11 Th StoUwnqfl, SctUm. Oraqon. Thurmderr. March 25. 1948 Wheat Shows Firm Trend CHICAGO. Marsh 24 - UP) -Wheat continued to climb slowly on the hoard of trade today, bring in the Mav contract to nearly 10 cents above the low on the j first day this week The firm trend I in wheat was not reflected in oth- ', er grains, corn closing mixed while oats eased 1 There was nothing spectacular bout the wheat gain. Support tame from local traders and cash houses, but there was no desper ate rush to buy Some purchases were made on the possibility the government will strive to meet its maximum export goal of 500,000, 0(M) bushels Wheat closed J-2 higher. May $2 38,3-:,4. corn was U low er to higher. May $2 U1. oats were -7 lower. May 41 10't-'4 and soybeans were 1 to 3 cents higher. May $3 46 News from Kansas City said the rush to ell wheat to the CCC lackent'd considerably today Covernment buying yesterday at major terminals totaled 1.526.700 bushels, bringing purchases since the start of the current program to 10,691.117 bushels This is in excvss of the 8 600.000 bushels the ti.me estimated were iieeded to fill April export allocs I. -ms. Stoc ks Fail in Comeback Try NEW YORK. Marach 24 - i.". -Stocks tried to lesume their come Kn k in tmkiv s market but found the way blocked by ready offer ings Total r.usftrs ff 1040.000 shares ccmpartv 1 with 1.160.000 e-terd.ty Selected -t eU ar.l rails pared a rally n ui;i noon that brought g.nns r.iiiiir'i! to .i round 2 ptints. The i m ( i em " t f.ided later and the i lose a.i- m.xed. although some oils .,. ,1 . iu i. :... got n the 11 1 , : t .ft tltifi If v 1'he A--', i.:', d r'!s 60-sto-k com i -: : ..s ui. i on the t.,v .it ' ) 7 of 9. 7 :-sue reiitec lr tj .n t-e ' .ii mu' maiket since Mmh in Their -Acre 404 Rin e i v ,t r. (i i ! ov, 4 i imm..-.- on Louse s.iid some biKtet-. ttfif impievol by the in.n r er r. Al.uh tie market this v.e-k at)-o i bed hea v profit-tak ing Hear moment piosptfts again were a prop for ind..idu;d issues although i oncorn oxer possible re uit.it'T.ci t ( f federal controls re st'. uneil mm h optimism PLANKS' VISIT DKLAYKD Two army liaison planes -.ched-ulel to be delievered at the Salem an port this week for use of Sa lem s civil aeronautics patrol will not arrive until next week, it was armounctd Monday night in a meeting of the patrol at Salem high sc hool. The unit u ill meet again next Monday at 7 30 p m MHK V. OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE KIVKK sriCHT FROM COMMER- 11 STKI :T TO TH STREET Notice nrirbv fivrn Tnt the com -moil I'duru ii u( tre ol Sa!ein. Ore gon. . ceil 3 it ni'if -jn n t-x.iedient aril neret i!eclit" .lr pa'poe and nitt i tie n li .i: pm.r Run -l.trt fom tni- rt lint- if ( iii a? ; . lal treet to th- At-st li-f (i 4! i if. in Trie C ity of salcm Via.nn Ciu.;., LiolJDn at trie fxpr i : fie abattmij ncl l)a-i-enl proprr'v . except me alley inter scrtion. trie rxp.nse of r.ich will be a.-sumed bv the rity of Salem, by hi inking .d portion of said street to the elt .isneti Mrade. constructing cr-i.erit ii.m rt-'e cur bs and paving said pi.rtion ot id street vw!n a 2'j-inch apritu- concrete pavement thirty fret v ide in accnrflance w ltn the plans mil ipr i f c.i t ii ni therefor hich were iliiptfd bv 're con.rT.on council March 11 1948 which are now on file in the oftiie of Trie citv recorder arid which bv Thin reference thereto are made a p t hereof Ti e fiinri on council hereb-v det lares It--- purpose anil in'ent.on to make the above described improvement bv and tlirourfri the street ih-provement de partment By order of the common council Mdiih 22 IS.8 AlHED MINDT i'itv Recorder Date of hrxt publication hereof is March 23 14 M25-2i-27-2S-;,i)-Jl - A ! -2-3-4-6 NOTICE or INTENTION TO IMPROVE NI STREET I ROM TRADE TO M II I. STREET Notice ix hereby iven that the com mon council of the citv of Salem. Ore gon deen it necessary and expedient nil hereby declare its purpose and In tention to improve 22nd xtreet from trie Outh line of Trade street to the north line of Mill street, in the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon at the expense of the abuttin:; and adjacent property, except the alley intersections, the ex pense of which will be assumed by the ciiy of Salem, by bringing, said portion of said street to trie established grade, constructing cement -concrete curbx. nil paving xaid portion of said xtreet with a li-mch asphaitic concrete pavement thirty feet wide. In accord ance with the plans and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by the common council March 22. 14. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made part hereof The common council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above dexcribed Improve ment by and through the street Im piovement department "Hv order of the common council March 23 19x8 ALFRED Ml'NDT City Recorder Date of flrxt publication hereof is March 25. 14 M25-26-27-2--30-31-A1 -2 3-4-4 NOTICE OE INTENTION TO IMPROVE MTM STREET FROM I.EE STREET TO BLOCK . BROOKLYN ADDI TION Notice Is hereby given that the com tnon council of the city of Salem. Ore gon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to improve 24th street from the south line of Lee street to the south line of Block . Brooklyn Addition in the City of Salem. Marlon County. Ore gon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the alley Intersections, the expense of which will b assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbx. and paying said portion of said street with a 3'x-lnrh asp ha I tic concrete pavement twenty four feet wide, tn accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, which were adopted by the common council March 23 14 which are now in file tn the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and th rough the street Improvement de partment. By order of the common council March 23. IMS: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder, ate of first publication hereof Is March S3. tM M2S-2-r7-2-30-Jl-Al-J-a-4-4 Public .Records CIRCUIT COURT Hazel Morgali vs. Ralph Mor gah: Plaintiff awarded custody of two minor children plus $75 per month support money. State vs. J. E. Jones: Defendant file, waiver of extradition pro- j gprp- -ceedings to return to Kansas on a . ' AKJTrrA ,-rC, fugitive complaint. DISTRICT COURT Herman Kampstra, Salem route 9. improper license, fined $5 and costs. Kenneth Francis Biackmer, Sa lem route 4, no operator's license, $5 fine suspended on payment of cosL-v John H. Dasch, Salem route 9, nu operator's license, $5 fine sus pended on payment of costs. Loren Henjun, Silverton route 2, no operator's License, fined $10 and costs Eerett Charles Gipson, Eugene. , no operator's license, fined $25 and ctst. PROBATE COURT William Gerber estate: Order appoints George H. Redfern as ap- , i r i - t- i praiser and Fred .S. BunoiT as ad- mirii.straior David Watson guardianship es tate April 5 set as date for hear ing on luial account. Walter L- Fry estate: Estate ap praised at $7,500. MUNICIPAL COURT William Mueller, Brooks route 1, charged with driving while intoxi cated; pleaded innocent, trial set f . . 1 It J i j i a iui LJiii j, diiu riflU in lieu OI : j.ju can. Floyd M Scott, 1910 N. Front St., charged with driving while intoxi cattd and without driver's' 1 icense, po-ted $250 bail Elmer Hunt. Milwaukie, Ore, violation of noise ordinance, post- ed $5 bail. MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATION'S AIovmus Silbernagel. 27, farmer, and Beatrice Beitel. 23. registered iuirf. both of Stayton. Da id R. Jackson. 30, cannery employe, and Margaret V. Gar nero. 2 . office clerk, both of WiKHlourn. Leslie A. Mussman. telephone company employe, 1582 Court St.. and Marv K Fox wrptarv SSn N. Summer st.. both of Salem. , Rol.n F. Eastlund. 27. bookkeep- er. Albany, and Grace V. Grodzki. 28. housewife. 2245 N Liberty st., Salem. James W. Pierce 28. paper mill employe, Gladstone, and Doris G. Howard, 32, domestic, Oregon City. Livestock and Poultry HENS FOR roasting or your locker N H Reds. 35c per lb live weight 4 rr.i S on 99E. Turn right at PnnKle Rd Iaura C'onyne Rt 4, Box 113 FOR SAI.i or trade Jersev cow 6 vrs. old Milking 4 gal. 51 test. 1550 Lancaster Dr HABY CHiCKS" 9 varieties ' Weekly hatches Day-old Leghorn cockerels 3c each Uf i Hatchery WANTED to buy All kinds of cat tle hosi and sheep Frank Wood Rt 7 Box 431 H Phne 2-4714 J.AD Stock pn -a up free of charge dav and r . i service Ph Sherwxd Ore.. 44. or 4424 Call collect IMPfi6V'E6N R Ca-old or Halted chicks and pullet for immediate oi tuture delivery Also a complete line of led poultry equipment, remedies and seed and garden tools Foxes Hatcrerv 7710 State St Phone 4969 WANTED Any kind of cattle, hogs 8c sheep Will call at farm Licensed St bonded buyers Prompt service E I Snethen A Son 1550 Lancaster Dr Salem Ph 2-1345 AS" rb Al"l kinds of cattle, fal nogs, sows boars At your farm oi delivered Market price E C McCand inh. Rt 9 Box 233 across from Waters Ball Park on S 25 St Ph 8147 fryer rabbiU. Pickup services 3985 State St Phone 109F5 "12 N H RED HENS" and rooster jvivjpi lo eggs a day. Inquire direction- at Swegle Market. Dale Martin. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED FRY COOK, night w r,: J B Drive In. 2230 Fairgrounds Road ""HOP YARD help wanted John J Rrberts Co Phone 9623 CASE WORKERS'. State civil service r-vs- ws.s ln tkjf.rmv. . IZ: w ..." h. '-.Jr: . ! x,tm is, iMUJl 111 t lUMlK VCU " , yrs. college Examinations given con- tinuouslv state Civil Service Commis- sion 444 Center St . Salem ! HOSPITAL aides State TubVrcuTosTs Hospital St State Hospital. Attractive vacation A sick-leave plan. Civil Serv- . . . . . . I . . . .rt ik v i ri i.rriirni oeneilLa. aivu per mo. tu stait. with complete maintenance! for $30 Apply State Civil Service TL'omin 4 44 Cen iter St. Help Wanted Male ELDERLY MAN in Independence would like a man as companion. Ph. : 2-1419. Salem MAN FOR farm work house avaTP able. Must understand mechanical J farming J A Fitts. Brooks. Oregon ! Phone Salern2-2530 j ENERGETIC young man with some! business experience Apply in person Grand Theatre. Help Wanted Female WOMAN FOR light housekeeping No laundry for elderly couple. Perm. Tel. 725 5 M ro 7 p m "WANTED YofNCTlady who can type and take dictation and do general of fice work See Mr. Lancaster at Sick s Brewing CoPh 4191 LADY 40 to 60 yrs. old to take full charge of household from June 18 to Julv 18 Call 8687. BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted. Ph. 6631 Beauty Nook. 31 Court St. WANTED: Practical nurse able to give hypo. In modern country home. Call 43F13. Albany. Ore. EXPrRT ty p 1st -reception 1st for per manent poaltion in Salem office of Cer tified Public Accountant. Shorthand and bookkeeping knowledge desirable but not essentia f. Reply in own hand writing civlag education, age. previous experience, references, and salary ex pected. If presently employed state now soon available. Statesman Box 22. PERitANfNT POSITION. General housework. Assist car 1 child. Bendix washer. Private room, board, wages. Ref required. Phone 1-4787. "WANHCO H7TuseTteeper. excellent salary and working conditions. Mutt be a good cook. Adults only. Call 5623 during business hours and 5168 Sunday and evenings for appointment. WANTl : Experienced - typist For good permanent Job. with opportunity for advancement. Call B273 during bus iness hours. ANNftY Payroll clerk. State ex oerlenc 8t qualifications. Writ Box S3 r VitMnun, Apply in person. Grand Theatre. HIGH sch. or col. girl to work for brd. 8c rm. as mother's helper. Ph. $100. Salesmen Wanletl SALESMAN WANTED. You will be given a protected territory. Any con tracted shingle jobs sold in your terri tory by our head salesman will be credited to you after first week or ten days. Your minimum earnings should net you 175 00 to $150.00 per week. You will be given a drawing account. Apply 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Willamette Valley Roof Co.. Inc. 30 I -ana Ave WANTED Salesman tor fireworks company. Last season salesmen earn ings averaged $1000 per mo. Experience not necessary. Book orders and con signment for future delivery- Saxl Sn- nuilding materials and roofing Must have car Libera) salary and commis sion plan Apply Mr Griffin. Mont eomerv Ward WANTED OUTSIDE salesman for plumbing and heating Car necessary Liberal salary and commission plan. Apolv Mr Beard. Montgomery Ward Cr LIFE INSURANCE ralesman by -Mutual Legal Rerserve Company. Full co operation to producer. Replies confi dential. Box 24 co Statesman. Situations Wanted Pit Run Gravel Conrret Phone 23238 ix 6c river silt. Rt 4. Box 145 PAINTING, good work Reasonable prices C Horn Ph 25518 YOUNG VET wants permanent po- "ition Has hih school education & 6 m os naval aca-rrTiT iraiiiuiK nriu ii- cpns(. ln mercnJint marine. Will accept anything Ph 8392 BABY SITTING evenings Ph 24936. PLUMBING Men and material for complete In stallations. C V Stratton. 2376 State St. Oil Circulator Service Call CyYounger.6072 GAHDEN plowing Call 50F2. Salem. I Mi.J.L..,.. jaivi 1 ' " v rionrv , -. r ..Kit v- i r-.nn Phone 4606 943 Center, after 5 D m. BY RELIABLE young man. janitor work. References if required. Phone 21536 for information PRACTICAL NURSING" Phone 23286 STATE INCOME TAX returns made out at 462' State St Phone 2-5563 PAINTING At papering Free estimate Ph 9513 857 . Shipping Oil Burner Service And Repair Ph 2-6062 422' a S High Rrimm's Heating " Cl'STOM PLOWING a discing ' with Ford-Feri'uson Herbert L Hamann. Rt 8. Box 13;'4 Ph 25119 JOHNSON & BRIGG,S Road construction Tile ditches filled Ph 8035 2235 N 4th Moving & Hauling For real service call 2-2456 Plowing & Discing Ford equipment Hulst Phone 2-1128 CURTAINS wa-hed and stretched Also tablecloth? Phone 2-6343 Painting & Decorating Roof spravins specialty mate Ph 24815 or 26013 Free etl- LEGAL SEC RETARY desires per- ' maneni empio meni. rue aiaieiman j ???3.- ... I UrlESMAKlNG. FITTINGS made. ! your home Ph messages taken Z-4S7I WANTED Trucking 940 S 15th St CUSTOM tractor work with new Fnrr Ph2;3l6 evenings WEATH ERST RIPPING and Insula tion Crofoot Bros Phone 2-4656 PAINTING 23 yrs exp . lowest prices in town Phone7552 J A Sneed St Sons well drilling. 2505 Brooks St. Salem Ph 6809 LAWN MOWER'S" scissors, "knives sharpened Pe xter. 966 Center Ph 6833 GARDENING all kinds, also lawns putin Ph 8445 after 5 pm T RAWING house plans Ph 9621 WANTED Furniture to glue and re pair Lee Bros Furniture Refinishing f o Ph 2-1233 4020 E State St CUSTOM AND garden plowing Call A ' FJenon 2-4536 Oil. CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vac uum usedBF EnsleyPh 7176 Well Drilling Domestic. Irrigation Industrial H A ROBINSON 2214 N FRONT. Salem Ph 7293 FAINTER and Paoernanrr Reason able prices Free estimates. H J Wood worthy Ph 3015 EXPERT Repairs New rolls Olson Washer Repair. 80 Liberty Rd Ph 2-5100 CHIMNEY sweep Northness. ph 4450 PRESchool Plavschool 1381 State Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph830 ALL Work guaranteed Windows ' walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ' ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4457 Septic Tanks Cleaned k r Hamel. 1143 8th West Salem Phone 7404 CEMENT CONTRACTING 2-3045 Stanley Fagg Phone Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS -5444 DICK DREY 6265 - - f :L'a Cr. .' .lIsiC CCpilC JCIVHC Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service Sewers Ph 9468 or 5327 "Painting t.nd paperhanging Ph 4325 SEP"TIC TANKS drain lines cleaned. I I I C1AALM lK f 1 r ) . . (U44 ri exjiiiuk. ciiit-. . nunc jwtf. j WHAT? Need "pa"i Tiling? Phorie2-3r90. i For Sale IVIiseeiianeous lli-Volt Electric Ranges YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OIL Circulating heaters with twin radiant doors, 4 to 6 roc.m size. $94 95 Montgomery Ward St Co Salem Apartment House Ranges YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Trash Burners. All Porcelain YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT TOR LAWNS St GARDENS 6 SACKS $5 or $10 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere In Salem WEST MUSHROOM fARM Ph 8127 davs: 2-4397 eve or 8127 Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads 8c driveway Cement Ready -mix Concrete. Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching Vt yd shovel St drag line Phone 8581 12th Street Electric Motors rewound, repaired, bought St sold. Specialized on Gearhead motor service. Radio 8c appliance repair. We pick up Ac deliver. 1430 S. 12th St. Phone 1-6417 BURBA NK POTATOES, field run. 3'c lb. Bring sacks. Herr St Riensche. Rt 7. Box 409. 2i ml out Silverton Rd. at Middle Grove school. CHICKEN OR cow manure. $1 per sack here at plac Will del 9 sacks. Ph. 68F22. Phillips Bros Rt . Box 118 4 miles out State St. CARDBOARD packing boxes and sheets anv sir 1790 N Front BEST SILT gravel con. mix. WILLAMETTE SAND SUPPLY Phone 9038 Pit. 1-2180 2 Porcelain sinks. 1 reg. 1 deep. Some fittings. $10 ea. Ph. 1-4650. 518 S. 19th. Westinghous Refrigerators YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY RtSTAURANT TYPt electric range and griddle. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY iES. desk pen sets (special 1 YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Prennurt Cookers $6 95 and Up YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Electric Range. Pull Size YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Oil Circulators $69 9aTid"Uir YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY For Sale Miscellaneous FREE A beautiful 8-way floor lamp. reg. $19.95 value, with the purchase of any daveno and chair in our store. This offer good this week only. H c H FURNITURE EXCHANGE 1560 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3797 Across from Hollywood Lion's Den 9x12 Alexander Smith floral pattern rug. with pad. one year old. $65. Maple Daveno, home spun covering $25 mapie inair, neeas covering .. iv j mapie cui lee iioit, ruunu aiu Maple Drop Leaf Desk $17 Complete Set $110 765 South Commercial. Phone 8376 NEW APEX Washer, only $99.50. Terms. H 8c H FURNITURE EXCHANGE 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3797 Across from Hollywood Lion's Den ENAMEL WOOD RANGE with coils. Good condition. Ph. 2-2098. R 3 Bx 756. NORGE REFRIGERATOR. A-l cond . $135. 2320 S Commercial . Phone 26457. SMALL BLDG for sale: $30, if tear down. 350 Magnolia.W. Salem. 26053. For the Best in Appliances SEE RALPH JOHNSON KELVIN ATOR ranges, refrigerators. Bend ix washers, dryers, ironers. Fowler porcehned 20 yr. water heater Speed Queen waher. ironers. Electromaster. Estate. Thermador ranges. RCA Victor radios Deepfreeze. Harder Freez. Beall freezers. American Central Kit Cab St Sinks Eureka St Lewyt Vacuum cleaners. Ironrite Ironers. Tappan. Ruud Sc Mission gas appl. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 355 Center Phone 4036 1 YR. OLD baby buggy in excel, cond. Cost $33 Sell for $17. 1155 S. 14th. Oak Lodge Trailer Park. r UK kali, or trade, fiano. 80 yrs old. Very good cond. Make offer. 1550 Lancaster drive. Ph. 2-1345. EXTRA GOOD hill grown Marshall strawberry plants. $1.00 a hundred or make me an offer on large amounts. Also well rooted boysen 8c youngberry plants. $4 00 a hundred or $35 a thousand. Fred Sahli. Rt. 5. Box 272A at Macleay MULiifLUi saw. .Model 40A. com plete with motor St metal cover- Call at 2135 SCotta(!e after 5 p m 2-W HEEL TRAILER, stakes and cov er. $175. Oak icebox $15 Maytag wood circulator $25. Phone 5989. 3 BLACK COCKER pups. Bill Auer Rt. 1. Dallaf Phone 12FU. River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sanl and Gravel Co. PH 2-!9i6 - 2-3100 BARNYARD &" Chicken manure Del $5 per cu yard Ph S8F22 Phillips Broy Rt 6. Box 118 PANSY PLANTS M- doz. Pemher tons. 1980 S 12th Ph 23346 Flashlights in Lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TClectric Clocks ana Door Chimes YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ! Home Lighting Fixtures YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY HEATING blankets PADS "comforters and YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Sun Lamps and Heat t-amps YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Revere War and Aluminum Ware pnTirii-iihi on""..:.-!.-.-; iTT,. 1 fc-a av nail Ul I U . AO Celling tile St wall plank Rt 7 Box 31 L. McCain Ave . off Silverton Rd Salem ALWAYS a big stock Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph 5110 6-CU FT G E refrigerator $175" Easv wa-.hing machine 850. 605 Norman GERMICIDAL lamps for your home 1 or otticc relp prevent spread of disease. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Coffee Maker Replacement Parts YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "Water Heaters Table Top and Round" YEATER APPIJANCE COMPANY "Ka'DIOS. recoid players, " home re corders yeater appliance company Washing machines New A B C and Apex washers. Laundcrall automatic washers. Twin porcelain rinse fubs. $39 50 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC 467Court St. Phone M J R Watkins Co products 17i Cen ter St Salem Ph 5395 Free del CEDAR POSTS Ph 68Fr2 TOILETS: RT 7. Box 431 L. McCain Aye off Silverton Rd . Salem PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Ajproved 12th St Block Co S 12th St at Vista Ave Tele 2-5363 Evenings 8904 8-PIECE walnut dining set 1 75. " 5 piece breakfast set $10. Bendix radio phono, comb used 1 mo. $135. 4-piece bdrm set $50. also cocktail table, solid oak bench, lawn mower, etc 1545 Hickory St. (formerly Gregson Dr i. j block south of Valley Packing Co ' ELECTRIC IRONS. metal ironing boards, pads and covers YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY DSED MOTOR SCOOTER. Ph 25296 L WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE Modern and Antique Firearms. Don Madjson 266 N. Capitol REMINGTON MODEL 11 12-gauge with poly-choke Mercury II camera j 35 mm still projector. De Jur light meter Rt 8. Box 587 Phone 21128. ;.tV7P , '&KH"tJ2imp- I Used very little 2514 N River Rd HOP POSTS lmm delivery. Cedar Specialties Corp . Box 257. Hillsboro. Ore ONE 7'j-hp. single phase motor-and Pacific pump. 3" suction. 2" discharge, manual switch and automatic t her ma. switch, suction pipe and foot valve. Actual use 100 hours. Reasonable. Call 22387 "VERY GOOD davenport $65 Also Rome dav bed $10. 615 N. Church. 26-GAl COLEMAN oil hot water heater. 485 Evergreen. TifOUND ve .eer oak dining table and 6 chairs $35. Breakfast table, hardwood. $10. 9x12 rug 810 950 Union. 30-GAL. ELfC. water tank $40. Good condition. 1227 Court. LOVELY 8-piece Drevel dining set '".-E?--.. .e 2-4312 WEDGE WOOD auto, gas range. Good condition 2514 N. River Rd. Phone 4733 USED WAT6R HE A TERS 60- gallon Kelvinator, tall, square, with double element, 1-year guarantee. 80-gallon Hotpoint. new tank. 1-vear guarantee. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY WASHING MACHINES. West in 5 houre Laundromat. Thor Automagic. wringer types and portable. VEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY MARSHALL strawberry plans dug. New field. All you pack in 100-lb. sack $8. Joe Fendrick. Rt. 5. Box 273. mile northwest of Macleay. RATOft washing machine. bassinette, buggy Teeter-Babe. 2373 center. Thor Glad irons YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Room Heaters. All Sizes and Types YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Hotplates. Single and 2-Burner YEATER APPLIANCE CO MP AN Y Exhaust Fans for Kitchen or Shop ' VEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Wall Switches and Outlets YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY STUDY LAMPS, table, pin-up. bed and floor lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Vacuum Cleaners. Floor Polishers YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY FARMERS AlTt-NTlON-Waterproof lanterns $3.93. fence controllers, port able milking machines, electric milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Electric Roasters and Tables YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "TWtrCirirraftsman jolnerT-nP most new. wood stand. Beavercraft Co.. 578 N . Lancaster Dr. . CONVERT your wood or coal rang with an insert oil burner. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY NO WAXING - Piasti - Kote. the transparent finish for floors or lino leum. YEATER APPIJANCE COMPANY Shingles. Lumber! Bldg. Supplies KOLA LUMBER CO Salem-Dallas Hi way Ph. 25950 CAl-COt-A-fORS. NtW and tfSEST Marchant Calculating Machine Co. 360 Stat St, Rm. 103. Phon 2-0550 For Sale Miseellaneons JUST TAKE IT TO THE CLOCK DR. 190 S. 14th. FOK SALE Black Bt white cocker, spayed female pup, about 6 mo. old. Price $10. A very cute dog give her a good home. Good coal or briquette cir culating heater, new (rated. $20. Call at Route 2. Box 33d Turner, Oregon. 1 mile S. of Pringle School on paved road. D. J. Dawson. USED FULL size electric ranges. $35 each. See between 8 a.m. St 9 p.m. at 610 S. Commercial. USED 5 piece dinette sets $15 & up. Desks, finished and unfinished, $17.95 to $39.95. Large variety of chests, both new, used and unfinished, $5 to $29.95. THE GLENN WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer The Store That Bargains Built 3 IRON clamps. 4 ft. Ph. 5778. PANSIES 50c a doz. and up. 2575 Lee St. Phone 25243. USED APT. size elec. ranges, Mac's, 145 S. Church. SURPLUS STORE 1351 HOYT ST. TOILETS, close coupled, silent type: cast iron or steel lavatories; shower stalls: kitchen sinks, small or large, smele or double, from $7.00 to $70.00 Copper tubing. I YOUNG WASHERS 10T, off Ust. Surplus bedside tables, oak. $5.00. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS. One week special. If you have an automatic .. ,.v,, .-, -.i ' recovery heater GEE. FARM WELDERS, also surplus electric welders. DESKS, secretarial, metal $50.00 Also a few walnut double pedestal 34"x60" at $60.00 Swivel chairs, oak office chairs, secretarial correct posture chairs. BUNK BEDS, aluminum or wood. with or without mattresses. Steel Cots J $5 00. More chairs are on the way ELECTRIC boxes, switches, entrance boxes loomex 12-2. 14-2 St 8-2. 30 Amp switches. f4 Horse G E. motor, rubber mounted $20 90. Chipping hammers, shingle paint, 25 KVA light plants. Come south on 12th to Large HOYT ST. Sign, turn east one block. Tel 7916 ELECTRIC range, roaster. 2 trunks, day bed 8t mattress Run witii scatter rugs 8c bedrm. suite. 955 Tamarack. SMALL" W5CiD fafice. linoleums. beds.740 Chemeketa. Apt 7. "GENERAL Elec. 6 ft refrigerator, like new. Mac's. 145 S Church. BOY'S SIZE 5 alT wool tweed suit, like new $7 1067 S. 13th alter 5 pm. EASTER LILIES, torsades Pember- ton s Flower Shop. 198'J S. 12tli. Ph. ' SLP RM. Men. 1130 Chemeketa. 2-334C i CLEAN. 'QUIET, warm sleeping f mi . AZALEAS $1 25 St up Pembertoii's. 1 hot and cold water and bath, setm-pri-I98u S 12th Phone 2-3346 j vate home. Close to bus and restaurant i NEW GARBAGE cans coirol-te w ith ! 5 N 5th stand. Protection fro.n animals, pre- SLEEP room for single working girl vents bottom ru: t Only $4 95. On dis- ' Home privileges, private entiance. 1170 plav 1775 N Front J Market NEARLY NEW Coleman oil circulat- ! "SLEEP Rl.. employed girl, meals or 5 rm s:ze Rt 9.Box 151 Ph 2-263L ' arranged. 960 Marion Phone784 WIZARD' bicycle $50 I02() S 23rd. " i Hollywood sleeping rmv Ph 6093 DELUXE KENm6rE washer with J SLEEPING Room for single, employ pump New $139 95. Used about 1 vr. ed young woman Close to capitol and Will sell with laundrv Iravs for $89 50 business district Write Statesman Box Ph 2-1701 3245 Tnanele Drive. Call after 6 31) p m HTND QUARTER "Beef." 40c"tt7"Phone 2-2639 10 MOS POINTF.R-Sptinger male. ! FREE. LEG RAY KENNELS. Rt 3. Ph ! 2-3168 I LMjOJs hoarded, trained, trimmed. bathed cratine Sc shipping Free Pick up St deiiv. LeGrav Kennels Rt 3 Ph 2-318 ir YUl WANT to buy. come in. j If you want to sell, come in If you want to trade, come in I 1694 N Corn'l. or Ph 682! Steven's Second Hand Store. STANDARD Sewing achine. drop- head with attachments. $45 . 940 S 14th ! CAMELIJA SALE. Best varieties, re duced prices, heavily budded. 342S Portland Rd week davs. Sundays Rt 9. Box 95. on Center '2 mi. past Lancaster Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE Phone 9185 WANT TO Buy Used Cameras A lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State USED FURNITURE Phone 5110 CASH for used piano 8t other mu sical instruments Call 4641 davs or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Muic Co. 191 S Hi eh FURNITURE and what have vou bought for cash Call any time Sun dale Exchange Ph 2-5511 594 N Lib erty Wanted Miscellaneous PRIVATE party wants to buy used PianoCa 1 5582 Film Developin: 8 exposure rolls developed Sc printed 25c Reprints 3c each Salem Film Serv- ice. Salem. Oregon w a VTrn cin" u hit. rap Hm Brothers 260 State St PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem CASH for old gold, solid, plated or filled Salem Watch Shoo r1 State 10 Singer sew. machs. Sun , . c- .. ., I-M"J Ph. 2-5511 day or eve. 594 N. Liberty li-ellaneu Pumice Block Homes Complete or w alls onl y . Ph 6808 AL'S RADIO Clinic. Keizer dist, day or evening Ph 2-4373 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST Bring or Mall Your piatefor Repair CASK. DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State St Com Ph 3311 Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069 HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph 3512 for free pickup 8t delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Tree estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing M chine Co 130 N Commercial . WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 5965 AUTO painting. Just a shade better bv Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 . MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked $1 00 LES SPRINGER 464 Court WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duffield Brus. Rt 9. Box 23 Phone 2-1313 Salem Sand & Gravel Co Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer & Basement Equipment Rental IS B-'i yds fl2 00 per hr 10 B-5 yds. 9 60 per hr D-7 Cat ft Dozer 9 60 per hr D-0 Cat 4 Duser 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat Dozer 7 00 oer hr Phon Days 9400 Evenings 8240 or 24400 Salem Oregon PECO Pacific Excavating Company 912 Edgewater St. Salem. Oregon Bulldozing Grading Clearing Phone a-H13 or 8793 SIGN PAINTING Built to Order. E Scott Ph. 3633 Financial MONEY TO LOAN Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans. Low Interest rates. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph 9261 SO MONEY 00 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie S 210 M 227 PARTNER with $4,000 desire to as sist in completing motel. 8t trailer park in exe. loe. I'i blks. S of Dickson's Market Rt t. Box 458-J. Ed Byrkit and Company FIRST MORTGAGE loans at .. r H A f construction loan 339 Chemeketa Phon SMI Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE rURN.LVSTOCK FARM MACH.-NO COSIGNERS From $25.00 to $300.00 Lie. No. S-138 ON CARS OR TRUCKS Repayments up to 24 months ON LATE MODELS From $50.00 to $500.00 Lie. No. M-338 MAKE APPLICATION BY PHONE OR IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9168 1 Dr. S. of Ladd & Bush 136 S. Commercial St. Salem Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1f Nat'l Bank lold Quarters! FARM and CITY LOANS 4a and i Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Blda Phone 7162 Private Money On Cars. Trucks. 8c Trailer Home Long or Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial St. Phone 9168 Extra Cash for Easter & Spring Needs Extra Fast Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If cash IS needed whether $23 on up to $300. up to $500 auto Personal's YES MAN would like to say "Yes" to you Proof: 4 out of 5 who ask get a loan on salary, furniture or car. Phone first, tor extra fast service. Personal Finance Co. 518 State St . Rm. 125 Phone 3191 E. Gallinger. mgr Lie. S-122. M-165 For Rent Rooms 922 SLEEPING ROO-V in private home N . Capitol. for lady teacher. 1385 Room ami Roartl ROOM and board for elderly men Phone 2-4936 For Rent Apartments 4 RM. APT. Private bath, downtown. Emp couple No drinking or pets. Call at 1467 Court St 2 KM APT". $45. 1 nn apt $37 50. private entrance all utilities turn Working girls or couples preferred Ph o742 1362 Third St NEWLY furnished apt . in new bldg 2 adults. Vacant now. 168 No. 12th st. Ph 5620 CCEA N . "QUIET 1-nn. apt. middle axed lady preferred. 645 Ferry. For Rent Houses FURN COTTAGE. 3215 Portland Rd FURN. HOUSE. 1 bdrm. SL of Swe- yle sch. Ask directions at Swegle Mkt. TO PERSONS interested in living in country. Two-bed 1 00m modern house. furnished. References reouired. See H. j A. -rijiessen. Jr Route 1. Box 75. Jef- , jerson. len miies souin 01 a em on Lioeriy-noseaaie noan turn leu at u . II. II . J v, rr s. on left. For Rent , , ! OFFICE or STORE ground floor. 9.1 Edgewater. , SMALL SPACE to rent in Salem for any kind of small business. State your kind of business in letter. Write Box 58. c o Statesman , f "rs renl- BianKeis .'furnhed Smitty s Clipper Service. .' eriier ano innrcn. rnone iwh' U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher md lawn roller, weed burner. Wallace Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph 6877 ATM OR AYS Ozone Good health Renl -ell H C Pugh JtfU N 17 4692 TRUCKS, cars for rent. U-dnv"e; Bee Hive Truck Rental I n new location 680 Center. Robinson St Clark. Shell dealers Prone 9703, new equipment. low rates. GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff C A T AND SHOVEL work, excava tlon. trenching and scraper work Call Halvorsen Construction Co Phone 4047 or 6006. TRAILERS 75c first hr, 50c hrs following Woodry's MkL. 1605 N Summer. Wanted to Rent VETERAN. WIFE and child urgently need 2 or 3 bdrm. apt. or house. Mod erate rental. City preferred. Furn. or unfurn. Good care for your property. Ph. 9370. SMALL HOUSE by young couple with baby. Call Mr. Roberts. 7835. VETERAN URGENTLY needs 2 bed room house. Can be In town or country. HOUSE. 2 B.R., on Fairmount Hill or on South Salem Hill. Adults. Ph. 7609 VETERAN desires 2-bedroom house. References. Phone 7222. 2 or 3-bdrm. house, bv assistant man- "?.?. Mi-erl-L.-!'-3.179 Mr.-R'.! for 3. Phone 7275. For Sale Real Estate $1500 DOWN Two bedrooms, basement suburban home, nice condition. t acre lot. Price $6000. $1000 DOWN One bedroom, furnished, clean as a pin. $3800. ENGLEWOOD Three bedrooms plus sewing room, automatic oil air conditioned furnace. Ideal location. Price $12,500 Salem Realty Co. REALTORS' 140 N High St. Phon 7660 Eves 2-4591. 2-4773 2-5580 ONE BEDRM. plastered house lor sale or will trad for acreage. 4033 Earl Av. "NEW 5 RM. modern horn ln West Salem. $0,000. $1,300 down. $50 a mo. on balance. Ph. 3033. i " 6EDAM. HOME. Basement elec tric water system. Double garage. 1 A. 0SJ00. E. M. Jorgenacn. S. Gervais city limits. BY 6WNtR: 1 bedrm. horn. Holly wood Dist flee, beat St hot water tank. Wired for rang. Insulated. V. blinds. 83500. Phone 3-0050. "FIRST TIME on Mkt Ac. beauti fully landscaped. Lg. fvariety of nut and fruit trees. Pvd. Rd. Cholc loc. near Chemawa. All rms. and Lg. full Fin. dry basm. Chic, house. Priced rea sonable at $14,000 or wUl take suitable 3 BR house In town tn trade For more info. Call Ed LukinbcaL Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 2-1540 341 Chemeketa St Eve. 3-8680 For Sale Heal Estate For Sale Heal Estate GRABENHORST SPECIALS j! CANDALARIA HEIGHTS In one of Salem's finest restricted districts. East-view, over acre ground. Strictly modern 5 rm. home, nice dining rm. maple floors, utility rm. garage 20x22 ft. Home has auto oil floor furnace, beautiful drapes In cluded. Lawn is in. Home 1 yr. old. You must see this. HOME & INCOME Spacious living quarters with 2 bdrms, plus 2 apts. and 5 sleeping rooms, full basmt. auto-sawdust heat, triple plbg. This property is well lo cated within walking distance of busi ness district. Nice condition thruout. Income about $165 per mo. Price $12, 750 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Modern up-to-date wood working shop. Includes Large lot. bldg. Latest woodworking equipment. 1947 Stude baker 1 ton pick-up. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 SOUTH LIBERTY STREET Phone 4131 Evenings 7772. 2-0589. 2-2948. 2-4557. 7973. 466 For Prompt. Courteous Service. List Your Property With Us REIMANN'S REAL ESTATE COLUMN t 3 BEDROOMS Large living room, excellent, kitchen, full basement, oil furnace, double gar age: large lot, well improved. Inside city limits. North. $10,750. No. 333. 4 BEDROOMS Very attractive home. near all schools. Full basement with auto oil furnace: large attractive living room with fireplace. Hardwood floors. House is weatherstripped and insulated. $14. 000. No. 403. 1 ACRE 2 bedroom modern home located close in: on pavement and bus line: chicken house, garage, fruit, berries and shrubs. Only $8,000. No. 238. REIMANN FOR I 201 S High Evenings and Sundays: 2-3203 - 2-4628 i Phone 920M GOOD 2 BEDR. home north. Full bsmt. Fireplace. H.W. floors, sawdust heat Poss. in five days. Goodwin & MrMillin REALTORS 484 Court St Phone 4707 LOTS i 50x125 . 23rd Sc Claude, pavement. : $5O0 St $300. Good terms j 60x120. S. Summer St $600. 63x108. Lone Oak Village. $850. ! 5 acre orchard, pavement, south. 1 $1000 Good terms. - 100x126. Cascade Drive. View $1250 J. wxiu, corner, paving ot Murwms in. Oak trees, excellent residential sec tion. 5 blk from State. S0O1.O 90x140 Kinewood Drive View. $'.800 Call Mr, Crawford Burt Picha. Realtors Ph 3210 eve J2-5390 337 N High St HERE'S A 1 STORY bungalow. 2 Bdrm. all modern, close to schools This is attractive for resale Will sell out right or trade for small acreage and i house, close to Salem Call Mr. Klein. 1 Brrt Piclia. Realtors P1one 2210 337 N High Street LEE OHMART & CO . REALTORS A BARGAIN 35 acres Pudding River bottom land: ' 15 aires under irrigation. Price onlv $10.f00. KEIZER DISTRICT ' 48 acres river bottom laid: will sell all or ln 10 acre tracts SIX ACRES 1', story home. All this for $7,850 Lee Obmart & Co. I Realtors 477 Court St Ph. 5-4115 i Even ph. S514 BY OWNER : Furn 3 rms it bath. 3! partlv finished, up Att garage $1300 I dn 830 per mo Price $4500 240 Holly 1 woorl Ave Off Silverton Rd ! BY OWNER New 3 heflroom ranch stv-tc hciMie Wall to wall carpeting ln L.R & DR J15 750 Terms 2nd house east cf Church of Christ. Prince road. Keirer district. 2 HOUSES take your choice. $3,000 each. cash. 820 Hansen Ave. FOR Efficient and effective jtle 1 mi -.u ik. q . iam cv Hnv YONERNew-bedroom house. basement. S76O0 685 Thompson Ave CHOrcF VIEW-Lo-ts"Restf.cTed-ri.T- ,ct Call Bishop Phone 2-4129 -"VH.r. trict Call Bisnop Pnone 2li29 j WNER-8-rfnod-house. dbl Dlumb. oil heat, cor lot. dbl garage If??.??. Mn all modern, oartly furn. $5,800. 1 acre of ground Phone 5360 OUT HOME at 320 West Superior is for sale It has 4 bedrooms. 3 large 1 small Oil heat, full h.ith and show er up and ha'f down Drc room and living room has wall-to-wall carpet Large nook Level v vard ""tsule patio and f.relace Full ale-l ,rr and partv room Price l4.5O0 Call owner Hunt Clark, at 3345 or 9101 Immediate rvx--ession INDEPENDFNCE 2 bedroom home wired for rai?e. i garaee. good oil circulator stays." F .s j 3 extra lots. This i an exceotion-'lv ; good buv at $4500 00 Call Ph 2-791 I Alden Bowes Real Estate. 228. Fair, j grounds Rrt , RAMBLING STYLE Trff. Iivinp Ai- Hintnff room 2 h-l- 1 rooms, full bath, k.trhen wired fcr range, attached garage Cood .location $1700 Down balance $52 Mo. inc. 4'.. interest COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 renter St Phone 2-4552 SUBURBAN HOME, desirable for , retired or semi-retired owner. 10 vr. I old modern home , of excel, quality master rxirm ana den oown. tnre bdrms. no. hdwd. firs. dbl. plumb., encl. backvarrl. citv wtr. and sewer, hot wtr heat, privacv. view, land scaped. One acre total, finest plantings. Sacrifice or)ce due to death of owner. 813.000 l mi. from Salem, west Tall John F B'ack. Realtor. Phone 24793 ot 6561 433N. Hieh. BCDG.. 18x30. shop or home, on small allev lot N. Shrubs, fruit, garden. $1850 cash. Ph. 3817Inq 1232 N. Com.. BY OWNFR New home, all-hdw firs.. F.P . L.R.. D R.. kitchen, bath. 2 bdrms. down, unfinished up. stairs tn. Full bament. auto, furnace. L. trays. attached parage. Large closets. In restricted location, large lot Will ac reDt late model car. Inquire at 650 S. 18th St. Cfi'iOKSTBlG corner. McCov and Co lonial. Foe cot xees or fine houses. ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO. 1075 N. Capitol Phone 2-4631 850 E Street Phone 8706 closing OUT Estate. Must eii 2 BR hse. 8c 50x100 lot. On paved St. & Bus. $4250 Cash. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. On Gar den Roari. Lot 68x130. New 4 Rm hse & garage Modern. $2500 DN. $5300 full price. Furnished if desired. NEAR CANNERY. An excellent small home, 1 vr. old. $1750 DN. unfurn. $5950: $6750 furnished. NEAR RIVER ROAD. NORTH. 2 lots. Good 2 BR heme. Rm. for more uo. Hwd 8c fir firs. Garaee. Gas fir. furn. Gas ran-e included. 868C0. ELBOW ROOM. Lot 80x150. Older 2 storv hse. Lxe. Nut 8c fruit trees. At City's edge. East. $5500 ONLY A FEW MINUTES from dn. town. Lot 62x157. 2 BR shaked. Fruit 8c tut trees. Berries. Partly fenced. Re duced to $7250. B. Isherwood. Realtor PH. 8F11. Wallace Road Rt 1 Pox 1-2 ' BY OWNER i-brm house, bdwd. firs., ins. and weatherstripped 2 blks. to sch. and store in Kei-er. I bfk. to bus. A buy you cant afford to mis. Call at 730 N. Commercial. $7873.' NEW MODERN 2-BR home. Kei-er Dist. Close to school and bus. Large lot 74x184. Garage. Immediate possession. $1,000 down. ' Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. ' Realtors 153 S. Hifh St Ph. 4121; Eve t-520 $4450 FURNISHED 2 bedrm. b Live. Rm. Dinette, kitchen, bath, plas tered. Close to bus on paved st Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors - 341 Chemeketa SL Phon 2-1540 Evw. 2-091 V.Mr.- ACREAGE: ; 21 acres located $ miles .cast. Good rm. home with, basmt-: barn St out bldgs. All under cult. Some orchard. Good soil. . : HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Good, clean 2 bdrm., home, bdwd, firs, fireplace, basmt. sawdust beat, nice lot, paved St. Price- $9,000. LOOK! S ACRE TRACTS Located 6 miles out.' Ail under cult, A bargain at $800.00 cash each. HOME BARGAIN Located just outside city limits, only 6 yrs. old. 4 full rm.. with 2 bdrm 8c utility rm . garage. Venetian blinds wired for elec. range 8c elec. water heater. Almost immediate . possession. Price onlr $5,800. --: LOCATED EAST ON D STREET Late-built bungalow style home. -1 !ge. rms. with utility 7rni.. hdwd flrav fu-eplace 8c elec. heat. LarRe lot. Soma fruit trees. Price $13.750.-: LOTS Or LOTS for $10 to $50 down: North or South; restricted or unrestricted, with or without view, creek, tree, call us. to day ! Make a smart investment. UNFINISHED ATTIC Room for expansion in this home. bedrooms down, room for -2 up. Hard- wood floors, fireplace, attached garage. Make an offer for owner's equity. No. 235 4 MONET ! on the F H A. homes located on North 23rd. (North off Market K Drive by. see our signs then come in for com plete particulars. No pbone informal, tion. i REAL ESTATE) I OLSON AND HEEVE BEST LISTINGS BARGAIN ; $5,500. 2 bdrm home in S.E. Salem, -all plastered, concrete? foundation. car garage, close to school 8c bus, near store. Irani. Poss. Call Maddy. $5,500. 2 bdrm home in Salem Heights, plastered, concrete foundation, attch. garage. Elec. W.H.. Urge lot, fruit trees, close to school, store. and city bus, Imni. Poss Call Maddv. 3.500. 2 bdrm modern home, south, close to school & citybus, on paved $11,500 2 bdrm home in Ertglewood hwd firs, fireplace, just redec. lmm, Poss. this home is only 7 years old 2 hurry, this won't last long at this price! $11,600 Lovely 2 bdrr home close in, Leslie school dist.. hwd firs., fireplace bsmt. oil heat, unfinished attic, rooni for 2 bdrms up. In-.m.j Poss. Olson antl Reeve, Realtor 945 S Coml St. Ph. fSao-; Eve. 2-583Q 3 Bedrooms on One Floor Ranch type home less than one year old. in a new restricted home district near Englewood school. Hr.rdwoodi floors, fireplace, electric heat, coved ceilings Seller wants ' $4550 for his; equity and assume tv loan at 4i Abrams & Skinner. Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone S51f . Insurance-Mtg -Loans - 1 Extra Special ' . - 2 Bdrm. Liv Rn.. Din Rm. Kit RatK. ! Plastered Cement rdn Garage. FamT' i ily fruit Fenced in yard. Ail for $5500' v.au xsergiana. : Art Madsen Ph. 5580 1326 State St Res. 64 3 VIEW LOT. will sacrifice for $554. Inouire 82Q Hansen Ave. - ' $8500.00 SPECIAL ' Nice 2 bedroom home North on pave ment. Has L. R . Din. ' Rm. Ht base 4' ment. Oil furnace. Lot 70 z 125. On bvi Une. Very good. CaB Bay Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. V Realtors 341 Chemeketa Sm Phone 3793 Eves. 9441 BY OWNER: 2 B. hd firs. ven. blind. 01! fl. furn . extra well hmM ebva I L- 3339 I I 6 A MlnuitBii; m cuitaUoo. n bldg Full pnes $4250 ! SEE THIS 2-ACR& TRACT NORTH ! water heating HOUSES FROM 380O UP A 'so Larger Farms Call Mr Hjnll WALTER MUSGRAVE. REALTORS : 339 N High St. Phone 25023 j NEW ALL ELEC 2 BR rood on lg 1 ot c!oe to . bus & stores. ' Artu garage, hwd. thru-out Good tenraw 1 eg--n "-. I " ' I ; I aripll Hnmi Xr In.n C - . - - ..... -Pt r Exclusive Listings - Personal Servir 164 S Com l. St Ph: 8389: Eve. 14441 7 BLKS FROM TOWN CHOICE DISTRICT NORTH. EXCEL LENT 2 BEDROOM HOME. LARGS BASMT. OIL FURNACE DOUBLl GARAGE BUSINESS ZONE. LOT SO X loo. fKltt 51Z.CCO. ; j POIRATTTiT A XT. PH location!. " . . ; lw ' enter .t. Phone 1-4553 I T - :. uuMnrss Lorauon Corner lot. 100 ft on S. Coml SO f i deep This is an excellent location tof 2 ,,pe OI Duslnes. ipii. 4642, eve Keizer, $2000 Down Almost new. 2 hdrns, auto, furn plastered. Attached Oarage. Private well. Part dwh. floors FuU price $8800 Furniture can be bought for less thaxt cost.: ; j KinvooI. S2i00 Down 3 bdrm. attachei garage. firrpUco. part hwd floors, elec. heat Large kXt Full p'ice $7900. j K , M. O. Humphreys & Co. Realtors i 3035 Portlend Rd. I Ph 7830 or 2-45J $750 SEVERAL eoodPbuilding kU .ny watr. lrs BZ'iXlza. C?H Stanley ; Brown - with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S Hiefi St. Ph4t?l: Eve. l-3ff 7 RM. MODtRN riouse in Aumsville. V. blinds, cood ItnoUmm. elec. b.w heater, oil cirrulator AH curtains, ruga Ac some furniture. Walnut, fruit trees lot 66x100. $6300 L. N. Righbere Aumsville. Oregon.; J . ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Ward-CrtffNh Oocnnany. 3 in Eatem Advertisfnf Representatives Ward-Grlffrth Componv. tn. I Chieaeo New Tork. Detroit. Boaton. f Atlanta . Uembel i Prifie Coast Division Bureau of Advertising . rnfered at tae PoafoffVe at Sa. leas. Oreoois a Smromt. Ornrn Met tee PtbHaHmtt ewer mm m cr eeps Noadtv Brst effWc SiJ Somth Ce-Mrei- ftrse.. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Matt fkibscrtp-Joa Rate ht Ad vance: Within Oregu-t: Daily arx$ Sunday. Mo OS cents. 0 mo. $3k; I gg uo Else where 00 cen la eae me er $7 2 tor I; veer advc Per copy $ cents;- a - Bv City Carrier. 73 tents a month. $00 a ar la ad vane ta Mar-aa mllmwlmmm ! j M i