The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 23, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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    Talbot Woman's Club
Entertained Wednesday
TALBOT Mrs. Delmer David
ton and Mrs. Marvin Loft us enter
tained the Talbot Women's club
with a 1-30 dessert luncheon at
Davidson's home Wednesday. The
St. Patrick's motif was used.
Mrs. Henry Turmdge. president,
conducted the business meeting.
Mrs. Gnegunch will be hostess
March 24, at her home.
You'll Enjoy
20 Years of
Hoi Waler Service
When You buy a
Ralph Johnson
355 Onter
Ph. 4036
iv. &.-v..v:.a:.'.
-J IP 91 I
Get there foster on
tinned AfarMfagoa
San Francisco 4' hr.
Los Angeles . . .6 56 hrs.
Fast Service to Chicago. New York and
"All the East"
or an
1 vour
t Vs 4ym if d& U?fB tiL
give it new Spring up. Bring it "back
home" for Genuine Ford Service that
tavet you money four ways with
1. Fere-treieeW Mec keeks
2. Geeeiee fmi Ferts
4. Seeciei ferJ Eeeapeieet
chick DimnvTo
V Stviem J
rr t4 Dtmtm toWta
Falls Gty Has
Man v Visitors
FALLS CITY Ray Lundeen
and Hugh Soclse have reopened
Ray's Gafe. Mrs. Bernice Short
and Mrs. Billie Shepard are as-
i sistmg them.
Mrs. John Gilbert entertained
! with a birthday dinner last Sun
day honoring her mother, Mrs.
Flovd Jones. Other guests were
i Mr. and Mns, Floyd Jones, Mr.
' and Mrs. Don Cummings and son
I Robbie. Mr. and Mrs. John Gil
bert and son Billy.
Mrs. James Dickenson and Mrs.
Katie Graham are ill at their
Mr and Mrs. Bill Ferguson of
Salem visited friends and rela
tives here last week.
Ira Davis was in Dallas Monday
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inman and
(hildren of Portland are visiting
relatnes here for two weeks.
Roy Jones df Salem visited
ii lends here this week
Mrs Calvin Bornhart of Dallas
was a Salem visitor Thursday.
Richard Marr entered the Dal
las hospital for medical treatment
Gerrais Garden Club
Shrub (.out est Held
GERVAIS Mrs. Wilbur Dodd
entertained for the Garden club
Thursday with 18 present. Mrs.
Laird Kaupp. Mr R. H. Morton.
Mr- M J D Lapp of Gervais.
and Mrs Frank Dx1d of Wood
bum w re guests
Mrs. Ernest Andres. vice-president,
conducted the meeting m the
absence of Mrs. John Henny. Mrs.
Zeno Schwab and Mrs Joseph
He tiny hart charge of the program
and gae camellia corsages to
winner of shrubbery naming con
tests. Invitation of the chamber
of ommerce for a social night
Apul 12 was accepted
Mr-. Zeno Si hwab will enter
tain the club April 1. Mrs Martin
Stifer and Mrs Anna McGuire
a ill have the program
P i hrs.
Airport Terminal
Call 3848
authorized travel agent
Ford and
?.A ,
cuah a mm
r fetaa to fW AJhm SAw, Swrnday
Jefferson TToraen Have
An Afternoon Program
Society of Christian Service met
Wednesday with Mrs. J. G. Fon
taine and Marjorie Fontaine. Ad
die Lib by was program leader in
the absence of Mrs. George Mason.
Miss Libby reviewed the third
chapter of the student book,
"Great Prayers of the Bible". A
gift was presented the vice presi
dent. Mrs. Henry Schantz, who
leaves" next week for Hydro, Okla.
Present v. ere Mrs. C. M. Cochran.
Mrs. C. M. Smith, Mrs. Earl
Phelps, Mrs. Blanche Libby, Mrs.
Earl Lynes. Mrs. Mary Powell,
Mrs. Ivan Hadley, Mrs. J R Mc- I
Kee, Mrs. Schantz, Miss Libby :
and the hostesses. I
Salem Heights Mothers
Flan for Next Month''-
Snyder, from the state dept . spoke
on the subject "Handicapped
Children,'' F riday at Mothers club
Mrs. Lyle Bayne conducted the
business meeting. Nominating com
mittee members are Mrs. Paul
Harvev, Mrs. J W. Brasher, and
Mrs E A. Carleton.
Plans were to sponsor a leader's
dinner at the Mayflower hall the '
latter part of April were discussed.
Mrs Jasper Morgan, rom mother i
for the sixth grade, was in charge :
of refreshments.
Cooking Demonstration
Given at Union Hill
UNION HILL A cooking dem
onstration on electric stoves was
Uiven the Woman's club at Mrs.
Henry Scotts Thursday.
Plans were made for the County
fair to be held at the next club
Verny Scotts Thursday.
Others present were Mrs Hen
ry Tate. Mp. Maurice Heater,
Mrs. W. M Tate Mrs Adolph
Heater. Mrs Henry Peters. Mrs.
W H. Mollet Hrs. Ralph Mollet,
Mrs. C E Heater, Mrs Florence
, Pottorff, Mrs Jack Castecl and
Janice, Mrs Morris Johnston and
Hetty, Mrs A L. Kostenborder,
Mrs Irene Swearinger and Mrs.
Ernest Srx-ed
V (die x Calendar
Mrfrinn ' hi : . t v xt-r-r 'i
M.rlj. M'v Henry M.tir
TlMtin.iS urnt
Poik c:rn.,"n: Daiis i.:
Mdrion t xtrnHtn
ter. Mn. Mar iv Lom- 2 p
ton Hills. 1 30 p rn. cMi:r,'..r
7 :;o p :t!
I dl i-h i-en-Silver-:.;
Polk f x!f i:.i'll
Ma: M il i o . '
1 30 . l.,h
R .. ki . all g ar.Re
flii.-.i.i: Mr
air. J
Fruitiand ( ,i l ie. 2 p :t
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Polk rxter.
Mikp Foc-r.t.
m Hi u- h. i I leu v
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Marlon i-ounT Tf:iM r. ' r.nm
I-anr Lancaster s. 1 JO D m
x Ten- i' r. ' E1na
North Hovkeil rai.Kr, M.d-: Grove
pla rr 8 p '
Waldo Hill-
tnmimgi UK
-T" " n
Hubbard Post
Card Benef it
Is Wednesday
HUBBARD Aid society of
the Hubbard community church
meets with Mrs Ben Miller Wed
nesday, March 24, 2 p. m.
Second in the series of card
parties sponsored by Aurora and
Hubbard American Legion posts
and auxiliaries will be held at
Hubbard legion hall Wednesday
Annual mystery mother-daughter
banquet was held Wednesday
in the gymnasium. Thirty-eight
mothers and daughters were
served at a table decorated with
green shamrocks and yellow daf
fodils. New officers elected are
Mrs. John Strawn, re-elected
president; Mrs. Knute Peterson,
vice president to succeed Mis.
Jerry Myers: Dolores Kliewer,
secretary to succeed Martha Mor
rison. Kitchen committee includes
Mrs. Floyd Dominick. Mrs. Harry
Reed, Mrs. John Morrison and
Doris Shrcck. Mystery daughters
and mothers were revealed and
names drawn for the coming year.
Hubbard Women's club heard
the extension program Wednes
day at Mrs. A. J. Smiths. Sub
ject was presented by project
leaders Mrs. Willie Berkey and
Mrs. Clarence Friend The club
will sponsor the exhibit "selection
of china" at the Homemakers fes
tival April 6.
Hubbard firemen will sponsor a
benefit dance Saturday night,
April 3, at the city hall.
The regular session of the Pyth
ian Sisters of Arion Temple was
attended by 40 members Tuesday.
Mrs. Al Barendse and Mrs. Don
Bell are new members. Mrs.
Wayne Bridge was re-appointed
chairman of the health committee,
Mrs. Willis Berkey and Mr Du
ane Hatcher vvere apponnted on
the Memorial committee. Mrs.
Max Cook was appointed on the
park committee Mrs. A. F. de-Lespinas-e
was reported ill St.
Patrick's day was observed with
appropriate decorations and le
freshments served by Mrs L M
Scholl, Mrs. V'erl Cochran. Mrs
Bahne Paulson and Mildred
Helen Ackerman
Ackerman. 74. died .if Albany
General hospital Saturday. Maich
20. after long illne-. Funeial -er-vices
will be held from the Jtflei
son Methodist church Tu da.
March 23 at 2 p m Kan Hadley.
pastor of the Jellerson Methodi-1
church will officiate, burial in
Jefferson cemetery. Pallbeaiers
will be C. A. Meyeis. George
latt. Paul McKee. Gilbert Belknap.
William Skelton and Guy Roland.
Mr' Gilbert Loonev will sing. Mt
Jefft r-on Rebekah lodge will aNo
take part.
Helen Stone was the daughter
of Edgar and Laura Mi Kee Stone
and was born April 24. 1873 at
Salem She had spent all of her
life in Marion lounty ano the laM
62 years in Jefferson She had
been associated with the f-Vh,
Funt ral Home etabli hmt nt in
Jefferson for the last ten vear-.
Feb. 23. 1889. she w,s ma i run t.,
Xori'.s Doty who died in 1930 In
July. 1.94(1. he was mariied to Ak irTian at Vjun uici,
Wn He s u i i ve-.
Also surviving are thiee Mn
by her fir-t mariiage. Ccil Doty
of Sah m. Ore. Melvin Doty f
Klamath FalN; arid LmnSey Doty
of Eugene She wa a life-long
member of the Methodist ihurch
and a member of Mt. JtHerson
Rebekah ltxige
DalU Bid of $36.58(1 20 hv
the Empire ConMruc tion ("omp.iny
for construction of ;i sanitary and
stoi m sewer projert ha bet n ac
cepted by Dallas city count il. It
was low bid in a group of 10
firms competing and after review
by W. H. Stewert. engineer, nnd
the street committee of the coun
cil it was acci pted. j
North Howell The play "The !
Dude Ranch" will be piesented wt j
North Howell grange hall Friday )
night. March 26 by the Middle
Groe players. i
SUyton Mrs. Lawrence Clark
will be hostess to the women of
the Church of Christ. Thursday.
March 25. at 8 p. m. for a "work
night." She will be assisted by
Mrs. Ben Basl and Mrs. Arthur
Dallas Principal
Election Slated
DALLAS Carl EL Morrison
has been named principal of the
Dallas high school to replace Jo
seph E. Smith, who resigned ef
fective in June S. E. Whit worth,
school superintendent has an
nounced. Morrison native of Polk rounlv.
was graduated from the Univer4
sity of Oregon in 1936, later at- I
tended the University of Washing-j
ton for additional work in educa-1
tion. I
The school board has adopted a
new salary schedule for next year J
with a view of fixing salines to ;
compare favorably with salaries
offered elsewhere or approxi- j
mately $300 above present sal
Salem Heights Women
To Make Homemakers
Festival Corsages
members of the Salem Height
Women's elub met with the Li
berty Home Extension group
Thursday for the lesson on "Care
of the Skin."
Salem Heights dub will make
corsages for the Homemakers fes
tival April 6 at the Veterans of
Foreign Wars hall. The Red Cross
drive was successful as the group
turned in $300, $100 over the
quota. Among those working on
the drive were Mrs. W. H. Mills,
Mrs. M. F. Gustafson and Mrs.
Albert Blankerfship.
Next meeting of Salem Heights
Women's club will be April 2, at
1:30 p. m. in the community hall.
The program will be m charge of
Miss Eleanor Trindle, with the
subject to be "Good Taste in
JI's I'lan for Silvertou
Meeting Next July
SILVERTON Alf ) Nflsm, lo
cal justice of the peace attended
the district meeting of the Oregon
association at West Linn Sunday
when plans were made for the an
nual convention and picnic to be
held at Silverton, July 25.
Judge Edna Thieson of Milwau
kee was elected president Sunday
to replace L. M. Boyd of New berg
who recently died.
Judge T. H. Arestad of C'anby
was elected secretary-treasurer.
Deputy District Attorney Leonard
Lindas. Clackamas county, who
has just returned from a session
of district attorneys held in Cali
fornia, was the speaker
What it's
like to be a
AhaSSSmmmt -x L mi I I KMimiiir i n,; ' l ll I I P r ' ' I -
2. If you became an installer you'd start, most likelyf
in a training school. With pay, of course. ..$37 or $38 a
week. Then regular increases for eight years after you
got on the job. You'd be given other training, too... to
help you learn your way up the ladder. Most all the
top men in the company came up that way.
4. Telephone jobs must be good
jobs to attract the capable people
needed to furnish good service. Good
pay, steady work and an employee
benefit plan give a strong sense of se
curity. Comfortable surroundings, va
cations and friendly fellow workers
help make work pleasant.
Keizer Social
Nets $106.45
KEIZER One hundred and
six dollars and forty five cents
was realized on sale of shadows
at a box social Friday night in
the Grange hall. Proceeds are for
the Bible teaching project.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCall are
parents of a 9 pound IS ounce
son born Friday March 19. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred McCall of this dis
trict are grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawrence are
receiving congratulations on the
birth of a daughter, Friday, March
19. The baby has an older brother
and two sisters.
Girl Scout Mothers
Of Hayesville Organize
Mothers club was organized Thurs
day when the mothers met at the
Everett Brown home. Mrs. Jess
Barnes is new leader, succeeding
Mrs. Galen Siddall; Mrs. ArvL
Katka. assistant leader to succeed
Mrs. E. Brown. Officers elected
are: president, Mrs. R. L. Tuers;
vice president, Mrs. L. Gibby; sec
retary, Mrs. John Christensen
They will serve as Girl Scout com
mittee members.
Troop 9 was the guest of radio
station KOCO Wednesday night.
Dorothy Schuler, who is working
on her curved bar arranged to
take the troop as part of the re
quired work on her radio merit
badge. March 23 a member of
the Salem police force will address
the meeting at the Schulers. He
will discuss safety measures for
girls who are working on their
cyclist merit badges. A meeting
will be held at the J. Barnes home
April 8 for the Mothers club.
Empire tuiWing AAricl C. Perttcnd. Orae
worn sale atv
Purnilile Block & Supply Co.
Fdgewater St.. West Salem Phone 2-5643
10 The) Statman. Salem, Ofqon, Ta day. March! 23, 12
Lincoln Club
Adopts County
Welfare Projects
LINCOLN Lincoln Goodwill
club has adopted as a club project
cheer boxes for Polk county wel
fare. Mrs. Harvey Muyskens had
the group at her home Wednes
day when they made two comfort
ers donated by members.
Present were Mrs. H. D. Burns,
Mrs. Walter Brog, Mrs. Chris
R. J. Meissner, Jeannie Smith,
Yungen, Mrs. Harry Phillips, Mrs.
Mrs. Roy Hamilton and Mrs. Har
vey Muyskens.
Classes in child evangelism are
being conducted once a week at
the Harvey Muyskens home by
Mrs. F. A. Starkey and daughter
Mrs. R. J. Hackett returned
Wednesday from a visit with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. John Miller in Portland
j where she was a guest for a
; week.
Combined Choirs Will
Present Easter (lan tana
DALLAS "The Crucifixion",
a cantata by John Steiner. will be
presented by the combined choirs
of the Methodit, Christian, Pres
byterian and Evnngelical United
Brethren churches, as the Christ
ian church Easter Sunday at 3 p.
m. Melvin L. Gilson will direct
the group.
Reid Shelton, tenor and Robert
Gwinn, bass, will be soloists. Both
are soloists with the Willamette
university a capella choir.
The Jaquith Music company of
Salem is furnishing the organ for
the program. -x
r ' " ; - 1
mm- "a I
1. Some of the busiest fellows in townPacificlTele-
phone's installer-repairmen. For we're adding a lot of
new telephones every day in the West. It's steady work.
And the pay? Latest records show top rate men aver
age about $80 a week for 42 hours. The younger: men
graduate up to the $80... according to experience.
1 1
3. Fun like this is more fun when your job's secure.
And you can count on telephone work. There's a. fine
benefit plan, too, paid for entirely by the company. It
covers sickness, accidents and death, and provides a
helpful pension. There's nothing like the peace of mind
a telephone job gives you... at work or at play. ' j
The t
Mors than 70,000
furnish ever-better
Birthday Party Given 'i
For Four CornerJ Cirji it
FdUR CORNERS faetty Fu
frell. 3917 State st., UlebratedJ
her ninth birthday Wednesday
March 17. Games and! refresh
ments combined the tj Patrick'
day and Easter motifs.' Guests
were Myra Wilson. Barbara Kleen,
Joyce Brant, Twila Ricfcman, Pa4
tries Myers, Janice Phillips, Fay
Governneni Sale
To Priorities Only
22 Buildings
and Fixicies
At Salem Array iirbase
Salem, Oregon
(For Off -Site Usj Only)
Applications are incited for
purchase and removal of
buildings with their pres
ently contained fixtures
now located at the above
site and briefly 1 described
as follows:
Officers Quarters, Bar
racks, Gate Houses, Tost
Exchange, Warehouse, and
other Miscellaneous Struc
How, When
Where lo Bny
This offering is open only to
Priorities in the following or
der: $ j. 1 '
L. Federal Government
Agencies. ;
2. Reconstruction Finance Cor
poration (For resale to small
business). f
3. State and Local. Govern
ments. , i -
4. Non-Profit Institutions.
These priorities wilt; expire at
9:00 A. M. PST. Apfil 2, 1948.
Application forms, terms and
conditions of dUpossl, inspec
tion of the property nd all ne
cessary information will be fur
nished by the Field Office
named below.
War Assets
Adninislralion :
Office of Real Property
Disposal, j
Swan Island - P.O Box 4062
Portland. Oregon
Telegraph Company
people working together to
telephone service to the West
? I-
i S
Pacific Telephone
520 N. High
High St at Marlon
Fbene 3S15
375 Center St.
Phone 3158