The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Tho Statesman, Salem. Ortqon, Wednesday. March 24. 19-43
Detroit Folk
Return Home
DETROIT Delmar Burt re
turned Saturday from St. Charles
hospital in Bend where he had
been for several days for observa
tion. He was slightly injured when
hit by a piece of bark while work
ing at blasting stumps at the new
school house location here.
E. W. Bray also returned Sat
urday from the Bend hospital
where she was receiving treatment
following fracture of one of the
small bones in his leg.
Mrs. Rex Burt has been spend
ing a few days with relatives at
Twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Brown were brought home
Friday from Bend.
Mrs. Lincoln Gilpin and infant
daughter returned to their home
here the last of the week.
Merry Minglers Club
Entertained Wednesday
EAST SALEM Mrs. Robert
Wagers entertained the Merry
Minglers club last week. Dessert
luncheon was served to Mrs. Er
nest Baker, Mrs. Cleo Keppinger,
Mrs. Earl Malm, Mrs. Frank
Prime, Mrs. Leonard Malm. Mrs.
Robert Fromm, Mrs. John Acker
man, Mrs. Clyde Colwell, Mrs. Ir
win Waters, Mrs. Harvey Page,
Mrs. Roy Barker, Mrs. Robert
Pickerel, Mrs. Anne Jesse, Mrs.
Dan Scharf, Mrs. Carl Snyder,
Mrs. Covil Case, Mrs. Wade Car
j ter, Mrs. Albert Fabry and the
j president, Mrs. Henry Sprick. Mrs.
i Earl Malm was chairman of the
club's part in the Middle Grove
J Community club program, -and
she announced they would present
a travelogue picture of a recent
trip of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jones
i of Salem.
Friends Plan Easter
Sunday Birthday Party
MILL CITY Friends and rela
tives of Mr.?. Alice Burton are be
ing invited to attend a birthday
party in her honor Sunday, March
28, at the Stayton Woman's club
SILVER TON "Low Cost of
tlioh I ivin" disrussed bv
! Leslie A. White, Albany, Monday
at Rotary club meeting at loney s.
Guests were Nye O. Bristol, Hills
boro; Albert Epperly, J. W. Jor
dan, Albany, Harvey Millet, J. R.
Renfru, Salem; Tom Anderson.
jr., Tim Preston, jr., Oregon uni
versity students. William weston,
graduate student, Oregon State
college, and Ted Riches, Silverton.
The Keith Brown Lumber Yard
Sierial Price One Lot of
Sheathing Paper
O For Sub Floors. Sub Walls
O Us Under Carpets
Did Sell $3.50 roll
Roll .O
Just Received Shipment of
arions 0Irel Perfect-fit
Stained Cedar Shakes
O Beautiful Side walls at
1 i less cost than
regular siding
O 5 Colors to Choose From
Front & Court
Phone 9163
Silverten Born at the Silver
ton hospital March 22, a son to
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Smith
of Wood burn ; a daughter to Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Mattingly; March
21, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
WoLstad of Molalla; March 19, a
son to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ebner
of Mt. Angel; March 20. a daugh
ter to Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Heater
(Joyce LeRud) of Sublimity.
Unien HUI Mrs. L. P. Wells,
nutritionist with the state depart
ment of education, will speak on
the school lunch program at the
Victor Point school Friday, March
26. at 8 p.m. when she meets with
the Parent Teachers club of dis
trict 42C.
Orchard Heights Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Davis. Mrs. Eva Bass and
son Darrell of Salem have moved
to Philomath where Mrs. Bass
has obtained work. Davis will
continue working for Glen South
wick for the time bfing They
formerly lived on Orchard
Heights road.
Zcu Easter sunrise services
will be held at 6 a.m. Sunday by
Zena Community church followed
by an Easter breakfast' The Rev.
Gustav Rouser. Bethel Baptist
church, will be the speaker and
the Dallas quartet will present
several numbers.
Keiser Keizer community
residents will meet at 8 p.m.
Thursday at the Keizer grange
to vote upon organization of a
flood control district. The meet
ing will be conducted by Harry
Pearcy. route 2.
Sannyslde Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Taylor visited Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Frazier at Amboy,
Wash., this week. Mrs. Frazier
taught at Sunnyside school some
years ago and is now principal
of the Amboy school. The Fraziers
own a herd of Aberdeen Angus
cattle on their farm at Amboy.
i Four Corners Verlaine Walk
Jer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.
IE. Walker, and Evelyn Ben,
'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
i Benz, all on Mahrt avenue, are
(spending spring vacation at home
from Oregon State college.
J Silverton Anne Avery of Port
! land will be guest speaker April
6 meeting of the Silverton Busi
ness and Professional Womens
dub. Hannah Irene Roubal is
chairman for the program and
c'.ub president is Hannah Olson.
Swegle Mothers of children
attending Swegle school, mothers
of pre-school children, and all
I women of the community inter
i ested in the school are asked to
meet for a special meeting at the
! school house Thursday at 2 pjn.
! Detroit Walter Ball shot a sev-
I 9 . . ;n tL. .,...., . n
Humbug forest camp. The cougar
was treed by Ball's recently ac- 1
quired cougar hound. He said the
cougar was unusually thin.
Macleay Forty grange members
attended the visitation meeting at
Silverton with all officers pres- !
Four Corner Rickey school
mothers club will meet at the
schoolhouse Wednesday, March 31.
Christmans Hosts for
Four Corners Club
Mrs. Ross Chrisman, 410 S. Lan
caster, entertained the Pinochle
club Saturday night. Present were
Messrs. and Mesdames Homer
Bales, Jess Mcllney, Hardie Phil
lips, Dale Jeffries, Ernest Walker,
S. H. Cable, Ray Osborn and Ruth
Chrisman. Scoring honors were
won by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs.
Osborn and Ernest Walker. -
Refreshments were served. The
next meeting will be with Mr. and
Mrs. Hardie Phillips.
Valley v
Eola Group Entertains
For Popcorn Resident
POPCORN The Community
,club met Friday night when Eola
i members gave the program which
i n c I u d e d Ethelwynn DeLapp,
! pianist; trio, Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Noll and Nina Etter, and Curtis
Ferguson's orchestra the "Gulley
Ankeny Grange Holds
Social Night of Cards
JEFFERSON Social night at
Ankeny Grange hall Saturday
night was well attended, with
eight tables of pinochle in play.
High scores went to Mesdames
Elmo Brown, John Zehner and
J O. Farr. ; Consolation prizes to
Mrs. Louise Johnston, Mrs. Rex
Hartley and J. O. Farr.
Fannie Wilson
MILL CITY Fannie Wilson of
Lyons, sister of Mrs. John Trask,
died Saturday. Funeral services
were held Monday at Stayton.
Orchard Heights Club
Hears About Home Color
Orchard Heights Woman's club
met Thursday with Mrs. A. A.
Withers. Mrs. Roy McDowell a
iited. Mrs. Viola Shaffer. Polk
county demonstration agent, dis
cussed pressure sauce pens.
Present were Mrs. Robert Wor
ral, Mrs. Joe Lucas, Mrs. Myrtle
Garrow, Mrs. Dean Withers. Mrs.
Ammon Grice Mrs. Cecil Lutkins
and Mrs. Arthur Bone. The next
meeting will be at Mrs. Walter
Kings. Mrs. Shaffer will dicus
color in the home "
niece of Mrs. Irving Bunse. Is I resided at Sunnyside several years
the former Wilms Johnson who I ago. , . jjjj ,,
Canadian Poultryman
Visits at Sunnyside
SUNNYSIDE Visiting recently
at the Ray Heckart and Irving
Bunse homes was A. D. Davey of
Ottawa, Ontario. He is the do
minion administrator in the poul
try division of the department of
agriculture at Ottawa and Is on
a business trip in western Canada
and United States. Mrs. Davey,
Turf with the Velvet Touch
1 :l
i . . '
f ... . .
la ivn SCCD
!)! .!
Sow this famous triple clean teed and watch your lawn
turn into a thick green carpet that's the envy of the
neighborhood. Ifs triple cleon, 99.91 weed free so you
don't need as much to get a lawn of rone' beauty.
1 lb - $1.00 5 lbs - $4 t5 25 lbs 1 $23.75
! i ;
SCOm LAWN FOOD-lnvlgorote your lawn with this
mild, long lasting meal-type grassfood ond you'll 1 bo
thrilled at Its sporkJing color, luxuriant growth. $2.45
feeds average lawn.
120 No. Commercial. Salem
Phone 4908
Jefferson Sidnev-Talbot home ' Orchard Heights Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Lutkins of Heppner visited
last week at the Ammon Grice?.
1 eMenwon unit will meet with
Mrs Henry Turnidge Wednesday,
' March 31, since the regularly
! scheduled meeting f;ills on the
: Spring FeMial date.
! Brush College Food sale by the
Brush College Helpers last week in
I Salem netted the club $55. The
i group will meet with Mrs Carl
i Wood. 712 N Church t , Thurs
; day. March 25 at 2 p m
i I'nion Hill A surprise winter
J snow storm covered the ground
! here ami at Silver Falls Monday
leaving ten inches of snow at Sil
ver F.1II5
! I'nion Hill Easter Sunrise serv
i ice and program will be held at
the Union Hill school
7 am invitation to
I been extended.
Turner Mr. and Mrs Dick
Chapman are announcing the birth
of a son. Richard Guy. March 21
at a Salem hospital. They have
Uvji Rills. Kilhe and Patiicia.
Sunnyside Friendly Hour
club will meet March 31 with Mrs.
J K Askew fur an .1II-1l.1V meet
ing Salem Marion county Farm
ers Union will meet in Salem,
3.1 April 3
Sunday at
attend has
Come in and See It!
S0H0T0NE "900"
(J L0
23 v:::
Finest "all-in-one" hearing aid
ever made. Easy to wear as a
wristwatch. Powerful natur
al far more economical.
Sonoione Hearing
Room 6, Buh-Brey man Bldg.
147 N. Commercial. Salem
Phone 21619
f ( No rlutrh to push! No pear to sh.ftf .Ml thi . . . and WH1RLAWAY. tool
I ( l WM1KLWX Y 1 a pm-prrfurmancc feature of Olilmolile' Hvdra-Matie
, I lirive Imjine tnu re rruiMu along the road and Muhlenlv, dr salrt'i akr,
' I l . Vv vou need an instant burt l ptrk-up. All vu i i Urp Joun yuuklv on
II II Vv ''VVow the otcrlrriunr all the udv In thr (Utor and WHIRI.AVIAY gi- into a. lion!
I I II W You eep ahead with a urpe of power a if you were jet-propelled!
I ' I X Cs-OS'-. ;M Hvdra Matic Drive, U'HIRLAU' AY, 19 available at extra cot ia
j vJ"" ; the Kulurarnic ( iUlsmobile "'JH" the Dynamic "t0" and "70."
il pa ru n t.rj
If Super-Cushion Tires Don't Give You
The Softest Ride You've Ever Had!
We mean every word we ay we'll put a
set of Super-Cushion tires with new tubes on
your car.
Drive it for one week. Then, il you don't agree
they give you a softer ride than any tire you've
ever owned, we'll replace them with your own
tires and give your money back.
The Super-Cushion is a remarkable new kind
of tire. It is bigger and softer than conventional
tires and runs on only 24 pounds of air pres
sure. It is so superior that we make this amaz
ing trial offer ... for a very limited time only
due to the great demand for Super-Cushions.
SUPER-CUSHIONS give you a remark
able new ease in car handling. Your car
hags the road, seems to float through traf
fic, to flow around curves.
SUPER-CUSHIONS soak up crosswise
jolts, soak up vibration. Results: less driv
ing fatigue, less wear and tear on your
car. fewer rattles, feweu repair bills.
SUPER-CUSHIONS consistently average
more mileage than the best standard tires.
More they make small cars ride like big
ones . . . make big cars ride better.
SUPER-CUSHIONS run cooler; and be
cause they're softer, they "roll with the
punch", are harder to cut. bruise or blow
Arrange now for a Super-Cushion test run
on your car.
I ' i
t ...
Frank Dooliiile Ilasler Service Station
lnter8nUP...TtwmMtTZKX.. .T Wa ten Mt ymmi OLDS MOBILE I
365 North Commercial
Phone 416 t
465 Center St.
Salem, Oregon