The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 25, 1948, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' '' I
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Atomni-Cloyd om List
01? Secret Weapons
Glenn Martin Tells of Newest Devices
NEW YORK, March 24 JP)
The United States has developed
radioactive cloud that "kills
anyone who comes in contact
with it," Glen I. Martin, airplane
manufacturer, said today.
"It is effective over a much
larger area than is the atomic
bomb," he said, "and might make
the area it touches radioactive
for an indefinite time."
Martin said the cloud is spread
by wind and its use requires sure
knowledge of weather conditions
or it might backfire on its users.
The head of the plane manu
facturing company that bears his
name said that the United States
had new A-bombs much more
effective than ones dropped on
Japan, which are now obsolete.
Both the cloud and the bomb
use the same material, he said,
but th'. former is a vapo-. form
ed either by itself or b sprink
ling existing clouds with the ma
terial, while the latter is a de
tonation instrument.
Martin told reporters the navy
Travel Letter No. 6
BOSTON I have been an
xiously awaiting report on the i
closing of filings for the Oregon j
: T r.rt lintlt 1 I
px im.ii " - . - "-
reached here that copies
Statesman arrived with that
news. The outstanding item of
course was the filing and later
withdrawal of State Treasurer
Scott for the governorship. While
the reason advanced (unwilling-
nes to violate me luriui i""--
1 1 fPS art in financing his cam
paign) is testimony to his integ- .
rity I feel sure he could have)
drawn enough adequate financial j
rfrawn pnouzh adequate financial
support had his campaign been
set up at an earlier date.
And no implication should be
i i gniHatc
UOWCU W aianu men. a voiv.u.
personally must expend more than I
the law permits. '""J utmiuan is III limigr Ul irie
That is not true. i veterans' committee.
The real competition for gov- , Freedom of rehgion day i Sun
ernor in the republican primaries j day, April 4 with the Rev. George
is between Gov. Hall and Douglas ; Swift as chairman. April 5 the
McKay. I wholeheartedly take my i day the Freedom Train arrives in
stand with Doug McKay. Clean. : Salem, is schools observance day
vigorous, progressive, he will j with Harry Johnson in charge,
make a good governor for Oregon. Appropriate events and cere
He has a vibrant personality that j monies are planned for each spe
quickly wins friends but he has cial day, but the over-all theme
ample courage and a decisiveness j of the week is designed to cre
that qualifies him for executive ! ate a greater awareness of the
Certainly people of Salem and
the Willamette valley should sup
port McKay actively, because of
his demonstrated capacity lor
leadership and his active parti
cipation in virtually every worthy
cause that has arisen during his
residence in Salem.
Today is Palm Sunday, a great
day for all Christian churches. I
noticed here and in New York
the downtown Episcopal churches
were holding midday Lenten ser
vices, offering the message of re
ligion to a busy populace.
Talked with Dr. Waldo Mills
from Salem who is completing
advanced work in chest surgery.
He expects to be through his
course in May and to go to Seat
tle to practice in his special field.
I head west myself this after
noon by train.
Needed Rains
Soak California
(P)- California was soaked by
beneficial rains again today. But
weather bureau officials said the
fall, up to as much as three
inches in northern sections, was
not sufficient to relieve the
drought or the acute power short
However. H. J. Ryan. Los An-
geles county agricultural commis-
sioner, said today s rains would .
be of tremendous value in con
tinuing the growth of feed on :
range lands. Ranges and late :
field crops will be benefitted by
the downpour which extended ;
from the northernmost reaches of !
the state to the big Los Angeles 1
county line. j
Mountains were covered with ;
three feet of fresh snow which I
will help the moisture situation
later, the weather bureau said.
but much more rain is needed
Animal Crackers
"Tint's the trouble with fam
ily portraits each sitting I
harm (a keep adding oal
also had- perfected guided mis
siles with homing device that can
search out a ship at sea and de
stroy it.
"We can sink the ship even if
it is halfway across the ocean,"
he said. "All we have to do is get
our own ships out of the way."
The guided missiles can also
be used to hit iron foundries and
"it will be possible to eliminate
a nation's steel industry in time."
Martin also mentioned new
bacteria weapons, some of them
capable of lying dormant for a
time and then "making the vic
tim ill. with an illness from
which he does noi recover."
He said these latest weapons
made it likely that if another
war comes the ultimate course of
it would be determined within
60 days. ."After that it would be
a matter of policy as to how long
it was allowed to drag on before ! need for universal military train
the final mopping up," he said. ing and a draft bill.
At Washington the atomic en- ! Last week the air force said it
ergy commission had "no com- had 312,000 men and would ac
Week Heralds
Freedom Train
Salem's week of rededication
to American ideals and principles,
heralding the April 6 visit of the
Freedom Train, will begin with a
proclamation by Mayor R. L.
Elfstrom. next week, the mayor
said yesterday.
Preliminary activities to the
special Week will beam Raster
.-unaay wnen iju.uuu souvenirs
introducing the work of the
American Heritage Foundation,
non-partisan group sponsoring the
tour of exhibits in the Freedom
irain are-distributed in commun
ity churches, Dave Hoss. chairman
; of the mayor's Freedom Train
comrn'ee announced,
Rededication week
S'ns April 1 on labor
actually be-
Kins npru i on iaoor recognition
uay w,un George inomason in
charge. April 2, with Mrs. Dora-
thea Steusloff as chairman, is
women's frppHnm Hav Anr-1 Se
. 10
veterans' ' and youth day, with j
unique blessings of the American
heritage and to raise the' level of
citizenship through more active
participation by individuals in the !
affairs of their government, ac
cording to advance publicity.
The Freedom Train will be in
Portland April 2, Eugene April 3.
Corvallis April 4 and Astoria
April 7. No other stops in Oregon
are scheduled.
Light Saving
Plans Dropped
Mayor Robert Elfstrom, presi
dent of the League of Oregon
Cities, announced Wednesday he
would not recommend daylight
saving to the league because of
the sharp difference of opinion on
the subject.
Of 182 questionnaires sent out
by Mayor Elfstrom involving the
daylight saving proposal, 86 may
ors replied they favored daylight
saving. Seventy-six said they were
opposed. Others did not answer.
Vessel Missing
With 43 Aboard
LONDON. March 24-f-Fifty- i
one days ago the Liberty shin
" - "i
Z'T '" h
heard since.
Tonight Lloyds officially lifted
the 7.21 9-ton ship with a crew of
43 aboard as missing.
The Samkey was owned by the :
New Zealand Shipping company. '
Strange Minor Planet Circles
Sun, Crosses Earth's Orbit
By Rennie Taylor
Associated Press Science Reporter
BERKELEY, Calif., March 24
-OP)- Discovery of a strange new
minor planet which moves around
the sun at high speed was an
nounced by astronomers today.
This heavenly object is only
about two miles in diameter but
it has several unusual features.
It was found on March 7 by C.
A. Wirtarjen, astronomer at Lick
observatory. The Harvard univer
sity observatory, which acts as a
clearing house for astronomic in
formation, announced the discov
ery. Although there are about 1.600
of these minor planets, all circ
ling around the sun like the earth,
most of them travel in orbits far
larger than the globe, and do not
come anywhere near it.
The new one cuts through the
earth's orbit. Only four other mi
nor planets have been found which
do this, and all have been lost to
There Is every reason to be
lieve the hew one will not be lost,
said Dr. Leland E. Cunningham,
Air Force
To Add
WASHINGTON. March 24 -(JP)
The air force unexpectedly an
nounced a drive for 25,000 more
men today as a senate committee
heard clashing testimony on the
cept no more enlistments. But to
day it boosted its goal to 337,000
and to gain it, lifted the ban on
recruiting married men.
The senate armed services com
mittee studying President Tru
man's plea for a draft and UMT
as a means of discouraging com
munist expansion received these
contradictory arguments:
1. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt in a
letter to Chairman Gurney (R
S. D.) gave her support to univer
sal military training as "a gesture
which would be understood" by
2. Albert Einstein in a letter to
Gurney said he was convinced that
there was no "forseeable . . .
threat of hostile invasion ... of
the United States" and conse
quently he opposed UMT.
Meanwhile, plans to exempt
husbands, veterans and men over
27 from any peacetime draft
gained strength in congress.
Chairman Gurney (R-S. D.)
said he expects any plan to revive
selective service to leave out vet
erans and married men. Rep.
Wadsworth (R-N. Y.). who help
ed write the World War II draft
law, said he thinks veterans should
be exempt, and that the age span
should be 19 to 26 or 27.
IT O 01 .
I I .llPnT flFI
M.MM, V 11
Next Palestine
Issue Move
Unexpected and unexplained Unit
ed States silence stalled security
council action today on the urg
ent Palestine issue. It was put ov
er until next Tuesday.
The council had expected to
take up a United States resolu
tion calling for a special assembly
of 57 United Nations to re-
consider the Palestine partition
. question. The U. S. now proposes
i U. N. trusteeship for the Holy
i land.
But no resolution appeared.
Warren R. Austin, chief U. S. dele
gate, sat silent through the entire
two-hour council meeting.
Austin later told newsmen there
is not great significance to the
lack of a U. S. resolution.
Informed sources speculated,
however, on two possible reasons
for the switch in plans:
1. The U. S. delegate may be
j waiting until after Mr. Truman's
news conference in Washington
I 2. The new switch came the day
after Foreign Secretary Ernest
j Bevin told the house of commons
! that Britain cannot change her
policy in Palestine. On Friday a
, high British official had said Bri
i tain now might stay longer in
Error Costlv to
Sprinkler Firm
PORTLAND, March 24 -(JP)- A
mathematical error cot Rushlight
1 Automatic Sprinkler comoanv
$21,471 today.
That was the earnest money
thev Dosted in bidding fin a a -
. V v" ,1"e,r .la
??r l"e 'WeSl' 8nQ l lne
Not until after submitting the
bid did the firm discover their
calculator had forgotten to add
in $200,000 worth of steet. They
declined to do the wor k at such
a loss and forfeited their deposit.
of Student's observatory, Berke
ley. The Wirtanen discovery. Dr.
Cunningham reported, is going
around the sun in an orbit a little
more oval than the inside of a
man's hat. It is about 80 million
miles from the sun. This means
it operates in an orbit about 10
million miles inside the earth's
Also its orbit is inclined at an
angle of about 18 degrees to that
of the earth. These facts indicate.
Dr. Cunningham said, that it can
not get closer than about 16 mil
lion miles to the earth.
-The new minor planet also is
unusual in its distance from the
sun. Most of these 1,600 bodies
travel in orbits 200 to 300 million
miles from the sun. The great ma
jority are between the planets
Mars and Jupiter.
The four previous minor planets
which cut Into the earth's orbit
were only about 50 million miles
from the sun. The new one, 80
million miles from the sun, re
presents a new "band" for the
presence of minor planets.
WASHINGTON'. March 24 Her
bert Hoover, former I. S. pres
ident, who today endorsed the
$5,300,000,000 European recov
ery plan as "major dam against
Russian agression" in a letter
to the house of representatives.
Hoover Backs
Marshall Plan
To Halt Reds
! WASHINGTON. March 24 -JP)
Herbert Hoover endorsed the
$5,300,000,000 European recovery
program today as "a major dam
against Russian aggression "
The former president said the
j program "should produce eco
j nomic, political and self-defense
1 unity in western Europe."
"I believe it is worth taking
; the chance," Hoover said in his
: first public statement since Pres
I ident Truman's stop-communism
i speech last week. Mr. Truman
called for quick adoption of the
program as one of the most urg
ently needed parts of his new
Hoover's statement was read to
the house, which was debating the
European recovery program for
the second day as part of its
$6,205,000,000 foreign aid bill.
In the earlier statement to the
senate group Hoover opposed anv
"moral commitment" of U. S aid
beyond one year. He said today,
however, that the ERP bill fin
ally adopted by the senate meets
most of his objections. The sen
ate bill is similar in most re
spects to the ERP section of the
house bill.
Chinese Yield
Vital Points to
Red Attackers
NANKING, March 24-fF)-Gov-ernment
troops reeled today un
der Chinese communist blows at
three points on the erupting north
China front after yielding two
coal centers to the red attackers.
The three points, Fusin, TzU
chuan and Tatung, form a huge
triangle. The sides are 450 miles
long and the base 370 miles wide.
At the tip, up near the Man
churia n border, the coal city of
Fusin was captured by commu
nist troops. (The communist radio
earlier this week said this city,
100 miles west of Mukden, had
been taken).
Some 450 miles southwest of
Fusin, the great coal center of
Tzuchuan in Shantung province
fell to the communists after sev
eral days of bloody fighting-
A government military spokes
man conceded the loss of both
The third fixed point of the
imaginary triangle, Tatung, is 370
miles northwest of Tzuchuan. Pro
government dispatches said this
fortified city was under heavy
communist attack. Rail lines over
which help must come were sev
ered. MacArthur Silent
As Stassen Issues
Debate Challenge
TOKYO, Thursday, March 25 -(A3)
Allied headquarters remained
officially silent on republican
presidential contender Harold E.
Stassen's bid today for a radio
debate with General MacArthur,
but "They're sure trying to
smoke the old man out, aren't
they? one officer commented.
Others said privately they did
not think MacArthur would ac
cept Stassen's proposal, made in
Omaha. Neb., today. MacArthur
himself has made no comment.
Newsmen who sent him stories
about Stassen's challenge have re
ceived no reply.
.. 53
. 57
MLn. Preeip.
39 JH
41 J2
45 .33
37 00
Saa Francisco
New York
Willamette river 1 feet.
Ferecast (from U.S. weather bureau,
McNary field. Salem): Cloudy today
and tonight with light rains 1st to
night. Hih today 55. low tonight 30.
Fraa BepC 1 to Mutfc 25)
This Year Last Year Average
37.64 2S.6 304
- - ' ,. - . .' .
L a.... , , J
Th Oregon Statesman. Salem.
Tax SDsislh) SoDuft " TTduo
WASHINGTON. March 24 -(4)
A compromise rent law provid
ing for court review of riiputca
over raising rent ceilings or re
moving control in any area was
approved tonight by seriate arid
hou'e conferees.
The measure is still subject to
a final okay by both the houe
and the senate That will be
sought tomorrow.
It would extend federal con
trols for u year beyond next
Wednesday midnight, with no
general increase in ceilings. It
contuns a renewal of the pro
vision for so-called voluntary
borists up to 15 per cent, however.
The compronrse calls for an
emergency court of appeals to
review cases in which local rent
boards and the federal housing
expediter disagree over whether
to rxxist rents or remove controls
Review Automatic
Such a review would be auto
matic in cases where the expe
diter, who administers the rent
law. turns down a recommenda
tion by one of the boards in the
approximately 660 rental areas
in the country.
Under the final wording, the
court would be required to find
that the evidence on which a
board based its recommendation
"i not of sufficient weight to
justify' them in order to uphold
the housing expediter's veto.
Under the compromise bill:
Rents could be increased up to
15 per cent where landlord and
tenant agreed on a lease to run
through 1949
Tenants who agreed to a 15
per cent hike under the present
law could not be charged an
other. dentins Removed
Controls would be removed
from housing accommodations
covered bv leases which were
terminated bet
tive date of the new
and the effec
Controls would end on non -housekeeping
rooms in private
homes if there were no more
than two paving guests in the
home Control; on regular room
ing and boarding house could b
removed bv the hou'in? expediter
if he thought it adv isMb'e.
The compromise "bill Drovides
for decontrol of all hotels, in
cluding residential ones.
Rail Service
Reduced Ayain
By the Associated Press
A 25 per cent cut in coal burn
ing rail freight service was or
dered Wednesday to conserve coal
supplies depleted by the nation
wide miners' strike.
The interstate commerce com
mission ordered the freight serv
ice cut effective at midnight
Tuesday. The cut followed a re
cent office of defense transporta
tion order for a 25 per cent re
duction in coal-burning passenger
train service.
Food, feeds, fuels and medicine
were placed high on a list of pri
orities set up for available freight
Politics on Parade . .
Who's Running for What in ihe May Primarir!
(Eltor's BC: Ccanitali la this
series are bu4i by er ler the raal
ates wttheat restrlrtiea. aad mar
r saay Bet reflect lb Follry af tali
Tedars saejert:
H. R. (Farmer) Jones
Candidate for
State Representative
(The following was submitted
by Mrs. Rena Jones Dasch, daugh
ter of the candidate.)
I am grateful for this opportun
ity of telling you about my father,
H. R. (Farmer) Jones, who is a
candidate for state representative
for Marion county.
I believe he Is
well qualified to
be your state re
presentative. He
has a thorough
knowledge of
legislative pro
cedure. Du r i n g
his three sessions
as representative
(1941. 1943, 1945)
he served on ed-r
U cation commit-1 V
tee. forestry com- h. at. J
mi t tee, the important ways and
means committee, and several
Oregon, Thursday. March 25,
Salem Churches Plan
Good Friday Services
Good Friday church services tomorrow will occamcm pecial wor
ship for members of many Salem churches, in the course of Holy
Week which also is being observed with mutic, rommunion and other
services in churches of the city.
A union Goxl Friday service will be conducted from noon to
3 p m. tomorrow for mot Protestant church members at the firt
Congress Told
Plane Engines
Sent to Russia
WASHINGTON. March 24-U1-Sestimony
that American war
plane engines have been shipped to
Russia within the last six months
and that shipping boxes marked
for Russia are lying "all over the
New York waterfront'' was pre
sented to congress today.
In rapid-fire order, witnesses
made these salient points before a
house subcommittee:
1. Forty-six new B-24 engines
"suitable for bombers or troop
carrying planes" were shipped
from New York to Russia and Po
land starting last May and con
tinuing to the end of 1947.
2. Since V'-J day, the war assets
administration has sold 21.278
combat-type planes for scrap, at
scrap prices, "some of which were
obviously new."
Asked by Rep. Rizley s (R-Okla)
subcommittee investigating WAA
war surplus surplus sale, it heard
from Le Roy H. Luckey, a Dallas.
Tex , dealer, the story of 46 new
plane engines going to Russia and
Luckey said he got them from
WAA and sold them to a purchaser
he named as Richard F. Fintkie.
president of the Alpine Corp ,
Washington, D C.
He knew they were Kent to Rus
sia and Poland, he testified, be
cause he stencilled the export li
censes on the shipping cases.
Uuints Horn
In Kentucky
("-Quintuplets three girls
two boys were born to Mrs
man V Gadlage at a hospital here
today. The three girls were still
born The boys lived in incubators
for about 20 minutes.
Dr A J Pauh delivered the? ba
bies He said Mrs. Gadlage. 31.
was in her fifth month of preg
nancy. "If it had been a normal
pregnancy, we probably could
show you live babies today," he
The babies ranged in weight
from eight and half to 15 ounces.
The Gadlages have a daughter,
Kathleen 20 months old.
No War Propaganda in
RuHftia, Say Dimitrov
SOFIA, Bulgaria. March 24-fT)
Premier Georgi Dimitrov said to
day that despite war alarms in
the United States "there is no war
propaganda in the soviet union
Dimitrov spoke to the largest
mass meeting In Sofia's history
following his return from Mos
cow, where a Russian-Bulgarian
friendship and mutual aid treaty
was signed last week.
lie has an intimate knowledge
of Marion county and its nels.
He has a wide acquaintance in the
rural districts, as he has been a
farmer and fruit buyer in Marion
county for over 30 years.
I served as his secretary dur
ing one legislative session, and
found him alert, capable, and
eager to help Marion county folk
who came to see him with their
problems. He is loyal to Marlon
county he is eager to serve you
to your best interests.
He is a member of long stand
ing in the Masonic order, the Elks,
Eagles, and Isaac Walton league.
He has served as school director
in his district, rural telephone di
rector, and is now a cannery di
rector. His three children and four
grandchildren think he's tops.
I know my . dad will give you
friendly, competent representation;
(Teasarrew: w. I. La Bacto)
NEWPORT. March 24 -VTV A
new type of derelict mine was
harmlessly exploded today by Lt
D. F. Wins low, navy mine dis
posal officer. He said it was a
typ not seen here previously.
liaptiit i huii h ht North Liberty
inu niaiion streets, under aus
pices of Salem Ministerial association.
Intermissions will divide the , today, pounding home Ul approval
service into three separate hours by a 21 to 67 roll call Vote.
For the first hour, the Rev. Lloyd, The margin was 81 votes great
T. Anderson will preside and j r than the two-thirds rrtujority,
music will be provided by his which would be required to over
rhurrh. First Baptist The service ; ride a veto, provided there Is IM
devoted to the first of Christ's I change of sentiment,
seven last words will have the i President Trurrmn is expected t
Rev Walter S. Frederick. Assem- J lo the U cut promptly, like
bly of God. as worship leader and supporters take thf stand thaj in
the Rev. Brooks 11 Moore, First 1 stead of reducing taxes, congress)
Methodmt hurch, as speaker. j should m-intam trie current hiflt
Secend Word flow of levrtiue to rebuild the nn
For the second word, the Rev. j lion's military stieogth in th gU
Herman Bohl. Christian and Mi- bal dnve to stop communism,
sionarv Alliance, w ill lead worhip I Hut the house vote, coupled wittf
and the Hev Seth Huntington, i he top heavy 78-1 1 approval glvtrj
First Congregational church, will by the senate Monday, was Viewed)
speak UX democrats as well as republic
The Rev. Dudley Strain of First ns us assuring that th tax cu
Christian church will preside over 'will become law.
the second hour of the service , T Override Vet
and his church w ill provide music.
For the third woid. worship lead
er is the Hev. Orville W. Jenkins.
FirM Church of the Naarene, and
lipeaker, the Rev . Lloyd G. lin ker, j
Lnglewood Fv angelical United '
Bi ethr en.
For fourth word, the Rev.,
George Millen, First Evangelical .
United Brethren, will lead wor
ship and the Rev. Gustav (i Raus- ,
er, Bethel Baptist, will speak. Fifth
word worship leader is the Rev. 1
Norman Brown, Calvary Baptist,
and speaker, the Hev. W. H Ly-,
man. Court Street Christian
Rev. White In Charse
In charge of th third hour of ,
the service Is the Rev. Louis E I
White whys church. Knight
Memorial Congregational, will'
furnish music.
The final hour Includes: Sixth
word worship by the Rev. Rich-,
ard T Fine, Free Methodist, and
talk bv Dr Chester Hamblin. First
Presbyterian; seventh word, wor- t
ship by the Rev. G Wesley Tur
ner. I-slie Methodist, and talk by
Capt H. B I-eher, Salvation
St Paul's F.piscopal church will
conduct a Good Friday worship
serv ice from noon to 3 p m. to
morrow, with the Rev. George H
Swift, rector, in charge Included
will be hymns, prayers, scripture
reading and a series of talks on
the seven last words.
At C atholic Church
Services on Good Friday st St
Joseph's Catholic church will in
clude a three hour service from
noon to 3 p m It will start with
the mass of the presanctif led at
noon followed by the service of
the seven last words and closing
with the Way of the Cross. The
Way of the Cross will b held
again at 7 30 p m.
Good Friday services at St
Vincent de Paul church will In
clude mass of the presanctified
at 8 o'clock in the morning, with
another service at 2 30 in the af-
ternoon and again at 7 43 Friday
Only one mass will be celebrated
in each of Salem Catholic churches
today. Holy Thursday, at a m.
in each church. Communion will
be distributed at St. Joseph's at
6 and 6:45 a m
At Methodist Church
Other special services announc
ed Wednesday by Salem churches
include a communion and baptism
service at Jason Lee Methodist
church at 7:30 o'clock tonight.
i with Dr. Louis C. Kirby in charge
i The choir will sing "Lead M to
Calvary" and Mrs. Jewell Drink
! ley and Bob KW-mpel will sing a
duet, "A Ion.
Central Lutheran church will
have communion at I o'clock to
night, with th Rev. R. A. Krue
ger speaking on "A Calvary Pil
grim." Raymond Dahlen will lead
the choir in "God So Loved the
World" and "Lamb of God."
Leslie Methodist church senior
choir will present an Easter can
tata. "The Seven Last Words of
Christ." at 8 p.m. Frjday. Wes
ley Bollinger will conduct with
Mrs. Mervin J. Gilson organist.
Jean Rickli pianist and Alice Ad
ams. Art Dimond and Will Hilgert
California Budget
Near $1 Billion Mark
The largest budget In the history
of th state of California $932,
278.536 wag passed by th as
sembly today and sent to th sen
ate. Th lower house added more
than $27,000,000 to th senat ver
sion of the bill. The senate. In
turn, had added some $6,000,000
over and above the original bud
get request or $919,943,000 by
Governor Warrav
Ha. t
By House
289 to 67
Br Francis ML La Mar
WASHINGTON, Mrth 2 4 -?
The houMi sent President Trumarl
a S4.800.0UU.OOO us reduction Lill
"There Is not a . thane In the.
woiid that congiesi will suppoit
a pirsidentul veto," on highly;
placed democratic lawmaker said
The bill would:
1. Grant relief to all the S2,
000. 000 taxpayers,! ranging from
100 per cent in th lowest income
bracket to 3 pr cent in the higher
brackets Jt remove 7,400,000 low
income persons from th tax rolls;
completely. '
2 Kffective May 1, reduc all
tax withholdings from pay enveU
ope and salary checks. Th taM
reduc tion is retroactive to January,
1. So next year th taxpayer
would get refund on overpay
merits from January 1 to May I,
lemeraU Desert t f.
In th voting i democrats de
""ted the administration to Join
203 republicans in suppoit of tn
mensure. Opposing wer 64 demo
ne republican (Morton oi
Kentucky) and the two American-
, i-ai'r pany memuers rrom mew;
Here Is how
would work:
the tax-cutting
1. Increase personal exemptions)
from 500 to $600.:
2 Apply the "community prop
eity" pnnciple to all states, aU
lowing husbands and wives to di
vide the family income equally for
tax repotting purposes and thus)
gain lower rates A dozen states)
now have this principle by local
law. 1
Percentage Re4rtln '
3. After taxes had been compute
ed on this basis at the old sched-t
ule of rates, percentage cuts)
would be effective--12.6 per rent
on the first $2,000 of income after
deductions and exemptions; 7.4
per cent on that part of Income)
above $2,000 and ip to $130,700
and 5 per cent or Income abovs)
$136,700. i
4 An additional $600 exemption
would be granted persons 63
years or older, bringing their
exemption to $1,200. Exemptions)
for blind persons also arc in
, "j' .
I The bill
also adjusts estate and
gift taxes.
British 'Dig In
At Trieste Line
TRIESTE. March 24-W)-BriU
ish soldiers moved up closer td
the Yugoslav border line in TrU
est territory tonight and dug ma
rhinegun positions for road bloc ks.
fa). Gen. Terence S. i Alrey,
ish chief of civil affairs off)
said mor British soldiers)
p being advanced to th fror
as a precaution. I I
Barely 2.000 tonight attended
communist political rally, the first
since the United States, Franc)
and Britain announced on Katur
day they wer proposing that all
Trieste free state territory be ree
turned to Italian sovereignty.
Trouble Does
Ship's Voyage
SAN FRANCISCO, March 24 -?
(4V Th liner General Gordon
docked today, 21 days out of
Shanghai, with a log crammed
full of trouble. ' I .
Th. first day out of Manila a
woman leaped overboard with her
four-months -old son.
A ship's officer was detained by
customs at Honolulu for InvrslU
gallon of smuggling,
Four appendix operations were
performed on crew members In
five days. . H
Two babies were delivered, one,
prematurely born, died. i
Fiv stowaways wer ' di
covered. i A