
den. Toestmasters nave invited
their wives. Robert Batdorf will
be Installed as new club presi
dent replacing Marion Curry.
Are you planning a trip? Rent a
new 1948 Studebaker sedan from
Smitty's Clipper Service, Center
& Church. Ph. 9600.
Are you going to move? Rent a
new Studebaker van from Smitty's
Clipper Serv ice, Center & Church.
Ph. 9600.
Thomas J. Magee of Portland,
director of health education of
the Oregon Tuberculosis and
Health association, was in Salem
Tuesday conferring with Mrs.
Ruby Bunnell, executive secretary
of the Marion County Public
Health association, and Dr. Grov
er Bellinger, superintendent of the
state tuberculosis hospital.
15li cu. ft. Farm Freezer (floor
sample). Was $531.00, now
$395 00. New guarantee. Vlnce's
Electric. 157 S. Liberty.
Painting. 23 yrs. exp. Ph. 7352.
William Fischer's U. S. civil
service office in Salem postoffice
has received information on en
gineering positions to be filled
by civil service at Langley Field,
Va with salaries ranging from
$3,397 to $5,905 a year Applica
tions are open until April 28.
New Sc used apartment size
ranges. Vince's Electric, 157 S.
Liberty. .
Lester DeLapp Truck Service
of Salem was granted a permit
by Marion county court Tuesday
to move a one story building on
a truck from 1765 Broadway st.
to Salem route 9 over county
road 811 and market road 20.
1 all white wood range, only 2
years old. $39.50. Vince's Electric.
137 S. Liberty.
Completed nominating petitions,
bearing 255 names, were filed with
the city recorder Tuesday by El
mer Amundsen, candidate for Sa
lem municipal judge.
Becanae ef so many requests
by people who eenldn't take
advantage of ear FREE 5x7
OFFER we are renewing It
fer a limited time.
Inqairt about ear lew-cost
contract- - giving yon a
complete record of y o n r
child's growth - - from h 1 s
first tooth to his first date.
"Clip This Coapoa" "
This coapoa entitles the
bearer to one 5x7 GOLD
charge or obligation. Mi
nors mast be accompan
ied bv waxen ta.
Dr. E. E. Boring- .
Give ycon yes the benefit of professional care. Let our ,
optometrists prescribe new glasses for you.
1 AT
Boring Optical
Norris .and .Walker Chemical
company, 1780 N. Front st, re
ceived a contract Tuesday from
the state for 30,000 gallons of
standard traffic paint, on a suc
cessful bid of $49,800.
Automatic Pop-up Toasters.
Vince's Electric 137 S. Liberty.
Salem - district public schools
will close Thursday and Friday
while teachers attend the Oregon
Education association convention
in Portland.
Call us for all types of permanent
waves, hair tinting, scadp treat
ment re-styling. Experienced op
erators. Lip Stick Beauty Salon,
1872 State St. Phone 3836.
William Mabry, 24, escaped
Tuesday about 7 :30 a.m. from Ore
gon Fairview home, south of Sa
lem, officials reported to city po
Mrs. Gladys Kats, Eugene, who
suffered head injuries in a three
car collision at High and Union
streets Saturday afternoon, has
been dismissed from Salem Gen
eral hospital, attendants reported
Moved Hemstitching Shop from
Miller's Department Store to Rm.
21. Beaver Building, 248 N. Com'l.
Mrs. Ronald Adsltt 1203 S. 19th
st., and her 'infant daughter, and
Mrs. Donald I. Senter, 1743 Lee
st., and her new-born son, were
dismissed Tuesday from Salem
General hospital.
20 to 00 on wallpaper closeouts.
Elfstrom's, 340 Court
Mrs. Ray Roberts, Mehama, was
dismissed from Salem Memorial
hospital Tuesday with her Infant
Wessix and Thermador electric
heat. Hollywood Appliance Co.
"Friendly Service." 2003 Fair
grounds Road, Phone 24439.
Salem Credit association will
hear a talk by State Labor Com
missioner William E. Kimsey
Friday noon at the Golden Pheas
ant restaurant The speaker's
topic will concern the migratory
Barber wanted at 377 Sourt St. at
Al's Barber Shop.
Subpoenas for
5 Witnesses in
Trial Granted
Five additional witnesses will
be subpoenaed to testify at the
April 22 trial of Richard Eoff.
charged with assault with intent
to kill, armed with a dangerous
weapon, following a Marion coun
ty circuit court order Tuesday.
Deputy District Attorney Lawr
ence Osterman requested that
subpoenas be allowed on the five
additional witnesses.
Eoff was indicted by a county
grand Jury several weeks ago.
He was arrested by Salem city
police on a charge of beating a
Salem housewife with a flash
light. Witnesses who are to be sub
poenaed include VTay R. Mills,
alleged to have been present im
mediately after the assault:
George Edwards and Max Hous
er, Salem city detectives, who in
terviewed Eoff; Dr. Vern Miller,
who treated Mrs. Lillian Gard
ner, the alleged victim, and Wil
liam Wilson, who guarded Eoff
at a local hospital where he was
taken following an attempted
suicide In Marion county jail.
Tungsten wire can be drawn
so fine that a pound of it would
stretch 950 miles.
I Homo or stadia service bo
extra charge,
i Photographers
J Service
229 N. ComX - Ph. 2-5CCS
f'r J
Dr. Sam Hagbcs
LeadsDrive t
v -. j
Kenneth Fetta, who Is chairman
ef the Mariaa cennty cancer
fund drive to support research
and other activities la the na
tionwide fight against eaneer.
Taking the lead In organising
the April campaign Is the Sa
lem Exchange elab of which
Potts ts member.
Oregon Chest
Board to Meet
Fifth annual meeting of the
Oregon Chest board of directors
and corporation members will
take place April S at the Marion
hotel, Irl S. McSherry, executive
director, reported Tuesday.
Election of officers, executive
committee members and the 14
directors-at -large will occupy
part of the day-long meeting be
ginning at 10:30 a.m., McSherry
said. Reports of committees and
a general discussion of chest
drives also will take place.
Alton F. Baker of Eugene and
A. L. Schroeder of Baker will
explain the organization of coun
ty community chests in their
counties. John Habach of Oregon
City Is slated to talk on cam
paign suggestions.
Dr. George W. Peavy of Cor
vallis, president of the Oregon
Chest, will preside. Present from
Marion county will be Charles
A. Sprague and Loyal Warner,
both members of the board of
directors, and Ray Glatt, Wood
bum; O. E. Royer, Silverton, and
Walter Bell. Stayton. all county
corporation members.
Each county has three corpora
tion members and one board of
directors member. The association
also has 14 directors-at-large.
Yule Seal Sale
Fund Totalled
A total of $18,308 was collected
in Marion county during the last
tuberculosis Christmas seal sale,
Mrs. Barbara Stumbo, seal sale
chairman, reported Tuesday at the
regular monthly meeting of the
Marion County Public Health as
sociation executive board meeting.
The sale returns Indicate about
a 4 per cent Increase over last
year's sale, according to Mrs. Ruby
Bunnel, association executive-secretary.
The meeting was held at
noon in the Spa restaurant.
Plans for the fourth annual chest
x-ray program in Marion county
to begin April 19 were discussed
by Mrs. Bessie Edwards, county
x-ray chairman. Two mobile units
and one portable x-ray machine
will canvass the county, she said.
Mrs. Connie James of Portland,
director of public relations of the
Oregon Tuberculosis and Health
association, reported on the plans
for the state's x-ray survey.
3 crzcnrj
At a Price
You Canl
Afford to
Pass up!
85-95 or 100
V- or 6 cyL
What You Get
1. Oil Chanaod
2. Gaskets Repaired
3. Clutch
4. Precision Tested
Tune Up
5. Complete Instal
lation ;
6. One Day Sendee
7. All Genuine Long
er Wearing. Better
Fitting . Ford Parts.
r AH Fox .
Valley Ilcisr Co.
37S Canter , Salem
State Sells Vet
Loan Bonds
Its fifth million dollar bond Is
sue was sold Tuesday by the state
department of veterans affairs, to
raise funds for veterans loans and
educational benefits.
Successful bidder for the latest
$1,000,000 In bonds was Foster &
Marshal and Associates, Seattle,
with effective interest rate of
1.6442 per cent Bonds: era due In
October, 1938, but may be called
by the department in five years.
Director William T. Gaaren
stroom said another $1,000,000
bond issue will bo sold about July
1 to keep ahead of the increasing
demand for homes and farms fi
nanced for veterans through state
loans up tot $8,000, at 4 per cent
Keep Oregon
Green Drive
To Start Soon
The annual forest fire preven
tion program of the Keep Oregon
Green association will soon get
under way in Marion county, it
was reported Tuesday by Coun
ty Judge Grant Murphy, who has
been reappointed chairman for this
A campaign to warn persons, es
pecially motorists and campers,
against the dangers of careless fire
protection, will be waged through
posters, news stories, paid ad
vertisements, radio announce
ments and through local chairmen.
Judge Murphy said Monday
that he had yet to appoint this
county's 24 committeemen from
various communities, who will
carry on the work In their own
Paul M. Dunn, Corvallis, dean
of the Oregon State College school
of forestry, was renamed state
chairman of the state association
at the 14-man board of trustees
meeting In Portland last week.
Charles Ogle of Salem was con
tinued as full-time secretary
with offices In Salem at the Keep
Oregon Green association head
quarters. Trustees Include Dunn
and Nelson Rogers of Salem
Dunn said that greatly increased
use of Oregon forests and outdoor
regions will add to the existing
fire dangers. He urged motorists
to avoid tossing burning cigarettes
out of cars into dry roadside
grass, asked campers to drown
camp fires when leaving camp and
to avoid smoking while walking
or riding In forest and range areas.
- 1 aaasm w w w
wn-- . '-
L" a"
JV vtvVv wtvV
w- YVv -TVa
c- .
..a - .rt
nk -m,
1122 South 12th Street
-5: i c; Vtx
County Lacks .
Quarters for
Mentally m '
Several Marion county officials
Tuesday took exception to a state
ment reportedly made by the
Oregon Mental Hygiene society
Monday indicating that mental
patients awaiting hearings in Sa
lem "have access to proper"
According to an Associated
Press dispatch the society report
ed that only a few Oregon coun
ties are able to suitably house
mental patients awaiting hearings
The society, the dispatch said,
noted that Multnomah county and
those close to the state hospitals
at Salem and Pendleton have ac
cess to proper quarters, while
"others depend on Jails."
"Our being in the same city
with the state Institutions gives
us no advantage over other coun
ties whatsoever," Marion County
Judge Grant Murphy said.
We cannot commit mental pa
tients to the state hospital with
out court orders," he said. "This
law, passed by the 1947 legisla
ture, binds Marion county as well
as any other county."
Dr. Frank Sisler, Marion coun
ty health officer, said that men
tal patients in Marion county had
to be lodged in the county jail or
in their homes until court bear
ings were held on them.
The Oregon Mental Hygiene so
ciety report Monday recommended
inclusion of special sound proof
rooms for mental cases in the con
struction of general hospitals
buirt in the future. Existing hos
pitals were asked to provide sim
ilar rooms.
Death Takes
Herbert Gill
Of Woodburn
WOODBURN, March 30 Her
bert Harold Gill, 23-year-old navy
veteran, who had been employed
by the Woodburn Independent,
died Monday night at the Veterans
hospital in Portland. He had been
ill since December and a patient
at the hospital for five weeks.
He was a native of Woodburn
who attended the high school here
before enlisting in the navy in
1942. He served three years with
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heal panp for iho bono azd mall tsriacss bdldirj.
The Stcrtosmcm. Salem. Oregon.
- : . " . 1 V -
the navy medical corps, including
the campaigns of Guadalcanal,
Sal pan' and Tarawa. He was
awarded two unit citations.
After his service ho attended
Oregon State college. Ho was a
member of Woodburn post 48, Am
erican Legion.'
Surviving are the widow, the
former Emily Frances Kanopa of
Salem; parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne B. Gill who moved to Sa
lem recently when their home
here burned; a brother, Wayne
Gill, jr., of Salem and a sister,
Mrs. Elmer M. Steiger of Salem.
The funeral will bo held at 2
p.m. Friday in Ringo chapel here,
with the Rev. William S. Van
Meter officiating. Interment will
bo at Bella Pass! cemetery.
Lift-Lito Overhead Pivot
Door Sots-
Reduced to
O Simple to Install
O Complete Instructions
with each set.
Convenient Hardware for
your garage doors.
Install Easily-Operatecl Overneacl
"Plumber yard
Front and Court
r z
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Ut uv:
Y ' .-s" ...J5 -
, - ,va
' m V im
i.(W1' .w
Wednesday. iSdrca SI. 18X3 3
, - -.! - . "1
Sam Gillette
Funeral (Today
Funeral services for Sajnuel B.
Gillette, state purchasing agent
who died Sunday. "Will be at 10:30
o'clock this morning- at Clough
Barrick chape L 1pt. Chester Ham
blin will officiate, and ritualiaite
services will be In charge ei
Clm A AT init AU.
Honorary pallbearers will be
Leslie M. Scotti R. H. Baldock,
las McKay, William iTPhillips,
sr William Page, Don Hender
son and Roy Mills.
Yiu S1S3
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