The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 25, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    a. Th Siai man. SaUm. Ortqoa. Thxmdar. March 13. 1W
Miss Frazer
To Marry
In April
Wedding bells will ring on Sat
urday, April 10. for Miss Emelyn
Frazer and Frederick Rhodes of
Buell, who will be quietly mar
ried in the chapel of St. Paul's
Episcopal church. The Rev. George
H. Swift will officiate before
members of the immediate fami
ly. The bride-to-be is the daugh
ter of Mrs G. N. Frazer and her
fiance is the son of J. F. Rhodes
f Buell.
Miss Frazer is well known in
musical circles here and is a mem
ber of the Salem Junior Woman's
club. She is employed in the of
tice of the Valley Packing com
pany. Mr. Rhodes is engaged in
farming at Buell, where the cou
ple will live after their marriage
A Bridal Shower
Mrs. Peter S.ither and Mrs W.
L.. Hampshire will be hostesses
for a pre-nuptial party tonight at
the former's apartment at the
Elaine in compliment to Miss Fra
ler A late supper will follow an
Informal esenir.g and a miscella
neous shower will fete the bride-to-be.
A pink and white color
scheme will be carried out in the
bridal appointments.
Honoring Miss Frazer will be
Mrs. G. S. Frazer. Mrs A. R
Tartar, Mrs. E M. M Kee. Mrs
James Martsfield, Mrs. Elmer
Meade. Mrs. Lester Cour, Mrs C
M. Pye. Mrs Vera l.aDue, Miss
Lena Belle Tartar and the host
esses. Golfers Set
Several important dates have
been circled on the calendar for
the Sa'em Women's Golf associa
tion for th s pr:r;s At the meet
ing held Wednesday morning an
nouncement was made that the
Woodburn women golfers will
come to Sulcm for a match on
April 2." and on 2 the Salem
jrolfers w.1,1 he k!,:e!s at the F.u
gene r ch.b w hen It enter
tains Ire C'..s Bay. Ro'eburg.
Coraois and Salem club n
March 31 Solem members of the
Oregon Women' Golf a' mti
will be er.tert. oned at breakfast
find pi. iy a two-tall foursome at
the C'olumb;.! F.dijewater Country
Club In Pm-tljnd
Prizes for la.-t we k's play were
awarded to Mi Ri-s C"p;ck.
Class A: Mrs Revn..!ds Allen,
class B Mrs Donald McCargar.
clas (' and Mrs B.irdette Owen,
class D Women golfers who
Joined the group for the first time
vV'edrie-day were Mesi.imes John
H. Thompson. Joseph Steiger.
Clayton Foreman. Vernon Perry.
Arthur Erickson. Howard
rruinn. Edwin I. Gr..h..m. Werner
Brown. Wavre Loder and Robert
Attend a Reception
The Misse Charlotte Alexan
der, Jean Claire Sw.fT. Jane C.JT
ton, Joan BL.Xall. M:s. LeMer
Carter. Mrs Walter B.irsch. Mrs
Roger K Ptitr;..m and Miss Mar
garet Simm.1 were In Portland
Tuesday right to attend a re-p-tion
for whith the (iamma Phi
Beta alumnae were hostesses at
the home of Mrs Raymond S
Peteri in honor of the actives from
the l'nierity of Oipgcn and
Oregon Sta'e college, who are
home for spring jiutmn. Miss
Sw ft remained o er m Portland
s the gueM of her Gamma Phi
ister. Virginia Woodward
Recent graduates of AAl'W will
meet tor , i'-. t at "he h.ome of Mrs
J. J. Mot rell. 169 F. ei green a- e
nue. for a desert s .pper at 7 30
o'clock. M:- Eleanor Trindie.
Marion county home demonstia
tion agent, will talk on "Chiria
wnre " 1
Mr. and Mm. T. F. Mankerts.
It, of Co rv a 11 is aie spending the
Uister vaca'ion In Salem with
their parents. Mr ard Mrs. Carl
Schneider and Mr and Mrs. T F.
Mankertz Both aie attending Ore
gon Stdte college.
Jlmmf Allen, man at Mr. and
Mrs Reyr.oMb Allen, has invited
a few of his boy fr.ends to a line
party at the theatre Sa'urday aft
ernoon in celebration of his tenth
Ton and Gown. Carrier Room. TirH
Method. st il un .'i 2 30 p rn
American Laa ux.l;a:y Unit Nf
all day s';r. .rn Mn O Pal
Itiateer. rout 4 no-rnut luncheon
Ntihbon of Woodcraft Thimble club
ilh Mrt F.l Miller. U85 Mission tt .
out o cluck lur.iTifun
Sojourners de-iert luncheon, Salem'a clubhouse. I 1 3 p m
Pant Presidents capitol unit. Ith
Mr W W Woodruff. 2707 Brooks av
enue. 7 .10 p m
Spiritual Sunflower club. ith Mrs
rary Stoddaid. M20 North 4th street.
P m
Hollywood Merry Co Round club,
Hh Mrs. Jack I.mdeman. 7 30 p m.
( l i ()me(a mothers with Mrs Alfred
JXim'tfun riv. 43S N 18th st . 8 p m
Merry Tin e club. deserl 1 3t with
lvlrs Jasper Button 133 Duncan ave
nue Infurri al aftcmuun.
a kti KDtr
Salem Woman's ch.b. 1 p m. Board
fneetingr. t p m clubhouse.
Sjlern chapter. OES, 162. meeting and
initiation. Mj.vjr.ic Ten. pie. p rn.
( had w u k chapter. OES. special
meeting, initiation. Masonic Temple.
p m.
JTI T. 'V :
X- V aW . T
inuier s
Society,... Clubs
Music... Ihi Horrid
maxtmi twin
WWW! fill
mTMt veum
i Committee to
i Select Mother
! Gov. Jqhn H. Hall Wednesday
announced appointment of the
; committee to select the Oregon
Mother of 1948 Selection of an
Oregon Mother is made annually,
'with the representative from this
state entering the national con
test for selection of the Ameri
can Mother.
Members appointed:
! Mrs Myrtle Lee. Baker. Ore
gon Mother for 1947; Mrs Nellie
Mansfield, Freewater. Oregon
Mother for 1946; Mrs Ruth
1 Chandlee. HilNboro. chairman
; Oregon Federation of Women's
clubs; Mrs. F. E. Danzcr. Port
land, archdiocesan Council of
Catholic Women; Mrs. Dora
Huney. Seajide. Federation of In
ternational Woodworkers auxil
iary; Mrs. Ralph H Mort. Tort
land. Oregon Council Federated
1 Church Women; Mis. Grace Coin.
Hind Rler, Women's Relief
Corps: Mrs. Luella Wolf. Albany.
Ladies of the Grand Aimy of
the Republic
Mrs Craig Coyner. Bend. Amer-
' ican Legion auxiliary; Mis Jean
ette Dentler. Portland. Daughters
of the American Revolution; Mrs.
Walter B. Wilhelm. Portland,
president Oregon Federation of
Garden clubs; Mrs Enna D. Inch.
, Medford. Oregon State Teachers
association; Mrs. Fred Tooze.
; Portland. Women's Christian
Temperance Union; Mrs. Aubrey
M. Dals. Portland. piesident
Council of Jewish Women; Mrs.
Edgar Leming. Cornelius. Home
Economic Council affiliated with
the Association of Country Wom
en of the World; Mrs.
Knight. Enterprise, auxiliary of
Sons of L'nion Veterans of the
Ciil War.
Mrs. Gertrude Sweet, Portland,
international vice president Hotel
and Restaurant Employes; Mrs.
Blair Stewart. Portland. League
of Wcmen Voters of Oregon; Mrs.
Marjorie Trotter. Portland, Ore
gon State Federate n of Mumc
clubs: Mis. H. D. Peterson. Dal
las, Veterans of Foreign Wars;
Mrs. Ora W.ndus. Portland, Vet
erans of Foreign Wars; Mrs.
I-eone T. Jenen. Eugene. Oiegon1
Federation of Busine-s and Pro
fession..! Women, Mrs. Nellie
Hiday. Salem. Daughters of Union
Veteians; Mis. Herman Edward.
Portland, Oregon department of
Eight and 40; Mrs. John B;ir-
iham, Salem. American Associa
tion of Univeisity Women, and
Mis. H. H. Hargi eaves, Pcrtland.
president Oregon Congress of
PaienLs and Teache.s.
Delta Zetas Meet
Mrs Llovd L Sanders and Miss
Prudence Paulsen entertained
Delia Zeta alumnae Tuesday eve
ning at the Sanders home on Fawk
stieet Dessert wos served from
tables attractively appointed in
the Easter theme After a short
business meeting, the group hon
ored Mrs Norman L Paul-on
with a gift The latter part of the
evening was spent infoimally and
doing Red Cross work Members,
atUncing weie Mrs Paulson. Mrs
E. A Carle'op. Mrs Ward R Da
vis, Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen. Mrs.1
Charles F Feike. Mi-s B L. Brad- ,
ley. Mrs. M. C Buchanan, Mrs j
E.-ther Easton. Mrs Emmett Klein-
ke. trs William H Foster, N!rs 1
C harles K Fulton, Mrs. Virgil L.
Sexton, Mrs. John Wilkinson. Mr
Albert Depenbrock, Miss Mildred
Deischer, Miss Maxine Paulsen,
and the hostesses.
lay, worthy matron, ajid George
Tow'e, worthy patron, were hon
ored Saturday night at a party
at which their officers for 1947
were hosts. The committee ar
ranging the affair included Mrs.
Ronald Asboe, Mrs. Cark Bach
man and Mrs. Clinton Weiby. Six
tables of cards were in play dur
ing the evening.
start yovr chkks i
Tar mfmdj arowtfc. your chicka Mad
th neit baianra af ntanuu, Po
tr?n and mineral. TrtmnSJm CAacA
Stmrtf m a artantincaily htn mi
ration built to All titc requirement
mf rour duck dum the Sret reht
noa at aronth. Sea jrow dralrr.
See Your Local
Triangle Dealer
1ASM ee f 0 lU
suits " ...a
Siaam I
On Easter
Several christenings are slated
to take place on Easter Sunday.
Five months old Christine
Lynne Cooley, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard L. Cooley, will
be christened at services Sunday
afternoon in the chapel of St.
Paul's Episcopal church at 4
o'clfck. The Rev. George H.
Swift will officiate in the pres
ence of members of the two fami
lies and a few friends.
Christine's godparenLs win be
her aunt. Miss Margaret Jane
Cooley, Dr. Winfield Needham.
and Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne W.
Dyer. For her christening she
I w ill wear a handmade long white
' French batiste dress and white.
silk embroidereJ trim coat and
j A reception will be held after
the services at the North Sum
mer street home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph H. Cooley. grandparents of
the little girl. Her other grand
mother is Mrs. Robert Turley.
At St. Mark's
i Jack Edward Boatwright, six
months old ion of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Boatwright, will be
christened on Ea.ster Sunday at
St. Mark's Lutheran church at 3
o'clock by the Rev. M. A. Get-
zendaner His godparents will be
Mrs. Effie Gooden and Jack
Grandparents of the little boy.
who will be present for the occa-
sion. are Mr and Mrs. R. E. Boat
wright of Portland, formerly of
Salem. Mrs Ralph P. Laird of
Eugene and W. A. Foster of Salem.
Health Program
For Auxiliary
Mrs. James Bunnell, executive
secretary of the Marion county
health association, was speaker at
the regular meeting of Salem unit
No. 136, American Legion auxil
iary, Tuesday night. She talked on
social hygieii and health educa
tion, discussed the "use of funds
from Christmas seals and urged
her listeners to have free chest
X-rays when the mobile unit
comes this spring. She also
showed a health film in which
June Lo kard stars
Mrs Harold Streeter presided
at the business session and named
Mrs. Ted Ullakko as chairman of
a dinner the unit will serve on
May 20
Mrs Dow Lov ell. chairman of
community service, assisted by
Mrs. Homer Smith, jr. and Mrs.
Les Beard was in charge of the
Mrs. Anna Larkins, president of
the Slem chapter Gold Star
Mothers and board members will
go to Poitland Monday to attend
a luncheon at the Benson hotel
to make plans for a stnte depart
ment Mi laikir.s w ill be ac
companied by Mesdumes Florence
Rogers. Sadie Pro. Lela Young
and Helen White Mrs Brbaia
Ford of DeLake has been asked
by the r.i'ional organization to
form a department.
n(s8 o 'M1J J h
j I
1 p.
I 1 II
i t II 1
I? I w
Lai - 4 i
Miss Alma Cx3thrine Hochstrassr( daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Hochtiaser of Boise, -whose betrothal to Rob
ert L. Larr.kin, ion of Mrs. Mlgnon O. Lamkln of Salem,
has been revealed. The wedding la planned for the early
Dance Plans Made
Many at Benefit
A committee from the Salem
Junior Woman's club met on Tues
day afternoon at the home of Mrs
Henry Woodbury to discuss plans
for a sports dance to be held at
the Armory on April IT. Mrs
Woodbury served her committee a
dessert lunch.
Proceeds from the dance are to
go toward the convention fund,
for .the national meeting being
held In Portland in May. The com
mittee includes Mrs. Woodruff.
Mrs. Robert King. Mrs. Wesley
Gcxxlrich, Mrs. Ralph Piekering
and Mrs George Fletcher.
Many Attend Benefit
Over a hundred and thirty ma
trons and maids attended the Jun
ior Woman's club annual Easter
Bonnet bridge at the clubhouse
Monday night. Bridge and pi
nochle were in play following the
show. i
Commentator was Margaret Al-
lyn and modeling Easter hats were .
Sirs Sidney Levene, Mrs Allen;
Knight. Mrs. P L. Boyer, Miss Lu- j
cille Satter and Mrs. Albert C. :
- i
Gragg. New hair styles were
shown by Mrs. Douglas McKay,
Mrs William Connell Dyer, Mrs.
Wendell Ewing. Mrs. EHen Ray,
Mrs Sidney Levene, Miss Luella
McCollam, Miss Jean Coons and
Mrs. Arthur Roethlin. A special
feature were the old fashioned cos
tumes worn by Mrs. Thomas P.
Hill. Ill and Mrs. I-awrence Fitz
gerald, who formed a Victorian
setting on the stage.
Alpha Xi Deltas Meet
Mrs. Elmer Meade was hostess
on Tuesday night to members of
Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae club.
Cards were in play after the brief
business meeting Attending were
Mrs Wil'iam D Galloway, Mrs.
E R. Derfhnger, Mrs. Dan Graves,
Mrs John Hann, Mrs. M. E.
Knickerbocker, Mrs. Eugene Laird,
Mis Janet Miller, Mrs. A. C.
Newell. Mrs. Wilbur Staats, Mrs.
Glenn Stevens, Mrs. William Hea
ly. Miss Verria Koeppinger, Miss
Elise Schroeder, Miss Eleanor
Stephens and the hostess.
Mrs. John Marvin Ritchie will
entertain her club at bridge and a
late supper tonight at her home on
Hines street.
Little Boys
Three little boys are being wel
comed in the capital this week.
To Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Hale go
congratulations on the birth of
a son, Frank William, on Tuesday
night at the Salem General hos
pital. The little boy, who weighed
six pounds, fifteen ounces, is the
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Champier of Turner and Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Hale of Cooks, Wash.
A son, William Edward, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack F.
Koenig (Helen Miller) on March
21 at the Salem General hos
pital. He weighed seven pounds,
six ounces and is the grandson of
Mr. and Mrs. John Koenig.
From Corvallis comes news of
the birth of a son, Philip Allen,
to Mr. and Mn. Arthur Cae
(CaroyI Snyder) on March 18.
The little boy has an older broth
er, Steven. His grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder and
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Case of Sa
lem. Mr. Case is working toward
his master's degree in chemistry
at Oregon State college and plans
to begin work at Richland, Wash,
in mid-April.
Hi-Y Mothers Meet
A special meeting of the Hi-Y
Mothers is set for April 0 at the
YMCA, when a group of the Wil
lamette Players under the direc
tion of Prof. Herbert Rahe will
present several comedies. The
meeting la ret for evening.
The apecial guesU of the HI-Y
Mothers club will be former mem
bers of the group, whose sons
have graduated from high school.
Class In Offing
A new class in stencil painting
will be organiied at the YWCA
on demand, following completion
of the present course in two
weeks. Interested men and wom
en may receive information upon
calling the YWCA, 8878. Consid-
I erable interest has been shown
! Mrs. Esther W. Little, YWCA sec- '
I retary.
Miss Gloria and Miss Barbara 1
McClintock hav e as their house j
; guest for a few days their Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority sister from
the University of Oregon, Miss
Grace Hoffman of Portland. A few
of the college set gathered at the
McClintock apartment at the Roy
al Court Wednesday night to hon
or the visitor.
' Mrs. James Hutchinson of Van
couver, B. c is vuitrng in the,
capital at the home of her moth- j
er. Mrs. George Rodgers. She
. plans to return north Friday. '
sSZ-. T., ,i'
1 i Mi.-.''
1 . . . s
TV Gft TVof Starts tk Horn
Give your sweetheart the
real love-gift a Lane Cedar
Hope Chest for Easter! Th
only tested AROMA
TIGHT Cedar Chest in tha
world ith Lane's exclusive
patented features. Choose
now from our selection of
styles and models.
FREE Moth Insurance
Policy with Ivory Lan Chest
. j -s ate. Comhian Ancricaa Ttl- ( pASf (V JA ,
' rYfif. W JfdtAS NoGuimi fd Zrtvt woodl. SW''' nL la
tlyi& 14WS !( Urnc pairaied autoaaoc tray. m9 BLXEET-1
Only JLM Down ii;?
! 1
See the many other cedar
hope chests on display . .
priced to fit your budget.
Shower Honors
Elaine White
Mist Pat Larson wai a hostess
Wednesday night at a pre-nuptial
party for Miss Elaine White, who
will marry Floyd Riley on April
18. Recordings were made during
the evening and ressert served
later. Guests were college friends
of the honor guest.
Attending were Miss Betty
Causey, Miss Alice Schmidt, Mis
Beverly Bishop, Mrs. Troy Mc
Gowan, Miss Anna Mae Emgland,
Miss Beverly Kenney, Miss Betty
Twedt, Miss Mary Reimann,
Miss Betty Lou Edwards, Mis
Carolyn Davis, Miss Nancy
Buren, M 1 s a Isabelle Jones
of Portland. Miss Carol Gilkey of
Newport, Miss Betty Long, Miss
Janette Reiley and Miss Laurel
Saylor of Dallas, Mrs. Paul Gil
mer, Mrs. Walter White, Miss
Barbara White. Mrs. Walter Lar
son, Miss Virginia Larson and the
honor guest and hostess.
The Utile French Shop
US North High '
Just Arrived for Easter.
Tho Buy of tho Season
Suits and Coats
Large selection of all wool
new soft lines in
beautiful fthadett.
39.95 values at
The bet of the Season In
suit with round high collar
of green, wine, coffee-grey
39.75 values at
This Week Only
Tho Little
US No, High
.. . v . .... . ef
, '?" ,-eJ
j.r .- . i
' '. Z 1
- A-r.. if
Miss Gragg;
A Hostess :
Miss Carroll Gragg haa Invited
a group of the jcollege set home
from school fori the Easter vaca
tion to the North Capitol itrtet
home of her parents,: Mr. and
Mrs. Albert C.J Uragg, torugnt.
Bridge will be la play during th
evening with a late supper to
be served by the hostess. The
individual tables; 111 be covered
with pastel organdy ' cloths and
centered with arrangements of
camellias. I :
Bidden by the hostess are tha
Miasea Margaret! Cooley, Roberta
Meyer, Georgia j Roberts, Eliza
beth Nelson, Janet Kirk, Darlene
Gardner, Carolyn Carson, . Jana
Acton, Jeanne Fdster, Jean Claire
Swift, Marjorie Tate or Sublim
ity, Betty Manoles and Mrs. Leon
ard Odom. j ; : '
full length crepe coats in the
Suits. A da&hing swing back
in new shades
and beige.
French Shop
Phone 7070
Main Flfor Main Entrance
O n