Hll Talks to West Salem Lions, Salem Realty; Favors Salary Increases for State Employes WEST SALEM. March 2 4-(Special)- Gov. John Hail said to night that army engineers had estimated within five years the Willamette valley would have as many people as were in the en- 5 ire state in 1940 around ,100.000. t The governor was the principal speaker at the West Salem Lion club's "Industry Night." a dinner , mwtir attended bv 150 men in t the West Salem citv hall. Nearly cial at Hazel Green school house two score Salem and West Salem ! Enday night netted the communi busmesmen and industrialist club approximately $75. Mrs. Hazel Green Achievement Day Observed HAZEL GREEN The pie so- were spec:al guests. Governor Hall, touching briefly On state problems, described the State industrial accident fund as 'm splendid shape." with a "back log" of $7,500,000, and said that despite benefit payments approxi mating $27,500,006 since 1945 tho Unemployment compensation fund now stood at $76,000,000 - a very Comfortable cushion." Regard. ng the population g-.u'.cth. which the governor term s' "permanent." the influx was de bi'H to be from three sources . l-wai" worker; 2-tourists; 3-Ve'e.an- ti.un-M in northwest C.imp. Tl-e chief executive stres el the .t!ue of 1 1 1 e touiist indus ts v. pointed to "Tourist Host V ci'k" Apnl 11 to 17. and em ph.is '-i the need for ' friend';. S'v ,.'e" f : v isitors He described Xet'-r.iT.s .;' The tidif.'i.g camp- js ct ( cil-- O! neA II tlZc'Il-. " Regal d mg power. Governor H i'I .said e eiy available kilowatt li.,!ir v. a- bei:i used and quoted B r.re s'.le otfic.als a.s saving that .-vers ba ... industries new to tl toitnwest" would locate here If ajiother 20.000 kilowatt houis were assured The governor was introduced Lv Gere Malecki. who al-o en-t--i tamed with impersonations. Ai Lamb, di.stru-t governor of Lions. a ted as master of ceremonies V ''.en tl.a meeting was turned O.er to him by Charles Ramp, president of the West Salem club. Music and vocal numbers were rovided by Dey Robinson and y the Cherry City Four O C Brown. Warren Loatv, Ted Nel son and Don Geddes A Red Cross collection netted $i) 03. Vivien Hoenig. rural school super intendent, talked on the rural school budget and the pupils pre sented a program of songs and games as a preliminary to the so cial. It was also achievement day for Ha2el Green school and blue rib bon awards were made in the Health poster division to Gerald I Slattum, Norman McDonald, Lyle Kelley, Tommy Hynes and Otis Phillips jr Carvocaat, a new material from which the pupils had carved ani mal figures and novelties, re ceived much attention and ribbon awards were made to Claude Vice, Donnie and Jerald Slattum, Ray Rickard, George Bowlsby. Norman McDonald. LyU" Kelley and Caiol Kasmus.s-en. Health book awards were given Patsy Harvey. Aletha Vibbett. Billy Rossow. Rtchaid Hawry, Marcia Fern. Jimm.e McKibben. Robeit Bowlsby and Donnie Slat tum. 1 Penmanship improvement awards were given Tommy Hynes, Norman McDonald, Roberta I-ow- Raising the salaries of its em ployes especially those receiving less than $200 a month, would return dividends to the state of Oregon and would be a good in vestment, it was stated by Gov. John H. Hall in a talk to Salem Rotary club Wednesday in the Marion hotel. Oregon is the biggest business in the state, with more than 11,000 employes and an annual payroll in excess of $29,000,000. Governor Hall said. As proof of the benefit of increased pay for the more than 5.000 employees who receive less than $200 a month, he cited the case of the Oregon state police whose minimum was $150 a month in 1942 During war years he said the state lost its policemen rapidly to Portland at $225 a month or Mult nomah county at even more. Now Oregon pays its state policemen a minimum of $275 a month, and not only are they remaining thus giving value for the $3,000 it costs to train each one but there is a long waiting list. Gov ernor Hall said that from previous electiorl results it might be assumed that Oregon will not have a sales tax and must have some other form of income to meet its financial needs. Along this line $124,000 Bottling Plant Under Construction Medieal-Dental Credit Bureau Plans Classes The Northwest Medical - Den tal Credit bureau has outlined its plans for a series of 12 two-hour classes in business relations, for staff members in doctors' and den tists' offices. Public Relations Director Glen Wade of the bureau Wednesday announced classes, beginning Ap ril 5, will be held Monday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock at 331 Cheme keta st. Application information Tbe new bottling plant .f the Coca-Cola company took shape this week a forma were removed from is available at that address from , , I,, , IIL L L ir ir u mmm 1 1 Xk fiiv " , Tha Statesman. Salem. Orsxyocu Thursday. March 25, 1948 -7 Red Cross Asks For Blood Donors Funds in the amouftt of $250,000 were sent to meet fe emergency needs for victims in the week ro4 tornadoes in Missouri. Illinois, In diana and Ohio by trie America Red Cross, It was stated in tele gram sent W. M. Hamilton, chair man of Marion county chapter. . Fifteen disaster relief special ists and nurses were sent, to tha) stricken areas by the Red Cross, snd chapters in dozen states ad jacent to swollen streams have, been alerted to handle condition coming with rising flood waters, the telegram said. the reinforced concrete building. Located at Cross and Sooth 12th streets, the SlZt.OSf plant is being built for the Coca-Cols company by the E. E. Batterman construction company. The plant will be finished this spring, will have a capacity of a boot Z.sss.sss bottles per month, and will serve all of Marion. Linn. Benton and Polk counties, as well as parts of Yamhill and Clackamas counties. (Photo by Don Dill. Statesman staff photographer). Dinner Meeting to Launch New Highway 99E Promotion Drive A Salem businessmen's committee to promote tourist travel on highway 99 will put a 1948 program into high gear on Friday. April 2. with a mass dinner meeting for all Salem area proprietors deriving business from travel through here on that highway. Organization plans were made Wednesday noon by the High- he said it has been estimated that wav 99 association's Salem executive committee, presided over in the Wade or at telephone 4133. Those attending at least eight sessions and teceiving a grade of at least 70 per rent on the final examination will be awarded the Institute of Medical - Dental Busi ness Relations certificate of ac complishment. Dates, subjects and speakers for the 12 courses are as follows: April 5, professional ethics, Mrs. by June. 1949. there will be a state suiplus of $50 or $55 million, which might be used in part for education if the courts uphold a recent decision of the attorney general. Oregon Motor couitel, and Thomas A. Roberts, South Salem motel. Salem Heights Lrry Gower. Robert Bowlsby and HcaTS OI 4-11 1 JlIDS Jerald Booze. E Townsend Club to Circulate Petitions Plans to circulate initiative pe titions to increase old aga pen sions and to change the stats wel fare administrative setup were discussed by 41 representatives Who attended the Townsend club's first congressional council meet -lug at the Mayflower hall Sunday The initiative pet.tiuns would f;.-e oil ae pen.iuns from $50 o $60 a month and set up a single S imiiustrator to administer the Sta'e welfare laws instead of the x:stmg welfare commission. 1 Camellia Show Set April 3, 4 Third annual camellia show, sponsored br the Salem Camellia and Rhododendi on society, will bo held April 3 and 4 at the YMCA. Hours on Saturday will be from 2 to 10 p m. and on Sun day will be open from 10 am to 8 pm. WaJter Barkus is piesident of the society. Rudolph Henney has been named chairman of the sho.v and will be assisted by Olhe Schendel. h rnest Iufer. C L. McDonald and ie C'nfield. Mrs Canfieli and Mrs. Hi.rr.er McWain will be in charge of placing arrangements at the snow. AH girden clubs in Marion and Polk counties, 4-H club members and interested persons ara in vited to enter tbe show. Only two per cent of Of the United SUtes hn Called ''perfect vision" 1 rtwys sw m s Four Kent Control Suits Dismissed the people Jy SnOTt'Ilie CoilTt ve what is I Four rent control case against Portland hotel and apartment house operators were dismissed by tbe state supreme court Tuesday The cases were dismissed be cause Chester Bowles. former OPA administrator (now resigned) and the court held that Phillip B Fleming, now serving as adminis trator of the present rent control system, could not be substituted for Bowtes in the cases The four cases were filed by Bowles against three defendants in which triple damages were sought on charges that the de fendants charged over-ceiling rents Defendants included Martin Ixtmbardi. operator of the Sov ereign hotel apartments snd Sand crest terraces The best wig of all to nuke EaaisT a nor? glorious U LET FLOWERS SAY IT FOR YOO! UTS H t4"v 3t PtKVM MI 1 Union Men Urged To Vote at Primary Members of Salem's organized labor unions were urged to regis ter to vote iri the coming elections at a mass meeting in the Salem la bor temple Tuesday night. Philip Brady, teamster union president, James Marr. secretary of the Oregon Federation of La bor, and Ed Stack. hed of the AFL union label division, spoke to the 1 union men present. All are from Portland. Tuesday night's meeting was al so the regular meeting night of the Salem Trades and Labor council. F. M Keith, count:! piesident. presided at the sessnm. Overnight to SOUTHERN OREGON and COOS DAY On yMr sext trip to Coosi Bey or southern Oregon try our convenient o -might train service. Leave) any evening; arrive at your destination next morning. It's as simple aa that. Ride lb roomy standard Pull mans or in conbcjbJtfexxMchea. It's the easiest and safest way to travel. Saves time and money, too. Overnight service returning, alao. For fares) and schedules just call: Tho friendly Southern Pacific From Members SALEM HEIGHTS Helping celebrate National 4-H Club week. M F. Miller. Salem Heights prin cipal, and four pupils were inter viewed over station KOC'O recent -1. Trie pupils were Fred Butler, Donald Smith. Charlotte Graber, and Loraine Battles, who told how 4-H club work helped them be come better citizens Barbara Anderson and Nancy Hagemann of the seventh grade gave a demonstration at Marion county 4-H leaders' meeting Sat urday. -How to Do the Blanket Outline' and Chain Stitch Mrs Louis Anderson is their 4-H club leader. Pupils of Salem Heights school are getting orange juice daily dur ing the morning recess, through the school lunrh program New pupils are Frank Hunter, Sandra Johnson. Audrey Smith, and Beverly Johnson, who came from Fresno. Seattle and Vancouver Employment Keeps Record Winter Pace Golden Pheasant restaurant, by Chanman Carl Hogg A. A. Larsen of South Salem motel was selected chairman of a committee to organize the Salem aiea pioject by inviting all inter-; ested businessmen to a dinner j meeting April 2 in the Golden Pheasant. The group decided it would' raise its share of the $25,000 as-' sociation budget for this yeara' quota of $.3.800 by selling mem bei ships to benefiting businesses along the highway, with the mem berships ranging in cost from $10 to $25 depending on the type of business Included would be ho tels, resorts, motor couits. gaiages' and service stations, auto supply housea and auto agencies, res taurants, bars and night clubs The association maintains a headquarters with an executive officer in Medfoid. through which! general advertising and promotion is channeled It Uo plans this I vear to dis'ribute 100. 000 cooies of a highway 99 promotional map P ted and tourist guide booklet, consid-j An increase of 500 In active Job erably liger than last yeai's: seekers m the tn-county Poitland foMer. j area overcame declines reported J, Randall is co-chaiiTnan of from upstate distruts in the past Lakeview and Roseburg counted fewer out of work than 30 days earlier. About 18,000 more persons are on the Job in Oregon this month 0lve White, director of nursing man a year ago. according to St. Vincents hospital, Portland; compilations made by the com- , April 12. reception. Madge Tmg mission on tho basis of reports 'ley, past pr sident CSDAA. and from representative employers trustee, ninth district. American and employment agencies thiough- Detal Assistants association; Ap out the state Agiicultural and nl 19. telephone technique. Pacif lumbermg each account for about ic Telephone and Telegraph Co.. 4,000 more workers while retail Ferris W. Abett. film. -Your Tell trade hired about 6.000 additional Tale Voice" and microphone; Ap- in me past iz months. ; nl 2. telephone technique, film 'Courtesy"; May 3, business rela tions, Cail W. Anderson, business manager, Portland clinic; May 10, business relations. Reed It. Mad sen, business manager. Medical Clinic of Portland; May 17, insur- c ,. .... , , lance matters. Ieslie Wadswoith, SmeUiing a little different was past president Oregon Asscx ist.on of Insurance Agents; May 24, mo tor vehicle accident fund, (law and procedure). L. O. Aiens. com Drunken I)riing on Motorcycle Charged; Innocent Plea Given while driving not s tar but a motorcycle. Oregon employment maintained Mueller pleaded innocent to the its record wintei -time pace aur- cnarge ddded to city police lecords Tues day night when William Mueller. Brooks route 1, was arrested and cnarged with being intoxicated mi. accident commission, (law and proceduie), Paul E. Gurke, com- miirnirr' June 7 inH 14 r-rH 1 1 in munii iual court Wi- - .- . mg feoruary ana eariy marcn. nesuay and is being held in Jail j MeH.r.l - Int.l r'r.,l,t K,r- usual heavy early spring in l.eu of $250 ball pending trial ! I . fm.V .x.minat.on have been slow in gathering April 9. , Mueller was arrested while The official name of Albania Is driving in downtown Salem. Ishqiperia. but th earns momentum, the stats unemploy ment compensation commission announced Wednesday. Claims for compensation de clined slightly from the January peak but continued above average as immigration helps to keep an active out-of-work listing of 50. 500 pei sous at present, it was re- If fic day starts chill and dreary. There's welcome "sunshine" id tlie rKh Havoc of Golden West. Every sip is pure delight. ) grinds drip, si lex. regular. Try GolJea West CofTe alsvsys Something to enjoy the project committee Members of the executive board, beside ll.igg. Rjndall and I-arsen. arc A C. Hagg. who is highway com mittee chairman for Salem Cham ber of Commerce; F.. Halvoisen. Rosegardens motel: E B. Gabriel, Cherry City cottages; Milo Taylor. month Only Baker. Hood Kiver and Umatilla Joined the metro politan areas In reporting an in crease in job-seekers during the past month. Most remained about the same, but Ontario. Oregon City. Astoria. Bend, Coos Bay, Eugene. Freewater. Grants Pass, i j I i H f- ""i 11 ' "mi M imiii. mnii Get On the Bright Side With These Values in Quality Paints at Keith Brown's Complete Paint Department Sale Ends Saturday Special Pabco Floor and Interior Varnish A fine, pala, dunb!? d?ccra'iV9 varr.ish. Dries dust free In only four hours. Reduced from $!.4o Quart sli Special Pabco Wall Coater Thi on Jim! orn o' fl at, wishabl, oil pain. Select from 7 matching prjratl shades. Rju!ar pnre S3. 30 gal.; now per 3 a! $3.23 PaLco Satin Enamel A durable, washable, semi-gloss enamel An ea,y way to new home beauty. Especially suitable for woodwork. Se.cn beautiful pastel shides to choose from Self-leveling won't brush mark. $5.00 gal. Pabco Wood Primer Primes, seals and levels surface In one coat. Good adhesion to res inous wood. Controlled penetra tion. Easy to handle. Sets up fast. $5.05 gal. I. &. TV Longer-wear Exterior Gloss Paint, economical paint of unusua Compll Stock of Painting Sundrio and Accessories I beauty. 5 gallons only per gal. Pabco Pigmented Plaster Seal For use as a j)rimer. filler and sealer for all porous sur faces A fine foundation for any finish coat and is a fine finish coat in itsel. Gives a fine gloss finish to any porous surface. Sow 3.80 rmi. Associate) Msmbtr NATIONAL PAINTERS AND DECORATOR'S ASSOCIATION Let as reeemnaesMl a a.nallnea' paint contractor to a Mare" ym tae flaest aaiatlaf jo. KEITH BROWN CL UMBER YARD 1288 Stale Si. Phone 9837 Con venien t Parking Merchants City-U'ide Delivery Service j 0xn 8 a.m. - $ p.m. Prices affoctiTa Thursday. Friday, and Saturday. March 25. 25 and 27 Folger'a or Golden Went. 1 -lb. tin 51c 2-lb. tin White Satin. 10 lbs. 89r 25.11m. Coffee Sugar TJ I " Fancy Thompson Seedlen. ftalMllS 2 lb. pktr. 25c . C" TJ. J Oxydol, Duz. Hinto, Supersuds or Ilorene. Flour Mb. jkg. l ife- Pku: Drifted Snow or Gold Medal. 50 lb. bag 490 350 3L99 46 oz. can No. 1 can I.ge. can 190 190 790 30.1 can 5-lb. (in 150 Crackers "ztt," 450 Sunrihine Grahams . 2-lb. box 47c Texsun Grapefruit Juice All Good Fruil Cocktail Rancher's Pride Chicken Fricassee Piclsveei Big Peas Bfadshaw's Honey Grapefruit Sections ' Aliers Corn Flakes 1.1 -oz. pkjr Nabisco Shredded Wheat 12 oz. pksr PRODUCE SPECIALS Lellnce Celery ro Broken No. 2 can, ... 2 for 2 for 2 for 890 290 fs-J 290 Oreren U. S. No. 1 Sonihern Tarns Z lbs. llticllokes11iehg," L "T I Lb carton Iarge heads. t for Crisp, fresh. Lb Texas Pink Grapefruit 8weet A Juicy. for 19c U9c 29c 1289 State St. Terry Randall Phone 6489 The Very Best For Your Easter Dinner Hormel Hams Half or whole Fresh Crab Ileal u ,b. Swift's; SeWct Deef Roost . . Lb. 55c For Easter Breakfast Link Sausage . . Lb. 55c Sugar Cured Sliced Bacon . . . Lb. 63c U. S. Gov't. Insp. Grade "A" Hereford Locker Beef Half or whole hWap Fresh Shrimp Ileal t. L75c Swift's Premium 1 i Lamb Chops . ... Lb. 60c Swift's Premium Lamb III Shoulder BsL . . Lb 43c Strictl Fresh I I Columbia Smell . Lb. lCc PHONE 9163 Lb. C. A. LA K SON. Agent 4tS FRONT AND COURT STS