The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 25, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Tho Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Thursday. March S. IMS s
" 1
Cluttered filing Card Sees
Brown Stop tVJazi, Utahyt Lose
Chuck Decks
Canuck in 2nd
(VDav Get TKO Win
Over VooUurn Tony
B Jerry Stone
You could hae swallowed jut
bout two cup of coffee and en
Joyed a lhort imoke in the time
consumed by last nights VFW
fight card at the armory, as KO
littered a it was. But brief though
the proceedings were (one hour
and five minutes they ere none
theless jam-parked with dyna
mite Uncorking a good share of
the TNT was Portland" smooth
Chuck (Kid) Brown who cold
cocked one George Man In 2:20
of the second round of the sched
uled 10 round main event.
Mai. a Vancouver. B C , young
ster who clearlv did not belong in
the same ring with the confident
and sharp-hitting Brown, bicycled
from the opening bell. It was just
a quetiyn of when Chuck would
catch up with him and the Port
land lad did just that in the sec
ond heat Getting in close. Brown
brought up a right to the solar
plexus and that was all. save for
referee Jimmy MaU.ney's 10-count.
Still another load of wallop was
delivered in the six round semi
windup bv Johnny O Day, a rug
ged middles eighter out of Port
land. h- ihalked up a TKO win
cvt-r WoiKlburn's Tony Kahut.
Ol)..vs sm.i-hes cut Tony's left
rvr m hadiv ?h.i' he couldn't in
mer the be!, f. r ti e third heat.
The defeat snapped Kahut's string
of tnrre K ) r a Wed up during his
curiert comeback. O'Day. a jolt
ing hit' ". p;it Tony's eye with a
r 1(4ht ea iv in the second stanza
arvd ih.i'"a miserable three min
utes it w.a- for Kj.'.u. s he went
to the canvas three time, twice
for a count of eight
Added to th s picture of mayhem
was the following prelim action:
Howaid Mendcnhall. 148. Salem.
Slammed out a KO over Portland
Billv Dars in 103 of the find
rcund. of the curtain raiser;
Crunching Cal Robinson. 129,
Seattle, blasted Jimmy Jackley.
12B4. Portland. In 53 seconds of
the fir-t The top four rounder
went the distance but it was a
claret-smeared battle with Salem's
Dean Am.ev getting the decision
ever Low Ballard, Boise welter.
Jacklev. obviously a very groggy
boy. was taken to a hospital for
observation after Robinson's
punches had sent him hurtling
cross a rope on his r.eck. He was
later pronounced okay
Packy McFarlar.d officiated the
prelims and semi.
A sizeable house poured 11270
through the ticket window.
Promoter Tex Salkeld announc
ed another card will be presented
Wednesday night, April 8.
Major leaguers hit a slack In
series at Capitol Alleys last
night, but two being registered.
Writ of the Salem Hardware
team, got a 641 and Parker ef
Keith Brown, hit a 414.
Keith Broun (1)
Parker 180 181
Kenyon 192 169
Brennan 168 164
King 158 149
Murdoik .185 192
dines Coffee Shop (2)
Harwell 179 202
Clme, Sr 189 177
Braden 165 185
Cline. Jr 205 191
Young 165 183
143 450
170 547
16fl 616
144 540
Pink Elcphsnt (1)
Chet Boyce 180
Mike McFarUne 165
Garbarino 189
George Mirich . 159
John Bone . 144
Chuck's Tavern I
dinger 139
Foreman 208
Anderson 130
Terry 197
Adolph 256
194 181555
164 221550
173 171533
182 166 507
174 187505
224 125548
199 181 588 j
155 152 437
145 159501
166 168988
Valley Motor (2)
Price, Bob 168
Harr, Hank 168
Page, Don 195
OIney. Jack 208
Page. Harvey . 192
Cupboard Cafe (1)
Henderson. Dean 125
White. Bob 163
McCluskey. Ed ... 183
Evans, Frank ... 192
Gledt, John . 150
155 192 815
187 174829
153 181529
187 183878
141 183526
196 138459
186 181503
167 177527
167 149488
190 198538
Capitol Bedding ()
Keel 163 142 194 499
Fnesen 141 234 160581
Larson 199 181 180560
Coe 172 178 191541
Poulin 206 205 176587
stale an Hardware (S)
Thede 157 209 203569
Phipps 191 201 193 585
Wheatley .154 164 199317
Haugen 189 169 183841
West 241 219 181 41
Dnck Pins
The Men's Automotive loagae
took over BAB Bowling- oourt
alleys last night aad after firing-
was over tae Chevreleui had
topped Balck. 4-t; Hadeone Wat
Ue Farda, 2-1; the Dodges
downed the Cadillacs. 8-1; aad
Kaiser Fraaor aad the Dodcea
Mod. 2-2. Nick Klein's CJJ
high sertea.
McMINNVILLX. March 34 -VP)
The Linfield college basketball
quad, which won the northwest
onference championship last year,
will start an a 10-day pro-soaaon
tour of California tomorrow.
City Pin Meet Looms
Once again the local bowling fan arc priming- themselves
for the annual City pin tourney which la slated to get under way
at Capitol Alleys Saturday. April I.
Bob Keel, per a tor af the alleys, eatimate that some 4S team
will bang away far team boners while around Hi keglers will
be vicing in the Individual events. The tourney thla year will net
be conducted under the elaas systeaa bat rather haadleapa will
The meet will ran through the Srd aad 4th ef April, then
will resume and windup the following weekend.
Far the reeard. the following pinamen walked aft with honors
la the 1M7 show. thoa-h they wan't be defending their titles with
the elaaaea abolished:
Teams: Class A Good Hoaaokaepiavg; Clam B Lata Flor
ists. All Events: Class A Dm Murdoch; B Harry Gastafsea.
Slaglea: Clam A Joa Coe; B Dob Fagc. Daablea; Clans A
Don Mardoek-Joha Bone; B Millard Fekar-Barry Gastafson. ....
These Hornets
I I V" V 4ft mm. jm-
f -
THE SALEM HORNETS (above) first local ice hockey team, have brought pleasure to Ice fans of the
vicinity as they've battled ia the Willamette Tally league this winter. Team members: (Front row,
left to right) Wally Flager, right wing; Doe Gayer, loft wing; Lynn Orton, goalie; Bud Sjoding, right
wing; Howie West, right defense. (Back row, left to right) Dean LaPolnte, manager and right wing;
Sid Marrsy, center; Steve Famlnow. right defense; Earl West, left defense; Jeas Harrington, left
defense; Bill Famlnow, center.
Boosters Slate
Another harbinger of the
looming ball season la the kick
off meeting of the Salem Sena
1 tor Boosters which is sot for
I Chocks Tavern Monday night at
Booster President Ira Pileher
urge all Booster members
some 2 0 all told to be eat
for the affair.
The opening mooting will be
SGCs Slate
Big Evening
Ifs a special night for Salem
Golf Men's clubbers tonight with
a meeting and a sizeable feed on
tap for the weekly session. In
j addition a nine hole Roodles tour
ney is on the sked.
Main business of the evening
will be Club Pro Joe Stciger'i
discussion of the 11500 North
west Pro-Amateur meet which Is
set for the local course in August.
It's possible thst some Slicker
playoff firing may slso be run
off today. Tony Painter and Dave
Eyre are scheduled to take on
Jimmy Sheldon and Bob Bums
snd slso have a match left on
, the sked with Archie Schultz and
Jim McNeil. If Painter and Eyre
can capture six points in those
two matches they'll ice the Slick
er title with a 9'i point total. Al
Loucks and Frank Shafer, who've
already finished playoff action,
boast nine points.
Canucks, Seattle
Vie in Finals
SXATTLK, March 14-JP)-The
Seattle Ironman ssaod into the
championship finals of the Pacific
coast hockey league northern div
ision playoffs tonight by defeat
ing New Westminster, 4-1.
Seattle will moot the Vancouver
Canucks In a bost-of-five playoff
series tor the northern division
rrrrs top seals
SAN FRANCISCO, March tt -Vty-
Despite cold weather and a
bit of rain, the Pittsburgh Pirates
carried on tonight to win a ball
game under the liant from the
San Francisco Soak of the Pa
cific coast league, to 1.
j rrjrmri :p iM.jy:-ai i mm 1 1 1 u tt i wm&etJ" " " K2weo :tg-y.-y- ? jmrnm'tcmittfK
I I inir -i mi ii m ri n -iniiHf ..-i-rf . . .- 1 ri.
Tiger Pilot Boosts Hutchinson
-iJPh Steve O'Neill waa taiklog
aWat Ma Detroit baeeball crab.
wnosr-Fj-oddr atehlneen started
tawewtagVte Use bastors.
"Tow know. If tkore waa esse
faao I had U win," O'Neill said
Thero la the follow Td have to
the Tigers snaav-
at itohera Mho
Bobby roller. Hal Nowhoi
tpwd Cfeandler and Tad
eVvr after day. that was s eoanpll-
oaVMsTs! uTnTay fc?y
nrowad." O'Neill sanUaasd. "Not
as fast as oeono hwt plenty fast
Do Their Buzzing on the Ice
Kickoff Session
devoted to discussions af the
impending ball campaigns and to
methods by which the Booster
organization can father bigger
and better support for the
Several special guests are ex
pected to be on hand for she
program. A Dutch luncheon
will be served.
Ruth Ends Vacation
MIAMI BEACH, Fla., March 24
-P)-Tanned and "feeling about
100 per cent better" than when he
arrived here about six weeks ago,
Babe Ruth will end bis Florida
vacation tomorrow when he leaves
by train for New York. Ruth said
he would probably bis health
permitting head for the west
coast to serve as technical adviser
in a motion picture of his life.
Foul Shooting
Contest Slated
Young- aad old will have a
chance to prove just how adept
they are at hHting- the hoop
Monday night when the YMCA
stages a city wide foul shooting
The contest ia open to every
one and divisions Include 14
years and under; 15 through It;
and unlimited. Prises will bo
awarded the winners.
Entry blanks are available at
the Y.
Roller Skaterg
Slate Action
Four Salem dance skating teams
are scheduled to compete in the
roller skating champion ship
matches st the Imperial rink in
Portland March tO, tl and April
1. The competing teams are mem
bers of the Capitola Dance and
Figure Skating club.
Competing In the novice dances,
for skaters over 15 who have won
no previous competitions, will be
Donna Poppe and Glenn Smith,
and Allen Megquier and Gwen
McDonald. Entering the Junior
dances, for skaters under It, will
bo Sandra Paris and Franklin
Crsll, and Barbara Farls and Jack
oaoagh. He always pltones with
sua head aa wall aa hie aim''
Wish Ka-aa. ohlef Detroit
ssssadsd the aaoitosu
Ha4h fa a groat game pit
hor,' Xgna agreed. "Bo's smart
fad a groat oaonpoUtor. Aad hoy.
how that guy ha too so lose.''
Lnit poor Hatralnana waa a
ylag- onoatlsa. wtantasj flro
six snorts hoforo ho hart his
area May It.
Hatr titan finished up with
It won and It lost for a ill
Kb his latest exhlbltlea eating,
rroddy ssttehssd six sssrslsas tm-
Swedish Bouts
Bomber to Be Paid
Off in Ice Skates
LONDON, March 24 - OP) -Heavyweight
Champion Joe Louis
will put on two exhibitions in
Sweden next month in exchange
for a load of ice skates.
Irwin Rosee, the champ's Lon
don press agent, said the Swedish
government has granted Louis an
export license and the skates al
ready have been sold to a Cam
bridge, Mass., company.
Asked why Joe was being paid
in ice skates, Rosee replied:
"Well, you know how it is there.
"It's a question of hard cur
rency. They don't have dollars to
pay Joe."
Louis has sned to box Swedish
heavyweights John Nillson and
Nlsse Anderson. Ha will go two
rounds with each man in Gothen
burg on April 2, and Stockholm
on April 4.
Hornets Grab
4th Straight
Another win was chalked up by
the fast-skating Salem Hornets
last "night as they whipped the
Portland Black Hawks, 7-3, in a
Willamette Valley league hockey
fray at the local ice arena. It was
the Hornets' fom '. triumph In
a row.
Pacing the local icers was Doc
Geyer with three goals. Bill
Faminow got two and Bert Sjod
ing and Dean LaPolnte registered
one each. The winners got four
scores in the first period and
three in the second.
Portland hit two in the initial
heat, one in the second.
The Hornets next play Eugene
there Sunday night.
Eastern, West
Stars Clash
NEW YORK, March 24-P)-The
last big bssketball show of the
year here before the Olympic
trials pits the Eastern All-Stars
against a similar western squad in
Madison Square Garden tomorrow
night. It's the third annual Herald
Tribune fresh air fund game and
a crowd of around 18,000, includ
ing" numerous pro scouts and
coaches, is expected to bo on hand
for the charity contest.
Storm Forces
Meisgner Back
EUGENE, March 24 -F-Jack
Melssner, the skier who is making
a first solo trip along the summit
of the Cascades from Mount Hood
to Crater lake, reported storm
trouble today.
Ho returned to his borne at Cas
cade Summit after running Into a
heavy storm south of there. He
plans to continue on to Crater lake
as soon as the weather clears. Two
friends Gilbert Bissell, Eugene,
and Don Temple, Oakridge will
make the last leg of the trip with
Kramer Slams
Riggs Again
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 14
-ify- Big Jack Kramer, mixing;
lobs with terrific smashes, bolted
Bobby Riggs for a 6-4, 7-5 victory
snd bis 37th win during their cur
rent pro tennis tour.
Riggs has won 17, with few of
his triumphs coming in recent
matches. In the opening wtatcK
Dlnny Palls of Australia defeated
Ecuador's Pancho Segura. 7-5, 6-1.
Table of Coastal Tides
Tides for Taft, Ore., eompUod by V
8. Coast i
and Ooodouo Survey, rert-
ind. Ore.
:4S p m. i
S Jl ijn.
f:S pjn.
TOS in,
t as pjn,
:14 ajn.
S.3 pjn.
ISI ajn.
S:4S pjn,
S4 ajn.
S34 pjn.
H ajn,
. j
13 sjn. fS
as Bjn.
41 am.
10 BJB.
Id! ajn.
138 pjn.
1:4 am.
OS pjn.
a jo ia
4-1 T a Jit.
4M pjn.
UM am.
First word received oat here as
to how Bill Sevens Is faring la
spring training action (and the
info, as usual, is from the Sport
ing News) reveals that big Bill
the other day collaborated with
Allie Reynolds sad Joe Page to
blank Detroit. Sombre note, how
ever. Is news that "Bev" has
been favoring his leg Injury so
naaeh that he now has a sore arm.
What next? . . .
Tough on Nerre
Floyd Kenyon has had plenty
of eongrata for that 7t4 sparkler
ho tamed la laat week in Major
league pin action, and Floyd well
deserves any plaudits he can get.
For. brother, the nerve strain la
terrific when you see the doors
of the famed 7S dab loo mine
and yea still hsvs to concentrate
frlghtfally en that bead pin
which appears farther away each
time yea throw at 'er. And to add
to the agony you have a gens; of
silent - struck fellow trundlers
grouped about yea, wondering If
yea can do It ... Kenyon
laughingly reveals that he con
aansod five cups of coffee during
the final game which pat him
over. Floyd rolled up seven
straight strikes In his 276 first
game, then hit thin, picked up
the spare, and struck out. Which
goes to show Just how close a
gmy can come to a 306 effort and
still be so far away. . .
(AP) GU HoStes tmaihcd a three
run homer in the ftrrt Inning today
for the big blow In the Brooklyn
Dodgers' 10-1 win over a team of
Montreal batterymen and Dominican
LAKELAND, fla., March 14 (AP)
Although his string of scoreless In
nings was ended today. Virgil Tracks
hurled the Detroit Tigers to a S to
1 victory over the Boston Red Sox
and helped his canso with a home
CLEARWATER. Fla., March 14
(AP) Two rookies combined today
to drive In the deciding run as the
Philadelphia Phillies defeated the
ClnclnanU Reds 3-2 in an exhibition
baseball game.
ORLANDO, Via.. March 14 (AP)
The Boston Braves sprayed eight
runs across the plate fn the eighth
inning today to defeat the Wash
ington Senators 14-S. Pitcher Ray
Boxers Eye Olympic Slots
As NCAA Tournament Nears
MADISON, Wis., March 24-JFy-Tiv champions will defend their
titles against 61 challengers in the 10th annual NCAA boxing tourna
ment here April 1-3.
The NCAA certification committee announced the 66-man entry
Dodds Thinks
Layoff 11 Aid
NEW YORK, March 24-HP)-Gil
Dodds, America's chief hope in the
metric mile at the 1948 Olympics,
came face to face today with Jack
Lovelock, Glenn Cunningham and
Luigi Beccali, the men who ran
1-2-3 In the event when the games
last were held at Berlin in 1936.
They all matched wits, words
and table technique with newsmen
at a luncheon held to publicize
movies of the 1936 Olympics.
It was Dodds' first appearance
here since being shelved by the
mumps shortly after lowering his
world Indoor mile record by 4.05.3
two months ago.
'"I think my layoff will help me
In training for a place on the
Olympic team," Dodds said. Til
have to train very hard to get
back In shape. I should reach my
peak In July."
Kentucky Ace Sick
NEW YORK, March 24 -JPy-Alex
Groza, the University of
Kentucky's six-foot-seven center,
was in bod under a doctor's care
tonight and a team spokesman
said there was a possibility he
wouldn't bo able to participate in
the opening session of the Olympic
tryouts Saturday.
Kentucky Is scheduled to meet
Louisville In the second game of
a doublehoader Saturday night at
the garden.
WEST POINT, N. Y, March 24
(??-Andy Gustafson has resigned
as backfield coach at Army to be
come heed football coach st the
University of Miami (Fla.), the
U. S. military academy announced
r.ih ton
w a.
By Jerry Stone
limn i i linn i him hi in in nr., . nun i i n nil,,,, , ,, n
Basketball G rotes -
The game of basketball Is not
new to the Olympics, not by a
long- shot. Back in 1964 the sport
was part of the program at St.
Louis, though only U. S. quints
entered. Indicating how the hoop
business has grown Internation
ally, It nations fielded cage clubs
In the Berlin 1636 Olympics and
. Jlia 1 MssT ssbast Tar
Scarbroogh walked five In the in
ning and the Braves Inserted fonr
slag les.
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.. March tt
(AP) The St. Louis Cardinals broke
tip a free hitting contest In the ISth
inning today to whip the New York
Yankees, S to 7.
tt (AP) St. Louis (A) "B" vs. Port
land (PCL) cancelled, rain.
SAN DIEGO, Calif., March 24
(AP) San Diego's Pacific Coast
leagne kasebal Padres came home
from spring training today to polish
tip for the regular season opener
against Los Angeles here Taesday
14 (AP) The Philadelphia Athlet
ics edged the Baltimore Orioles. 4 to
S tonight, bat the American leaguers
had to call on their pitching ace,
Phil Mhrchlldon, to quell a ninth
inning uprising.
list from 23 colleges today and re
vealed the tournament will be
fought at international rather than
collegiate weights. The shift Is due
to the Olympics, with winners In
the eight classes here likely can
didates for the United States team.
Wisconsin leads the team entries
with seven men. Louisiana State,
Minnesota, Michigan State and
San Jose (Calif.) State have six
each. Other schools and the num
ber of entries Include Idaho four;
Washington State three.
Baker Hits 32,
Fircrests Win
Forward Norm Baker of the Van
couver Hornets snatched a victory
for his team from the Bellingham
Fircrests 79-76 in an overtime per
iod tonight to keep Vancouver in
the round-robin playoffs of the
Pacific coast professional basket
ball league.
Baker knotted the count in the
last 20 seconds with two quick
field goals. Then he made all of
Vancouver's points in the extra
period all on foul shots. He
scored a total of 32 points.
Y Handballers
Sked OSC Aceg
Salem YMCA handballers take
on some top opposition on the lo
cal court Friday night when they
meet an Oregon State team. Four
singles snd four doubles matches
are scheduled.
The local lineup will be picked
from the following: Leon Margo
sJan, Norman Winslow, Bob Smith,
Leo Shinn, Emerson Teague, Bob
Hamilton, Jerry Mulkey, Joe Dev
ers, Frank Jacobsen, Don Dour is,
Don Duncan, Warren Doolittle,
Ned Burris and Russell Bogart.
This Week Only
even mere countries are likely
to be represented this year in
London ... Incidentally, the fin
als tilt In the Berlin show wss
a laughable contest. The U. S.
squad grabbed the title by trim
ming the Canadians, 16-5. on a
veritable swamp, the court be
ing aa outdoor layout and the
weather being anything but dry.
HoMe$ Aplenty
Yea gujs who like to sec the
bangtails gallop around the aval
and who also like to slap green
backs on said nags ean do both
to your heart's content what with
the expected 666 bosses expected
to be en hand for the Portland
Meadows usee ting which opens
the middle ef May . . . The re 11
be some talented horse flesh ap
Meadows way, tee animals
which copped laurels at San
Francisco's Bay Meadows daring
the winter run ...
You have to hand tt to that
sTTKli r'titt"firffi ftH fVi
oil js'r Ailiifu u'j'tpj sussl 16
Guy Tops Boat Marl',
Aims for Wood Record
Fritz Berates
Playoff Idea
H-4jpyTTii Crisler, University of
Michigan athletic director, said
today a playoff game would not
have decided whether his eleven
or Notre Dame was the No. 1
football team ef 1947.
"One game won't decide which
Is the best team." Crisler said.
At the end ef the 1647 season
Notre Dame was voted the nation's
top team In an Associated Press
poll. Following Michigan's Roue
Bowl victory over Southern Cali
fornia, a special AP poll was held
in which only Michigan and Notre
Dame were placed en the ballot.
Michigan won that poll.
SAN MATEO. Calif.. March
24 -VP- Rusa Newland. the
horse not the sports writer
failed today at the Bay Meadows
track. In his first time out the
2-year-old finished seventh In a
field of twelve.
The brown colt was named for
Here Is the Battle Proven U. S.
Infantry aad Arsaod Forces
Sc&sd Powered Phec
O Me KlertrWMy o Ue Batteries
O S Way Ooi fallen
Ideal for communication from
house to oarage, to workshop, to
bam, to field. Just hook up to
any two-strand wire. No electric
ity or batteries needed. 2 mag
netic type receivers for hearing and speaking. Adjustable head
band. Perfectly safe. So simple even children can operate it.
A remarkable value! 2 Sets of Phones ONLY
Salem Snrplas Store f I
10 8. Commercial , Phone 5637
If you yearn for something
cfisHfKtfy different In atalt bev
erages treat yourself to a bottlo
off CobasbiaJ It's deBghfful.
It's time to hit the open read.
How's year car raaalngf Is
It safe for the highway?
It's Time to Put Your
Car in Top Condition
Too. bow's the Usee to check
your brakes, lights, rubriea
Uea, aad wheel sHgnaseat
to have yew meter analysed
and taned up for peak
Com to ; th Douglas Mclay CboTroIat company lor
xpert on day sortie that loaros your car rarin" to go.
Dotal pot this work oS for lock of cash. Ask about our
bodcet plan and rrvrVo mi uticornonbi to pay a KmaTl
cnBiount sadi nonlh, f ( . t j .
Tho'Dcsrjhs IlcHay Chevrclcl Ccapaay
Oregon' A 1 h I s lie department
bench. They're on the balL Pop-lag-
late the office Tuesday
Just three days after the big- staid
prep toamey show was a cons
pact and complete set or statis
tics on every team which par
tieipated in the meet ... Includ
ed la the pamphlet are box scores
on every tourney game plus
play - by - play' chart oa the
Salem - Cervallls title game. .
Pretty hard to beat that for thor
oughness aad with sach going
en it's pretty difficult tm see the
tourney anywhere but In Web
foot hands for at least a few
years yet ... Incidentally Infer
ma lion gleaned from the booklet
shows Salem's Viks were easily
the top field goal tossers durinsT
the show with a 21.2 average
per. And for that faction who
cry that the Viks are continually
a rough ball dab it should 'bo
Interesting to know that the Sa
lens ranked behind fear other
quints la a amber ef foals com
mitted daring- the fear game set
to .. . Surely 'One of the top)
speedsters in the WIL this year
wUl be Spokane's Eddo VannL
who used to be a streak la the)
outfield and en the bases for Se
attle . . . Addt to the offspring;
of baseball greats who are In the
thick of the bersehlde pas timet
Bad Sneeley. Spoke catcher, and
son of Earl Sheeley, longtime
major first sacked ...
MIAMI BEACH. Fla.. March 24
(JP)- Band Leader; Guy Lombardo
broke a seven year old gold ,cup
powerboat speed record today
when he clocked I13.20S miles pep
hour over a measured mile in.
his supercharged sTempo VI. s
1 Equipped withf a new 1.30G
, the Tempo VI was oificially tim
ed at 31.8 seconds over a mile
course in Indian? creek. The tima
beat the 100.987 miles per hou
established by Herbert Mendelsca
jin hi "Notre Darce" in 1940.
I But Lombardd's main goal, ta
; break the U. S. tinlimited hydroo
, piane Fpeea record nea ior 10
i years by Gar Wood, was tern
. porarily postponed by choppy
; water. It had been planned to
j make another run this afternoon,
in an attempt ;to beat Wood'
124.915 mile per j hour mark set
Sept 20, 1932, in Algonac. Mich,
Lombardo said; he would try
early tomorrow! morning, about
6:30 r 7 o'clock when the waters
are expected to be at their calm-
est. 5 t
Newland, Associated Press j
sports editor at San Francisco. )
The chart said fRess Newland
raced very greenly." (
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