: ; - ' ' I . CfiHy Iw EBiriief s CLAY COCHRAN APPOINTED Manager Clay Cochran of Sa lem Chamber of Commerce has been mmed Marion county chair man for the third annual cam paign for intrastate tourist promo tion, under auspices of the Ore gon Advertising club. A promo tional tour of western and south ern Oregon tourist spots April 12-16 will feature the campaign. iCochran sard yesterday that Sa pem will be represented on the U! Minting, 23 yn. exp. Ph. 7532. lo-r about 4. little rant ho' Locat ed it 530 Terrace ave. less than :! bWki from McKlnley school . bedrooms and den. top - grade Construction; elec. heat; view lot 3x100. This home featured in pril laoue of Household maga- w:e. For information and appoint fut call Mrs. Mankertz at 2-1222 e Ohmart 8t Co. Realtors. 477 Curt Mi. Ph. 2-4115 tnce tonight Crystal Gardens. "KUTT DELAYS MEET Salem Geological society has Postponed its regular meeting 'rom tonight until Wednesday, arch 31, when in members will "Vet at Collin hall on the Wil lamette university campus at S Pm. to hear Otto K Paulus of Slem review the geology of this lea and its effect on everyday Ife. The public is invited. Eklen Ray from Ellen s Shop on S Com'l. now at Larsen's Beauty Shop Trl, Sat Ph. 5033. Iance totught Crystal Gardens. Phone 4142 for a free roof esti "vate. Johns-Manville shingles are w available in beautiful blends plain colors. Mathis Bros . M S. Com 1 1A1S LOOTED Jrvi M MrHer. Sjm route , reported to city police Tuesday Iflat a camera was stolen from his i car in downtown Salem Tuesday I oorning J McNeil. 610 N Com-1 roercial st . reported the loss of a 1 'arton of ngaiettes and a pair of flier's gloes fum his ar near he residence Monday night. &e the "Crosley" Frostmaster iJome freeer ami frozen fiwid stor age cabinet Broadway Appliance Company. 453 Court, Sam, Ore gon. C ARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere t : r i ks t our mji.v f: ler. li anl i-enthboi in mui recer.t bereave ii .t- it. and al f.M' the beautiful floral offer m Mi s Ciei i i? WjI'.ing. Mi. and Mis Tiacy Walling and family OIL BDBHEB SERVICE Salem Hearting and Sheet Meted Co. 10S3 Broadway Call 1555 CIVIL SERVICE JOBS OPEN" U. S. civil service openings for chemist positions at $3,397 to $5,903 per year were announced Tuesday by William Fischer, lo cal civil service secretary, in the postoffice building. Applications are accepted until Dec. 31. 1948. I Alo open until April 5 are per imanent probational appointments to 12 aircraft trade positions. p.Fucher has additional information on all the examinations. i j Insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem Federal I Savings Association, 390 State st. -Steam baths, reducing. Ph. 439. ' Special close out. dishwasher ' $35.00, portable dishwasher $25.95, trash burners $44.93. two burner 'cabinet atove 1150 $29 95. Broad 1 way Appliance Company, 453 j Court, Salem, Oregon. INION gHOP SIGNED r The Saving Center markets, in West Salem and on North fort land road, have signed an agree- , ment with the meat cutters un ion and the retail clerk's union for union shops, according to in- ' nouncement made yesterday by ' the union official. For rent: Thor Gladiron Ironer. $2 50 per week. Broadway Appli ance Company, 453 Court. Apartment electric ranges now I $99.95. Broadway Appliance Com 1 pany, 433 Court. Salem. Oregon. Free demonstration in your home. l Thor Automatic Washer. Broad- way Appliance Company, 453 Court, Salem, Oregon. KEIZER SERVICE FILED j A notice of retirement from Keizer Sanitation service was filed with the Marion county clerk i Tuesday by D. J. Goode. Salem i route 8, and an aseumed business name certificate for the garbage i dispsal firm was filed by James! j W. Goode, Salem route 8. box 383 I I -got mine today. Did you get i yours- No, I diin t get mine yet but how ( does your work j It works like magic; you know I only rented mine but with your family it wculd pay you to buy one. I'm going down and get one to- rnr: '. . Where d:d you get ymi I got my Thor Gladiron Ironer today It's won ierfd. thdriks for telling me Broadway Appliance (.Vmpany had them at 453 Court MONITOR STORE CHANGES A notice of letirement fiom M (.:'., i Cash market at Mmito was filed with the M.i:i n county cle'k Tuesday by Roy C Davis and Bernice M Davis while VS. C Dav:s of Monitor filed ji: assumed business name cert fu jte fi the .-tore. Automatic testers and mixers for irrimeliate delivery. Broadway Appliance Company, 453 Court. Salem, Oregon. BABIES GO HOME Taking home infant daughters from Salem General hospital Tues day were Mrs. Harold Perry, New berg, and Mrs. Phil Sal strom, 1030 E. Monro st. Mrs. Paul Worth ington. Independence, and Mrs. Ben Walling, 1346 Hoyt St., left with their new sons. We repair all small electric ap pliances. .. Broadway Appliance Company, 53 Court, Salem. Ore gon. Colored Easter Chicks. Ringland's Pet Shop, 475 Ferry st. SCOl'TERS MEET A discussion of district opera tions and committee report will ! take place at tonight's meeting of the Cherry City Boy Scout dist rict meeting at Pringle park be- I ginning at S o'clock. District j v. nairnun uayi ourres win preside. Regular meeting Cannery Local 670. Wed , March 24. 8 p m. Labor Temple. Easter surprises. Regular meeting Cannery Local 670. Wed . March 24. 8 p m Labor Temple. Easter surprises. MAY HAIL LOGS A permit to haul logs over cer tain county roads was granted ; Tuesday to Highway Fuel Co.. i 2390 Fairgrounds rd , by the Mar-i ion county court. The court also' granted a permit to Willard Hess, ; Scappoose, to haul piling over certain Marion county roads. Easter bunnies Ringland's Pet Shop. 475 Ferry. Gov't employe, in supervisory cap acity with 20 yrs. in Salem, wants to lease a two bedroom house for , 2 years or longer. Ref. given and best of care guaranteed. Ph. 4681. MOTHERS DISMISSED Dismissed from Salem Memorial hospital Tuesday with new-born sons were Mrs Vincent Herzog. ; Gates, and Mrs L. G. Melsha. 2620 ' S Summer st Mrs. Da id Eagle ton. Independence, went home with her infant son. Dance tonight Crystal Gardens. i Last opportunity: Paul Armstrong School of Dancing announces 1 (lasses for beginners and experi enced students at the Marion Ho tel Thursday and Friday. Visitors welcome. MARINES MEET TONIGHT ! ReijuNr training is on the pro gram for tonight's meeting of the Salem rr.anr.e corps reserve bat- 1 terv a 8 o'c !o k in building T-Ml at S.tm airport. Tian-p.irta:;ou veil! be pi v. i led at 7.30 p m. at city run Faster turkey., her.s. dressed & didAji 4V lb Mario:: C'reamerv Ph (? Wave of Thefts Continues with 3 Burglaries The current wave of burglaries in Salem continued Monday night when three Hollywood district businesses were entered and looted of more than $450 in checks and cash, city police reported Tues day. Detective Hobart Kiggins, who investigated the thefts aaid a total of $450, including checks and cash was stolen from the office of the Oregon Feed and Supply company, 2700 Portland rd. Also prowled was the Bishop Electric company, next door, where $4 55 was taken from a stamp box. The third burglary oc curred at the B & E Lumber com pany, 25 Lana ave, where a $1 bill and a few pennies were re ported missing. Detectives Tuesday were still searching for thieves who broke into six offices in two downtown buildings last week end. They reported a total of $48 missing from Oregon and Ladd &c Bush bank building office Detectives said about $20 was takn from the Cascade Boy Scout area offices and $18 from the Merchant's Credit bureau. Both in the Ladd Sc Bush building. In the Oregon building the thieves took a small amout in coins from a box at Camp Fire Girls' office, but got nothing when they at tempted to jimmy money boxes in the offices of the Oregon State Employes association and Kath ryn's Beauty shop, police said. The burglars also entered the Community Chest office in the Ladd & Bush building, but it was not determined whether anything was missing. An unsuccessful at tempt was made in the same j building to enter the office of E. K. Pliasecki. attorney. The entries in the Ladd &c Bush ; building all were made with ! " jimmies". Police said the thieves j may have used keys at the Oregon I building because ttiey were un- able to find marks around the of- ; fice doors. i Old Grad r X Madisen L. Jeaes. whs will eb serve his 99th birthday Men day from his bed In a naming heme la Portland. Tuesday challeng ed the claim of Dr. L. Franklin Belknap i title ef eldest living graduate ef Willamette mnlver slty. The Portland mil wheae two sons, Ronald and Ellis H. Jones. live in Marion county, was a member of the elaao of 1871 graduated from Willamette university with bachelor of arts degree. Last year he visited the 75lh birthday celebration of the Gervats Masonic lodge of which he Is the lone surviving charter member. Bishop Dag well Gives Religious Talk to Kiwanis Jayeees Hear Rev. Stewart J tsisy Few FtwusKssY sVeys i H t : - v; . to a i i. ft m ii IB) n 'f W ! ii (1 0 6 A ftw fwci$ AsWvf Whooping Cough Vaccine First tested during an epidemic in the Faro Islands in 1925. the Vaccine for immunization against Whooping Cough gave significant protection .gainst contracting the disease. This experiment was conducted by Dr Madsen, a Danish physician. Given to children over six months of age, the Vaccine offers protection against the diaeete and lessens its severity if contracted. W1LLETT8 Capital Dreg Store Cr. State A Liberty - Pnoox 21 IS rV C all us for all types of permanent vaes han tinting. scjlp tiet meiit. rt'-styimg. Fxperienced op erators. I. in Stick Beauty Salon. 1872 St.nte st . phone 33:16. NAMED HONOR STl DENT Ki-'prn (eor- ro'lee sent word Tuesday t uit Mnrviu Sum mei of Sa'.em reeer. ed honor gr:id's lor the wmtei tei m wlin h ie eftiy f.led on the Li (I rand-? can.p'.- U s grade point average was 3 5 of a po-jib'e 4 0. 20 to 50""- on wallpaper closeouts Ellstrom's, 340 Court. Auto elec poo up toasters, waffle irons, combination sandwich toast er and waffle iron, Dormeyer ilec. mixers Holly wood Appliance Co. Friendly service. 2005 Fairgrounds Rd Ph 24433 PLl MBING SI PPLY LISTED An asumed business name cer tificate for Nathman Plumbing and ! Supply. 1174 Mill st.. was filed with the Marion county clerk Tuesday by L. E. deWeese of Portland. Attention Eagles: Two free shows, to be held at 8 30 and 10.30 every! Wed. Guest night bring your OEM CVTTKKS TO MEET Willamette Gem Cutters will meet Friday at 7:30 p m. in the Salem Memorial hoapttal chapel. All interested persons are welcome. 'Human beings today need a dyrnmu push toward action p!u an aaienes, of God's reality," the Re.. G. Hayden Stewart, pus tor of the Corvalh.s First C " h 1 1 s -tian t h.in h. told the Junior Cham ber of Commene at a luncheon Tuesday in the M.irion hotel The Re . Mr. Stewait's speech was ,jriansei for by tlie Sjlem .Mini-teri.il ascHiat ioti as a p-tit of then Holy week progiam Pi ei e.1i in; the t -i!k. Tom Pome roy. Jayiee vice president, an-i-.oui.ct d a dinner meeting of the Jur.ii r C'hamber fif Commerce at 7 pm Friday .it the Gold A;io.v i estui.rant . More response to religion Is of ten received from those who are in trouble than from ' the cushion ed seats of the churchs or the well loaded tables of service clubs." the Rt Rev. Benjamin D. Dagvvell, Oregon Episcopal bish op, said in a Holy week talk at Salem Kiwanis club Tuesday noon in the Marion hotel. It is necessary to remember that Jesus Christ taught the way for nations to get along with one another as well as for individ ual, the Oregon churchman said. Refeiiirig to the recent supreme court decision which at feet s teaching of the Bible in public school-. Bishop D.igwell said he was inclined to be satisfied with it. He went on to epre5 the hope thj the time mig'it come when students would have the opportunity to study the Bible as htei ,r Lire. The speaker was introduced by tne Rev George Swift, rector of St Paul's Episcopal chinch in Sa lem. Bodies of Tw o European War Victims on Ship Bodies of two Willamette valley men killed in France during World War II will arrive in New York City March 31 aboard the army transport Robert F. Burns, the army information said Tues day. Being returned for burial in Oregon are the bodies of PFC. Stanley W. Brown, son of Mrs. E1U Mae Brown, 1043 Ruge st.. West Salem, and SSGT. John W. Connell, jr., whose widow, Mrs. Elta Brown, lives in Wood burn. Both were interred at the U. S. military cemetery at Epanal, France. Brown, a squad leader in the iniantry, entered the army in 1940 and served 2'i years with the 75th coast , artillery in Alaska. He was transferred to the Infan try and was killed in action Nov. 17. 1944. He is survived by his mother; a brother, Keith Brown; a sister and a niece. Connell, a salesman at Hillsboro, enlisted in the army in that city Aug. 10, 1943, and received his basic training at Camp Adair. He was transferred to Ft. Leonard and went overseas in December, 1944. He was killed while serv ing with the 70th division of the 7th army in France on February 22. Surviving are his widow; a son, John Winton Connell of Wood burn; father, John W. Connell of Hillsboro, and a aister, Mrs. Ken neth Patterson of Oswego. The. Stat man. Saint. Oroxyoa. VviadaY March 24, 1343 S elected president, L. V. Benson re-elected vice-president and L Rj Tweedie elected secretary treasurer. Manager Harry Read reported S3 members added since January 1 has brought membership over 900. Gross sales for February were repotted at $14,797 and net in come for the month at $3,48 1. rr iff;. 3i 5(-.ii. Try Use NEW, MODEL. Batteries for 488 Court 8L $09 iAII Aids ffc. 2-4I09 9m JMStte C. of C. to Continue Study of Hospitals Salem Chamber of Commerce directors decided Tuesday at a Marion hotel meeting to continue a study of Salem hospital needs and the proposed fund campaigns which would seek $1,500,000 for each of Salem General and Salem Memorial hospital. I When both hospitals planned I constructions programs and fund ; drives, chamber leaders asked the j two hospital boards to consider : a joint campaign for fund. A 1 long range planning commission surv ey which has not been made i public was undertaken after hos- : pital board members asked the , chamber to study the situation. - Relax! Let Greyhound do your driving for you. Comfortable air-conditioned ooachea. Dependable drivers. Frequent service everywhere, Taore Art Jh fewer fores f . $1J5 Reddiaui f 1 rertland St 9mm Frgactse I I Grants Pass .4 Los Angeles .... m0 ADCMTtONAl SAVIMOl ON SOUND TStP FAtCS C. T. Keaoer. Ageat ZSt N. HUh rkosso MS '. VIM Inspector Notes Iiiiprovemeiit in Food Packaging Improvement in sandwich pack aging and handli-in Salem was noted Tuesday by City Restaurant Inspector W. J. Quinn in a report j of current activity. j A check into local distribution j of sandwiches made and packag ed in Portland determined that the j company used no reii igeration, but Quinn's investigation has re sulted in refrigeration in the Portland plant and on the trucks deliveiing sandwiches to Salem. Quinn reported that 39 local restaurants now have "A" cards, 44 "B" and 1 "C." There are 90 and wish-taverns, canenry cafe terias and miscellaneous small es tablish metits which are not grad ed under city restaurant law. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Miry Lachelle of Lachelie's Fucs v. a.s taken to Salem General ho.spit.il Monday night after hav ing been ill with the flu for two weeks. Members Added To Salem Electric Salem Electric, a cooperative distributing Bonneville power in West Salem and Salem, reported a membership neanng the 1.000 mark at an election meeting of the board of directors Tuesday noon in the Marion hotel. Julian Burroughs was re- INVEST IN EYE CARE i LMJ: Dr. E. E. Boring Giv your yes the benefit of professlonal frqra. Let our optometrists prescribe new glasses lot you. Boring Optical DIGNIFIED CREDIT Igl Court none C5 Dance tomgtit Crystal Gardens. FEED MAM EETIRES Robert G. Sen u pp. Salem route 8, box 754. filed a notice of re tirement from Schupp's Keizer Feed and Seed Co. with the Mar ion county clerk Tuesday. Auto glass installed. Floor send ers for rent. R. D. Wood row, 450 Center st. JPrmbytcrian Church To Hold Communion Service on Thurtwlay The traditional Maundy Thurs day communion will be obaervod at the First Presbyterian church I at 8 p.m. Thursday. j The candlelight service will be conauciea oj ur. wnosier tt . Hamblin The church choir, ds rected by Virginia Ward Elliott, will sing the communion litany. Prior to communion the sacra ment of baptism will be observed and new members will be received. SAFETY SPECIAL ZsCras oca JL j-fu 11 A "' - S I SIITI.WIIMM - - - ' f It's sa easy war to star out of trouble. For safer, worry -free drivimg, get our Mercury Safety Special iaw. We'll check sad adjust . . . IRAKIS LIGHTS STEERING WINDSHIELD WIPERS HORN FRONT WHEELS YtTP 111 Seldom epuzled. never excelled Distributed by Gideon Stolx Company r v I I I A h 9m M Warner Ilolor Co. 43fl M. CotamereiaJ St. 1t49 1 T . .1 17 D T ieaaing tne iaszzv laraae jit p 1 i O Its mo coladdtsic cbtt the stBsxtesc peopU ta the Easter parade wear Gruen- Preoston watcnes. know that a Grata them the newest, moscjbeau tifal watch styles 4 f pJu remarkable timekeeping accuracy. See our larie se lectioa of Gruea VeriTThin and Correx models for men and women. Priced from 33.75 including federal tax. jj S5fJ3 JEVILIRi OPTOMETRISTS 9j ; 1- -; 'm Gharcn to your ! Account